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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 6, 1906)
THE OREGON 'DAILY JOURNAU PORTLAND. THURSDAY ,EYX:;ii;o. ZZVTZllZZll 1: ::. laEGRAPIl WIRES ARE DISABLED First Gal of Season Seven Com munication Between Coast : Station and Portland. - , WARNINGS TO SHIPPING ,1.. DISPLAYED LAST NIGHT looking at the barometer, for whan Nel Ita take to the brldf the blow will Be mod shortly and no amount or per suasion will actio her back oa tb deck or ao wo below. The bridge is here in stormy weather, (or- there aha . reals, protected and beyond reach of the angry -. r:r . . . . , y, ...v District Forecaster Besls' Says ,Wir TfooMtf la Cotnraoa During Stp v tembcr When Ocean Winds Begin ;. to Clean Out Dead Timber. '", Eistrfrt Forecaster BeaJa received eo ' report this morning from the station 'long the coast between Eureka, Cali fornia, and Capo ruttery and Tstooah xslaad In the north, and ha believe the telegraph llnea down aa a result of storms. . The dlaturbanoa-BOted rester dar aa moving Inland near Vancouver ' aland prored to be of a decided charac ter, and atorm warning were oraervu dlanlared at (:i0 o'clock laat night. Thl waa timely, Xor many report were missing thta morning, all of which goes to show that the atorm broke dur ing the night along the eoaat. "Thar ia no Question but that the eoaat is being swept Ay strong winds." said' Mr. Seals this morning, "but the , fact that the wire are down doe not .necessarily mean that the blow la -vary .severe. Most of the lines run through wooded atretchea, and the first ' blow of the seaaon asuaUy brings down - lot of dead Umber that withatood the strain of the preceding winter storms "Storm warnlnge.wer -ordered dis played last night, so shipping man wart -warned of the approaching disturbance. The North Head station has sent In no report today, so the wire between the cap and Ilwaeo must' be down.. Tor good part of the way this wire runs through tall timber, without protection 'from the winds that sweep In from the sea, and th first storm after the Bum mer season ia usually attendedwlth considerable 'wire trouble." A a result of th wires being down, no reports of shipping off tb river were received thl morning. ' ' ; CAN PREDICT STORMS Old Dor oa th atteemar Vormaa Xsla . . , . Take Far of eJromeeav - -NeUle, big black and white ahlp- dog belonging to th Norwegian steamer Norman Isles, has - traveled perhaps more than any dog In the world, fine has been on th big tramp for eight 1 long years. The pungent ocean breeaea and tb aalty . spray that breaks over the bow of the vessel aeem to agree well with her, for she is as sleek a dog as could be found anywhere. Nellie . waa born in Singapore and want to sea whan vary young. In fact sha was only a mar puppy dog when smuggled on board th - Norwegian freighter,, and ahs has remained there over since, although the. vessel - has changed masters at least one In that time. Thl 1 her aeoond visit to Port' . land. Though a sea dog In every sense of th word.. Nellie has no particular lining ror water; aba rather fears It. but nothing else will frighten her and she can climb ladder and walk per pendicular- lec a- with .sven more ' flex tetity than a young sailor. Yesterday she -took a nap on a narrow board laid serosa on or th open hatches, al though a alight mlatep would hava sent her to the bottom of th hull.. dls- tanca Of nearly 40 feet. - -- 1 "Strange as It may seem.' Nellie la fearfully afraid of th water, although she has been to sea for eight year.' said th chief officer of the Norman , isles yesterday- in-apeaklng of th dog. which has become a fixture on board. "She ha learned to respect th power of th green wave that .tower up over ; tb rails and "-knows enough to keep way from them. W can always tell when a atorm ia approaching without : t .1 . 1 I SAILORS WIN FIGHT team ohoere a red sally Blga Bspe- Honest Crews at Advanced Wegea. Gradually th Bailor' union 1 win ning it light against th steam schoon ers for Increased wages. This morning th arrival of th steam schooner Johan Poulsen marked another victor for the strikers, because she cam from Ban Francisco with a anion craw, although her owners, 4h Loos Lumber company, have held out stubbornly against the demands of tb Union. , . - - - - Th Johan Poulsen Is the vessel upon which an attack was made eeveral weeks ago In thl harbor by a number of roagh beoaua ah carried a nonunion crew, and- for wbloh attack Charles Bock, the local sailors union agent, is now spending time in th county. Jail awaiting a term in th penitentiary. Agent Paul, who cam her from Ban Fraaolaoe to talc Book's place, said this morning that nearly all the prominent steam schooner operators have agreed to carry unlon.xrwa henceforth, and he says It is now only a, matter of a few days when th .long-winded Strike will be settled In favor of , th strikers. Among th companies that have signed union crews recently, he says, are th Loop IAimber company, ' th Pollard Steamship company, E. T. Xruse, K. X Dodge, ; Sudden A Christensen and Charles McCormick A Co.. representing about tt steam schooners. In a tele gram received from th headquarters at Ban Francisco this morning Agent Paul also learned that wares oa sailing ves sels In ths coast trade have been ad vanced to $4t a month. Th Johan Pouiaen went to Inman. Poulsen fc Co.' mills this morning t load lumber for a return voyage to Ban Francises. Her voyaga up th. eoaat was, uneventful.. , ,' . ... t 1, , ; JAPANESE MUST: GO ..:' Srfmgshoremaa - Dissever Three row .Stem ea th Soy and. Qait Work, Three Japanese sailors wars discov ered on the steals schooner Noyo . yes terday afternoon and th longshoremen refused to send lumber on board 'until ths little brown men were fold to vacate th premise. Th other non-unloa sailors wer not objected to. - Th Noy arrived in Portland yester day morn tag and want to th mills of ths North Paciflo Lumbar company to load lumbar for a return cargoto Sea Francisco, Ths longshoremen want to work without paying any particular at tention to th color of th sailors in th forecastle. Shortly after noon, how ever, tb Japanese began to move about th deck so conspicuously that' they could not escape ths detection of th men handling ths lumber on the dock and proteat was Immediately mad to tb captain, - It waa either shut down work or let th Jsps go. and after a brief dellberetioe the skipper concluded to say goodbye to tb tar a of duaky bus. ' Th Noyo I a small vessel, recently placed On th run between Portland and San Francis In ths lumbar trade. a. m r- r-i ni aa School opens September 17th. - , -The opening in our Boys' Clothing Department , is to morrow. ' Here youH find the kind - of - suits that make school--: going easier. No- freakish stylesJust the sensible, fashionable, practical clothing that we all approve of. The kind the boy likes and the otherboy .will respect. . 7TSee"our "window" display" -of special values in Boys' School Suits at $2.35, $3 ' . and $3.85 - Boys' School Caps at 251 Separate Trousers at 50 - Chain, Knife or School Supplies presented ; with Boys' Suits. - ; -.V,', GloliilnqCb ' V CxaKuhnVum1 , -Men' and Boya Outfitters. . 166 AND let THIRD STREET - . Mohawk Building. .. . WILL SAIL FOR NEHALEM i - rr :';; Tmg. oHorgs &. Voskarg Xs Taklar Bun- plle for taimom Onnaarlaa. I Dad" Stctr.nch .lakes , Bad Blood. Ton can not make sweet buttr In a foul, unoin churn. - The stomach serves as e churn In which to asliate. work up and disintegrate our food as li is being digested. If It be weak, slufgtah and row w resujt will be torptd. eiug gun liver and bad. Impure blood. The Ingredient of Dr. Fieaoe's Golden Medical Discovery are Jutt such aa brat serve to oorrect and sure all moh de raoremrnta. It Is made up without a drtfp of aieohoi In Its composition; chem ically piirs, triple-renned glycerin being nted lostead of th commonly employed Alcohol. - Kow thlsglyeeriae Uof lfcseXl valuable medicine, Instead of a deleter! us agent like alcohol, especially In the euro oi weak stomach, dyspepsia ana in various forma of Indigestion, Prof. Flnlev EUingwood, M. V., of Bennett Medical College, Chicago, say of It: In dyspepsia It serves aa eieellent pnr boae. li la one of tb best naaufac red produces of the Jpieeent time la Its wwiq uwn wiiwuiw uMvruvww mraiwui 'ially if there at skwraUon or cetaxrbal there gaetrltia (catarrhal Inflammation of stomBra), II Is a most efflelent preparetum. iyeerine rrvi i Be chrofuo in tea una! dyspepsia, especially the will relieve many 01 and excessive of pyrosis (heartbur utrtc acidity, it I ipela. eep It le useful In lasulent variety, aad la certain tunie of 'chronic oonstiDation. stlmalstlng the setts tory and axcretory functions oi the Intestinal en combined, injuat the right propor tions, with Uolden Sisal root, Stone root. Black Cherry bark, Queen' root. Blood root and Mandrake root, or the extract of these, as In Dr. Pierce's Gokien Medical Diecovery, there can be no doubt of Its Teat ef&cacy In the eure of ell stomach, liver and intestinal disorder and derange ments. These several Ingredient have th tronsest endorsement in all such rases of such eminent medical leader aa Prof. R Bartholow, M. D.. of Jefferson Med- Inj aon. at. I partment, Cnlversity of New York Prof. loal Oollese. Cbicagot Prof. HobartA. Hare, Department. University of M. D.. Medical T, U 1 1 1 l . fa I rrol. Laurence Johns Edwin M. Hale. M. D.. Hahnemann Medical Oolle.Chk-ax!Prol John hi Scudder. M. U and Prof. John King. M. Dr Anthors of the American Dispensatory, ana sooree of others among the leading medical men of our land. Who can doubt the curative virtues of a medicine the Ingredients of which have inch a profttional endorsement t Constipation cured by Doctor Pierce's, Pleasant Pellet. One er two dose. a. m. Steamer J. B, Stetson,' from San lYanolaco. . , ; 1 San Franclaoo ' ' SeDt. ' t. vArrlved - Schooner Bender Bros., from 'Atorla.t Astoria.- Or.. Sept.- 1 Arrived down at ll;ia and aailed at 1:10 p. m. ltamii. nnlnn, fn. Maw ITreralsfln. Arrived down at t;i9 p. m. Italian cruiser DogalL, Arrived down at 4:40 p. m. Norwegian steamer. Thyra. Arrived down at t p. m. Log raft, from Stella.' San Francisco. Sept. . !. Arrived Steamer F. A. Kllburn, f rora Portland. ' Bedondo, Sept. t. Arrived Schooner , F. Coats, from Portland. . r Antwerp. Sept. . Sailed on the Id- French bark Marechal de Villara. for Portland. ..; ; . Penerlm, Sept. - SiAnived Aurust IS Norwegian steamer- Jethou. from Antwerp, for Portland. - i Hakodate, Sept. (. Sailed August 11 German ahip Nerelde, for Portland... Astoria, or- Sept. I. No bar report: cape Une Iowa. .v !.nt.;.,,..r MASQUERADE AT OAKS Big- arrest to Be XeU Tonight at Oaks J 4 V ;V" The tufc George R, Voeburg Is being placed . In condition to leave for Ne- halem Saturday morning with a lot of supplies for the canneries., there, and then to proceed to Coquille to engage in towing jn place of th tug Triumph, which will be brought back to-Astoria for repair. Th Voeburg will be in command of Captain SV-A,-Dodge, for merly mastsr of the steamer W. li. Harrison, and ahs wUl carry a crew of seven men all told. t . . The Vosburg Is owned by the Wheeler timber compear, but has been leased by that eonoern to the mill Interests at Coqulll. who ship large quantities of lumber to California norta. Sha ' haa street bridge, owing to the fact that about two years ago ths Wheeler lum ber company cloasd down Its mill at Mehalem. , - - . , BIG TRAMPS COMINO ' toajners aialn and Visigoth bm Praaolseo ThU Aftarnoon. Balfour. Guthrie as Co. received word this morning from San Francisco to the effect that the British tramp steamers Elaine and Visigoth would sail from that port this aftarnoon for Portland to load lumbar for ports In China. The Elaine and Visigoth recantly ar rived at the Bay City with cement and buUdlng material from Europe and un der charter-to Balfour, Guthrie at Co. to load lumber here. The combined ca pacity f th two eteamer I a Bout 7.000,000 feet The Blaine wUl receive her cargo at the mills of ths Portland Lumber company and ths Vlslroth will load at the mills ef the Eastern, it Western Lumber company. Tha Vnmhanta1 Mrh.nM , .nMA.J laat night that the barken tins North west hss sailed for Portland from San Francisco to load lumbar for a return csrgo, ... ; . , ALONQ THE ) WATERFRONT. The barkentlne Gcorgina was dropped et Rainier yeaterday by ths steamet Oklahams. where she will load lumber for Ban 'Francisco, and ths schooner Oliver J. Ulsen esms to Portland to load for the same destination. - The Olsea dropped anchor In the streem tempo rarily, i . ( H The schooner Lottie Bennett end the bark Coloma will leave down the river this afternoon In tow . of the steamer Oklahsma. The Lottie Bennett cleared thie morning for Redondo with-710,000 feet of lumber and the Coloma cleared for Baa Diego with 70M00 feet. -. ' The steamer Ailanoe la - due this evening from Eureka via Coos bay with IS carloads of freight for points In ths east snd a lot of freight for local aon aigneea. ., ; Commander P. J. Werlloh ef the Thir teenth lighthouse district has gone Xo Inspect th stations en Orays harbor and WiUapabay. fc . u. . The eteamer T. 3. Potter left for II waoo this morning with small crowd of eeasldara. . She had considerable trouble getting away from th - Ash street dock because of a broken piling that refused to be budged and laid dan gerously near her starboard wheel. . . Ths steamer Relief wss msaaured yes terday et Blalock. Washington. . Her measurements are: Length, 1 17.S feet; beam. St. feet) depth of hold. 4.7 feet The Relief le ths new steamer built by ths Open River Transportation com pany. She will be launched Sunday and placed Into commission In about 10 days oa ths upper river to connect with the Portage road. ' The eteamer Frente H. Lggtt Is due at -Astoria today to tow ths Hem mend Lumber oompany'e log raft to San Francisco. ' The raft war towed to As toria f rem Btaila yesterday. An arrangements have "been complet ed and everything Is In readiness for the big - masquerade carnival at - the Oaks nink tonight Special dressing rooms have, been arranged to accommo date those wishing to dress at the rlnkil ah Bkitung before 10 p. m. will be cbr ligee to at least wear mask. Extra muslo has been engaged, and In fact every little detaU lending - advantage baa nofbeen overlooked. - The big rink will seat 4.000 people, and will no- doubt be .well filled. During th evening fancy and comedy skating will be a feature, end at 10 p. m. a grand inarch win be given, masks removed end many beautiful prises awarded for best cos tumes, r. . '-v-t -' lVow Bates Made to worth - Beginning September 10! the O. R. N. wUl eeU round-trip tickets to North Beach points- for II Instead of . 14, heretofore 7 This affords an ezoeptlonal opportunity xor those who have not al ready done so to visit ths beach before the close ef the season. Full particu lars by calling at O. R, N. ticket of fice,' Third and . Washington streets, Portland. . " " Cheap Ratea East..':-., !. On September S and 10 the Canadian Paciflo .will sell round trip tickets :. to eastern terminals at very low rates. Tickets good for stop-overs with' privi lege of returning same line or. via any direot line. ' It will cost you no more to travel via Th Great Soenlo Route." Double dally train service and the best of everything. For full particular call on or address F. R. Johnson, P. aV P. A. Portland. Oregon. - - MARINE NOTES. V .JJ r Fabrics for Men r T- i :-'- . : .. . ' 4 , . ; , " . ' ! ' . .. .You are invited to inspect our stock Monday, Septem ber 10. ;-'T;:;,,j,'!'' v" ' On that day weshall dis play our 'entire offering of over two thousand patterns -Cheviots," , Worsteds," W cunas. Tweeds,. Serges. : Suits to Your Measure 20Ho$40, TROUSERS TO YOUK MEAStJEE W to $10 ' ;. Elks' Building - . V SEVENTH AND STARK f . ... ' J-, o 'i n QJJ Our weekly event which means an Immense saving on good, dependable and seasonable merchandise. In what store In Portland can you "duplicate the. bargains you gt at Robert Bros. store? They're not to be, found elsewhere, t -The low prices we quote and the quality we give you can be found only at thia store. For tomorrow there are a great many more -special than the ones mentioned below and the possibilities of saving 'money are plentiful. Although the prices are ex tremely low, quality stands behind every off ering. . - , r. " imA- iiuu-iv. r - .. A. i tl - tempi et sue. Ever Held on thePaoiflo Gohsft " One Thouaand 05 and CO TJtabrcllas on Gale at r $5 to $6 j Qualities GEE ' T7H3DOT7 Ml . ' A $5 to $6 Qualities GEE . ' The Greatest Umbrella Offering Ever Placed Before the PabUc :: . ' These headlines are, the announcement of an .Umbrella treat for Friday that ' will be remembered bv our, patrons for. many a day. The values given in. this, our Annual -Umbrella Sale, surpass anything we. have ever offered ihe public beforeJ3therstoreswithjsmalleri capacities arrdless- facilities for handling . large quantities put forth puny efforts to compete with offcrinars we made over ' a year aero. Our last year's . offerings must be improved uoon before we . at- Bigger and better" as the years roll, by is our motto, to stand. still is. to move .backwards,nd -while the . r , . . . i . . i , ' . . , - .i . A I rr ' r sale oi last xau was oy lar me greatest neia up to yin time, we assure you mat lomorrowi ouenng xar ana away ex ceeds it in.everv manner. ; - A . '.:." y:;-::..:::-:.r. :,zr.'-z-A. .r l!JCrTeaLl.OJUtmbjceUU -tlv. $8.00 . and.$6.0Q;. qualities, an immense assortment f - handles in carved and plain hardwood handles of 14 karat jrold plate, handles of sterling silver, handles of mother of pearl, handles of carved ivory all fitted with gold or sterling silver bands and caps, silk cases and tassels, hardly any. two handles in the lot alike. Coverings arepf piece dyed silk and woo! taffetawith selvage .edge, on Rrajgoa steeliramea of theJMst-crucU ble ateel, steel rods and rust-proof caps. We offer the entire Umbrella at a great deal less .money j than the "hahiiles alone can be bought for. Rainy days are coming, "iorewarne4 is forearmed." A big response will meet thisfinnOuhce mert, so. get here early if you can. , K ... v-, ...... . .... ; v, - - ,v -, WE ' DISPLAY A .FEW. .OF THEM IN CORNER WINDOW. ' , . ..... . For Women's Waibto & College Blouaeo ' Regular 65c and $1 Grades . Just to straighten out -lopsided stocks, this Jot rpt t Waists- and Blousesf worthyinevery respect,. iArMa,Vtava 4bl m bP.1 A Iav Ism el ai tW eh em TTQw wc pxace on saxe aooui if Qlltze .Btotiics, ( made bf " '-the cost to'mantrfactir Tomoi -75 dozen -Women'sWaiatsnd pood oualitv lawn and percale hi a . number bf" pretty stvles. .white, black and T white checks ndc blackrand. white dots, most all sizes regular 65c to $1.00 grades, all go at- f one price While they last, Bargaha Fridav,.at..f fwOU L-a Flaniaelette BEST $1 AND $1.50 GRADES.' EXTRA SPECIAL FOR FRIDAY'S BARGAIN ! SALE Women's Percale and Flannelette Wrappers, made of excel lent wearing quality materials, fitted waist made witlvaquare and round yokes, trimmed with ruffle; full.' wide skirt fin ished with deep flounce, a 'go6d range Of colors'-1 a choose from; sizes 82 and 34 only we've too many in those sizes," and ;that s why you can buy $1.00 and $1.60 tir r rs -! j wrappers eO&rgam rnaay ai. 50c Bemntanto oi Wash Goods Half IPrioe .Just like Roberts Bros, to make such. an offering for Bar-, gain Friday No woman who is half prudent will. miss such a chance to get a supply of these pretty' Cotton Remnants for a whole year. Hundreds and hundreds of yards to select from Dimities, Organdiesv Zephyrs, Ginghams. Mohair Suit ings, Batistes," Serge , Suitings, etc In m great ..assortment; of patterns, light, medium and dark colors ; short lengths from 2 to 12 yards; regular ,10c .to 25c qualities,' all to go BARGAIN FRIDAY AT HALF THE UA1&TD miXANT rSICC S1.39 FULLY WORTH $2.00 AND $2.60 . SPECIAL BARGAIN FRIDAY AT. .,.3 ThS Tot of Misses' Walking Skirts is offered now at r r less than they cost to manufacture, and it is not a ffirn collection of odds and" ends,-and bad ( styles. .We ' rM : bought ,tOf-many: and -At-M a-question of-aellinfir; a : rejf-rtynib1ii, to make -this extraordinary , low price - Misses Walking skitts mxoa TnrnaJTaoxenr prmrciaiTeaTrncr goreirstyTes, strictly man-tailored V and ' perfectly finished throughout; xhOice of colors black, blue and brown- Skirts that you would gladly pay $2.00 and $2.50fo, all On salert -f f)A , tomorrow at one price Bargain Friday only . . X O f Blabk CENTS YARD TaffetaSilk Beat 91.66 Qutxlit3r- Specially Priced Friday at A Great. Special Offering inDe- pendable Quality Black Taffeta Silk that, will interest every thrifty woman who. reads - thia paper. . - Quality ... and . width' ' considered this - offering' can not be duplicated by any other bouse in the, city; 1150 yards - of JJlack latleta bulc, lull so inches wide, sott,. chamois fin ish, perfect black, e very yard guaranteed;- our.bestSLQO grade, and unusually good value at that price, .'iaa; placed on sale tomorrow at thia low price, yard.,-.0.(C Septexaber Shoe Special' 'ibr; Bargain Friday :; We've-an extra. special for Bargain Friday, jn Womena Fine Kid , and Patent Leather v Shoes, with light - and. Jieavy Boies, VUosn. concave ana raw ncnuvi nccis uiai. are svkooq-, !'" the best bargains we have evert offered.',' aT ci fcs': Thejrre on sale tor this one Bargain jbnday. . HJ&m JLJ EXTRA WOMEN'S OXFORDS EXTRA.'- There's a good many hundred pairs of Women's Hand-Made -Oxfords that we want to. close out. They are iivrorth. $3,00, $3.50 and $4.00 ,! , : WMte HtulgIi Towels, Best 18o Grade, iSecially Priced Friday ai; 12o ' Extra colored . ...'..v ...".. ! .....Jit., special for Friday's sale 200 dozen White -.Hack ToweT.i fiqished'.'withl.alsolttteiyn. 'fa$V- - borders, in shadesTof red! irood. larre size, 20i bv 40. inches; splendid -wearinflr Quality rlever 1C1 - A aOi TT before sold for less than 18c each.,.-Specially priced ior Bargain Friday. at.. ....T..,,......V,..:JLI JtSuKJ JlJL Best 75o Gradbe Borirain XViday. Each We will place on sale tomorrow a lot of 50 dozen Gowns made of. extra-nualitv owtlnir flnnJ.' ; full sized ind daintily trimmed, not the rrgular 50c grade, but. aa exceptionally, strong member ' aw... .w iv. mum .v. vi.ei hiicav mv 1 me uias stsui iius acasuii , mi sizes IU CiCJl , - nnrerntM VrMmv 1 ,' ' 7- . ....... C V. 1MJQ T? A fTT . . . j , 1 , ,,,, wsui -r siiavaa ; LJ U - Astoria. Or, Sept . Arrived at Sill