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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 17, 1906)
THE OREGON .DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVENING, JULY 17, V 4.4 TODAY'S MARKETS FRUIT FUTURES UP S nARKET New Prices Are' Named Most Lines Twenty-Five P,er Cent : '. ' j - Over Year-Ago. : SHORT CROP IS DUE TO . UNFAVORABLE WEATHER Wheat Daman Causes , Stiff er Market for Old Crop but No Salea Ara Reported Japan Still Offer- lag for New Flour. 4 -iVv v"V I " treat street JV it.- principal faetnree . f th Portland (koMHM ' mt rotates ars signer.- ' Wkeet easMg stlffsas market. : litnkM ksve keavy ssW. v . csataleupa caff satfsr-tiuui snpply. , Hop contract at llfce posnd. . Crsksppias OU imk sskv j . i New you tor BoMlng tbenr ears.. . . Egrplsat I considerably" lower. - Lemoa demand Is aaaoeted.. rtek eatefc growing emaller. . .mMm ' ShHmiIh coming from W aahlnxtoa. FhcMi lower; better euppltee. . Oral bege holding juet stssdy. Apricots seming from Haywards. BottOT mi4 tor poultry. . In ssarksc la fast dragging, rraaa sseeta esatlaas waafaV" . w htiiM Ara Xigaer. Arts ssvsrsl ssserba' dslsy Catttarala eaa lm have at laat aamsd thalr nrloo tor fstnro canned fruits. Tha aaiallar tJ''Tr?"'"l ulimbN wsstber all w h" cause a aaaaMaral towaar arWyaU lhua. ABrtoota eke a crop f bat -1 per cant la California thla season. tats esaee aM per orM tnerssee ta tbls yeer's.prlee ever tail it tha prevloee seaec Owing t. a sp.ll iTsed waatbW Jaat abaat "'- rlee will be the eame eamnt "J" laas. A bIb liar raw bj abawa bi 'atrawbarriua JHUirV n fralta. ara b' io par cant arar laat year. Tba exact flgttre for tJii yar-e price, have pabUe, bat Tha Joaraal kaa swmredthe above from iaaMe Bsereee. Tba exact price. wUI ba made public wlthla tha east faw dare. - Wkaat 2aaua I tiff an Karkat. ' Daiaaaa tn tha whaat crop aU arar tba eaaa traadaapaclaUf 1a tha PadfK aortbwaat baa raaahai la a atifrar aarkat for oM crap. a lata aale at eooaaqnanea ara raportaa aacaaaa oc tha hoMlaf taaoanclaa at tba rw aa apaeeUtora. Thara la aothtnf at all 4oin at tha axport floar aiarkat. Boaa tow aftora coa tlaaa ta eoa fro. 'apaalor bat aa asount af tba aBearUta coadltlaa t tha wat eroa aad tar aoa aUDara ara aot ajuioaa to ajaota. Ha Oeatraata at naaea aa a Oaartar. . ' It la aaw fanerallr eoaeaoad by moat hop aaaKn aad erawrra that thla fWm prodactlna ta Waahlnctoa will aot raa mnek arar that at laat roar. It tha prod act loa raaehaa that tlcara. Ooatracti i ara baiaf aoocht mora thaa avar and aa kick aa Hfcc a poaod baa ba offarad at roaatTT potata tor boat fradaa darln tba paat i-M haarar It la aa aallmaiad that XttUr "hH tha eaaihii eroa kaa already ban contractad bp abort aalfera, aa thla lataraat la maklna aaary . aaaaator ta srab tba raat af tba auppllr la rift te Mil Ita aalea aiada at lower prkaa a yaar ate. Xaropaaa adrioaa at III taU af daaaa. ' ' aaiawa Oateh aaaUar Thaa Evar. '' A ataady dacraaaa la abawa la tba Cola aa Mi rtoar aalowa catoa. acenrdlaa; to apaciai .ad rleaa raccirad br Tha Joaraal from Tarlona rlrar poiala tab aMralac. Tba aacraaaa la tba catch la aaM to ba doa ta odd watar broocbt a boat by tha awltm of anow la tha aoooa f P-"1! f'- ha ai'aat eappllea today . Ptlc tba mom. ' 'T ' Immtm Pamaad la TJaaaatad. ' - Daaaand tor kmoaa coatlBaaa ana ha tad alor - Frvat awaat y. Tba ll1itly aoolw waatbar kaa had aa aotkwabla affret apaa tba baying, aa aanall ara aTallabla aappllaa. - Oaautaapaa ara la batter demand wltk far bj thla aaoralaa; from tba aoath. rVatanaaleaa ara aalllac vary faat. wtth aal Ity boat at thai tlm of tba yaar. Roma caanary baxea filled with aprleota ara eamlnt from Baywarda. CaMforala. Orataa walch a boat aO aotrnda aad prlra la il.aO. Boaoa attar ajaaUty la abowa tnm Tba Dal lea. . lira care M aaUad fralta ram ta dartaf tba aaoratac. Paaehea -ara la better aopply aad arte la lower. Ball pepper ara aaw arrlrlac aa freary fraaj tha aaatk that price ebow aoaaldarabla dacUa. , . Kiae VetM at tha traat. . - - Ecf Barfcat b) taat aVacalaa; wltk Hi prlr . Barely boidtnf Its awa. Baetlpta nita tab; acala. . Batter demand for caVkeat fhbj awning, bat ja aad """iLjrt. IWt a k""y ta'tl nal rtrfractionTly aft for latter, Oaamery aarter ta ptUnc P Tory faat and mm city rreaajarle bar made aarrat enter I ta soe ta arder ta aaoaa. Oaoatry atora atUl arrrrlac ta bad shape. ..... Cbaaaa ta firmer wltk arlea klghar today. ' Tba trade pays tha followta- prlr ta rroat : atraat. Prtaas paid salppars ara lea rasalar ' ,aaamtaaksM: Orate, Tlear aad Tea. - f)r!AI! BAG Oalratta, 04tlOe. WHKAT Club. TOr; red Roaalaa, tTct bta. Stem. TJi Waller, TOtrTlc. - BARLXT Frri. (34.00; rolled, t3B.O0SS.0O; brewlna. ! UO. '1 COttS Who!, M.M; arackad, 2S.M par BTB si Bi per ew't ' ' ' OAT8 lrourT' prlra. Ka. 1 white. 12. on BRn.OU: (ray. 2.002 40. . riX)l'B New aatra Orrsoa patents. $!l or Ml; stralahU. t3.40l.ft(l: I port. $3.14; alley, (rahtm. M. i 50; whole wkaat, t.n: rye. 60a. .0O; balea, 2.TH. i MrLurUPr-a Bras. (17.B0 par ton; old. dllaf. IWXW: abort, maatry. 130.00; city. ll.0o: chop. l.O0(21.60. i . HAT Prador-ra' prlea TloMthf. Willamette . ... Tallry. fanry. 11.00: ordinary, dlO.OOttlO W; eaatera Oregoa, $la.on17.0: mixed. SlO.ona 10.60: rlorer, fraia. T.6o)8.oOi ekaal T.O0(S.(IO. , , attar, Xf( aad Pealtry. - - ItrTTKR FAT F. a. a. Portland awaat creani. Kr; amir. ISc. - , . BUTTKR City craaajary, tlH - aatrlde ! toacy, la Joe; ardlnary. 1TH( atora, 12 . 'lac. - . t BOOB-Na. 1 freak Orataa. eaedled, 22c. , , OHEKliB New rail cream, fists, lSQISUc: . loonf America. UQUV. ' , POULTRX Mlied chlrkana. imeiSc par lb; fancy bene, 10 per lb; reaetrre, old. 10V4 Chi Man. tlattlUe nmr IK imii., brnllers. lStjlTs per lb; old darha, ljiffiite p !, ioi pv e, vujui per ' lb; tarkeya, Ie per lb; dreaaed. toe par ' lb; aaaaba, 140l,00 per doa- plcaaaa, $10C ' i '" Hapa, WeW and Hid.' J . imps Contract. 190 crop, 10s par lbi laXN 1 Orecoa. 1 Oil 11c. ..... ' ) WOOL clip Tstley. aosr to medlam. tr: ae, tc: eaetera Orecoa, 30031. IIOH A I R Krw, nomlaaL , BHaKI-RKlNg Rbewlni. lnfJJOc erb; short 'wool, median, wool, S0d)7ae each: loos wool T!l.eo aarb. ' TAIXOaV-Prlsat, par ta, IHe Re. 1 sad (Tae, llHe. f'HITI IM BARK IMS Stock. IffllJU pa B HIDKa Dry, Kc't, Id Iha and as, lui . IT He per Ibj dry kip. No. I. t ta IS ins, mT: ' ' dry calf. K. 1. ander Iba, lie, aaltad kldos. ' ateeT,aaad,aT)jlbaaad jTr.10plle; caws, TUESDAY PRICES IN - THE WHEAT MARKET t Chicago ... Mlnnaa polls .7714. I .T7HA .Ta Uvarpool ..., Iuluth ....... Karieaa CUjr. Mllwauka) Bt. trOtllS...... sTH Is 1 14 d .77HB ,.T04 .11 , JOURNAL'S DAILY TIPS ON MARKETS d . - Consldarabl complaint has . d baen mad by commission men on d account of tha poor ' snap ' In . which soma shipment or poultry d arrive. It la generally agreed by the trad that at thla period or tha year all shipment should ba d mad by ex pros a. noma peraiai d in. Bending; by alow freight and d tha result la that when the stocks d arrive a large par oent of th a chickens are dead from lack of d water.. Thla results In a severe loss to tha shippers and makes d auch consignments unsatlstao d tory to commission men. H0Hc; stag and boll, sooad. jTe; kip, 15 to 80 lb., ve; calf, aouad, aader lb lb, lie; raea, onaaltrd, le lea; cull. 1c Bar lb We; oreehld, aalted, each, f l.if331.TS; dry, eeo. 1.00l.a0 colt bldea. GJ0c; goat skin, roramoa, aaek, . 1O01oci Aagors, aack, StcaJ 1.00. ' r . . Fralts aad Tagetaatas. POTAT08S New, 1 0Oyl SA per sack; pra dacra' prto for car lota. S0t80e par cwt. - ONIONB Jobbing . price Texas. . IL Pr cwt; new California, red. 10; aUrara, l.o; (arlir, 0r iter lb. I FKESU FRUITS New apolea. ll.60ai.TI: oranges, Mediterraoeaa. fft.764M.0O; baaaaa. tV. . I - a A 11A euai ka aav ipvrr an . arasait Clsuat, 9 1 .W yrw awat toncyi 7T 60 pea ba llmaa, Meilcso, f 1 P" loo; tangertnra, ; piarapplee, j ipo; Hawaiian. tA.BO; gooaebarrlea. c per H; eber rlea. HQ13Hp; plum. $.101.60 per crate; loganberries, l.60; eaaUloapaa, 1 2. 750. 00; raapbvrrlea, fl.7C; black tga, 1.S0; grapM, $1.251.60; blarkbafrias, 3.00 per , crate; watermelona. Ir par lb; aprlcoU, 1J0; VCMSTABLta Tnrnlna. new. SI M ear aack! csrrota, 11.76 par aack; bveta. (1.60 par aark; paranlp. $1.60 par aack: Oregon radlabea, 30c per dos; cabbage, Oregon, (1.OA01.Z6; ball pep- Cra, UHHIIV .per lb; CaUfornla. 11.00; at 1.76a3.00: naranlna BOr all 1.00: 'ring bean. Oragoa.- 7e per lb; caall- nower, 1 00 par doa; pea. 406c; kora. radtak. ST7e per lb: artlrhokea. 7.V. nar doa: aparago, Oregon, 60s par doa bunch; Walla I Walla, f 1.00 per box; aqaaab, lHe plnachv u pr bom; green enwna, uregoa, izte per dos banchea; Co cumber a, aSSROe per doa; eatery, Lett- per dos: graea corn, toe par doe; ta mer nauasa, T6ctj1.00 par bra; eggplant, 10c dried ruimiii,b ' a 11 14c per lb; eprlrota. . 14c per lb; pesrhea. la II He per lb: sacks, He per lb leea; prnnes. BO ta 40. Be: Ue droa oa ex-k 1.1a amaller !; , California bUrk. 4Ha per lb; California wklte, He per lb; date, gold, TM Bar lb; tarda, fl.aotjil.60 per 16-lb bai. . . Oraoarma. a at. Its. RT'GAR Hark baale Cnha as. an. MmMmrmA fll.18; trait graaulaled, f3.18: dry granulated. $3.06; conf. A. fs.06; western P. C. f4.B.1; rlawiHaa C. C. S4.SA! extra fl S4MI enM C. f4.66 D yellow. 14. SO: bbla. loct 44 bole. 23c: boxes, toe advance on aack baala. leea 36 par ewt for eaab. 16 daysi ajapla. 14H6 r lb. (Above arlcaa anolr to aalea af leea rhaa ear lot. - Car lota at special prices sahjaet Is gurtuatlone.) jumKifsoo par crate. rOFKEK Package brand. fl.tS14.TB.' HALT foara Half around lone anna nae ton: 60s. S8.A0: table, dalre. KOa. HlflA: inn. tll.TB; Imported Liverpool. 60s, flt.oo: lota, tl 60: X24. f IS 00: axtrs aae. bbla, a. 6a. 10a. H60OH60; balk. 830 lb. f4.0O45.00; sarka. 60a. eaaMe: Uvernool lamp rork, flf.M per ami ou-io ran, aa.ou, juu, aw.uu. RICBW Impactal I.paa. No, 1. fcTTeT- RQ6Ke; New Orleans' bead. 7e;fAJax, Be; Creole. te. - riKAnn Bin wnit. se.xn: tare wtiita. JSM; pink, f3.7: bayoa. g4.76jMjn.aJ. JHMi fHValT'lbtrnaed6ifaf aw' IbMa' a, oittnc; raeatea, T7l4a par lb: eoeo Blinsoa per doa: walnnta. ISaTlSUa ner lb; plnenuta. WQHt par lb; hirkory sat. IOC per lb; cbeetnata, eaitern. IBQiec per lb; Braall sots. 14ai6c ner ib: dlbarta. 14alae ner lb; fancy pecans, lac; almonds. lS$17c rsiats, osu on, Xts. ROPK Pars Maslla. 14e: ataadard. UUei Sisal. 11c. COAL oilr Pesn er Astral Caaes 1SU ner gal; water white. Iron bamla 14c par gel, waodea 17c Bar aal: kaadllgbt. 170-das. eaaas 11 Wc par pmi. . (lAwiLi.iB ae-aeg, csaee nit per gal, iroa bbla lRc per gal. bbneimb ea-eeg. casts 39 ass sau Iroa bbla lSHcper gal. l xi BraPtTiwBj la esses ea par bsj. weeoea bbla OSc per gal. WHITB LEAD Toa lots. TVs ner Tb: bYsVDj lota. Be par lb; leaa Iota, 8Ue per lb. WIRB N A IIjS Present baala at It 36. LIN8RED OIL Pare raw. la S-bbl lota. BSC: t-bM lot, 63e$ caaea, aSa par gal) geaalna kettle boiled, eaaea, eOe per gal; g-bbl lota, 64c 1-bM lot 66c par gal; 'graaad cake, car lota, $20.00 par ton lea thaa car- lota, f 30.00 per tea. Keats, riak aad riwrlstoas. raE8.II IIKATB . Frnnt: jtreet Beef ' teea. 4Q8c per lb; cow, 8f4e per lb: hoga. faary, 6Bcj ordinary, TJ4aC; mot, 74)7 per lb; boll, 883H per to; veal; extra. Te per Ib; ardlasry. ee per lb: poor, 6 per lb; mattoa. (awy, sajSHC Pr in; lanoa. iac barns, 10 ta 14 Iba, Ise par lb 14 ta If In. lovte per in; . ore raat naeon, nam per lb; plcnira, 12c per lb; cottage, 10 Via per lb; regnlar abort clears, anamoaea, iie per in smoked. 12e per lb; clear hafkjjjinamokeA tai ml lb. lumtcff rTTe--per TK;"Tnlo ted, sc per lb: a mo 1. ananMked. 13 "4c Its 10 ia 18 Iha; nnamoked. anofcad. e par Ib: clear bellies, aaamoked. 11 "4c per lb; smoked, 14HC per lb boalders, 13o per lb; pickled tongae. 84.0O a-nsrter bbl. 1 lAJVAlt LAKl cattle aeax. I'm. imv ner lb; 6a, 13UC per Ib; 60-w tlna, UHc par lb; stasm rendered. KM), lie per Ib; 6. per in: comnonna. iub, t. CANNED SALMON Columbia river, l ib tsll, II. HO; 1-lb tails, fl.76; fancy, 1-lb Beta, II. BO; H-'n fancy nata, fi.10: inncy i-io ovaia, 11.10: Alaska tall, pink, SsjDOe; red. fl.60; aomlasl 9. tall. S2 0Q. FlflH Bock cod, Tc per lb: aonnders, sc pa lb- kallhnt. Be oer H: crabs. 110 ner dos: striped baas. 12Vc par Ib; cstflah. Be per Ib; nlnai. Colaabls rlvr cblnook, 8c rer lb: steal- besds, Te par Ib: bluebacke, Ta per lb; herrings oc per id; aoiea, ac r par lb: shrimps, loe par Ib: black cod. Ta Bar lh- 10; perca. DC pr tomeod. Te per lb; silver smelt, Te per lb; lobsters per lb; frees, mackerel, 8 per lb; rrswfuk, 30c per dos; shsd. Se par lb; storgeoa. 10c per lb. OxPTKRS Bboslwatsr bay, par gal fXtB; per 110-lb sack, 14 00. CUAhlH Hardebell. par keg, $2.00; rascr rUma, 11.00 per bag. . oaxcov hop corr&ACTB. ; s (Upactal Tlntrh to The- Joanul.) Balasi,- Or- July 17. A moor the boa eaa- trsets filed yeatarday were tba following: idvbii ivtej or naiem, rural rree oairvecy Ne. T, 30,000 pound at 10 eeata, crops at IB08, 1007 sad 1D08. B. J. L. Whlteman at al. ef Jefferana. 000 Sound at 10 eanta, crops ef 180. 10OT and lvOS. J. J. Tweed of Bslem. rarsl free delivery No. T. 8.000 pennd st cents far. 1808 Crop, JO cento tor imn ana item crop. ' u. J. Langaaa er niiverton, 10,000 poonda at 10 rant, crop af ipne, 1007 and 180S. . - Tbe-.ebov contracta were made wltk the A. Magirae Bnns company ef Chicago. The esatracts made by T. BosenwsM m Co. sra: oha Hemmlnree af Blrvertoa. 10.000 aoanda st 10 cents, crop of 1900. T. B. Walker of Oarvals, 18,000 seand at 10 cents, crop of 1808. v. w. atege snd o. o. Price er Prate m. 10.000 Son ode st 10 cent, crop of IROA, Loals Aral ef nervals. 16.000 aoonds at 10 eanta, crop of lend. II. o. Evena or ailvertoa. 10.000 Baaads st 10 essts, crop of 1008 . . CATTLE TO THE BOTfaTn, (Bpeelal Dttpstefc te The Joaraal.) Pendleton, Or., inly IT. Tba that ahlnntent ef grsss-fed cattle, aonalatlng of 14 rarloaila 88 bead each, went eat from TJanTHll tba W. O. B. thl ngrnlni to tbs Itys-Braba a-m petty ef Beattl. Twe er Ihre 4-fear-ol'la aversed 1.300 pounds a head. Tba eteere sold st 814s sad th cows st tltc s poand. They were driven from Camas prairie. 48 miles oat. Another shipment tit 10 head will be made tomorrow, several eattleima are shipping from 60 te 80 bead each. Th rang is good snd cattle are la sxoallsat condition IBM rorrtJurB iui iTATticin. Clesrlng ,. BsUacas ... ....9aBT.OM.44 .... 108. 840.88 ' New Terk-Iasdea tllvar. New York, Jaly 17 Bar allvsr, C1 tea- sea, aw. tmmm : " Fiefeired aTtoek Oaaaad srooda, - AUoa LawUr Beat At rand. . QUALITY 0F17IIEAT FIRST CLASS Almost All Arrivals of New Grain Grade Contract In Chi- ' ' cago Today. r LIVERPOOL HURT BY r - OUR HEAVY ARRIVALS Pressure on the Other Side Xa Causa of Depreaaiort in Price Hera July and September One and a Quarter Centa Lower. ; ';' ' BELATITB WHEAT TALTJE8. Ham . rfioaa r Cloaa ' ' Loss Inly IT. Jaly IS. 180. Jaly IT. , .$ .77 VI A f ,TH f .8ft4 .! .Bag .83k ...,T .01 Joly.....;. September. Decambar., Chicago, Jaly IT Uvsrpeol esblss were lower this morning oa account of oar heavy receipts of aew wheat. Out ef 774 ears this morning T13 graded eon tract TbU shows the fin qual ity of the wheat we ara rslslng this yssr. Hssvy receipt canned eonsldersbla sailing, sad tbs soatlaaed fin weather la the wheat bait farther depressed prices ea all options. The deellas wss harp sad decisive with Jaly sod Septem ber 1H lower, December 1U sad Msy Is ander yesterday's closing. Brsdatreet's report abows a smsll decree ea la tb vielbla-enppty 1a this soaatry, but bad no effect apaa the market. - Offlcl orricLaJqaolatloa by war Decs, atarr m f COoIe eoapaiiyi WHEAT." High. Open Lew. Close. '.T7HA .tt2a .T9l Jrtf.,4 -T8 th a Sept...,. .7V .7814 -,ant .804 .83(4 - mH , lec..... May..... . .ax COBN, July-'... 8pt... .BIS . .61. . .-. ,4H -OATS. 1IES8 POBK. .61 .36 JilHA Jnry..... : a nept... . , Dae Jaly.. Sept.. Jasv.. 18 TB 1T.3T 14.89 . 18.00 ; 18.T8 17:40 17.3T 14.86 14.88 LABD. . - 8.M - .aoo . a. oa 'r - 8 oo 8.8T IIT BHOBT EIB8. 8.40 t.8T 8.8T 8.88 . 8.15 .U i 00 IT JOB 14.86 . B.80 . 8 02 ' 847B a rr , 8.8T 6.16 Jnly... Kept..... 80 8 00 a Jan-.... Jn1y... Sept..... Oct..... 8.87 If aJTEJtPOOt aKAJJf atAKKXI. UverpesL Jly 17. Official prloaai, ... . .1 . . WHEAT. . . f Cloaa 1 Cloaa ' Lest' Jalv IT. lair 10. 3nlv IT. '"I Jnly 6. THd e 8H4 ... H 5. . W Beptsmbar 1 84 6a 8 CORN. XtrlyT Septal 4a 8d -sTr s Td ........ 4s Td BIO WHEAT DAKAOX. (Spsctsl Dtaoatca a Th Joaraal. V- Condoa, Or., Jaly 17-Twe week, of hot, dry weather la having s bad effect oa 1st sows train. Boring wheat la damaged 60 par cant. Boring wheat repreeeata only a email per cent of oar crop, tha balk being fall gram and bar ley. Everything except aprtng grata will make average crop, and awing te the increaaed -ErjTra oaAnr eepoet. -: Chlesgo. Jnly IT. Brad, treat 'a re mart a eretm vlalbls supply: Whcst 1 ....... :' - : Seersss. K. Esst of Bockle.....-... 3T7.0O0 Euros sad afloat. a . ..4.100.000 Total 4.8T7.0O0 l.KUI.OOO 42,000 Cora Oats PEIHaJIT gmATB MOTTsTEET. Jcge, .Jaly lT.---PTUnst7 receipts:' looay jeir ago . Bnah. . T34.000 Bnh. TKO.000 884,000 Whset Bhlsmanta: - Wheat .v.. 825.000 804.000 Cora 8.10.000 f.ta.ono Total clearaacea: Wbect, aon; eora, 608.000 sasbsls; near, 18,000 barrel.; aats, 100 boshsls. CTUCAaO BAM 0AT-arTar- Cbicaga, Jaly IT. Grain car lota: Car.. Orada. Ker. ism Wbest I.. 774 . 712 . T03 Ml Corn ................ 881: 148 4on - 4V) Osts 163 86 186 . 226 VERY SIMl DEMAND FOR CATTLE AT YARDS Hogs Are Coming Very r Slow With Inquiries HeavyTone in Sheep Market Very Firm. Portland TTnlon Stockyards. Joly ' IT. Ltra- stork receipts: ; " '. .: .Hogs. Cattls. Bkeen. Today 47 ISO . BOB Week sge.. 188 1834 ' . 4o4 Honta ago ,r. . . , . ,., : ... tear ago 428 1.200 Cattle demand remains ea vary .mail scsls bat prices ara Inactive and ant-hanged. Bbeep re vary arm with valnea tha eame aa yester day. Hogs tome, slowly. Teae m vary good. Prices same. OfflHsl livestock anoUMon: tloge Best eastsrs Oregon, fT.HtfT.8Bj blockers snd chins fat.. 86.60; stockers snd feedora, fB.OO; bulla. f2.B0. Cattle Beat aaatera Oregon steers, fft.608 8.75; beat cow " sad heifer. $8.00: stocksrs snd feeders, flT6; ball. 82.60. , Sheep abaarUugs. 4H04V.CI lambs. Bo. .. H E A V Y .SHE E P.. S H I PM ENTS. Ore Vorty ' Too as and Head Seat Oat ... v-rota Slg-la. ; " '. 1, , (Special Dlspstch te The Joarssl.) Elgin, Or.. July 17. Over 40,000 head of Wallowa enemty sheep bars been chipped front thla point th paat raw days to eaitern points. Halley Bsnders of Wyoming shipped 18 car load to the Wyoming range. front there they will ba taken la the Omaha market. T. !. Coegri'f shipped If csrlosds to th earn (tat. Hocheii st finney msec a not ner snipmsnt of IT csrlosds to tha Wyoming range, and a ship ment eon bit lag ef 12 carload was mad to Chicago by J. B. "Martla. Fifty-eight carload, left Pendleton during the Week. THROUGH WITH SHEARING 1 Wool la STow Awaiting- Salea Bar at ' aitru. . ' (Special Wspatcb to The Joaraal.) threagh with ahearlng. and tha mS of the aoonty la ta Elgla awaiting the wool sslo, which will taks pises wlthla a few diva. Tba Hp for thl year la Wallow county will amount la evr 1. BOO. ooo poand. Tb na baa bee a excellent aae to these esgsged to the sbsep basis. " The etrenlatloa af TH ' tomrmtft ta roTtUBd aad la Otwffoa egeeafla that af aaf athav Orsg-a awwapaaas. A Delay of Several Months in Naming New; Fruit Prices Has Only Resulted In Higher Prices - Some Up Twenty-Five Per Cent SEDTIDEDT: READY FOR A CHANGE Trade Conditions Seem Too Good for Continued Depres sibn In Prices. : NEW YORK STOCK MARKET . SHOWS ADVANCE TODAY Bulla Mora Apparent In Today'a . Trade Than lor Soma Time Paat . 1 Good Wheat and Cotton Cropa Are Helpa. ''ij'u,.-'.' , ET 0AIN8. Anseonds 6HN. X Ceatrsl....,, Amalgamated .... lyOit A Westers... m loiwua ... ...... Bug.r Buwlter Car a Peandry , . Brooklyn jsltljnyre ,,,,., KiraclBc Mall i.Psopl's OS All'resaed Su.l Car. V Reading u I Hock j do preferred. soutnern its St. Paal.., Southern PsclBe... 3 Cbeeapeaka ...... C TenaCoal S . , Southern Pgclae... Tenn Coal Union PadSe....... U. B. Bubbar..... Wabssh. pfd U. 8. Steel...,,.., Colo. Booth..,, to Oraat We tar a..,. U Louisville ....... lt Northers Psctdc... 1 Ksty 3 de preiarred.... atiaaoorl Psclnc. . . Kkl . rv-irr tytaava Caasdlsa Mexican Central... U Amsriesa... C PesnaylTasl C aep. B teat. ....... . HI - - Wkll Btraat. New Tor. Int 1 The tone ef Thsstock market today waa a absds armer. .vary epndltloa of trade la bulllah and eves tbs stock markst Itself cema raadr for a chsng la sentiment. Declines la prices dur ing the paat- few- month hav been rapid dr. Dlt. tb marked Imiimnm.nt In all line at trade and very good railroad earning. Tb waaat crop, siso to cot toa crop, promises good. ' Today's trading wss set as a liberal acals, bat trade did aot have that bearish tings sa aotioeable la late dealing.. Money rate ruled close tt 1 ner reel and thla la Itself wss a good thing for tbs stock atarkst. Judge Gary, chalrmsa of ths board at di meters ef the United Htatr. Bteel Corporation, a aa witrnrc tooay nsiors sailing ror Europe, aald: "There la ns nisee tn nee. slmlstles In steel circles, ana everything points 10 a eonunosnes oc prosperity tBs Industry IS aaw enjoying tor sobm time to come." Ofaclsl auotatlnna h Ovarback. Blare A Cook ssaapsny 1 Closing Ones. Bid. Anaconda Mining Company. .......2MM 2S5 Amalgamated Copper Company..... tmu 07 Atchlaoa, common................. 87T4 88 Atchison, preferred 90 , 99 America Car 4 foundry, eommoa.. SB Amencaa Bugar, eommoa .....128 IzBg American Bmeltar. eomnioa.. 143 '4 144 Baltimore A Ohio, eommoa 118W .1164 Brooklyn Rapid 73 TX4 Canadian Pacific, eommoa ..100 . 1684 Chicago, Milwaukee A bt. Paul. ..178 '176 unicage nortnwestsra, eommoa.. .. xwa Cbeeapeaka A Ohio 68 66 Colorado Pael A Iroa, conaioa.... 48 48 Colorado Boathera, common....... 88V4 . 88 Colorado aouinara. aa nreierree... A 7 Co lot .6 gnuthera, -lt preferred .7.".. 87 Dsver A Rla Grande, com .. . 89 Denver A Bio Urn4..nrIrrQ... .. ki Kris, aemmoa .- 4fij A0b P.rla, 2d preferred . . .............ft ao 88 Krl. lat preterraa..... ......a.., I '' I? IliinoU Central I4lvtll A .shrill...-. '170 .142i-142. ManhatUn Hallway.. 14T Mexlcsa central Mleaovrl Pacific MlaeoarL K.naa 1 Hallway , sou 1c 90 aa A Texas, eommoa. 8244 10 Ileaoarl. Kanaa A Texas, nrefarrad New York Central - 18114 American Locomotive 88 North American j 68 Nsw Tork. Ontario A We Urn 474 Pennylvnla Hallway ,..12t1U Preesed Steel Car, eommoa. ........ 46Vt Pressed Steel Car, ptef erred....... .. PaclOc Mall Btesjasaip- Camps sy , . 82 Hcsdlng, common 120 Reading, 2d preferred...... Reading, lat preferred..... Republic Iroa A Steel, eommoa.... M . Republic Iroa A Bteel, preferred. . 84 Bock I.lsnd, common 28 H Itaeh nr. f erred 61 Bout hern Railway, eommoa 84)4 Souther PaclBc. 67 Mouthers Pacta, preferred.. ....... .. St. Louis A Baa FraocUo, td pfd.. 41 ' exss a PaclSje.....,-r,-,r,-,,Tf r -ri . nneaaae Coal A Iron U2 Inka Padflc, eommoa 1434 In ton Padflc. preferred .. Central Leatber, eommoa MH Central leather, preferred...; United atatea Bowier. cemmow..... ij United State Bteel Ce eommoa.. 84 United States Bteel Co., preferred. 101 Wteronain Central, preferred 46 Wtra Union TcWgraph Norther Pselfle xOO gAJf yiAKCiaco imrnra xxoKAxai. sa rraadsce, Jnly IT. ornclaj OMIa! BIO. I fJi td. Belmont ...... .4.T5 Stslawsy ' Coo. CL ......I . 27 Caab Boy IS Golden Anchor.. .68 Ilm Butler .... 1.10 MacNmra ... .6T Midway 1 10 Montana 176 North Star .48 Ohio .2T Toa. Vxtaa..... 8. BO Nevada ........18.26 West lad 2 46 Adam ........ .06 Atlanta ....... .IT Bluebell 12 Booth a-8T Column! Mt... .16 Con. Quarry.... ' .11 nixi or OoMncId ....... .84 Jnmbe 1.20A J nmh Ex...... . .18 Kendall .66 Ts... .80 Opt Opblr 140 Meilrsn Caledonls .,i.." .S2 -Exchequer .80 N'orcro .88 llold Crown 10 Ore.t Bead 86 Rescue ...i.H Rlsck Batt Kg. - .03 Tramp 1.O0A Irolden Belmont. . .40 Montgomery Mt. .81 Bcrptre ........ .2T Msnssttea ..... .in . rt.ylor-Humprey. , .IT iiexter Or.nuy Oold Wedge. ... Lone Btar ..... . Ot. Band Ex... Ot. Bend Annex Crescent .11 .08 .08 .08 .10 ' .08 . .11 .02 .08 .26 .OT X4 .80 .08 .14 .86 Lagnna ....... .18 Mav Oiia.a...-. .rS-lrowboy-t - Mohawk ....... 140 Red Top 1.20 Sandstorm ..... .6B Stiver Pick .24 Bt. Ives .88 Nattoaal Bank. .41 Iienver ........ 1.4B EcllpM .'. .80 lienxer annex.. Bnlle A Bearsa.. Black Bock N. T. Consot... Ma tv Con Littl Jo.,,... MiySowar Red Top Annex. tllA Rer I.IUV4 MnstlS 0. Boll frog... .13-1 Bull frog Mia AxT yBAB CISCO local tockj. Baa rraaeuee, July 18. Official closet Bid. Contra Costs Wsfsr. ........ ....... BO Snrkie Vellev Water 24 ni..t pnevoee... iv li.ejreilaa Commercial. ... BB Honokea Sugar...... 13 u.iium Bnaeai m- H Mskswsll Bugsr , 8B Onomes Bugar.,.., 82 Paanhss Hngar.. is Alssks Psckms. M4 Psclfls Ststes Telephone...... 80 , VsTXTEO STATU gOTEksTaTEsTt 0sTD. New Tork, July IT-Oevsntmsat bonds . Csts. . Bid. Twos, registered 18 do conpon. .. 1108 Threes, reglstsrsd. .......... 108 do sonpoa ivua Twos, smsll bonds.. Pours, registered lOOT tin eounon.-.-. . tr mif tv laOT l-oars, refUtered, !. IBM do ceupoa ....e.e, in. Metrtct of Oolambla .... Philippine 4e VEW TOKK OOTTOB- stAKXXT. New Tork. Jaly 17. Cottos ftrtare elased 4 to 8 nolnts down. Official a notation by Ovsrbsek, Starr A rw.b. miMlffl .... Open. High. Low. Jaly IT. July 18. January 10.68 10.00 10.61 10(11 1( 0.B8 Fem-nary .... .... ..... Marck 10.88 lftBS 10 88 in.iti 10 82 10 ii Aek. 68a 2B V 90 Z 18H V IB ire. .. 68 a a Ak. 104 1044 lHi 1041 102 108 . inrnZ .1084 102S lonu loBSi 108U in.i 12814 12BU 120 180V4 I1TV4 ..... 110 loan 10.88 10 2T 1084 1041 10.4T 10 48 10.64 July ..10.30 -iobo an. net ......10M 10.38 1028 10.80 September 10.48 10.48 10.BT ' IA.8T- Ortoner .,,,.li.ef lo.ew iw. . jo.ei Movambet ...10.48 V 10.4S . in.48 A..M.0S W.8S 40,48 letter vniTir:a DEAD. ' . BBWSSSSBBSSSSX. J - Tjrpewritera Kill Fine Accomplish ment of Laat Century. v ' Two letters lay oa tha business tnaa'a deatc It waa Juat before tha luncheon hour, and ha slipped thm Into hid pocket before aoing out with a friend. the'Amerloaa habit, the bualnea man's companion expected that their talk would touch on matters of dollara and centa; but, aa It happened, the letter auggeatad tha topic, says the New York Bun.' . - "Look here," tha business tttaa aald, taking the envelopes from hla pocket after tha orders had been given, "Here's something; rye been thinking; ox this morning. ' ' . ' ' ." ' " "This la a letter from mjr college roommate; don't know as you aver, met him, but no matter. He and I were mighty close to each other, but be hasn't been on east for a long time and our correspondence -my - fault aa much . aa hla haa been very Irregular. V "Don't think 'I've heard from him be fore for a year, and, without saying any thing against him, thla letter waa prob ably aent off to ealve hla eonscienoa. Well, here It la, lesa thaa a sheet of typewritten .matter, and a abort sheet at that, and put on a bualnlesa letter head. He dictated it and may have put in five mlnutea in writing it. : "Now the point of It. This other let ter ta from aa English friend of rain. There ara nine pages In handwriting, not ao assy to read aa ' the other, I grant you, but they tell something, and they're from man whom I've - known five years for the twenty-five 1'va known the writer of tha first letter I ehowed "mat Englishman' letter tooa nrm the better part of an hour to .write; he gave thought to It and ha expects as much Ihougbt-Jo be given to tha reply. And, by Jove, he'll get it,-7- - "If you or I got a letter like that from aa American we'd think that something was tha matter, and ten to one. In an swering him, we'd auggest that ha get a typewriter. . ' ' "It seems to me," he continued, "that letter writing Is becoming a loat art on this side or the ocean. we think we haven't got time for It to begin with. and even If wa had tha time for It we might aa well confeaa that we'd find we had lost the knack of expression. "Tha rare personal letter that wa write become, by business training, about as Impersonal aa anything we could Imagine. We're on the dead busi ness level of the typewriter, and It'a only when we're shaken np a 1lt by a message from another world. Ilka this Englishman's scrawl, that ' we realise there are people who' put something of themselves Into what they write and 4)0 not deal In aet phraaea." , . The lunch waa Served and the lettere went back In tha pocket. . "Which letter vlll you answer first T" the business man's friend Inquired.. "Oh, I've answered one of them," was the reply. "My college frlaad wanted aoma Ipformatlon and I dictated a note to him thla morning. - "I am not My better thaa tha average American In writing, although I may be aometbing more prompt, but during the next month I aha 11 alt down and write myself to my English f rlsnd and I won't ba hurried when I'm doing It, either. "Hla lettere are altogether too en joyable for ma to do anything to atop them.". . - "Why don't you try that schema on your eoUsgo friend T4 eu ggestadj tha other. . "I mighty said tha buBlneea man. and I know pretty well how it would re eult." - " NEW ISLAND THROWN UP OFF COAST OF ALASKA (Joaraal Special Servtca.1 -KomeT Alaska, July IT. Tha revenue cutter - Thetis, - which : haa - Just arrived here, reports) the appearance of a new Island, at a . point- ea - miles west -of Dutch Harbor. . It adjoins Fire Island. IOa no doubt the result of a volcano, ag one aide of the new Island ia atUl enveloped In' steam. The elevation of the highest peak la 800 feet above the sea leveL It la about three miles la circumference. When tha. The tie ap proached within two miles and took lta measurementa falling aahee eovered her decks, " " OHIO GRAND JURY PROBES OIL TRUST (Joaraal Special Berries.) Cleveland, July IT. President Wil- Hatehlneun and Bouietaiy H. R. Paine of tha Union Tank line were wit rtesses before the grand jury today. They were questioned aa to how tha company could get mora favorable mileage from tha Laics Shore and Inde pendent companies. C A. Blausson waa recalled and asked about chargea of storage and rebating- la favor of tha Standard OH company. STILL SEEKING TO GET: INTO ILLINOIS PRISON (Journal Special Ssrvle.) : " Washington, July IT. Louis A. Oour daln. who Is seeking to break Into the Illlnola penitentiary through tha aid of the supreme oourt, telegraphed en route today to the aupreme oourt elerk to have) "the best stenographer tn Waah Ington" meet him at the hotel thla even ing." The request is unusual, but will be. granted. . MEN VOLUNTEER TO . HANG AGGIE MEYERS ' (Journal Special Sarvtee.) ! Jefferson City, Mo, July IT. P. B. Rice, of San Pedro, California, haa volunteered his services to the governor to execute Aggie Meyers. Frank Hott msn offers to accept a yearly salary or lump aura for .each execution, aa It la hla business to execute criminals. TWO DEAD, THREE HURT r IN FIRE AT PITTSBURG - ' (Journal Special Bsrvtea.) Pittsburg. July IT James Conway, a board of health official, and Nasi Con nors, a hotel manager,' are dead and three were injured in a fire thla morn ing in the Park hoteL The injured are two policemen and ona fireman,, who were hurt while rescuing guests. - NEW YORK LIFE WINS VICTORY JN AUSTRIA ' (Journal 8 pedal Berries.) Vienna, July IT. It ia ' decided the Mew Tork Life Insurance company will romTrslted to show a list of policy holders to others Insured. ' This ease has been fought hard in tha Austrian eourte. , 1 . , . Central Amortooa Alllaaee. (Journal Special Serelee.i . Washington, July IT. Minister Merry cables that Honduras and Salvador have made an eJltapoe. It la auppoaed to be defensive ,...-.... ' - hi .-.V - , . " ' . 1 - - . - ' Scholarship Contest Gives Training Which Is Val uable to; Young People. v ; ; . -TftE ' 1. NELLIE MAT SHANNON, 1(1 Tenlno Bt., Portland, Or, ......2T1I0 S. HORACE A. WILSON., lit Halssy St, Portland, Or. ....11411 I.' LILLIAN MoVICKER, St. Jobs, Or. .,..4. .10621 4. CHAS. OROS8. Y. M. C. A.. Portland. Or. ............18611 . I. ROT JOHNSON, T4 division Bt, Portland, Or. . ........ ...... .10116 -- OUT GRAHAM,- Trotttdale. -Or.( . ... . Kit T. CLAT JONES. 40 E. 12th St., Portland, Or. 1181 1. CARL 6HELTON, Forty-eighth St-, Mt. Tabor, Or. 8818 1. JOHN BENSON, Chemawa, Or.. I860 10. MILDRED L. CLEMONS, University Park, Portland, Or. , 6180 11. RHODA L. ST ALNACKER. Albany. Or. . 41t II. BERTHS O. CHAN, 1(1 Clay St., Portland, Or. ...............4110 It. .PAUL NTOREN, III H. N. Portland. Or. 4418 14. . EDITH M, HARRIB, 411 Oxford, Portland, Or. ............... 1766 . It. MART E. POWELL, 427 Salmon St, Portland, Or. ...... ... 178 16, CLAT eART.' Salem, Or." tilt X. HARRT BRANT, 711 WUlamette boulevard, Portland, Or. .... 1711 la. LOUISE SCOTT. Central Addition, Portland, Or. ............. 1000 16. IVY OWENS, Cedarvllle, Or....... ti... 1660 , 10. EDWARD L. KINSMAN, Llnnton. Or. t.i ................... Kit 1 d 11. MAS . PENDERORA8S, 111 Nr 17th St., Portland, Or. ......... 1616 11. AILEEN HACKMAN. MyrUe Park. PorUand.. Or. ..t..... I486 11. OUY JOHNSON, 101 Grant St.. Portland. Or. t(t 14. RUTH TURNER, lot Kerby, Portland. Or. ...............,... (00 T II,., W. E. GWYNN, 141 East I7th St., Portland, Or. v..... 600 X l(. GEO. D. KINO.' Kingston, or. 17. AGNES EVANS. Latourelle, 'Contestants' for scholarships aad cash prises find the first two daya X,the week very food for .lining up their up port r- gad getting promises of sub scriptions from people who dura not quite ready with the caah. . ' . s ; Tha most successful contesHant keep a memorandum book in which they note down "business prospects," the names and addreeees of all subscriptions taken and tha number of vote allowed for every one, and the name and street and telephone addressee of persona who are enlisted to help them. - The boy and (girls who are etiiving for the prises enust ' learn that very good results can be attained by organ-' lxl ng their friends to help them gather subscription Upon . application. - The Journal will furnish receipt books for thla purpose.- Voting blanks should be asked for at the aama time the receipt books are ordered.. The voting blank should come to The Journal of floe with the copy-of tha receipt and tha money for tha subscription. . . Patrons sending subscriptions by mall In favor of candldatea may request In a letter thr-t the votes represented by the subscript n be oredlted ta tha candi date of their choice. The printed voting blanks are furnished simply ao a con venience "to patrons and to contestants to save them -tba trouble of writing lettera. Canvassing la not easy work. There ara ao few good canvassers that there always are situations awaiting those who want work. PRIZES OP OREGON Any person of school age who can furnish satisfactory references aa to character and worthiness af as sistance in the endeavor to secure a good education may enter The Journal's Educational Contest The buslnese of contestants will be to Induce people to subscribe for The Oregon Journal, if they are not already taking the paper, or renew their subscriptions by paying for as long a, period, lav adranoe asv-convsn--lent - Votes will be allowed on all ad vance payment on eubaorlptlons, whether solicited by the contestants themselves or paid or remitted di rectly to The Journal office, or through any of the regular agents or collectors. The value of sub scriptions to the contestants aa to the number of votee allowed on the different editions for different pert ode of time ia set forth in a table in these column. Patrons of the paper may refer to thla table whea making paymenta to eonteatanta. Subscription votse are not credited to contestants until the money to cover the subscriptions reaches The Journal office. . . The scholarships offered ara for the personal use of the onteetant ana are non-tranareraoie. except wiinr the consent ot the management ot the schools. First choloe of scholarships, or grand capital prise, to go to the con- POWER OF SUBSCRIPTIONS. v. DeUy aad stonday Journal. . . Price by - Time ' Carrier. Mail. Vote One Year-; ... . 1 5 .17.69 -17.80 -1,60 Six Months 1.71 . 1.76 704 Three Months ... lit 1.60 Two Montha 1.1 1.10 -One Month .11 .11 108 110 II Sunday Journal. - Price by Time ,. - Carrier. Mall. Vote One Tear tl.l 1100 . 160 Six Montha ...... Ml 100 lit PRIZES OF OREGON JOURNAL CONTEST Scholarships in Oregon schools of a total value of over 11,000, and ITIt In eaah divided Into six purses sre now offered to the contestants who finish BS wlnnsrs In THE OREGON JOURNAL'S EDUCATIONAL CONTEST. - Additional scholarships may be announced as the contest proceed Tnoee who are nominated ea candidates comply with the rules of the Contest De- pertinent, as from day to day announced. "' " " rh commissions on new subscrlDtlons are allowed to the contswtsntSL L by which they msy earn-ready mony THE 'SCHOLARSHIP PRIZES. : . ! Detailed Information concerning the scholarship prises will be pub llshed from time to time, or furnished on appllcaUon to tha Conteat De- . part men t. Academy of Holy Names, Aa- , tori . IHO Albany College, .Albany. ... . .1100 Behnke-Walker Business : Col lege, Portland ....1100 Capital Bualneae College, Salem, 1100 Columbia University, Portland. .1100 DaUaa College, Dallas ........ .1100 Gillespie School of - Expression. Portland ...tllO Hill Military Academy, Portland $100 Holmes Bualnesa Collar. Port land -r .... . . v; ; . .-. .... . . ; .... not Holmes-Flanders Private School, Portland . ., $18 Internationa-, .. uorresponaence tup r a Cash ta assist pupil . electing to attend any etate or prlvat Institution providing free tuition for period of not less than ona year. ...... 1100 Another puree, same conditions aa above '., ..............110 Oaak for iaeiaental expenses, la addition to a scholarship to ba selected -from the ehove list i.s i. 'v.' Oaak for InoMemtal sxpeaaea, with second choice of .The Journal's aohol srshlps .'... i. .... ..lit Cash for incidental expensee, with third choloe of The Journal's schol arahlp . . ' " J8.' Cash for Isold atal expeaaes, with fourth choice of The Journal a schol arships , t.... ........... i $11 t- 4. 1. .. Fopula .Book, . The sale of the Bible Increases with wonderful rapidity- annually. During the ynrendlng March.lJ04Vnearly I.OdOOO copies of the Scriptures were circulated by the British and Foreign Bible society, 'Which exceeded the so ciety's previous highest output, by II.- 00 coplee. This is tn mor remarx abls tn faoe of the disturbed conditions which have prevailed in Russia, China and Japan, where, some-of tha society's heaviest sales take place. The polyglot nature of the Bible so ciety's work la lastaaooa la tha faat SCORE ........ . ......... ........ . soo Or. ........................ . . . . . . 100 (MMlt To solicit for votes through a news paper in order to provide for an educa tion ia the best schooling for tha can vasser. The purpose la so command able that -the best of treatment and most kindly consideration Is aooorded ' by the publlo and this gives the young person confidence in himself , and . greater firmness of purpose.. Another important thing learned by tha contact Ait la to talk ta a definite purpose and to persuade the other person to do something. And the handllngfof money. the writing of .recalpta. , the meeting with business people and the keeping or hla own accounts, all these things and., more are learned by- tha- boy or girl who enlists In Tha Journal educational -contest'.'' Those who ara now In tha contest . have advanced Just far enough in tha contest, work to learn ita value and to become Interested in the excitement : which it affords. The Journal ta offer ing ao many- scholarships and cash ' prises that there la room for -additional contestant Every town tn Oregon and every ward in Portland should contain at least ona boy or girl who will have the courage, eelf-rellance and ambition to provide In advance for next yeara tuition. ' ' v - : The Journal will be pleased to pub lish lettera. In whole or in part, whloh patrons of tha paper write about , tha contestants. Interesting facta la their Uvea and commendable tralta tn ambi tion may be developed by opening np the eolumna of the paper for such free . discussion of the candldatea. JOURNAL CONTEST SCnoUTsUlipS. V .., ':. ., - testanf having the Tilgnest aoore at7 the close of the contest; second, choice to the 'one ' having the next highest score, snd so on to the end of the list, the number of prises, however, to be limited to 10, unleea a greater . number of contestants shall have achieved reaulta Justify ing a liberal reward. ., Moasy for AIL A cash commission will ba paid contestants on all new eubeorlp tlons secured by them personally, or Srooured directly through tbelr In uence. Thue every eonteatant will have a chance to earn eome pocket money. In addition to the opportu nity of winning $100 or 1100 or a scholarahlp worth from (100 to tilt, supplemented with a purse of tit, for Incidental expenses., r- T' aMank Totlar aBatw."--- Blank voting certificates or ballota will be furnished on request to oon teetante or othera who may have uaa for them. For each eubecriptlon pre paid one of these ballota may ba filled out to correspond with the amount and length of time paid for, the number of votee due, the name of the contestant favored, etc., to ba voted at the convenience at the auk- Meltwse A. ertntaalinL The voting power of subaeiiptiona will be in accordance with the fal lowing soheouie: Sally Joauraal Without ftaaday. - trice oj Time Carrier. MaTi. Votea, One Vear TT.r.,..t.00-,t&.001.600 Six Montha MO , 1.71 , 410 Three Montha ... 110 1.40 10 Two Montha 1.00 1.00 110 One Month .10 .11 It auxxaV Weekly Joaraal, . , Price by Time . Carrier. Mail. Votee, One Tear ... tl.10 to ... . . . Six Montha .IB V to meet Incidental expenses. Schools, Scranton, Pa. 1M. McMlnnville College, MoMmn- ' villa ....V... I M Oregon Conservatory of Muaio, Portland . ... .... One Pianoforte acnoiararup, ssoy nn. Vinlin BahOlSTShlD. Siss rSn. niiiier and Mandolin Scholarahlp . . . . II 00 'Paelflo College, Newberg ...... llOt paclflo Telegraph Institute, Port land . v,, Portland School of Domostta l-"1"-... ence, Portland (T. W. C. A.)..10t Bscred Heart Academy, Salem.. 11(0 St Mary'a Academy, Portland. .$100 etr ntfiTV - : that - at - Winnipeg, for' example, tha I Scriptures ware supplied In 41 differ ent languages, while at , Johannesburg I versions in Jll languages wre sold at I the depof In Ifiat city, and fifty-third I was asked for by a newcomer, wha de-1 mended a Bible In Icelandlo, which thai agent had not In stock. .. .' During 'the past year 11 new lan-1 guages have been added to the aoolety'a! list of version I .... , -. . 1 ' 1 I Tea ara 'not property looktaw ewt for pro. 1 aaleaa raw watak The StmmL Waal Ada. .