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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 21, 1906)
' jcur.::-.L, : 7U:day lv.:::.3, august ti. isc3. EITAT2. W . wu.astue I OR KALE A quarter block. Improved, beet western part of city;' a ifnti. Inquire : D DO. esrs Journal. . riK'B 4 room rot lag with thraa lota: very easy ; turni aad (nap If take quickly. Inquire BOS I. amber Rirhsnee blof. FOR 8ALE FARMS," ' 4i Acres. $1,700 - Oa far Una, all I cultivation, all lev!) . m kouaa, baat of aoll, Btc wirroundtng; ! ut tarsia. Be tbb) at boos, aa It wlU so I Uk.; n y. OA RIBAND CO... V. I .. . . 198 fourth St. 18 OR M ACRES clear land oa propel aaw 4 Hlllabors-Faraat Ora electric line for aala; . ,,slue 175 per scrs. Addraes Aanl , I r-attaraoa. Hllleboro, Or. t FARM FOR SALR 208 aer 1u In. enltlvattoe. balance la pasture ssd timber, all fane, Rood build , rnga,- fruit of all kinds, wall -watered. W ' -a-, tin to a 8d graded sebool and railroad !' statloa, all level, ina aoll; teas, karma, ) waguk heck, 11 cow, crease aaparator. , Blows, barrowa. kinder, mawar, acraa po fatoaa and 6 cre af com g o with tba plac (or 8 10.800; fT.OnO caah, balane la aul .' nurckaeer at 8 par cant. ' Inqulrs af .... ! . . WARRIN STATER. . 1 Mcktlunrlll, Oregoa. , B2.800 CASH -fteere eklckea-raneb. wltk a sood l-roon now boaaa, cbckn-houeea and lota, 1 v large brooder;'' aa eaxllne. Call at 101 ' Third at. - v 82.O0O 14 ACRES.. na aoll. near aartlta re snostly In jeirlttvatlon; room boaaa and barn, ,.r B eprlnga; wltk thla plaoa jro food young 1 i , tram of koraaa, t bet fere, about 80 toaa. ky ' (now ln)..l sore In potatoes, wagon, buggy, ' snowsr and raka and otkar too la, lota of frnlt. Call at 10TV Third at. FOR SALE TIMBER. ; 170 ACR SB near Doer Ialand. Oregon; to aeraa Bottom, land P tb Colombia, 140 acraa ..r paatara," 40 aeraa heavy ttmbar. Alao 0 .-( acre timber land near Caatla Rork, Waah ' t Ingtoa:. eruUe T. 000.000 feat. logging atream . v throngs place. Tbaaa are aaapa. Inveatl. . f fata. , B. H. Ylnlug. 106 Jersey St.," St. Johns, Orsgoo. ' .- CERTIFIED . serin, aar alaa placaa; -lowaat ; prleea. W, O. Bowall, tSS CbaaUMr af Com- i BARTER AND EXCHANGE. WAKTElwrvatPkant ak raftater-for . beab-uflnr. Addaaaa,!! 100, oar JoaraaL . Mlll'tlK.iNOUru-iM near amall k Marion- coantrr a-roma awaiunar, ormaru. jpfendjd fartlea,' cow, ka, 50 eklckuaa, J ta.4a; falna t400;' far beat qffer, bnalneaa or coaat aanrh. Addraaa O 20, cara Jumoal. FINK block af lota la St. Jokna .to azrkaka . for baaaa and. lot. CaU at "I Vlftk at. ; 40-ACRC farm, well Imprarad, rood bnlldlnaa, . orchard, near Hlllaboro, for Portland koaoa. . Hasemana BUnchard, 1 Flftk at. I HATS a rood pair af Ira ikarea, will trade tor a pair at roller akatea. W 10, Journal. WANTS D A lot la town far a ' ai farm aaar Portland. -Addraaa If 9, aall-ataed . JoaraaL t BAVB a plaaot will trade tut boaarbold faral tura or boree and bugar. W 11. care Joarnal. : A SNAP for a poaher wltk amall capital; a , prontibla mannfactarlnf bnalneae; owner 1 ran not operate aad will aaH right t aalfht ' take auma Portland proper t oa deal. Ad ; draaa W IX care JournaL Sell Or Trade tl-ROOhf boaaa. 8 krti. neer S earllnea, Saa boma,; will aau tor a.xw or trade for White Satmoa or waatara Orefoa t aa Waahfot ton farm. - ,,.,., . H. C. RASTHAkf. .. y B2S Chamber ai Commerce. ' BXCRAN0R for an atrtomobtla or saaollaa laauck. half Interaat la S wcllareloped aila - Inf clalma; plenty are, 12,000 worth darelop aiettt work oodc chaaca for aoaie aaa to . make ataka. Addreaa Waltner Roaa. SIS . Wlllaaaatto ooulerard. St. Jokna, oragoa. -,.-0 CZCHAJ(0K-00-ara fully aaalppad aVat . claaa plaoar mlaa, for Portland property ' ' mlnaa are dlaldrad-prodaeara and will ataad 'Ineeatlcatloa: water rUkta af tba beat. . Aa V draaa 7. a Bos SSI. Oraete Paaa. aOR KZC'HANOB-.Valaabla Encltab patent for vacant lota or farm; tbla la a pabant - of awrit worth isTMttcanas; poor sua. a 14, cm re Journal. .10 XXCHANOR !cerl aaw air-room aeoee L.- aad Jaraa mm. - flna faratloa,- S1.S00. Oretoa t.lir, lor rortiaaa propartr or email farm. . Plna opportunity for mill work era. . 1. 1, Joar- aai. . .- . . .-. -- . WlNTtn A nOVSR BUILT. 1 krre SO aerea of choice apple land la Hood rlrer. mllaa from towa; I wlab to bolld a bom bar In Portland oa mr awa ' lota. Who wanta tbla land -for balldlns and . f. material 1 Addraaa aa ttta at., eil7 Pboa Paelflt 1ST. SALR OR EXCHANGE S a - at Snath lit. Tabor, fin aoll. kla-bl tmorored. frnlta. berrloa. Tinea, ebolea yoang orchard In full bearing; a-room hard-flnlahed boaaa . with baaaatent, large barn; good view and no dnat ; would- take cottaa Id eVelraol loca . tton. Booth Portlaad preferred. Owner, D 69, car journal. . - i MRST-CLASS nhotoarapk en tilt far amataar photographer: , III exchange for anything ( Ha vatoe. - aj er. care aouraai. . TO eicbanga for Portland property. Id. 000 atock . of hardware la good eaatera Oragoa -towa. - i Addreaa W aa, ear Joornai. , laya along the Orcgoa City car line; air, a ' rholo plor of cleared land, valued at from Sl.OOO to 14.000, near Anrora, or between s. p. and Wlltaatatt nvor. . bos bo, roata 1, Mllwanhie. tr. HORSES, VEHICLES,- HARNESS VEHICLES of an- kind, aaw and aecond-kand: largaat atock. low eat prlcaa: koraaa and rig rented by flay or monu. Tomunaoa m i-aa . alday, Sll waanmgtoa. racioa ami- .PAIR of rood-alnad year-old ralta. wall broke; will aell on or aota. I none a.aa .aos. . A NO. 1 dclrrcry wagon for aala at Pact fie : . I.anndry, Arthur at. - MINES AND INVESTMENTS. THE J. . LKB COMPANY uinnt iM nTrw K AMf ttnwTtS' ..''W are ahray rn th market lrhr to bay .; or aril any actrr mining or inaua trial atock. i " It will pay you to get oog price. .... ,.' H. W. DO rf A HUB. Mgr. . Brokoraga DepU . ; : la-so Lafayatta Bldg. : WANTED A food mining propoaltlou to b ; ' corporate 4nJ flnaaca. J. B. Ballay a, Oa, . aai Lamoer uonnnga. MEMBER Portland Stock Kichtnge; order eie- tuted B all Induatriai ana mining eiocra. w. 4 Cartla. S16 Commerctal blk. Phone Main 5.14 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. BUXIARD AND POOL- tibia for rant ar for aala on eaiy aaymaata. . TBI BRUNSWICK-BALK COLLCNDIB CO. , .. intra at,, raruaaa.- WB print your nam oa 80 calling oarda, peeper .alaa aad atyte, Sftci fM- ftuaiaeaa card. It, 'A. W. Schtnala Co., t Flrit, Portland, Or. mr m mm-A Cnmltara and will oa fnlt valne, pkoe Paclne TW. Waatara ialvaga Co., U1 , . Waahlngtoa at. t ' - Mrrr. riat.f . enmnlata. bar iTtnra. aaf. .. taMea. eh lira, etc Wasters Balvaga C, SST Waablagtoa at - - :SR0WCAES, conntera, Sxtaro or , eichangea, weatern aaivaga v., oai tt we Ingtoa at. - Pads .TM. ' atOTINO PlCTWRB MACHINES. Slma, anas ' l1de. gaa mtlts, ate, bongbt, aold, ranted aad exchanged. Kbias, 146H aUsth. Pkoa Faeisa SS, SEWtNO-MACHIMES- bongbt, aold. exchanged. .. ad ana up: aiao reared. i " WESTERN SALTA0JP C0. 1 -,..- ear Waaklngtoa at. nnvriita ANrt rtxriTRCB mad to order i - aeeond-kand good-for Sato. Carlaoa Rail- i atrom. Sa coaca at. . rue t-iay an. Quick aal oa account of Immediate romoval . to a dlaranca. (No aacoaa-aaao aiera. jot - r-aax -nista at., ant. - - . FOR SALR IS-nornapawar ruaabout, 'abaft anwni aa 'everynay maenmei m, climber; owner ba ao are for It. Addraaa FOR SAT.R Freeh Jerear - and Dnrkam row, I v tfentla and good milker. Apply Jamea Hnltt, Tlarooaai a hill; tak steps at head af Wewd t.i sosts i-ofuaao. , I . rcn ruxrii-crLLAiircux FOR SALR Maaoa fralt Jara, gnart, ao a . . . . . . . 1 . anA Htf,t. atJoen, uom ana mown """t""- . . . 1 tie Co., corner l4tk and Couch. Malabo. ARTISTS materlala. plcrnrea and training. ta. atoornoua a, u sia auot ii. ECONO-RAND furaltar of all kinds: ab a complete una or aaw raii " aappilea at lowaat prlcaa; verytbrng aiuat BOLD EN'S RBECMATI0 CURE Sur car for BOOKS boartt. aold and exchanged at the uia nwo Btor. xx iibuiu i. AN EDISON phoaograpb with boras sad SO record,. Fuoo FacIS Via. . . . CLASSIFIED FARMINd LIST of Oregon and Waahlngtoa furnlehrd by Rural III rectory uo.. S04 Ablngtoa bldg.,. Portland. Iff r goal up to aai. , ... -t- POR SALR trash Jerarr -cow; cheap. IS8S Eaat lt at., aear Umatilla, aeuwoon. TWO homeitead rellminlahmenta; good land, ' - ( k. 1- . I .1 . HilMjJ ..I Witt M 48, care Journal. , FOR SALR A very large sad beautiful parrot; owner leaving city Boon. Addraaa sal Mia aoorl St.. Woodlawa. H2. - PERSONAL. FURRIER Ladle, hire your fur remodeled ; and re pair en or practical ramar ana expert Bttert 80 yeare' expertonc In thl branch '. amble aaa to gnaranta entire satlafartloni ' will call st praldene and give eetlmate. If dcalred. . A. Reiner. Lewi bldg., Morrlaoa and Park. Phone Pads SeT. - ANT man or warns caa be strong snd happy by aalng Sexlne flue, ta great tonic; one it a box. 8 boxes 85, with full guarantee, ddreea or call J. A. Clemenaaa. dragglat, cr. Srosad and YamblU ata., Portland. Or. MA ANLT-vigor reatored by Dr. Roberts' Nerve Glob ilea. On month treatment, $2: 8 mootha. SS: aent aecnralv sealed by malL Agaata. Woodard. Clarke 4 Co., Portland. Or. SEXINB PILLS tar SO form of aoivoa a maaculsr weakneaa. ror maa or waww. Prloa St a box. 8 box 85. ltb fall gaama tea. Addreaa or call J. d. Clamaoeoa. drag glat. Second aad Yamhill Sta- Portlaad. Or. DISEASES . OF WOMEN Private maternity boapltal; trntet -location and aped a car, ur. At wood, ssoi Morrlaoa at., room 8. PboM PaelSa 1T58. DETRCTIYB AGENCY Coafldantlal Invaatlga. tlona; ra porta furnlahed oa ladlvlduala. tbab ; character, reepoaalblllty. etc.; bad oabta oak , lected; mlaalng relative . located: efcarge reaaonabl; eorrpondfne aoltclted. - Oregoa ' Detectlv Service. . office 808-104 Fllednar . bldg. 10th .snW Waahlngtoa ata. Pboa ' Mala Sol ft. 1 UOLR8, arrtaklos, aapcrflaoua bab? removed. I-et m ten ra how. No cnarr. mr. m. u, Bill. Salt L SeUlng-Hlrack bldg. PaifU 18a, SUITS praam d while -yon wait, 80a. Ladtos sirrs preaaeo, sue. unovn. iow a" aest ta Quell. -Pboa Paclne S08R, YES, Palmo Tabntts mak yoa aleep perfectly t they cure aervouanea ana nwie yon exrooa, price &Oc a bos, 8 box 83-80; guaranteed. All dragglat. or addreaa Brook Drug Co., 87 North Third st PortlaBd. Oragoa. ' BOLDEN'S BUECMATI0 CURB Bur cur fof rkaamatlam. Bold by sll drugsuts. . HUMAN BAIB SWITCHES Pay after yoa re ceive tkem; send a aampl of your kalr sad w will aena yoa 8 Ml os, 23 lncbee; gala, remit; If aot Bale Bmporlaaa, 81 w will aend yoa oa of our 81-50 awttrbea. OS., Zs locbee; examine it; it nig nar t. return. Anoraas uaiea- SM Deaxhora at- Chicago, 111. OLD ON Thar -I on thing that will cur rbeumatiam.- Ask -your- drugglak for bark teal ar address or nil J. 0. Climaaaia. drug, gtat, Portlaad, Oragoa. BOTH time snd moaoy saved, wltk a free akin. wall getting aava at rn jaoaei marner. Shop. 81 81x1b st., bat.. Stark and Oak eta.; abavlng 15c . - TURKISH BATHS, 800 Oregoalaa bldg. I Udles any. gntiemea aignia. aaaia uoo. TURKISB BATHS LADIES ONLY. : Maeaase, sbampoolng. acalp and face treatment. ' cheat devrtopmeat, maalcartng and chiropody. 851 Washington, between 18th nd ITtb. Mala T04S. , .. DOLL'S HOSPITAL Repalrpg aad dreealng. SSI Yamhn st BEST commtaakTg paid, agent oa all magasla at.. Portlaad. ' Oragoa.', ,- , - BALM OF FI0S for all female dlseea. Eaat Belmont. Pboa Bsat 4084. . DR. O. KBTCHUM can promptly .private dlaeaaaa. kidney, nervous, akin and special female trouble. Call or write. Offlc 170 4, . Third at., ear. Tsashin. Pboa PadSc Z22A. PAI.IFORNIA Medicated Healing Soap, toilet, bath, complexion, aurssry. Aak your dealer for It. - Moon-Helm Co.. reneral agaata, SITIVt Miuilaau st. - Pselfla 1671. DR. BIN0 CnoONO, Importer Chinee root medicine; cell CMneee tea. certain cur fo all dlaeaaea. 181 Id., bet. Yamhill and Taylor. WHY BR BALD? Wa guarantee to prevent balr from falling ont and car Itching acalp ' abaekitoly. 478 Alder at. , Mala SnSl.- SCHOOL "OF PSYCHOI4M2Y teach ee magoatte healing. eoecentratlon, bypBotltm and palmlatrrt patlenta treated for all dlaeaaea. 4T8 Alder at. Phone Mala 2S81. "THB-ADYENTTRESS " Sweet Danger," "A Marriage la Hlgfc 14f," "Twenty Tear HuaMlag.''rTtoonor-ef -Bnni''--4A- Sorlel Ltoa." BO cents sea. A. W nVkmal Co., - 228 First at. MISS GIBSON glvee ernert acalp treatment and maaaag.- Room 82, Tb Cosmos, t8V , Morrlaoa at. . Y0IJNO lady from Chicago ha recently opened manicuring parlors, sol is aaorriaon l room 14. . A YOUNO gentlemas of good bablta. good looking aad soma means deal re th - ac- " qnelntance of young lady; object matrimony all latter aaawered. Addraaa D 60, JournaL LAntRSt Tae Ctitcheater'a Enallah PI I la. Beatl . Be'ret! Only Re liable I Tak no other. Bay , of your Dragglat or aead 4c. etampe, for par. . tlcular and Booklet for Ladle. , Chlcbeeter Chemical Co.. Philadelphia. Panoaylvaala, SAN FRANCISCO lady r turned, 822H Stark St.. rooms SI -aad 32; msascg and alcohol rubbing. - . PROFESSOR O'NEILL, darmatolosiati . Blexlon. kalr. snip and akin aneclallat a' perflnons kalr snd sll facial MemMbee per. 1 maneatly removed; ao srara left : references gives; ladle taught beauty eultur,. lec trolyats, electrical and manual maaaags for J mulaa, etc., given; term ronhle. Parlora. :: 141 11th at.j corner Aider. (VnaulUtloa aad aavic rree. rooae Mam ooei. ' ASSAYERS. 0ARTIN CYANIDE RETRACTION CO, Mntn Aaaay Offlc. I Ml Morrlaoa at. ART EMPORIUM. PROFBOSOR R. MAX MEYER. - 848 A Wee. Portrait and land era pa art let aad teacher. ACCOUNTANT. ALEX. C. BAB, . - . PrBMO ACCOUNTANT. 80 Concord bldg. Phone Mala S4SI, AUTOMOBILES. COVSY COOK Motor Car O.. Fifteenth aad Waahlngtoa .Agents tor cedilla. FMree, Great Arrow aad Steven-Dnrraa motor-carl . macblnas raatad, repaired aad a tor. Mala ARCHITECTS. PJ. B. MRNO Architect. 118 ATT0RNEY8. I. B. WINCHESTER, attorney -t-lw, aotary a. 11. 8WV W ..kl..t. B.1 . punnr, fy ngauinf ivn vttisj. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES. S. B1RRBNWALD CO., 804-808 Everett at Lars eat butehece' nply boa oa the roast. BUTCHERS SUPPLIES Adatnk A. Deknm. 181-138 Flrat at., carries s lull Hn ssd eom- plot eeaortment st wwaat .market price. BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. Stank book manufacturers: agents for Joeee improved Looee-Leaf ,ledgr ee' tha aaw kurtks bai, tba past at Una awket. , CATi:2--MASSACC. ' tUliNO lady glee vapor, alcohol aad medicated hatha, parlor ST. loSt Stark at. SOIITUKRN lady and aaalatant give maaaag; tub and vapor be lb a. lltlta FeoxU. ear. Waakiugton. - ' ' MADAMS VASHTI Turklah and tub bath, aiaeeajaetaatauHita.. kolVk Third at- . MISS RAYMOND give hatha and maaaag trcalnienta. - Th Coamos. SriHtt Morrlaoa at. COMMISSION MERCHANTS.' BVERDINO-eV FABRELL, prodno aad aotomnv aion mercnanie. leu front aogiiaea. w. Phone Metn ITS. - CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. WASHBURN FLOYD Oerpearera. yHwrt and carriage work. 88 tttk at Pkoa Pat I Ac 8108. CLEANING AND DYEING. CLOTHES e We Bed. sad ar 1 per blsgtoa atb. lsique Tailoring i-o.. aai wiwii 14 w. VtlRNBR. arofaaalonal drer sad slasasa. - 80S Jetfereoa ef. Pbon Mala 8818. , CAFES. kauasanaSkaBwabsaas TH S tmci xM Waahlngtoa at. pboa Mala T71. Bamaei vigneux. CLAIRVOYANTS "AND PALMIST FOR A FEW DATS ONLY. A SPECIAL 85 READING FOR L . ALWAYS CONSULT THE BEST. . . , PROF. S. KHIM0. ' . ' ' Oreateet living aatr.l dead-trene clair voyant ef tb as; ADVISER ON BUSINESS AND ALL AFFAIRS OF LITE; whom yoa will marry, bow to control th oa yoa love, even though mllea away; naaltaa tb sep arated; gives secret powers to control. I will da sll ethers advertise to do. snd a great deal more. THE ENTIRE WORLD HAS BEEN STARTLED WITH-THE POW ERS OF THE UNSEEN FORCES I HAYS AT MY COMMAND, and I prave It, to JOB with out price by giving you a . , FREE TEST FREB ' bV having your NAME TOLD (IN FULL), JUST WHAT YOU CAME FOB, sad give . yoa advice absolutely FREE befor you decide to have reading. WHO CAN OR WILL DO MORE -TO CONVINCE THE SKEPTIC! . DO NOT MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY, AS IT WILL NOT BR OFFERED TO YOU AGAIN. PROF. E. KHIMO, . Permanently Located In Hie Own Horn. ". SOURS. 10 TO 8. DAILY AND SUNDAY. - No. 288 Fifth St., corner Madleoa t ASSISTANCE FOR THE TROUBLED OB . TNF0RTUNATB. If yoa ar la trouble of soy kind, dlaoon tontod. anbappy or not tlnd la lit, or hare domeatlc, lor or bnalneaa troublea. yoa will b told bow to overcome all trouble by ailing oa ' uirn ia Whtn other fall aha succds with aa. 1 She gives advice oa buetneee apcculatloaa, la l vestments, lnauranc ebangea, lev, health, t pa ten U. clalma, marrlagea. deatba, children, te. She doe not aar you writ r ear ana word, but telle yoa st once )uat what yoa called ter. ' On look at Madam Bartb will convince yoa of bar power.- Bba relvs the , people la her own home. , f: 428 STARK ST. All work guaranteed. Fee within reack of sll. Hourav 10 morning till 8 evening. DB K1BLO. 80818 WABBINOTON ST. Royal oriental clairvoyant, payee le, palmist ' Greatest advtear on lot, baalneea, maniagn, divorce, law. Invest menu: all revealed; tells ' exactly what yoa come for, aasao, age. c eu pa tton; whom, wbca you marry; develop . magaetlam, good tack, power of eecret coa troC cur all aervous dlaeaaea. weak bablta, restore lost vitality, locate treasure by aplrlt power, develops medloma. Nlblo's Egyptlea art mskea klm more soeceaeful than any other myatie -worker. Love or health. PROF. WALLACE. The Crmmrm 1S81A Morrlaoa. ' Bee thl gifted maa. Be aim yoa by gam. Re tell your paet. present snd future. Tells yoa who are your friends, ene mies, rivals. Hs' knows st ne what yoa called for. Telia who aad when r will marry. - H tell yoa everything. Th greatest living clairvoyant, spiritualist and palmist roads for SO. SEE . HIM TODAY! ' REMEMBER TrW PLACE. COLLECTION AGENCY. DOES ANYBODY OWR YOTJ MONEY! , WB cniirrT run dkrts or NO CHAR0B. ; citieens Law a collection co.. citi. GRAND. AVE. PHONE EAST 8838. CARPET CLEANING. STANDARD Carpet Cleealng Co., ssrgeet plsat a tba coaat Loring and Harding ata.. tele , pboa Eaat 20 CarpeM cleaned, re St ted. aewer aad Uldt borh tea aad latest eoss. pre aead air procem; renovating auttrimia and feather spedslty. SANITARY carpet lealag. sacttoa aad aaas preaaad air combined: earpeta atoaned e Soar without ramovaL Mala B884. Mala 8208. I. HUNTER, at earn cleaner. 850 Jeffere. carpet aad mattraaa a. pboa Mala 814. CHIROPODISTS. CHIROPODY AND PEDICURINO. Mr. Tat D. BIIL Salt 1. Selling Hlrerh Bldg. Pacts 188. COAL AND WOOD. ROCK SPRINGS COAL COMPANY For genuine Rock Springs Coal. Cheapest, cleanest coal oa tks market. Phone Eaat ISA. 288 Eaat Morrlaoa at Known aa C. R. DAVIS COAL CO. ALBINA FUEL CO. Deatere ta eetdwaud, seal aad grees and dry elatrwond. B. B. and Albla its, S blocks asst ef ferry. But 814. BTEEL BRIDGE FUEL CO. Dealeve 1 aosL oncdwood and dry atobwood. Pbsa Baat 484. OB BOON FUEL CO. All blade ef ooal aad wood. 884 Alder at Pbon Mala SB. BOX ad planar weed. Standard "WB Oak Immediate ee II very. DRY atovowood already split. II 78 per tosd. Phoae Pads 1422. B. Banaa. Big THB PORTLAND FUEL CO., Bit" CvvMll"w! 0 C. B. DAVIS FUEL CO., ' Pbon Eaat 88. T B. Morrlaoa St. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. WHOLESALE crockery snd glssswr. Prsl, Hegela 4V C.. 100 te 108 Fifth, oar, Starb st CIGARS AND TOBACCO. M. A. OlfNST CO. DISTRIBUTORS OF FINE CI0ARB. PORTLAND, OREGON. ' DRESSMAKING. OUR price only half what other rbarge, work tb very heat, a trice the latest. Angeles' Drsesmaklng Parlor, 242 Fifth. Psd8 82. DANCING. LESSONS la dancing st your eeaie. or la my residence; leeaona evening apd aflsraooa. C P. Smith. Pacific 1118. ELECTRICAL 'SUPPLIES. PACIFIC ELRCTRI0 CO. Englaeen, ceabrac tora, repairer, electric wiring, supplte. 84 Flnt. cor. Stark. Mala 868. B. H. Tate. mgr. WESTERN ELECTRIC WORKS. 81 Slxtk St. OoBtrsetors. electric Sopplle, motors sad dynsmos; ws Inetsll tight sntt power plants. EDUCATIONAL. TO OPEN SEPT. 1 "Tha Waltoa Private School" for young child rea la age between 8 and Id yeare. Vera I and laetruateatal muala given to all pnptle capable of carrying earn. Plane Inetruetlone after method purened la -The Col lag of Mnele" of Cincinnati. Re citals keld every two months to abow wear, as In scVml hranchee, elocution and mnalc. Tb ennrae ef Instruction gives by experienced (TSdusto of s wsll-knwa tarn eel lege. Tuition naaonakle, achool lect. advantagea 1 the beat. Phone Paclsc 8480. 804 Jeckaoa st. ' GROCERS. WADHAMB CO., wholesale grececs, maa facturer snd commlasloa sure at. Foartb and Osk sts. ALLEN B LEWIS, cnmmlaaloa sad predoeg mev chants. FreBt sad Davis ata., Fertlaad, Or. ITE1N WAYNE Jobber 84 Wbotossl (fwaars, M. Seooad 88, BOYNT0N warm-air fnraacaa save feeL - 2. a Bayer Furnace Co., Sod Seooad. MaU dSl. DRtHOl'SB H5ATINO PIPFS. made to rer by i. Loell. 3i2 Jefferaoa; Pbon Part ft 144. FENCE AND WIRE WORKS. PORTLAND ' WtRI IRON WORKS 248 Blander at., ear. Third. Pbon bUia SOuO. BAST PORTLAND FBROB WIRB WORKS, 180 Eaat Water St. Phone Eaat SJL. i FURNITURE FACTORIES. OR ROOT Furnltsre Manufacturing Oampaayw Manafacturer of turultara for the trad, . Portland, Oregon. rURNITURR manafactarlag aad special ardor. L. Ruveaaky's fornltun factory. 870 Front at GASOLINE ENGINES. ii "Cwe "wi iii imm, m STATIONARY snd msrlMI Uttl Spedl tseoltn laaneh. Ui seoond-hand alestrlg luaebes and halls. , . BEIERSON MACHINERY CO., , -182-4-8 Morrlaoa t - -HOTELS. BOTBI PartUad, Americas plan; as, 85 par day. BELVEDERE; Europe pUa:4th snd Alder ata. HOOD HOTEL Rooms Bfle np; rater by week . or montk; oat-of-tewa trade solicited. 83a Slxtk St.. 8 blocks from depot. HAY AND GRAIN. B L. COOPER d CO. Potatoes. - feed sad Sour. 128 Union sv. Pbon But IBlT HARDWARE. Portland Hardware Co. aolldta opportunity 8s quote price. T4 Sixth at. - Pactfle 4Bd. ; HAT FACTORIES. BATS eleaasd. blocked, made Ilka aew for B0e Xpert Penan a bUacher. 84 Third, aear Plaa, Branch. 824 First. Pad lie 18. INSURANCE. ISAAC U WHITE. Bra lasaraaaa. BOO Dekam IAS. Mel. WOOD, mployers liability aad ta dividual aeddeat surety beads at all kind. Paaa 47. 80S Mey bldg.. y IMPROVED tr alarm aarvlo rsduro Imraranc . rata; aee tb National Automatic Fir ' Alarm company, w. St. natcBsior, prraioeni, 804 McKay bldg. THE Girrnaa-Amertcen Fir In. Co. of New York, after navln S. F. In, bs 812.000.- 000 eeeeta. Johaaoa. Wall Co., areata. 808 ' Chamber of Commerce. Pbon Pacific 24 lo. LAND SCRIP. WANTED AND FOR SALE Land acrlp all kliMta, Including approved tor eat near and railroad acrlp. for orveyed, snaorveyed. tim bered or prairie government lsnd. H. M. Hamilton. ia rornana, rortieno. uqx, MONEY TO LOAN. A EASY-MONEY PROPOSITION , Money la aaay to get If yoa kaow where to get It. W ban ready money at all iimm and mb can eet It oa rour salary I 810 ta 8100, en. beat terms sad at lowest rate, - . ' We loes oa tba easy payment Plea the plan that help yoa sad gets yoa oat ef debt. Yoa get tba ceah. all yoa ask for, snd ' repay la amounts yea caa conveniently spare W do not 81 papera. reonlr no ta doners, a rererence to rriena or rapj". Open Toe, and Sat cvenlnc until S a clock. Hutton crecui co. rB12 -8tk- Botr- -DkaaT""bldg.- yn,rr m IfiiH. . .. 0a Improved ctty property- ar for- building purpose, for from I te 10 year- time, with -prlvlwg repay all ar part of loas after two year. Losns ep pro red from pinna aad BioDcr - advanced as building pregree; , mortssge taken ap aaa repieceo. FRED H. STRONG. Flnsaclsl Agsat 242 Stark at l ri e nun i-vr, . Any aalariad employ, wage-nrwar, a get aa hi aot, without mortgage Un,,k u. Moathu Weak. AWOO RVper to aa 818.88 or 88.60 88 SJ iofinnBenee m a a Ml a 88. 8ft or 81.88 iisioo Repay t ua j 4.00 at 11-00 ar $1.00 MIV atcivay oina- CONFIDENTIAL LOANS a sslerlee, Inearanc policies, pianoa, iwim., - " celnta. etc. I ssy deserving pereo amy ascura a llbenl adraaca. repaying by aF weekly or monthly Installments, . NBW ERA LOAN TBTJBT COMPART. awo aviBfiss imiii EADQUABTEBB FOR SALARY LOANS Money ma be borrowed oa ay noyaMat plaa. lowest rate: atrlctly mnfldentlaL 47 Mokawk bldg oar. Third aad Morrlaoa. MONET to loan oa real, personal and aollatonl security; special attention to chattel ssnrt. J gagea; note, bought. - C. W. Pelaet, 804 8 Fentoa bldg., 84 Sixth at MONEY to toaa oa Clackamas enuntF lead, B. F. aad F. B. Riley, 80S Chamber of Com- HONEY to loaa oa all kind of security. William Ball., room 8 Washington bldg. TO LOAN Bams to alt oa chattel oacurlty. B. A. Fnme, 814 Ike Mirqnam. MONET toaaed salaried people oa aota: cheap, est rate. F. A. Newtoa. 424 Ablngtoa bldg. MONRT LOANED AT 8 PER CENT On dlamonda, watrhe and Jewelry. PORTLAND LOAN OFFICE. 74 THIRD BT. LOW RATB en furniture, etc.! etrlctly eon SdentlsL Boom S2S Fllednar bldg. . PsdS BAM. MONET ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE Asd athera anon their own Bme wlthoat aecurltyi rheapeet rat, eaaleet paymenta: office la SO prtnclpel cities; asvs youraelf money by getting our term Brat TOLMAN. 228 Ablngtoa bldg.. 108 Third St PRIVATE money to loan aear city st ree ens able rate. Sol Bloom, 838 Chamber Commerce. MONEY ta loes st lewwt rates a Improved elty aad farm property. J. FRANK PORTER. 222 Washington st.. S..W. Cor. First, noetalre. MACHINERY. TBB C. ALBEB CO. Second-hand ma. eblnery. Mwmllls. etc. 248 Grand an. B. TBENKMAN CO Mining, sawmill, sag- Ing machinery; hrdraullc pipe, casting) all Ind repaired. 104 Nortbe Fourtk. MUSICAL, EMIL TBIEI.HORN, pupU of SEVCIK, viotla tescbar. Studio .188, SIxtL Tel. Mais 8888. PIANO-TI1NINO, npatrlng, nSnlahlng aad rllahlng) eat I on tea givta Johneoa. Witter Porter. 278 Third st Pboa FuelS 2881. PIANO bason. Lei pete toarh and technic: pa. alls visited st their own homes ; 80 cents aa boar. Address D. 40, Journal. MONUMENTS. BEU KINOSLET, SM First st, Portland's leading marble and granite works. OPTICIANS. D. CB AMBERS . OPTOMETRIST. Vlslo Bcientlflcalty 128 Beveotk Street. DB. OEO. Rl'RBNSTEIN, reliable optlciaat glaeer sdjuatsd by lbs latest eclentlhv ap- ssT m 'MmiTa'iiiaauasums aamass i OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. R. ARNOLD LINDSAY, gndaat sf tk Oateopatblt college ef Elibevllle, Mlaeeuri, wb I 8 Pdllat on rkenmatlam, atnmaob aad all female dlaoeeee. Office 410 Falling bldg.. f Third an naaniagton sts. DBS. ADIT Si NORTH RUP, 418 18 IT Dekam bid- Third sad 1 hUla 18, InniJttsno8 tree. sawiiiiHai iw, - esaiwa f. FINANCIAL f YKITXB STATES WATIOBAl BABX OF BOBTT-ATD," 0RXO0B, J ' - . Northwest Corner Third snd - 8ti t. Trtneeets a waaeral Beabia Bneln s. DBA 18 1 iUBD Amflable ta An tba Unite' iiTtLJinlu: CUom Mad - r.vbl. Tvma. l!r,2",llV"""' C- A1N8WORTV1 I Cwshtor... , W. SC iJTS lee-f resident R. Lra BABNU t Aaaiatast Csahler. . . , Wv A. muwa aa.. . L. & aa wamHT ' Aeelatunt Cashier BaBXXRS' 8j LXmSEXMTJf'B BARK Paatlaaai, Oragea. Corner Bsesad sad Btork . ; Oommerdal and ssvluge eepartment. strt paid oa ".ff" ' letters of erejii i- . -1 a. eearld. Onaa Saturday avaaJaga trom "ft .tARB.;........:..Y ".v-y f-iJ-fr"J2 ? KTSlfJ""-"" VHcVirTlddCnt I ri. o. btoreY;,. 2 tZ2Z JOHN A. KEATING Seed viPva, I M.1TT At PLATT General Oooaeet B BABK OY OAlvssyrijta llt4, uapual paid ap 84.O0O.O00 I . . A General Banking and Exchange Baslaeaa Tnaaactad. BAYING, later -ma dspselts. Aeoooata opened far cams ef 818 ed . sward. Psrtlaad Branch Chamber !fX - afACBAB.... Manager I M m BATIOBAl BARK 8F OBTXAVD, Daalgnsted Dapoattory snd Financial Agaat af tba United State. A. U Ml LIB I Caaklef '.'."grOTIaa W. C ALVORD.I Becood Asatatant Caaklef B r. BTBVBWB . Preatdeat Assxatast (lasalar ' Letters of Credit Available la Enrep snd the ranter tares -Biaht Bxehaaa. al t.i i.c r i Vark. Bostna. Chieago, Bt Lon'a. ;. 8t Paul. Omaka. Baa Fnaelsc snd the principal points la the Northwest. Bight aad time bill drw la urn to suit sa London. Pari. Berlin, rrankfo-eatbe-waia. Hongkong. Yokohama. Copenhagen. Cbrlatlaala. Btocknolm. Stj- Petonburg. Moeeow. mi-m. LW TIMOR-. BAKXXRa CBstoblkibad la 1888.) a - J " Timawasta a waaeral Baaklag Baalaaaa. Collection made at !! rttlaV able tarma. t-,,. i -At. tLa ...ii.hte, ta Raena and all nolata ta tb Tsnteer Jtotaa, Bight Bshng and Telegraph! Tree. fere sold a New Yorh. rrtlB-.S. Bt Loala, Denver. Omaka. Baa Fraaetae ssd Montana and Brirlak Columbia. Bschaag sola e London. Part a. Berlin. Ft aot fort. Hongkoag. Yokohama. Manila and Hoaolula. MMEBCHABTB' BATIOBAl BAJTK. POST LARD. 0RE0OB. ; - J- FRANK WATSON Prudent I R. U 0"HAW.....,....--W1f7" . W. BOTT .Measles OEORGB W. BOYT Asslstoat Cahle TvaamMts aaaral Basking Bnstn, Draft and Letten ef Credit leased Avsllsbl to . All Parts ef tb World. TRUST COMPANIES. PORTLABD TRUST COMPART OF OREO 0V "Th Oldeet True Oompsay to 9ttm. -REBOURf ES OVER 81.T5A ooooo. Oeneral banking: Exckang oa ll l,rt ZZZtri. KlTlani icconKTi w - - - - a aa A ner rent? bnrf.cll special eertirv sstos. 1800 or ever SH to 4 per cent Call for enraaaai oaraar Third aad oak Btreets. rnea anvaie -BBNJ. 1. COHEN.; : Pnda.1 I W. L. PTTTOCK Y1ce-rv1l1eut B. LEB PAGET Secretary J wrmm lr w aawrwno a. iim M,ewaww vkat. m A , K . . , mpm. e wvavrat aaaaauag mawraaaaa, oav,r.ei - - - - i. - .ea Time sad Bavlng Aecoant.- Acta a Trust for Eat. tea. Drafts aad Let tan mt Credit AvallabU la All Parts ef the World., . , - ' fl f. ADAMS ..........rWaeat I A. la KILLS.. Second Vice-President I GEO. F. RUSSEU, TKB BtORTBABB ST7ARABTEB TBTfST Transacta a Oeneral Banking Basts. tUu bAhua At sua aaa anenenenS 11 BBI 0. W. WATBBBTTBY. Preelaent a B. LOGAN BAT8 tlaa Temple. Bevwafb and Stark Streets. Phone lb YOBTBTw-ZSTBRB BVAVBAVTZX TRW8T OOMPABT Portland, Ongoa. . Laxaher atxokange. s. B. Corner Second and Stark Btreets (eeooad Boor). ; '-.' FISCAL AOENT FOB CORPORATIONS. . - Btt. Oaaattr, Manldpal aad Corporatloa Bonds Bought ssd Sold. Hew tatarprtosa org asdsss nra 8aii njrav m asjumm TrrXB MTABABTKB TRUST COaTPAJfT-SdO WASYOBBTOB BTBUZ. MOBTOAOB LOANS Portlaad Real BaUte st Lowest Bate. i Title iBsurtd. Abstracts Furs'ahed. . moRRTTRB RORB President tJHO. B. AITCHISOrf Srtry OEORGB B. BILL Ylce-Prealdeat BONDS AND INVESTMENTS. M 0RRIB BK0TB3XS. CkAmVa af Oamman ' Moil 1H pal. railroad and DOWaTHfr-XOraiBB COltTAXT IfetohtUhed 8TOCKB. BONDS. ORAIN Bong ht Privets win. BOOM 8 CBAMBBB iRX J. 0, Z.XB CO MP ART 18-88 Lafayatta Brokerage Department Bee tT Before Baying or Selling Stocks 0 verbeclc, Starr & Cooke Co. M TZ"ZTor - BRATB, B0TrSI0fl, COT TO. BTOOKS ARTIBOBTM. WB DO A BTBIOTLT OOMJCXBUOB BBIVRBB. ' . Coatlsuoos Markats by Private Win. tjulek Bervlc. BEFBRENCF.S-L.dd TUto. Basb twnxwm wiawr palted BUtaa National Bank 'of PartUnd. , LOUIS J. -WILDE. MUNICIPAL SCHOOL AND jBONBS CORPORATION ffkihiat Ba turns to Tsiaator Oanalateat Wltk Absomto Safety. . PORTLAND NORTBWESTERN BOMB PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS. ; m c BBACB CO. Tba Plonaer Paint Co.1 r,vrtawV-il.S ssd gUslng- US Flnt at Pkoa 1S84. PRINTINO. THB MODERN rBINTEBT Artlstl printing. 28 Buesel bldg., FourU aad Morrkwa. Phone Pacta 1828. ' - ANDERSON DUNIWAT TOMPANT. prtat. Ing. lithographing, blaak baoka. Pkoaa Mala IT. 208 Alder t - PLUMBERS. D0NNERBERO A RADEMACHEB. NnMvwi to No. 808 Buruslde at FOX A CO., sanitary plnmbsrs. 281 Second bet Mala aad Salmon. Sregos Pbon Main BOO. FIN NIG AN BBOB St CO.. 288 Third st Phone Mala kbOO. Plnmben aad heatln engineer. ROOFING.--... TIN BOOFINO. guttering repehrlag and psml lobbing. J. LoalL 212 Jefferaoa t P. 1484. RUBBER STAMPS. P. C. STAMP WORKS, 848 Alder St.. phose Mils T10: rubber stamps, seam. stsBcllat baggage, trad checks; sad to catalogue No. 88. - SIQN PAINTERS. GOLD SIGNS, window lettering, cloth bennere, economical lctrl lgn and algn af all kind mad quickly. Fester Kleieer, Fliu and Everett rnone ucaRsf. sw. W. P. BEB0EB SON. 284 Yamhill st Signs ef all kino. Pnoae Facto 2232. "SIGNS THAT ATTRACT' A. H. Boal Co. 27 Stark St. Phone Pacific ISPS. STREET pavino. THB Berber Asphalt Paving 0a. at Port ad. Offtc 868 Wort-ester blk. WARREN -Coatroct!oa Co.. street paving, elde welk and crossing. 814 Lamber Exchange. SAFES. PIEBOLD Msngsnsw and Bre proof aafea; sac. e..i ms eeatnat bnrslar and Ira; lock- uts Dnd. Mr. Super. . mecksnlcsl expert wltk J. E. Dsvls. 88 Tbird. raoas iooo. EIGHT secoad hand fireproof eafee and two ecoad-ksad bank aafea for sab) cheap, at TO Sixth t.. Portlna. vr. - SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASES ef very deacrlptloai beak, bsr . ssd ators axtnre mad to order. The Latk Manafaeturlng Co., Portlaad. B. H. BIRDS ALL, designer; sgsnt M. Winter Lumber Co.. T Hamlltoa bldg. Mala SoSO. TRANSFER AND HAULINO. SAFES, pisses snd furtln mond, packed reedy for skipping snd skipped; sll work guaranteed; Urge. 8-story hclck. "r-Proo' wsrehone for stonss. OfSc 208 Oak st t;. m, uiara, rev, THB BAOOAOB B 0MN1RC8 TBANSFEB CO., cor. Slxtk aad Oak t I baggage checked from hotel a rMldean dtnet toftetlatla; pssssBgers therefor avoid raeh snd asaoy aare at depots. Private Bxckssge 88. 0. O. PICK, fSc 88 First St., blwea Stark aad Oak ata. phone BPS; aad furnltun moved and parked for ehlpptng; comsaodlea brick warehoua wltk prst Iron rooms, Frnat aad CUy sts. ORBOON TRANSFER CO.. 184 North Sixth. Pboa Mala 88. Heavy hsuilng aad enrage. POST SPECIAL DELIVER Yj. No. t00 Wash Ingtoa st. Pboae Mala 881, CUT nte oa buhold good to an pntnt eaat: we mak up carlo da: apeclal room foe trunks whll watting. Oregon Ate-Depatrk. 18 Flnt at Phone Mala T18. INDEPENDENT BAOOAOB TR ANSFKB CO. Btotsg, 884 Stark H UAtsaOt, .t EA::3. BIGHT - Mm ff-a, s-".'!; 1 Surplus snd nndlvidd pronrs. .... g'-'f' " Excbans Baslaeaa ITaaaacieo. . '"? : of Cemaaarce Bujiiaug, 1. T. BUBTCBAE1X. . Aaalatant Manager OBKOOB, Collection a Specialty . book of 'IU.rgTRATIONS." J. O. OOLTBA Aaslstsat Secretary aaa w...lM. stpaaa. VarvJaad. M.wwna n , o tu,,T tateeaat Allowed U A. LEWIS. ......'......Flrat TlcPriat R. O. JUBITB .Seoretary , Aaalatant Secretary , COMPART BARS. ' Uteres! Paid oa Tim Deposits, Saving fl 11 8BH 1 828 Bill la aBrlBlFfBel It, a W. MILLER....... ..Tlos-Prmldeat elstsnt Secretiry 1 Mela 154. Open Saturday Evening B to 8. bihai arvsar as .- . f T. T. BUBKBABT BUg. public arete corpora Hon bonds. 1888 BROKXXB, Aad eold fa Cask ami B Margia. af COMaTBBCB. Phow Ksta BT. Bldg., Tartlaad, Oragea. B. W. Donah. Manager. or Bonds. Can Alwaya 8v T Moay. 8. 4 and 5 L FayetU bldg.. ear. Sixth aa Wash. Sts.. Portland. Orogoa. DITIDIND BANK AND CORPORATION STOCK TBLBPBONB B TELEOBAPB SECTTBTTIEB. ' TYPEWRITERS. NEW typewriter, all makee, rented, old sad repaired, coast Agency, 831 Btark. Tel. IUT. TELEPHONES. TBB only exeloatv tolephoac beqaa. - B.-B. E lac trie 4 Telepboa Msaafaetavlag aat peny. 82 Fifth t . TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN T0WELI DAILT Comb, brash. Map, ' 81 Per moatb.' Portland Lauadry aad Towel Supply Co., Ninth aad Oooch. Pboa 410. WELLDI0OINO. WBlXDiaOINO Oeerg Roblnso. It lohns. WINDOW SHADES. 0ALB WINDOW BBADB CO., MT Salmon St.. Elsla aad faacy sbsde made to rdr at west prions. Pboae Mala BoTS. SONGS THAT ARE SAD, Peopl Who Sing When They. Have ' Sorrow.. . Tou've heard the flippant phrase, "I'm saddest when I alng." Well, It is true that certain persons feel the strongest inclination to sing when they are . sad. Tou may remind them of the example of the birds, which, there are msny ressons to believe, sing only when they are glad. Neverthelesa, these persons must mingle tears with their song or sing aot st alt. . Borne of the beet and noblest songs ever written have been tear-compelling. For example; the one in which the in comparable Jean Ingelow cries: "When sparrows build snd the leaves break forth. My Old sorrow wakes snd cries.'' The same poet found Inspiration for s song in a ghlpwreck with lamentable loss of life, snd : soon everybody was singing, "Oh, Fair Dove! Oh, Fond Dove!" Factory employes snd street boys prefer Shakespeare's tragedies snd the moat lurid of melodramas to the liveliest of faroes and comedies. All women are more interested In pathetlo scenes In books and In playa which bring tars to their eyes than In situa tions which cause them to shriek with laughter. Perhaps there Is even more reason why songs that are sad achieve so much populafTty.-, Musle . may be dramatic, melancholy r tender, paaalnnate. sweetly mournful, but never comic. Bo-called comle songs are -never comle except in their words." Titillated by the humor of tha verse, you may imagine that the melody is funny, but it Is not. A celebrated church organist Is fond Of weaving imposing voluntaries out of such themes as "Johnny, Get Tour Gun" snd "Mr. Dooley." With the right kind of comlo words the doxology musk) would produce slde-spllttlng effects In vaudeville. . , , When you have a really tearful poem set to tnualo that muele Instantly In creases the tearful trickle Into a tor rent. Even If the poem, standing alone, falls to reach the tear duets, the muslo will do the business. It Is therefor a deal simpler to write sn effective sad song than sn effective glad one. There is sn Illustration of thla In "On the Blue Hills of New Englsnd, Far Awsy." Thle Is a song of sad memories. The sweetheart who dwelt upon HhoaoJ blue hills long sgo had to be left beMnd. Whenever he thinks of his native blue hills he thinks of her. Thla makes him sad, snd when, hs Is sad ho sings.1 This sentiment Is re flected In the heart of every one elae who sings such songsand there appear to be msnv who prefer them to ail 9ihw , ' ia. I LlCji 0.. m cm,:. Great Celebration- Will C r!..4 at th Oaks and Program Rendered. - sixty thousand are " Expected to be there Firms Will Closs Storss for tht Day . to Allow Employes' to Enjoy Thtra aelvcs Prominent PortUndcra Will '. - Speak to Big: Crowd.; Prrpara tlona ar being mad by tTts committee on arTangemcnta of tha Fb1 aratod Trades council for tba blsst Lstbxir day celebration vr Bald In Portland. Th exercise will be Jild St tha; Oaks. Ther will oa no parad. . Th committee sr preparing for n attendsnc of (0,000 st tha Oaks Sep tember I. and they say th day will b observed aa a holiday by business men' ' in all parts of tha city. Already sig nature have been secured Of 108 of th leading firms and business men to an agreement to close their places ef bust. neas on Labor day in order, to permit their employe to participate to tba Labor day exercise). ' '. Moat of the firms will not open tnir shops on that, day. Tb butcher shops will close at S o'clock in tne morning. Grocers, laundries, and all the Front atreet merchants will remain closed all day.' -'!-' A special round trip rata or on ana on third far has been made by all . railroad llnea from all points within 109 miles of Portland. . ... The exercises will commencs st 18 O'clock In the morning. - Tha complete program has not yet been prepared, but arrangements nave been made lor a dreases by Mayor Lane, Dr. Edgar P. Hill and C. O. Young of Tacoma, gen eral organiser Of the American Federa tion of Labor. Accommodations for pri vate plcnlo parties Will be provided, v. The committee on arrangement are: Charles Bchultx, chairman: W. H. Fits go raid, secretary; Thomas Leabo, treas urer: Mlas Lucy White, Mlaa Mary Kee gan, Oeorre Rodner, V. C Wella. Carl Frederick,. H. Chester Ourr, Fred Neu berger, J. L. Ledwldge and C H. Oram. W. H Fltsgerald. who is secretary of the local Federated TVadea council, this morning received advices of hta election aa seventh vice-president of the International Clgarmakers' union. JUDGE SETTLES KNOTTY POINT IN MINING CASE Mining atock max be sold without a transfer of the atock certificates, which ar merely proof of the ownership, and do not constitute the property. So ruled Judge Cleland in th circuit court yes terday. F. J. Catterlln had obtained a judg ment against George la Allen for 1108 damages. . He stated to the court that be had been unable to find any of Allen's property to satisfy the Judg ment Allen had been employed to sell stock of the Copperopolle Copper com pany In Savannah, Georgia, snd ther wss due him as commissions on bis sales T.SOO shares of the stock. Catter lln attempted to garnlaha the. stock, and Allen claimed he had already sold it to a man ncmed Weldemann. though th eertlflcateg for the atock had not been Issued by the company. Catterlln brought an action to compel th Issu ance of the stock to Allen, so it could be attached and sold by the sheriff to satisfy ths Judgment. Testimony was tntroduoed ahowlng that th sale had been made and the, trans fer of the stock ordered before th gar nishment was served. Judge Cleland held that th certificate ef stock were not necessary to complete th sal and dismissed that proceedings. ' Tataabl inias. . In AlR-la-Chapelle tber Is a news paper museum founded by Oaear von vnt..lia-lr wihloH aaatalna file af specimens of more than 17.888 different newspapers. ; . WINS OVER ENEMIES. Latsst photo of JUrs. Clartnc I. Mackay, wlfa of tha Naw Yc:"j r " lionair. whoso splendid work f. ".".1 J member of th school 'koard C, Rosslyn, Long Island, haa wc f hsr tha admiration of sll tho vote.. 1 th district who formerly wer ." Untl vgpwi to her election,