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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 17, 1906)
en-Coil DAILY JOUHITAL. rOHTLAND. TUESDAY , EVEinNO. JULY 17,' 1ZZ1. ROYALTY APPROVES OF SHOOTS' FAi?flLY Distinctly American Season at Court King Edward .Lets It Be Known That People From the United States Have His Ap- , i.., 4roval and Many Are feted li) Consequence. jyi ; . .. kmc. v o va Mrs. Theodora P. Sbonts, Wife of the Commission, and. the Misses Marguerite and Theodore Sbonts.. 1 . - . ' ...-. (Jowaa! BmcUI ll(t.l London, July If This ha boon dis tinctly an "Araarlean" muoh At court . and In all tha lar' function of atat and ocletyJ,AmrlcaqC-haTa-iecn un " Usually" In evidence. Thia la largely . becauae King Edward haa mad. It ' known that "Aaaarloana" have hi ap proval, which la tantamount to directing that they ba fated.- Th arrival of th preeldeot' daugh 7 tar-wma- probably tha cauaa for thl. : Sh met a circle of . her own and her father" friend her and her approval of them- cava them a preetlge that waa exoeptlonal. Anvong thoae o favored were Mr. Theodora P. ShOnta and th , MUM Marguerite and Theodora Bhonte. Mr. Shonta la th wife of Theodore lT. Shouts, chairman of tha Panama YOUNG WIFE Uoaraal Special Berrtee.) Lo Aagelee, CaL, July IT. John Bln gletoa, a millionaire mlneowner, 10 year of age, owner of tha - fabulously rich Tallow Aator gold mine, haa entered Into a separation agreement with hi pretty It-year-old - wife for a period of one year. It I said. If at th end of that time both Mr. and Mr. Single -ton atlll dlra tq'lemalfi separated. It I believed legal action toward that and will be Instituted. . The 'agreement. It fa said, waa ef- , fee ted In th presence of frlenda and lawyer several daya ago., At present Mr. Blngletoa 1 111 and haa remain nd t hi room 'at th Van Nuy hotel. Mr. Singleton ia on her way to Europe, i TO ELECTRIFY CHINA.- "" samwaa . t t -v - hlneae Organise Company to Run , . . . Trolley Road. Llm Dat, a auocesaful Chin see mer chant of Victoria, B. C, haa organised ' among hie countrymen located la Brit ish Columbia a 11.000.000 company ta ' construct an electric trolley railway In China from Canton to Ban Wu, a die : tanc of 00 miles. No white .men need apply for" atock, as their preaenee In the company would forfeit th oharter from the ' Chinee -. government. ' The ' rout of th proposed line la a populous one. Canton having a population of 1.000,000 and San W1 fOO.000. ' Tha proepectu ef th new company - aet' forth that there vara no serious :. topographical difficult! - to be en countered In building the -line; .that . water power will be obtained from the Qua! Tong Shun mountain. 10 mile . from 8en Wu; that now there are zi 'Junks plying on th river between. theee "points, carrying heavy cargo and . many passengers; that It takee - theee Junk 14 hour to make the trip, which I Chairman . of the Panama Canal canal commission. Mrs. Shorn la very beautiful woman and her daugh ter Inherit her beauty. At tha dinner and reception riven to tha American erabeeey Mrs. Bhont andf her daughter were counted among th best-dressed and beat-looking women preaent. Soon following thia function the were presented at oeurt. ' Later thy-tft-fortPaftarwBra tha flaugtt tar are to oontlnu their etttdiee. : - Mr. Bhont 1 not usually attracted by social gaieties. . 8h tend more te Indoor philanthropy and outdoor oxer else, being vice-president of the Chicago Maternity hospital and of th Women Athletlo club. Th daughtera are liter ary In their taste and Mis Theodora la a alnger of great promise. They will "com out"1 next winter at Washington. SEPARATES FROM FOR ENTIRE YEAR where aha will take up th study of mu sic and literature. It la said aha re cently became poeiessed of, the desire to "write a book." - , . - Singleton la alleged to have made a royal aettlement upon hi youthful wife lu tha shape of stock oertlficau In th Tellow Aator mine and Interaction a 1100.000 deposit. - ' Previous to tha San Franelcu disaster they maintained gorgeous apartmenta In the St. Franola hotel. They lost vry particle of baggage In tha fir.' Ten day later when they returned to Los Angelea their beautiful . home, Blngletoa Court, was destroyed by fir. No particular have been given out concerning the rupture between th aged millionaire and his pretty young wife. th electrle oar will make In three hour. It is alio atated that tha sum mer cars to be operated tha climate being warm will each ' be equipped with (0-horsepowr motors. The plan la ta build the line - entirely wtth Chinese electricians as far Aa possible. It Is stated "'that tha company also Intends to seek from the elty of Canton a concession of . the light and power privilege. Th street there are ao nar row that some difficulty would be ex perienced In attempting to eeoure the franchlee for a city street railway r tem, although this may be sought later. Altogether It la a remarkable enter prise to be organised and controlled en tirely by Chinese. Mr. Llm Dat, It promoter, I at the head of the leading Chinese mercantile Arm In Victoria, known aa "Qlm Fook Yuen." They own a large brick block, conduct department store, a rice mill, nd have several other tore In British Columbia, aa well aa a branch house In China. Mr. Dat, in US. Invented and secured a patent on an Improved device for eleotrlo rice mill machinery, the first -patent Issued to a Chinaman In British North America. . ., . v . Csmarkttle Tliotccirih cf Portuzuase Eoyal C.MCu.OS L.inO J .LC..EY TO IIEDLE llMST Millions Secured From Chicago Banks Serious' Propo- '.- sition Faced. (Joeraal 'Special Bervlee.) Chicago, July 17, Tha equipment of weatern railroad haa become inade quate to meet the requirement of traf fic, so that som of th large corpora tion have been borrowing on notea from Chicago bank during the paat week in order to Increase their facilities for handling the Immonse tonnage. The Illinois Trust' A Savings bank alone loajied 17,000,000 to. roads, which proffered note i. Instead of marketing bond at a favorable per cent, with the result that discount rates ranged at from I k to per cent - ' ' , . With crop prospects never more rose ate, road are facing a aeriou proposi tion when the new grain begin to move more freely, and are making etrenuous effort to add to their equipment. - - ' O MR. BELMONT'S WAYS. Ono of tha Moit Exacting Employer '. V .: , ' v .' . In New York. ' ' ' " .' From tha Uw . Tork World. ;. August Belmont 1' on of th most exacting of employers, and hla personal clerical taff 1 said to be the beat trained and 'the most thoroughly or- aanlsed In the. f luauulanilstrtct." With Mr, Belmont excusea and ex planatlona carry no weight. He want nothing but results. If a man do not give results, he la dismissed and another la found who can and wUL. Mr. Belmont' method of going through hi mall la Indicative of his office regime. Th great stack of lettere la arranged In orderly fashion upon his flat-topped desk. When tha bell Is rung, five stenographers enter th room. One atanda In front of Mr.. Belmont on tha other elde of the table and the other four tin up behind him- A h reads tach letter he mark alt tout a-very small percentage with certain cod sign.. There era not even letter or figures, but dashes or cross of differ ent eolorad Ink, black, red, blue. A fast aa th marks are made upon them with Mr. Belmont' rapid pen, they, are tossed back to the waiting stenograph ers, who know that In among th form letter they must find th text In whioh rcDlics are to be framed. For Instance.' If it is a letter dealing -with tha opera tion or a,roaa, ine rorm-ieiiere nun be revised to ' fit thl particular In quiry. All thia la dona without speak ing. . . ; v. After these five etenograpber have departed wtth their work for the day, Mr. Belmont dictate to hi private sec retary, on tk opposite aid of tha table, ten repllee to those letter which de serve hi personal attention. The other letter h doea not even sign, but If on of th four letter-writing expert makes a mistake, and, through future correspondence, this mistake cornea to Mr. Belmont'a attention, the unfortunate employe la dismissed Immediately, H nould nave" known how io f ramalha letter correctly and taotfully. When Mr. Belmont goea for a trip en hla yacht, tha Scout, ha la alwaya ao- eompanled ta the port f or whlch he aaila by a stenographer, who then come bachr-toy-traln. Anotheretenographer aceotnpanlee Mr. Belmont to th next pert; then this employ la relieved- by till a third, and each maaeln turn, on being relieved, cornea back to town with lettera or orders. In this way doe Mr. Belmont take a vacation or a rest -and come back wondering why yachting la not ao bracing aa It ono waa Another peculiarity of thia ruler of New -York'e -traveling facilities Is that ha never reaohee tha place where ha haa an appointment until exactly one min ute before the hour named. -He f I cures that If ha ha three or four minute to wait an each of 10 appointment In 14 hours ha waatea 0 minute par day at least, and mie.v to tha man. who makes New Yorkers lata to their offices about once a week Is a matter of mo ment ' It may alao account for th fact that not Infrequently tha name of hi chauffeur la found on th polio blot ter Cor Infringement ' of tha speed laws, . ....... v r-7 CHILDREN IN SCHOOL ADD-TO COUNTY-CASH - (aptctal Dbpetek te The Jeeracl.) Chehall. Wash- July 17 The annual school report of Superintendent R. B. Bennett shows that there are T.II4 pupils of school ag In Li wis county a against 4.011 last year, an increase of about 710 In the year. A total of tit teacher are employed, nf whom It hold first grade certificate. HI second grade and 4 third grade. Thoae hold ing college and normal achool diploma number 00. Average wages paid male teaehera waa t0 per month, female teachers ISO. This Is a general Increase over last year of 15 per month. The total days' attendance is about SO.000 In excess rf that of last year, which will give th county about 14,800 more Lstate money than formerly, FRIGHTENED BOY IS CAUSE OF DROWNING ("peelal Dlseete te Tbe JeeraaL) McMlnnvllle. Or., July 17. Oeorge Bodle wa drowned while swimming In th Tamhill river Sunday afternoon. Bodla was awimmlng with a boy on hi back and . wa pulled down by the truggle of tha boy, who became frlchtened. Bodle companion, Davidson, rescued the boy but pulled Bodle out too lata Doctors were immediately summoned but tbelr effort were of no avail. ror aalok reeulta as ta Wat Ool sus at Tha aTonraal. Family. ... .1 W MSB 825,000 A YEAR Mrs. Gerald Fitzgerald Asks for J Round Sum From Husband In English Court as Alimony..: WEDDED IN LOS ANGELES ' FOR LOVE, NOT MQNEY Motor Car Among Neceasltiea of Life - Two Nurse - for- Children. Ser vanta and Head Servant Among the Essential Things. W ':;; .- (Joaraal InecUl Berries.! London, July K. Mrs. Lida Eleanor ruroeu . jntageraia gave some enter taining evldenoe respeotnlg her Income and expenses at Dublin yesterday, Bh applied to the probate judge to rix a - sum --which nr . husband. Mr, Gerald Fitsgerald. should pay as ali mony pending th hearing of divorce proceeding ' which, each- la bringing against tha ether. - ' They were married at Los Angelea, California.. In 1810. "It was a question nf love, not of TnOheyT husband. Mrs. fitsgerald explained. "My who- had an income of M.O00 pounds a year, kept the house and horse and carriages and eervanu for me, but J alwaya had. separate money of my own. My mother allowed me 1,000 pounds a yar. . , "He paid all. tha bill and there waa no need for m to aak him for money. I never dealt with any but th beet dreeeraaker In Pari. I left America In 190 and want to Paris. Do you know," asked Mr. T. Healy, K. CV M. P In croaa-examlnaUon, "what waa lodged to your credit at Brown 4k Shipley?" "I know my Income la 11.000 a year, and "I epent every dollar of It, I assure you." Mrs. Fitsgerald replied. , Weeded a aCoaor-Oar. . . ' Did you keep- a rnotor-car in Paris T Well. I had to buy one, but I oould not keep It, and my mother haa kept it aver since. So I auppoaa It 1 here by thia tint. It coat i 70. ' Ton aee, I waa obliged to have a motor-car. What aunt do you aay jrou reqnlr to keep up a house and- to pay for your Children In En gland T (, 000 pound a yar. . That I what yon are asking In thia suit? No. I am her to aak whatever th Judge will be kind enough to give me. i . j' Where do . you ' llv nowT I live evtrywhere In all part. I used to keep a hoase In London, but for th last two monthe I have been living at tha Hyde Park hotel, London. That 16,000 would be exclusive of your own 1,000 T No, Included In it How muffh An vnn went ti awnwrtpt l.the chUdrent My- experience Is' that with three children you must have two nurses, and you must have extra serv ants for the children, and you have to keep a head aervant over them. - That' make - them work -differently,- but - thay won t do It. - Living by yourself, without entertain ing, coat you f 10 a week. That m vary hard. I know. Wall, yea it la. To keep a house, and find servants and nurses. and everything for the ohildren, I esU mata would coat fit.BOO a year. I could not do It for less to save my Ufa Cheaper In Inland. That mean it rostg-yotrf 1,000 a year to keep youraalf, and 12,600 to keep tha children T Tea. Of course. In Ireland yon could do It for less, .because everything 1 double th price In Bngland. - Mr. Oerald Purcell Fitsgerald. tha husband. In eroee-examlnatlon, said that lnoe 18i ha had spent ftO.000 on Th Island, near Waterford. He raised the money on mortgage and Bale of land In Manchester. H sold a racecourse at Manchester for 440.000. and that money was applied In payment of mortgage. He had been living en hla capital for tha laat five yeare. Ha kept seven hunters, and had leased hooting In Scotland for two years at rents of 800 and 1.000 respectively- He I had two motor cars, but one waa broken down. Ha had stabling at Tha Island for M horses. The demesne and horn farm on Tha Island wa 126 Irish acre, and waa all In hla own hands. His wife epent 11.000 on the decoratlone of Tha Island without his knowledge or concent. Mr. Justice Andrew made an order granting Mrs. Fitsgerald 1100 per month, to be paid every month from tha beginning to tha and of tha divorce pro- Preferred srtoek Oaaad Oooda. . Allen A Lewis' Best Brand. X RICH COAL MINES IN COWLITZ COUNTY 8peelsl Dl.petck to The Joerasl.) Keleo. Wash., July 17. Professor Charles Landls, who la making a sur vey of the state for the government, visited tha coal bad of Cowllts county laat week. He was much Impressed with the prospects on Coal creek, about twelve miles from here. The formation there la overlaid with sandstone, a splendid Indication of the quality of the coal. In professor Land! opinion th field la a valuable one, s th coal deposit in crease n Quality and -quantity-with depth. ' Th new railroad down th Columbia will connect with a private road from these mlnea COOS, BAY-' 4-story hotel. Front street Ttfarshflsld . ...... Fully aoulpped brewery, Marshf leld Fully equipped brewery, Marshf leld Do you wish to know sometoing aooui wuo da r nm " ' will nwr your Inqutrlea W are headquarter for real state, farms, timber, dairy, coal, platting lands. TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT COMPANY K. SENQSTACKEN. MANAGER, MARSHF1ELD, ORB60M. Bsxzzninsnuiuixxs WeaR,: Nervous Men Tboessnds ef Tseng and HMdle-Arnd Mra are sanaally swept ee nramatnr frnrs thronib early lallarotliis ssd later sareeem, sad ConaUloUimal Blood blaaame ksve ruined sad wrecked tbe life of siany s prom la lac rounf sua. Bare lee aay et the fcllowlng syaip oma; Karroos and dranowlant; Tlrad In Horplng; No Ambition; MrnMry Poort Eaally raiiaiirdi Iirltablr; Eyas Blnr; Ptmplas on the farai Rastlaes: Ilasgard Loon Ins; BlotrbeS; Bore Throat; Ilalr Loose: Pains in the Bodr; sunken Kyaa) IJfaUaa: Ptatrnstfnl end Lerk e Esarsr sad-atrrtistkt Our Saw Method ef Treatsseat will on 114, yoe Bienully. physlcsUy eed vlully. Ceres Ouaiealeed e ae Pay. CaU or Writ DB. X. . tJXBCS, II Vi Tklrd Street, lrtlaad. Oregon. FOR STIRRING HOT LIQUIDS An Arrangement for Keeping '' the " Cooking Food in Circulation. . To stir up Jhe food la tha pot while cooling on the hot fire la tha object of th specially designed pot and apparatus shown in tbs Illustration. Tha old spoon or ladle la dispensed with and tha stir ring performed aaatly. and Incidentally more thoroughly. No chance for the food to atlck to tha bttom of tha pot and burn with thia up-to-date cooker. Tha cooking pot Is of tha ordinary form, having a cover. In tbe center of the .. STIRS THE CONTENTS. lid 1 aa opening through which paaaea a shaft, on th lower end of which la tha atlrrar or agitator.". Directly above the cover 1 a small handle connecting with a gear wheel meshing with a gear' on tha hart. Obviously turning tha handle operate tha stirrer. For raising the stirrer a aeooadary handle la pro vided, ao that tha full contents ef th pot can ba agitated. Aa Iowa woman la tha Inventor. RARE CHANCE TO TRAVEL July e and S. Aagaat T. S. S, atopies t and 10. : Summer excursion rata. Bala date June II. 16. July I. S. August f. a, 0, September I, -10. Bat from Portland to Chicago, 171.60; to St. Loul. 47.10 Kansas city. Omaha and St. Paul, f60; Denver, faa. ... . For information ta reference to rate and particulars ask C W. Stinger, any ticket agent. Third and Washington streeta, Portland,- SIGNAL CORPS MEN MARCHING TO CAMP 8pec4al Dlspeeak te The JoereaL) Che hail ea. Wash. July 17. Company C First battalion of tha United States signal corps. Captain; William Kelly, with a.bOUt TO "men le encamped east of Chehalla and will remain her until Wedneaday. They ar from Fort Ma eon. California, and came by rail to Portland. From there th top m beln made . overland.. The country- la- being surveyed a th trip la made for mill' tary purpose a. Wedneaday tha -oom pany will resume it march to tha big camp at American lax. OMOvr I a violent Inflammation of tha mucous membrane or the wina pipe, which sometimes extend to th larvns and bronohlal tubmr and Is one of tha moet dangerous dlseaeea of children. It al most always comes on In the night Olve frequent small dosea of Ballard's Horehouna uyrup ana apniy Hanaro s Snow Liniment externally to the throat J 6c SOo and 11.00. Sold by Woodard, Claraa at wo. Opposis anrs Every IVcman l silatsiesuasadstMaldkaew . ... - eoom im ereoearrai MAIYTl. whtrliaa Serav iTseMwVatMariejM. MJf awMa. uw sat. si U on CotmalMl, otbar. bat Mnd sums fUiutniMl book mii. It f nil nerttenlara and dlrf4trna In. Tlublto Uullss. UfastVBI, rex. aa bl st.. iiw S. O. IBIOM0IB 0 CO., ltl 7HIBO IXBSXT, Pure, Safe, Sure Dr. Sanderson's Compound Savin and Cotton Root Pills. The best and only reliable remedy - for Delayed re Mods. Cures the meet oh- stlnate cases in I to 10 daya Price tl per box, mailed in plain wrapper. Aa Areae T. J. PIERCE, M. D., Ill Third street, Portland, Oregon. BARGAINS' . 15,000 . . f 8,500 4 ' 1 rise Dentistry An Work Ouaranteed, II " 11 Gold Crowns.. f;4.oo . f fap'l- Fullset teeth.' f5.'0O rMljWiCt t 1 f rlMMimottorslyUie 'w iBVKk. aouanl ma " Vil-AW. far . ' its TV - M - m i II ' TRANSPORTATION. Specld Alaska Excursions Oettege Oty, Jaly IT, Aagsst 10 sad at, Olty ef aeanla, JalyW. Fes 04 teead rtp. "Asonwn.nroR4KirraM rzoirsnoirs trur rm mti, : oxmrxAaTxsjr alaixa sotm, from Bnie et 0 m. far - Ketekiks. leeese, aasgwsy. White Bone. Paweea s4 ralrbaaks ' - f. B. City ef HMMleTjoly 10, So, Aot I." S. g. Humboldt, July S3. . g. g. Cotu. Oty ,rU Iltki), July ' ST, Angeet 10 sad at. .7 ... v. .... - voira bouts. : '' Tklrd saniag S. Seaato aksat My 1. JOB MAM FBABOTJOO SXBXOT.;. . rvesa gestae at a. suC mm tills, Jaly U. . erUaal:OflM, M Wasaiageea M. S. M. XXB, raas. St. Agt, ... -0, A, OOMABIt. O. P. A. IS MarkH at. Se rraeetsse. nosth S. S. ROANOKE 2,600 tons. The only first class passengers ship . sailing between San Francisco. Los Anceles and Eureka, sails Thursday, July '19, Autrust Z and A u p-ust 26. 8 n. m.. fromColumbia dock No. 1.1 Ticket office. 132 Third street. near Alder. Phone Main-1314. H. YOUNG, Agent. CoIinnbiaRiverScenery Kegaiator uoe steamers THE EXCURSION STEAMER "BATLKY OATZERT" makee round trip to CAS CADB LOCKS vry Sunday, leaving PORTIiAND. at ( a. m returning. ar rlvee I p. m. - JDaily eervioe between Portland and The Dalle except Sunday, leaving Pert- carrying freight and passengers. Splen- uiu noQvnuDvaiuuni xor outnts ana liveatock. - Dock foot of Alder street, Portland; f00.1 oCour streeU Th Dalle. Phone Main 111. Portlanl. . TELEGRAPH The only ateamboet making a round trip , 8AX&T - Except Sunday Between PORTLAND and ASTORIA , ABT WAT POTJTTS Leave Portland ...,..T:00 a. as. Arrive Astoria l:t p. m. Leave Astoria........... 1:10 p. aa. Arrive Portland. 0:00 p. as. . UjlJM SERVED A LA CARTB SVrttoad Laadlng, Aide BUeet IXtek. AstoTta XAadlag, Oaneade SoaB, B. B. SCOTT. Agent. Phone Mala (It. : ALA S R A rAST AHO POPULAB STBAaUaiPS , lam Seattle : -TrmiiWV,- ?eae 09, Jsly iX Si 'pOLyitur," Jaly a, la, 10. . . ': CALUSO AT - - i - - Ketektkss, 7aneae, Daeglss, Hshwe, flksg way, OMseets with W. P. A T. route fas Atlla, Dswses. Taaaaa, Mosse, eta. . - far AD SuellieaslsiB Alaska fiats. CaD er send for "Trip te ereeOarfal Atsska.8 "IadUa Baskstry," "IMsl Pelaa." TEX AJASXA I. a. 00. t ' Praak Wsolssy Ce Aceats. tBt Osk St . y Portlasd. Or. Portland's Widely Known and Successful -Chinese Medicinal, Root and J Herb Doctor His (sshms rtswdtoc rae burealmts et wkleh we te port atraet traas tbe Ortaat I lare enUtles aatf prapare sad eet e foe eaa la ale ap-t4ato labatory. No artery, pataona or Orsgs ef ear kind assd. Parely TtfatabVa. The Dorter wests sereeaefetly eed assrsataa 4 vara all atottiarb tmeblas, eaUrrk, esthsw. Inns, throat, rheematlam. is inssiiiss. liver. kMoey sad Vet sianbesd, rxnAXB TBouBLre airs aix rsiTATi Disaaaxa. Be raise er snsleeoles eUtrswets 4s tbe sflleted. A sare sod lesung ear la tbe ealck. eet poaalble time cod st the trwast east bos. stbte for kneaat treslaiaat- If vie ran sot rail, write fnr sfsiptose aleas ead elralar. Inrlnae 4 rente la stasias. OOMUTTATIOB FBXB, " Tee O. w Wa Ohiaese Msdletae Oe leH Ikn It., Oar. Mrrruwa. Parti. Oo Plseae SMaUea this papaa. Scott's Santal-Pepsin Capsclss A POSITIVE CURE For IntaataierioB eeOsleiit of the Blail.l.r and lilaaoaae KM ears, a ooai ao rr. Car nlckly ene sarmaaoeti the eUanS. a aanltor of how WsttC&'-f- E$AXTALW::3Cii BsllefnaitaKae, Cekev by Woodard. Olarfce Oa. OMSawsrfy. JlawVw. BTBTBB BleWB T Bait. . Tnrmnl's Sahree ef Oeaeb Oepnthelsj . - - - I ft ASkattlLsTSl - J TVateililiifc aJan iTn.ialaaiJ fee Sioos, van, ate sy iake, aootmlont te an if. sxie are se fnt noa. rraetL a any" nwnr atartui'S, eel wnlMi ft, Pertlsad. Orornai or ht aaaQ f -oas s taoaat Ge 4 teOsesj st. Btei 3at T '-vi V you have any IVIood 1 lw - I ifttim. Bias ay. Uvea, I I f llaaiark w Irnal eaa Ma. Bkiaaie I Itlaiav Caiitlullaa, BASSSTT'S I I 1 NATIVt MCahS laMaa f - aooans. t awe Tinuimn (I. baaaabw 4l Sata Oraek alak Ma Ma. Al Dnaj. - r- f orta sa.rmxs TMal Sa Urnrni aa aaaar) It . V saaa'a STihaie Co. ' J 3 . I 1 f v a, at I mm . 3 shf rr ai . - - . 3 Trains to, the Cut Daily 3 r mioMi sraeaer ee ism lew JjaHMje-g,li t OsMke. Oklsse. fh't 5S2:L "'"-ere esily eeSssses 7fy rxllalag ehalrssrs (sssM tre 1 flhte?? 1 s : . laaeaj-r Ant.. Hoamnto, Hr. M 1:00 pm It .wMT m ". i'r. e:la lu l,"" tor the Beet Reetlfistoa. d.ily!?T. TT. g:IS set TllS asi KvtUa. .eai - ' WLrjMBuk'rvVa'i)rTigioa. . rtULJ!??" T sotals. esesMettsawm fTne sad Norte BeseV sinan ,ltt-. '4 -. dafc. IstvM 0. sk. ashy. earereav, 10 s. ah. CI?V,',,,W? Mnaoe. Ase-et. . -".. eept Beaasy wetsr , wr mmwm sv a. m sell I I . f! SrvBB BOTTTBL ' liZ,. LX1 "? ,ae way selati teww-Trefw- . "taT" , JLf i,?" eatrHeirtv 4 wm. iDire sbq wtnaiaaina VVpHeee Mala TIB .c-w- WTIFOIB, dry TMet Ai nei. steMuaaaz. Oeaeral Passseger llel SOUTH tMaai 0erlaed ; Xxorass Traraa far hlaa. niai lead, aaora..1 "A.a" fa Prasicliee, Btorktoa f Astslae. Bf Psse, flaw OtImm aail tfc. 40 ea mm Warning train tnsenrej st naocoora dally sasee trsday with train for . ' .'.''.' Maeni ' ansa, llTvrtea- i PiuatnaalUa, RnrtniaaM. Waedllsc and MVtra!TV. lpaj TawasJ Bn paoMianr ens- earte at Woadber with ' - " Ifomt lud a an. -' ' tea loral.. 4'1f eel W Mmm fWrams sensaeear. ...... T:asnt 8:90 ei harldas seaasaitar 4:M est 49 rnrant Orove neassnssr.. llO0 pa) ; I:0 pat oeny. nnr-rwe nensr. rtTPBBaoif-aTBgBT OTATIOrt. ' Per Dallas and lateraMdlate aotnta aaRy T:M an. sad 4:1 nu a. Arrive Portland 1:10 a. m. and 0:80 p. m. rar nst im ear er rteweye eatiereea trains epp'r st viry lirmai orare, er etanoe. Tlcstare in Enntom notntn ana wmn Japan.niinr. Rnnohihl and Aaatrane. City Tlrkal one mum ThnreV-aa sen an la. Paea Mala via CW. rnnaRB. . Was. MeMTTBBAT. uiy Twaet ageai. TIME CARD or . . TRAINS Portlandt Cboballs. Contrails. Olrw- nia, trrays siarnar, Bonisi fcane, Lewlotea. Batte, BIU - hnae. boanr, Omaha, Xan- ano vixy, aic awian a - , Boetbeast. dally .......... SB) SSI 4aB)Sal North Coast Unrttad, elae trtm . tlohioit rao Taaaaa SMttls, Bpokaas, Bstta, . . , ' Mianaopene. au rami - as dally tietaa -twt Clni'isMBt. Cahilis. On- . '' s . trails, Tifomn and Seattle only, aaiiy ,.,tt... Twta City wrpr enais. Basttle. at. Joespk. Senses City. . Ova- nai iiuua iw ii r-w . Best and vwtaent. taily.. ltteSaa Mast pal n rniarrnw. a aetata t i eseeev Afeat, B5g Murtsis street. rorusae. wreaoa. Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. tTnlea Banal lavav Asahra. Per Marfan. Batatar. Cists. . kanla, Wanrport. CUfton. rl. Astoria, Warranto. tin- aL RaniMai4. rart Stao. ens. Ooarbart Park, BoasMa. liOO sai U JS as Antona ana seesaare. es an aany view ass vnavnes Pertland-rVesIow fiver" Be lis day eah a Issvas Portland :! p. as. An trains wit. I. a MA TO. O. P. sad P. A.. Astsrle, O. 0. A. STBWABT. Oasssmsial AgisA MS X jnt cotsTomAsta smoc ; i 2 Ovcrlisi: i Trc!s Vz2j Xbe OHsatni Lharlad. ta Past MaB TIA BATTLB ABO gPOEAaB. ; Penr. Porthnd Mm srhadele Te and from Beosae, . tt. PanL Mleasesolm. i Imteth ead ell points gnat vis aoattm ma i Te end rmes St, Pant, hftnnoanoHa. Delnth a Teet pan iisesa aad all Botata. Kaat via enoksa , g-IBeej ia lalka. "- tm. . China part and MaaU. esrrytag s . eanavrs sad fralskt. - S B. Miaeoseta. tly . . S. B. SnJtota, l.ptamWr A ' BTPTOW TVatB BAiBBA (Japan Man Staaswhlp C.) S. A Tsa Mara will eall Ivma Poattle sbnat JuW SI for Japes sad csms painv euvyina nmrnjai tral(bL Per wmsaaha- sis sssa ass-snaaaasrasssss t K. PIOKBOB. 0. P. f . A. ITT T si. Parti, Or, rkaee kJa a trsJes Pise -Prtloesniee -4era-S S. S. F. A, Ml- Per Cess Bey. akJreaa ead Ba f Real salting frost Portia T Best SallUg Seal Baa t- B. I " Snealeh Lja ;-- : v