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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 16, 1906)
y . . J L, 4 A , k . i "" it-J, C w . . J 4. - I GOOD EVEI7III6 '-6 : '.. v THE WEATHER. ;. Pwtiyeloudr, tonight and cookr; westerly winds. - 4 From Left to Wghfr-Medill Mc6rroick, Priend of White Mrsl William CLASPS SON TO HEART Affectionate Meeting i Between Woman'Whb S Her -Valth" in -Her ; Wayward Boy'sDe- fenMnonfeH Also and-Her Mbthen De m es Ipd iscreti cms t '-' ' (IWNd fpteMT Santa.) v Knr Tork.. July.,l-Mr-.; WlllIaJB Thaw arriT4 t tb Tomb at 11 o'clock te visit . bar son. accompanied or bar etap-aoa, ioahua Thaw. Boo was- rasd f In dap black.- r"'"TIr "7-T : f nwr pan was iprvfw . i parmlttad to aacand to . bar son's calL ( Mrs. ' Harry Thaw praeaed th alder Mrs. Thaw a faw soinuta. - . -mm th wottiar was uaharad -to th tier where Thaw's call waa,-tha attend ant "opaned tha oall and cot a stool for bar to iat. Harry" took aflvantaye of r ou t to ffeet bar. Mother and son affectionately am braced and abed tears. - Harry's wife, Evelyn. Joined In th general cry. Later tha younger woman and Joanna retired, leaving- Harry and hi mother alone. . : Mrs.. Thaw, and Harry, talked vntll 11:4S ' clock, non overhearing, when the mother was compelled by. .prison rules to leave. The wife remained few moments.- AH except the prisoner went to the office of Clifford Part ridge. Thaw'e'nw attorney.-- ' ' Th crowd about th Tombs waS the SWITCHnEN AT 'FRISCO MAY STRIKE outjistTPacrfio Employes Dem and Incrsasa. JThat I - Paid on Mountain Division Demand Is Purely Local and . ' ; 1 V 'V" '' Does Not Affect Rest of System." " ' v; ' (Jearail SpeHri Sri1c. - ' Ban FranclacOi -July 1. Unlee the eonferenoe held today . between the Southern Paclflo swltohmen and E. E. Calvin., general manager of the Paclflo system, results amicably. 150 men wUl WetK QUI OI ne jnvm. 11 A committee has ' WeJr sppolnted to present th ultimatum, of .th' switch men and foremen, whlPh 'ls a demand for what la known as mountain pay," or II cents an hour foi bremen and II cents an hour - for swftchmen. This rate, Is paid In Anaoonda, Butte and Great rails, Montana.' ; ." . t LOCKET WITH PHOTO WEALTHY' W0MAN t . s :; ; i FqUNDQNMOTORtST 4 " (7fcflM 8pHI Servlp.) 'WArtli Andover. Maaa, July H. With I ths" brgtaning ' of the seoond Inquest Inta the death of Realnald Bteffora. I the Miauf feur of Mr. Mary H. Button, scandal whloh- has been -brewing over since tha death of Uhe chauffeur .Is espeoted to break, and a sensation will develop. v - a r . ' The ehauffeur was caught at. mid night In the Button realdenc in his storking feet by the butler, who, mis taking hint for a burglar : shot and klUedhtnw - T -. Tuesday, Yarmouth, Who Is Axpectcd to (Cross the Ocean to Testily to Tfiaws r .J. . ). i- " : V- . . v-.- - v' ', '' '" T ' t hardest' to manage that tha police' hav yet . encountered a .a . result ' of , th Thaw tragedy- ' , V ' Defending her own. reputation as mother, Mrs. Holman, mother , of Evelyn Neeblt-Tbaw, aald today:- . . "Artletrraved over Evelyn and many flattering offers were mad her to pose, but b never posed In nude. 8b found the Bohemian always gentlemen. "1 -took - Evelynt to New - Tork - when she waa It and ah was heralded aa the child wlthjtbe CUrtat thlld faea, Evelyn we never guilty of lndlcretlona with Oeore'Xiaerer, who treated her aa a father and aald he would tnak a great aotreaa or tier. '1 never allowed her " to go tb re bearaals 'unaccompanied,, either myaelf or her brother always went with . her. If she went out at night I wss always with; her.g.i . .,v . y, , ''' Srayfns Olvea Oonuaea. - ' ' (Joeraal SpeHaJ Serrlee.) . Parts, July 1. Major Dreyfus' hs been appointed ' to' a' command In th Twelfth regiment of artillery. - The men are now getting "aUndard" pay, auch as is received generally west of Chicago, 10 oenta an hour for fore men and IS centa an hour for switch man on the day shift, with II and 10 cant hourly rates for night work. Th threatened atrlke la purely a local affair, and tha several union to which th man belong are not yet Involved. There was a threatened walkout Satur day night.. but the officials. asked., the men , to wait until after, a conference before taking action. . .''.; Manager Palmer said there was no trouble In tha yards at Oakland. i .I . .i . i i. i. i mi . - Ths : mother and sister of th slain man Inalsted Stafford waa not mla taken for a burglar. They say ha wort Mrs. -Button's picture tn his locket snd had told frlenda h wpected to marry the- widow. ' : . '"T , Btafford had . been' discharged by Mrs. Sutton's son-in-law a month before the shooting, but It Is alleged Mrs. Button reinstated 'htm. 1 " - The, locket the chauffeur carried In which was found s picture of Mrs. But trtn has been produced, .and AX is said that trie widow showed marked atten tion to her chauffeur. ,- ... ' i PaOJilWElIT PEIXOOIIO VIIO WILL TESTIFY AT THE THAW Thaw, Mother of Harry K. Thaw; Ultimatum to Company Is Being Prepared This ; Afternoon at Meet-; ing of Employes. Men Threaten to 5 Company immediately Grantsheir! tV;,v - . r- ? TO SERVE TERM E Eccentrk) Lottery 3 Promoter, SentenceOP JolietlPrbtests Keerj Him Out of Prison and 1- Demands Punishment.' . v . . . ' (Joeraal RpeeUl Service.) Chicago, July 1- touls A. Qourdaln. tha eccentric lottery promoter, who waa sentenced to four and a half .years In the penitentiary and . who protests against the efforts of his family and friends to keep him out of prison on a writ of supercedes, which he signed, he sar.' In temporary" aberration, - de parted from Jollef with his family and household goods today. He will leave hla family In Jollet and go to Washing ton, where he will seek a writ of man damus to compel readralsslon to prison in order to serve his term.' The prison warden refused admittance to Qourdaln... Qourdaln left hla ramny In a cottage of a prlaon guard opposite and arranged an - Immediate - trip to Washington- to apply to the auprerae court. - He says that if hla demand for Imprisonment is refused he will return and build a miniature prison, serve Ms sentence and then renounoe hla eltlsen hip and take his family to a South sea Island, where he Will found a govern ment of his own. , v ' ' - , TYPESETTING BY WIRE v INVENTED BY ITALIAN - :- enriil Spedet asnke.y - Milan. Italy. - July 1- A' young printer named. Cava has Invented a method of - typesetting by telegraph which he thinks -will revolutionise transmitting mesa ages. - He couples an Instrument with a monotype composing machine, and Inatead of the message be ing printed on a tape receiving ap paratus, perforations are- mad In mono type paper bands, .' - ' His experiments are said to be com pletely successful, ' - Th newspapers bitterly complain - that the Italian government will not allow them to have private wires, without which it Is' lm possible ' to mske uso of Cava's dis covery. - - ' ' : ' ' ' .. ' ; ESTABLISH WIRELESS ; 1 STATIONS ON PACIFIC ' (Joaraal SpeeUl' BeMlo.) ' , ) Washington. July 1.--The navy de partment la making a contract for the establishment of wireless telegraph ata tlona on the Paclflo coast. Th first la to- be at Cr Flattery. - Five ether Will be placed a soon ss possible, fiuty .thousand aousrs hum spent. ilflPEffi NTIARY Evelyo Nesbit Thaw, Who "wm Tell Jtsenau, ana iruxton uesae ox on rrancisco, ,kwno was uuun who .RSSTRIKESIS FEARED Recognition of One of; Things Hen " Demand in Their vPropositibiu Tie Vp Every . r. I-' mm vFOR EMPLOYES Sare DEnAndED f..y i i . ' '.'-:y,t; ReinstatemeM of,. McKenny, Secretary Lofthe. Union, :ls Askecanager , Fuller ; Re- -TTlllS 10 I alk Until Ultimatum ? of Union Is Delivered. At a meeting of street car men now In session In Drew hall, - Second and Morrison streets, resolutions are being considered, which. If paaaed, will prob ably precipitate a strike which will tie up the entire street ear- system of the olty of Portland, forcing half Us popu lation to walk to work. : ; . That these resolutions will be passed snd that th ultimatum which they com pose will be rejected by th street ear company. Is regarded as almost certain by street car men and by -those who hav studied ; the situation carefully. Th meeting waa called to determine upon the .text of -an ultimatum -to be presented to Manager Fuller of the Port land Railway,- Ught Power- company: There Is little doubt that the men will make such demands upon the company aa are certain to be rejected. In such a case a strike will be practically un avoidable. There la little doubt that If one' car- is stopped by order of the car men every other car on every line In and about Portland will be tied up also. The . street car man are considering today a list of demands drawn up by a committee constating of W. Q. Burton, (Continued on Page Two.) eeeeeeeeeee)e 1 5 KILLED; 20 HURT: t a a aa si isisrsi maiaii ujiiot umm (Joaraal Special Serviee.t . "Ashland,. .Wis.,: July H.-t-Flvs men were willed and IS Injured today tn an explosion of the plant of th Atlantic Dynamite - corn pen y, sevn miles from this city.. Tha dead are: , J. U, Pierce, general supertax tenrtent .William. Wallace. . George WoodilL. ' Ralph Ptingls. . , ; Ed NoUn, y..'' ' - There may be still others In the debris, snd some of th Injured will die. The cause of the ex plosion la. unknown. Eighteen buildings ar demolished. - " mvHvvvvvmHvvvHvvl th. Story of Her Former Relation With Men Determined. Com pany Remains Firm; Looks as If Strike Would Result Un District Attorney Summons the rVeacherrtert)emandrBsof IffsiU Mi nn Him rrnm w T w swssgs Pulpit and ' Names -: of Boys Who Were Sold Liquor at Oaks r Tlad to' meet yon. Dr. Brougher." -Pleased to meet you, Mr. Manning." District Attorney Manning and Dr. J. Whltcomb Brougher, flanked by Dr. Clarence True . Wilson and Attorney K. 8. J. McAllister, shook handa cordially at the office of th district attorney this morning, where Dr. B rougher bed gone in obedience to a subpoena served on him by Detective Patrlok Mahar this morning. "I subpoenaed you -this morning be cause of an article in the morning paper which quotea you as saying that you know of two boys under age who bought beer at ' the Oaks,' said the district attorney, - when- all -were - seated. '"-"I wanted to tell you that If you know of a crlm It la a erlm to conceal your knowledge, and i Is your duty to. com to- me snd tell me the circumstances. What are th names of these two boys?" " Wouldn't Sxpos the . Boys.";" - "I did not say I knew them. I merely said I- had been told of two who could be produced.". replied Dr. Brougher. - "What are their namesT" , again que ried Mr. Manning. ' . ,. - "I do not want to expose ths boys." said Dr. Brougher. - . i ', "You are also quoted as saying that t would wait until all the wltneeaea In these election fraud eases have eacaped. end-then dismiss th Indictments.- What right have you to Impeach, my Integ rity r 1 merely aald that It . was. the gen eral Impression of the people that you would do - this." - replied Dr. Brougher. "I wanted to let you know what the people expect of you." -You need not ten me my auiy, ssia the district attorney. "I think I know how to conduct this office, and will use every effort to secure convictions of these men If I am not handicapped by th ml nlaters. - Who sr th peopl who hsv this Impression?" "Many of the dtlsens or Portland with whom I have talked. . On of the judges of the circuit court told me he did not believe you would try to con vict the men." .. . Mr. Manning- Boors On. "Olv ma the name of that judge, and I will Indict him, promised Mr, Man. nlng. , ; .. ... "I cannot give tne name; mi waa told me In a private conversation." - "I wtlt put you on oath and compel you to tell It." - . , "wen, l win noi ten wno ine junge was. He did net say it in those words. WIG Hi r , BROUGHER IN -SA TALIC FESf PRICE TWO TRIAL White; Countess Of Yarmouth; Sister niwi en w bi jto7. L FRAUD T Martin G. HogeTtl Is Too Sick to Appear for Trial Bench Warrant I Marshal: 0rdered to C AppearThough in the Xiiy'T?' Another of th land fraud defendants Is pleading that he 1 too 111 to stand trial." Th other day It was Franklin Pierce Mays who pleaded physical. In ability; now It Is Martin O. Hog, the Medford attorney, who wag Indicted with Charles Nlokell. Henry W. Miller and frank H. Klncart for conspiracy to suborn perjury. ' 7 Hogesnd his alleged eonfederates were to hav been In court this morn ing, ready for trial. Nothing had been I nn wll-i hMi1 -1 m tv.u ill . Tk. government that Hoge was ill. The news earoe at the eleventh bour when ail preparations hsd been made for the work of selecting a jury, to names of the defendants were called. Two of the four, Miller and Hoge, failed to answer. (Special - Assistant Attorney General Heney aald that Miller bad been up to his- of flea, that ha was in town and that If he did not appear soon a bench warrant for his srrest would be asked. ' - - -' Judge Hunt - had soras ,nwi from REBELARMY MARCHES ON RIO JANEIRO Disaffection In Army Causes eolution Insurrectionists Cain """Victory After Victory Government Embarrassed Bepause ' v- " ' ' . of Visit of Secretary Root. ' . " ' -' (Joarsst Special Strrlca) " ' ' ". Rio de Janlero, Brasll, July 11 News that the rebel army Is marching on the city hail caused much concern In this city, especially as EUhu Root, secretary of stats of ths United States, la on his way here aboard tha cruiser Charleston to take part In the forthcom ing Pan-American congress. '". The government realises that It will be' awkward for the representatives of the neighboring republics to arrive here SOLE SURVIVOR OF CUSTER MASSACRE IS NOW TICKET CHOPPER (Joarasl Bpeettl StmreM few Tork. July IS. The only sur vivor of ' the 'Custer maseacr of June II. 1171. Is a ticket chopper at th One Hundred and Third street station of the New Tork subway. He Is John Martin, II years oldwho seTWdJjyearal,the regular army ss bugler..- - - ' It was Martin who. when Custer saw the desperate predicament of his TOO soldiers, waa ordered by that general to ride to General Reno, who with hla command waa three mllea away, and tell him to corns Mr Vie rescue.. Martin Carried Custer's order to Reno snd the latter with hla troops started to rejoin CustV -'.- CENTS. XiSmmZX of Harry K. Thaw; the Earl of Hoge, although at the time he received It he was unaware of Its Importaaoa. "I reoelved a telephone measag yes terday," be aald. "I did not catch the name, but remember distinctly that th meaaage was from Medford. Whoever It was that telephoned said he was sick tn bed and wanted- to know if he would have to appear in court this morning. I .took' it for granted that h was a . Juror- and told' him. that if he war in such a condition of sours b would not hav to appear." I ' t yya1Hft" wm that Charts I 1kTlrVakll halif ItifAMnAJ lalaa A.....-. -ew iiisvi mini aasss nktviHWt Thomas CVDf. that Hog waa seriously I1L This msde ft evident that it was Hog - who - had - telephoned to - Judge Hunt : Mr. Heney, addressing th court, said! -- "I'm sorry yon received that message. I was going to aak that Hogs' ball be forfeited and that a bench warrant be ' Issued." , JudgTHunt did not Ilk ths turn af- (Continued en Page Two.) 1 ;. only to find thetr host desperately battling to keep the olty from falling Into the hands of insurrectionists, Danger to the republic has arisen in th form of disaffection among govern' ment troops, but ther are 40,0ao men under arms who. It is believed, can be depended upon to resist th rebels to the utmost. . Although , they have met with stubborn resistance, the tnsur-' recttonlsts hav gained . victory after -victory. Several cities have fallen into their hands. . . Owtng to th big fore of hostile In dian Intervening, Reno took a round about route, and when h. arrived on th battlefield all of Custer's command save Martin, who- was with Reno, were deed. Th battle waa followed by a scan 1 reflecting on Reno, whose military r m ntattoit waS vrndlcated before a oourt tf Inquiry by Martin' testimony. The war department Issuet a r 1 orderT signed by Qeneral W. T. f In which It waa stated that I the sol Survivor of th ini tin draw IJ a month pen"1, ' subway job paya 14 a mmii . therefore. In comfortable ctrv but saya he would art. : 1 tha regular arcsy. DEFENDANT Contlnda on Page Two. , ' - -? v' v ft : . i' ;"1 ' ': ' - ' - 7 - ;-' :