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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 17, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENIIIO. JULY 17. IZZ2. r e- OF MM mm, John , W. Kubik Owns Water. work but Still Labors , r;-r; at Conductor. 1J.2 "A. ? HAS WORKED AT TRADE SEVENTEEN YEARS Heavy Steel Oonrt Croaain at Grand "Avenue and BnniaideStreet Jacob Deckenbach Dead Other , News. i v . ;. . Side II SO DEEP!" CRY BOYS WHEN FRAZER VISITS BATH HOUSE r i -'. , . . . ' -v. '-v - - When Judge ' Fraaer of tb Juvenile court visited a new bathhouse for North Portland bora yesterday that haa bn built on sand ap(t for the Juvenile court by Walter B. Mackajr near the North Paclflo mill, he waa apled when nearly a quarter of a mil away. One of the boys recognised him and,-, called to hla playmatea: - r HI. feller, there cornea -Judge Fraaer." r-: ; xL ,. X)Tr 19 amall boya In mora than I J ataaea of aunburn aeurrled Into . the water to do atunta for the Judge. "So deep. Judge," thejr cried In chorue, and over SO boya tried to touch bottom, holding their no with one hand to keen the water out, while the other waa extended- straight IntoJ the air so the -Judger-ctileygauge th-dpu...of . the water. The lumber for the bathhouse had been donated by . Mr. Meckay of the North Paclflo Lumber company, and M men had' done tho work. When the Judge arrived at the bath- houae the boya crowded around him to heart what he had to Bay. The Judge atarted counting. "Three, all. nine, and atopped at 19. .'"v"' ,-. . GREEN ..' Baa eld oejrtaa. -Poaaeaalns an Independent fortune, from which he derives a comfortable lncom. an eaat aide atreetcar conductor. .John W.. Kubik. goes dally to .the car- Darn at wooaiawn ana w .- . s . 10-hour run on the Vancouver Una. , ...111. I W A m nlAV. fP DArt. land atreet railway for 11 years. He worked' for tho old. Portland Vsnnnii. r Railway company wnen tne steam motors on thla lino used to meet the ferry at the foot of Eaat Stark atreet nd puff and wheeao their way to tho Columbia river.. Thla waa In the old days when George B. Markle waa a power in tho Portland atreet railway world. "I have -been collecting farea on Port- land atroetcara so long, that I guess I would feel loat If I quit punching tlcketa and ringing aignala to the motorman," aald Kubik. '- 'I am th only man now running on the Vancouver lino that waa on that lino IT yeara ago, and 1 know of but one or two car operator on the on- tiro city ayatom who bav been in the employ .of tho company so long as I have." - i Kubik fellow carmen and neighbor - eey that he la rich; be modestly denies thla, admitting, however, that he la com fortably well orr. Kubik built the, flret houae In the now populous suburb of Farrell Addition, on a tract of acreage that' coat blm but little. Now Ita value repreaenta quite a fortune. : ' . " Kubik owna the -water plant of thla w .k 1 , k. I. Im. Mlmnlklnt of water shortage among hla patron than In any other part of the eaat aide. The Portland Railway. Light Power company la laying a heavj ateel curve crossing at the Intersection of Grand ': avenue and Beat Bornalde atreet. The purpose of the company In-doing' thla the new ateel bridge to be constructed on Grand avenue -over Bulllvan'a gulch. It , la thought that the wooden roadway over the gulch on Union avenue will have to 'be torn out In at abort time and' sup planted by a more aubatantlai bridge, and It la suooosed that the atreet rail way company la preparing to aend Ita union imiHi vmrw DTwr inw vx i . uu pi," nue bridge in event the Union avenue structure la condemned. ... ' C -ra-annrehendet-that some f rnnnlal .-.i.,. i. lmmln witn tne council may anae wnan tne change la made, aa the old Portland Rail way company long ago abandoned Ita "Tnenm"" OranoT avenue " north Of East DurnaldO street. . ', C "Between SO and 40 of you are there r Aw, the crowd haa all gone," volun teered one amall urchin. "And you do not call thla a crowd T Well, you are a pretty well muscled tot of boys. I wonder how many of you have enough muscle to split wood and carry It In for your mothers: .. Thirty bare sunburned arma .waved In the air. . - ."Well, you are' a pretty good lot of boya, anyway." aald the Judge. "We have not had a complaint to the Juvenile court about the boya In this part , of town for a long time." The Juvenile court haa also estab lished a for the boya In South Portland near the Inman-Poulaen mill The free swimming batha at the foot of East Yamhill atreet are not large enough to accommodate all the boya in the -city who want td swim; and Judge Fraaer aaya there are many boya who live two or three miles from the center of the city . who cannot take time to walk so far to the water nor can they afford car fare. He says the bath' houses at the two big mills hsv been the means of keeping lots of the boys out of mischief. v. --!. ; AND.BROWN.COLOR SCHEME IS LATEST IN JUVENILE COURT - After aa Illness extending over several ' weeks, Jacob - Deckenbach. a prominent resident of th eaat side and a member of Sjumner noat. No 11. CI A. R died yesterday at his home, Orand avenue and East Morrison atreet . Funeral swrvicaa will be held tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock at thinning's chapel, Eaat Sixth and Alder streets, and will be un- der-the ausDlces n ftumner Boat. i Jacob Deckenbach waa born tnOer-i many in 1SSS and came to the united Statee In IStO. He settled first In New Jersey and served with a regiment from ' that state -during the civil war. He came to Portland SO yeara ago. . Tho special committee appointed by the Kaat filda ImDravement sssmIs. tloa to- investigate the . Standard Oil eompanye plant on Hawthorne avenue will report the result of Its labors at .- the -meeting tonight of the association. The committee made a careful inspec tion of th oil plant with reference to the danger from fir. The . report of the eommlttee will contain the vtews of Chief Campbell and Assistant Chief Is understood that the com- , nMW rr""T''nrff'trf t tftt fit I nisi nil tit t-'-rr-'ltn' T"H . storage tank be removed to an Isolated . portion of th city.- ; ,- ' Pacific Statee Telephone at Telegraph company will again come up for dls . cusaion at th meeting .of th , SL ' Johns eoaneO thla evening. i . ; ' The city attorney will report on the rdlnano submitted to th council at ' Ita last meeting by the management of the telephone company. This ordi nance calls for a II -year franchise, with a total compensation, for the en tire period, to-the -city of 11,700. It ' is thought that the ordinance will not u ,KB e.H - ttf, fh tlkA MMIMltll ill kiilil jft,, In (M aniV An.hilf renta per telephone per month. Mayor Valentine has said that thla ' Is the limit, of the cltye concessions. The council will, at this meeting. Horsethelf liar, chlcken-thelf and many other name or tne same ama were glibly talked of ' In the Juvenile court yesterday evening. Witnesses were testifying to the language a u-year-oia bov had been using to some women. Mrs. Brown bad complained to tne Juvenile court - of th Impudence of Harold Oreen, und Mra. Brown con ducted the examination of the witnesses, croia-examlned them and objected when foreign subjects were testified about with all the ease of an experienced lawyer. Nearly all her objection were Other witness ea teatined that Harold generally waa a polite boy, but hla mother admitted that he had called Mrs. authorise th city recorder to advertise the bid for the erection of the city halt, tt '"is- known that- acceptable bide for the bond issue, for this pur pose, have been submitted. "It Is a mtraole to me that one of those bora Isn't drowned every , day, aald a pedestratn on - the Burnelde bridge, pointing to a crowd of young sters diving off a raft of loga, - In front of the SUndard Box company's mill at the east approach of the Bum side bridge. "I saw a little chap dive under a half dosen logs a moment ago, . and oorae up between two Jogs, In a space not over two feet broad. They take all sorts of ehancea like that, . and I don't see how they can keep It up day after day and escape the fata that such reckleaaneaa . In vitee." .. ' ' ' ' r During the late hot asm every raft on tha river front waa alive with boya. Their favorite aportaeemed to be To01v-under -ioa. coming up in an open space in tne raftejr go bathhouse, at the ootol t Taylor Tmuj. fluffy finished with little rl lets and curling tendrils. street. $1 0.1 0 Vancouver, B. $1 0.1 0 'Via tne Great Northern rout a Trains leave Portland l:S0 a. m. and 11:45 p. m- making direct connection- at Seat tie Union depot with Great Northern fast trains for Vancouver. British Co lumbia.1 and Intermediate points. For tickets and sleeping car reservations call on H. Dickson. C. P. aV T. A., 151 Third street.- ' ' r ' ' '' ; TWO NIGHTS FOR MUSIC f , LOVERS AT THE OAKS " This evening and Friday evening will be designated as mualo-lovers' nights at - the - -Oaks, D'Urbeno'a band will render a program of especially selected numbers from the French composers this evening, beginning at I o'clock, and, la response to popular request, a Wag nerian program haa been arranged for Friday evening. These programs will soon be- extended by the addition of vocal features. The French composers lng are shown by the following: March, . T Dannaslone dl - Faust" (Berlloa); prelude, "Faust" (Gounod); "Chaado Ballet" XBenedlx); selection, "Carmen" Bliet); solos by Slgnorl.dl Fa bio. Macario and O. Glulll; Inter mission; "Chacon" Durant); "Pas de Flours" from "Nalla Ballet" (Dellbea); "Celebrated Organ Offertolra" (Battlste); waits from opera "Fauat'N (Qounod)j solos by Slgnorla dl Fablo and Macario. Evening July 20, th Wagner program follower - ' ! March, "Nlbelungeh" (Wagner) ; "pre lude, "Lohengrin" (Wagner); baritone solo, ."Evening- Star" (Wagner), Slgnor O. Glulll; Overture, "Tannhauser" (Wag ner); Intermission: march, 'tTannhauser" (Wagner): - "Album Leaf" (Wagner): entrance of bridal chorua, act S, "Lohen grin" (Wagner) ; march. "The Double Eagle" (Wagner). ' The onlyi fern of food xnade from wheat that is all nutri ment is the soda cracker, and yet the only soda cracker of which this is really true is iscuit soda cracker scientifically ; -U- baked. ' : - Uneeda B The The The The only only only only I soda . cracker effectually protected.. ' soda cracker ever fresh, crisp and dean; , soda cracker good at all --times. - v n Brown a kBrsethlef, though both denied calling anyone a liar, or chlcken-thlef. Harold's mamma laughed heartily when th witnesses said her boy had called these last names, but said she thought he waa Justified In saying what he had to Mrs. Brown, because shs had said some naughty thing. to him In their own yard. "These neighborhood rows are disgrace ful." said the Judge. "Mrs. Green, your boy Is Impudent, and you ar upholding him In It. That Is wrong." . After telling Harold that he had not acted as a gentleman 1n being "ay" to Mrs. Brown, and obtained his promise never to repeat It, Judge - Fraaer dis missed the case. . . ; fJEiV ROAD TO TAP APPLE DISTRICT Electric Lin May B Built for .'. Convenience of Hood River ' Valley People. ' PRODUCTION OF FRUIT ' CROWS GREATER YEARLY Better Transportation fteeded to Fa- clliuto Builneas District Expected ;- to. Jroduai.;Jjpur Hundred Thou sand Boxes of Apples Annually. . It Is estimated that within th next three yeara Hood liver valley will be producing 400,000 boxes of apples an nually.; Th present output is less than half that amount This year the crop will be from iio.ouv o itv.vvv, which Is dotfftle the number or boxes E It haa been proposed to build an lectrlo railroad line to accomraodat peopl of th ralley and glr them ulck transportation to and from th town of Hood River, on the O. R. N. railroad. Th Eoclea railroad, built from Hood River to a point In th timber not far from the base of Mount Hood, haa not proved to be of much value aa a means of local transporta tion for the people of the valley. It haa announced the establishment of but one atatlon In that part of the SPENCER DEMANDS ASSISTANTS ACCORDING TO COLOR. "Certain colors of hair look 37011 In cer tain styles," said the hairdresser. "Bo the way . you wear your hair ought to depend somewhat on the color of It. - "For Instance, there Is a great differ ence possible in the dressing of black hair and blonde - hair.. The latter. If very light, permit of apparent careleaa- naaa of arrangement. It abould never The more care less It looks, the better. I B4ack hair, on the other hand. Is at its best when plain. - It looks bad If kinky.- It lenda Itaelf admirably to the 1M0 style a middle .part, with the hair rolled back on the aldea. I always dresa black hair very (Imply, If th face of the wearer permit.. "But you "never ae Ted hatr took well If drawn back perfectly plain, do youT No, Indeed, red hair demand to be done In a fluffy aureole around the face. It simply must be waved. "As a rule, too, you will find that the girl with hair of these colors usually has a face permitting of Its arrange ment according to the rule I have men tioned." : . - rlng-jtne aW'' HOW TO CHOOSE MEAT,. . When selecting beef for roast or teak, ae that the lean Is firm and red and that th meat la finely grained, aaya What to Eat. . - Th fat ahould ' be firm and white. Never accept - any meat which look flabby or discolored or on which the fat la yellow. , ' . . v in-..I,.. .lng m,.tn tnn pie hnilM be dark with plenty of fat In It. Meat without fat allows poorly fed stock. If the fat Is yellow and the meat seem wet or moist, do not accept It. As a general rule all meat ahould be Arm, never flabby. Lamb and vest should both be light colored, pale. Veal, In fact, cannot be too white. . , , EMPIRE PARASOLS. H CJfitnadusi tight. ((J : ; moisturt proof packagt. NAJI0NAL.S1$CU1T. COM PAN Y fcll W 11 aaw aHJ1 Jl-hstf " ' g 1 , 1 1 'abs 1 J 4 i. " f" I " II ajiniM i aaallN f9 JjjQjJ The Empire, which haa affected fash ion of every aort ao atrongly thla aea son. " has had its effect upon parasol. Bom of the tlqy ones, with bent handles, appealing for carriage use. They are hardly likely to become very popular. The parasol, as , we know It today, la loo picturesque a setting for many women to revert to the smaller, leu be coming atyle. But with certain gown (and with certain-womea) -they -are aa pretty a bit of old-world charm aa could be imagined. Valley where fruit la largely proauoed: An electrlo road expert has mso an xamlnatlon of the field and proposes to build a road from Hood River town southward along tha east aid of the river to Tucker s bridge, about seven miles, and there cross to the west side and complete a belt 4tne back to the town of Hood River. From Tuokers crossing It is proposed to construot the line ' on up , the river to tap certain timber land where mills would be established, and bring lumber out to the marketa. . TaUey Im rjereloping. Hood- river valley la developing with great strides. New orchards ar Muff planted each year, and old orchards are being Improved and enlarged..- Owner ot many .of th earlier bearing orchards have adopted, the grafting process to change their treea from ordinary varieties to Newtown snd Bpltsen bergs. Ths ground available for fruit culture In the valley la limited and every acre is to be utilized. ' Lend that haa nothing but grain atubble. If favor-, ably located, brlnge . 1300 per acre. Timber land Bella at fllf per acre. An orchard that la planted with - two or three year old treea la ready money at tttO to $400, and bearing orchard bring all the way from 1(00 to l,ou per acre. - ? Th valley is organised, with - the Hood River Fruit Growers' union In control of the business of raising "fruit. Ma gw. 4ft thm vallav la narmlttm to pack -his own apples: Expert-pack t--Be-Work Requir4ol -Ofl era are empioyea oy tne- union, when uyuu inv xttuiw Tflfjy DIED SUDDENLY OP HEART D15UAS2. How freauently do a head Hn timl lar to the abov greet us la tha news papers. Th rush, push and itrenuou neae of th American people haa a strong tendency to lead up to valvular and other affections of tha heart, attended by lr rearular . action. balDllatlon. dluineaa. smothered sensatloua and othar distress ing symptoms. Three of th prominent Ingredient of which Dr. Pleroe's Golden Medical Dis covery Is made ar recommended by soma of th leading writers oh Materia Medica for th our of Just such case. Uolden Seal root, for instance. Is said by th UaiTso States DuraasAToar, a stand ard authority, "to Impart tone,, and In creased power to th heart's action. Numerous outer leading authorities rep resent uoiden Heal aa an unaurpassea tonle for the muscular system In general. and as th heart is almost w bully com poaea oi muscular tissue, it ..aiurany follows that It must be greatly strength ened by this superb, general tonle. But probably th most Important Ingredient of Golden Medical Discovery, ao far as Its marvelous cures of valvular and othar affections of tb heart ar eon corned,!. Stone root, or ColUntmia Can., Prof. Wm. Paine, author of Patne's Kpitomy of Medicine, sayg of Itt I. not long since, had a patient who was So much oppressed with valvular disease of the heart that his friends were obliged to carry him ap-atalrs. He. however, gradually recovered under the mfluenoe of Ooillnsonln (medicinal principle extracted from 8 tone rootL and la u attandlna' to hla bualneea Heretofore phyaielaas knew of no remedy fur uie removal of so Olalre malady. With them it was all guess-work, and It fearfully warned the aflilcted that death was near at hand. Ooi llnsonln anauestlonablv affords relief In sack cms, and In moat Instance effects a ?ure.V ... btona root is also reeommenaea oy un. Hal and Elllngwood, of Chicago, tor valvular and other diseases of th heart Th latter says: "It Is a heart tonio of direct and permanent influence. - -"Golden Medical Discovery." not only cures swlous heart affections, but Is s moat efficient general tonic and invigor- orating tha liver, regulating th bowel UU CUI 111 KMUM BUmNVIM M. . parts oi tne system, . -Dr. Pleros's Pellets cur Constipation Building Inspector Says Deputies -Are Needed If Laws Are to Be Enforced. COUNCIL COMMITTEE - CONSIDERS MATTER Building Department May Be Thor oughly' Reorganised City Grow TTnjf So Fast That One Man Cannot corns are examined by an Inspector, who la fined t If he permit aa imperfect apple to go Into a box. . A packer who packs an Imperfect appl gets fined or discharged. : NEW BOOKS FOR THE "LIBRARY. SERVING SQUABS. - When squabs srs served for breakfast It Is appetising to have a bed of crisped cress fr them,- unless on toast is pre ferred: wash the cress and ahake dry; wrap In a clean bit of cheese cloth and place directly on ths Ice; this may' be done th night before; It will be ao much crlsper. . Aa a breakfast - aalad, creaa hold the palm, and allced cucumber may also be served, Iced; and thinly licedr- te great, satisfaction on a hot morning. ------- . - Z. FRUIT PUDDING. Tak a smalt can of sliced peaches, peel and slice two bananas and - three juicy oranges. . Then line a pudding dish with a layer of orange and alternate layers of bananas and peaches, until sll fruit Is used; cover each layer, with sugar, cocoanut and chopped walnuts; over all pour a cup of peach ayrup; let stand several hours and . aerve with whipped cream. , ' ." " " HER PETS WITH HER. A ' New York society woman haa given her jeweler an order for a necklace of flnti silii links from which will hana golden miniature rea-roduclfoni 6f thr) Old-fas! heads of, her especial pets, encruated with dlamonda. There are three dogs, two csts, a pony and a parrot The clasp Is a copy of a pet llsard with diamond eyes. HOW SHE" GOT HER TITLE Tb arewa pr looses 0f Bwedan, who is MOUNTAINS AND MOUNTAIN CLIMBING. Avery, B. P. Ascent of ' Mount Shasta (In hla California pictures, pp. 15-10), 1S7S. -' Balch, E. B. Mountain -Exploration, 189S. t - Collie, J.. N Climbing on . th Htm alaya and , Other . Mountain Ranges, 1101. ..-- t - Conwsy, W. M. Aconcagua and Tter- ra del Fuego, a Book of Climbing, Travel and Exploration. 101. , Dent. C T. Mountaineering, ltft. f- Fillppl, Pillppode Ascent of Mount Kt. Ellss. lltl. - FwardaAB,ntroqden Peaks. mj TTnfreauented Valleys. ' ' Fountain. - J Paul Great - - mountalna and foreata of South America, 101. Orlbble, F. H. Early mountaineers. lit. - Headlr. X T. Mountain adventures In various parts of the world, 1IT1. King. Clarence Mountaineering In the Sierra Nevada, 1171. Le Blond. E. A. F. (W.) N.True tales of mountain adventures for non af imbers young and old. 110! . - Mulr, John Mountains of California, 114. " Steel, W. a. Mountain of Oregon, Stutfleld. H. B. Collie. J. N. Climbs snd Exploration in the canaaian rock lea. 101. "V Weston. Walter Mountaineering and Exploration In th Japanese Alps, white, 8. sj. Mountains, Wilcox. W. D. Camping In the Can- adlairoeklesr-S. Wilcox, W. D. Rockies of Canada, 1100. Wilson, E. L and others. -Mountain Climbing, 187. - pretty arid popular, goes by the name of "The Colonel'a Wife." The crown prince, unlike his poet father, la a military en thusiast, and la honorary colonel of several regiments. When he was first married he took hi young bride Into the headquarters of the regiment ofVwhlrh he waa then acting colonel, and said: "Gentlemen, the colonel In command of the regiment desires to Introduce his wife to the regiment" : The charming young -wife waa-received with round rf applause, and th nam has stuck to her over sine. . REMEDY FOR LASSITUDE. A quirk bath Is th best remedy la th world for lasstud. a fit of th blues, headache and a lot of minor Ilia 'There Is nothing so conducive to a clear skin, for by stimulating all th pores all over th body less of th Impurities of ths skin ar sent out through th more sensitive glands of the face. Beauty baths of milk and rose petal and all that aort of thing Is the greatest kind of flub-dub talk. A movement that will probably reault In the formation of a reorganised buuov lng department of the city waa begun yesterday afternoon When members of the ways .and means commute of th council discussed the request oi uuua ln Insoector Spencer for two deputies. From th first tt haa been plain that one man can not do half the work of Inspection necessary to malt builder live up to the laws passed for public safety. In other cities of Portland's also, from three to five men are em ployed in the building department. - Here the plumbing Inspector baa a deputy, but the building Inspector, hold. lng a newer office. Is obliged to attempt all the Inspection himself. - Meanwhile the ordinaanc providing" for th creation of th office of electrical Inspector la before the council. It la now proposed to make the elec trical inspector a deputy of the build ing Inspector, and both are to work In conjunction with tha plumbing inspector. What will be the ultimate result, per hap a, la that the bulUfng Inapector will be th head of tb department and the electrical and plumbing Inspectors will be deputies. Mr. spencer haa never in timated any desire to extend hla Juris diction, but as the councilman see it this Is simply th plan which some da- must be adopted. Mr. Bpencer urgd that hla office shows a clear profit, the Xeea received for Inspection more than equaling the expenses. As the ways and means oom- mlttee did not have a auorum yesterday. the matter could only b discussed In formally, and was laid over until th next meeting. A number of electrician were'tPresent to watch the progress of th electrical- insoector. ordinance, but no action could be taken upon that either. , Banding Fermlta. 1 . The following - permits - have been Issusd: B. F. Theia, repairs to dwell ing. Fifteenth between Everett and Flanders, cost 1200; J. B. Demara, two- story dwelling, Clinton - between East Twenty-first and East Twenty-second, cost, 11,600: O. H. Feters, one-story dwelling, Eaat Twenty-first between Ellsworth 'and Taggart, cost, $500; C. O. SlggUn, summerhouse. Fern avenue near Montgomery drive, cost, 1600; K. E. Merges, excavate for Stores, Rus sell corner Alblna avenue, eoet $H0; Bushong Co., repairs," Washington be tween Seventeenth and Eighteenth, cost. 1200; Owen - Tsylor, one-story store, Union avenue corner . Dekum avenue, cost, 1(00; Labowitch Bros., repairs to store. Third between Morrison and Tamhlll, cost $S0; . W. C Henderson, one-story ' dwelling, Eaat Eighteenth corner Tibbette, cost $S00. OLD-FASHIONED FLOWERS. this summer- to- the exclusion ot other flowers for table decorations, and It was noticed that at ths .commencement ex ercises st all tha fashionable schools the flowers which attracted the most at tention were the homely, old-fashioned one, and bunches of daffodil. Jonquil and while Ulie simply tied with whit ribbon. took precedents eve caor ex peoslv varieties. - , f ;, BRYAN IS BOOMED " "BY CARTER HARRISON Jo4rl gpeeisl genie.) Springfield, III.. July 17. The William J. Bryan league of Chicago haa been Incorporated her. Ex-Mayor Harri son of Chicago la president. The league la to further Bryan a candidacy for th prealdency. MAKES TtlZt, FJtUJZa liAXJ. rr f POSiriYZLY RZTZDYZ3 DAN DRUFF, mtor ' fmt:r Aided by HARfUA SOAP, beata. stop itoMnU, promote fine srowlb of bel. . FMILO MAY CO Rewsrk, 1. J. , eoo, au. cr.vcQ&TS. Mr ft ) s" - A Qualify and' Style: That Are ' Right New patterna guperior qua.!- : Ity the cream of the Mnhat . tan, - Star. Wilson Bros.. Cluetta, Monarch nd'E. ft W. lines are here for your chooa- -lng. If you want stylish, dressy shirts that are not found in.every stock in town, come to us. I T Sll KCaUUSCXST., cpj.PcitcSIc3. r I AM TO TAXVa, BTOaTsI BO OB OAS tm JBJI1 Woodard Clarke & Co, Fourth nd Washington Streets Helpful Information About-Our TOILET REQUISITES tor MIDSUMMER V-AR-DAS BATH OF. BENZOIN A summer luxury for the bath and toilet. ..5... i..... .50 U-AR-DAS MILK OF CUCUMBER For the skin and ? complexion ........ ... ..v. . ......... 50e-- WOODLARK SKIN FOOD Keeps the skin soft and tt-miwwi wiitvT.9 uu yiCTCUit; TVlllln,tC3 rrfivTinnnfaHKr- BELL'S FRECKLE . LOTION Removes - freckles and , jlan . . ..... ... . . , ...'4. .................. h ... . .91.00 "PURODOR Prevents excessive perspiration ..... . . . .25 MICRO Keeps the scalp cool, stops dandruff...... $1.00 LISTER'S ANTISEPTIC TOOTH POWDER Your den- tist recommends it. ............ . . . . ; . , ...25 T PARAGON TOOTH WASH-Cleans ,the teeth, hardens ; ' the gums ......... . .... . . . ....................... 25 ' WOODLARK TOOTH PASTEThe ideal paste.... 25 ' 1 U-AR-DAS COMPLEXION SOAP Absolutely purelS? WILD FLOWERS MT. HOOD SOAP Complexion and ' V skin soap .............. .-. . . ... ........ ... . .15 LEIBIQ'S SKINCUKA SOAP Antiseptic and - , - soothing ..................lEty DERMATIC EGO SHAMPOO For the hair and scalp . .. . . .. i . i. .......... y ............... . .25 ' STRA WINE Cleans and bleaches straw hats........ 25 i WHITINE Cleans white duck and canvas shoes. . . . .25 ' AKIN'S FOOT COMFORT-For tiredburning feetr.20e i WOODLARK GRAPE JUICE Refreshing summer'; drink. ............. .v ... .25, 50 ; WOODLARK CONC. ORANGE CIDER A delicious drink 25 WOODLARK LEMON SUGAR Lemonade quickly " made ; . r.; . .xr rrrrrr.-. i . i .-.v. ; .25 - VIOLET AMMONIA For the bath...'. ...... "..v.,. 25 ANTISEPTIC WITCH HAZEL Use after shavteg. .25 . BAY RUM Antiseptic and cooling....... .35 and 50; U-AR-DAS LUXURY For the complexion, white or -flesh . . . . w ... ... ;. . . 50 U-AR-DAS COLD CREAM Softens and whitens, the skin . ". ...50 U-AR-DAS FACE POWDER A perfect powder, all -, colors ......... ........ . . 25 , MARCELLFS FLORAL PERFUME None better, . ounce ........... ... ...... . .7. r. . v T.75" MT. HOOD COLOGNE Cooling and refreshing. ............................ .75 and $1.40 MYOLENA PERFUME Our latest odor, try it, or ,? 1.00 UlAu- i A, BANK AND OFFICE RAILING aJ - ATCD 2M WiQXQ Barbed Wire, Wire and Lawn Fencing, JTUU1U 1-ICtUng, J3.1G. . EORMIUflRE-&JRQrLMlI! Phone Main 0C0 S3 FLANDERS ST, Near Third ALLEtrG . FOOT-EAQE Tlrse, IMTAehlai FmL A3Ja3 a ; PT A SU B STITUTI. . trar bes. U . . T. , k Csriala Cur far OO HOT AOCfPT A SUBtTITUTI r