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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 14, 1906)
r fx GOOD EV2IIIIIG Journd Circukticn 0N ' . s 7 a 1 as mi 1 1 . - the wsATiy:a. ;v Fair tonlcht funIy fair i ad warm; northwast wind. VOL. V. NO. ; 112. vv The Public Demands Punishment of Those Guilty to7 End Epir demic of- Murders. -.4 Publio Subscription Being Taken ' to Send Destitute, Mitchell ; , Boys to.Thelr Oregon Home Esther's Father Says Girl Is , Not to Blame-l4s Hypnotized. (Journal BiMetil fla-lLl V Seattle July 14. Th chart of. mur der in th first degree vu placed against Eathar Mitchell, slayer of fear brother George, and . Mra. Creff fold, widow of tba Holy Roller, who Insti gated tha trims, today. Th epldemlb K of muraer Kara following th killing of ireineiq nsauaaflacry insi , sum- nary punisnmsni put an ana to aucn - A publlo aubaortptlon la batna' . takaa today to aand tha XltohaQ boya, who ar daatltnta, homa to Oraaon. . Tha fathtr of Eathar Bay tha airl la not to blajna mini oido usr in J fmau mriaaaoa . ef crafliald, whieh baiaa thraa year . ; Afc te Ooifay. ; , j - 'That " thay ' alon war tn .-tha emir aplracyto klU Oaort Mitoball In th , vnt of hla acquittal on tha oharya of nurdarlnf t "Joahua" CrfTlald and 1 that they ara not lnaana ar th ataad i fait declaratlona of both Eathar Mlteball and Maud Hurt Craffleld. Neither will v admit of anUrlna an Inaanlty plea In thalr behalf and both ar mphatlo in their denlala that any tjnember of tha Craffleld band ef Holy Roller other . than themaelv waa aware that 0ot( Mitchell waa to be murdered. - For week th plot had bean formu lated by tha two young women, but. It waa a dark aecfet In their poaaeaalon, aa thay feared that soma hint might get to Mitchell or tha authortttea If they took anyone Into thalr confidence. Mra. Craffleld In speaking of the plot . aald that "Eathar waa much more ec re tire In nature than aha. and that th young naurdereas constantly admonlahed per not to - let a hint of th plot get abroad. 1 rr fo Xaaaaitr. Examinations of tha woman for In sanity coma ncd laat rnlng and will b continued for some time. -. Dr. Mc (Continued on Pago Two.) Negro in Moving Picture Spectacle Is Rescued -by Police Who i n the Excitement Leave ---Him -Hanging Until Nearly Dead ,V. ':':t -"f ' : - (Joaraal Bpaeial servlea.t ....; ; WtW'Tork, July 14. Joaeph Rlcard. colored, recently from Alabama,' who la In th hospital hare, will return to his native etate as soon aa h can travel. ; He prefers Alabama lynching methods to those prevailing here. In Alabama, wheh a negro Is lynched, he is defl altely lynched arid then burled. Her, according to Rlcard's experience, he waa only half lynched and then beaten with a policeman's club. ' :Rlcard.waa hired-to. take part In. a moving picture .lynching in Woodatown, pear Jamaica, Long Ialand. ' Just ss he was strung up by th faro clous mob, which waa firing blank cart WEDDINQ BELLS END ROMANCE BEGUN IN EXECUTIVE MANSION 'tfearaa! aaeeUI gerr!ee. i New York, , July 14. Mies Orac How MeKlnleyV nleoe of th Ut Pres ident McKlnley, . will b married next Wadneaday-at. Fort Dee Molneev-Iowa, to Captola - Oreyaon V 11 lard Haidt of the Fifteenth United States cavalry.- A courtship, whch had Ita beginning In the White House, is thus happily con eluded. Cards for th wedding, which were tcatied by - Mlaa ' McKlnley' brother,. Captain James - McKlnley,- XL A. A., have been rectlved in this city. tn the early days of President Me Klnisys laat term and only a fa - , .;. arid hot ' . "- 'if S( " oib j'' Physician ReporfsThat Indicted Senator Is Physically Able to Un- the Ordeal. Heney Announces That Govern- ment Expects to Try Mays on Date Set for His Alleged Share . in the Land Fraud Conspiracy . Against. United States. . . Franklin Pierce Maya, ataite senator from Multnomah, county and defendant tn "three of the pending land fraud oaaea, muat face trial on July 14, deaplt hla proteatatlona of Ulnesa. - ... The government sent a physician to May's ranch In Tygh valley, Waaco county, wherath. Indicted senator-t tiding the aumrner, and the report of that phyalcUn, Dr. Alan Welch Smith of thin Uy, was mad today torAaalau ant ' Alter aey-Oeneral Francis J. Heney. Th .result if th Investigation and examination- waa not given out,-but It is Understood that Dr. .SmUk- laof h opinion that Maya Is physically able to undergo th ordeal of a trial. . When Heney was asked about the trial ha smiled his usual mlle and said:. ' ; "The government expects to put Mr. Mays on trial at. the data sat ' i This means that Franklin Pierce Maya It to be brought Into court July 14. ' . i ' Mtxad. la , &a4 Fraaaa. ' -'"According to tha Indictments, Mays took a hand. In the moat Important part of the land fraud eonsplraclea. In on eaae he is charged Jointly with 8. A. D. Puter. Horace a. McKlnley, Marie U Ware, Emma X Wataon, 1). W. Tarplay and Robert Slmpaon; In another with Congreaamon Blnger Her mann. Wlnalow W. Btetwer, Hamilton li. Hendricks and others; In the third and laat caee agalnat him . with Con greaamaa Blnger Hermann,' Congress man J. N. Wllllamaon. Wlliard W. Jonas and Oeorge Sorenson. He is to be tried oa the charge connecting him with th operation! of Puter. The sec ond case Is -set for July 10 and the third for Augwat . ... - -Mara has noUrwl entered a plea, si I though hla first indictment datea back to December. 1104. Reports or hla Ill ness began to etroulat soon after th grand Jury took action. Th following month h went to Salem, and took part 'Continued on Page Two.) ridges and acting In a devilish manner generally -and th camera was getting Into action, a young woman witness of the soens informed th pollc a lynohlng was in progress. . : Tba polio cam on th run and aeat tered the lynchers, knocking three sense less. , Soms time later they remembered tha negro was still hanging, and cut him down. Hi was so nearly dead be could not apeak. i Oolng.on the principle that h muat hare been a bad character or he would not .have been lynched, -two policemen held the negro while a third .vigorous ly used his night stick on him. Th lo cust club was so wall bandied that th negro had to be sent to th hospital. months before his assassination Mis MoKlnley, hla nleoe, waa HI guest at ths White House, and there met Cap tain Heldt, who la a native of Atlanta, fleorgia. Their . acquaintance was brief, - but two years later Miss McKlnley wsnt to Jolo, in th Philippine Islands, to visit her brother and found stationed at ths same post-'th young captain whom he had known at Waahlngton. The engagement waa announced be fore - Mia - McKlnley- returned " to "th United Statea. , Captain Heldt was aoon ordered back to duty to, this coun- PORTLAND, OREGON, , SATURDAY EVENING,- JULY, :. !! ; f ' t ' s . 1 7A ' -t,. (fun ' : 4 " 1 t 1 win N H1 .L Esther, Mitchell,. Who Killed Her Brother to Avenge Murder HOW FAST DOES AN AUTO WALK Foolish City Ordinance Makes Jt Necessary for Attorneys' ; to Decide Embarrassing Question or Else Ignore the City Speed Measure Altogether ill ; How fast does an automobile walkt When the city council in March , of this ysr amended th ordinance pro viding for . a maximum speed of eight miles an hour to lo miles within the fir limits and not to exceed II miles an hour outside, by this piece of legis lation th body disregarded th pro visions of the state act regulating the operation of automobiles. Hence the ordlnano is inoperative and Ineffective. Application was msde to Deputy City Attorney Fltsgerald this morning by Patrolman -Craddock for a' warrant charging an unknown chauffeur with exceeding the speed limit at Sixteenth and - Washington" Streets.""1 In"an ordi nance passed on March ft of this year Jt was declared to be unlawful to ops-rat- any automobile or to drive any vehicle drawn by animals across any In tersection of - streets -where streetcars turn at a greater speed than a walk. The ordinance provided for a maximum fine of tl for any violation of tha law. (Continued on Pag Three.) CROSSING ROAD? MMMMMMM.MMMMMMMM Seee- JSometkingf f 01 13 EMBRANDT'S celebration for artists ;, story by "p." rV (Quiller-Couch) for-lovers of eoodliteratur,t-WX- BryanVarticle orrEgypr for "studentst fashionr and i oeauty rynts lor women; neiptul suggestions. xor workers; stories, garnet, puzzles and funnies for boys and girls; music, societyyart, religious notes, and the news, of the world for all IN 2X5 SUNDAY JOURNAL ' I 5M4MeMf -V--' - 5- '! " . 1 FRENCH HEELS HELP TO GET HER DIVORCE Daughter of President Ripley. of the. Santa Fe Railroad Given Separation From Her Husband -Splcy Testimony Regarding Beautiful Pauline Robson. ' (Journal Special serrlee. ' Chicago, July 14. Escapades on boats, trains and In . hotels . with a pair of French-heeled shoes unwittingly dis played "In a Pullman', sleeper led to a decree of divorce In Judge McSwen's court tn favor of Mrs, Alio M. Ennta, daughter of President B. P.' Ripley of th Bent, Fa railway. Jerome a, automobile enthusiast and clubman, was accused by his wife aad her father. The testimony was sploy with tale of beau tlf ul . Pauline Robson, with whom Ennis Is said to have lived at' af Kedai ave nue. The court waa told that th hus band, who waa president or th Ran way - Supply- company,- had. Introduced Miss Robson as bis wu. - "After I learned of my husband's at tentions to another . woman w had a long talk, and It was Anally agreed that we ssDarate." said Mrs. Jcnnia. . The complainant waa asked if she ahd her husband hsd mad a settlement of alimony out of court, and she replied In the affirmative, . Th terms settled upon were not . disclosed. . iEverybbtly i MM4ewJ 14, ; 1906. FOURTEEN PAGES. r N v-v; :,- F ,v-y i 1 ::'i-- WWeJWiMMS wwwA. mwmh of Holy Roller Leader. FAMINES III CREAM, FAIIS Likewise Scarcity of Cantaloupes and Other Delicacies of Season Causes Portland People to Suffer Hours of Mental and Physical Anguish. . ? ' ' " Set Weathea- ramlas. V Swt cream. ,- . , w lo cream. ... . : ... . . ' Electrlo tana, " .. ,: . , ," d . Cantaloupes. , ; "'Long gloves."-" -t- - M Hi. ft On account or th unprecedented length of th hot weather seigs Port land Is afflicted with a dire famine in th necessities . of torrid times.. Among th ooollng things th supply orwnteh Has partiauy or wholly petered out, ar sweet cream. Ice creame canta loupes, electrlo fans and long! clove. A famine tai cream is on anda famine in io cream is mreeteneo. - Small restaurant and - hotel nfen ar scurrying around town today trying to secure sweet cream enough to feed their customer along with their, ooffe and oemes. . -mere is plenty of sour cream In the market and not th slightest In dication that . there, will, b a shortaer or, ouiisr. T . -r-, - on. reeson for tn famine in sweet Sreatn is that the supply has been sud enly out down, partly on account of the cows yielding lesa and partly on aocount of th cream souring before belnr da. liver ed to the creamery agenta. v Another reason la th unusual demand for loe cream. .Martin .Mortensen, 'manager of the Haselwood creamery, says that Tile Ttrm Is able, though with difficulty, to supply Its regular customere. . ... ; Oemaad fo Zee Oreasa. , ' There la a record-breaking demand for loe cream." said be. This week we will make not leas than 4,000 aallons of Ice cream. Th piic forle cream. however, will not be affected by the sltuatton.'' " . , , . 1 .(Continued n Pag TV04 0 GLOVES PRICE TWO HIT GOULDS Former Manager Tells Court of; Formation of Terminal Associa tion asii":Trust."" Ex-President of Wabash Railroad Details Formation Of 'Combine to Close All Entrances to St. Louis Except by Concern's .": Bridge-r-Rates Controlled. (Joaraal SpeeUl Service.) ' St Louis, July 14. Joseph Ramsey Jr., former president of th Wabash rail road and former general manager of ths Terminal association, struck th Goulds, who, ousted him a few months ago, a terrlflo blow this morning when he ap- JPlra. ; JlfJM?d t'l-gojBfnmsnt'a star witness In the suit to dissolve th Ter minal aaaoclatlon as a trust ' Ramsey swore that , a combine was formed by the Terminal. 1 Merchants' bridge and Wiggins' ferry to control 'rates and regu late pusinsss. Ramsey aald that tha Wtggina ferry was purchased to stifle competition, and that the Alton bridge was bought to be abandoned so as to cloee all en trances to the city except by th Com bine's gate. He said that seven lines were Involved besides th Oould lines. Ramsey detailed at length the his tory of the combine, showing how ths monopoly was maintained and ths enor mous profits derived .thereby. ' Ramsey waa ousted by the Ooulds laat winter.- He made a spectacular but fu tile fight to wrest, control of ths Wa bash from Oeorge Gould, organising minority stockholders against ths admin istration, which h accused of fraud and Ulegallty. Ramaay charged th Ooulds with hav ing manipulated the earnings to further their Individual Interests at th xpns Of th stockholders. . . AIRSHIP SAILS OVER CHICAGO SKYSCRAPERS (Jeataal SV'rtal gtrvtee.) Chicago, July 14. Horace Wild tn th airship Eagl today successfully sailed over ths tallest buildings down town. He alighted on a roof at Center and Erie streets. He was up over two hours. This is the first time any aeronaut hag succeeded In sailing over the business district KILLED MOTHER; WEDS CHILD Iowa Man Marries Daughter of Woman Ho ) a J V A V. J " '7 I Msi-V JSj J A flmm O A MSI IIM SM, luvcu aiiu mui uoi His: Sentence in ' - (Joaraal Special service.) ".'' Sioux-City. Ia July 14. Seeking to do what he could to show his regret for having made her an orpnan. w. . Jr. Royoo sought out Loretta, Patton Hend- rlckson. daughter of the woman b loved, and then murdered ten years ago. and th acquaintance resulted In, their" marriage. Th girl's mother was a widow. Sh turned ths head of Royo when he was 17 years old and, than bestowed her af. fecttons on another. ' WhU intoxicated Royc forced hi way to nr room and shot hsr dead. . ' Th case waa clear, but owing to the prisoner's youth. Influential friends and the fact that he was under th influ ence) ef drugs, h was saved from thsl WEIRD LIGHT . ON THAW'S LIFE BY ANOTHER SHOW GIRL - Oearaal gaeetat Benlee.t New Tork. July 14. Miss Rose Marv- ton. -who was formerly achun of Evelyn Neablt Thaw, when both were artists' models.. Is the latest witness found by th prosecution In-th Thaw esse.' ' Mis Marston was a friend -of Miss KeeWt and today aha told tha district attorney all shs knew about her former sssoclate. Among othsr things she told the names of various msls f rtende ef Mis NesblV Thssp In turn wUl be aub- CENTS. V EEFUSPgESl Mrs. Carter Spends Day ' of Agony -Searching in Chehalis But Is "NorSaccessfulsfer Child Was Spirited Away by Its ' Father In Portland Last Tues day and "Mother Makes Vain " Effort to Recover It Domestlo Trouble at Bottom of Case, v (By a Staff OarresposdeaL) " , ChahaUs, Waab July 14. Search ing for her kidnaped . child a little) boy four years -old Mrs. Mary Carter, of Portland, braved a broiling sua and trudged through every street In th city yesterday vainly searching for the little one that waa stolen from her. Her efforts were unsnecessrur," how--ever, for . th child' captors, learning of her presence n the-city, had spirited it away. -;. . . , . '.;:..... The boy was kidnaped by Its father In the city of Portland laat Tueaday. Th deed -was dsn flaring the" after- : noon In ona of th bualest streets in the city. Seising th child In his arms at Third and Washington street while trying vainly to stop Its cries, th man boarded a car for the union station and caught a Northern . Paclflo train for thla place. He arrived her with th little boy Tueaday night and has kspt him In hiding slnoe that time. - roue . On learning of the kidnaping of her child, the - mother hastened to polio headquarters in an effcrt to aeoure assistance In recovering th child. She waa Informed by Captain Moor that th pollc could not interfere and that she must resort to legal methods to re- gain possession of th boy. Disheartened and broken-hearted at th loss of her child. Mra. Carter started an investigation and finally learned that th boy. had bean brought to this city. Hither ehe cam yester day and spent the day In vain search for him. Th father learned of her coming and before th mother could find th Uttl one's new hotbe. It had been anlHtejewey m,rut TT rf It concealed; , .- , . The case has attraotad eonslderable interest in thla dty for th reason that all who are f am liar with tha Acta are In sympqathy with th mother. Neighbors declare that th child cries continually for bar aad that It repel (Continued on Pag Two.) oufti icLoei ving- State, penitentiary, gallows. Hla seoteno waa' IT yearaj but after serving three years b waa paroled by Governor Cummins and later pardoned. "Hla return horn brought around hla old friends. Ha learned the-, trad of mechanical engineer whll In -prison and was given a good position with tha Sioux City Electric company. , Loretta had been adopted by a promt-' nent farmer named Hendrickson and, after reestablishing himself and prov ing his -worth,- Hoyoe- thought of ; th-; girl, bereaved of her mother by his act. Ha called and ex praised hla anxiety to b of eervlce. . The girl, now it. learned to love the young man and they were married In a -Chautauqua tent at Lemars by Rev. W. O. Moore. Royoo I IT now. THROWN ... poenaed and Induced to tall alt about . their .relatione with Mlaa Keeblt. Ths district attorney today got am t ... trail of another witness who prom If-a to tell a story that may throw a w t light on Thaw's personality. Ths ness Is Ethel Thomas, wha onre be- 1 a 120.000 salt for saesull against 1 Una alleged hat after thrlr r - Paris Thaw tok.hervt sper. Fifth avenue, rented by him In I of his vslet. Bedford, end there . with a whip. Th girls t i 1 yandlng. : i ". K t