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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 29, 1906)
t: c:;zc:i cu::day jour.::. fctlaiid, sunday ricniiniG,- july 3, i Roberta Bros, have successfully proved that low prices and high qualities can be linked. This has ever been one of the prominent features of this store. We al ways offer you the very best--the latest in style, the most dependable In quality and every effort la at all times made to cut prices down y the very lowest, to V rive you the benefit of any advantage we receive in the purchasing. . , v. , 70. v '.! The Season's Choiceot IJeckwe'r ; V . at Gale -Prices ; ; ( 2 nl iLs rJ We will place on sale vfT- 4 dainty effects in. Ladies' "1iV V (; Neckwear, including lace r and Embroidered' Stocks. -:. Vji A. Hand-Beaded : Stocks, , Lace Muslin and Batiste Chemisettes, Boleros . in Lace and Embroidered ;t effects, "': at - Half. Regular Prices. ' : t.-:-: Specials fai Laces 'i 200 pieces Alloyer Laces, for yokings and Shirt waistswhite, "cream- and ecru in' Oriental. Venise. Maltese and Babv Irish effects, at Soecial H 2 . .X Iluolin Underwear ;y5tractlons . Two very tempting values for tomorrow in the Mus- iinjytar-Sectinn, A REAL SALE OF QUALITIES- - Women's 1.50 Skirts at 08o ; Extra fine quality Muslim Underskirts, made with knee flounce edged with 104nch circular ruffle of dainty torchon - insertion and lace.'' We place a limited Suantity, 10 dozen only, oil sale Monday and AO "uesday at.; .... I ... . . . , . ; . . .. . . . ...... v. .yOC Women's 1.00 Chemise at 70o 1 doen- extra fine quality Cambric .Skirt Chemise,' made with round yoke of Val. lace, finished with bead- ,ing and ribbon v skirt made with .wide ruffle and" prettily trimmed w)th .Vaf. lace edging. ' Spe- HCi .............. I 7 cial Monday and Tuesday only. Furnishing s 5 NEVEB 10WEB Our popular Men's Section offers for Monday's and Tuesday's selling some extraordinary values in order to make a startling finish to the month of July one of the most successful months In the history of this popular department so be n hand: early .Monday morning. .. -i-,,, ,v!A 81 JSO For Pongee Shirts Worth $2.00 Plain color, oiue, uin ana grev negligee onircs, maue oi guou grauc Pongee; an excellent $2.00 value. . Extra special for . , Monday and .Tuesday ........ . . . , ,f , ." . .. . . .81.50 ; ' f 1.00 For Men's Negligee' Shirti-i-Men's Negligee ' hirts with soft collar attached, colors cream, tan and 1 . white Extra good values at. ............. . . .81.00 , 125 For Ties Worth 50c Large line'of the season's popular Four-in-Hand Ties, in plain and fancy colors ; .' our regular 50c Ties,!Monday and Tuesday at exactly' half price Special. . ... . . . . ; ... . ; . . .7. . . .. . ;25) Summer Underwear 50 For Monday and Tuesday we -will sell Men's Derby Ribbed Underwear in colors blue and pink, double-seated drawers, extension bands; ' come in all sizes. Our regular 75c grade, at special price ................................ .50t ' Merino Underwear 65 Men's light weight Merino ' Underwear in gray all the regular sixes and also out sizes. An extra good value at 75c; special for Mon day and Tuesday at...'.i......................65f All Summer Goods Host Bo Gold Women's White. Linehe'tte Walking Skirts, in a va riety of new styles; made b( fine quality Jinenette cloth; good values at $4.50. : Special ' Q A Monday and' Tuesday. v. . . . ..... . . . ....(V Painty Waists at a Vk-')- ''Savins v-:. - w QxmX" WbermVat t White ut OoIomA . SAlrtmlMa. Dainty Waists, made in a variety of ' styles, handsomely ..trimmed with embroidery and lace. See .these specials for gc Monday and. , IKn Tuesday at: ......... . ; . S U Jap Silk Waists, made of fine quality hand loom silk, in two late styles; excellent values at $3.50; on sale .V. '-i- m Monday and 7 Tuesday. ..... . . . . .kJirf I O Women's White Lawn Waists, in an excellent variety of handsome . styles, beautifully trimmed with embroidery and lace. These are exceptionally '-;v "" ,$1. 25 Women's Lawn and Lingerie Waists, made in a' variety of styles, beautifully trimmed with lace and embroidery,- short -or long sleeves ; values up to $2.75; on v .' sale this week at... $1.90 Choice of 40 Women's Worsted Suits, made In sev eral styles and cloths ; values up . to $16.50.) Spe cial for Monday and ' ' tf1 A AA Tuesday. ,. ....... ..... . . : .. i ........ lU.Ujll Women's Sateen Petticoats ! 2m 200 Women's Dress and Walking Skirts Made in a variety of styles and cloths; values up to $7.50. For Monday . ' and Tuesday, all to CA flfl go in 1 lot to close.4 qntyJ Infants' Short and V Tjonfc Coats -r--Cream Bedford Cord, laree capes.' -trimmed with laces and silk- braids. These garments are man ufactured at our own factory and are therefore better made and of better materials 1 than you will find elsewhere. Priced at 81.25, 81.50, 825, fe.t:.$4.90 Women's . Petticoats,' ' made from black mercerized sateen, finished with deep flounce and dust ruffle, trimmed with ruf fles and straps ; '.: a good $1.25, r HQ A petticoat for. .... . i . . SJ W Children's Coats at '01.00 Several styles of Children's three quarter length Coats, mixtures and . plain cloths sizes 6 to 14 years.: - specially priced Monday and Tuesday $1.9.0 'Women's Wash Skirts 01.00 J Made from best quality cotton co vert, circular and gored styles, very wide ; your : j, 1. choice this week (Cl AA at. Children's Summer, Dresses ' : These summer 'dresses for girls of 2 years 'and up to 14, are made from fine sheer white lawn, percale and gingham, prettily trimmed with embroidery insertion,' edging, hemstitching, ' etc. , These are posi tively the' best values ever offered by any . l 1w.ajsm u?HHVffiCLr f s"i at-v" sbb-a store In Portland.5 Priced at ,. s-'. , ' 50, 75, 81.00, 81.50 and. $1.90 sat Stilts $12.50 Women's Silk Suits, in black and fancy colors, all this summer's lat est models; worth up to $20.00: on sale this Week at.. ;....:..( :. , I ....... - . . . Short Kimonos .Women's Kimonos, made of fine lawn, in dark and light patterns, all sizes; worth anywhere 60c; on sale ... . Monday and - ; f aZv Tuesday at. ........... . . Lt ) C riot y eatner unit FOR WOMEN A Great Half-Price Sale To- rA ' Monday ana liiesaay.. . , fi lfi00 dozen Bleached Lisle- Thread . Undergarments for women, high neck and long sleeve, or low neck and sleeveless vests, all styles of pants to- match. ' This lot I secured at a mighty reduc tion from, the manufactur- Ier's ' closest price. Some handsome . silk - trimmed 9 Vests in the lot, the great- Iest opportunity of the sea son to : secure a high-grade garment for so little ; all ' sizes, ordinary,, or extra large ; tomorrow ft only at this price Half j Great; Bargaiho in Dreoo Fabrico ' Of every dependable weave and kind will be offered - Monday, and Tuesday at prices that will astonish our many patrons. -. The following items art just a few of the numerous bargains : - , Bargains in Black Dress Goods Mohair Lustre 25 36-inch Black Mohair Lustre, deep rich black; our regular 85c goods. For. OCn Monday and Tuesday only. . . . . . . '. . '. L0v Mohair Sicilian 58 C2-inch silk-finished Black Mo hair Sicilian, fast color; our. 75c quality. Spe- CO cal for Monday and Tuesday. ........ ... ; . . .OOv Black Lustre 70 44-inch silk-finished Black Lustre, one of our very best grades; regular $1 qual- 70r ity. On sale Monday and Tuesday at .......... I " C Knebyoulah, Mohair OOf 44-inch fast black silk-fin-? ished Knebyoulah Mohair, looks and wears better than silk; bur regular $1.25 grade. Special Mon- Qf ' day and Tuesday. ....... . . . . . "i . . . . . . . . . "UC New Arrivalo 810 0 : Shoeo and Onfordo Barsaiino in Colored ; Dreoo Goodo -Albatross 39f -86-inch All Wool Albatross, in all . colors, tan, gray, pink, light blue, cream and black; always sold forOc. Special for Monday and 9ft ; Tuesday. oVC Three Speeial Bargain Lots 1 rT7T t,rryor. , Monday ' and Tuesday ; f ' SO Lot No. 1 39 This lot consists of Colored: MohairsraniteSilbatross-and-Panamasrin large-- assortment of colors; our 60c and 65c, values. Qa Special at, per yard. . . .Ost 25S Lot No. 2 25 In this lot you will find fancy and small checked Mohairs,' Cashmeres, Granites and l,v Panamas; not one yard ever sold for less than 'iCf - 50c. Special for this sale at.iTr.Tr.V.V.r.T. mvv : - 10 Lot No. 8 10 This iot comprises 36 and 88-1 inch Shepherd Check Suitings, blue and white, black -4-'' and white, green and white Cashmeres and pebble weaves. Very suitable for children's school Q" ' , dresses. Our special price, per yard... ...... V.lsC New? Cotton Fabrico If there's . any ' desirable ' style of : printed cotton - ; goods missing in this showing of ours, it's because we haven't come across it; and that is not likely, for this ; stock was not gathered until the styles of every lead- ing maker had been examined It a thorough, way of doing things that we havethat's alL 4 15c 1 A' special line of Men's fancy, .: cotton. Half Hose, in black . with fancy figures and stripes; . also black with white feet; our . regular 20c values. " 1 Cr v Special at.;; . . i . . . . ; . iuL - Two Pairs for 25o 356 Tafieta Ribbon for 18o 7,000 Yards extra quality All Silk Taffeta Ribbon, 44 . to SyZ inches wide, in all desirable colors.' . O Special for, yard..... .......... ......... IOC 700 Pairs Women's $2.00 and $2.50 Shoes and Oxfords,' in chocolate vid kid and black vici kid, with Cuban and military heels. New arrivals for Monday and Tuesday in the Basement Shoe '1 . " 01 Aft ..Department... ........................... 41 UU -$3.50 Oxfords ... ........ ... . .f 1.87 $3.00 Oxfords ..V.. 15 $3.50 Patent Leather Pumps. ............... .f 1.00 $2.00 Girls' Shoes .................... .. . . .S 1.00 $1.75 Barefoot Sandals. . . , . .... .... . . J.-. ... ... .90 $2.00 Boys' Shoes. . . . ... . . . . .. ... . . . , .81.00 . $1.25 Shoes for Children.'........ 69 Cleanup Sale Ladieo' Embroidered Bob e o We will place the residue of our season's Embroidered . - Robes on sale oh Monday and Tuesday. The lot, about 50 in all, containing some very dainty effects, dressy and serviceable, will be sold at a great sac- .. rifice. For Monday and Tuesday only at, J j jQ 1 t. U-J' ' 35o Ribbons for . 15q Yard , 15.00Q Yards Dresdens, Printed Warps, Persians and Polka Dots, Zl to 5J4 inches wide, in all the newest color combinations. For sashes, fancy work and mil linery purposes. A grand. assortment. , :A '- Cr great offering at, per yard. . .-. . . ; c. . ;. . . . v. . :.IQ v : Specials in Embroideries . 8,000 Yards Flouiicing Embroidery, 24 inches wide, in ' raised shadow and English eyelet effects, made on the finest Swiss cloth ; regular value $2.50 yard. Q r ' For Monday and Tuesday only at, yard. ... . $lad 1 A Great Speeial Ilidsummer Event f A V Sale of Women's Sample Hosiery 8,000 pairs of the season's latest nov elties in Black Lace or Fancy Col ored Stockings. No mail orders filled Regular 65c, 75c and 85c qualities. Your choice tomorrow, at the pair, 25. None sent C O. D. The entire sample line of the largest importer in the country secured at a small fraction of the orig inal price. , All styles that are new and but. recently imported from Chemnitx, Germany; a vast collec tion of wonderful stocking values; only a few dozen of a style, but an abundance of styles to choose from. 400 PAIRS LACE LISLE BOOT PATTERNS. 300 PAIRS WHITE LISLE-THREAD HOSIERY. 1.000 PAIRS BEST 85c QUALITY TAN EMBROIDERED HOSE. 500 PAIRS BLACK SILK EMBROIDERED HOSE. 800 PAIRS NEW NAVIES, CHAMPAGNES AND WHITE HOSE. 1.000 PAIRS FINE OAUZE LISLE-THREAD, ALL COLORS. The largest assortment ever shown at the price; values range from 85c ta 85c a pair, and include every 'desirable. ... 1Cr color. NONE SOLD TO DEALERS. , Your choice atthe pair ............. . ... . . . . ... . . . . , . .0C Percales at 10 Large assortment of good quality Percales in variety of medium and dark patterns ab- solutely fast colors a bargain at, per yard. .....10 Ginghams at 10 850 -best Dress -Ginghams, light,' . medium and dark colors, checks, stripes and plain lors. Best to be had at...... ..10 Suitings at 18 Large assortment of wool-finished -i Suitings in checks and plaids ; one of the season's ; favorites; per yard ,..18 1 ' Flannelettes at lO" Pretty effects in light, medium Y; and dark colored Flannelettes, specially priced at. 10 Three Blanket Specials : i ; AT 68 Gray Cotton Blankets, sire, suitable for ' camping and outing purposes special Monday and i Tuesday .'. .. . . . .68 . 'AT 05 Gray Cotton Blankets, full size, best to be ' had at this pnce--Monday and Tuesday. .OS AT 81.25 Gray Cotton Blankets, extra large size, very good quality, at per pair, only 81.25 ,t Huck Towels 20x40,' white, with fastolored borders, neatly hemmed, well finished; good quality; Monday and Tuesday .7..V.12JS Crash Toweling 17 inches wide, bleached : or un-v bleached, linen-finished ; splendid values; per yard. C All Linen Toweling 17, inches, bleached or un . bleached, strictly all linen; great value; Monday and Tuesday at, per yard. i.... ............. 10 Linen Toweling All linen. Toweling, white, with col ored border, best t quality, jvtry absorbent; per yard UTT.,T;-.T7r. . r. T.T77. . . . . .......... .12& Unbleached Turkish .Towels 18x43 inches," good ,T heavy weight, .Specially priced for this sale at.. 10 Unbleached Turkish Towels 20x44 inches, excellent , wearing quality. .Specially priced for this sale at. 15 Bleached Turkish Towels 17x36 inches..," Specially , priced for this sale at .12S Bleached Turkish Towels 20x44 inches, extra weight U and quality... Specially priced for this sale.,.'. ..10 7000 Yds. Allovcr Emlrcicrl-. , 24 inches wide, for yokings and shirtwaists, in ?.t Nainsook and Swiss, some very dainty desi,ns; rr j r lar $1.25. r Special for 'Monday and Tuesday, fl ' - yard. . . ...... ............... ....... 1 r