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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 21, 1906)
( z.i cailv. jour.::..:; tuz:day lv. ..:..a. august q isci J : t i'- it '"1 I' i I EAREY BDBTORGED TO SELL HIS LION rJP Robert Fhaelmmons Posed for Hia C: ". (Journal Special Service.) . 1 New fork, Aui. ' M. That one doughty fighter and tlH aspiring actor, Robtrt Fitsslmmons, has "old "Senator Reynolds" for $5,000. .The "Senator" ia a big" 1-year-old lion" which haa been al meit a' mmbf of 'Ruby -Bob's-family for the- pest II months.- The purchaser was Bostock. the deal being made over the telephone.. Many In the Jarre crowd aaaembled at the American florae' exchange were moved to teara at the affecting parting. In which Mr, Fiteslmmona and hia lion took leading rolea. The actor waa gen uinely moved, and It la aafe to aay that be never did anything better behind the footlights, ' , - 1 . " ' There were two : real teara In Mr. FltisVivona' eyee, one In each of them, and a eatJh In hia voice, a ha aald: 7 , '"Why, tt.OOO wouldn't have touched that lion If I could have atayed at borne all the time to keep hint company.- He loved me. and I thought the world and all of him. But ha didn't, aeem to take to anybody, alee and I waa. afraid be would eat one of my children aometlme when I waa away. Ha took aeveral bltea out of a good horee of mine the other day and I'm afraid It will never be the aame horae- again. It waan't that the Senator waa Ill-tempered. ' he'a got a weet .disposition, but he'a playful, very FIFTEEN THOUSAND CHINESE ' FOR PANAMA Commission Advertises for Labor and Makes the Contractors k Heavy "Bonds f i'lS ' i . lv VV V Ji 'U3 ; . - V'.'Jearael apetlal Service.) 1. " . Washington,- -Aug - tk The Panama eommiefalpn Intends to. employ ; 15,000 Chinese on the eanal 'tnatead of 1,500, aa waa at flrsf announced-' They will work ' ten houre a day, with pay, and a half '; tor overtime. -' ' ' The apeclflratlona for propoaala from , Chlneae labor. , contract ore war laaued ' today. Bide tnuat be aooompanled by a bond af $50,000. L'pon awarding of con tract the contractor mua'tputupa bond of $100,000 to carry out the regulatlona of the commlaalon, which will provide I aleeplng quarter!, with aU aanltary ar f rangementa. , Coollea muat be from tl to 4t yeara ' old. phyalcally a?nnd, aocuatomed to I tho climate, and-to work, under oondl- ticpia elmiur to. moae or For a Good Complexion, ; Health and Beauty. i .... T"Fs0R Clear Eyea rA rure complexion , Sweat Breath . i Clean Tonne ' ' . -Calm Nervea -Good Temper ' , t Eat Caacaret whenever jrou eugpeet you need it. , Carry a little lOo Emer gency box conatantly with you. In your Pune or Pocket. . When do you need one? -When your Tongue ia coated ' ' ' When you have Heartburn, Belch ing, Acid Rial tip In Throat : When Plmplea begin to peep out When your atomach Gnaws and Burna. . ' '. ' That'i the time to check coming Con atipatlen, Indlgeation and Dyspeptia. , : That's lha take, a Caacaret One tablet taken whenever you eugpeet you need It will insure you against 90 per eent ol an other Ills likely to attack you. Cascarets don'l purge, don't weaken, don't Irritate, nor upset your stomach. ; They stimulate the Bowel Muscles to contract and propel the Pood naturally past the little valves that mix Digestive Juices with Pood. , : "2 '7 1 V . ThU stronger action produces greater nutrition from food and perfect ellmlna on of useless materials. . Tlt .mrttes the blood purer, healthier and mots reconstructive, Insuring a fine, dear citor and complexion. "7.T. ... ,. . . , Then lev ry the little ten-cent box con gtantly wlM you in your purse, and take Caacaret whenever you auspeot you eedit.------.' - - ' AlhDrugglstssell them over ten mil llorf boxes a year. ' 1 Be very careful to get the tenuine, made only by the Sterling Remedy Com pany; and never sold In bulk.. Every tablei iiamped "CCC.", m : J " . I V 2J Photograph at Coney Island. playful. -and a little rough at times. I've got 'to go away thla fall with my ahow, 'A right for Love and I didn't darf to leave the big fellow at home;" and Mr. . Fltsaimmona sighed pro toundly. ' . . - v ' ' It will be remembered that "Senator Reynolds" waa the lion which caused Mr. Fltsaimmona to remain In durance vile In a cell at the Coney Island police atatlon for two houra and a half In the spring of 1S05. Senator Reynolds, the eta teaman, had given the lion -hie namesake to Robert when the animal waa only a few montha oht. With the Impetuosity which fre quently characterised hia action In the prise ring, Mr. Fitsslmmons entered the cage without aaylng anything to Mr. Bostock about the. senator's gift and took-the' little lion away. It looked ao much like theft to the animal trainer that ha caused the fighter's arrest. Tor two houra Mr. Fltsaimmona remained In a cell while the matter waa being ex plained. As' In the present case, there waa no effort at the time to keep the affair from the papers. "I raised that Hon from a pup I mean cub," aald Mr. Fitsslmmons sor rowfully, as he departed yesterday, "and I certainly do hate tp-glve him up; but I got to go with my ahow. The Fight for Love" that's the name of It have you got that rlghtr, A : ROAD FROul LA GRANDE TO LEIVISTON IS PLANNED . Believed Line Will ' Be Run . to :Y Thriving Idaho' City Within ' .Two 'Years. ' ' '" .; r: ; - (BpeeUl Dispatch to Tee XauraeLI Joseph,' Or.-. Aug. 11. Right -of way agenta for the O. R. A N, have, estab lished cams about ; three mllee ' from thla city. - Work la progressing a little alowly at thla time on account of the scarcity of help, but after harvest It la expected that there will be more men for railroad work. ft la understood that A party of O. R. A N. surveyors are now working on a line for - the continuation of the- line from the mouth of the Wallowa river down the Grand Ronde to Lewlaton. he line of track will soon be extended from Elgin to 4 he Junction of the Wal lowa and - from RJparla to Lewteton. Thla will leave a -gap of about 0 mllea to complete a water, level system for nearly all the country east. of 4110 Blue mountains. - It ia believed that within two years there will be a direct Una from La Grande to Lewlaton. ATTEMPTS TO CONVERT WOMAN WITH BLOWS (Special DIspatcB to The Jenraat.) Salem, Aug. II. Because she thought Mrs. Lucy K. Mitchell of The Dalits was not a Christian and because the woman from the Inland empire- waa aeen talk Ing to a bartender e wife. Mrs. .Doyner. a Christian mission worker or .thla city, attacked' The Dalits woman on the atreeta of Salem Sunday, gave her a atinglng blow on the ear and followed up thla with a fuallade of rocks and Stones. ' ' r .. ' ' - Mrs. Mltohell came to this city from The Dallas Saturday and ahlpped her larea and penatea by freight.- She did not get her baggage out of the depot Saturday and yesterday waa down In the farda looking after her chickena and urkeya, when aha met the wife of a saloon-keeper and asked her soma ques tions. A few minutes, afterward Mrs, Doyner hove In eight ."Are you a Christian?" asked the lat tar. . ' - "l slwsys try to be," replied Mrs. Mitchell. "You are no Chrtatlan," aald the Doyner woman, "beiuae I aaw you talking to a barkeeper's wife," and then the attack commenced. ' Mra. Mitchell ran and got out of the way ss soon aa possible, . No arrests have been made, v EUGENEB0Y FACES CHARGE OF LARCENY .' - (Rpetkl Dispatch ro The Journal ! Eugene. Or.. Aug. II. Earl Chapman, the 11-year-old eon of Mra. H. B. Chap man of thla city, waa taken to Oregon City by an officer of the law last night, having been arrested by Sheriff Flak here charged with stealing a horee and aaddla from a .man named Ward at Clarkamaa about three weeka ago. .It ia alleged that the boy rode the horse to Arleta where he left It and than went to The Delias, coming to Eugene a few da ye later. - - .. . DESERTED WIFE GOES INSANE FROM GRIEF Albany, Or.. Aug. 11. Eva Farrier of near Sclo, was yesterday adjudged In sane and committed to the asylum. The cause of aald Jnaanlty la attributed to domeatlo trouble her. husband having deserted her about a year ago, leaving her In a delicate condition and with fojir small children to care for. The faith. Jea husband ran away with a sis aey of the new denaated woman, to stop pavk: Property . Owners Allege City pads Are Fostering a Trust by ; Ordering Improvement. flipeHat DUsateh te Tfct JooraaLt Baker City, Or.. Aug. II. Alleging that the common council by Its action haa gone against public policy and fos tered a trust, declaring that its actiona are null and void, and asking that an Injunction be issaund reetralntirg the city council. Mayor Johns and City Aud itor W.' 0. Levena from entering Into a contract with the Warren Construc tion company for bltullthlo pavement fop Front street. Hart eV Nichols yes terday, acting for 8. A. Hetlner and others who remonstrated upon the pav ing, fired the first shot in the battle $o exoluda It from Baker. With Hart A Nichols as attorneys In , the ease Is aaaoclated Dan J. Malarkey of Port' land. ' . . - . .' . With Mr. Hellner . are aaaoclated IT other contestants who oppose paving on Front street In the manner determined by the council. The list, of plaintiffs contains some of the largeat property owners in Baker City, and behind it there is money to fight the battle to the bitter end. Judge Smith thla afternffon granted the Injunction asked In the" petition of Mr. Hellner and others, and thla means that the city will wal for paving un til the matter la finally settled and the Injunction dissolved, t . , , WILL DRIVE RABBITS ON BLALOCK ISLAND '' (Special Dlapetrh to The JoernaL) ' Pendleton, Or., Aug. 11. Walla Walla and eastern Oregon sportsmen are to be treated to a genuine 'Australian rabbit hunt early thla fall. The aoene of the sport la to be at Blalock Island on the Columbia river, near Coyote, on the O. R. te N., where the famoua rabbit bunta have been held heretofore. Dr. N. C. Blalock of Walla. Walla, who owna thla Island, and a number of aportsmen are making elaborate prepa rations for this .occasion. On the morn ing of the great drive the men. will be organised srmy style and a captain and lieutenants will be selected. The crowd will be taken to one end of the Island, formed in line and marched toward the nemy. Blalock Island IS devoted to farming and It la six mllea long- and from a mile to two mllea In width. It contalna 4,000 acres of land owned by the Blalock com pany, of which Dr. Blalock la president Altogether the company haa 17,000 acrea under cultivation in that vicinity. Dr. Blalock owned the island yeara ago, but during the panic of 181 was compelled to give up the lend. Recently he again secured possession of the land and Is now csrrylng out his Idea In life -to have a model farm In every particular. Thla year 11.000 apricot and plum trees were planted. . - Nearly 100 people are employed by the Blalock company. About SO of theae live on the Island. The doctor resides In Walla Walla, where he has a large practice. Nine Immense buildings ' ere now being erected for the storage of , bay and manv modern Improvements are under wayIn addition to the raising of fruit and hay the company -will also nay Dartlcular attention to the raising of stock. , The doctor, haa just been In Portland and Seattle en business con nected with the big farm. 7 - . . MILTON MAY SECURE TWO ELECTRIC LINES - eaassaaaasssaaBBJBSaBBSa (Special Dispatch .to THe Joaraat.) Milton. Or., Aug. 11. Milton will soon be connected with Walla Walla, by one If not two electrlo railways. Two com panies, the Walla Walla Traction com pany and the 'Columbia WaUa Walla Electrlo company, are aaklng for the privilege of using the atreeta of the city, and they have franchisee up before the city council for consideration. Both . companiea want to lay their traeka on Main street, and there waa for a time aome discussion of the advlsa-. blllty of devoting such a large propor tion of the street to that purpose, ,-rnere Is not much doubt, however, but that one. If not both, will be let in. To Balarge Matlock Boll ding. Eugene. Or., Aug. 11. J. V. Matlock of thla city, late Democratlo candidate for atate treasurer, will let the contract within a few days for a three-atory addition to his brick block In, Eugene. a; SSm. recent photograph of Mrs. Mac-Bride,'- better known as Maud Gonna, the Irish Joan of Arc, who haa been legally aeparated from her , husband by a Parla court. : ' , : '' You Are Invited to Call Every young, old or middle-aged man who has been guilty of vlo- -letlng nature's laws, exposure, etc. To men with Feeble Thought, Falling Memory, Varicocele, Rup ture, - Piles, Weak Back. Poor Stomach, etc... Ytm Make No Charge for Private t . Counsel .. W Srat ' thoua-ht la to asoer- tain the real cause of your all- n men; our aecond thought la to ascertain ff a cure la possible; our third thought -is to produce I speedy and lasting results. Our t--'Tioxt thought la the quickest ki method by which tnia can do done and then to figure the low- ' est price for the treatment of - . your caaa. .. ', i; - Over' 50 Per Cent of Our Patients Have Been Cured for $10.00, and Hanypnl5.00 , During the Past Sovonteea Yeara"" We Give the Best Treatment at the Lowest Prices aim are alwava willing to arrange terma to suit. Tou can pay by the visit, by the week or by the month, and we give liberal dlecount for cash. Remember, our chargea are the loweat and moat reaaonable In the city. fnTyu get the very beet treatment. Call and And out about your caaa at once; It will be the happleat day of your Ufa. Coneultatlon free. ; Yon Need Not Pay Until You Are Cored Should you desire you may depoelt the fee with any bank or business house in Portland, to be paid to ua after you have been reetored to bMioiaT Toung snd middle-aged men who have Injured themaelves i In body and mind, with weak back, falling atrength. ""nihk',i 5" eyea, bad habits, dissipation, poor memory. We cure aecreUy and cheap- 'r' TlllCOn TsnrsUiwormy veins, varicocele, reduced and cured with out iMUni. No paliTRupture. Hydrocele and Ptlea cured. Conault us free and And out how we cSra without knife. Our price for a cure la the 'oMOno'AmS'jtinAtW-Kc Ulcers, sores, .pile, constipation, Itching, heart, kidneys, liver, stomach catarrh, rheumatism ?lD' ' OtrT-OJ-IOWsT ItiaT TXattTXaTtt VMM OXTT. i Conault ua at once upon arrival and maybe you can be cured before' returning home. Many caaea can be cured in one or two or more vlalte. Consultation and advice free.- ' 1 . ,VI -... ... Write People who live in outside towne and In the country who cannot call ahould write for consultation and advice free. Many eases have been cured by home treatment. - i Office hours I a. m. to I p. m. ; Sundays and holidays, 10 a. ro. to is m. Dr. W. Norton Davis &Co. Office In Van Noy Hotel. 61 M Third St. Comer Pine. Portland. Or. BTOKnrWXa. XstabUshed la ostuwd lm 1S8S. FMf 5s DISEASES ESTABLISHED 25 YEARS DI P0R1UVND Ws Will Treat Any Single We make no charge for examination, and we ere glad to have you call and have a private and confidential talk about your troubles. BLOOD POISON ' Is ths most dresded, dangerous and deatructltve disease- known. .This disease not only unfits you for your work and duties, but makes a man unfit for marriage, for holding reaponalble positions. When his system becomes Inoculated with the germ the whole body undergoes a change of decomposition and not only reaulta In a disfigurement of the body but also of the man. Thla diaeaae can be cured. We have received the everlaaaing gratitude- o thoae-whom - we have ured end- who-ahew-thelr apprecia tion by sending us other caaea. . .. . .-' j NERVOUS DEBILITY v ? Loss of energy, will power. Isck of concentration of thought, loss, of memory, which weakens your entire system, mental aa well aa physical. Thla lowered vitality of the nervous and physical condition la atrength encd ao that In a ahort time you Will have your original strength snd be ,0Ua"i' acute' and chronic' akin diseases, ulcers, rheumatism, heart, kidney, varicocele, stricture, gonorrhoea, liver and atomsch troubles cured by the lateat scientific methods. ' ,i ' i WRITE. If you csnnot call. All eorreapondence etrlctly confidential and all replies sent In plain envelopea. No names, esses. letters or photo graphs of patienta published or exposed. '; Inclose J-cent sump to Insure reply. , '.' Hours a. m. to ( p. m.: Evenings, St. Louis 1IED1CAL AND SURGICAL - ooim taooirs abb yajcsxlIi WeaR, Nervous Men ' Taooaanda of Yenag and Kid41o-Ao4 Un are annually awopt te a Br.matnre grave tb-onsh aarly Indloc-rotlona aed lator erceaaca. en4 Cenatltntlooal niood IMacaaee hare rulnod and wrecked the IKo et many a promlalus roans man. Hare yoa say et the following ermn- torn.: KrrTnua and dr. xnil-n t ; Tired in Morning; No Ambition; M.mory Poor; Baally PaUsnod; Esrltablei Eyee Blnr; Ptmplre ea the far); H..r4 Looklns; Blotrhoa; Sore Throat; Hair Loooo; P.lna 'la the Bodr: Sunken Kr.j lifelooa: -Pt.truatfnl and Lark o( Enorsr and n-ntht Our Vaw Motkod e( Treetmoat will hnlld yoa p awntnlly. pkyalvally and vltaUy. Cares wtieraateed a no Pay. .,. Cell or Write BB. T. . HlkCI. ltl Flrat St.. Cor. Yamhill, Portland. BRITISH MEDICAL MEN AT TORONTO (Joornel Spoelal BrrTlre.) Toronto, Ont., Aug. HI. A eonaarva tlve eatimate of the attendance at the meeting of the British Medical asso ciation, which hegeri In Toronto today, DeonseYaiirDlocd!) The true way to cure all ., Beaselt'e Native j Rlrnvl Diaeanea Herbs drive Out pouv ana anmkta nnauisae Brat kr Bhononettr, Sieaaerb. Bwwet. kidaoy and bvne aey. Ma and tl m DnaSarta n mm mmmmt Wi ay PSSS Ttnabfa . Baeeeri'e NaMve HerkeCe. mm. CURED FOR $12,50 Uncomplicated Ailment For $12.50 for the fee 6- ABSOLUTE GUARAflTEE NO PAY UNLESS CURED '' .... , . ... ........ - We desire to reach the 'poor as well ss the rich men, snd by making our fee only IU.80, pay on easy terms, we Increase our business apd fee cure lasting gratitude from thousands, who. would otherwlae remain afflicted If It were not for thla liberal offer. T to I; Sundays, t s. m. to It noon, Dispensary stbexts. OBraAjro. ob. placed the number of delegatea at not less than S.tOO. England haa aent a moat notable delegation, that Includea In Its personnel such medical men Of note ss Sir Thomas Barlow, Sir James Barr, Sir Hector Cameron, 'Sir Victor Horaley and Sir William Broad bent. The formal opening of the conven tion waa held this afternoon In the main hall of the Unlveralty of Toronto. "Rich ard Andrewa Reeve. M. D.. dean of the medloal faculty of the University of Toronto and president of the British Medical association, called the gather ing to order and delivered tbe opening addreas. Welcomes and responses xtnd the Introduction of the distinguished visitors occupied the Initial session. Be ginning this morning and continuing through the week the numerous, sec tional conferences on various branches of medical practice are to be held. In conjunction with the convention there la A large snd comprehensive exhibition Of surgical Instruments, medicines, foods for infants snd Invalids and other things connected with the various branches of medical science. ' , re elrealaUom ef The fowrnal ta vaetlaad aa la Oregoa eaeeeds that ef T2AKSP02TATX6M. CcliiverSceccry Hzst Line Steamers ; ' . TOK EXCURSIOM STEAMER "BAIXBY uAixHA 1 maaea round iripe o .ad CADE LOCKS every Sunday, leaving rUHTLANU at a. reiuruuia fu- rlvea p. m. rult. hmIm CmImJI mtkA The Dallas except Sunday, leaving Port land at 7 a. m.. arriving about i p. bl, carrying freight and passengere. Splan- Ola locDmmuu.iiuu. . iw ,'u. llveatock. . ' . Dock foot of Alder street, Portland: foot of Court atreeU The Dalles. Phone Main lie. Portland TELEGRAPH restart es the Bivet . ' The only steamboat making a round trip ' Rxeeot Sunday Between PORTL AND and ASTORIA An wat ronrri Leave Portia nd........ ....... T: a. m. Arrive Aetorla ............. .l:o P- ax Leave Astoria., ... ..1:10 p. m. Arrive Portland 1:00 p. ss. t Ht-iilA SERVED A LA CARTK . , Pcrtlaad SaadlBg, Aides ttreet XMok. Aetorla Trading. OaUaades Book, U B. SCOTT. Agent " Pbona Main III. ALASKA FAST AMD POPCLAB STIAaUBIFfl . , teeve Beattle -. - yMTOlBOir," Aiarsat IS, SB, ' "DOLPHXH," Aasuat tl, 11. caxxiita at-'"- - Reteblkaa. Iimeaa. Dooslas, Balnea. ag way, Onaaeeta with W. p. A T. teste foe Atlla, Pawaeo, Teaaaa, Neeje, ate. , . For AS sVMtbeaatera Atoaa rerta. Can or aead fcw'Trlp te WXmserfal Alaakv" "Indian Baakatrr," TotB PoUe.- ZHX ALASKA t, & 00. ' ' rrask Weolsey Oa Asnta. SSI Oak at. . rwtlaad. Or. ,T ! I I 'I IIP BOTrTKXAITXSaT AZASXA SOTTTS. Tom Bra it. ac w e. h. (or Kttrhtkaa. Juneaa, Skas- war, White Boras, Devsoa ana fdrbanks S. S. City of Seattle. Aug- mat 10. 30. SO. . g. 8. Hoaiboldt, Aasast 4, 14, 24, fl. a. Oettase ty CvU Bttkat. ansuai ll. aa. . BOatl SOtnf. B. a. Beeater about Ansnat IT. " ; a . W ....nidIA TlTB,r From Seattle at a. m Citj et Pfltbla, . .. m ... fortUaa Offtoe. S4S Waaklavtea St.. Baa'tts. s. m. ui, raae, C..P. DUNANM, O. P., A Saa rraadsee. C. GEE WO Portland's t Widely Known and Successiul . Chinese ' -t Medicinal, f Root and j ' "Her Doctdf Bkt tamoae remedlee, tke tasredlesis et which we Import 4lnt traei the Orlaat ia larse oaantltlea ae4 prpara and PCt as for aee la kle ap-to-oate Ubatory. . Ne SMreerr. solsene er 4rass ei say klad sees, farel T.r.ublo. The Doctoe treats seeeMffllly asd gaaraeteee te core all stomarb tmobUo, catarrh, asthaaa, hras. throat, rhramattsm. aerreoaneas, 11 tot, kldoer aad Inst atanbeod. rxxAu nonua Aire azx tixvati . DISXASXS. Ke false er ailaleadlns: etatesteats te the sftletod. A aafe and laatlnc eero la tbe aetok est eoaalble time and at the lowest eoel see. Mble tor honest treatment.. If Jim ran not ealL write for eympteei Mask sad etreolar. tnelnae 4 coats la stamsa, , oostn.TATio mra. - She 0. See We Oktneae Ketiotne 0.ltlVt tint St., Cor. Morrtoom, PorUaaa. Oa . rleaae aitnuoa taia cry Vcian 1 sad aboald kaow abonl tbe wenaormi MAIVCL Wkkiino: Sorey I Tke now VarkMl eyfanjo. Jnjt. a. nam Bit Mhtr. but lUnatraiod took miI.i. It fall ooruoolnn nnd iHroiHiona In. valuable to lailoa. MtaiVBI, rSK, m. esa eT.. BBW lonk. S. , SXISMOHI COM 11 rHIBfl iSTBXST, ABB WOOOAAB. OLABJU 00. Scott's Ssntal-Pepsin Gapsulss A POSITIVE CURE Forlntammetloa orOatorrf.of tho Bladder and Planeod ale n.Ti. BO orSS BO PAt. Cures quickly ana narmaneniiy ino worst eeMe et Oemerrlieoa end eileee. no mnltor of bow loss staadlne. Aksolntalf barmloH. Sold by drufiUts. Price by siall. sent, said. tloM enass. tt-Tt. TKE SANTAL-PEPS1N CO. BalMeatalM, OWe. , for Bale by Wsedud. OUrke A On. OdXemedt. flewtana. BBVBat kSOWS Tw rA Tarront'a Bstreet ef Cabeba aed ThelooMfaM. efc mdi'Mr oare fee worrnooa.slooKwhrtee.0 Knar So take, oooroalent te eerry. yutp -UTdnatrtiful aae. Prion tU Ruw. a Martin a. Sol Weetihwroa rt.. rortlaad, Orecon; or by man from the r arrant Co., 44 Bndaoa et Mew York. - CHILD WITH MATCHES : DESTROYS TWO BARNS (SpMial .niapntrk to The JoernaL I ' Eugene. Or., Aug. tl. Two barna and SO or to tone of hay belonging io Henry Oodard at' Trent. 10 or 11 miles south esst of Eugene, were destroyed by Tire about t o'clock last evening. Mr. Qod- ard's t-year-old boy waa playing about one of the barna and struck a match, let tine? it fall on aome hay on the floor. Boon the flamea were beyond control and spread to the other barn and to an ad joining field of hay. Before the fire waa checked damage to the extent of tl.tOO or tl.000 waa dona. OTazs SCIATICA. , Rev. W. U Riley, LU D., Cuba. New Tork. writes: "After fifteen days of excruciating pain from solatia rheuma tism, under varloua treatments, I was Induced to try Ballard'a Snow Liniment: the first application giving my first re lief and the aecond entire relief. I can rive It unqualified recommendation. ISO. Oo, tl.00. Woods rrt, Clarke A Co. c rill - i alt k , i. .AmVA mlatareaUK VeoaJ.rvNi t noaenxf jomoi t : J eat Moat coaTenioni, v:" 'Vla ihf Innallj. E' mm eionnil Sw k, KmZ Mnannotanrolrme VWw,,p 1. IBtM. aooont no m!ZflZr onduo(w tV rtroa I . M ws w (!) i Ju A - r . I 3 Trains to the East Daily 3 Loo re. fiTt . Spoetal rar . I."' U Banrlncton. S:SO St f rlnrtoo. Walla . Walla. a li$y&?J?.Mt AOS set ariantto Ripraaa tnr the Kaat Hoertn .nr....rr7:1sa fMaaj PxrtUad. .n.. " nm i mr Jf "orie and way pntnts. eoeeoetln wwe. rI!? end North Boaek. etoon r ' " 10 't Jx-k toavoe O S. Sk..e.1 BOBy oroma. let p. av . ' intvaS mf " -""-U IITII RUVTE " K' urofoa city mm yamtin rreet "?eamare Rath aed Undo. Anht. aooa. "i ,,,r- Pt Beadey watsr por !.. Arrlo. t:SS p. av. aafly. eaeopt BOTJTB.' '- " mt!Ztr7infV an way pornts fresj : nnofn npovaae one tern, 7 0 a. r apon arrlvat Trals TMtet OfaW. Third eed WaakhunVat. ata, ,TWlio Male T1S . . . r7r- wr neaot Alone. Wak afeatDatUXr General raawasae AgSL EASTvu SOUTH DalM r. m ua ' ' sooa.. ASSttej yrwwna aipiuaa Trams iw aawm, Hooohars. Aoh- , land, urianto. Osota, . ' -.. , . Loe Anroloa, BPaoo. v Now OrUane sad tbe east t:45 pat T:ia a Worntns train eoaaeet nt Woodnera dally eseept - -' ; ; , Sunday with train for ' . s , i Brownavuia. BpHnsneld. - , Wondllng end Natron.... t :00am T:a pooMieor . ena . :' htH at Wood bora with - Moaat Aneol and Slim. ' . Dil ...... , , . ; , ., ton kwnl 04.1s pn 1n-m aa Oorvallla paaaonsor 7 00 am fi iu pm ShoHdaa panaansw oa:nopa rofnt orere noMenser, . n:ro pat j:ow mm , Dally. IITVaHr ovrwe Pendar. ntrrKKSONTBgrr tTATfOit. for Dallas and latin madia te notnte dally T:M a. m. and 4 15 p. m. Arrive Portlaad 10:10 a. m. and 4:28 p. m. ror Timo one rare or oronja muaioaa naren applr at City Ticket OflW, er atatioa. " - Tlekota to Eastern points snd Kereeet ales Japan. Chine. Ronohila nnd Anatralia. City Tlekot Orfleo enmor Third aad ,Waea hetoa srroots. Phone ICatn T1A C W. STTNOKR. Wn. WcMTTBAT. . . City Tlckat Agent. Ooa. Pane. AgoaC TIME CARD OF TRAINS Portland: ttalna Leave, - Settee, Yellowstone Part-Kaaaas civet una special iw, , Chehalln. Centralla. Olym. ' ., 1 ', . n D nh . . v '- kane. Lewtatea. Butto, Bl!. nnee. iwaror, mini, - aaa ty. St. Uwis sad Sontheaat. dally It Sal 4tStel W riM.. Limits. th trie nsbted. foe . Taeome Soattlo,,, . v - Minnoanoua. 01. raw u. the Bait, deny snmses r Tsoests Pnsot Soaad fjmttod, foe ...4. , Ciarsment. CAanalls, Con. t , trails. Taooaia ana aennaa . only, dally iv-'iLT !0sai .MtsS W 1 fM.V SI, III aw -Ao. 1 enmn. s Settle. ., H.lrne. lotto. St. Pant, - . 1 ' bflnnoapolla. llncole, St. , V - ( ooepe. aanoa. -.''': . , ' a Imul wttnaot Hianeo ef rare. TJIreat con- v wortioee Tor nil ,r?.w.. " OOfl F . " ' r .". WW A. D. CrTAWT.TOtf. Aannitaet Boeornl Paw aner Afnt. SM Marrtaoa street, eerae Third. Portland. Oresoa. Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. Par Mnyrors, Batater, Clata. , , kaala. Weatport. OUftna. :', Aaterte. Wanoatoa. Pin- : ,- 1 ,: T,r. llM. ene. Ooerhart Park. Soestde. t.-OS sat 11 to sat Astoria ana aeaaaore. ea- iniii , . Pert!and-aatif yiyor" eatnroaiT eoly kitT-a PnrflSnd S:10 p. Sk - . . . All train, aeltv. : . uv. im m w a 1 - ' C. A. STSWABT, Oommaresnl Ageaa, StS A Mo etraev Paoae Meia SUA . TritcoatroirrAsitwAY. ? Overlaai TrabsbsSy 2 Ihe Ormatat UmitnA the last nteS , VIA SSATTLB ABB SPQgASS. Dally. Bally, t mm Anlvn. tVrflaed Hat ai hi tele - . -Te and from apokane. .. " :, , St Paul. Mlnnoopolle. , 1 -ninth end nil nelata Kaet via Seettle O'tSam T-eeaaj llMtsm t;tasm T end from tt, tael. - -' Wlnnoanolla Dnlnih ' - , and an polate Beat ' vU Spokane. S-tSne Stasam Oreet Bertkora Stsnmahtp On. giinins from Soartle tor J.noa end China porta and Manila, earryug tee, sons.ra and frolabt. t. A Dakota. Beptomter A A A Mianeeota, Ootober SA VTTOVM filial (lapan Man Stoam.hla (VI m m it-t W. .111 Mil p.tttle shout Bptnnor 4 foe Japan and China earn, wifiM '"-" rih Por j tickets, rarae. bortl R. PICKSOB. 0. . T. A.. IS r' t aU BartlaaA Orayea. Paoae kale S. S. F. A. ICI! Jur: ror Coos Boy. Baraks tsd 1 Kett eslllng from PortUaA Tteraday. Atf. t Ktst eainag trew lu f sarfeee, Thar, Ar . r. v flassaoi'on oa. flreasviek t Ae A d a 1 Areee-h Panataa erandard aed tsarlet sloe. S-ajo 4.U. Omaha, CMeeeo. Seek I Jjortot aleoolnaoje ealiy te iaaeee C..' rorlialng eaaJrean terete Sree ta Aartva. , I3ri iDNttvi 1 I ocp . s-" i mfm eoutia. Jet m Tarn nrB VVr