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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 21, 1906)
TII3 OHZCOII DAILY JOURNAL. PQRTLAKD. TUESDAY ZVZi:i::3. AUGUST Zl. -llll. QDSY'S MARKETS ll :::3PECTion is a hi Fruit - Prices Are Better Since . I County Inspector Deich . r: ' - Began Operations. ' ? DEMAND IS NOW FOR - V FIRST CLASS QUALITY Trade Very Willing' t. PT Added : Value for Getting the Beat That "-.'Crowe and Oregon Producer Are :, Reaping the Reward. : ; ::: . rmet Stmt. A. M Tha principal featarse at the Portland wbolessi xarBi sonsy Inapectlea heneflt fro It prlea. . , Urate ben offered Bar frl. ; Wheat la stad aa nctrv. Oaod floor le t .Japan. . ftrarcitr o ml In aeat market. . . llreeeed hoc ar norea flrea. . Blpa Bears are acarca aad flraa. Peer seeches eaa from California. . Pish bean ara tlffenlns up. Hone ara aulet with arte earn. ,. : Oree eora show btttar onaiur. Potato market Is Tory ood akap. till eesrcttv of onions. X - xaanaetian Benefit Trait Trio. : While am fear emaplatata ara eeeuieealli ' hear on aeeaent of emftsmte fralt be In , sperlor Blchsrd Dh-b. tbe trad at tew1" .'.well pleeed ever the labors of the eonatr of fletsl. Before fralt loapectloa Weaai Brl ia tale market H waa tb be bit of California ehlppera to end an their srerxe aad ' fruit t thl elt;.th Portia mark beta nerd ae a durnpls arouad foe wkateeor fralt weald not aoaa maair m any other axarkef. Caadlttoae kar chanced, howeeer. elno tn Teat of the eonnty mepecTor. and any ehlpper of frella who Beads Infects atock t thla market to ta future ia taking, eery kmc chaaoee of havls hla fnilt eonnacate aad paying i$ eipree bill wit bent any retnrne. Special atten i tloa baa bom paid to Callfornla'a lafeeted traits, that atat bem tb chief ffender tn thla market ftnet aood ouaMty. Tb eea acatlsa of all thla bad and aaflt fralt baa A created fcoaTler demand for better eaal , ttv, aad thla fct a wonderful help ta tbe local ' market. WhU few yeara ago any old eort of quality canld be lly disposed of If the price waa riant, tha trad now waata nothing bul . tb heat aad name willing to par ' -Ity. Every week the Portmad fralt market at gerUng broader, and shippers who hae shipped here, for yeara are aoUctng tb better return . glTCB.' .,..'',,.-" Beet Peoahea Beans la Soar. ' WhU tber are aalt fair epplle of email lard pearater la the front atreet markets te ' day. ther I a great arareity af flrst-cUs etork. Prioao are held today ctoeer t $1 , box. . Only a tractleaal aaxeeat wt knalaaaa I resorted, higher taaa that agar; kmc cannot b uotd. i i Whim tnera . are plenty at groea BartWtt peer, hi tb marhata a acarctty eileU la ripe acecka, aad for the Utter tb price at Tory firm ; tod. y at 1.00 a box. Potato denied ta again firmer aad while tb pnr abowa ao ohange tb ton m Improead. Addltkmal Alaakaa baahMaa la reported. On ton druec with atipplle luat fab-. ; Oreea . cor k larger eapply with aoaa eery ' rbolc daality abowa from tb Weet eld today. ' Moat aalea by tb each now. . - - , n . Oram Bag Offered Km Treely. ' . Wblw tb prlr of grala bag remam aroona SSc. the market h not onlto eo arm a a few weeka ago. Offertnga are aaor liberal aad , the am. tag price at coaatry aotota haa been re dacod bj many laaiaarae , Japaa la baying coaalderabl door than day from Parlor coaat miller, and additional aaet aoaa m repertad daring the peat iM hoar by lcal ahlppera. Bxpart prtco at fd.1. ed aad a coaalderabl anmbcr af aama reported ' at Interior aetata. Bay la ator acttea with prlea aaeaaagod. . Smell arriTam mt barky keea ta arlee bar ea a aemlnel beam. Oat offered an m what mar t Ireely wtth price holding ataady hat aarhaag.d. - dmiet la Sep Market. - -While aU aorta ad raawr are a Beat regard , lag; prtcaa beiag paid k tba bop market, coa- were report today af Sic and tta being paid ap tb valley by former bayara, bat local deal re eey they haea a aider for aay aeh aatoaat. aranad lac, the aad ltc, with aa oceaalaaal a A hut thU la Ik. Mnl . - . f trad. , .. ,: ana ami m aneea jxaxneu. Pink , bona are atlrteabxg ap aa aeaoaat at a ml a.aana aad report of dicneai tn anp pltee. It m cwtaaed by tb trad that pink bar been to tow la prlct mMerlBg U rata ea atbera. Ormil meata r eery firm, aapoetally for eeel. The latter market hw Tory email receipt a. Price matotanied.- Egg ara not coming a freely aad arte are . allf tally Bp - gala lor etrtctly faacy goad. Three grade beside eaeteme ar sooted today. v Very firm tea ia contlnaed ia poaltry, and capeclally for good fat boa. Prlea tb nam. , Dreamery batter aad china firm aad an - changed. Tb trade pay the following prices to front atreet. Prior paid ahlppera ar lea regular commkmlooa: rata, Plenr and read.'' . GRAIN BAOS Calcutta, baymg price; Belling. tJ10c. WHEAT Nw club. aTei red Raaslaa aaet blneetem. 70c; valley. Tie. ARLKT Peed, tU.00; roiled, I34.004J38.M; frewtng, 124.00. IXIkS VVhela. I7.00; eraeked. 128.09 per KTK-41.U per wt.4 '' , OAT8 iew Pndaorrs price Da. 1 wklu. $28.00) gray, 828. 00 . - PUIL'R Raatera Oregoa patents, fx a-eo; fltmiiu,; eaport,; valley, aa.; graaam, a. a.w; whom wheat. 8.7B; rre. 6". Aft. TO; bale, $2.TS. HIUSIll' dHags, Br. a. 817.60 aer tent mid. ;:;. '" w"L,.""'? ST""'' ty. BIB.W, cevp, fi. w. m a . tw, , H At Producers' price Ttmethy, Wtllemett valley, fancy, f 12.00; ordinary, 810.000 lu.BO; esatera Orr(oa, 818.00O17.0O: mixed, Bio.oodi 10.80; doeer, I grala, fLBoasJO; aheau 7.0008.00. . - Butter. Sgg and IonJtry, . ' r BOTTIR PAT P. a. b." Portland-aweot cre.ei.JMc; eoar, 22He. BU'fTEaV-Clty crcamwy, 2c: eataid tascT. a4Uw: ordinary. 28. store, lee. ' rxKiH No. 1 fresh Oregon, candled, 22c ' , evdlaery, JHe; aaeaadled, SOHOBlt; raat era. m. t CHKEHB Nw Pall mem, futa, ltViauc: Toung America. IBtJIBHe. ' t POULT R T M I ted chlckea. I8K er Ihi fancy hcu. Me per ib; roosters, old. 10e pwr iwt -' 7. K" o irrerB, 14c: brollora, 14 pot lb; old dock. lal.V lb; sprlag dacka. 12H018H lb: . h10t lb; tarkey. Idc p-r lb; dreaaed, 20e set lb; aauaba, ll.ooCl.0 per doe; plgevna, lu " Hop. WmI aa Sid. H 0 PB Oootrsrta, ISO crop, I8020e per lb. " WOOL too clip Valley, esire. to modlam. tar: floe, 24c: aetra Oregon; SOCBia . MOHAIR New. nominal SMEIP8KINS Sheering. 18020 each; short wool. -dJ40e! medium wsei, 808J7B eaehj iwey wool. iocxj..ov . c , TMImD OF UTAH'S WHEAT- ; CROP RUINED BY RUST 600D 106 at (Joamal SpecUl Rervlo.) d :Oadcn. Utah. Aug. II. A third d . of tha ontlra what crop of d 4 Vtah la ruined by mat. Th loaa d d la confined to tho Irrigated crop,. 0) d tho dry farm era" crope not be in a; d 4 tnuchad. Tbla moan about 4 d al.oOB.OOft loaa tti th farmers. 4 . . JOURNAL'S DAILY ' TIPS OH MARKETS d Orfon PchN aghlnif thd 4 world. Thla aaaertlon cn ba v ...uw nM.t. ir i aver aa w w a. and lasted ona of thOM Elbcrta - d d now being ahlpped to thla rear v b. k. iiiiArT. Runn - of ' TP d a. ' riallaa. Roma of tha ahlptnanta d d mado by him thla morning meaa- 4 d urea narly a foot around and d ' tha eolorlnr w tha beat , d In thla market thla eaon.Wr. Bunn la aald to hard .Ukan all d piiaed at tb ltwla and Clark fair for theaa pcachaa. . 4 ' d " TALLOW Prime, per tb, M)4ei V. $ aad CHlTTIARK-iaM .fork. iW ! ISOd. 8ttc per Ta. HlDKa-fwy. No. I. t . "0 We per lb; dry kip. No. I. ta 1 "av,!! IT He lb; dry kip. No, I, to 1 dry calf. Ho. I. aor I be. lae"ea aioee. hh! b'- e,Ti IS to go Ibe. be; calf, eennd. aader 1ft lb, lie. Ere a. anaaltrd. U Jeeej calla. 1 per lb lead; ereehldee. Mlted. car.. il.-oflMft; . $1.00l.ftu; colt hide. VMc: goat akl-a. eemmea. aaea. auaj.oc ..lani - ' V . rraHa aa TagataUan, '.. POTATOKS New, Oct.1.00 per Mckre- dnccra- Mire for car lota, t6l per cwt; awerte. Re lb, . ONIONa Johblng price New Walla Wll. tl.5 per ck: new t-allfornl. red, !., allrere. 1.7S; g'H. P" ".., '. FRESH rauiTH new appiee, orangea, Valeerla. fe.ToQa.uo: oenanaa, 'o lb: lemon, choice. M MHI M boa; fancy, g.OOOd llO per bo Haw. Melcan. $1. pet lw, Ilawallaa, 3.OtN95.0O; pliime, tm Qllie per crate: centaloupee. a.H5fl3 M. I., ni nil., ti- huoh tin a I BO: California grapee. fl. 00.11.66: Orefta. 80tr7Sc: blarkber- rlee. crate; watermeiooa. ei. 1I H: mnrbM. '7&r f 1.00: peara. ll.M; prune, balk. 3c per lb; packed, 90e Box; Buraienerrie. iac. vKuiri-.ut.ra iwim. new. tl.00 ar Bare: rarrota. Jl.110 per aack: heeta. tl.60 per Beck; K rani pa. $1.80 : per aack; Orrfoa r.dlah. 9 per doe; cabbage, Oregon, le; hell peppere, tloc per lb; v tomaloee. 0e Cl 24 per hot: panmlpe. OcC$l.0O; atrUg . bran. Oregon. Te per lb; caoll flower, tl.od per doc araa. 4t6e; aoree. radlah. 7e per lb; ertlchohi Tie per doe: qua. I Uc; greea onloaa. Oregon. Htte per rt'ia banchra; cucumbers, 3fie per box; celerr. 75c per doe; green corn, l2HtlSc dca: eam mer qaaah;. Tftcr$lj00 per bos; ggnlat. (l.ZSl.7e per crat. , VHIKD FRl'ITS apple. Tapornie, 14c per lb; apricot. ISMQltw per lb; ISmlxUe na th mrm La ae lb leoa 0 to id. (c: Ue dron oa each l-ld a mallei aim; Ira, California black, Pr m; rallfomla white. ttHc per lb; dates, goldea, TV pa lb; tarda, 81.40dil.a0 par la-lb boa. fBBWlaa. ATnt. It. .. SrQAR All refrnerle Tobe, 88.80; powdered. S.IK; fralt,- grannlated, KM: dry graaolatcd, 5 OS:- coaf. A. (.V0A; weetera P. C 4.ft; Hawallaa C. C. 84.03: extra C, 84.56; gold C. 4 &A- n. rellaw. gA.SO: hblae lOe! U bbl. 8Se: boxen, SO edvnnc ea aack bum. lea t&e per cwt for cash. 18 day; maple, UOIA er lb. (Above prlree apply t ata af lea tha car lots. Car lots at apodal prlea aabjMt to 8uct iatlona.1 , , . . . HONKT 88.00 per crate. COFPtlS I'ark.r brands, tlT.28Cjift.TB. 8 ALT Coaraa Half groamf. look. 80.08 pet Ion; 80. 8O.50I table, dairy. 80a. 818.00; 100. 811.78; Imnerted Uverpool. aOa. 817 00: 100a, 818.60: ti, 818.00; extra ane. bble, ta. Be, 10a. 84.B0dlB.a0: bulk. 30 lb. 84.0OCJB.0O; aaeka. Boa, 80a8c; Liverpool ramp rock. 818.80 per ton: BO-Tb rock. 80.00 100a. 88.00. RIC8V Imperial Japan, rlo. I. Be; Ho. 1 BOBVie; New Orteaoa head, Tel AJax, Be; Creol. BVe. ' ' BRAN Smn white, . B.s larce whit. B.B0; pink. 83-78; bayoa, 84.75; Umaa. 1648; rxlcan red. dHe. "V. . NUT Peannta. Jamb. Be' Per lb; -Vtrglnla. OBVtc per lb; roaeted, 4 per lb Jap aeee. 8B4e; routed, TQ7H per lb: eecoe nata, UrTOOe per doe; walnata, lSOUVk per lb; plnenata, loe)I2 per lb; hickory Bate, 10 per lb; rbeatnnta, eutere. lafjlde per R; Brail I nam. IB per lb: filbert. 14418 per lb; faacy poena. 15c: alnroada. 1617. Mat. Oaal Ott. Xta. R0PB P- MaBO. 14c;' Udard,' KI leal. lie. . COAL OIL Pearl ee Altrsl Oaar JH ear gal; water white, . Iron brrl 14c per gsL woodea ITe per gal; headlight, Itdmj. caaee tiSr per gL 0A8OLIN E M-deg. caaee 84H Pr gal. traa able 18c per giL I RCMINC tt-6r. IS per gal, traa bbla 1HC per gal, . . TURPENTINE I Bde per gaL de able 3c per gaL WHIT LEAD Tea lots, T4 par lb; SOB-tb Iota. 8c per lb: Irs lot, 814 per lb. WIR NAMA Present bul at tl-88. LINHEFD OIL Pure raw. In B-bal km. Bdc; I -bbl lot. 8c case. B per gal; geealn kettle bat led. curs. Oe per gil; S-bbl lot, B4c; 1-bbl lot Bsc per gal: ground rake, car rot, fM.OO per ton; lea . than ear lets. 830.00 par tee. . . Meata, Flab aad gmmliaa. - PRB8H MEATS Proot Rtnot Hog, fancy. BHc; ordlBary, 7HJBc; poor. T07V.C per lb; balls, lJ3c per lb; veal, extra. lV ia; ordinary, T per lb; poor, 8 per lb; mattoa, fancy. 8jav,c per lb; lambs. 8re. - HAMS, BACON. KTC Portland nock Oocal) hams, 10 to 14 tba. ITe per lb: 14 to 1 Iba. lttVsC per in; areaxraex Bacon, inezzic per lb; nkculoa, 12He per lb; eottsae, 10 per regnlar abort clears. - anaaxoked. lie per lb; smoked, 13c per lb; clear beck a, unamoked, IS per lb; mnea lae per ; uniea batt 10 to IS lbs; cosBMiked, 8c per lb; cmoked. Be aer lb: clear beUlee, aaamoked. 14 per h; enanked. lac per lb; boatders. 12V er lb; nlckled toncaee. 88.00 auarter bbL ' , 12 nor 12 per lb; i V ; lb; Ba, 124 Dr lb: GO-lb, Una. team rendered. 10a. 11 Sc per lb .l, - in. mu.m CANNED SALMON Columbia rtver. i.B talK. ll.BO; 2-lb, talla, 82. TB; fane?, l ib Sate. (I SO; H-lb faacVaeU, 1.1B; fancy l ib ovale. 82 78: Alaaka talla. pink. 8B)S0e; red. 81. to; aomlanl , tall. 8200. PISH Rock cod. Tc aer lb: Sounder. Be nor Rv. halibut. Be per lb; crnba. 81.00 per doe; 'I UHeo nass. latac nor in: cataaa. ae aer in: salmon, ajolumbia river cblnook. 8c per lb: steel- reads, ae per in; cxnenaca. ae per rn: n erring, ee per lb; soles. Be per !b: nrtmpa, 10 per B; perch. Be par lb; black cod. 7 per lb; tomcod. Te per lb; silver smelt, Be per lb; lobster per lb: fresh maekereL 8 pa lb; erawBsb, 20c nee doe: shaft. 8 par tb; eturgiee, 10c per lb: black baaa, 20e. OYSTRRS Sboaheatar' hay, pet gal. 82.23; per 110-lb aack. 84.00. CLAMS nardahell. per box. ' $2.00; lama, 82.00 per bos. 230 GOATS AMONG TODAY'S ARRIVALS IN YARDS Otherwise Receipts Are Nominal 'Hogs Very firm -Crttte . Good for Best. Portland I'aloa StockrardK, Aag. 21. Uvb- stocb rocsipt:- Hoc. Cattle. Sheeo. Today 2ft veek ago .WO ; 20 TO Month axo. ... ... Year ago lid 113 82 nut nominal arrival! were shown m th Dro plock market today, the recelpta amounting to 28 head of rattle and 230 gnata. Hogs and rattle are firm, the latter for heat eaet of tbe mountain alork. Sheep In ateady demand. Official livestock auotatkma: Hoes Ileat eaatarn Oreenn. M.MelT.Bfl blocker and China fata. 88 .SO; Mocker and feeder. 8.1.00: bulla. 82.90. Cattle Beet eautera Oresoa stem. 88.80; beat eowa and belfere. 82bOA2.7B; atorker and feier. 12. an; bulla, 82.. ., . , . Sheep BbearllBg. 44He; lambs. Sc. EASTERN CATTLE STEADY. OUosff fxarkos oo4 fop ZJTOstoesv . Mofu Bttcmg. Chicago, A. 11. Livestock recelnta: ... Hoes. Cattle. Sheen rh tears lli.0"O 8.0") 2.0"0 Kanaaa City...... (WW mm Omaha , . &.MI0 8.MI0 ' J.2IP0 ring are at mar, with l.vto left over. Re celpta rear ago were 18.000, Price: Mixed. i nftrdd0: good and heave. 8.0&(t.M. rougi. rj.n..iv. ivni, Bn.vean.aa. a Cattle Steedj, . Sheep Stead. ' '- A SLIGHT ADVANCE 10 OTT PIT Chicago Market : More Than Holds Its Own With Prices Somewhat Higher at Close. . VALUES RISE EIGHTH ' TO A QUARTER CENT Liverpool Come Higher at f the Opening and ThU Help American Price Better Demand f orFlour Ia One of the Bullish Incentives. RELATIVE! WHBAT TALCB. Ang. 11. Aug. 10. Oata. lns. .JH4 .!! .84 flrplember.... .TIVR 8 'I1 December.... ,T4 vt-, .74, May , .T8if j .78 . ,ie. . AO Ana. 11. The wheat market waa rather dull today, with the tradd almost enually dlvded betweea barer and eller. Tho'bulU, however, had a little tb best of th situation. for. with a good gala early la Liverpool, tn market her held It own, aad option lod to 14 higher. . " u... biw. who arero nnder th Impreaalea that they were la ring la a vary big lcck of fkmr. realise they could Bv - taaen e. more thaa their bids called for. A steady floor buslDoea bow prevails, and It looka aa though flour waa well worth fWr money aad tha people are beginning to appreciate It. The buyera. howvr, only work from band t bmbU, and wast vrythlng delivered right y. Th winter wheat movement appear to be on, nd from th Indications from tb price paid It la thought that tb movsment of new spring wheet Is very likely to be dlaaprtment. Officio! ouotatkma by Ovrbac, Htarr Ook company: .. . t i , . . Opea. . : High. tw. Rept-... ...THA I .714 I .70 Iec...,. .T4I ,T4i5, .74 May ,T8 .78'J .T8ii .. .-. corn, r Clcaei Sept.. . Dec... My. nept... Dee... M.y... Sept.. Jan.... rM '. .44 BV, M. ; " .44 4BZ ' ' :. .48 . AS .44 .401 .OAT, M J Hi .8814 .8o5i . .82 .81 B JIB MERS PORK. iToa 18.48 8.T0 8.70 T.BS , IT. IB . IT . 18.82 18.44 , " LAatD." 8.T0 ST aTO -: 8 88 T.85 7.M 1T.0BB 18.60B S.M S.87B T.8T ept.i UCI...W lu.., SHORT SIM. . Seat. Oct., 8 T 00 . - 8 1 .0I. 8. 71 u 78 " x 8 70 .7 7.Z2 7.20 7X1 7.25 Va CEICAS0 CASH WxTXAT. . Chicago, Aag. 21-Oaah wheat: , v - , . Sid. ' No. t red I .71 No. 8 red , No, 1 hard No. S hard No. t northern, new NaeS noclbera, new. V .. .- . 4 i.i i .71 .71 .To2 .Tl . ' .74 v ; .751 .73 ' .TB MINING .STOCKS "ARE TT7 . ' IN PRINCIPAL CALL ' PoHlaad ' Block ' Bicbaag. Aag. 21. Three thousand sbsrea af mining atock were aold ea 'change today. Ona thousand of Orogoa Securi ties went at Sc. 1.000 abare Tacoma Bteel at lac and 1,000 ahara af Oolconda at Sc. Urent Northern waa added to tb mining atock Mat, Official bid and uk pries: ' BANK BTOCK8. Bank of Callfomln 80S MerchanU' Natloaal Oregoa Trust m Saving.. ... United State National 200 Portland Trust Co ' ITS ISO 120 102 Banker' AY Lumbermen's. MISCBLLANBOU TOCX8. Ufa. Co IB t'eapbell'e viae Bum.. l'm S unioa uti auo lated Oil... 17 H Alaaka Packere' BT Pacific Rtatee Telephone Bd Horn Telephone Co. 85 Puget Sound Tel. Co." , B0 Oreioa Life Insursnca Oo . ... ' 10UO i. C. Le CO.. ....148 ISO ma. abb. Merlin Townelt JO M Nleola Onal .02 .... International (tool .......... M .... Cement Products C......r?m. .... .40 MTNINO arTOCa.. ! : Amaka Petroleum JT Alaaka Pioneer .V.' 4T ' .... StBBdard Coa .' .10 .12 Oregoa Kecuxltle XMVk anuwitorm ..... Lee Creek Uold.. J0 Tacoma Steel 10 Gallr Co .03 .04 Oallahar OoMea Rule Oa.... .OK 02H .00 Btillfrn; Terrible ... Oolcond .OS North aalrvlew ..... LeRoy ,. Hiawatha ... 4 ' .02 id ... .IS ... 8.20 .u.t Caacadla , .18 Hecla .!. .40 , .10 .40 Aak. RanibleT4rnboo Dixie Meadowa ,l. .05 . Oreat Northern .28 SCOAR STOCKS. - Bid. Hawallaa Commercial...... m 82 . Honokea - Sugar. Hntrlilnaoo Hncar. Makawell Sugar . 85 81 "H 80 H 81 Onomea Sugar.... Paanhaa Sugar. . , Union Sugar I Total aalee for day, 8.000 ahare. . nW(T0BJC COTTOB MARXZT. New Turk. Auc. SfjCotton rloaed atron.a. with future 2 to S aointa no. Official oaoUtloa by Ovorbock, Star g) Cook Ope. High. Low. Aag.21. Aaa.20. January ..... .2d 2S . 8.15 B 20 S.23 Febraary ... a.aj a n a.xa 0.88 S.M B.3H S.40 8.80 a. 01 ' S OS S.I8 8.17 S.20 S.82 Marca ..... w. v. hi . v.xo April . S.28 S.2S 2H B.B4 May B.32 P.84 S.BO S-XT S.TB S.M B.04 Angnat .....8 70 S.HO 8 77 September 8. HO S.od 8i 8 00 s.oo S.1S 8 on 07 08 S.4M October , November B.OT S.0S 8.09 S.14 December ' Ilvsrpeel Oottea Market. Llvernool. Aug. 21. Cottoa future rloaed quiet and auehanged to 2 point higher. . BOBTOxT COPPIB MARKIT. Boa ton, Aug. 21. Official copper eloalng: Bid. Rid. Adventar Alkmen ... Arcadia . Atlantic ., ...18.00 Parrot ... 82 00 IPbnenlg ... 8.V) iqnlnry ...... .27.00 . .05 . 90.00 . T0.00 . . 8..V) . 90 50 . 987 . S4.2B . 80 00 . T78 .1K2.00 ' . M.7S .. T.8T . 1000 ,. 8.50 .112.00 13 SO Koral Bingham . Celumet ., Centennial SS.BO Hhannoa ..... ..T20.00A ITamarack . . . . , 2o.nO (Trinity ...... noDonr Ranee.. 77.78 i ni tea copper I'tah Winona Wolvrin . . , , Daly West.... 18 87 Franklin 18.50 flreene Copper 20.00 iirenny ..... Mohawk .... Nevada Cea . . North Butte. Old Dnmlnloa 12.00 ftli. S. Mining. 2.nn irj. 18.00 IK.if Bntta... 92.00 I Black Mt 41 25 lial. Arm.. 110.20 I SAJr ACIC0 LOCAL STOCKS. Baa. Franciaco, Aag, 21. Official clooe: Bid. - Ak. l onira outb t. aier. , Bo Spring Valley Water 2n Ilawallaa Commercial..., BflVi Honokea Sugar ,..... 18 Hntrhlnana Hnaar, ..... ., 14 Makawell Sugar, .,'.... -... 84 . Onnmea Sllgar. , ........, .i 81 Paanhaa Siiaar 18 Alaaka Paer'. ............ ...... Aaeoriated Oil ., faalO Ststa TUoboa..l.TajTa M 4 85 Bl ' l 1- MS Fruit Inspection Has Proven the Beet Thlnj That Ever Happened to Oregon Fruit Pro ducere Prices Higher Than Ever Before, HILL STOCKS RISE OTHERS LOSE Northern Pacific ; and Great Northern Very Bullish With Cain in Former' lesue LONDON UNSETTLED ON, ; FEAR OF, LIQUIDATION Believed In That. Quarter That Va! parajso Diaaater Will .' Cause Re newed Selling Pressure New York ' Market Breaka. . -; - , NET LOSSES. ... 1 MUeonrl Pactfle. ... 24 Norfolk ... 2 N. T. Central.... .... "4 Ont. A Weetera.. ... ' Reading ... 1 Republic Steel.... ... Hock . laland ... do preferred. . . ,., . Southern Ry...... .. " I Southern Pacific ... ' ITuitin Pacific ... KU. 8. Steel ...... do preferred HIT GAIN&V . Amalgamated .' Atchison ..... Smelter Rrooklya Baltimore St. Paul Canadian ...... Locokootlv National Lead. Brie Oreat Western iy ... Anaconda . . . . . Colorado Pnel.. Central Leather. U. 8. Rubber.. iocttoa Oil ...... Northern Pacinc. Rep. Steel, pfd... Well Street. New York. Aug. 21. They ar talking big tblnga for Oreat Northern ' aad Northern Pacific, and. despite th general heavy lessee la other securities ea 'change today. Hill atocka advanced rapidly. Northern Pacific rloaed with a net gain of t point ever yeater day. Other bnlilab talk la a 10 par cent die deed aa American Smelters, S per cent oa Atcu laou and T per cent oa Peaneyrvauia. Aaaer lrana In London were heavy, owing ta a fear that the Valparala diaaater will causa further liquidation. The market her closed almost at th bottom. Official auotationa by Orrbck, Starr. A loofa u.t i DESCRIPTION. : Amalgamated Copper Col 100 1110 107i;i074 American u. r., cot. Sm. Cottoa Oil, com... Am. Locomotive, coot,). American Sugar, eom.. American Smelt., com.. do preferred Anaconda kilning Co... America Woolen, com. Atehiaoa, coxa. ........ do preferred ......... Baltimore Ohio. cam. SOU 704 141 1S lift 274 ISO 118 118 200 26S SB ioil 101 101 ' 118 1 Brooklyn Rapid Transit. Canadian Pacific, coax.. Ceatral Leather, coxa.. C. A O. W. com. 0. M. St. Paul & A Northwesters, cam. 78 lay. 109 oh 104 oov 18'i 1024 211 IBS 190 lli 207 Chess oeeke m Ohio.... 8 87 88 82 -80 BT 1 84 Colorado F. A, I., coca,. Oolorado Soathnra, eom. Cora Products, com do preferred Delaware A Hodooa.., D. B. 6.. eom..... da preferred......... Erie, . com .do 2d preferred... do let preferred...... Ullnola Central.... Loulavlll A Naahvllle.'. Manhatun Railway.,.. Mesicaa Central By.... U. K. A T., com....... do preferred Mlaaourl Paciflc National Lead New a'ork Central N. T., Ont. A) Weetera. . Norfolk a west., com... do pvefcCTed .......... North American.... .. .... Northern Pacific, aom... Pacific Mall S. 8. tie... Peansylvaala Railway... P. ).. L. A C. Us Pre seed Steel Car, eom. . Bonding, com do 2d preferred...... da let preferred...... Rep. Iron A Steel, com. . do preferred.......... Bock laland, com...... do preferred St. L. As S. P., 2d pfd.. St.- L. A S W " com 22 48 87 40 BT ST T8 47 71 T 4S T " TBI ITT 1TB 100 102 164 ISO .... BT f,H! 88 Tl is 81 TA 98 .... tan 148 148 a 82 91 84 84 84 212 Zl 88 142 90 B4 1484 140 141 94 or so 811 20 J 20 101 1011 3 07 aS 244 Boatbern Pacific, com... 804 80 oo prererred Boathera Railway, coa ' do preferred lis 90 Tenneaae Coal AV Iron. . 161 Tsxsa a) racinc. . , . . ... To!., St. L. W com., do preferred Caiotv Pacific, ansa do preferred TJ. 8. Rubber, com.,,.. TJ. 8. Steel Co., aom..., do preferred... Wabaeh, eom .., tana JbffcfipTTWl' .as XV est era Union Tel Wlatanaln Central, coal, do preferred 84 B! J4t BR 88 2 no o 183 14 "is 48. 40 4k 44 107 21 100 107 II 20Ti 47 so 47 91 28 82 20 'ar a S3 ; sab- Tsjurcisco lmrai xxcxajtox. Baa rraacme, Ang. 21. -Official aootatlona: Bid. Bid. I 8.12 Mexlcaa .......$ 120 .15 Caledonia ..... .28 .04 F.i chequer 49 .21 Norcroa ..... 1.10 1.50 ' Oold Crowa.... .15 ' .81 Oreat Bead... ".60 2.2B Rescue .22 8.00 Black Batt E., " .04 - .54 . Tramp 1.00 . 1 .82 Oold. Belmont.. .81 S.8T Montgomery 1ft '.80 18.82 Sunset .20 2.08 Sceptre .48 .09 Manhattan ... .12 .81 Berk Hum... - .24 .1 Dexter .....r. .82 .50 Granny , .20 .41 Oold Wedge... .IS : .IT Lone Star . .18 .47 1 Ureat Bead It. .22 ...I.' do Annex..., .12 . , .OS Crescent ...... .18 1.80 Cowboy ,12 .48 Deo rer Anno. . .26 ., .80 Bulls Beet. .04 .40, Black. Rock...: .04 .23 N. Y. Central.. .18' -4.40 Manroa ....... .90' ,1.0ft Little Jo.. .V. .OT - ,08 Ma flower . ., .88 .55 Jumping Jack..' .40 .Oft Red Top Annex .00 -' .8.1 Mtiatang V 20 ' 1.00 Bullfrog Mining ,B8 .90 Delay .......... .90 '1.50 TriaBgle ., .OT ,.U Trkmp CO 1.42 .47 Strog .. .44 1.18 Victor .TB 90 ( . . f - r Belmont ......I Cnah Boy Golden A neb or, Horn Jim Butler . .. Macnamar ... Midway .'. montane North Star ..4 Ohio To. Ex. .... Nevada West Bad..... Adams ., Atlanta Bluebell ....... Booth Columbia Mt... Con Curry.... Demondfteld .. Male Ooldfleld ..... Jam be do extenekiB. Kendall ...... Lagan ...... May Qoee.... Mohawk ...... Red Top...... SandsWrm .... Silver Pick.... St. ivea National Bank. Denver ... . . . Kcllpee ...... Oold Bar O. -Tin 1 1 frog.... Stelawav ..... Con. Cai. T.. Obplr .. TrarrrES btatis eoTsmaTMEsTT soitds. Kevr Tort, Aag. M. Oovwraniont bond: . . . Pnta. Bid. Aeh. 106U io a 104 104 ioi" 104 181 181 Tkn.. reeUlered Opt. 1081) di eenpon.. '....... Ont. 108 Smell bonda. J ronra, re.tereB lOOT KW do coupon "1221 ' J2S rnr, refl-tre...W WJ JJO OO ranpOtl. . e a a a ea v- ev Platrlet of fkluaibU 1834. JIB Philippine 4 .... 108 yOKTXAVO BA1TX XATXlfXT. , rietrln Balaacee ..rrt.. ........... .ST 884 fl ............ ei,41.B '." ' Vasr Trfc-LBSs llr. Nrw Tork, Aug. SI. Bar allTer, t; Vrm eoa, 80 IB-IBd. ' ' ( Badia Blooaa Seek Dlvoree. . ' ' (Bperlal Plapatrb te Th Jotiraal.) '. Pendleton, Or.. Aug. . A eult for divorce has been filed by Badle Bloom asslont J. IT. Bloom, desertion being alleged ss th ranee for tha action. The two were msrrle at Republic, .Wash ington. In July, 1S. and they hav no J ehildren. ) . ." " . : ' DffiKJ-GOOS CAY ROAD STARTED Lose ComDany" Breaks . FWet - . i ; Ground at Eastern Terminus ' of Railway. . - THOUSAND WORKMEN WILL .- BE AT.W0RK NEXT WEEK Vaat Amount of Hay and Other Sup . plies Hav Been Bought by Con ''tractor and Everything ' Ia Pr pared for Steady Employment. " . V,;': ,;-,; C; (SpeHal Dkpnteh to Tba JesvnaLI , Drain. OtH Au. Jl. Tba first around was broken laat evenlnf for the Drain Coos Bajr 'railroad. Two hundred and ftrty mules, a dosen carloads of scrap er a, plows and otbar tools from Califor nia and several carloaoa of powdor. pro-' visions, ate..- have arrived already , and also enousrh men to begin work on this treat , undertaklna wbloh means so much for southwestern Oregon. Several . hundred mors man are ex poeted to arrive Uhla week, when work will be- pushed with the utmost vigor. Nearly a thousand ton, of hay have boon bought by the Lo company be tween Drain and Elkton. 1 miles woat of hare and preparation are made for ateady work until the road ls finished. Work will commence next week on the big 4,000-foot tunnel at Faradlao crook about IS miles west of here. - The Loaa company has aublet a contract to Colo at: Sweeney of Portland to build two smaller tunnels. 11 and IS miles wont of Drain. Each of these tunnels will be about 1.100 feet long. It is the Intention to have 1.808 or 1,100 men at work on the new road within a few days.. The wages paid are from 12. Zl up. ' , . Several immense warehouses ar ow ing built here In which to store pro vision. The 40 by 200-foot shed. In which to' store 10,000 barrels of cement Is nesting completion and thousands pf the barrels have already been stored in It. -' - ...-' ' AU la bustle and excitement at Drain,. which la sure' to grow Into a great thriving city, within a few yeara, , TEACHERS . OF THE BO Hire in mmm Delegates Gather at Hotel Ore- goh to Listen to Papers and - Discuss Topics. 1: The national convention of superin tendents and teschers for tho blind has been In session at the Oregon hotel to day. ' Peers were read at both the morn ing and afternoon aesolons, -which -were attended by the delegatea in - ue city. The attendance at' the -eohventlon' T light owing to the fact that the present seaslon is the third one tbst . was sr- ranged for thla year;" - The flret waa to have taken place la Ban Francisco, but waa put off until a later date owing . to the disaster that overtook the city. Then the meetinga were to have been held in July accord ing to the eeeond egreement entered into by the delegatea, but thla waa aet aalda. The present date la ao late that many delegate who otherwise would have ''at' tended And tbemaelvea unable to do ae becanee their acboola are about to open for the winter aeealon. Thomaa B. it cAloney of Boulder, Mon tana, read a paper thla morning on -Text Books for th Blind." A discus sion followed, which was led by Dr. J. 1. Dow of Minnesota and U L. Wilson of Indianapolis. - A general dlacusaion fol lowed on the part of the delegates. ' . At this afternoon' ' meeting Thomas P. Clarke of Vancouver read a paper on Advisability of Dual Bchonis for Deaf and, Blind." He Was followed by Get W. Jonea of Salem, Oregon, on "Manual Training Schools for the Blind." The lsst paper thl afternoon was read by Oeorge 8. Wilson on -"The Blind in Literature." - - i Th delegate left thla afternoon for Vancouver, where they will hold meet inga thla evening and tomorrow. Gov ernor Mead will be in attendance at the meeting tonight aal will deliver an ad dress. Tomorrow afternoon the mem bers will go to Salem, where meetinga will be "held, after which the delegates will return to their home DOVIE AND VOLIVA AGREE TO BUSY : DIFFEREKCES Leaders Agree to Unite -Dowie to Be Spiritual and Voliva . . ; -' Business Head. . fJoaraal flneeUl ereleB.I Chicago, Aug. 81. John Alexander Dowie and Wilbur Qlenn Voliva .have agreed to bury their differences snd will unite their interests in the government of Zion. By the terms of the agree ment reached,' . John Alexander Dowie will for th remainder of his life ire main "first apostle" of the Christian Catholle church, while the temporal af fairs of the community will be tn the hands of Voliva and hla supporters. It Is e greed that Dowie ehall drop all attempt to dispute the ruling of the federal court in the recent case be tween himself and Voliva for possession of ths assets of Zlon. tn return -for this Voliva, and his friends promised that ao aoon aa the of fice) of general ,overaoer Is vested In Voliva the latter will proclaim his faith In the teachlnge of Dowie and acknowl edge hla supremacy In all matters per taining to . the church. WESLEY OSLER SAYS v TRUST IS WRONGED (jAoraal Special rr1.) New Tork. Aug. 11. Wealey Osier, president of the ice trust, wss a witness beiore tne grana jury mm morning, xie was Indignant to think that he should have been aummoned. He ssld if th public knew the fscts It would erect a monument to the trust instead or viiii- fylng It. Th otsts expect to show the Ice trust snd Independents conspire to keep up the price and create a shortage, i ii -. . ' ' w Terk OsVh OW fa. Her Tmk. iif. si. Cash eeffett Ke, I Bio, It! Ke. 4 lasto, .. ( - .,. , ,,T( ..'A CHEAP LOCATED WITHIN 7 BLOCKS of FIRST AND YAM. HILL 16 ROOMS. JUST FINISHED . IN FINS STYLES-CENTRAL v LOCATION NO TROUBLE ; i TO KEEP. FILLED W hav a braln. for. soma . rooming-house basin. . furnishing of 16room lodging-hous in up-to-dat tyl with brand-new carpet and furniture. It i all ready f of ' -business. Circumstance enabla ii to offer you a Tory great bargain. Call and e n for further particular.1: 173-175 FIRST ST. : W9 M. Lapo Paea. JfCriAIMB JUILOINB Aa Oragom eorpormttoi whaok UgMeaa eke. po Hoy-holder's bnjdsx. .' sower (pisrsatsse level pteislass raSis tkasi aay otbae sxrxapaay, .Bella! deelred aa ii The BREAKERS HOTEL AMJERICAN PlaAJN.- -yj iiiii . -a. - "iiisna suBucaw uiaoB oi aOMtri LUht. Steem, Hot aad Col Salt rla Oaeaty. week. HOTEL MOORE ' Ora sllVXy TaCB TBAB. CUlsop EeadL Stzslit, Ortgon ctnrT soTjrsa or omaaoaT. r.u 'm . ii,. marlAAlrlne tha ocean. Hot salt baths and surf bath ing. Recreation Bier lor nanina- bub parlors, electrlo lights, fireplace. , and Burnnc heat. Pine walks and drives. Sea foode a apeclalty. . - ,; Rates $2J ad J3.C9 Per Day WrWClAJt maVTBB STg TBS wall, ; - DAN J. MOORE. Proprietor. North Pacinc College of Dentistry One of the largeet and best equipped Institutions of Hs kind In. the entire West. No dentsl school can boast of a better force of specially trained teach ers, who devote their entire time to the interests of the students. The clinic are uneurpassed, being In sxceas of the needs of the students. The annual sesalon begins October I. For Information and Illustrated catalog addreaa the dean, ' DR. HERBERT C. MILLER, Portland, Oregon.' . ACADEMY Portland Oregon , - ' 18th TBAB WlXZi OrXsT IIM. IT. ' Pits boys and glrla for Eastern and Weatern collaa;. . . Includes a primary and gramma school. v , ' Boarding hall for girls atTordlna the ooraforta and ears of a rflnd home. Office hours during the. Bummer from I a. m. to 11 m. ' For cktatogue write to the ; , addreaa given above. . - : Medical Department i n JOth Anntel Sesalon . Begin Sept. 17. ,1800, Addreaa . K. Jnaenhl, M. D.. Deaa, , 10 Detain Bid., PorUand. . Columbia University , University Tark,' Portland, Oregon. Claiical, scientific, commercial nd grsmmsr grade course. Apply for cataloBu. -.V PORTLAND University of Orego LOW RENT. ' - t on who wants to enter tb ,W' ,hav just completed the . . ... .'" . ':f' : 21-227 YAMHILL ST.' TMBVVItxoitV .''. Italtt. A. jut ijM'qjm.'iiii'Bij 4 - ! - , ri . : nm rmna mom Water fa Beery tab. htsv Tlehata 1 WE raBtefne Aieraas. Bjreehars, Wash. 3 Portland PORTLAND, ORJEOOK. EUROPstAN PLAN ONLY ' HEADQUARTERS FDR TOURIST AND COMMERCIAL , , TRAVSLKRS. ' everything to eat and drink, and it coats no more la the- ,- . , , Por11n4 Hotel !UtvktUr ! than alaewhere in the oltv, weekday night from 8:1 to IS. ' . at. o. aovrvms. a Cloud Cap Inn Oregon's fsmous - mountain reeort at ' ; anow Hna.i, i r..v; K oh Mount Hood Away from' th heat of the etty. Th most delightful resting- place In the northweat, , Full InformaUon at the :..-i--.-'i''-;. a r.' N. , ' TICK ETOFFICE, Third & jt: Washington St. - : e4 Hotel Eaton DOB. KOBaUSOS ABO WXX U BT. ' NEW - flindaomelr fornlahed, elerantlf eolpnB. Srenroof. Bve xalantee' walk rruea heart et hopping end hoelnea Slatrlet. U lar, Irr, sutslda rooms, ateaai heated, retrle llrhta. telephone la each apartment, eta, Larae f8cee, Vssin. (SMhlnf. vrrttla. ladlee' reeeptloa parlor. ; . Sooaia laan aa br Biafl er telephon. . . ' rrrrata eaaJha aata traias aa . i ' Room fl.OO to $F.OO a DayY. SpsettU Kate ta Cteaaiereaai Xea, . . ataS. KAB BATOB, Ifoeaerlr f Hotel jr-dpeth. Bnohaa. SEASIDE HOUSE SEASfDC ORtCON . .7 f. B. DAOOBTT, Maaar. Bsaaiea, O ' t'nder new manaemet, revsoeeled an aewly ' famishes, eleetrle llfhta. rrsah and anil watee hathlna. boalln. flehlo. rrsah Bilk Bad ere at frosj onr sera dairy, yreah vesntablee fmva ant ewn t.nlen. . Bares: 88.80 ta 88. B Bee ar. Beeclal rate hr the week er areata. . fro fee. -, . v.:.