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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 22, 1906)
. . a e ri I r ta I.l I3 COLD AT TWO CENTS & . -. -w ... Jo GOOD EVENING Journal Circu!it!cn THE WEATHER. Probably fair tonight and Thurs day; northerly wind. ' . t . Yesterday - mr m m mm & r at - v J-XJ -' v.oiv. no. w: t: PORTLAND, OREGON, WEDNESDAY EVENING,. -AUGUST 82. . 1803. FOURTEEN ' PAGES. PRICE TWO CENTS. J DIM 11 ) II. Li 1J ft- .. 1 .THS r. i , -v . . , .. H l ; ! "J ' '; ,l y r y "i I ' r '. , ' ' f '! ; ' f . ; 1 LAI I mi HI -I ! W 1 1 .i III HI liiilltiifWi: r sf ' , - 5 ; ii ' t . '. ff '', W to Millions Increase struct Tvo Thousand Miles of New Tradno Pacific ;f ..".' frs .; ' (Journal Special Service.,) :.'"'--rT"tT.'; ' '-SanTraneiscoAug. 22. -The Chicago & Northwestern rail way Is getting ready to build direct from Omaha to the Pacific coast, with "a terminal probably, connecting, with the-Southern Port t land. It has issued a call for a meeting of the stockholders in Chir . ' cago "October 18. President Marvin Hurhitt at that time will ex plain for approval the plans of the 2,000 miles of new track to join with the lines already built m Wyom . , ing and thus form a direct route to the Pacific coast. ' r ; ' ' At this meeting the capital stock will be increased from $100,000, xOOO..toL.$200.000, pay ..for. the. new construction.- Provisions forithe immediate taking up of the newstock in Nw"York ave been made, although it wlUbe offered to the present stockholders -."At-par. 'r" ;4 wi.v . ; .:,', ....; y' w. ': r '- Notice , of "the meeting of the Chicago & Northwestern stock bolders was received, at the Southern Pacific office late yesterday afternoon Pfivate informatioo was also received-stating the object of f the meeting' arid the proposed extensiofli of .the. old, Vanderbilt 'line to the Pacific" coast'' .., ;: ';'J v ' , ,A- . y .. ' Local passenger and freight officials of the Chicago -& North western will not discuss the proposed meeting", although they admit a meeting of the stockholders will be held end that the capital stock is to be increased. '. . '"', ' . '.'.;.:'..'.: ? o -The plan of building to' the Pacific coast was formulated and voted upon by the directors at the June1 meeting. " At the present " time the Northwestern has an agreement with, the .Union Pacific . whereby it received shares of the Pacific coast trade. . " It is announced that the northern extensions of tbe Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul and the Grand 'Trunk railway of Canada, however, have convinced the Northwestern officials that they must - have1- through line of rtheir own if they expected to get western business'- In this way they wiH divide the profits with none. ' . -: At the present time the Chicago 8c Northwestern extends as far west as Omaha. With the Elkhorn it covers Nebraska. v It has a large' trackage' through Minnesota, Wisconsin," Nebraska and new lines in-'Wyoming and Montana.: " . y 1 ' , The'new stock issued will be preferred, similar to the recent issue of the Union Pacific. ; ' ; V, . . ' ' .-1 mm Unci Jot., F. A. Truoblood. a veteran account collector, wandered down town thla - niomlng and atood tlng at tha hole In tha ground which eventually will be the baaement of the new Corbett building at Fifth and Uorrlaon atreeta. Suddenly a man alapped him oh tha baok. "Hello. Uncle Joe," yelled tbe alapper. and Trurblood 'waa on In a jiffy. But, Juat to be contrary, he denied to tha stranger that ha had aver before been taken for Uncle Joe Cannon, Illlnola' choice for president. Aa he was telling the etrangtr that ha wasn't Uncle Joe, but Uncle Ed, another man rama along and aalt: "I beg your pardon, sir, but did any one aver mlstak you for Uncle Joe Can non T' . Uncle K1 said "ys" this time, and within five mlnu, two other fellows . had taken 'Uncle TA for t;ncle Joe end Uncle . Ed wa locally famous. The loupfora about ha Corbelt building W e a i a V I.TMT. 4 to of Stock to Con: Coast Terminal . directors for. the construction of lohldnd iManLooks vExactlyzLike Famous .Czarjof.; the; House oRepreseritatiyesv: JOE'S 1 ,'. .' .... ' " . .'. tl . ;.; . hole-ln-the-ground ' forgot their Interest In tha workings of tha big digging ma chine and deyolfj their attention "to Uncle Ed. ; , . . L' . ' .'' '. "IJke him to a dot," said one.. ' "A dead ringer, aura aa ydure alive." "Remember how Cannon, looked at the fair? . Well, dldu'f he have to aame whiskers, I want to knowT" Then somebody brought Uncle Ed a big, black stogie, and the old man atuck It In -the corner of- his mouth, and looked still mora like tha speaker of tbe house, , , - ' Vaola S U'SaakfaL. : ': Uncle Ed ' Is bashful. Ha seemed actually embarraaaed whan taken for tba distinguished Illlnolaan. But he waa flattered just the same, for ha la an ar dent admirer of the speaker of tha house.1. .'(. "He's from Illlnel and I'm from In diana." aald Truoblood. "He's older than me, too.- Why. I'm only Juat. turned and hn'a 72. When I was a youngster be waa breaking Into po) It lea. - J. knew him allghtly In those days." While Uncle Bd doesn't tall It, there la a story about his likeness to Cannon that one of his neighbors relatea with great gusto. , It aeema that Uncle Bd waa standing In a hotel corridor, when a bruaque young man atepped up. to him and aald: , ., . ' Bal Joe eo tha OUfmr1. "Here's the design. Now all wa want la your permission to nee It, and we'll atart off with iM.000. It's bound to go; the people Ilka you and tha goods are all right. Weil keep you aupplled till yon die. and If yen don't aay tt'a tha finest article you aver out In your face for a nickel, you'll eave tba distinction ':-:'-."-'v.V-; , : SECRETLY IWD TO ELLEII TERRY'S SDH .. (Joorul BpmUI Bcrrle.) . . ' . ' A ..; London, . Aug. ,1. Iufloit ZHincan, tb youn , California airl whOMjbarefopt daacB har.. UrtId i Ruaala,, Ormoy, '.Aua- . trU and . Ono . : haa recently ' been biarrled to "Gordon Crals. -.' aonpf Ellen Tarry. - . "' , " . , w Y , For aevaral , yaara lllaa Dun-' ean . baa ' bean ' the terpeichorean ' aanaatfon of . Europe, Cenaora ', have endeavored to suppress her ' and art lata have rallied, to her 1 aupport. -Her. daneea ' war 'moat '' : ' darinK' and unique. Bhe danced to the mualo of Beethoven.' .AW COriTOtlT SUFFERS FRD..1 SPiaAL'lSEDTISl ' Sclenti$tlPredict3 jTaLMexicb' Wilt Be the Next Country to . reel cannquBKci. ' ' : (Joorahl SpKlal Bcrrle.) - Waahlniton, Aug-. 22. Menlngltle la tha dlaeaaa affecting the- backbone, of Unclt Ed. : " ; v - 'if f . 'C;A 'dS :- - M. VJs I ' " v ' ' ' 4 I - ' i t " J of being the only . man : that .. doesn't Now. of course, I understand 'TVall. I-don't," aatd Uncle Kd. with some forcai '1 haven't tha slightest lde what Vou're talking about." Whereupon tha young- man asserted that ha waa a cigar man, and wanted to put the Cannon face on tha Inside of ffte cover of every box of "Uncle, Joe's Favorite" cigars. I The neighbor man assert a that, Uncle Ed grlvely gave the cigar man permis sion, and that aa a resulrt he-rear Uncle Joe has been receiving elgara of.. a strange aroma, - .. ; . t " . - ; - i Knropatkiav Baaallad. - ' .. , " (Jeernsl Bperls) Bervice.l ' St. Petersburg, Aug. 22. tt la ra porteif that General . Kuropatktn has een VvrallM to .th Vapltal to. resume Tile pMitlon. aa minister of war and to reorganla the army. . v:-.;.'-'VX:,::i'-r-;; -, ; two of the Famous : 1 " ' . v AV - . ,i of the ' MaCam Mistirew - of the Classic Cordon Craig, ; Son of Ellen' Terry, .'Who Is Reported to' Hava Married ' Isadora Duncan. the 'American continent, according to Dr.. C. iWIUard Hays of the geological survey. . That Mexico will be the next country to be visited -by aelemetlo dis turbance la his prediction. 'Discussing this topic Dr. Hays- aald:? n , "These mountalna. or what la mis takenly called the backbone of tha American continent, " are among ' the newest In the world. ' That la why they are ao high. -. They represent a .much more recent geological -period : than do tbe Appalachlana, although' It la prob able that tha Appalachlana , ware once aa high aa tha Rockies. "Karthquakea are caused In two' vary different waya. One : by ' volcanic ao tlvlty and tha other by the slipping of tha earth'a cruet along tha fault Una and readjusting It to tba new distribu tion of preaaurea." , ' BURLlKGTOri ROAD BURNING " RECORD OF REBATES Two Additional Cart of Old Pa pers Destroyed in Furnaces ,. in Nebraska. i. (Joe real SpeeUl gervtee.) Omaha, Nab., Aug. 23. Two additional earloads of old papers war burned la tha Burlington furnaces (at Havelock, near Lincoln, on Saturday! and Sunday and Monday papers were taken from tba care in large sacks. . Attention waa first attracted to tha affair by tha flames ahootlng from tha big chimney .on Sunday. when tha fur naces are usually abut down. Inquiry waa made by residents and Immediately the efforta to destroy, tha documenta were redoubled. Two engines were run up and down tha track, tha flree under tha boilers being fed-with paper from the two box cars. Jamea P. Hayden of the auditor's office In thla . city, super vised the burning. - - y . .... G0MPERS OPENS WAR ' UPON CONGRESSMEN (Joeraal Bperlel Srtlee.) " Waahlngton, Aug. 22. President flamuol Oompera of the American Fed eration of Labor- In hie labor campaign wrote .to all congressmen demanding their views upon "labor's bill of grlev ancee" aent to. tba piwaldent. ' Oompera oar a that he.hes received meny replies and derlarea that all congreaamen not for labor must be treated a against It. There Is no equivocation.- tngrea. men ' must favor all of Oompera . tnands or be fought by organised labor. of Dancing -"IVV ?, 1'; ' ' v - . '"II , .'..1 vf'I't' fV'Hf V 7 V- -....( . Vvfe-v 1 " 1 1 " iiiii- i I iiaaaaaaaaBBBBaaaaMBant V A T: i , ADAM COSES TO COAST FOR GARDEILDFJDE Prophet Leads Half Naked Fol lowers Westward ' to. Find ' Desired Xaven. .- ' :, i T ," ' 't , - V. IJeontl BpeUI,Sarrtea. i Oklahoma City, Okla., Aug. It. Jamea F., Sharp, who aays he la Adam, and a band of half-clothed followers, number ing about SO, marched : through tha atreeta today fcrora their abandoned camp Outside the city. 1 They, are on their way to tha Pactflo coast. , Sharp led a parade of nude persona through the streets here a 'year ago which resulted In several arrests and. In one of tha band being fent to tha asy lum. Jiharp returned here a few weeka ago 'and established' a camp east of town, where many of his followers went without . clothing under the, belief that they were Jn tha Garden of Eden. They were arrested frequently and fined. .Sharp says it' was a caae of per secution and. decided to go to tha coast. ADMIRAL TRAIN'S BODY ARRIVES AT VICTORIA Uoen-el saeelal Berrwe.) . Victoria, B. Aug. 22. The ateamer Empress of China arrived laat night with the body of Rear-Admiral Charles Train, who died at Cbefoo. . Tha gun boat Princeton will meet, tha China at Vancouver and take - the v remains to 8attle, where .tha Journey by train will begin. ; ;,' . . GUNBOAT PRINCETON ; ASHORE AT VANCOUVER . ' (Joaraal pertel gerrtea.t Vancouver. B. C. Aug. II. Tha United States gunboat Princeton ran eehore at Vancouver harbor but was successfully floated at hlgh ttde. The veaael la here - to get tha body of Ad miral Train. .. -t ... ... , i m COLOMBIANS DECLARE - MENDOSA A TRAITOR '(Joeraal tpeelal Sent..) ' Bogota. Aug. 12. The Colombian cab-" inet haa declared that Mendoaa, former minister to the United States, la a trat tor. It la alleged that he revealed dip lomatic secrete. ... . Free Speeeh for rtaaa. . - signed the 'decree granting free speech to. tha Klnna."- , GHOST OF MITCHELL Attorneys in the Blue Mountain .Case Per sist in Recalling Trial of Late Senator :v;.:.':v-.f,;; ;.:.v. ?tyri Heney Charges Defense Wfth ; Trying to ' Create Sympathy, and f Fenton " Replies That Heney Prosecuted Senator for Technical Violation of Law. Although Franklin Pierce Maya. Wll- lard N. Jonea and George Borenaen are tha defendants of record In tha Blue Mountain reserve caae, counsel for tha men on trial show a disposition to rest their cause on what tho Jurors think of tha lata United States . Senator John H. Mitchell. W. D. Fenton, who la leading tha fight for Maya, mada a two-hour open ing statement thla morning. -Ha made much use of tho name of Mitchell, de claring- that if tha noted eenater had not Induced hla law partner to testify falsely he would be alive today and there would hava bean no conviction because Oregoniane knew of tha in valuable aervloe ha had rendered - with out charge In all mattara except tha one at lasue at hla trial. - t- Special Assistant Attorney-General Francla J. Heney, .who auocaasfully prosecuted Mitchell, . broke In on tha statement. Informing Attorney Fenton that Mitchell had never handled a land matter of which ha did not get a fee. Further objection waa mada to harking back to an old case. - . Croatia Sympathy, Bay Kemey. , Tou are trying to create- arm pa thy for poor oia Mitcneu, aaia Heney. "l hava aympathy for him myself, but that haa nothing to do with vindicating tha law- "Tat you brought about and carried on a prosecution charging him with a tech nical violation of the law," replied At torney Fenton. ' Prosecutor Heney objected to what ha caned placing htm1 In falsa light,-and threatened to retaliate by telling tha Jury "something about tha Mitchell caae that you haven't begun to telL" Judge Hunt ended tha controversy by instructing counsel ror nays to avoid further daouaa!on of tha Mitchell case. Attorney Fenton. getting down to the Blue mountain caae at- laat. insisted that there had bean no fraud In tha ap plication for achool landa. Tha state got Its pries for landa tt deemed worth leaa and neither Oregon or tho United States waa defrauded. aaoamesl af Defense. ffi iinMt tl fthnw " Balrf : mhhuI "that tha ataU land office in fla had tha state printer run off blank applica tions and blank assignments, that these blanks and aaatgnments were eent out In bunchea and' that tha etate waa glad to get an Installment Of IB eenta an acre on Ita landa. Wa further expect to ahow that while thla waa going an not' a state official from tha governor down aver objected." "Do you expect to prove that these of ficials knew of tho perjury that waa being committed T' aaked - Proaeeutor Heney. - I don't know lust how far tha proof will go," replied counsel for Maya, and iContlnued on Pago .Three.) OLD Tll'S PET I TROUBLE Another Pittsburg Scandal Throws Limelight on Millionaire John C. Hair as Result of : Suit ; Filed for Damages : h : - -. . .. , (Jearaal Special Servtca.) Denver, Aug. II. -Another Pittsburg millionaire. John C. Hair, is in tho limelight aa tha reault of a ault filed by Mra. Alice U Arry against Mra. John C. Hair, or Rose C Deahl, aa aha la also known. If tho complaint apeaka tha truth, Mra. Arry. c bargee aliena tion of the affectlone of her h unbend, Harry M. Arry. Tha defendant haa been -regarded - not - aa the million aire's wife, but aa hla daughter-in-law, with 1 whom he lived In a splendid raanejlon until a few day a. ago, when both - left Denver, oatenalbly for tho Hair home In Pittsburg. 1 All of tho principals 4n tha suit lived at Colorado Springs until recently. -Mra. Arry chargea that Mra Hair waa tbe millionaire's darling until ahe met Arry two yaara ago. It ia alleged that tha defendant oaed aa th widow af John Attack Rurales Who Are Driven Pinar del Rio Fail to Fol low Up Advantage 2 at)n.V' W4?;T Vf.-'ri-. Insurrection Dqe - to - Desire on ) 'Part of Natives to Be Annexed f to United States, as Islanders Are Sick of Self Government Uncle Sam Keeps Hands Off. Wuuraai special service. I (J Havana. Aug. 22. The rebel forces are reported to hava won a victory be fore daylight thla morning. ' General Pino Guerra attacked tha rurales" out- iwiifl t Hinmr n.i hi. riTw im avmm tbem back to town. The lnsurgenta did not' follow up their advantage because they were awaiting reinforcementa, - Cuerra captured in the battle thla morning GO ruralea. - Tha rebels greatly ouinumDerea me govemmeni xorcea; it la reported that IS - were killed and wounded. The revolutionists took San Luis, II tollea west of tha city of Pinar del Rio, a large town at .the western termlnua of the railroad. - - .. . Oyster Bay, Aug. '21. Tha prealdent haa received no information regarding the Cuban revolt. r Thla country la not hurrying pell mall Into any revolution that tha Cuban government la presumed to be able to control. Tho government does not want to be placed in tha posi tion at aeising tno xirat opportunity to rusn. uho vioa to ampnaaise tna neces sity of annexation, but dealrea to eon-.' vine the world that tha little republio la entirely free. Independent and atable. That tha rebellion In Cuba la tha re sult of a strong desire on tha part of tho natlvea to hava. tha United States annex be Island la" tha opinion ex-. ,v.v V" J V, ST, .U KPU AVIVWUVU, M magaaina writer, who haa apant many montha In Cuba atudylng tba political situation . -..-J ' . "If thla rebellion la not put down be fore it galna dangeroua headwav. Men intervene, and that la what tho leading oltisena of Cuba desire," BrowneU aald. A cry will then be raised for annexation. Tha political situation in Cuba is rotten and tha, better class of Cubans are sick of It. They were satisfied with tha manner in which tha United States axv. erned Cuba before It handed tho affaire of tho country over to tho natlvea and would un-e to see tna united state a tap In. Thla haa resulted in Plana to aom. pel tha United Btatea to annex tha Island. Tha only war In which tha Ma ple believed thla could be brought about waa bs having a revolution."' v...-,..,. - - mm Bevolt, ' ' (Jearaal Special serrtre.V ' '. Mexico City, Aug. 22. The Central American revolutionists are. lea vine- te Join tha Cuban rebels. . STEAMER AMSTERDAM - ASHORE AT ROTTERDAM --"'""' (Jearaal asocial ferrta.! .' Rotterdam. Aitr lHTh. -. u Amaterdam. bearing a number oT Ameri can tourlau, went ashore thla morning la miles from thla city. The paaagngera were unumi 7, C Hair, aon af tho millionaire, but that aa a matter of faot thla waa a sub terfuge to protect tha name t of (ha Plttaburg magnate, who lavished land and money upon her. Tha plaintiff avera ah made many efforta to purauade her husband to re main true to bis family, once going far a to get him ta rentov lit ( fornla. Sba allegea, however, that 1 Hair followed him to that elate a 1 whan he tetumed and located In I ver also removed to thla eUy w,.h t.. old man bountiful. The Arry s were snerrled m I-w' Maaaarhuaatta. November tt, lt!i, m hava four nhlltfren, ranging frt ' 12" years of age. Mrs. Arry 1 custody of the two minor ri alimony and attorney's f' frn 1 husband, aa well aa , -a -separate tualataano J If A , r'- '