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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 29, 1906)
xrTrTT?o TTW 77JAT t-tttyt Tr TZT'nrju iittx-jctti pueucAttclt. GUARANTEES THE CORRECT! TZ: f THE JOURHAL'3 CIRCULATION STATEMENTS. No Other Portland Par- Entitled to "Printers' 'Ink Guaranty Star Journal Circulation GOOD MOR III II G 1 M Yesterday f) w& V THE WEATHS2. ; x Sunday," fair and slightly cooler; westerly winds." ", sV..U'.v J, . ,.., - .-- a- - -; tfypr .. Portland,' orecon; Sunday morning, july 28, lsoa four : sections forty-four pages. PRICE FIVE CENTS. VOL. III. NO.M. :4r. . r 1 ' i 1 vv rvA - 3 - ' - - - r-. '- -r . .. -i, . It ILuuuiiISI ipiiM Barricades Erected by Peasants WhoWillDe - fend Property Against Troops With -Arms. Revolutionists March Through - Streets Shouting Down With the Czar-Stolypin Experi . ences Great Difficulty In Form ing New Cabinet. - (Oopyrlxht, Bant . new "hnlen by Wire to Tke lovul.) . ;. St. Petersburg, July Jl. Ther wu a Mrlous outbreak today at Praakuror, la aouthwaatara Russia. Soma 'dragoona, who attamptad to arraat a number of aaltatora. war drlvan 'from town after a flare flalt in which a numbar of per sona were wounded. ' v'- At aTrai otnar points ui paasania nav Begun to ret Darraoaa ana nrnvm Issued proolamatlona sarins; that they wUl defend, thalr property with their v Uvea.. ..., ' ? Rlotlnr baa also occurred at the town of laraall. In Bessarabia. Ravolutlon ' lata marched through the streets of the town oarrylac red bannara and ahout Inc "Down with, the caart" AU shops . ware closed owing to tb prevailing irflffi ,J rpmrf"T at Cossacks haa been sent to Ismail to restore order. - Premier , Btolypln U ' eaperlenclni great difficulty la forming the new " ' oa blast. . Frlnoa Xyoff and M. Quohkoff have both declined to enter the ministry ' on the tarme proposed and thla la sere re blow to the government, a both ara recognised aa belonging to th aatl bureaucratlo class of statesmen. Th raalgnatlona of five more mem bers of th council of th emplr hav . bea sent to th csar. - ; -. -v- .. Th Reich declares that I view, of his advanced ag. M. Pobledonoetaeff, th deposed procurator-general of th holy synod, retains th ehltf lnfluenoe '- over th emperor. ' ' - , Two generala and flv soldiers were hot and killed today by a band of revo L jutlonUts. who attacked , and robbed a , railroad train between Herby and Csen stochoux. Tha robbera took 11,800 and - 'acapad,-. -" --pt? 7 : tTT ?' BMbala Bob Traba . j In a apastal saioon carriage attached . to th train war several high army effl : ears and a party of soldiers. Tha oash- - lsr of customs at Herby was in the sama carriage and he had li.OOe roubles (t 1.00) In bis poasesslon.. Tb robbera entered tb carriage and opened fir without warning. Oeneral gukato and- Oeneral Watrnalng war killed out light. When th amok cleared away It waa found that tn eaahlar and flv aodlers war dead, while seysral pas- ' sen gars and a railroad guard wr serl usly Injured. ' T go quickly did th robbr work that th oldlra and officer war unable to make a atand. They war ahot down without warning. - ' M- , a peculiar "aooldent" happened to th central telegraph offlo today. A can- : tral board was burned out, destroying all communication between St. Petera burg and th outsld world. It la be lieved th revolutionist did It, but no vldano haa been forthcoming. It took . several hours to restore communication with th InUrlor. . . . ; , . Baaula 4 Oronatad. , , Reinforcements wer aent today to Cronstadt, th naval fortraa on th - -gutf of Finland.- It la aald that a, mlll. Ury revolt haa been - expected ther ' hourly. Th garriaona In Bealroresk and Z Novgorod hav also been Increased. , Following th search of th offlcer of , ' tha aoelal organ My eel, which was aup , pressed tor publishing th government a secret Instruction t th army In th vent of an outbreak of civil war, numer ous domiciliary vlslta; and arreat have 1 occurred. ' , Tha Novo Vremya says that plana for insurrection, Including tha names of tha plotters and th list of contributions to th fund of tha revolutionary propa ganda, wer found In th Mysel building. The -Twentieth Century, which waa ; started a few wka ago to till the plac of th suppressed Rues.-was Itself . confiscated today. Mr. Nedeinlkoff a ; member of th doums, was fined l0 to- (Contlnued on Page Twelva) ROBBERS LUQ SAFE j OFF LONG DISTANCE (Rperta! DtTa(e te The JoaraeLr Great Falls, Mont., July II. Two roh- ' bertes were committed In this city laat night, supposedly by two men, both of ." whom were masked. The total amount v secured, after a great deal of hard work on their part, waa Is. They went first to the place Of Jack ' man Downing of 111 Second Avenue South. Her they found a safe weigh. Ing about 46 pounds, which they very carefully rolled out to a place of safety, HEARST UOT A SOCIALIST Believes in System on Which-This Country "Has Founded and Has Become Mi Inspired Reply of Independence ; .League Accepting Resignation of Phelps Stoke as Member f of Executive Board Defines f Candidate's Beliefs and Policy (DpeeUl fMapatek by Leased Wire to The earaaO . Chicago, July II. W. R. Hearst haa come out flatly agalnat aoolallam. Tha first official declaration on th aubject waa made today In th Inspired . reply of the Hearst Independence league ac cepting th resignation of J.. Phelps Stoke from . th league, - Stokes re started to Join th Socialist party.- ; Tha league accepts th Stokes letter of resignation, and compliments th re tiring - member of th . executive com mittee, but declares itsen opposea 10 social Ism, and tells why. . The executive committee of the Inde pendence leagu haa replied to th Utter or I. a. nieipa, in wnJcn a lenaera nia realgnatloa from th league. Tb re ply waa mad publl yesterday, and If aa .squaws; ; : ; . , , n . ; : v ; ; v-, 1 - wjsV? On ' behalf VTtNT'tM'i nendenc league we aooept your realg natloa. Wr thank you foryour saxnest work don In behalf or municipal owner ship during th campaign laat faJL Tha Independence . league memneranip, in common with all your fellow cltlaena, fecognla 4nd admire your sincere pur pose, your lion est desire, oft repeated, to be of service to your fallow man. ; - . - WLrealUehowfver aa TouldQtnat th aendlna? and acceptance of your resignation war Inevitable, In view of th - well-denned dirrerenoes ,r opinion existing between yourself and the Inde pendence league membership. . While respecting th . sincerity -which ' has prompted you to take up a new tin of belief and effort, ' tha Independence league la compelled to express strong disagreement with you aa to th remedies required by present political and social oondltlona, and also In th general feel ing and wishes of th American people. " ' ' SysWaa wot a rafinr. ' : '- uv . Ton feel apparently that the system upon .which . the United States, haa achieved such great results haa proved Itself a v failure. - Th Independence league feels that th system la not a failure; that It only needs to be re stored and respected In order that th country may contlnu In , that ateady growth in tn prosperity', an.3 happiness of all th people which marked th de velopment of th republic. You . feel that th i country must - change . Ita method a, lta beliefs and enter upon aa entirely new line of political work, be lieve that what th country requires Is a return to fundamental American methods, freectportunity to alL spe cial privileges to none, uniform appli cation of th law for great and email. enforced respect for law In very direc tion, regardless of wealth or Influence or poverty. . Ton - express v your belief that existing. evils will b remedied by Socialism. ;' ... "Tb Independence league believes that they can and will b remedied by Amer icanism. ' ' . , ' x - i , V I Americanism haa mad this nation th greatest and happiest In th world. Th Independence wlshea to preserve the Ideals of the fathere, the principle of the people, the liberties of the people and government by and for the people. Th Independence league la conserva tive. .Ita desire la to conserve that which Is tried and proved In the Amer ican eyetem. .- It la opposed to radical departure .from the American' ayatem." WASHINGTON ASYLUM v ! S: IS TRAINING. SCHOOL Seattle. July tl. The appointment of Arthur Calhoun, a doctor of practically no practloe and but one year out of medical achool. aa auperlntendent of th Insane asylum at Stallacoom, haa eauaed an Uproar In" Seattle. Medical men de clare that It la an outrage and the idea of making the asylum a training achool for inexperienced doctor la eondemned by every one. GET-SM ALLr.SU M when they placed It Inside a big refrig erator and drove away with It. Later they blew the refrigerator and aafe Into atoms with giant powder and were re warded byt finding II ae- ta only content. Later they visited the plao of J. P. Reagan, at SOI Fifth Avenue South, where they succeeded In getting H 10. Mrs. MoCormlck and her daugh ter aaw the two men 'wearing maska and gar the alarm, but aa yet they have not been captured. - ' J' H,.,,.!.. i..i,.,ni 1 WU,,.) ... II I LiWi.tlW,WlilSLIW.lM.iWtUlJl..)ro.UltlMlWWWW'MM.'l-SWWI A!-" -j From Left to Right, 'Top RowGerrnin Steamer1 Nicomedia,' British Steamer KeJvinbaniv British Stemmer, J Richmond.' British : Steamer Beckenham. Bottom Row British Ste amer , Comeric, Norwegian Steamer ', , Otta British Stenmer Satherland. ' . i. '; i i ','f'X. ";V- '':',':' UNFOUNDED ; ' v.- .... ., - - - ... . i ' Portland Lumbermen- Deny-That Prices of. Lumber at San Fran J cisco f Have Ben Raised ' by Combination of Pacific North- west Operators and Railroads " c i i . . , , : . ; :,t ?y ;-. :-:-'y - Portland ' lumber mtllmen emphatlo ally deny the charge from Ban Fran- cisco that prices of lumber at that clty have been raised by a combination of Paclflo north west lumber mill oper ators and Hill railroads. Trefflo'of- flcials of the' Harriman llnea also . re pudiate the statement made In a Port land newspaper to the effect that or dera have been received here -to aooept no .more freight for' San . ,Francleoo destination. ; Freight trains are running aa usual - from Portland -to- Ban Fran cisco, and all classes of freight, except ing lumber, are being received for shlp meut. :'..'.- . Th reason no other lumber la being accepted at Portland tor shipment, by rail to . San Francisco at the present time Is that there are now 1,600 car loads of lumber on the - tracks at San Francisco, where the dealers refuse to remove the lumber from the' eara, and the terminals ar blockaded as a result It Is eald to be useless to ehip more lumber by rail to Ban Franoiaco so long as the lumber already there is not being utilised for building, and la not even being accepted and unloaded. The San Francisco charge that prices of lumber are being booated by Paolflc northwest mills ' does not eeem to be well founded.- While the prices of lum ber at retail In San Francisco ar aald to hav advanced about IT per thousand, prices of carlota at Portland milla, for San Francisco shipment, have advanoed but 10 cente per thousand In the last three months. , ' The alleged holdup la evidently , a-r A- (Continued on Page Twelve.) Young Sons of Prisoner Explain Discovery ot uones ot momir . - and Sister In Ashes v 1 (Bpedat Dwsatcfc te Tke earaal. ' -Tillamook. Or- July It. At aaldnlght the Jury trying Abram Hambree for tha murder of hie wife and daughter on De cern ber II. 1101, waa locked'up for th night, having failed to reach a verdict after having been out over an hour. ( Explanation of th dlaoovery of Un man bones In front of aa old etov In the ashes of the burned 1 houee of Abram Hembre, which h la aeoueed of having fired to cover th evidence of having .murdered hie wife and daugh ter on the morning of December II, waa offered by the defense thla afternoon In th teatlmony of- hla two little eon a, who swore that they pleoed the eharred HEMBREE'S FATE WITH THE JURY DIG FLEET AS3CMDLE9 m...,, iimiim'iiwi" i, siwi.a.3rwe ' eBB!iewe r THEY SAY County Commissioners . Refuse ;to1 Pay Thirty-Five Cents per Day for . Feeding - Each, . and Lawsuit 'Against Sheriff Stev ens May Be the ResuhV , v. t $ f "r.-. The efforts . of, th , county ; oourt to have the county, prisoners fed at a cost less than the present rate of li cent a day may result In a law suit with Sheriff -Stevens aa plaintiff and Judge Webstar ahd Commissioners Barn and Ugntgwas defendants. " 1 The sheriff. Judge and commleelonera met In Judge Webster's ohambera yes terday and the matter waa thoroughly discussed. , "TV a proposed to the sheriff that we hire a cook and feed th prisoner our selves," " aald Commissioner ' F. C Barnea laat night. "Or, If this was not satisfactory to him, then we would ad vertise for bide and give the contract for-feeding the prisoners' to the lowest bidder. We asked the sheriff if he had any .propoaltlon to make and he aald he had not. i "He questioned our right to take the boarding of , the prlaonars out of his bandaiand asked a few day a. In which to reply to our proposition, He will eonsnlt his attorney. and Inform us of his decision soma time next weak. -4 "It may be that ther 1 no law that uthorlxea us to tak thla ' matter out of hie handa, but If w find ther le not we will try to hav on passed. We believe we can aave the county about 1200 a month." Commissioner - W. I Llghtner eon firmed th statements' of Commissioner Barnes. --' - ' - " " - ' "W announced before th primary election that our policy would b to cut down the -coot of feeding th county prisoners," eald Mr. Llghtner, "end we can not retreat from our position now. (Continued on Page Twelve.) fragments of the human ekeletone upon th pot where they were later found whtia mrharin uo the remains ef their dead mother and aleter. .It was a pathetic picture, the nrns fellow called to th stand to testify in an effort to eav thalr father from the hangman'a noose, he accuaed of the alaylng of tha ohlldren'e mother and slsterThe court room waa crowded to the door and among the wbol orowd of man, woman and children there waa not a soul who waa not deeply touched by the pathoa of the situation. -: Soaped Bones area arto-re, la their teatlmony th Hembre boy showed that after th Or, which ended th live of thalr mother and eleter and destroyed their home, their father told them to search among the ruin of the houe and gather up the fragmenta of what had. once been th bod lee of Mr. Hembre and Or. .While engaged' In this task they heaped a email portion of Ue bones near th fit stove,, which HIGH. IN PORTLAND H ARDOR. ..u.muwnr ' i itaii'wiii'iitii Thrilling Escape of Two Youths From Negro-Officered Vessel Swam (Through Shark-Infested .Waters" to South" Sea ,'isiiind.;AvV'- .':':' (Copyright, . Reent News ten Ice, by Lease Wire to Tr joaraaxr) -j-" t Baa Francisco, July II. -After swim ming a mile In ahark Infeated waters, dodging aearchlng parties In th Jungles and subsisting on oocoanuta for nine days Ingar Borum and Oeorge Palmer euueeeded In making guud their asuau from th whaling bark John and. Win throp off th Island of Balpan, about 10 miles from Guam. They deserted the vessel owing to the cruel treatment they -received at- the-- handa - of . the negro officers. Borum arrived la this city today on the transport Logan- - The .you the shipped' at thla port for a cruise to the south aeaa and then to the -Arctic. - . ' - The vessel la officered by negroes and according to Borum, th whit man war put-to hard labor as soon as th vassal got 'out -of sight of-the Oolden Gate. Thla waa tha condition of affaire dally, while ; the negro forward handa laid about 'tha decke and amokad and sang. ; ' rle to Beaeet, At Honolulu a vain attempt waa made to desert the bark. When the voyage waa reaumed tha treatment became un bearable. The v easel stopped at Balpan for water and vegetable Precautions wer taken to prevent desertion The men were closely watched and at night the email boat waa hauled upon deck. However, Borum and Palmer one night Jumped overboard. It ' waa known to aU on board that the watera In the vicinity were alive with sharka. Borum atated that hla partner and him self realised the great risk. - For a mil they swam against a strong tide. 1 When (Continued on Page Twelve.) Hung Jury Is Predicted by Those Who . Have Attended Trial Prisoner Tells of Tragedy. haa figured so prominently In th present case. - Upon the aanae day tha arreet of thalr father on tha charge of murder occurred and they were taken from thalr task. Later th bone wer discovered by Thompson and Eldrldge. Ka exciting features' wer attendant upon the calling of the accused man to the stand to testify tn hla own behalf, hi atory being of th occurrence on th morning ot th fir and th explana tion that ill health acoounted for hlsJ seemingly Indifferent attitude toward th fate of hie wit and daughter when b arrived at - the Hoyt home. .... (Continued on Page Twelve.), M911S BUOY SHIPS IN HARBOR Port of Portland Is Establishing New Record as Shipping Point Vessels Fly Flags of All Na - tions.'and. Arrive and Leave Regularly. The tremendous strides being' aaade by Portland, now the leading wheat port of th United States, aa a shipping and commercial center waa strikingly shown during the past week by th preaenc in th harbor of the largest . fleet of ocean-going freighters ever assembled la northwestern water; 10 large freight er Being el tracted her to carry away tn product of tb territory immedi ately eontlguoue to thla city. Three of theae ataamere aailed dur ing th week, filled to th batches with cargoes running Into a value of hun dreds of thousands) of dollars, and en will get away thla morning. OtbrioOb bigflttwUlf allow as quickly aa they can be mad ready for the aea, and a eontlnuoua stream of freight-carriers will be seen passing over th bar-for aeveral days bound for foreign porta. Tha ' Illustration la one seldom . presented anywhere, . becauae whil aom of th great porta of th Atlantic eoaat and Europe dispatch Im mense liner with clockwork regularity th porta serve aa distributing points for vaat and thickly populated aeotlona, oftentlme oontlnenta. whereas, so far, Portland's exports ar confined princi pally to products of .'.. Its . immediate vicinity. i u Fortland Kay Bank namtr ' During the fiscal year ending" June 10, last, Portland gained th dlatlnotlon of being th oond wheat-ehlpplng Tort of importance in the United States, New Tork holding first place, and at tbo th local mllla It would surprise no one familiar with the altuatlon to eee the port cinch her hold on first place by a big margin aa a lumber-ahtpplng port la -the states and In the world. - Pensa eola. the distributing port for the Im mense lumber interests of the southern pine dlstrlota, held -th lead for aeveral years, but laat year Portland got ahead by shipping nearly T00.000.000 feet by rail and water, and indications are that by the first of January, 1107, thla city will have wrested the laurels from the much older rival tn Florida for good by coming forward with figure far In excess of those rolled up by any other port on this or other continents,, where lumber la being produced for the world'a market Minneapolis wUl probably hold third place. ' ' Bawmlllmen are somewhat retloent when It cornea to divulging the daily output of their plants, and for that rea son It la difficult to obtain exact fig ures aa to the actual amount f lumber cut, but an estimate plecee th dally output of Portland' mllla at 1,100.00 feet. - From thla it will be seen that while Immense quantities are shipped by water to foreign ports, th quantltle shipped by rail ar even greater. Bo heavy ar th shipments at present that much difficulty I experienced in secur ing cars to handle the business, al though the railroads claim to be doing their best to relieve the situation. - Steamer Vow in Biver. ' Foreign steamers in the river at pres ent ar th Beckenham, Comerle, Suth erland and Kelvlnbank. under the Britten flag; the Norwegian steamers Otta and (Continued on Page Twelve.) SHARKEY OFFERS TO BUY VENUS DE MILO TO ADORN A SALOOPJ (Special Dwpatch by taw4 Wwe te The Joaraal) New Tork, July II Tom Sharkey la back from hla trip abroaa where h want to Indulg hla taste for cultur. At hla aaloon and danoehall here laat night he" dwelt with pleatute on hi delightful' outing. . There was but one note Of sadness In his ' narrative end that waa when he referred to his failure to purchase tha Venus d Mllo in th Louvre at Parla to exhibit In hie saloon. - Sharkey aald: "When I set that atatooary, I aaye Mother. Opens Purse to Aid Son Who . Con sents to Plea of Emo tional ! Prisoner States He Wilt Tell K ' Story to Jury and See Whether He Was Not Justified in Crime Legal Fight Such as Courts " of? Country Have Never Seen (Special Dweatca by Leased Wire to The Jeamal) New Tork. July 18.-A two months, fight between th 140,000,000 belonging to tb Thaw family and th ambition of a district attorney office, which . haa a' remarkably poor record on mar- , der eases, 1 now well under way.' . . . . With a doggednesa that no on thought him capable of, Harry Kendall Thaw, who shot Stanford Whit to death on th roof ot Madison Squar Oardan more than a month ago, haa held to the idea that he waa Justified In hla act and that 'he would not go before a oommtasloa In lunacy. In order to secure th cooperation), of ' hla mother, Mr. William Thaw, the Pittsburg sooiety leader, who holda th pure strings, h waa finally forced to : make oonceaslona. It took a mother" teara and th threat of cutting off hla allowance to bring him to these meager terntS. ' , .'-,.- . .'.-,' ." ... . '. TU mr-cy m Wf T will not allow any alienist to ex amine me,'" h said poeitlvely, and h ac centuated It by stamping hla foot on the floor of his cell. "If yon will hav It that 1 waa tem porarily or emotionally inaan at tb tim of th shooting, go ahead. I will tall nrr mT " m think when they hear It they will find I waa -Juetined." .,.-.-'. .'.--. The are not Thaw'a exact word, but they-xpres hla theory of defenee. In thla he 1 fully supported by C. W. Hart rid re, a young southerner, a paraonal . friend, who haa become hla chief counsel. In view of this concession It Is eald Mrs. -William Thaw haa opened her checkbook and tha young prisoner now haa all tha -funds at hla command that can possibly b used to advantag. .- f A legal fight wUl now ba asada t aave Thaw's Ufa auch aa tha court of thla country hav beldora en. Th two faction are sharply arraigned and both ' sides realise there Is to be no quarter. An attorney who haa studied the aa carefully today outlined and arranged tha various factors for th Hear at New Service in this . fashion: ;., sacn.tdga'-. Claims. . "For Thaw. Harry Kendall Thaw, who will be tha prisoner at the baa charged with murder in the first degree, filled with th Idee, that ha waa fully Justified in taking th llf of Stanford Whit. An unoertain witness and an that will be bard to handle. Evelyn Neeblt Thaw Wlfw of th prisoner; a beautiful young woman, who haa developed remarkably atnee th tragedy: finding that ah reallv love her husband. She probably feels that eh waa the direct or Indirect emu ef th shooting and will go n th ataad If Thaw'a attorney feel that it la aeo eeiary, even though - her teatlmony, arosa examination and rebuttal lay bar the llf she thought waa forgotten. Mrs. William Thaw mother of th prisoner who- probably will not b a witness, as ah was on her way to Europe at th tim of th shooting; bat who 1 invaluable to tha defense be eaaae aha holds- the checkbook that -can, if neeeseary. draw to any amount on th 140,000.000 left by th old Pitts burg iron and railroad magnate, , ' A great body of witnesses from th groat whit way, who will teetlfy to Thaw'a eccentrloltle f Xvelyn Neebit Thaw's former lov for xcltrant, to Stanford White's friendship for her. 1 -Alienist, th beat and moat expensl that the country affords, who will tee tlfy to Thaw's temporary insanity am th night of Jun 16. For th prosecution:' '' Richard Mansflald Whit Brother of th dead architect, who haa sworn to avenge the ehootlng and who la bend- (Contlnued a Pag Twenty.) to meaelf. ah certainty looke pretty dirty and badly busted, too. But If t can gat Klelnvlnke), my Dutch friend m Third avenue, t put arms on ber a l fill la th shipped places and put a coat ef clean, whit paint all over 1 she'd do. , "I told the old guy with V t buttone I'd b willing to r'y tioo for ber. What do juj t sayst He tells me th ( paid $110,000 for the IMr " I I faint. I'v seen 'em 1 '(11 Fourteenth, street I f . , r