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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 6, 1906)
DAILY JOUr.IIAL'. 1 OUTLAI.D, TIIUI.3DAY EVIIi';i:0, CZPTEMEZH 6, 1CCJ. fifth, sixth, r.r.D :rsiii:izTc:i , eim, mnmm skemsybre v - Everyi'vord in' this printed announcement must bs backed up by the Goods in the store. QJUi r--T ' -n o ; r" ' rr A T7 urn- C. TT'TT . ' mamime Mam Economy-Saife" , w ' ITH the' regularly audited tales for August before us, showing an. increase' over last . year -Exposition yearof thousands of dollars, and with September opening up equally as well, 'twould be , like a bank withholding : important information from its stockholders were we to keep these facts to ourselves. The surprising .business, is due. very largely to the splendid cooperation of our patrons who have re sponded generously to the wonderful values we have offered. For the liberal business our public has accorded us we have given; as compensation, reliable goods at lower prices than ever before made in Portland. . It is not too much to say at this time that the stocks assembled under the roofs of our, triple stores are .. not only larger, better, assorted and .more; comprehensive than any other general collection of goods in this city, but they are going into people's homes with less expense1 to .them than any' similar ' stocks on the Pacific coast. h Profitable days are ahead- . our customers who take advantage of the many opportunities being offered will secure merchandise of merit at less cost than they had hoped. for. . No better opportunity, perhaps, has pre-' sented itself this year than that presented in tomorrow's offer ings which gfo to make up the store's 175th GRAND FRIDAY , "ECONOMY SALE." Read the whole page don't skip an . , item, or youll miss a saving. ' -1 ;. " -; V-. . r '- . ' -'r ' The Ultima Thule of Millinery Bargain-Giving! o nri cats woarx nou TO tlAOS) . ; - M need to wast words In , mphsts1ng th Importance of this mt bargain offering. The mere announcement will crowd th ealone ' to their utmost capacity. A wore of warning: ' tub n iittvar be. the Ian sai t bus- aaet Bats thla raw. . A word of the Hat la tha Bala; -', exoosa raow Tsnom a xm tmb ions a . v Fin, handsome, beautiful models, large and small shapes la tha ehooalng. , Made of shirred silks and Neapolitan braids aad attractively tiimmad with prtty wlnca. soft alrttaa and pompons. Most of tbao hata in la strloa and mat (rials that aaay ba wara aU wUacl to lit. raluas at.48 ' A WOV9 WTO or L EMBROIDERIES; ??t Oa o SOa BatbroU arias fo 10a Hundrada of yards of worthy Xmbrotdarlaa, ' mad by tha bast maawfacturars. All bar tha buttonhol adc. which doas, . not aaally fray ant Also a lot of tnaartlona tncludad In th ahowlnav Coma " In 4H and yard atrip; valvao from I to to SOo. epaelal BooBomr Bala prlca. th yard .,.,,.......,....,...101 ... s- ., i,.i..i..:..ioie la atrtpa only.) , Specials Beckon vv Jemptlnglfi'. tha MUth tnioH Ammsa aint lloot?. -' ' nns Tiarl Bolt Saoklso SaoAa aaaortavwt of prottr mothr-of-parl Bait Buckles, hlshly polished and wall flalshd; oar too yaluj, Bpaolal Boonomy ; ' Sala prioa, aach, ..V.v. , . ;.......... Seor"aCt.'d' Sat rims Slo Btarlrng silVar top Rat Pin.' with rlaw of Ml. Hood omboaaad. linlahad In French fray, extra Ions" pin stems and well made oar to-,ral. - Bpeeial Booaowy Bala prloa, aaoh ..... . .8 a Bead Week Ohalss SSoPoart Bead Nck Chains, graduated SlseeV fin .quality beads; our SSo ralua, Bpaclal Economy Sal price, eaolu....23 Mo Walt etoa Bet Biaro 4So Sterllnc ajfrar rlnra. gold plat ad, narrow band, set with finest quality brilliants;. our ISo Talua. Bpaolal Xooaomy' Bala price, each . ...4................ .45 Household Economies - Mostly Votf JDaae Bet Taho Blevatot to VatoS an.-. fSAM Deaoratad Ohlaa Blame Bat ei.-lM-pteoe China XMnnor Sot, deeo . ration small pink flowers, old Una and trlmmtnca; regular ralae Hi t. ' Bpaolal . ................,..S)19.BO f3B40 Bsratd Ohlaa Biaaar Bat, - It t-plao set, deooratioa gold band and gold embossing;' regular ralua fit. 00. Special...... f 26.28 XATOABB OBXBA BZaTSnaa BBTa ., , 100-placo sett regalar value flt.OO. Bpeclal,M ............B30.8O 112-plece sat; regalar ralu 140.00. Bpaolal............ .....f2T.OO 100-plece sat;' regular value $4100. Special. .B3S.25 100-ploc et regular value 141.00. Special........... .....f 35.00 ' ' "tamOO" 0ABVOSDB ' ... Clean oarpets without removal from the floor; remove greet and stains,. brighten np colors ..' v -r. l- - - ) 1-lb. oan; regular value tSo. - Special...,...,,..,.... ........20 S-lb. can; regular valu toe, Bpaolal ...40f Right-! in .the tlkk o' Weed .Tme Comes A Sale of Umbrellas As wo go lo pre th clouds are lowering, and a feeling which presage the coming of 'Welooma Oregon rains fills tba air. Let's .bo prepared.'. We'll help with aa unusual- aal of Umbrellas. Unusual for several reason chief among which are these. It' the opening of, the rainy season when umbrella bring their maximum prloe at moat stores; and the umbrella are unusually goad value at their regular prices. In spite of that, however, we'r going to offer tomorrow and Saturday ,.'.', , , ' , j i,QQ0 Vmbrtllis for Men tnd . Women it Special Prices - ; - Sao the Croat rrlplarWlaaaw BahlMtt ;r; taae re $bab vmsbsuab at faas. ; ' An eaormous purchase, bought to unusual' ad van tag from a leading maker by our New York, buyer. We've found the Immen convention of "bumber-shoots" to segregate this way. 100 Ladles' Umbrella of pure silk, all In'laadlng '. colore, with fanoy border, beet natural wood .'-handle and Paragon fremee. with ate! rods: , regular $1.00 value, fdr (w days, at-. fSS too -vary handsome Women's Umbrella, pleca dyad. Taffeta covered, tape. edged Umbrella, handles of beautiful pearl attractively trimmed In gold and stiver effects; steel rod and .Paragon framea, neat rollers; best regular $4.10 to $6.00 value in town, for two day at..t .....v....f 3.2S 00 1TMBBBUAB rOB BTBaT Of piece-dyed. rvlceabl Taffeta Bilk, han dlaa of rich Ivory or born, beautifully trimmed la gold and sliver. A sflxndld 15.00 umbrellA that ha all th appearance of th usual $7.10 to, 00 arlstorrnta you ehooea for th Bt two day a at. (3.2 B . . :. x .... i r. ; r. Sensational Sale of Beautiful LACES Values to $1.25 a Yard for 29c 5.", AND EVERY WOMAN WANTS LACES NOW. HERE'S THOU fiAMnq rp vivna in vif.p. JTABLE SLAUOHTER THE ' ; V ) GREATEST. SALE . OK LACES . . f , PrtRTTJtUn F.VRR rNTCWI . V THINK OF ITi, .-AVl. a. r 1M . - t MM For Laces Vorth to -V'-':"..,.. 2S .-'v ' ; -' ' ,- Friday morning wo offer for aal ; thousands of , yards of Beautiful Lace 'in Net Top, Point VrfniM nd Oriental Edgea and Inaertions. Ed(a are from 4 to 12 Inches vide; ; Insertions are from lyi to 3 Inches wide. They com In cream, ecru and white, and are suitable for mak ing berthas, sleeves, rufflinrs for : dresses, jabots for - waist fronts, trimming for kimono drassing . saceoes, etc Keguiar values to SL2S. Special Economy. Sale price, " " .the yard. ,...,..294 v - :'" life "Htr "pV ;, ' Garment Sfa ALL KLMAinmU BTUbaS UF A BKABUrt HUW CfUWlV SWEPT OUT AS BY. A PRAIRIE FIRE I SEE HOW THE PRICE8 ARE MOWED DOWNI ir- . ..... : tTr!j mrtf!r. i . T j t-j m r T I V " M . With a full month-ahead ret for YOU. with us the summer sea son is now history. Pleasant history to portue, had we the time, but we're sotting full sail for th autumn voyage, trade winda are brisk, ' but wo must clear the course of derelicts. We're going to omit do taiL asking you to coma. and see how. earnest we are to dear the decks .of stopovers, .assuring you, kind reader, that the bargains are better and greater than you v boon offered anywhere this year. We start with the Salts' and contlnuo on through the stocks, grouping the bargains as we find 'era. - -i -r-';. ' ' v, ; WOMEN'S SILK AND CLOTH SUITS. - 1- Values to 133.00 for.. .V9.0S . . Silk Shirtwaist Suit Alpacao, Cheviots ,and Mixtures in pretty m. 4 aa m a r . . a a r a a,a daa - a tton mooeis. colorings irom ugnt to asra, values to aoa.uu, to cioso Friday and Saturday St .... ....'...... J f9.S nr- : 1 PLAIDED SIUC PETTICOATS $4.M. . Handsome Taffetas, -in all the popular clan plaids and rich colorings; skirts hsve triple-plaited flounce and dust ruffle of silk to match; best $7 JO values in Portland, for next two days, to clos..;.f -s.198 : HANDSOME $3.00 SHIRTWAISTS,' WHITE AND COLORED, 99 CENTS. ' , 1 , ... ( A cleanup of pretty .Waists, values to $3.00, in white and colored .,' Lawns, Madras and English Cheviots, trimmd in laces, embroider , - ies and insertions; to close on Friday and Saturday at.. ......981 , ' BEAUTIFUL $10X0 SHIRTWAISTS, WHITE AND COLORED, Theio in .Taffetas and' Wah Silks, light bluest pinks and whites, all .. prettily trimmed in dainty lacs, insertions and embroideries, adapt ed for evening or calling functions, values to $10.00; Friday and Sat- urday.-to close ..f 1.98 MLEAHD-COVERTvfATS-HAIJLPRICg...r - Second Floor Salons. - L- Take any Short Tight-Fitting Covert Coat, take any of the Jaunty usl. BKck Silk or Cloth Eton Jackets, values $0.30 to Friday or Saturday only, to dose, at , ir. I $3100 WHITE COATS $48. t . . -A wonderful value, but not over a dozen ifl the lot f Whit Taffetas, Pongees and Cloth, adapted for theatre or street wear on afternoon or evening ' functions; a-great bargain, to close, . values to t $35.00. for. ..:........,.:............ ..4.S M BREAKFAST KIMONOS 69 CENTS. Very hsndsome long-or short models. Dimities or '- Dotted Swiie7acqiie or kimono styles, long or - ' elbow sleeves, and all prettily trimmed in dainty laces, ribbons, etc., dirk or light colorings. The biggest values in town as above. . " v WASH SKIRTS TO CLOSE. 1 ' In alt wanted materials neat, pretty patterns, well made, splendid skirts, but in our way. You'll need 'em for outings yet ere the' weather gets too cold, ' or put 'em away for next year- good investment ;"at such prices as these-rriday and Saturday, to ' $3.00 Skirts for i..'...,.......'....8f $3.00 Skirts for . . : . ...fl.TB $U50 to $13.00 Skirts for 4.98 aU.V a iiuay UI -- Uafll fsBfffVI ' rVT CHILDREN'S SAILOR gUlTSrt Values to $20.00 for. 84.98 . ' - - : ' ' Good School Suits. v ': Pretty Suits of Serge, Cheviot or Panama Cloths, . in blues, browns and maroon colorings, all hsnd i somely trimmed in braids and materials; to dose. Friday and Saturday, values to $20.00, for.. 84.98 A GRAND 8 WEEP OF THE WASH WAISTS. Values to $4J0 for . ,.81.29 i .. -Values to &50 for ...f2.98 , Yon choose from Lawns, Linens and Dotted Swisses, all prettily trimmed in laces, embroideries and in-.. sertlons; sleeves long or short : Some have yoke and collar of lace, others allover embroidered fronts. ' Remarkable bargains in Friday aad Saturday's great closing-out ssl. ; ; : ,. , :. . , : . . . AQ the AdvertJsod Bargains m the Apparel Salons .vv Are . for Two Days Friday and Satur ... day The Orand Finale to . . i . .. .-'. the 8umraer Salea. . ,--r.-- Ltlag Trto of Bargataa Baekoa from th Women's Furnishing Shops ' ,-' IMsst rioor. . . . ' sanosoDsTB, . BBOajronaoTOsv bibbobsj. 1 SSo XOaea Baadsataalefa a Ladles' fin: sheer par linen lawn Handkerchiefs, of the famous Richardson manufaotur and Imported direct by u. Com la H -inch and H-,nob- hmj our Slo value. Bpaolal V Economy Sale orlce, each ,..28 L soobomt rmxoBS xm aVABxas bboxwbab. . SSa dollar aad Oaff Bee as Ladle- hemsUtohed lawn Collar and Cuff Bats; our $5e valu. Bpaolal Economy ' Bala prloe, aet , '. , .254 as aad ao Uva Tla le Ladles' Lawa Ties, to be . wound around the neck twice and tied In four-ln-hand ' style. - Borne hav fancy drawn work and, aoma .- tucked end,' and aom hav fancy borders; our tie and- OOo valu. Bpeclal Economy. Bala piioa, L each .l...i...T.......r......i..;....r......l94r aTBBB ABB rABOT BZBBOBB A BOOBOMT fUOM, gse to SO BUbboaa fat 1 10 -All-silk Ribbon 1 with - fancy polka dot,. worth 40o Satin Taffeta Ribbon, worth $0 and Ito RIbbona In fancy one-aided effect - worth' 40c raney lace pattern RIbbona, tfe Inehes wide, worth 10. Special Economy Bala price, th yard . ...1B AW UBUBUAB O 0 BLASTS BOMB V- $1.25 Corset Covers at 67c ) Za th vadecsamatlB ! iaasn Bwoad rioesw'; Ladle' ' fin Nainsook Corset Covers with full front, round neck, one row of embroidery Insertion between two row of laoe Insertion, beading aad lao edging ,. around neek and armhl regular prioa $l.Jl. peoUl w .......,.,.r,$T- BsasBsBSBaBBBBBBasjayjBM -h. Special Sale of Children's xi x Sweaters . -;v; xi . . ; Beeead Tleoa Theromghfaio Aasl. ' , Oat thhlldr ready for, aooler day a-oomlng Th ' sweater la Indlspenaable to the - aompletloa of m : ' youngtra wardrobei tomorrow yea buy th 11.11 Bweatera at j... ....... .....9Te . Chlldron's all-wool Sweater m faney stltohlng. neck. ' ooffa and bottom trimmed m blue r pink stripes; -age from 1 to year; regular brio $Llf. . ' Bpaolal . it 9T .'V;.. oomb aaiaiwaaa WBoaaow roB . r..:lX'.t Women's $3 Handbags $2.15 - " ' ' flraa rioor. A line" of Woman's Handbag in best quality grain leather, at Itched leather " handle, leather covered, riveted frame, leather-lined throughout, fitted with coin purses, in black, green, .browa and blue; regular valu $1.00. Bpaolal . ..,.....,.. .f2.1B -Third Discount on Prettr -Japanese Art Needlecraft Pieces Annex, 2d Floor White-Crep Cloth " In Japanaae ', hand draws work, doyllaa, oan terpteee and scarfs ' at .;.......oaa tbzbb orr. There's a Saving 'X7'l. ' ' "-; '"' BUeel Aaaaa rst snoot, And th stlka ar th sort that mad th Olds, Wortmaa. A King "Sia Store" '. ; : ) ; ' "aaoaa. , ., ;-v v '. ,. : . ' TABB WZBB BaVa'CaC TATTBTAB. ' -,T ' - y ' Baecdal Beaaoa Opanlag Bxleea. . ;';.'.,' Th Bilk hav no equal In town at tha regular price and are speolaTir ; mada for hard wear and long rvlc. Adapted either for th "Wanted Bull. Bklrt. Pottlooat.- or Lining ' , , ; Regular $ grade, yard wide, for..,.,.'...;,..,...',...,.....,.....99 Regular $1.60 grade, yard wide, for........ v, 81.21 t The eom In an finish. - , - . n s , Styl Xow Cha Tardstlcka aad BoUmts Ought to SOy at Thi V . Special Sale of "1 Dress Goods X;- ' iTOtlk Strt Aaaea Tlret Bloor. X. " Bead tha offer ajid 'tis for two daya TBXDAT ABB BATTTBOAT. tt and tt-lnoh New Fall Butting la ehacka, illuminated plaids, mannish - effeet. In all wanted colors; regular 10a value. Special only, yard.. 41 TZOBB XV Vomen's Underwear and Hosiery Shops Tint riooa. Wramt SSo Testa w Tight le White oottoa medium-walg&t. long alaava . Testa, with anklo length tights' to match; regular value tie. Bpaolal. ..19 woaaors abb cwtt.bbbb'b bxwtibbt. - - Woman's SB Boa SSo Women's black fall weight ootton Bos, finished '- foot, doubl sole; regular valu Stc Bpaolal. pair '....2S OhUdrea' SSo Bahoel Boa la Children' school Ho, good weight, doubl knee, heel and toe; else to 10; regular value 2 Sc. Bpaolal, pair.....l8 Lien's Underwear a Day atiHalf Price I ': - Bteat Bloot Awt. . Why not buy and lay aside for next yearT Th saving pays 100 par oent Interest Read: . .. .''..., Tadrwar SSo A Una of Man' Bummer Underwear. ribbed and flat balbiiggan. In ecru, flesh and blue; regular value too. Bpecial to elo, garment , . , .. ., i . ..... . . . . , 250 Household Economy In This Linen Event -. - . riivt moot. l'-.,.-.::' i-JT S1A8 sTapklas SVaS -111 dosen breakfast and luncheon Napkin, good heavy quality, all pure flax; regular valu $ Bpaolal. dosan .91.89 Werth Who tartars That Oosa ta Balra- Bon ! WTA bo Ta busted ' U thaaa Fourth Bedding Bargains fAOS raathar-nUad Billow g-S8 Ail lira goose feather-filled Pillow, eov red with fanoy satin tick; regular valuo $4.00. Special, pair 8288 BASO Wool Blaakets SASS Heavy all-wool Vienna brown Blankets; regular valu $1.10. Bpaolal. pair ...84.38 XXECOUOMY POUUEHS XM BOTXOV, STTATIO T'ABB TOTXBT lixwt rioot. ' To rod extra quality fine tfssu Toilet Paper. - Special ............. 10c bar clear transparent Glycerine Toilet Boap. Bpaolal lo eake Wood Ylolet Toilet Soap. Special. II beat wire drawn wax back Engllah Tooth Brushes. Special. . . . 10 botUe Coke Dandruff Car. Special $(o 1-lb. paokag finest Unas lawn Writing Paper. Bpecial.......... llo Postcard Writing Tablet Bpaolal tlo Crape Paper Lunch Beta. Bpaolal Whit Waxed Paper, $4 ahaets in roll. Special ISo pair nickel-plated guaranteed Bclaaora, OH and T-lnoh. Bpecial., Fine ahetl and amber horn Halrplna. Special, card................. So paper Engllah Pine. Special . .. i ............. ..... Beat black Darning Cotton. Special, S spools ...................... lo bottl beet Sewing Machine OIL Special ....................... 10o package India Whit Cotton Tap, non-twlstlng. - Speclat. '""it ....T '....-Set ....15 ..SS b.lOa ..15a e4T ...SO ,...15a 3 It .....64 SHOES' IN AN HOURLY SALE Thla '. Important weekly rnt at th Shoo Store ha , eom to be looked forward to by ban- d reds are. thou- sand of Portland's buyer of smart dependable footwear, ire tha ohanne! through which the week's odds and ends and leaving of lota of th beat and quickest selling Shoes pass out Of course, you'll - bear . In mind . that ' the special value ar for th hour only aa advertised. Be oa time buy early, (ten, and lata th mora you buy th more you'll aav. "':' v -. .-. to s a. bl; r " ' ' - ." ' ' Keep your White Oxfords neat and clean "east almost nothing. 14quld Whlto Dreaalng, large stsa bottles; our llo value. Special for on hour at aaoh , v. ..12Hat a Small sis bottles: our lis value. Special for one hour at aaoh ..Tftet S A. Bt TO 10 A. BC lrla Biaa Plnmp Kid Bohool ho, with good heavy aolaa, patent tips; either laoe or button good, reliable, well-made shoe - . . t Bis I to ; ous $1.11 value, i Bpecial at th pair .f 1.01 Blse ' $H to 11; our $1.0 value. Special at. the pair... fl.2f Bises HH to : our $1.81 value. Special at the pair...,..., Sis 1 to t; our $L1I value. . Special at, the pair.. ....fl.69 " ik - ' 10 A. SC. TO XX A. X. " ''' ' Wemea'a Sa.00 White Oxford SIM Woman's whit eanvaa Oxfords In tx tyles; either heavy or light sola, medium heals. Blocher or regular out A ' good showing of daalrabl styl; value to $1.00. Special Jo, op hour at i" $ ,. .....81.98 ' v'- .'-.l 11 A. BC. TO IS BC .. . . Temag Wnaea' fASO Bhoe for 89SS Toung Women's College Shoe, mada ; of patent stock, with dull ealf top; good styl laat; a trim, neat a no for street wear; our $1.10 valu. Special for one hour at, th patr......B2.ea -'7"j r ' " r is to i b. at."1 r . '.. I'S aa.00 Bhoe) rot SS.SS Men's gunmatal ealf Rluoher lao Bhoaa. mada" by riorshelm A Co. Hav heavy single sol, bulls- oa a modified fooV . form last, A good wearer; our $1.00 value. Bpaolal for en hear et tha Plr .. .....83.29 1 l TO B. sc. ''.. ..".M . ia S4-00 Oxfords for SS-SS-Men's patent eolt Blucher panel Oxford, with . medium axtensloa sola. A very stylish shoe and on you can't help but Ilka; our $4.00 value. Special for one hour atthe pair .,...,,,,.,.82.69 -';Z-Z- i " a to t r. m. SCaa'S $IMrnN fot B3.4S Man's laoe Shoes, hare In patent eolt and gun . matal leather built on the new "awing In" last a shoe whloh la a '. favorite; our $1.00 value. Special for on hour at, the pair.,.. f .1.4 - a to s p. it. Wosaaa'a SS40 Bhee for tl.M Women's Shoe ta patent or kid lthera, . eollage or regular height; llsht or havy aolaa; a good em bracing value to $1.00. Fparial for on hour at tli pair ....f 1.1 I 4 to a p. at. Wemea'a Sl.VS OVmfort ti, . v Women's CTrifort Ju:'- a r-' -!!e i'!e siil I-i r ff ' hi inl t r " 1 t comfort shoa With hn.i-turnl heals; several etj-lea; values to Jl pair .. '. -i Sr.: . Boy Shoe In kit or r;T i tyles. Tb " '- .-. fiiiea 0 t . Stza 1', t s p. i: :-i.r I cr i m n r.,i nr. f-f f 1 lt.! 1 St. t