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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 15, 1906)
good nor.::::; G' Journal Clrcu!z'J:a :! Yesttr&y . PIr and continued warm; north westerly winia. "- ; Was P'rJ PORTLAND, OREGON,. SUNDAY I.IORNINO, JULY 15, 1S03. FOUR SECTIONS FORTY-FOUR PAGES. ' -PRiCE FIVE CENTS. vol. lit, iio. '13., '-';.-v V.:rV At Meetings Tomorrow Question Will Be Dis cussed and an Ulti- ; maturnDccidedUpon. Trouble Beglne Over Dismissal Secretary of Labor, Organiza tion Flat Wage Rate Is Also Demanded. What threatens to b om of the most bitter labor ontest ever waged upon the Paciflo tout will Bar it laoeptloa la meetings to be held by the local earman'a union Monday after soon and evnlngv whea resolutions, ao Bay tha employes, will be passed which in enec wui ne an ultimatum to we Portland Railway," Ught and "Power company demanding . tha ralnatatamant f Motormaa B. J. McKenney, eeore tary or tea labor- oraaataaUon, and n flat waM aoala of IT oenta an boor. Tba anion nan do ' not ax pact tna eompanr to aooode to tha damanda which they Inaiat will ba made at lion day'a meetings, and nro prspajring for a etrik. . 1 .-v. - Tba trouble batwaan tha man and tba company la of lone atanding and waa brought to a bond by tna aummary ala- mlaaal of McKenney laat Wadnaaday ' for no otbar oauee. ao tha oar man aay. a- baa baan tea activ in union work. ; Tba nan aay that tha wag qaaatlon walou haa been a bono or con tention batwaan tba two vartle for ao many year could have be adluatad without tronbla, but Inaiat that with HcXanaey, - dtslaal , noaee an ba brought about Wi nly ana way and that way to tn aottla both tba union and anale auaatlon at rh ammo ttasa. ' Offlciala of tha oompany aay that thaydo aMit-baUara tba demand which tba man aay wui .no pu,l . xna xorm of a reeoluUOn Monday will madaL but tha man ara Inalatant upon thtae two pclnta-an-atata-rthetT tha company la althar blindad t tha true eoadltlona ar that: It wUhaa. to hide tha fuH maanln of tha praaant oonot- tlona from tha pablla. Offloiala of tha company aay that they do, not look for ..a . atrlka and dlacradlt tha etory that one will follow It tha damanda of tba man ara reruaaa.. , At a maatina or :tha azeeuuvn noara I of tha union haid on maay mani. lit . waa decided to call tha meatman for Monday If tha oompany reruaaa to relnatate MoKannay yeeteraay mom in. . it waa alao daoldod. at Vrlday'a meetlna- to call upon tba, offloiala and aa a reault Nala Borenaon, praaldant of tha union; Ou W. Moore and Matt MatU onmemberaof the jaxectWa boardii InUrnationaTOrganlaer W77f. "Burton. Secretary ntagerald of tha Federation of Labor and McKenney oauaa upon th& eomtoany4 offloiala and -aemanaea. ito know thn reasons for McKenney; a. dla oharge. X'he- union men aay that they obtained no satisfaction from the offi cials and aa a uH i Issued the -call for tha meettnga Monday. i. VnriOT ma o Tatt. . aanaral Manager.. X. Vuller, when laaked laat craning what the oompany (would do In caae tba narmen a union Idemanda the relnaUUment or McKenny Knd aa Increase or wagea to st cenia laa hour, aald that be knew nothing of kny such plan and therefore' would not uiseusa tba matter. He refused to go into tha eaaaea of McKennya dlacharge, laying It was not tha policy of tha com pany to make explanations In regard to the dlacharge of any man. Getting down to tha question of reinstatement he McKenny had not Veen to ma except In the oompany of others who in our pinion bare nothing to . ao with hia (Continued on Page Two.) wooiiEsi;iEci( . ,-;V.'-. f. i i. 'J '' Engineer-Staigeiand:Brakemarr tt)ckerman iMiieariremn. vyiiey mjurea in nun- t",T away on (Ssaetal Dwoatrh fe Tse Joarait) - Ashland. Or- July 14. A northbound ralght train ran away thia afternoon own the eteep grade on the northern lope of the Bisklyou mountains and In he Wreck that xoiiowea - junginesr talger and Brakeman Locxerman- were tiled and fireman Wiley aa badly In ured. Other members of the train crew ere severely Injured. 1 At tha top of the grade the airbrakes Uled to work. The engineer whistled Hr brakes, but before pplled by brakesmen 'who are seldom ailed up to twlet up brakea In the old tahloned way. the train waa speeding own the steepest grade en the Son! hern self lo with a velocity that could not be nquered by brakea. ' ' V - 1 For three miles the atring of cart iw down tha grade and around aurve at in time tables call for alow speed id extreme caution. The wreck came ar Clawson at tu." 1,'rht cara fol-v-l t I t i rails. , Thavy's : Mother ! Re turns to Comfort Pr is oner Says All Her jMoneyistoSaveHim Murderer Discharger Hie Attor- neye Because. They Insist (on Insanity Plea States in' Note : to' Parent That He Is Sane . . Family Lawyers Hired (Spatial Dtapatah by Laaaai Wire ta Tke loareal) Naw Torlt. July 14. With the one Mea-or pianninc a derenae for her aon. who la a prlaoner In the Tomba charred- wzta muraer. Mre. wusam Thaw, the leader of Plttaburc aoclety and the ml treaa of mUllona, reached New Tork lata una arternoon on tha Hajnturt;-Amar- eaa ateamer Kaiaer Auvuate Vlotoria. . Dlaappotnunent vraeted her at the ganaplank when the .newa. waa broken to her by Joala Thaw that although aha naa humea back from Europe ehe would not be able to aaa and talk with Harry Thaw until Monday aa a apeclal permit for Tlattlna; tha Tomba could . not ba aeoured. ? That tola aon aba lavaa naada tha mothere aid and counsel waa narar damonatrated mora plainly thaa today when In a tarae nota he dlacharcad the auooeaarui ennunal praeutlonera. Black, Oloutt, Oruber .and Bonynre from fur- tnoir atead be reuined Clifford w. Hartrldv of No. 14 Broadway, not bacanaa of hla ability aa a crtmlnal lawyer, but haeauaa sha waa an old paraonal friend from PUUbura. Tba llraa waioh Thaw tersely dlamlaaad by letter naa wornec niaht and da derel- opln dafetiaa whiah would aava young i am-w tiva wv - iactna oqur. , .Tnat tola defanaa Waa taking the form of an insanity pica brought about Thaw'a dl pieaaui Xarry, That they were overlooking no noaaU Die point in nw raror, waa ahown yaater- oay waen may .aeTOiopaa, wKaaaaaa- In the western part of tha stats, whom It la eald the dead architect, tried to hire to thrash Thaw. ; . . t k' " 1 I- The big Hamburg liner: oh Whldh Mrk Thaw crossed tha Atlantic, came In later tnaa waa expected, arriving at auaran Una at . o'clock. Mr Thaw had kept ro aar stateroom xne enure voyags, nar lng been almost D rostrated by tha news which tha Counteee. of Yarmouth broke to her In London a faw days after tba muraer. sirs. Oeorre Lauder Carnegla. bar daughter, mingled with tha otbar paaaaingara, but did not discuss tha case. 'After passing quarantine and on the anore trip 'up the bay Mrs. Thaw still kept to bar- suite. She. received a let f quaianllua by CTismn-Wadecf the Tomba.- It waa in hi own handwrit ing, and, affected, her mora thaa did tha wireless message which aha reoalved from him the laat two day a of the voy age. . . . ; . x vot The letter which tha prison chaplain arougni assured tha mother of her eon s love and thanked her for returning to aid him.: It contained one moat sig nificant phrase: , ."I am not Insane." Mrs., Thaw know that hla attorneys war working on this Una of defanaa for the dally newspapers published on the Kaiaerln contained artnareonlgram several days ago talking of the strug gle to detain alienists. . . Mr. and Mra, Carnegie both talked with a representative of the Hearst Newa Service, who boarded the ateamer at quarantine. Mr. .Carnegie- made a formal etatement In Mrs. Thaw'a be half. ..Through him aha aald: : X have returned to America for tha defanaa of my - aon, Harry. I will spend lr fortune If necessary to aee that he obtain Justice. I am in no .(Continued on Page Two.) u'Grade. The locomotive, No. tltO, Is tha earns one that was In the head-end collision at Kennett Thursday araning two weeks ago. .. . .it It will be II hour or mora.' It la thought, .before tha wreckage can ba cleared and trains allowed to , pase. Wreckers hava arrived from Dunomulr and Ashland. The wrecked train waa a heavy one of 17 care, more train than the engine would hold. Tha train wae etennad and Inspected at BtatnrBin. Almoat Imme diately arter pulling out control waa loot Of the i train. Engineer- B talger wbletled for brakea to which tha crew responded and it la now known that all brakea -ware aet Tha train waa on a heavy down are do of 10 mllea to Ash land and soon gamed tremendous speed. , Within four miles it reached a sharp curve at ' Clawson aiding,-the scene of tha fatal mishap, mishap Pag JCo'Unued. Pay Twelve roaTLAr;D MRS. BURKE.ROCIIE SECRETLY WEDDED mm mm a year; to a coachman SAVES LEB BY VVITHHIS RAZflR After Doctors Decide on Amputa tion, Frank White; Perfoime 'Operation on , Himself; and Takes , Open-Alr : Treajment While Wound Is Healing.' TTith a Jack knife and a rax or Frank White, .sitting by his camp fire, per formed an operation which surgeons pronounced Impossible, and thereby saved hie leg from amputation. i Tor two montha wilts ha been taking an. open-air treatment .of hla; own in vention on Columbia '.beach, a-mile up ths f river from the., Vancouver ferry slip. He ha lost count of the daya . Hl money ia all gone and na is. not yet able to Work. He Uvea entirely In the open air. eleeptng under fire , or six Boarda mada into a lean-to inside the frame of an old bathhouee . whoae roof ha fallen.' . . Bat the cleansing air of the Columbia ver i la ourlng White's Injury, and . it seams certain that In a ahort time ha will ba back at work again. ,s ; 'Jajir;ln Oave-Xn. ." White waa Injured by a cave-In follow lng-a-blaat -at -Cape Horn laat 1 April, Ha waa working aa an axman on the Portland ai Seattle rallay line being constructed along the north bank Of the Columbia. Two daya before he received his Injury ha sent tlM to his mother tn the east. Though It soon became evtoent he waa In for a long period of Idleneee be would not ask for the money to be sent back- to-Mm. r r-rH- Yesterday afternoon White was found at hla aanitarlum by tha aide of the Columbia. He Is a short, heavy-att man of remarkable ' mueoular develop ment, about W years old, one of thoee men accustomed to performing the hard est and heaviest kind of work and get ting good wagee for It . Though he ia forced to hobble about, yet he la the ploture of rugged health.. A limited diet and unlimited freab air and the scorching sunshine of the white aanda day. .. - ---- - -- yerferma the Opera ties. V, . . TwO daya after he eetabliohed. himself on the beach he-aat himself down by tha camp (Ire, toon, out hla trusty raaor and -a new pocket knife and silt the flesh of his right lag. . He acraped tha bone, whose tissues had been broken by tba weight upon it Because of nea laat decay had already aet In. When SCRAPING 01 (.Continued, on Pag Faur.. i'ias caowri tiucii too A Minute Late and at Lons VVeIfc,- or the Expensive Alternative. 1 1 1 . i ' " i il' i SSJ Millionaire Society-LkdeioNew-YofkAn- hounces Marriage to. Aurel Batonyi, 7 - WellrKnpwn Profession t r daedal Ssnateh ay Leased Wire ta Tea jrearaiQ New i .Tork., July 14. Mra . Burke Roche, one of tha handaomsst women in aoctaty, noted horsewoman. Whip and breeder of toy ' ball terriers, baa been for aim oat a year the wife of Aural Batonyl, - tha well-known professional Whip.-- ' It was learned In New .Tork tonight that a civil marriage ceremony was par formed in this alty by Alderman Julius Harburgar on August' f, . IrOS. Mr. Batonyl la a Catholio and Mra. Burka- Roche la a divorced woman, having ob tained a divorce in thia country eome year ago from her Kngllsh husband, formerly a member of Parliament. This divorce baa never 'been recognised by the English authorities. - The secret of the marriage naa been so well kept that even Frank 'Work, tha millionaire and clubman, father of Mra. Batonyl, did not know of It until a friend of the family, acting for Mr. Batonyl, Informed him of It at hla home tonight. Mr. and Mra. Batonyl left New Tork for Canada laat night on a belated honeymoon before Mr.. Work, who la If year old and haa bad many differences with hla beautiful daughter, learned of the marriaga. . . , - y , "' ? -. Utraagaat Womaje, iSr. Roche's daughter. Cynthia Roche, waa married onlv a few daya ago to Arthur Soott Burden and la now In Eng land on her honeymoon. - Mr. and Mra. Batonyl will sail for Hungary, tha home bf Batonyl' within a' few daya and both mother and daughter will be on honey moon tripe to Europe about tha aame GREENE SHIPS RIFLES ' ; TO MEN AT THE MINES (Spartal Mapatrk by Leased Wire to The Jeuraal) Kl Paso, Tea.. July .14. sixteen large caaea, aald to contain- liflea and machine guns, which ara being sent to Cananea to be uaed by Colonel W. C Oreene'e forces tn the event of another outbreak by tho miner there, arrived In El Paao by exprese direct from New Tork and ahova that Greens la expecting another outbreak and la preparing for it Juat aa otbar American miners who expect trou ble next September' On Mexican inde- iwdenea dy ' ' They were billed - to Colonel W. C. Oreena. -marked "Personal.'' Harford, Arlsona, and were taken west over the El Paso di Southern. Twelve of the caaea were Ave feet by three and ar aald to contain 10-lt rlflea. while the other four caaea ware almont twice ae largo and contained, it ia said, rapid-firing cylindrical machln guaa, lb moat de structlve small implements now In use. All tba box were steel wrapped at tha edge, v--v - kg to dxpznd on a I l.l time and will epend part of their time mere together. .. . . Ths announcement of the marriaga of Mra. Burke-Roche will doubtleaa create a eenaatlon la thia city. : ha ha been for yeare one of tho conspicuous flgurea of tho "four hundred on eooount of her wealth, beauty and love of aporL Only laat year aha left her fatber'e home be cause be protested - against bsr rate of living. Bha declared that aha could not live for- leaa than I17i a day. Their difficulties wsra patched up, aa - the father la aa Intensely fond of hia grand' children as he was bitter against, thslr rather. . Mra Burke-Roche then went to Europe and as under the lawa there the Hon. Burke-Roche ia still her hus band,, because tha divorce granted bar in Maryland ia not recognised. Burke Roche postsd her In the Parte news papers, stating that he would not be re sponsible for her debts. -1 -,- ,. . Kanrlad soaefdy.": ' . '"' ' " It waa after-her return in the aura mar that aha eame to New Tork one day from : Newport with the whip Batonyl and waa married to him by Alderman Harburgar, but tha - alderman waa pledged to secrecy and faithfully kept the-pledge until tha couple themeelv decided to announce their marriaga, . Three years ago Batonyl waa seriously-injured by being thrown from the Good Timea on one of ita trips from the Waldorf Astoria to tho race traok In a' collision with a trolley ear. He retired to hia country place at Middleton. Juet outside of Newport, and haa not done any professional driving since that time. Batonyl haa been In thia country for 17 yeara, coming from Hungary when he waa Just of age and after having quarreled with hia father, said to bo of noble birth and vary wealthy and prominent. The young man- was unknown and with out fund enough to live on and he Bought employment. The only thing he knew which , he could turn to account waa coaching and he became a profes sional whip. ' For many yeara be haa been familiar figure about tha restau rant and hotela and at the horse shows and waa almoet dally on the boa of a coach during the coaching eeaaon. Ha haa won many ribbons at the horee shows.' ' - It was not known until arter the aod- tbat hla father waa wealthy. He aeemed la earn a good living for hie eervicee aa professional whip and coacher of driving to aoclety. but appeared to ba working for a living. , He la tali; well built and presents a striking appearance the box when dressed In coaching olothss. ' " Mra., Batonyl ta about S yeara eld. but haa reserved her youthful beauty and doea not loek to bo aver Ml. Batonyl ia a few 'ear jjat ju aloft .n...., Last car" BUTCHER ENTIRE FilJillLYl'IITIfllX r Negroee Suspected of Wholesale Murder Which Occurred Dur- Ing Night on Carolina Planta tionLynching la Probable Mob of Farmers After Them. (Special Mapatea by Leaatd Wire te Tke Jeers)) Charlotte, N. C July lt The family of Isaao Lyrly, a - prominent planter of Barber Junction, Bo wen county, waa practically exterminated at midnight last night Isaac Lyrly and hla wife. John Lyrly. a aon aged 19. and Alice Lyrly, a daughter aged a. were brained with an axe as . thsy slept. - Mary and Addle Lyrly, aged. 14 and f, respective ly, who were sleeping on the second floor of the home, eacaped tha whole sale slaughter which waa vlelted upon (Continued on Page Two.) SeMtle'Has'AII-Night ilMMUS a and Portland Demands as Much as Sound City Possesses in That Line.: ; 1 The following dlapateh from Seattle shows that Portland's rival for the metropolitan honor of the northwest la better equipped with faotlltlee for night travel than la Portland. Thar la regu lar Barries on all the Seattle streetcar line up to 1 a. nru, after which a num ber of aooommodatlon cara. practically amounting to aa owl aervloe, ar ope rated. t Seattle. Wash- July 14. Tha regular streetcar aarvic la suspended here be tween 1 o clock ana o'clock In the morning. Up until midnight cara on all llnea run en quarter of an hour schedule. Tbla ceaaea at 1 o clock. ' On Jamas street cable line, which runs from the crowded part of tha city to tha top of Tlrat hill, the last oar leavea at 1:07. All other lines close at 1 o'clock. Three employe's care leave Seattla at t o'clock In the marnlng. Thee cara go' through tha center of the city down the en tiro length of leoond arasna and ta George MURDERESS BROTHERS Only Aged FatherFeels Sympathy: for Esther Mitchell Kin Desert Her in Hour of Need. Women Bring Flowers to Bier of , Dead Youth and Weep ae They Cue on Corpee for Last Time Mre. ; Hurt: Hae" but ' Ona : Friend Jn World, Her Parent. fspeelal Dlapateh te The Tearaalf Seattle. Wash.. July - 14. Rmhe. hearted and penniless Prad and Perry Mitchell walk tha streets of Seattle o rased at tho thought that their brother George's body may ba laid to rest ta a pauper'e gray. Neither of tho broth era haa money enough to bury him and they aee little hope of raising It. They de clare that it la their dealra to takei tha body of their dead brother back-to New berg, Oregon, and lay him bealda hla mother. Bo pitiable I the condition of tha" two-young men that steps will ba taken Monday to raise a publio eubacrlptlon to make It possible for tho two brother to give George Mitchell a decent burtsX - Boy Xtfbe snsaa. ' Tho two boy hava nothing but hatred for their el star Esther. Parry MitohoU aald thia afternoon: "l do not car what harmena to ban. If aha-wanta a lawyer to eVefond her aha will have to And one heraaif. X owe her nothing, aha killed George and she ahould take tho oonsequenoee. She preferred Mra. Creffleld to u and now. aha ahould pay tha penal tr," - - Usr r&ther cannot ur Tor fanae. Both women will hava to b defended by lawyer appointed by tha eourk ' " . Both brothers - ara willing to teettfy against thslr alster. ' They ara eepe- 1 clally bitter against Mrs. Creffleld. - Woman Batna; riowanm. . ' ' Woman of all conditions of Ufa. . poured Into tho morgue of tho Bonney s Watson company to- take a mat look at tha dead body of George Mitchell and nearly all- of them brought a bou quet of flower. . Thia evening tha room In which the body rest la banked an all aidea with flowers. Most of tho women who called were well pent middle aar and the bouquets gave ovldeaoo of be ing picked In their own gardes. Many; of ths women who were oonetanl no-' tandanta at tha , trial broke down and wept bitterly when they, gaaed on Mitchell aa ha lay on a marble slab la tha morgue. All of them refuse to glva their names. Many of them were ex tremely well dressed and were different in appearance from curiosity seekers. aar. ireuieia strung in aar oeil ra ' f i tna county I I the wuild. " I sympathy f eounty lall haa but one friend tn for her. Teat roar aba ra ceived tho roUowing telegram- from her father from Corvallla: "What can papa do for your . That I la the only friendly meaaaga that ha eome to her elnce her arrest. , To Xava TiottaV Kanryar. That T"-iJ-Karris and & M. Ship, ley, who aeawnded and succeeded la ao quittlng ' George Mitohall for . kllllna Creffleld. will again face tho Jury to -ask for the acquittal of Bather Mitchell and Mra. Creffleld la almoet certain. ' Both lawyer declare that they ara will ing to defend tho woman ahould tha court appoint them to do so. That tha court will do ao I likely. - Both aeon are famllMr with tba ease and tt la un likely that any other lawyers can bo secured to take tha case. The women hava no money and tha oourt will bo compelled -to appoint, aomeon to defend them. ' t ' - That both woman ar Insane ta tho opinion of both Morrla and Shipley, who have aeen much of the girls sinoe they came to Seattle. .. Chief Wappenptasn (Continued on Page Two.) Semce on Some Lines town, University fcnd Ballard, suburb of Seattla, Any person oan ride on the car by paying far. Between and 4 :10 o'clock newspaper cara which carry passengers leave for all part of the elty. Tha regular aervloe ia then re sumed at o'clock oa aU lines. - -lr. Ooayoa Pouring- Tn. " Owl oar coupons are pouring Into Tha Journal office surprisingly fast Among tha number rtcel red during the flret t-e daya waa one signed with ia name. "Ac- eompanylng Uio altp wae the lnfnrroa' i that the 10 petltlonar ere nlht ployea of tho Westers Union Ti' company, that all work at n: ' t f compelled to walk borne oa the lack of a etreetcar ar . atgner of the owl e"oa. t those who hava sir r a Uona now be' I a i t i I.-