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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 7, 1906)
uin: 1 Journal Circulation Yesterday .7 Was Rata arid cooler tonight; Saturday -rain; 'southerly winds, 9' T VOL..V. NO. 113. -' PORTLAND, OREGON, . FRIDAY EVENING. SEPTEMBER 7, 1903.- SIXTEEN PAGES. PRICE TWO t CENTS. ow Tinnri. wd ' J - - ' ' a ..- -ej, ,. s, "A ' " - GOOD EVEIIIIIG THE WEATHER. : ; luoiceht oi:;sio:is ALTERED TO EIITERTAIII .'- '..,... ...' i , . .. . V. . . , Prosecution Bringing Out Alleged Connection of Congressman With Plot to Secure Lands in Blue Mountain : Rese Jpnathap I Bourne tehtHoney on What Has Since Been Proven to Be a Gold Brick. 7 Congressman . John ' N. Williamson, ' although not -on trial, la - now : the tar vat of evidence In the Blue Mountain reaenra .case, and the - duration of the , present court proceedings depend en- -tlrely on the amount of proof that the .- government, aeea - lit. to- offer against him. Thla morning it .looked, aa If ' moat of the testimony In the timber case that resulted la the conviction a- Bpectal . Aaalstant Attorney-Oeneraf - Francis Heney .threatened this morninf ,j to call the. army of witnesses who took ' up timber claims for Williamson and , 'Van Geaner; in fact 'ha. asked ; that ' aubpoenas bo Issued.' If this plan la carried' out the sovemment must ' put '' on fifty- more witnesses and the trial . will last at least ten days lonser. How -ever. - Juds. Hunt-wust beia- Helena i ' the last of nest week, and a way -of shortening the testimony bearing on Williamson's -methods may-. found. :. ,i ?, TatnersaJp Aa-Teemant. : ' LTp to Uat night Judge Hnt had his doubts as to whether the evidence against TXIIHamaon jusUfled submitting that part of the case to the jury, in Ma opinion the proper connection with ; the alleged conspirators on - trial had . not been shown, and ha Informed coun- .' e , that he was thinking of ordering i the withdrawal of all th Williamson I evidence. : Thi Vinotiatmnt was made leaps for:life Bank Collector Jumps From an ; Automobile Just as Building Crashes Down Upon-lt-Car Dashes 'Through Debris" arid Races Madly Down the Street. ; LEAVING S10,000l iiaOTORliR fS!cl IMspateh te The learaaLV -. San Franolsco, Sept, 7.--At a moment when It seemed that the ruins of tha " bunainr'at- Buslt- ah Kearney- streets '', were about to fall on them, 'i Harry Vnlao, a chauffeur, and a collector, la tke amphjy of a local truat and banking i company, jumped from an automobile : and left a bag containing $10,008 behind them in a runaway machine. .. An - excited : crowd , of mn - and - boys , gave chase to tha automobile, not sua- pasting it contained a load of treasure, and a short distance up Kearney street . Policeman Barney RtehV succeeded In arresting the mad flight of the auto. Rlehl was astonished to find the bag " of money, which he restored to tha aafe--j keeping of tha trnat company's collector. ; .;:-. m9 tot Xifa. l-r', ,'" Tha remarkable Incident occurred at ' t,' t o'clock In tha afternoon. -At the time a. party ox mriinra mm h ' pulling, oown am nisu w ..n " walla of tlfe niinf Tha tmat company's ' automobile cohtatnlng the chauffeur and collector, with tha bag of treasure, came rapidly up Kearney street umac, me 'chauffeur, saya he did not -fees the men pulling down the .wall, but just aa tha . machlnel reached .Bush street he hap ' pened to -look-up and ha aaw the high -"brlclr wall oHerlng aa If about fail. Tha two men- In the, automobile In stantly realised their peril. .' They were . confronted with the choice of remaining . in tha machine and safeguarding tha treasure of their employers or of jump ; Ing out and earing their Uvea... Both C decided to Jump,: and. they Instantly 'leaped from the auto, abandoning the machine and trVaaure to fate. ; ; X n.;' Aaa SiBaapes. Wan.'-7 ; ' Just as the. men jumped ' half f the wall fell, but 'the . flying automobile, " without anyone- at. the- steering wheel. Bailed through the avalanche of fallng : brick unscathed and started on Its way ' up Kearney atreet. ' . . Quite a crowd of spectators witnessed the Incident and gave chase to the ma chine, which waa stopped about a block - awy. Both the chauffeur and collector were uninjured by their leap for Ufa and were greatly relieved to recover the bag of money, which Polloeman .Rlehl handed over to them when they came up. Tha automobile was none the . worse for the experience. ' 10NGW0RTH CERTAIN it" OF HIS REELECTION ' " ' (Jmirnal SpetMsl SenrW.) ' ' Oyster .Bay. Sept. 7. Cnngresemsn and Mrs. Nicholas I,ongworth left St noon for Cincinnati. Congressman Lonsworth says he Is certain to be re nominated and. elected. ' '! ffY last night after . Dr. Andrew C Smith had takes 'the stand, but before Dr. Smith had told" his story. Tha witness told of Williamson selling him a third interest In certificates for 11.000 seres of school lauds lying Just outside the Blue Mountain withdrawal. ' Thta made a partnership consisting of Williamson, Dr.. Smith and Dr. Van Oesner. Wil liamson assuredT hint that within a yeafr the landa would be taken into the ra ervs and would become worth 130.000, Dr. Smith lost about 12.300 on the In vestment . - a. ' - ' .' : ' That testimony settled the ' question of whether Williamson waa connected with the alleged conspiracy. "My duty Is perfectly clear now," said .Judge Hunt "This must be submitted to the Jury." - . - ,; ; ,- .-'.";.' "'.:r -, ... Bourne's Oold Brlek. . "- State Senator 81g Slchel waa tha prin cipal wltnesv this morning. Ho testi fied that la tha fall of lsoi Williamson asked him to buy his one-third Interest In certificates calling for 11,000 acres of school lands. Williamson represent ed that the landa were very desirable and- that some of them might be taken into n reserve, which would give oppor tune,' to exchange - tbem for better land a. 'In the spring Of 1I0J William son came around again, this time point ing out that tha state had Juat doubled tne price of school loads. . He offered to sell at the vara figure and Slchel took him 'op; paying U.tOO In all. - It developed during Slchel'S testimony that Jonathan Bourns once held part of the -oertlf loateS as collators! for money loaned to Dr. Smith, . The certificate, are atOl held ' tn escrow by th Hlbernla bank.; As they were canoeled a. year ago by the atata land board for nonpayment of amounts due they may now b called gold bricks tn'oacrow.' - .- '.- ' .' WUliaatsom . Sold Kaad. -r-ry '""Wllllsrason sold out Ma Interest in the lands m April, ltOI. ; He got- his money in two Installments, the last of whleh was paid July-lT-iyor horUy after that date prptests against the re serve made In 1(0 .were forwarded by Williamson, to the general land office. It la expected that either Francis J. Heney or .United States Attorney Bristol wlU have considerable to any on this point when the time' comes for argu ment to the-Jury; . . P. ' F. Chandler, editor of the Grant County 'News 'of "Canyon - City; ?gave brief testimony this morning for the government. He remembered that Wil liamson waa In' Canyon City In De cember, 1101. ' By the files of hie paper the -exaet -date waa fixed as Deoember 11, which waa subsequent to the completion- of the' grant teoenty - protests against the .reserve., va. 'W.! ledy of Canyon'. City -waa-racaMed -and teatitled that he saw WlllUrmson enter-the of fices of Oeorge N. Cattanach and .Drrln Patterson. The elgnlflcanoa f this arises from the fact that the two mea named, were active In getting protests against the-reserve, which pretests howevea did not -reach the general land office for almost a year after they were ready for. transmission. - .. . , . , r Tarpley BeoaUsd. ' ' j . :' Dan W. Tarpley was recalled and told of meeting James A.' Boggs In Salem about August 1.- 1DI. Boggs waa a partner of Williamson In tha acquire ment of school lands. '- Before meeting Tarpley be had been complaining In un complimentary terms that Sorenson and Tarpley had gobbled Up -all the lands within the Blue- mountain witnarawai. When naked about his complaint ha told Tarpley that he meant nothing by what he had ssid. In the conversation tnat followed he said he was buying school landa In the vicinity of tha withdrawal. Fred C. Fish, clerk of the Willamette hotel. Salem. In 1901, produced recerda and testified as to Williamson. Bogga, Borenson and Jones being guests or tnat hotel at various times during July of that jestM. , '..tii t, r ,i.h Hade AppUoaMea Oot Money. Wllataaartne. Mrs. Martha Frlna and Mrs. Dora Head told of getting 110 eaoh for making school land applications and assignments In Prinevllle In July, 101. These applications war; used-by Boggs to take up landa lust outside the with drawal. -The lands this ac4ilred were In theterritory whloh Williamson sought, to have added to the reserve. 1 hen came testimony in regard to the timber claims, all of which waa Intro duced at' each of the three trials of Williamson last year.. Tha witnesses called were John & Watklna, Mrs. Let tie Watklna and Wllford Crane, who took up timber claims for Williamson ind hie partner, . Dr. Van Oessner. When the defense objected to this testi mony Proseoutor Heney declared that he would go ahead on the Williamson line and offer all his proof, evaa If It took two weeka longer. Judge Hunt euggeated that the goverthnent might confine such proof to four or five wit nesses; but up to noon no decision had been reached. , ... ., .". Wllford Crane,', when asked why he didn't prove up on his . timber claim, told of Williamson becoming frightened by reading a newspaper account of Secretary,-Hitchcock's report In November, liOi. The secretary Scored Oregon land fraud swindlers. . Williamson read the article to'a little group In Prinevllle. ssid "Old Man Hitchcock Is mad,", and' advised Wllford and others to let go. . , (Continued on fag Tw V ' .-":'-' ''''' r mm duchess Vanderbilt and Belmonf .Homes j, at Newport Changed for. " Consuelo's Visit. " .....-.- - , . ..- rm W - (Journal Bpedal gerrlee.) Newport. B. I., Sept 1. For the first time elnee the grand ball 10 years ago at which her engagement waa announced by her mother, . Consuelo, , Duchess of Manchester, la a 'guest it the "Marble house," where she paased so many hours of her girlhood. She occupies the blue suits, on the cliff side of the mansion, with Its handsome .appointments and large reception room.' A grand piano of white finish , has been added for the duchess. J j - - The oomlng of the duchess occasioned many alterations in both "Belcourt," the borne of W. K. Vanderbilt Jr., her broth er, and In "Marble house." the home of Mrs. O. II. P. Belmont, her mother. The stable which occupied the first floor of Belcourt has been changed into the finest entertainment hall In Newport, while extensive, changes - have . been made In Marble house in order to suit ably entertain the duchess. : She will dvlde her time between her brother and mother, having exclusive use of the famous morning room at Bel oourU .....:.'.-.' OPELUIG CLAY IN PRISOn CELL Sidney Sloane,'" Youthful Mur derer of His Father, Plans to ' Become Sculptor While Serv ing Sentence and Will Ask the Governor for Special Permit. Special Dlnpetcfc te Tbe Joarrul.) GpoKane. Wash.. Sept. 7. Sidney Sloane, the 17-year-old boy in the coun ty ali- charged With kUling his father. Is planning to spend the remainder of his life In clay modeling In tbe peni tentiary.. He will have an outfit sent ap to the-. Jail Immediately and etart 'at work; upon-a Gibson girl's head. . ... ' "I couldn't have killed my father in my right mind, but I suppose I'll have, to go to the penitentiary, and pay the penalty; or tne crime,- ne said today. . The youth appears resigned to his fata,- He thinks he may secure an or der from the governor permitting clay modeling In prison. He aald that Ufa still held attractions for him and that he found great comfort In contemplating spiritual and Intellectual things. Aaked whether his temper was violent or un governable he aald:'. -.','. -.', ; T often had quarrels with playmates and associates, but never experienced a terrible desire to take life. The only other. time I recall that, the feeling seised me was In Wyoming a year ago when -I waa on the plains a a a cow puncher. I had been having trouble with my bronoo. He waa bucking and I waa thrown twsor three times. Suddenly I felt that I could kill the -bronco. . I could hare chewed it up. I waa beside-myself. Insane at the moment The bronco threw me again and I )ay there several hours, dased." - Toung Sloane would not analyse his feelings on the night that he killed his father, but conveyed the Idea that hts mental - condition waa . similar to .that experienced with the bronco. . Present Indications are . that ; the youthful prisoner Is doomed to a cell until November.-. The criminal docket for September and October la full and no effort haa been made to expedite the arraignment or trial. . j . '-j; OFFICERS OF ALABAMA , BLAMED FOR COLLISION ' (Jeeinal SpeHtl Service.)' -' Washington, D. - C, Sept.- T. The board of Inquiry Investigating the col lision of the battleships TUInols snd Alabama at Newport July II today rec ommended that 'Captain Comly, com ir.ander of"The Alabama, and Lieutenant Pressey of the -Alabama be coart-mar tialed. The board found the Illinois In Its proper place and properly handled.' fil) I i!'v 4 ?L - Q A Room ia the Blue Suite at Marble ' :,-f ;; HeWi.;.. '.'". ilk A. WSWM Tf 1 V 1 . IBS ... .v B K : : ' . B I , ". . r m m .-. .. j- I 4 . I MAN FATALLY INJURED . BY TUNNEL CAVEIN ' (Sewlel Plpetr te . Tbe lesnul.) ' OlemTale, Or., Mepf 7. Tunnel 4 near Olendale raved In tbia morning and se verely injured four saea, ene fatally.- ( , " - - . .i. . -i 1 - ..' , .- ........ Vf . ; . . . ....I ...... .... r . i 1 1 MAf-J; rMT by ' 1.JJ ITt" 3 '',1 ' ' YA j S vV V" ; IS-' ' ,. ' I J-. I i vat t , ... , i SI .. -II ' i i ' s S . ! It - , lit, . .1, .... r . . ... 'i Mrs. O. H. P. Belmont, Mother, and Mrs.' W,: K Vanderbilt. Jr; , Sister- in-Law of Duchess of Marlborough. SAYS FilR. SHAW i Secretary of the Treasury Warns Bankers Not to Send Money to Wall Street, Where It Will Be t - . .-. .... ; ' -: V :i- ... v. - : Used for Speculative Purposes. Even Though Interest Is High. , 1 (Joonral SpeeUl SerrM,) . Washington, Sept. -Secretary, of tha Treasury Leslie U. Shaw today is sued thes following to all depositary banks:' t ; . . ' ' -' .c "I am advised that many banks are loaning their surplus through the brok ers In New York on call at high rates of Interest . The money loaned on call Is well-nigh universally used for specula tion, where It .'s deposited for such s Use. '"'', '-:., , : -. "Public deposits are made In the aid of legitimate business. .. If, you have more money than your .community jean absorb. It should be ' returned to the treasury to be placed where It will do tbsj most good." v . ; , ' - SPEAKER CANNON HAS . : : . RECOVERED HEALTH 4 '.-,., ... - , : ,. ' v Rockland, Me.. Sept. T. Speeker Cannon has ' entirely recovered - todsy from his slight' lltnets and will Speak tonight at Portland. . . " ; ' DO HOT LEHD TO STOCK GAitiBLERS Consuelo. Duchess of Marlborough. WHIPPING? POST HAD 110 EFFECT Clem Bieker Continued to Abuse His Spouse After HlsPunish- ntTLfforFmMy-Srleolufr Refuge in the. Divorce Court and Obtained Decree. The effect of the whipping post on wife-beater - waa shown before Judge Cleland In the circuit court tUa mora, Ing at the hearing of the ault of Kath arine Bieker for a dtvoroe from Clem Bieker.. In July, . HQS. Bieker . was whipped at the county Jail, for beating hts wife -j. - i, . . "At one time we thought the whipping4 post' had proved a blessing In his par ticular, case, for he waa very penitent after. he. was punished and treated his wife very, kindly,", testified a witness. "But later It aeemed that the whipping had . done htm no good. - He took . to drinking again and, has become a bru tallsed. degenerate. He aeemed ta think his wife was responsible for his whip ping and tried to get revenge on her for the disgrace he had suffered." .Mrs. Bieker said she began suit ror a' divorce from her husband .-when he was convicted Of beating, her, but that he had made riach strong promises to be good that ' she dismissed the ant After treating her well for about three months she -said he seemed to become a monomanlao on th subject of whip ping posts, and would beat and abuse her. She said he had- frequently driven her from home at night and. said he waa not afraid of the-whipping post. Mrs. Bieker waa granted a divorce. She married Blker at Hay City, Kan sas, In October. It8. They'have seven minor children, the custody of whom was. awarded), to the mother. J. Hen nesay ' Murphy and Frank Schlegel ap peared as her attorneys.' : - . - . PREFERS TWELVE PER CT a"T0 HALF A MILU0N ' '"" H ; ' (J ntl SpeeTel Servtee.t ' "Detroit, Sept. 7.-i-Henry Oreata, srho Is working In an, organ factory here at tit per week, saya he la the heir to 1500,000, for .whom -Attorney Elbert Toung of Salem, Missouri, advertised. On account of his unpleasant record at home he will not go to claim tne money. He leftvhome at the age of 1 and haa not heard from his family In 17 years. , STEEL'TRUST LEASES r ARE DECLARED VALID tfesrnal giwvtal Serrlce.1 St Paul. Sept 1. The Minnesota su preme court today In the ease against Mabel Evans, decided that leasee on Mesaba Range made by the state auditor under private arrangement are valid. The ateel trust snd Great Northern hold leases worth millions which are Indi rectly declared valid by this decision, EXPLOSION INJURES r " : ST. LOUIS' FIREMEN '' -.',, m '.',,-, j (Jesnel Special Service.) St. Louis, Sept, 7. This morning As sistant Fire -Chief ljarry waa fatally hurt and- IS firemen Injured by the ex plosion, of gasoline while, fighting, fire ea Lucas avenue. -.4- ,,,'. r: f ; .,., , Oil WIFE BEATER - i i Cuban Revolutionary Leader Rejects Pro posed Cessation of Guerrilla Warfare. - Insursrent Cavalry. Holds- up a Train and Takes Mail, Seizing ' Warrants for Leaders' Arrest t. t '-..' ; While the Passengers Cheer Frave Threatens Trinidad. : -V '.. I V ...'..'..: ' (Journal Special Servles.1 . -' Havana. Sept T. Cavalry, under Ouerra today hold up the express train for Havana and took off tha mall Backs containing correspondence from . Ban Joan, where the government troops are located. Among the papers seised were warrants tor the arrest of Ouerra and a score of rebel leaders. " People on the train . warmly - greeted Ouerra and Adjutant Betancourt, ' who made the seisure. : ' ,'''. -"" : ; . 1 Ouerra ' refusea to accept an armis tice of hostilities and threatens a re newal of the guerrilla warfare. Santa Clara commissioners have Just reached General F rave's camp to propose the truce. Frave threatens Trinidad. . i General Fauatino Ouerra, who proved his soldierly quail tlea In the last war, la tha lending spirit of the Insurgents In arms and of those who are ready to take arma, which they know where to find. . Like Gomes, he might harass the government Indefinitely with small loaa to his own forces, causing untold dam age to tbe oountryr President Pal ma has fallsn greatly la - popular estimation " strifes - the suspicion has spread that he holds his position through reelection by means of - intimidation and Juggling with bal lots. Wbatsver may be the facta, there la no -question that the Impression Is general that - the election did not ex press the real aeatlment of the Island.' - The situation of the president of Cuba la not unlike that of the caar of Russia. - Both people- are clamoring for such a vacillating policy aa to make them the puppeta of their counselors and objects of puhllo ridicule. Very few believe now1 that the government can put down tha rebellion. . , . ; ENGLISHMEN DEMAND , ; NATIONALIZATION BILL (Jeernal Special Servlee.t ' Liverpool, Sept 7. The trades union congress - today," without discussion, unanimously Instructed the labor mem bers In parliament to Introduce a bill providing t for - the nationalisation of railways, : canals . and mines in the fJnlted Kingdom. TWO COACHES PULLED - - OVER AN EMBANKMENT JTearsat gpedsl BfTlee.i Santa Crua, Sept 7. The tender of a narrow-guage engine broke -loose at Ful tlon Junction and went over a bank 10 feet high, taking a baggage and passen ger coaoh with It The engineer and fireman had a narrow escape with their uvea. . .: ,, -,.-., GOVERNOR FOLK IN ; CRITICAL CONDITION (Joernel Spw-lil gerrtes.V " l Jefferson City, Mo.. Sept- T. The physicians report that Governor Folk la no better today. Hla condition la con sidered critical and grew feara for his recovery are entertained. . 1 " v ' ' 4eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeiee I INilARD CASH Journal. y Ths Information will surprise you. , A ll 111 t T TVITIHt V"t flTtl T A w v rif-i Mas - t nit, y vim ui- r mm il e ' ia aimoat oerona eartniy getting. What do yon think It laT M A ureen. rlchvst woman in the world., wants f aa ha Wannhi ""Ed" aOVSinor Cf TSZaa. Tha StorV I AS THE HOSES :traordlnary comblnatloi how he doea it. This i i POLITICS - insight into old-world traordinary eomblnatlona of colors, tells The Sunday Journal's readera how he doea it This article will Interest every PorUander, t . information from riy oomgs nera, v- MISS AMERICA" and can be found only In The Sunday Tin? : CTirTnirc For 11 Ij , ljlillljt5 hat the workers are dolns: games, r,,,.. VillllaJW fcn( .hort ,rls: -with ill the f .,.- penlngs In the musln, dramatic, art. rhnrrh and society worlds, are " more of the features that will pleasw, resders ef . , urn e TIE STUr.lP FOR JR0iI Nebraska Said to Bo Angry With Hearst Likely to .Favor Dis - trict Attorney. , TrlljKfaft lr IngAnsmnaamvaLAam I am a ahia ... Editor's Men Favor Trade With Democrats, Letting Lat ter Name Entire Ticket Except Governor- Members Opposed (Jonrnal fcpecUI gentles.) New York, Sept 7.'--If the Democrats of New Tork -nominate District Attor ney W." T. J erome for .governor, friends claim they are assured that Bryan will stump the state jor him against W. R. Hearst, the Nebraskan being angry at the publisher. Friends of Hearst deny this statement, but it la remarkable that to ehow that thers la a breach between them, it is pointed- out that none of the Hearst papers have editorially com mented upon Bryan's Madison Square Garden speech, despite the fact that Bryan advocated maasurea which Hearst haa been championing; for yeara. . In this respect the Hearst papers are ex ceptions to 'all the newspapera of tha country. For montha Bryan's name was barred from all Hearst papers. If Hearst doea not secure the Demo cratic nomination, he will run- aa an in dependent, probably thus precluding any possibility of Democratic success. To prevent the utter rata ef the party, Bry anltes who for some time have been idol by the editor, are planning rallying to Jerome's standard and are seeking to enlist Bryan In the cause to end Hearst's political career by an overwhelming de feat. ' . . ...... XMcae la froasie. - . 7 '"' Serious differences among tha leaders of the Independence league have be come more pronounced . aa the league's state convention approaches. One fao- tlOB.AmfMUM .ehtAflv-Af nanmul mm. resentaUves of - WUilam - B- Hearst, de sires to have the convention nominate only Hearst, then have the other, nom inations for the atate ticket referred to a committee fer action after the Buffalo convention. ' . While this faction la still In control of the stats ars equally determined to piace me en lire state ucaet in tne rieid at the convention In Carnegie hfl next week, regardless of ' the damage such aotlon may have upon the chances of, Hearst to obtain the Indorsement of the Democratic atate convention. . Beal IB AsseampSed. ' Hearat'a personal representatives are making every effort to cover up all signs of the deal they attempted to make -with soma of . the .leaders of the Democratic state machine to trade all of the nominations on the atate ticket tc the Democrats In return for Democratic indorsement of his nomination for gov-, ernor. - - . At a meeting of the state committee on Monday night a slate for officers of tha convention will Tie . handed to the committee by Hearst's representatives) for ratification. It -haa been decided to select a man from tha Interior of the atate for tem porary chairman and to place the pr- ; Lmanent organisation of ths convention unaer use control at on oi u nxnmn of the executive committee from New, York city. Judge Beabury In all prob ability will be selected as permanent chairman,' , .: , -; Terrorists Bars City, tJesrsal Speolil Serrlea.) ; ' Potsln. Sept 7. Terrorists started a fire here today whleh destroyed 17T houses and burned a boy to death. , eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee What are you worth to the nation, your aelf and family T Probably you da not I know; few people do. Ton can learn vour value tA a rent in Tha ainnHaw ana desire will spend 1 money , to used. it rs. Hetty ia imini thm mini An. faatnraa ni T 1 . n mnm a. FADE People think ' of neitt spring's. . The Win who creates roses, and who haa mada thr most ex Is alwaya Interesting, and while the news section ef The Sunday Journal filled with tha latest and -t every oorner ef the earth I-' of w. J. Bryan gives an Inter.. in- Is a catchy two-step, whose Inv esting muslo la writtn bv i I rnund Faraum. ft will be tie rnnmt :nnnur llncla Cf thS WSeiL. Journal , boys and girls aand grown-ups: fh- lth and Beauty nmis ror woman; tit it ;