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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 30, 1906)
.1 .4 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, ' SATURDAY EVENING. JUNE S3, NEW TODAY. i- Per Cent INTEREST ;n savinqs accounts THE Savings Bank -lor THB TIT, LE GUARANTEE J& TRUST COMPANY . i Fays 4 per cant en Cortlflcatns ot De posit , , Pays por cent -on savings Ctntarcat compounded eotnl-anriuajly). Pays 1 par eant on daily bnlanosn of check: accounts. Banking hours , a, m. to 4 p. m. Baturdi-ys I a. m. to 1 p. m. Saturday arenlnKS. ...... .4 to o'clock 240 Washington Oornar Ssooad, . Street Portland, Oregon Will Show You A OT 60x100. near "IT ear Una 432S. Terms 1116 oaan, balanoa fit month ly; splendid buy, ; ;...." riOKT MAUTXrUlii dOTS on Van. enrver avenue, near Shaver atreet. aomi as low as $475; fooq terms. On rm XrOfffl In Waat Piedmont, and good bualnass oornar near pied' -'tJtt.HKnt car e-ma. ..... - A bTTOSAS on Union ' avanua north. . Owner says sell. , f IOUM on Maryland avenue, at the very low prloa 1 of S1.DUV. ' -, A BUOnm n on Commercial street; modern and almost new. 8 ' It before buying or building. M. E; Thompson 4WsaUawanrtpplaro. noma WoocTawm tot St. Johns Water Front 432 feet frontage by 1,200 feet deep, near Peninsula Lumber Co. r.!oxdn-VaIeht!ne Co. J . ST. JOHNS : For Sale 600 . feet St. Johns River Frontage. The best saw mill site ever offered. Deep wa ter, solid ground, plenty of stor age for logs and piling. - This can be had at a bargain. - Address, Owner, Care JournaL BARGAINS iaba Modern T-room house In the X.IK'MI bt residence diatrlot'on J)4UJlltho West Bide. Thle U a anap at tula fifure. tfAr,AAA quarter block In Holla Kday7a Addition, northwest Jjs4jlJl corner lth and Weldler; T only 104 feat . from ltuer 1... oar Una, ..... ilARTMAN & THOMPSON : CHAMBER OF COMMEftCB. SEASIDE COTTAGES --. Furnished eottaces for rant at Clat sop Beach, Seaside. Choice beach lots and cottages for sale. Call on 3. J. Powell. Seaside, Or.', or phone W, T. Stephana, Main 2244, Portland. For Building Purposes We Loan Money And wa fire you the orivlleee Of r. paylnr aama In . monthly Installments covering; a period of from two to ten years. 121. z renava a 11.00 per' month for 49 months o loan, including Interest Sea us about it. jCoIurabIcXJL.Ife Trust Co. SVnmoat Xxehsags BnlUUaff. NEW STORES and OFFICE ROOMS FOX-RENT K. A ear. Third and W.41 a Estate of D. P. Thompson TTBBT STBEZT.-" ' BIRTHS.' I TAf MLEr! Jnn to. to Mr. and MrtAFreaV erlrk Trmir. U Blgtb, a boy. . r GOltl.TKU Juu II. to Mr. and lira. fa. . UorUer. ft .Kusess. bey twine. HAMMOND June 2o. tn Mr. and Mrs.' Fred- erl. a Ilamsaesd, Woodlswa. a boy. , J? Sr-KN-Jw, at. I Mr. ana lira. AVaeet V ' Jene, 14 Meade, a girl. rwnJm, js. to Mr. aud Mrs. 0. D. 1. '-.. m; J,ttnnn, a bor. . v. 1 rr J M. an Mr. aaa Mr, otli B. Vi r int. l-arllxnl baapluU, a girl. i'i,.ilvn S. la V,. (n Mm. Joopk --! K..t rternla end KiWmor. girl. lit h I vj-June tt. la Mr. . end Mrs. A. A. ffk-i. 4is 1nir flr,t. a slrl. ui-j . to -Mr.. au4, Mrs. Mr to ". .,. t14 AIbrl. a ". ,! j I t, Nr. eni Mn. loMak two. . (Itttii, aoeplul, a key, ' Water;:-..; WEATHER REPORT. AvrMve of kUrk pnerare eitende from the Bortb FPirlfle ii,im ouihMiatward tbe gnl( ittMj' Law pneonre r arc iwntral tale nornlng ever A I bona ana Hrm M axles, rrapw tlvrlr. Llht ralna hare orrarrad hi watra "niajwa. rna lanaaiaa norlbwtet. Mlaaourl, IlllnoU, tae lake region and the Ni-w KntUnd tatM. aud iIm at a frw wldrlv araltarad placre Is the anntbara antra. Tbe tamppra rurae la tbe ailddla AtUolte and Nrw Kndand atatas are aivb above tbe eaaannal arra-a. It Hi eootrr la tbe lake rrfUia and vnpn Mla taalppl valla? aad geaerallr allfbtljr warmer la tie P.ctfle atatre. . t , Tb tndtraileaa ra fnr fab? weetber la tbta ilairlct dumlar, nrrpt In aaatern Waahlns ton and avetbera Idabe, where showers are proKahla. Obsarvatloae takaa at a. n.. PaeiOe tjaja: Ttmn di.uiiii, ii . Max. Bakar dir. Orarna 68 Max. Mia. rradp. M .01 .50 .0 ,(M .0 . .0 .01 . v .ol a t ' J -.06 ,, .0 .0 , .0 .0 .0 .0 Hoatoa, Maaaerbuaetts M H Cblcaco, Illinois 02 4 Davar. Colorado M M Karnias Cltj, Mlaarnirl...... HO M Los A ire Ira, California.... IB M New Orlrana. Louisiana... U ' 'f '" Kew York, Naw York ao 68 Portlaud. Orrcos... , 00 M Reeeburf. Orson. ...... .. 18 , bo St. Loala; Mlaaourl........ BO e Salt Ikn, I'tak 7 , M Ran rrsorlaro. Calirorala.. T1 ' M Spokane, V'ahln(ton M Timnt, Wsahlnirion ttl M Walla WalU. Waablngtoa, Id OH Waahlisjlon, D. C M T4 MARRIAGE LICENSES. Nicholas rrans," Bridal Veil, Oregon, 41; Marie Peter. 2i. ' Nebwa - John - Hewitt, 24; Any May Anftll, . Loots' Sksr, SB0 Nortfc Jifteentk street, ST; Ada Nlva. 43. . - Brma k. Keener, 98SH Second street, 33; Maliell Crocker, 20. ' ,t. Prank Clrsdullo, 44; Ceterlpa LeonettUS. Wedding Cards. W1. O. Smith Ce.. Wash. lagtoa nia. cor. roertb sod Waebtngtoa eta. Waddtaa' .end eaMnsTi eneraved er priated. K. I. Kuaotun, aslSi Waahlastoa St. Miss Bertka Martin, neai.gtl Allskr tamping end nne aaadlawork: laioas (I DEATHS. 0 BATES Jons SB. Wlluaai U. Oravee, 44 rears, Hotel Portland, mrnrsrdltla. 14ND8ET Jane 2S. Merrett Undser, 81 years, 4T1 flolag. vslvnlar dlaease of heart. HO June M, Ah .Ho, SI reaia, Konrtk , and Fine, valvalar heart disease. FUNERAL NOTICES. BUCKMAN At ker lata residence, 0 East ltk St., (., June 0, 10O, Lrdls Burkaisn, eced M feara, 4 months end IT dara. Friend are Invited to attend tbe funeral services, which will be held at the shore addraaa, a. m., Bandar. Jalp 1. Interment in Oswego eemeierp, riesse omit r lower. UNDERTAKERS. Daanlag, IfeEatee A OITbeagh. aadertskeri and ambaUDers; Bevlera la everr detalL Beveatk aad Pin. Mala 480. Lady assistant, -- A. B. Bemetoek. aodertaksr aad embalaiee, ast Tblrtceatb and Umatilla ate. Phase B.U. wood TL J. P. Flnlev A, Third end Madison Office ef county Phone Mala 8. Brlckaoa Cndertsklag Co., Alder at. Phone Mala 6188. batmtng. 408 Edward Bolnaaa, andarUksr, 330 Third street. Clerk Bros for Bevrara. tm Morrhwa stiset. kUTKBTUW OBMXTXBT. tlBaie tin. Famllr lots ITS at one. Tbe only cemetery la Portland which per. rvia.ur BwaiiiB naa esres ror eons. I or mil inforsuittoa spplr to W. K. Msckeaale. Wot saster black, city. W. aL Ladd. president. Lewie A Clarh ana White Im. Clone, A M. I baker' or hoaaekeepers' flour. For sale by W. P. Mnlberon, 844. kaat Eleventh atreet. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. s. Brows to John J.- RHiweH at aL. lota 18 and IS. black 1. Laurel. wood I 309 Lewis Hatfield end wife to Fred noerner. Jot i, block 206, Holladay'd addltloa. . . a fun John Havllk sad wife te X. W. Hewntt, parcel use negmniag at earner aeetlons 88, 88, township 3 north, range 1 west j to Ana W. H, Knaa and wife to R. P. Freeman, lot f, block B. North lrvlngtoa 300 Dudley Evans and wife to Jobs F. Bnh- siana, lot 1 and north S of lot 11. , hlAAl, A T . . ' B,ji,u. e.e Jessie H. Harrington and wife' te FlVaa- oetu . Marrs, lot B, block 18, Bun- - e.iue a.iou Ethel kf. Bokrader and huetmnd to af. a. Roberta, tot 18, block 808, Coach addltloa 7! I Samoel Berk et aL te Beck Investment oaonaay, north 40 feet of lot 6, block So; let I. block 88, aad ether property, ov ,., i Security Seringa A Trust company to II, w. xrorsee, lot a. Bioca SI. WlllsmetU Heleht ... 1 4Sft lo A. Patterson and wife to Oeorge nconirner, iota s ana . e, Block a, MaDlrwood addition . ana L . Thompson and wife to W. H. nana, tots n aad 11 block 38; lot T. block 2B. North IrwIneKm . AM Walter N. Smith and wife to M. M. rpaoraing, lota s. a, T, 8, block 10, Blacktotone sddltlne .... 10 Axel C. I. Ckrlsteaeea gad wtfe to Port- . lang Trnet Company ef Oregon, lot S, block 86. Mnltnomsh 8.000 Mary P. Montgomery to the public, . , parcel tana Beginning at aoruwcal eoo m. kiA.b ee iiki.. . P. J. Ilassler and wife to' Hi ar lis' Ward! let 8. block 1. Mount Tahor Villa . V. IUt & Ayers sad wife to W. C. Tylsworth, lot A block A Howett'l addltloa 1 Jnllos Kraemer and wife te Security Bering a Trast compear, lot T and west 10 feet S Inches of lot 8, block A Rallraed Shoos addltloa 4.800 M. L. Hoi brook and wife so William . StrshlBMB, block 1, J antes Joha's ad dltloa AOOO tasries a. rrteeing ana wire to William J. Beard ley. lot 14, block 14, North IrvtngtoB 234 P. J. McOowsa A Bone te J. T. Smith, soath H of aoutbeast H of soatbesst i sad eonth H of southwest H of soatbesst 14 and sonfb H ef soatbesst " H of son tb west . sectVn 30, towa ebtn 1 north, ranee 8 -esst .. The King estste to Edward A. Marshall, lot 14, block 8, King's Bceotid addi tion j 3.880 Benedict Bermoser and wife to J. C. ' Buckley, lot 17. Taylor's anbdlvlaloa of section 8, tewnablp 1 south, range 4 esst ; . 8B4 Bobert Bedpatb to Nstb Bedpsth, aorth- weat H ot aortnweat sectioa 2, townshln 1 south, rsnes 1 eat Jsmes A. Robert end wife to Nathaniel Redpeth, north wt of oorlliweit U section 30, towasblp 1 south, range 1 east i Nathaniel Redoath and wife to Oregon Realty m lavcatment eompaay asms roK" perty r. ; .- n . 4. . w r.: ; . . . 2.000 u. iiengeveia to nanin ui tienge- veld, parcel land bcelnrrtng at north line ef block 81. I.lnnton '. 1 Juliette B. Pa rid and. kuaband to Mag I - dalena Marternd, lots 4, 0, 6, 7, block 4. Clifford addltloa 1.008 O. W. Taylor and wife to H. M. Bash- ford, lot 8. block. 8.' South Snenydde.: 448 W. Sweeney -to Elmer aVvMltebell. -'-4 Iota IT aad 1H. block 8. Klnsel Park.. 1.000 Edward R. Wlrts to Nellie K. Wlrta. . parcel land beginning IS feet north of southwest corner of James Powell's donation land .claim. section 10, towBshlD 1 soath. ranee 4 vest ...... 800 Jamb Oleger and wife tn Elisabeth Lena, esst 100 feet or north H of lot A block 48. Csratbera' addition 1.878 Bj Sweet and wife to Kste M kits In and 18. block is. King's sddlUnn a.ono T. B. MrDanlsl et at. to Oeorge B. . Oruber, lot 8. block T. Park View . . 200 trend A. Ball and wife to Oeoree H. -Clarke, lot 12, black A Second Electrtt atddlilnn 180 Mery A'eemebrea to Cbsrles B. Vermeh- trra, , sot s, tnocg a. rrainaaiar eddi- tbm ..... . '. ' 1 Benrtrtte Strelch to Ellaaheth Kelly. eaat 40 feet of lota 1 and A Qarrleoa'a snbdlvlelon ..... 4,400 O. Paop and wife te George W. Pvoe-i tor. lot 4. ia aad 1. block AS, city.. 1.100 William P. Jack and wife to (leoree K. Sl.ener.1 lots 1L 12 and 1A block 46. Seltwoed 1.440 Ed II. Wenner and wife to Jobs Hern. rick et !,, lot IS. block 8. Nortk Icr, OW W. M. Mmltlk to Inha it. Tit linger, undi vided H eg acnthwest ni el block B. - Alhlna Aj..J . ii 1 Harry J. Senate to r' j. Msdanta parcel . land beginning at lateraectloa ef f Unramlale and Market street, r. rHrii ,I.4T4 W. It rows to Kate Boeder. . bit 21. block 8. lenrelwood ' 100 J, B. Yeoa te Standsrd Box A Lamher .' . romneny, fractional block net w sea East Alaa and Aak attests, city 40,004 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Oeorge rbrorder aad wits to Maty F. Fneh, lot X. block Zt, Mount Tabor ' Villa SM Qeorse W. Brown to Msraaratts T. . T Aabhx, lot IT, block 4, Isurelwood Park 4 100 Albert Fehrenbaob to Frank B. Chambers "' ' Jr.. block 100. Caralbera' adilltloo.'. .. 14,000 Charlotte Vlerbae abd bnabsnd re k Anton Holm, lot a. block 24. Mortb fi J lrvlnston 10 Mr-MluMvllle rolleii ta, August Alonea, lot T, block 3, Mellwiod . 190 Ben R. Butt te August Alonea, Jot a, ' block , Hell wood w. 400 Joseph A. Pettlt and wife te . lot 10 and east H of lot 15, block 64, Sunnj. , aide .... 4,400 Amanda M. Brann and buaband to t hsrlee Porto, kU aad 7, block 10. Alblna .. 1 J, J.. Held and wife te Qregoa trtal A '. evlnra hank. ' lot 14. block 4. North ' Irvlnrtnn , MJ-J Oak Lumbar eompanr to flore albann, ' Int, B end II). hlnrk li. Northern Hill. eildltloa SCO Tbe Title Guarantee A Trnst company to Willi. m J Perrell. kta 14 and 1ft. block fi, Tllton's addition 1J00 Max Frledentbal and . wlfa to Caroline Horn, aouthwaat corner of lot 4. block 170. Couch a addition 6.800 Get roar Insnrsnce end be tracts to real aetata rroai tne I hi lenarantee m iroai compenr. 140 Waablngtoa atreet. eoraar lonaa. NOTICE. OFFICE Ulabnrslna Onsrtermaeter. Portland. Oremn. Jnne 13, luoa Sealed proposal In triplicate will be received here antll 10 a. m.. . Pacific time. Julv 3. 1904. for furnlahlnr 37S 'cavalry noraes and fl artillery horses (12 wheel, 10 lead or awing and 4 saddle) t4 Pblllppm Inlands. IUrey at - reMer r. ..ii., or oilier pnnninrnti r . u i Farther Information furnlalird at thla'oSce. ' T'nltea Stelea vmmmt mmm the to releCt flV accept anr or all bide, or any part thereof. anreiopes enoTatning propoaais - snoum - ne marked "Proposals fnr Carslrr and Artillery Horsea" and addressed to Alfred M. Palmer, kiaror-qiiarteraiaatsr, C. 8. . A., Plsbarslng wusrtennsatsff. . OFFICH .piSBDBHINO QUARTKRMA8TEH. Portlancf.' Or.. June 18. 100 Se.led in posals. la triplicate, will be received here antll 11 o'clock. Paclrfc time. July 3. 1006, for 2 075.000 feet of lorn her foe the Philippine 1.1. Ml. InCnBHatlM. f.nlaVl tTnl.ttl States reservse the right te reject er accent anr er ell bids, or snr pert thereof. En- vefnpes containing proposal ahonld be msrked 'Propoaala for Lumber for Philippine Islands," and addressed to Alfred M. Palmer, Major, QuarteruMster, U.' 4, An Disbursing Qnartar- maaier. NOTICE OP STOCKHOLDERS' MKSTINO. '- Kotlre la hereby given that the annual meet, big of the stockholders of tbe Midway Oil company will be held at tbe office of Ladd A Tllton. Portland, Oregon, at 8 o'clock p. n oa Wednesday, July 18. 190S, for the purpose ef electing a board of directors aad for tbe transaction of such other business as. may eomn nerore tne meeting. . v WILLIAM ai. WHIDUEN, Secretary. TTIR eanaal meeting ef Prlne-rllle Lead A Uventock Compaay, for the election ef a beard ef directors aad such-- other bealnese es may properly come before tbe meeting, win be held at Its office In this eltr. corner . Fourth aad Oak eta., on Jnly 8, 1 00. at 4 p. m. juEo frieue, presldeat. OTtCE To whom this may concern: After mia aay ana ante win aot be responaibie ror cents ana contracts Bade by my wire, sua, ax. a., xiooi. (Signed) B. H. BOOT. Jnne 38, loos. MEETINO NOTICES. WOOMa-rTSfef tbe World " Neighbors ) ef Portland Camp. Ne. ' loT, ai re- ejuested to esaemble at r in ter v chapel i tomorrow Sunday, July L at 3 p. m., to attend the funeral of eor late neighbor, M. Lind say. Interment at Rlvervlew cemetery. Nelgbbora of sister esmps cordially Invited to attend. JAMFB PI NBAR, Coo. Com. HERMAN BCHADB. Clerk. ALBIXA Lodge. Ne. 101. A. F. A A. M. Rpeclal eommnnlcstkia this (Saturday) evening, 8 o'clock. Work In B. A. degree. Visiting brethren cordially , Invited. By order W. M. A. J. HANDLAN. Secretary." M. W A. ETBROREB! CAMP. 8.400, meets Wednesday evealng, AUeky kldg, Iblrd aad Morrlaon eta. M. W. A., Oregon Orape Camp. Ne. 8.8TB, Mon days. ITtb aad Marshall; visitors welcome. LOST AND FOUND. FOt'ND A lady's watch, between MonntjTahor and Portland. owner erna aeecnptloa to R 68, care Journal office. ... FOt'ND Boat 18 feet latig, with nam oa oeca seat ex normaa. inquire a. weon, Oswego. HELP WANTED MALE. A HUNDRED Bremen and brakemea en Oregon, vaurornia ana etner rsiirosas; nge jo to ju, strong, good sight and heartng; experience nnneceeaary. Firemen A0 to 9100 monthly, become engmears and sent 4200. Brskeraen 470 to w monthly, become conductor ami earn $150. Positions swsttlug competent men. Send aramp for particular. Name position r. referred. . Railway Assnrlsrlon, room 14, ltfwfl Oeary at.. Baa Francisco, Cal. W ANTED Taralsbera. machine ' aad baaak binds. Orsjgoa mraltnra Mfg. Oa, Macadam . road. MEN AND WOMEN to leera barber trade la eight weeks; graduate sera from 416 te 628 weekly; ei pert Instructors; cat a logo free, Moler brstem ef Colleges, 88 Berth Fourth at.. Portland. 4ALESMRN WANTED For one et the largeet aurserlea la the weat j casta advanced weakly good territory open. Address Washington Nareery Oe Toppeahm, Wash. AGENTS WANTED to seU superior, hlgk-grsde aarseiy stock; eomplete eatflt fnrnlebed free; raah weefclyt write today for choice of ter ritory. Capital City bursary Compaay, Seism, Oregon. Union Hotel 81 NORTH SIXTH ST. Weekly rates: Room, 41.23 ap: room and .heard 44.60 ap. Anderson, proprietor. GOVERNMENT POSITIONS Young men wanted to prepare for letter-carrier and rail " wsy mall clerk. West Coast CrespondeBce : School, 248 Stark at. Opea evenings. WANTED 8 energetic, reliable salesmen tor rapidly growing real estate office, between . 2n yeere and 40 years ef age; ability and character tbe criterion; drinking men need . not epply. X 26, cars JonraaL WANTED Laborers te clear naderhrush In city. - Csll 218 Chamber of Commerce bldg.- WANTED Aa laduatrlnns and capable man In each county In th .northwest; steady ' position. W. R. Taylor A Co.. rooms 8 8 Labbe bldg. 600 YOl'Ntt men for firemen and brakemea on leading railroads: experience unnecessary; firemen get 41(0. brskemen W; rspld pro motion to engineer or eondeclor at double the salary; positions now opeit: Address near est office. National Railway Training Ass'n.. 7.10 Psxton blk., .Omaha, Nebraaka, I or 631 Ridge bldg., kanaka City Missouri. W A ?fTF.D-f!inrrlene,d' lislnnisn for lMa n fi lme mountain division. N 41, cars. Journal. WANTED Partner with 4600; office bmlneesj experience not necessary. 122H Orssd Sra., room Id. ( ' ' 40 A WEEK for men who- eaa gncceeafully ? resent a bnslneas proposition to tbe public. 06 Msrqnsm bldg. WANTED Competent man to take care ef cow, horses, gardes, etc. Call 406 Com- . mereUt blk.. -er ill Pretty man see. Mount Tsbor. . BEST opportunity la city for young man to leera barber trsde, with little money; first rlsss tustractloB. F. Spencer, 408 East Mor WANTED. AT ONCE Eiperlenced band tn rue wire sapper and tenter cloth; pay 44 per day; eteedr work. . Address Union Woolen Mills, Union, Oregon. W A KTED Toung mea to prepare themselves for bookkeepers end stenogrsphers.' Since Sept. 1 we have bad 476 applications from business mea; daring thai same period we have placed 434 la positions. Open all the year, day aad eight. We will place job In a position when competent; enroll now, Cetslogae. Behnke-Ws Ikrr Buslnese College. PIRFM8N and brakemea as Orearon and ether rallroaila; experience aaamsaary; gretnen 4100, become engineers and ears li"l 'anentblv: brskemen 678, become eortdrwtora .and earn 4100: positions swaltlng strong, . competent young men; stste age; send atsmp; Hiini position preferred, Rslln-sy - Ass's., bept ai, 18V4 User si Baa rrasclace. HELP. WAITED MALE. WAMTKD Btllora for tmwpe and Sootk America. Call at Bailors' Home. Second and Gllasu sis. i -v J ' WANTED fibtpptnt elerk and good ell-sround maai eee wiib ftpeeieace J a fruit and pro- auce beai inesa prrtejrrdL gnply Imawdlalelv kMdvVlri,l"i4 age, o.iallnca. iWriaut4. yaaaaea U, care lo tlons. aeUfr Journal, 4 la iiahp ee-enrrees in toe real eeisie J la Portland; kfm going te retire; will sell ai office Willi large rent llat and fine Hat " vt properties for only $2M te get out quick. Addreea U 81, care Journal. WAHTr.D Koergetlc. trastworthy man to work In Oresoa, representing Urge manufacturing . company; salarj 80 to 4" per month, paid weekl; expeuaee adrancen. Adilreae pltb stamp. J. . H. Moore, Portland. Oregon. KKillT clerk wanted at (U Nortk Blxth at. can at aacs HELP WANTED FEMALE. GIRLS tory. abonf 14 . AdpIv yeara of age te work In fac et one. AmeavIiarruvNevlUa FUU aad Davla sta. WANTED Yowng women te prepare tbemaelvee . for" book k re per end stsnogrspbere. Sine " Sept. 1 we have bed 478 applications from business man; during the ssme period we have nlsced 334 In positions. Open all the year. Isy snd nlrut. We will piece yon In a posi tion when competent; enroll now. Catalogue. Behnke-Wslker Buslnese College. HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY. 848H Wsshtna ten el, eor. Beveatk. apetabna. Phone Mala 2002. Femt.le kelp waated. WANTED Girls te make ills at TB First at. "Boas of All" GIRLS WANTED Oners tore to work oa ebtrts and overall. Leason given te Inexperienced. Apply at Standard factory No. A Grand ate, aad B. Taylor el THE HOME LAMES' AOENCT. Fvnule kelp furnished free to employer. Reglstretlon Free. . 10BH Fourth St.. apatalr. room 33. Main 8838. WANTED Help. Union La an dry Co., Second .sad Columbia. ' WANTED Olrl for brauowork. family ot A Corner East Bur na Ida aad 33d. Pboaa East T3A . WANTED At once, wslst and shirt-makers. Tbe Spencer Co., 126 Tenth et. WANTED Competent etrl. for cooking and Ceaeral houaework: family washing dnn by luodress; good wages. Call 1TB East ltk St. WANTED Olrl fnr cooking and light house work; private family. 308 Sooth 16th. sear Taylor. WANTED Tbe addreea ef-eome one who can - wash blanket and restore the nag, R 80, care Journal. WANTED Girl on sktrta for few days, v tm Alder at. i YOUNG, strong girl to as1st at geaeral honse work. lesrn to tske full ehsrge; 4 adulta. av Hancock at. Esst 16M. W A NTED Housekeeper fnr widower -With one child 8 yeere. Call eor. 20th and Wilson sta.. North Portland; take. S ear, get off 10th aad Vaughn ate. J. B. Lesals. WANTED A cloak woman ef expi good appearance. Addreea X. I. Journal. ' rlence of 76. , cars WANTED White' woman to cook part or all day. rnone Main ouia. WANTED Immediately, experienced woman for family laundry. 62 per dart regularly. Mon dare each week. 2304 Yamhill. Phone Mala 041a. 1 : . WANTED Young girl for llabt housework ; no - washing. ' Phone Peclfic 818. ' MALE AND FEMALE HELP. IP yon wish to better year position, either lady or gentlemen, of pleasant address, con genial manners, competent stenographer, responsible reference, can obtain a position at jnstlflsbie wsgee by applying at room A 14H First at., Monday or Tuesday at 8 a. m. . WANTED Good solicitor on a Catholic proposi tion; salary ana eommissioa. roone a ast 23a. ... - HELP wsnted and supplied, male er female. R. G. Drake. rH Washington et. pscine 1B70, SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. GEORGE T. MCBTON. 684 Chamber ef Com- merce. keepe books aad dees gfneral expert accounting easiness. Phone Mala 48SA JANITOR WORK, kooeecleenlng of all kind and waxing Boor, by day or Jos. Phone Pc1lle 2163. . 324 North 12th si J. R. Mill. , : HONEST, reliable young man of 18 desire posltloa where there l ensnee to advance er learn good buslncea. N 40, cars Journal. YOUNG man, 31 years old, needs position, any kind; can write and apeak tnglleb. trench and Italian. Address N 80. ears Journal. MAN and wife want work en farm near Port land. R TO, cere Journal. YOUNG married man, 21 years of age. knows rlty and understand Bocae, not afraid of work, woold Ilk e paying position. Ad dreea C J. Parmenter, S3 East Water eL, dty. RANCH fnremsa with long experience snd nod reference wianrs posltloa. Addree 30, care Journal. LUNCH cook, first-class (German), waata alts at Ion. Landenbach. BIO Iloyt el EXPERIENCED single men would like care of private place. Address B 4S, csre Journal. SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE WASHING to do' at borne, SOe doeen. rough dry. Apply nt Mrs. spanier, pw Mississippi .nMe " Mtl .1 Am . I WANTED AGENTS. WANTED Agents; something new; good eellsr; big wages. M McKay bldg. . BIO PAY to an sgeat ta esch county working for ths Investors' Golds. 811 Marquam bldg., . Portland. Oregon. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. THB Portland EmnhymBt Co.. 30614 Morrison si Phone Fadfio SS. BANSEN'B EMPLOYMENT OFFICB rOB MEN. 38 N. Second si . Phone Mala 162A BIO FOUR EM P. AGHNCY H.lp mpplled frea,! is nurra neeoas et-.'- rnene sxaia isia.fiYf nansssmgaasaawag 11 a lai gajnimasBasaassaanp l -WANTED REAL ESTATE." WANTED Iron ore, graphite or limestone bin. Mi or risims; ir yos ows or snow or nny isrge deposits of Iron ore.' graphite or lime tone le Oregon or Washington, and which rare for sale, send ssmples nnd correspond With II. t. Cbsrles, 827 Cumber ef Commerce, Port land, Or. WANTED Lot la exchange for emtlty ta er 7 -room boos, nose East B041. WA NTED Hour en easy terms. Mala SB6A sin commercial nix. WH WILL SELL yonr property, no matter what 11 1 or wnere aocstea. oena aeacription bow and wa will do the reel Investors' Gold Co., 311 Marqnam Mdg Portland. Oregon. STTtt'RBAN home, 6 to 8 room. Urge grounds. aaarsse i . c. usvis, euo niacastun l WANTED TO ' BUY On or tiro rood lots. north of Beech st. and t of Williams av. llenkl A Harrison, 217 Ablngton bklg. 1 Journal , Want Ads" ii amit to arsaTstooT' Anl by Ore 100,000 raopla Sally. WANTEDTO RENT. WANTKD TO RENT Hon see. soft gee. fists. lores, off less, rooming hoe sae, etc. Land- bird will do well to call oa PORTLAND TB' -4T COMPANY OP OREGON. Phone Bx. IX A B. Cor. 8d aad Oak. WANTED 4-atoyy building snltsbla to manu facturing purposes; about Btriiuu; atat loca tion aad rent. Addraaa M SO, care Journal. ViVTtn Hv lade. 1 larea a 1 small Mnfne. l'naiked room.: class, close-In, Tsii Tour mas St. aiaia eooo. . WANTED FINANCIAL. WANTED SAOO'se epea ap bow copper mine) will glre en extra good opportunity and hv ducement. Call la fureaoon Jonee' Book Store, 381 Alder et. " WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. a N. MORGAN, pioneer sprayer aad white, i washer. Call Eaat 6243, Remember the name B. "N. Morgan; II yeara ia baslassi la PortUaA . WB WILL BOY. SELL OR TRADE ANY 01.0 THIN'), WESTKttN SALVAGE CO, 827 AO) WASHINGTON. PACIFIC T8A WB WILL BUY year fnrnttor eny eld time. Westers Salvage Cs., 82T Washlagtoa at. WHO IS M. O. MOBOAN A Cat PAINTING, spraying and wbltewesbtng trees, basements, berne. docks, ete. largest gasoline spraying outfit en the cossl M. 0- Morgna A Co.7333 Union are. phone East 617. FURNITURS snd boasehold good. Doa't worry, lose time er mosey. . Joel pboaa Pa cific TDX. BOATS WANTED Llat roar boat, steamers, launches, bargee, bona host sad boathoases wltb na for sale ec rent. We have calls far them every day. Eaat 184. Mala 6666 Mala 4666 4TBNITTRB WANTED FOB SPOT CASH. PORTLAND AUCTION BOO VS. 311 First at. - Mala 6804 WANTED To bay bnttasbold fajrnltnre, ptete, for cash. Phone Pacific 326T. WANTED To buy medlnm-elard truck or low down wagon.. Crane bottle Co. Phone Mala ' 8288. ...... WB need 8 ensh register, 1 typewriter. 3 res. tanrant Onfflts and some money. . Weetera - Rslvsge Co., 62T Weahlngtoa at. WANTED Gentlemen's washing to do at 183 Bbermsn street, cottage rear ef 180. WANTED Child ander 8 yeara to board or snopi. roone ncott wwz. . AO. ores xuda nssi Eighth St., north, city. WANTED Iron ore. srsnhlte or. llmesrme land k or claims: If yon own or know of eny large aeposits ot iron or, grspnite or limestone in Oregon or Wssblngtnn, end which are fnr sale, send ssmples and ccevee pond wltb C. D. 1 nance, itji inamuer of commerce, rort. land. Oregon. WANTED Largs dty map. care Journal. Address t 18, FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT THH RICHELIEU UVk NORTH SIXTH ST. Elegantly furaished. steam heat gad baths. THB GRAND, " Mirth Third at., gentlemen ll.ffi per week aad an. ONE large famished room, enttsble for two gentlemen. BS3 1st Between Clay and Markel 8 LARGE rooms, 10 mtnntes' wslk to anion depot; electric lights, phone and bath. 8&& . . Benton. Phone Eaat 4434. - - FOR RENT Nice furnished rooms, cloaa In. Tb Rental Agency. 105H Third t.. room B. LIST your farnlahed end nnfnrelahed room with u Rcatnt Agency, ltu'k imra at., room B, FURNISHED moms, absolutely clean, eWrrlc light,.' porcelalB bath, telephone, mod era t price. ; aon loth al LARGE room, lower none; boosekeentng If de sired: modern, zbz ntn. near uunart-rm-tia. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. THB MITCH ET.L, Flanders snd Seveatb Roonw, honkceplng snd . traaaleati eea venient; prices reneoaabla. . LARGE elegantly fnrnlshed konsekcepmg rooms; rai range, running water. The Lowbs . dale, BOHH Alder, si LINDA VISTA Sleeping snd hoosekesplag rooma. 247 H Fifth at. 41.18 PER WEEK Lerge. clean, furalabed honsekeeplng-roome ; laundry aad bath. 184 Sherman. Sooth Portland. 81.00 WEEK UP. clean, furulehed houwkeep. rooms, with yard, parlor, laundry, bath, far .' Bac kest. 303H Stnntoa al U ear. 810 8 ROOMS, furniabed for bonsekeeplng , steel range; ga. 618 Seventh. Phwie-Maip l THE HALL. 414 Fifth Fnrnhuied bonaekeeptBg room. Tonrbits welcome. 4 FURNISHED bmekeolng-rooms; mod era; oa esrllne; price 410. Phone Esst 6276. DE8IRARLK suite; also large single mom, completely famished for housekeeping: every convenience: gss, bath, etc.; $10 and 413. 311 Sherman el 3 LARGR rooms, ' famished, rss stove; light housekeeping l Very centrsl. 271 Salmon st. 881 SIXTH ST. Two fnrnlshed bonsekeeplng rooms, 610; within walking distance. ROOMS AND BOARD. LADY would like to rare for child or two; motherly rare:, rates re aot) a hi. Inquire 844 Gantenbela are., Alblna. - FURNISHED ronma with board; rates reason able. 874 Morrison st. CLEAN large rooms, wltb or without bnsnl; electric light, bath, phone. 371 Salmon, opposite plena. - WELL-FURNISHED moms with beard; rates reasonable. 443 Jefferson. MOTHERLY rare of children at my home er yours. Csll 1228 Borthwlrk t city. UNFURNISHED ROOMS. " TWO UNFURNISHED BOOMS. 183 Sher man at. UNFURNISHED rooms; modern. 410 JeTfemm. FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES. orFICB ram, unfurnished and sample Apply sle- ., rooms fog real Geednsagh valor. PART of shop te rani suitable for pslntsff ct , plumber. , .808 Fourth St. OFFICB or desk room m tbs best location is the city; terma reasonable. - Apply at 122 h Sixth st, 1,000 SQUARE feet of floor space, cbesp; central, west side; all or pert nt above; fin light. Pacific 22DS, 13 m. to 1 p. m. . - TOR BENT. 414 monthly per loos nice tnrraosa,' good loeaiaoni gooii ror e. iw F. FI CHS, I4H Fh-et St. - HOUSES FOR RENT FURNI TURE FOR SALE. MODERN B-rnnm sons, cloee In, fnrnltare new, tor eele; ronma all eeebpted: owner leaving rlty; terms. L BO. care JonraaL - FOR RENT HOUSES. KAPDRRLY TRANSFRR CO., proV-t aad re liable plan snd furniture mover; sun stor aga. Phone Main lobA Office 110 (i. ThlrA THE CONTINENTAL OMPANY 2a STARK 8T. - INSURANCE. RENTALA BEE U8T. FOR RENT A modera T-room bona, 860 Eaat Sixth t., Soath. SSI WEST PARK ST. Very drilrebkv 13-remn reeluears. Inqnlr T10 Chamber Commerce. FOR RENT July 1. 8-room modern cottage, Kaat 8 let al, Kanllwof th, on Woods tor esr llne 14. - w - ;. FOR RBNT,-UStr1ctly modera T-mom Sst. 3S2V1 Psrk st. . Inquire W. T. Tutnef' A Co., 84 Front et. J'bun Mali 118. , A COTTAOR with 4 rooms doWnatalra snd 4 In tbe sttlr; also bath aad cellar; completed last fall; No. e0 Iron st., 1 . block from Grand are. and Dlvlalon at.: 810 per month i i no children. The Burrsll Investment? He.. )..., I 4irt l , . J. FOR RENT HOUSES. NEW and modern 8-room. bona. 8M Baa Bafssl, ner Union r j rrrr deslrsblsv iHU Hsa ck. phone East I486. FOR RENT-6-room; bath. 870 East rvipg St. Phone Esst OPT. FOR BENT. .318 FUt 6 rooms; sea. hot aad cold water: Ta3l Fourth al e cot la fa 4 rooms. Inquire 7 SO Fourth at. FOR RENT Cottage nrar Centervllle atatloa. Load Beach. Weeping toe. Phone Best 1VUA BEST bnerdlng-bouae In dty; IS rooms, gold otipertunlty. , Fred Vlereck, Beat Third and Ash. . . ......... SNAP IN THE RENT'LINB. house near Willamette station an T-room . - - hvww an. " in".' . i. ,I,IMI w St. Johns carllne. ene year Tor 6128. ' , 420 naontbatore aad llvlngoouM as Union gve.. N. , , - 410 month 8-room flats on Union sve. ' ' 414 eoonth 4-room flat -on Mlssbajlppl eve. M. B. THOMPSON. Pbooe Wood lawn 302. 848 Mississippi eve. FOR BENT Modern a-room eotuge en a sightly lot. ws Iking distance, weat eld. flA Apply Hsgsmaua A Rlanciiard, 81 Flftk at. FOR RENT 4 -room cottage on fterfteld eve.. one oners rrom t nion. inquire 101 Lowaaaaie, Phone Main 5170. FOR BENT 818 Cottage, 306 N. 10th . at. Phone Mala 8176, or rail AM Kearney, n - FURNISHED HOUSES. 6-ROOM fnrnlshed house m fine locality. AaiHv iit car service. H. O. Brown A Co., 647 Washington st. Pacific 800. . . : ... FOB BENT Well furnished boa.' room, oa 3 earlines; deslrsbls location. Phone Pacific 231. er Inquire T26 North rup St. BUSINESS CHANCES. WRITS aa quick about recent Importsat as velepments ef the Fin rat Antnmatl Switch A . nignai 'jo.1 say stork nemre nis aa I. F. flurst A On.. 80S McKsy bldg. DO not keep Kile money. A postal card will bring you Information bow to get the largeet returns on an absolutely ssfe Investment ef ', from 6100 te 4000. J. B. Bailey. BIT Lumber Exchange, Portlend. Oregon. FOR SALE Hardware store and balldtnga. doing lsrgs business; small town bat Isrge territory.: reason fnr selling, baatoeas Inter- ests eleewbtrei 44,000. Address N 10, ear FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP at a bar. '.gain, located a the heart of tbe greatest ' whest growing country la the world; county atat and only shop In the vicinity; only foundry In the eountvi.ehoo equipped with 'tab first-class tools; we DSBafactnre a specialty fr1 which baa a wide eal aver tbe weetera parte ef tbe U. 8. and Cansda; are doing a good bnslneas and Is tbe best opening la th nhole northweet for a machinist and molder; beet ef reasons for selling. C. B., care Jour naL -. COMPLETE ap-to-dsts 4-chan? barber chop, do ing good business.- Addreea roots 8, 133V Fifth l ' Phono Pselfle 88. STOCK companies incorporated. If yea have stock or bonds for ssle, let me try to sell them fnr yos. George M. Kellogg, broker, 640 Elllcott Square. Oaf fas. DO yos want to make asm money t Here It Is: A husineea mea ef ktghest reference will guarantee yon against km of an In vestment from firs) not to exceed fJ.OOO. If taken lesmedlatsly, kod yos should receive , 130 for rack dollar Inveated: thle la yonr opportunity. N 23, esre JournaL TOR SALE A flist-elsss ptnmhlng boslnes: bar other bnalnes aad wlab to retire. Ad ' drew H. L. Maratrra, Rosetmrg, Oregon. COUNTRY general tor for sale or exchange for farm or other property; all new goods, Isrge store building, electric llrhts. telephone; rent $2.1: retiring.. OOner, N 88, care JournaL FOR SALE, part exchange, complete drag (tort, os k fixtures, msrble soda fountain; tbe only drugstore In good live town: electric light end telephone; corner store; cbesp rent: good opening for druggist. Owner, N 88. JonraaL GROCERY STORB Beet R-atloa In dty, en Third si, doing a strictly cash business: dis satisfied partners: $4,000, cash or Invoice. N 43, care JournaL THB bomeeeekers' excursion to eastern Oregon, nrerlsnd, will leave about tint of July. Call 10614, fourth at., room 23, for Information. WHO MAS. MORGAN A Cat A MAN with 42SA rn buy half Interest la first-claee reel estate business. Cell et 184 Baraslda St., west end Barnsld bridge. NICE little bastne, cbesp; have two, must 'sell ene. Addreea B Tl, care JonraaL FINE chance for cook and reetsnrsnteur; rent free. I lot el Osbors, Grsad ave. and B. Ash. IS YEARS of sncrsse la tbs reel estate basrnese la Pnrtlsnd: am going to retire: will sell my office with larce rent llat and fine llat of properties for only 3230 to get out quick. Address R 32, ears Journal. 41T6 DOWN and term bnve a email rooming. 1 . ,W 1 f U 111- icif t ,, ,hw chi. r v, i .. . . ' ' J i . u.' ley. room SO, 227 H Waablngtoa et. FIRST-CLASS alonn. eant side: long lease, low rent; prir reaannable. rood rock. elegant fixture; Addree W 12. rare Journal, OOOD PAYING COUNTRY STORB. 42.000 will handle country tore la good location, with post and express office, clear ing over $100 monthly. If you wsnt ownev meklng store from 41.SO0 op to 420,000 I have them, F. FUCHS, 149t First at. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. BY OWNER, ene 6 and ene T-room new medera boo, 24th and Wasco, Hnllsdsy Psrk addi tion; lota for aal. Pboaa Eaat 10S6. R, H. Hlce. FOB SALE AT A BARGAIN , A fine stock rang, containing a boat 180) seres; all ander free; sitnsted near Rtae. bnrg, Oregon, en S. P, R. R.I thle la on of . the beet etock ranges In Iks country; I alee have eaother good stock rsngs containing 1,430 acree, which will be sold at a very loar price. For partlcmar addreea J. O. Buther. II n, owner . Borabarg. Oregon. FOR SALE Lot cm Clackamas St.. near lath will build to anlt purchaser, It desired. 664 Sherlock building, . WB hav enah buyers for vacant bnslneas prop. . erty en Union or Williams .; w wnt It at once; owner only. .COLUMBIA INVESTMENT CO., - "" Cor Atnsworth and Union av. I'hon Woodlawn ,226. BEAUTIFUL. 4 acreei Moatavllls. bandy te csr, fenced, cultivated, lots of fruit, beet ef oil; bmjo. Edwarda si Co.. 221 w Morrlsos l 43.000 $100 DOWN, balance monthly . par. ments New modern B-room cottage, -.loos Eaat Morrfaoa. A. P, Smith, 428 Washington. FOR cheep homes call np Eaat TI..i 42,200 NEW modera t-roora house cement besement. i full lot, frnlt . trees; Esst Holla--day addition.- D. Millar, T14 Chamber of "Commerce. - 4 FOR sale or lease, tbresf years' le on ground! the buildings occupied by Excelsior Planing . mill. East Morrison snd Seventh. Call st building or 684 B. Morrlaon. Phone Esst 2814. 400 BUYS a brand-new 8-room hotnei bath. toilet, run lot. ; 41.01WI bay tnotber good 8-room new bom -with-both, toilet,-tot ftOxIftO: only tequtie 4 loo essta. bslsnca $10 per month. - Fin 8-roemhome wltb new bern, 4 bits, all kinds ot fruit, overlooking city. I block from car; price $2,600; term. If yoq wsnt a nice little bom In a neigh' bnrhood where the lots now cell for the price, aak; It's en East 23d st. price only $7N. Brand-new . B-room bona and heetment for 41.300; only $104 cask, balance easy) pay rent to vonrself. $3,160 buys a new nn-to-dete 8-rnnm home en Esst 17th. 14 block from carllne fine neighborhood; (old ene adjoining the other day fur 42,800: It' also a oi. , F. J. STEINMET3) A CO., ' The Homeeellers. . leg Morrison St. 8-nooM i house; bath, basement, smsll ham. Chlckea-beuse; 3 est, besrlng rrnlt rreeo, ebsde. Sowers, grass; Union ave. rsrlln 2 blocks, nesr chorrh. school ; price only 42.300. H. C, Bsstham. 623 ( hsmbe ot Commerce. OOOD 6-ronm konee, In fine locstlon, , n Esst Ma I mo St., nesr BSt. osly $l,zao, en easy term i (be biggest snsp ever offered. ' . PATTKH80N A- STEWART. ' v looott Balmost st. 8-ROOM bons. full cement bssenMnl attic. lrr porcn, lawn, nnwnre, fruit, cniraen, lot inniiln, gear carllne, school and churches, $2.Ao; fart down, balanoa long ttase. Phone fcast PO rm wsnt a ale modera 6-roem bouse, on -,M MfM, ana. lneetl,M If , eell 002 Beat Aalmon. . Phone Bast 116A FOR SALE 8-ronr dwelling, ea Irving St., kl Bed ana tn. Address v aa. eenrnsi. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. 4 LOTS la Tlbbetra' Hotnestesd, lo to cnr. line aad doe mi 430 dowa. 48 monthly ; . , ' i ' a-roots braes, modern: corner let 80x100; let 80x100; , ; flret else j ly ea Broad- - - . roncrets full beseiaent. 4 stecles: ' plumbing: will tske lot part pay way; fj.aou. . ' Corner lot. lAroom flat aad a Aroom cot- tage; meatbly rent 480; ea wt sad,, does to carllne; $2,260. - lot SOxfiO.' II room bona; rent 413 per. month; I block from carllne. west elde; 7b0. Let 80x88. modern room houae.' en side, near carl In; term to salt ; rrat 416 per moath. . ,. v . 13-raom boos, nicely fnrnlshed. alwsrs fall; 860 per. month! real A ; foou cs.u, . la swell part of oily. m p Is 48x113; chicken rrd and houss: cement walks, ots.i Montavllla; 41,600; terma. . ' Corner lot 60100. Union ava. and Bcbnylet ate.. $1,000; a. good corner for stor er flat., Aroera house, saw. m etorles: 3 lot. Box 100; one corner rnvgnod conditio; $2,600. . ' W. W. EHPEY, ' -r 418 Commercial bldg., cor. 3d and Waablngtoa. TEN . scree, all la cultivation. A so Mea from of Portland and 1 mil west ot Clscksmsa . atatlen; fin spring wstrr piped to th lend nnder 4o-foot pressure. Price $200 per acre. ' ' Five acree at tbe ssme rete. Five acree 10 miles esst of Portlaad, I mil from 0. W. P. electric line. fin soil (nd easy' te clasr. $78 per sere. 340 acre 36 mile north ef Portland. 100 acre very sasy to clear, a boat 86 seres la eultlvsttoo, all -No. 1 land; price 420 per acre for all or part. Will give terms er might exchange for Portland pro pert. For parti ulsrs see , BBVER. ' - 1 404 . Et Alder treat. Phone East 481. FOR SALB CHEAP and T-snem kiussst ere; part cash. 870 Garfield ave.. Take, Weeding ear. Phone Best 864L HAVE esata buyer for lots is Piedmont; wnr osly. Phone WoodUwn 320. NORTH WEST LAND COMPANY. 306 Goodaougb bldg. , Geo. W. Turner..: t Ii. W. Miller. f ' We tnnaect general real estate aad brokerage beslness and solicit a share f your patronags. . . . , 41.300 NEW modern 4-room cottage at 88t Missouri ave., L car; term to eult. 40W ta year time le bay door, window. Boor. log and all kinds of building matsrlals at a bargain. Apply, to American Inn.. Pbon Fseine IOTA BOUSES botlt. any port ef dty, esey payments, 818 Commercial blk. Mala 4063. 8BLI.WOOD Lflrrs. 86 down aad 86 a nmnthl from $78 to $200. Sellwood Townalt Ce, H. P. Palmer, saaaaaer. Phao East 4704. BEST BUY IN SUNNY81DE. Fin, high, alghtly -corner lot 60x100 on Esat Taylor at., wltb all Impmvenwat psM. will be sold. If taken today. $700 PATTERSON A STEWART. ' Pbone F.aat IKM. 1000 4 Belmont si 41.600 CORNER lot 60x100, T-ronm konee, rang, bestrr. with some household good. . Inquire 1278 Barrage si, Willamette station. Or owner. , , FOB SALE 8 acre covered with -.cherry trees, 8 block eonth of Lents ivttenT'for plat ting; price $2,600, Mount fMl Real Eatste Co., Lenta,-. Oregon. . Pbnn Scott 2264. . HOUSE AND LOT. 311 13th t.. good hsrgsl. DsTldson A-Ward. Chamber of Commerce bldg. 1KB Esst Bide- Heal Ens re Co. for seat sll property. W bare 3oo farms for esle, from . ope acre as. eOT Hawthora ava.. sbeas Et 106T 4 ACRK8 en Penltunlst clear, level, cbesa. lgbtly. Owner. 806 Allsky bldg. . A KICB corner. Tor 100. at 36th and Broadway. FOR SALE Rig kargsla for quick ssle; Amen) ;. u Durban cottage, ground 100x100 feet, frail V . " and shrubbery; by owner. O. W. P. Tows. -Id Co.. 318 Alder si, la O. W. P. A Ay. waltlng-rovm. . , , - 4123 Lots In GARDEN PARK TRACT. V . '49 cash and $2 SO per month. 4 block from Unlvrrnlty Psrk Station, ,,. - High, level snd slghtjr. - ' Good neighborhood. ''' Correspondence eollclted. '" ' ' BEAVER REALTY COMPANY. . Phone MsIb 1. - 424 Lumber Exchange. FOR SALE Small 8-room house, 8 ' block from re? line, 41.000. . Inquire 44T Gsntsn. bela sr. SMALL cottage, lot 60x100, frnlt tree, hers. a"w m ira wasnns. eos Koaoey are. SPECIAL 4 lsrgs lots. Broom cottage and barn, nesr Snnnrsldn. 1 block to e,. a too . Webb. 6H0 Esst W sahlngton at. ' FOR SALE By owner, beautlfnl noma, weat elope Mount Tsbor; t acre ground. 6-ranra - bouse, bsrn; fine shrubbery nd hntboase log 18; choice fruit. Inqnlr st Mosul Tabar drugstore. , . 41.800 S-ROOM house, ill modern convenience. oincxs rrom aiaegiy June 1MB. inqnlr 1J18 Exeter St., Portsmouth. . A ROOM new modera home, on brock of Haw. mora eve.; tumsce, fireplace, j toilets, gsa and electric fixtures: corner kit 60x00; cement floor In basement: must be sold: liberal terma. STEVENSON. RROWN CO., . 110 Second t. ' ' -i INCOME 463. price $4,6003 storenmns. 8 . Ilvlng-roonia below, 8 living rooms abore; all convcairnce. Pbone Main 6641. Ablngton bldg., room 806. WILLIAMS A CAULE4. 300 FARMS, small tracts and lor: bargain ea w. w. r. electric line. . k. Aaaiton, Lsnax, Oregon. Tsks Mount Scott ear. Sc. TWO acre rm Rest 84th nt. st a bargain. nisi aw.-if kiiv i t;u., s 110 Secosd at. WHY nay another month's rent when wa can ell you besntlful 6-ronm new and modern cottage, corner lot 44if .with nice lawn, fruit end ahad tre-a; $250 cash, bslsn-s $26 month; price 81.800. Bea bur list of houses on Installmenta. ' H. W. GARLAND A CO., IPS Foartb St., cor. Taylor. , A QUARTER block on Hawthorne av.,. prtr tl.DWi iron., STEVENSON-BROWN CO,, v no Second t. PRACTICAU.Y new fi-mom boas. In Holla- -mom Boa, in Holla- - , x1oo corner, modern; 3 , I built on this ipisrlcr, I it; st bsrgsln If tsktu day ddltloo, on lOOxlis) mor nouses can os o making fins Investment; soon. WESTERN OREGON TRC8T .CO., 301 Stsrk St. ST. JOHNS SNAP. 18 lot on esrllne. near center nf Htr, will be eacrlflred al $.1,000; a clean $1,000 tn It at present low prices: -owner leaves for the east In a few day. Hagemana A Blancbard, 1 Fifth at. . BEAUTIFUL T-rogm konse wtlk nil modern Im provementss 3 kits koxioo, fine Iswn, ld walk: will '.sell oq reasonable es.ti psyment ' snd halsnce IK nmatffly. Take- Mnnnt Sent car to Archer' riace. A. H. Clare. T-R0)M new modem bouse on Mf. Scott line. one nwcB rrom car; corner lot luuxioo; price $1,600, on essy terms. ITBYSSWHHIIIIWn CO., iv second sr. , FOR 4ALE New 4-ronm house, modern llnl.h, , with full-sis basement, lot 60x100; ess maks terma. 1 101 Alblna ave. .-. . . , . , NEW up-to-date s,room boose';' full lot. esaf 'front: $.eoo: tsoo, bslsnc $2S monthly. Phouc Esst 6T6. ' $1.600 MODERN n-mom boon, doss m. Sunnv- side: owners tearing for the asl Hsgemsnaw A Bkincbsrd. 81 Fifth at. W'R will offer for a few days only an of tbs peat name ea tne esst stile, 20 mlnntee walk from th poatrfflce; nice nelgbhorhonl nd good view of th eurronndlng country t bone of 10 mom sd amlera tn every re spect ; bit 60x100. nicely Improved, if yon want this, come and learn particulars. N6BTH WEST LAND CO.,- . 806 Ooodnoagh bldg. 43.BOO BUYS a 10-mom honaa and fall lot en rirt et., easy, waising niaiauce. fan yo find a good a bargain tn th dtyt Hag msna A Blancbard. 81 Fifth at. WB da a general real aetata' and rental bosl. sees; we take full charge of proper t lea, se cure tenants, collect rents and overs. re pair; wo lldt your patronage for long or snort terms. - - 4 WEHTBRN OREGON TRUST CO., 301 Stark al I'hon Pacific 0M. A BEAUTIFUL lot on which to build your home. loth and t lay era.; mi price ror-a few day, lienkle A Harrlaon, 117 .Ablngton bldg. - aoxtnri CORNER on carllse In St. Johns fn . soiy $260. Uagsmaaa A Blase hard, l th st. I. ?l