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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 20, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND,' THURSDAY EVENING. CErTLMSEU . C3. lCCJ. :JiM(S)li)S: . 4 ei .. The Meier (& Frank Store's 869th Friday Surprise Salo The Meier & Frank Store's 869th Friday Surpriss Sale 60 eiv For. tomorrow's 869th Friday Surprise Sale we announce one of our.. famous sales, of High-Grade Silk Petticoats at half their real value 200 in this lot, and they come from New York's foremost manufac-v turers of fine silk underskirts, made of the best quality taffeta silk, with deep accordion-pleated flounce graduated and with wide ruffle and two rows niching, made extra full Handsomely finished and a splendid assortment of desirable colors to choose fromtans, greens,' blues, red, brown, lavender, purple, navy and black Every skirt in the lot regular $12.50 value Your choice while they last tomorrow at this phenomenally low price No Mail or Phone drders Filled See Bis; Fifth-St Window display Only 200 of them, remember." Better plan to be here bright and early if you want one. .. , . ' J - . y ' , ' . . ... J Mm. Tho r.Iei:r G Frank Store's 069th Friday Surprise Sale -20.0 EQ2gri;of Metfs Fine Necliivear ; v.. .'. - i ' ' ' ' In Ih'e Men's Furnishing Goods Section for tomorrow's 869th Friday Surprise Sale, 2400 Men's Four-in-I lands and Tecks on sale. at one half their regular price; new patterns, new silks, light and dark colorings; immense assortment; four-in-hands are made French fold? or rever sible, also fancy lined, dots, figures, stripes, plaids and moire silk effects; same lines 0r in teck; all are regular 50c values. .-.....'..v., ..V... ;:.v.j.;;..;..;.l.;...'c Buy all you want of them at 25c each. -See big window display, v- Tho r.Icicr (D Frank Stores 869th Friday Surprise Sale 4000 1,1 Corbet Covers A great Surprise Sale of dainty Corset Covers Is sure to attract scores of women bright and early tomorrow morning A Friday - bargain offering every woman in town wants to share in 3,000 of the prettiest Corset Covers you ever saw are to be sold at an : exceptionally low price A special lot secured by the underwear " ; buyer on a recent trip to the market Nainsooks and Cambrics Hand-embroidered,' lace and embroidery-trimmed effects, blouse ft00- headings, ribbons and . insertions, tucked and trimmed '' backs Fitted waist-bands AH sizes, great vari-aA gv ety Values up to $2.00 each, your choice tbmpr- y row only extraordinary low price, each. . ;'V, V, .... No Phone or Mail Orders Filled. . v : The Meier G Frank Store's 869th Friday Surprise Sale 15,0 0 0 Women's Linen Handkerchiefs 35c Vfllnes 17c Each-Box of 6 for 95c For. tomorrow's 869th Friday Surprise Sale, 15,000 Women's Pure Linen Checked Handker chiefs, with hemstitched borders;. three different size checks to choose from ; very stylish and i ' Jn great demand at the presenf time; regular fr5c values ; your. ; choice tomorrow p ' only at this extremely low price, each..... U ; U. ji; I C Box of;6 for ,95 -.cents.-,-No mail or phone orders filled. 1 -.,;-'-,;,: vi'Vr'-''-'" 4X"Yard Strips, Values to S6, at S1.34 Strip 6 - Yard Strips, Values to S?, at $L79 Strip i6YArd Strips Values to Q9, at 51.90 Strip '' 1 '. - . r . . . - - Another marvelous offering of Fine Embroideries will attract the usual throng of early buyers to the store tomorrow 6,000 yards of magnificent Embroidery Flouncings at wonderfully low prices Three great lots for your choosing A Surprise Sale bargain no woman cart afford to miss Fine quality Swiss and Cambrics, 10 to 22 inches wide, in very handsome floral, scroll and openwork designs All clean, new, fresh merchandise for waists, skirts, undermuslihs and children's wear Only 6,000 yards all told It probably won't last more than an hour or two, so if you want to share in this bargain you had better plan to ; be here at 8 o'clock sharp. r - ; .. t .. ." ' : - f' - 4ariStrips; V 6 - Yard Strips Valugs to $7, at $1.79 Strip ;6Yarcl Strips; Values to $9 at $1.98 Strip GreaijSale ofpO ?5c -$1.00 iies.3c 1 5Gc-?5cIiies!23c For tomorrowV 869th Friday Surprise Sale, 6000 Linen Scarfs and Squares to be sold at phenomenally low prices; an article - every housewife can always find use for; two immense lots; wonderful values.' as follows Take advantaefe: ' , r 14 t . t c , t . x , . .. -i . - . "i1 4' '1 Li ox x unen caris anq .oquarcs nemsuicnea,- assoriea siyieSi-yattracHve-oesignsT'Sizes 'oUX3u-incn-rand;T18x54-incn.,i5 pieces," selline reeularly at 75c and $1.00 each; your choicV tomorrow only at this exceptionally low brice. each. -.... .. St&Q Lot 2 Hemstitched Linen Center Pieces and Tray Cloths, assorted styles, large variety; sizes 18x8-mch and 24x2i-,f' inch and 18x27-inch pieces selling regularly at 60c and 75c each ; your choice tomorrow at this unusually, tow. priced eacht.wC g-glTliQ Meier D Franlt Store's 869th Friday Surprise Sale" $8.V liace Curtains $4.95 Pair .', , " 1 1 . ". ; ;.; ; ' ;. ;" ;. '.' , ;. 1 "i f"1 ; : A great Surprise-Sale bargain for the housewife 600 pairs of high class Lace Curtains ; at half their value All newdesir able styles in Real Arabian, Cluny and Renaissance styles, all made on superior quality French nets, newest and best designs in erand variety Insertings and edgesull size, 60 inches wide by three yards long, curtains that will f please the most particular housekeeper and of a quality good fa ' Vl VT enougn to grace tne nanasomest nome Keguiar u ana VX yrll ) $8.00 values Your choice tomorrow only at this phenomen- fjjj J q ally low price, pair (Third Floor) ........ . . ; ; . . . .-. . . . . V ' . :'- ,, v i .. . ,- , ;.- No Mail or Phone Orders Filled for These Curtains . ' Custom Shade and Drapery Work Cur Specialty Best Materials and Workmanship" and Lowest Prices Guaranteed Expert Drapers Ready to Serve You New Ideas for Fur-' nishing Estimates Cheerfully, Given Don't Buy Shades, Curtains or Draperies till you V'c .-. ir ' .-- : '. have seen us.. ,. ..yV--;. ',. ', ..; . . i-' The Meier (Pi Frank Storo 869th Friday Surprise Sale arid $530 utomobflrVeiIs?aivd - - - r . - . i n - i -m'' Hat Drapes ri For tomorrow's 869th Friday Surprise Sale ourgreatesf offering of high grade Veils and Hat Drapes, .760 of themsecured from , - a leading importing house at an unusually low price; high class 'merchandise suitable for automobiling veils, hat drapes, neck ..scarfs, etc., etc.- They are 21-3 and 2 3-4-yard lengths, jnade of fie quality silk voile fa serviceable material,' pretty striped and hemstitched borders' and a complete assortment of desirable colorings, white, light blue, brown, navy; black, lavendercham- pagne, tan, garnet, cardinal, green, old rose.'plom, grays etc.1; regular $5.00 and ;$5.60,; values, -on sale at this f 1 J r ,' phenomenal low price, each. ..' . ,s-. ii v . ,.f, ...... .. i .". . ...'.". .' CS? J See'lFifth street window displiy. No mail or phone orders filled,', Come early tomomml'y;'; '.' uX'? -'vf V -V CHURCH TO CELEBRATE HALF GEHTURY OF EXISTENCE Name of Condit Has Never Been . Canam4ft4 fcTrtrv lA wvuoi eivw f VI B V W4 .' ; . Welfare. ' Tha Prab7triaa church at PlMsant Oror ! to cdabrtt its fiftieth anni versary September tt with fitting cr-fnonlaL- Ai oim of tha oldest ehurcbM of tha atata. It la of a-raat Interact to Preabytarlana and aevaral mlnlaters and laymen from various parts of tha state will ro to tha Jlttle country town to bo present at tho exercises. At 10 o'clock la tha momlnf there will be a Sunday school rally with & address by Rer. t O. Knotts of Albodir. At 11 o'clock Rev. W. S. Holt, D. 0. superintendent of PreebjrterUa mlenloni la l'ortlnd, will srlve the sermon at tbs anniversary service. A basket luncheon In the rrnve will be followed at 1 o'clock by remtnlxnenoea, letters from pastors and a atrnrt address by tbs present pas tor. Ir. K. 3. Thompson Of Albany, and communion service will be conducted by Rev. William M. -Robinson of Salem. ' rr. Thompeon Is one of the older mfo leters of the Orecon Presbytery and has t.rlrl pastorates St Albany, Corvallls and lndrtendence. let year ha resigned from srilva work, -but is supplying tha Fleanant Orova pulpit till a new minis ter Is railed. He Is well acquainted with the work of tha .denomination la the state and on the coast and will have am Interesting stories of tha plonser days.' Tha Pleasant Orov church was organised In lit by Rev. Mr. Condit Hs died In that placa and tbs family homo has remained there. His son, and after htea his grandson, have held tho position of principal alder of tha church. and bli Brand eon, Lawrence Condit, Is clerk -of the present session.. Tho name has never been separated from . the growth and welfare of the church. An other grandson, A. Condit, Is a promi nent attorney of Balem and was promi nent, In tha home church till be left, tha town. .. - . u.' . - ' The Pleaeent Grove church' was the fourth Presbyterian church organised In tha slate. The first was at Clatsop Plains, west of Astoria, In 1846. The Others, at Corvallls (then UarysvUle), Diamond 'Hill (now Brownavllls), and Pleasant Grove, f oUowed closely opon esoh other. Pleasant Grove Is a little village fonr miles east of Turner, which is eight miles south of Salem.'' . . y , TUR NVEREIN GYM ' U OPENS FOR SEASON Announcements of tha" opening of tha Turn Vereln gymnasium for the season are out. - Tha "gym" was thrown open on Monday and is already well patron ised. The Portland Social Turn Vereln for many years has advocated A thor ough physical . education for boys and girls aa well as for men and women. The "gym Is located at. Fourth and Yamhill streets. - . .., ' Richard Bykea of Santa Barbara, Cali fornia, Is at tba Portland. Mr. Sykea recently purchased the Oregon Central military road, a tract of land containing lOO.OOt acres. Mr. Sykes owns tha land In common with' tha Hunter Land com pany, .-1: : ,, . . ... : ; .. WINTER'S WORK BEGUN AT - PORTLAND LIBRARY -.v., .V : ; - -. t i - - ,.'"( Tmmmm ssSsbWbIbbT . Employee Return From Vaca- ; tione and Examinations . ",.:v-"-Are Held. . ' " The vacations are all over at tha pub lic library and the winter's - work has begun In earnest. s Tssterday examina tions were given to applicants for ap prenticeship and Miss Mary Johnson. Miss Elisabeth Campbell and Miss Grace Guile 'passed and will soon be added to the force. Miss Derrlckson, head of the circulating department, returned yes terday, from her vacation east - Miss Rockwood of the reference department and Miss Millard of the children's de partment have returned from a tour of several weeks visiting ' libraries ' and studying advanced library methods In the east. Miss Ruth Whitney of San Diego, a recent graduate of the Pratt Institute Library school, has joined the staff and will be first assistant In tha S. A. Reed, Cisco. Tel., writes, March 1L ItOl: "My wtiat was sprained so badly by a fail that It was useless, and after using several remedies that failed to give roller, uaea Ballard s snow Lini ment. I earnestly recommend it to any one suffering from epraioa." Sold by Woodard. Clarke a Co. ' There are assay Want Ada to aedaVs 'emraal taat will Uteres jrea MORNING; FOR FREAK CASES- IN THE MUNICIPAL COURT -1 If.'k'.r l'.l .1 ' It was a morning ef "freak" eases In tha municipal court and the proceedings were considerably enlivened by nature of tba testimony of several defendants. R. Twing, a Oermait, was arrested at an early hour "this morning by Patrol man Burrt at Second ' and u, Burnslde streets , on a charge 'Of drunkenness. During tha testimony of the -policeman aa to his Inebriated condition. Twing caused some excitement by declaring that the patrolman was a liar. Jailer Wendorf took the stand to corroborate Patrolman Burrt aa to Twings condi tion and then tha Irate German had his Inning. '. " "I nefer haf Into a saloon been, fur putty nearly nlns - years, und nef er von drink of de vUe stuff. Gestern hab Ich to Portland cum fur ds furst time in twenty-Are yars. ' I vas Iuklng fur sum relatlvss und met Mr. Coral, a real es tate man, who vas an oldt front of mine. Ve were togeder for .ofer two hours and den I started oudt for mine hotel. Die police! an-eeted me und I vas not drunk. No, mela herr, I nefer drink fur nlns yeara." r . ., , ,. , . v .,... .. In response to a question from City Attorney FItsgerald as to what ha was doing "out so lata Twing replied, "It tss nun of yur bltsneas. I am ofer twendy von." . Twing waa miowed to go upon his promise to produoe Mr. Coral, tha real estate dealer, to testify In his be half. . ; . W. B. Lockhart and John Hollaman were before the .court .on" a charge of fighting In the publlo street. HoUamam teatined that Lockhart was the aggree sor and without provocation struck him In the face , and knocked htm -te iho pavement.. Jbdge Cameron decided the matter by laconically 'ststlng, "Mr. Bailiff, lockhart up for tsn days.".Hol lamaa waa allowed to return to his work alongshors. . All sorts of men with all imaglnabls pursuits havs appeared In tho municipal court, but Ralph Kills, arrested for vag rancy sprung a surprise when he bland ly announced that be was a balloonlat The young aeronaut "could give s satis factory explanation as to. bow he was gaining his livelihood In Portland and admitted that ha had been peddling fake diamonds at the Salem fair. Ellis wis held for further investigation snd was led away by Bailiff Thomas Jefferson Casey, who abstractly was bumming snatches from that former ' popular ditty, "Up la a Balloon, Boys." cataloguing department . The reports at ths lsst monthly board meeting for August showed progress In all lines of -work and Miss Xeosv head librarian,, feels strongly encouraged with tha work. With ths evening the obools tha numbers in tha statistical reports will Increase largely, but at all times, even during the dullest of the summer season, there has bean a pro portionate Increase In' circulation over last year. The quarterly bulletin will be published this week and win contain, besides the general report of the guar- : i r. . ' ' ' V " ' i ' , . V DC - Wa don't exaggerate a nlckel'e worth, '' when we aay we can cava you a hundred V dollars on tha purchase of a piano 1290 ' Is tbs prioe of our best piano a. , Can't ' ' , '' be made batter. . :' ,, . :Ai, The M-hencli Piano mxxxm a smuraxDS. X' S. Front and Gibbs,' good for branch bakery and 'confectionery 'store; living rooms -with: the store 1; Apply Gevurtt & Sons, 173-5 First St ter and the' Hat of books added In that Ism books on home building and home time, a practical uat or the most mod- i furnishing. I .- r t