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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 29, 1906)
- - .... -J ;:-;v:.;- .-. - v.; ,THE ortcoit Sunday jourjiAU PORTLAND, cui:day ::c july -tv i::?, . !')A;inF siTiiflTinn iibitioos dutier .iwOvJlUUMUli UllUlllIUli ; AT 'FRISCO IS CL Some Companies Welching, butOthers Paying . Up in Good :bnaperirom j)ixty,to;oeY I entv-Five Per Cent of Policies to Be Paid; : - i, (Bpeelat plepatra by Leased Win te Tke Jbersaiy ''J en Francisco. July It. The feature ;, v pf the peat week in. insurance circles V was the ntteranceon Wednesday lest. V , of an official document purporting , to ; a official tatement of the posi " tloa taken by the Commercial Union, w V Palatine, Alliance an Norwich Unions - commonly Known nw m . . "earthquake companies. The earth , ". quake companies, of course, ar those - whM policies contain an earthquake t clause, purporting to axernpt tham from ' lublllty , for loa occasioned "directly ' or Indirectly" or "by or through" earth- quaxe, s -, . . . : For three months following tha San ' Francisco conflagration theea eompanlea ' maintained absolute alienee, ' the while , "! It was generally rumored that they had ; ' it-clded to claim absolute protection ' under their earthquake .: clause. Then I at last , they aent - representatives out i here i to "look . over Jtbe situation. - ,. These men esjna saw and concurred In -the official . statement Issued last 4 .Wednesdays That haa been the subject of much discussion. i -4 - ": . ,i. I- J. Brads AH prwmim.'-' ; v Tha statement, in th.e first place, was not Issued from the offices of the .' eompanlea but . from their, attorney ' and bearing the sla-natures of tha men ' "; of law. . It was oold and chilly, and sent . : the spirits of Hie reader down to sere . - It held out little hope, for Us one en court tine; sentence was hed-ed and .' f hemmed in with qualifications and Ural ' , verbiage. The statement started out , " with the declaration, by these attorneys ' that the measles; of the so-called earth quake clause was without question and Its legality beyond .doubt; in a. word, f that the" clause covered the entire- sit uation and rendered the - eompanlea t liable for not one dollar.., Then It went . on to say that. '. notwithstanding the security of their position, the com- . panles proposed to pay in full claims - ; where there was no question ss to their i legal liability. . . - The. companies proposed, according to t thia statement, to- trace Area back to i their , origin and wherever the earth- quake should be found to have played ,. Ha part they would absolutely deny - , liability. And so forth and ao on. - ' "W don't owe at all,- but will - pay ; .' where we find we owe. We'll pay and " ' we won't pay; but In the main we won't pay." Such as the substance of this ; f lawyer's document. '.- i . .. ... ... ( 1 v - . ' Btay Pay atom Claims. '. '. Since Its utterance the Paclflo coast ' manager of the Norwich Union and tta New York tributary, the Indemnity, haa ' written to his agents what appears to ' be a liberal -Interpretation Of hie law ;' yer'a definition of his poaltionv He con- ' gratulatea hia agents that his eompanlea ' have not take advantage of tha earth quake clause to deny total liability and. ba . announceah!e -Intention ef recog- -nliing all. clalma, .either by payment In run or hy compromise, according to : their respective) merits, where It does l not appear that the earthquake waa tha direct cause of the Are loss. . . . -' Thia latter haa awakened a hope in the hearta of policy-holders that after lall the omelal statement referred to was but a bluff. Intended to calm the fears of British' stockholders and reinsurers .' (who have feared that, without their in- terventlon the- Pacitle agents of thase companies would throw their - money away) and that when It comes to ad- I Justing claims the "earthquake" - com- -panles "will e "no more technical, no ..- more exacting than their associates -whose policies lack tha protective pro- vision. . Manager Mulllns of the Commercial - Union, Alliance -and Palatine la yet to : vaf;derbilt steered glear i of john d. rockefeller Reggie - and Wife Return -Ar- range tn Midocean for Hold- ; tXT ing Charity Bazaar. : -; (Special Mssateb by Laaeee Wire to Tae Jesrael) .. New York, July II. Mr. and Mrs. Reginald VanderbUt, who arrived from . Europe today on tha American liner ; America, did two things during the voy age ever that gives them added dla . 1 tine tloa. First, VanderbUt got off the beaten track of sycophany and toady . ism by Intentionally avoiding John D. Rockefeller. Neither he -nor his wife were Introduced to the much-sought , man the richest in the world. " To .-those who were cognisant ef the sltua- Uon It waa profoundly interesting, this i avoidance by the scion of one of . the . ..1 wealthiest men of hia time of the man , who la today the lord of lucre. -t i The second thing which made the trip of the Vanderbllts notable was the '; use of the wireless telegraph by Mrs. .. VanderbUt in arranging, probably for t the first time In midocean, for her basaar In aid of St Mary's orphanage In Providence. Rhode Island. The af ; fair Is to be held in Sandy Point farm, V Portsmouth, New Hampshire, the Van , derbllU' estate, and it doubtless will be ,the largest and most successful charit , able movement ever aided by the ao--, elety women who affect Newport AI ; ready more than $10,000 worth of ar . tides have been contributed, and some About the EYE GLASS , -v- Tljey re free from the pinching tentetion to the note, and give splendid cau end comfort. This is brought about by simple, but rweH-ctntrived spring, whereby they wili never drop off. The ap peirance te greatly improved also by their modern end up-to-date construction. . ( . . . OcuilstV Prescriptions Accurately Pilled COR. THIRD AND Manufacturing Jewelers. FARING be heard from. - But ' hs nakbeen IT years on the coast, has up to the present crisis borne and excellent reputation ana is looked tofor a square deal when the Urns comas to act- . .'-Vi' ; ; ". ' -fireman's Vnnd Tatlure. ;i Within the past seven days the great local corporation, - the pride of Cali fornia, the Fireman's Fund, has thrown up its hands. - First Of all was announced the failure of' the Home Fire Marina, then two days later, the parent corporation fol lowed suit. The affairs , ot the Fire man's Fund, are truly In a complicated condition. ' It has to -carry not only ts own liabilities, estimated at not leaa than f (.000,000, but also those of the Home, placed at IXOOO.000, and those of the Paclflo Underwriters, figured at 11. 100,000. -...:. . - Now, directly after the catastrophe it waa announced by President Dutton that there waa nothing to fear, that these corporations would settle their liabilities in full, dollar for dollar. Then came the newa that the directors had organised a new concern, called the Fireman's Fund Insurance corporation, for the writing of new business. ' Next followed the announcement that the Fireman's Fund Insurance corporation had taken over tha buslneaa of the Fire man's Fund Insurance company, had reinsured it In fact, and Incidentally had taken unto itself the ld corpora tlon's reinsurance reserve of $1,400,- 000.- Another announcement waa that an aasessment of too per cent bad been levied on the stock of the Home Fire 4 Marine and that the Fireman's Fund had transferred $800,000 of Its property to help its companion to- make good. - - H Sfforks to Save Home. ; , f Desperate efforts, in a word,' were made to save the Home Fire A Marina and at the same time to aet the new corporation on ' Its feet, all at the ex pense of tha Fireman's Fund. It now turns out that expectations In the way of salvage, not tie speak of reinsurance, have not -4een realised, and that the creditors of both 'corporations will be lucky If they get 00 cents on the dollar, It Is expected, i too, - that - some perti nent questions will be asked regarding the transfer of $00,000 fronv-the Fire man's to tha Home, and the deal by which the new Fireman's Fund corpora tion waa made possible will be investi gated, in all probability. . , v . Situation Clearing. . For all these and other drawbacks tha insurance situation is regarded as clear ing. There are a number of quitters, and the action taken by the Austrian- Phoenix and the Trans-Atlantic, neither ox wntcn baa any excuse to deny liabil ity, aave that, in their estmatlon. the conflagration was caused by the "act of God, against which no provision can no jtnaaa, has arousaJt etorm or in- lalgnatlonj BuT the , big. businesslike corporations are paying up, and big losses are being settled every day, . It Is prophesied that in the mala the tale of the insurance crisis In. 8aa Franolaco will to told In the fire Insurance lists. In which the financial statements of tha-eompanlea are given; in a word, that settlement is a question of surplus on The prophecy Is also made that when the last claim has been settled it will be found that from- tS to 11 per .cent of the Insurance has been paid. Opinions vary as to the amount - In volved. Some insurance men place it aa high as $260,000,000. - But Uis cal culating men, who figure 'by blocks and averagee, do not estimate the total loaa at above (171,000.000. . It la a well known fact . that San Franoiaoo was tin derlnnured. of the most prominent colonists of the Rhode Island watering places have been assigned to booths. Mrs. VanderbUt arranged the prelim inary details by cable, but her enthusi asm In the work was. suoh that she could not wait until the Amerlka docs to complete them. - She made the wire- leas slssle for a while and then rest ed; content that the success . of . her worthy project was assured. CROP PROSPECTS ARE GOOD NEAR GERVAIS - (Seeds! Oiapatrh te Tie SeanuLI Oervala, Or., July Ji.-rThreshlng will begin Monday actively. , Machine man have gotten their threshing machines ready but have not yet threshed enough to tell how much fall wheat will turn out to the acre. They claim, however. that the outlook la over average of past years. Oats especially promise a large yield and the quality la going to be excellent- Spring grain may not be aa sign average aa the fall sown grain. MAN HURT IN MILL ; 7 DIES, FROM INJURIES . Eugene, Or July t$. Wesley J. Wy eoo, who received serious injuries Tues day morning at the Hyland Lumber company's sawmill at Mabel, died In tha Eugene hospital this morning with out having regained consciousness sfter tn accident. The injury, which neces sitated the removal of the frontal bones of the head and a part of the brain, was ao serious that the doctors scarce hoped for recovery. -- ' ; Celebrated MOUINTIISQ WASHINGTON , STS. Diamond Importers. is ii mm Servant of Millionaire) Hathaway , Poses as Captain of Indus try and Financier. PLANS ROAD BETWEEN SIBERIA AND AMERICA Lwhil Walkinc ' About Employer's Grounds Talks Freely of Series of Tracki'snd Tunnels Under Bering Straits. ;-: '..?.- : '' v" - , I ''s :')-'': (Special Mepatch by Leased Wire to Tee Jaareel) New York, July ii. Ceellus W. Bwen sen. butler in the magnificent country home In East Orange, New Jersey, of Charles .liathaway, the - Wall aereet broker, many times a millionaire .and head of the firm of Charles Hathaway at Co., is under investigation by the poat- offlce authorities. fiwensen In president of the Cesllus Banking company and the 'Washington-Alaska Transcontinental Railway company, which latter concern has ambitions that might arouse the envy of the captains of finance through out the United States. The ' butler freely admitted today that the banking company title was named for him. - A . well-known 4 mercantile agency, about a year ago, reported most unfa vorably concerning the Cesllus com pany, recently - reported again In the aame vein to a. publio man in Orange, and aince then the agenoy - has been asked by an Orange bank for a special report. - Bwensen denied, however, today. that he ' was engaged In anything but legitimate enterprises. During a walk about his employers grounds Swensen talked freely of hia ambitions to have tha railway company build a series of tracks and tunnels across Alaska and over and under Ber ing straits and thence Into Siberia, form ing a through means of communication between the eastern and western, hemis pheres. Printed matter of the railroad and banking concerns mentions 107 West Twenty-seventh street as the offices. At leaat one prospective subscriber for stock in the railroad company was told that the home office was at 117 West Twenty-fourth street. Swensen Is not known In either Place. The Weat Twenty-seventh street build ing Is a three-story and basement resi dence structure.- On the first floor -is the real aetata and insurance offloe ef J. Gulalln. ? He knows nothing about Swensen or his eompanlea - A Mrs. OIo vanny keeps boarders on the other floors. Her boarders, about Si In num ber, are French waiters and butlers out of - employment, with occasionally - a Swede or Dane among the number. She says she never heard of Sweneen. but men in the secret service of the post- office department aay - that - mall ad dressed to Swensen at 107 West Twenty- seventh street reaches him. rjMJtlLLLDJCQREJaJUBED , lH , TROLLEY WRECK Los Angeles Suburban Car It Struck by Southern Pacific Train Near dneonta. ; (Ipeeial Dispatch by Lessee Wire te The Jon real) Los Angelea. Cel., July St. The Blsrra Madras car leaving Los Angelea at 1:10 o'clock thia afternoon was struck by the Southern Pacific train from Pasadena at Oneonta Park Junction at 1:40. An Unknown - woman passenger waa killed and a score Injured, several seriously. - The wrecked ear. in response to the conductor's signal, had started te pro ceed aorosa the track when the South ern Paclflo train, running at a terrific rate of speed .down hill, shot around a sharp curve and struck the electric car squarely In the center. The engine, the tender and the first car were de railed. - ' . - 1 The engine went Into the ditch, falling is the carJhe accident happened ao quickly that none had time to escape. Tbe.motorman waa badly injured, me conductor was able to asaiat In taking care of the' Injured, among whom are Miss Edna Hederly and Mlas Mabel Roencer. ' Miss Hederly is seriously injured, nut Miss Spencer escaped with scratches. AU the Injured are being brought to the Sisters' hospital on special trolley care aent to tha scene of the accident by the Pacific Electric company.. Relief cars carrying physicians, nurses and surgical appliances were aent from Pasadena immediately after the news of the accident was received there. IRON DYKE MINES WILL BE OPERATED . (soeelal Dtepairt te The oorsal.) Salem, Or.. July It. The following articles of Incorporation were filed thm morning in tne orrice or, tne secre tary of state The Dorrance Lumber company of Kewbrrg; capital stock. $1,000; Incor porator, D. W. Dorrance, R. I David. M. H. David. Portland Sc Sandy. River El ec trio company, of Portland; capital atooK, tlto.000 Incorporators, M. F. Donoboe, Dan J. Malarkey. Charlotte Ohio. The Iron Dyke Copper company. In corporated under thi laws of Pennsylvania.- with a capital stock of $100, 000. filed a declaration of Intention to do a general mining bualnesa at Home stead, Baker county, Oregon.- A power of attorney was given to Frank - E. Pearce to manage tha business in Ore gon. . ' ' '.- " Eschislv ' of Insurance - eompanlea, S41 corporations have been formed, up to date, tn do business In Oregon. This does -not Include corporations-organised under tha laws of other states, doing business -In-Oi ERVAIS HARDWARE i . . STORE BURGLARIZED (Speelsl Dispatch te The Joerasl.l Oervals, Or., July tt. Thieves en tered the hardware store of B." - A. NaWiman Friday night and stole an as sortment of knives and rasors valued at ovtr 110. .Entrance was affected through a window In the rear. There la noi clew to the perpetrators. 8 an sis Thanae arvaia. Or.. July 11- A heavy thunder storm visited this section at four a. m. It wss accompanied by little rain. No dames was don to the crops nor 014 it Interfere wit, harvest Yea Are cor.e Credit - - - Astninstor ' vRurjs. 01.73 27x54 inches. They corns in noral and oriental patterns and are mad of aa excep tionally' good grade of ex minster that ' would . easily sell for U50. , Cream Pitcher 5 Cento (U"'5" Prettily modeled Cream Pitcher in mottled cream and blu. It will hold 10c worth of cream, and usually sells for - that- much.- Whfl they last 5c I cannot be 41-3x15 .10-6x12 9-4x12-5 FtAr.lES THREATEU YACOLT Forest Fires Break Out With Re newed Energy and Town Is in Immediate Danger. WEYERHAEUSER LUMBER CAMPS ARE DESTROYED Number Pour Has Already Beta Consumed, Two More Are Par tialy Burned and a Fourth is in Peth of the Flames. : ' (Bssciai Maneteh te The learaaU ' '' Vancouver, Wash., July It. A forest fire that first broke out on last Tues day and which was thought to be ex tinguished broke out again laat evening and if the present strong wind continues it is feared the logging town of Yo eolt, - in the northern part of Clarke oounty. will be completely . destroyed. Since early laat evening the entire pop ulace of Taoolt'has been fighting the fire, ' which Is slowly creeping town- ward. , ' ' .... - . .: Camp number 4 ef the Weyerhaeuser Timber company was the flrat place tQ be consumed by . the names. Camps t and t have been partially burned and Camp t la threatened. Residents ef the threatened district fear a repetition of the fires of four years ago this sum mer, when hundreds of lives were loot and hundreda of thousands of dollars worttf ot timber and buildings were de stroyed. , Last Tuesday a smair ' brush fire fanned by a Strong' wind got into tha tlmberbe!l near Tacolt and soon the woods were a rasing furnace. The wind went down on Wednesday and -the fire was thought to be out. But laat even ing a few smoldering logs were soon fanned into a blase by a strong north wind and the fire was worse . then ever. ....... .... The operating off ielals of the Taoolt branch ef the Northern Paclflo have given orders t hold la readiness two locomotives In ease It becomes neces sary to remove the populaoe from dan gar. The people of the xaooit district have learned from their experience with the fire of four years ago that where there appeara to be little fire may In few hours- become a deathtrap. Laat evening aa engine t the Weyerhaeuser A6AHI Our Rorjular Prices aro aa Lovy or Lower than those of any 1 Oaloa norr -. No merchant who wishes to continue) la basins will seS thlnss at s loss; we wouldn't do It, anJ neither would yoi but.we do 'claim to sen lower st all times than any one In the city.' Comparison of prices and vluee is what we invite." Nothing pleases us better - than to get a customer waa has looked through every store in town,' ' The result is always tha same another asms Is added to out long : list of satisfied customers. ; , e i . Mc:dvb Morris n Chdr Frcmo Sxceedingly well ' mads of highly, polished golden quarter-eawed oak, with patent self sdjusting ratchet back. A fine Chair at any time and especially eo when you com home tired st aight..- , . . - Cushions com at all price: Verona valours. tapestry, -brocaded leather, from $4.00 to WILTON RUGiS You 'know the , kind thick, soft, rich-looking Bugs, in exclusive design sad colorings, , orientals and plain reds snd greens with handsome borders. Rugs that will give constant erv--c for 20 years, and then look good. " W hay the largest assortment in the city at prices that equaled, and are always pleased to snow tnem wnetner you wisa to any or . ............ ... . . . .V. . .. . , .990.90 ........v.v..,,.4W.....t..i...f'B;o TW.......i.....".............f4.B0 OT.Wra-3xI0-6 ;'. DR. B. K. WBIOHT. ' ' e M4MMMMMMMM logging railroad waa rescued from the flames .only after It had been run through the fire for a mile, charring the woodwork badly. . Farmers throughout this county are preparing for forest fires. A Strip s era! feet wide is being plowed around the houses and every precaution is be ing taken to guard against heavy prop erty ana lire loss. Several small fires have started dur ing the paat week la various parts of the county, but with the exception of the one at Tacolt all have been put out neiore any damage was cone. BOYS GET LIQUOR. Ossmde Ze artarted - ta aInsf 'Salssie Mlaois. (Soed! Disrates. 1 te the leonal.t Vancouver, Wash., July it. The po lice and city council of Vancouver are determined that the practloe of selling liquor to minors shall be atopped, Late ly several oases where .boys la ' their teens have been able to procure liquor have been reported. The laat ease of thia kind resulted la the arrest and conviction of two boys upon the charge of disorderly conduct. .. Friday night Bob S nod grass and Tom and Joe Kinney secured liquor from I Masuretsky and became Intoxleated te such aa extent that the three became mixed up In a Small riot, Soodxrasa and Tom Kinney were arrested and will spend a term In the county jalL Joe Kinney will probably be taken In charge and tried Monday. All three ..bors are under II yeara of age. Joe Kinney Is eui 11 years wo. -I V ,- T:'V 23 Ct. , m -r';' iKrXm iMJm,fnW VV: able $wd, the tame ss -k ; ttJ ) K Jm r'mi;J.-' xV,v,tJie ltoo.2;; -.j:. ;.'J;::v: A handsom one mad of polished golden oak. la a -pleasing oriental design octagonal in shape, the farorit reloura sad fZOJOH. , v Bpantaa jaoecaaa anally worm again much as we S-JxlO-d ............... ; . 1 1 . , . ' . . i J. M.' 6x9 MB.' jx ..............f mtMtMMeieeMeeeeMee It Makes You Jump .': m WHAT? VV:: A Drop of Ice Water In the' Cavity ot Your Tooth And then What a toothache. It will spoil your vacation If you are trying to '; enjoy one and make you sour and 111 natured. Why don't you get the - tooth filled T Carelessness perhaps. It Is a great mistake te allow teeth to go from bad to worse without consulting - dentist. How many people there ' " are wearing plates that if they had given their teeth the slightest attention : could have eaved them. We can work wonders with bad teeth or teeth, that seem almost useless. Call and see us. Examination will eoet yen nothing. ' . TscB coomun ornoM or en nrr . , DR. B. E. . THE PAINLESS DENTIST , 342 Washington Street, Corner Seventh OFFICS HOXTRB A. M. TO P. K.J T:I0 TO 1:10 P. M.J SUNDATS ...... ,- !, TO 1 PHONB MAIN Mil. " . ., . ;,- '; ';'; DAY BOAT FOR ASTORIA ? CONNECTIONS WITH BOATS AND TRAINS FOR OCBAN BBACHIS. . ' TK2 V ; ' '.. 1 VaM-rUM TbM.AM.tAi ' TttftWHTM .. XS3. : ':' 9AXLT (BZOX7T . .V-'.'"; Dctvccn Portland cnd'Afitoria - LtXAVCt'C TAYLOa STtiZZT tOCK AT 7 a. a. FheAa!t!a 613 yy.-'y-"'. Masuretsky, ' the aaloon-kseper. was arrested and fined IH. He was warned that if he was eaught belling liquor te minors again hie Hoe use would be taken front him. So wrought up are the mem bers of the dtty council that It le like ly at the next meeting ef that body fur ther action in Masuretsky's ease may be taken and It le barely possible that he may yet lose hie tight to dispense liquors for hia act of Friday night Several ef the eouneQmea are aaowa to : $1X3 ' Co;vn ' --NS c-j t $leCD . ; ''S-'-'.V, -i .V:,,; ir u ; , A- mm;:, , "Tabouret 'A rrl-', WM'' H:';v m ',01.50 :; J v : ;'- mm aattera. with the . - Turkv ana ask for it nox. - e 'J WRIGHT )) S ftwVI MUWU W V.i -, -v. .... be hi favor of such action. . It was stated by a well-known local oltlsen today that It was possible for o i'-Jtrng' 11 So JCzii&su' I I minors to secure liquor In a half dosen V Genuine Bargains: , fttlO Lin an Suits for IS.I5, colors and white, Monday at - . , Ut PALAIS ROTAL, 1 ' - r 71 WaUiiutoa.etis4. ' . .. . ..4 lit-.-