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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 30, 1906)
7113- OREGOII DAILY jdURNAt, PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENING, JUNE S3, 18CJ. T CALpODDLED III iIIIEf Ycung Twirier pitched Good Ball i . until rinai nan or Last ;.. . Inning. . COULD NOT LOCATE ' ". J ' , THE HOE PLATE With Scr Agalnat Them Three to j One the Tigers Get Buoy and Rush : Rum AcroM at a Rapid Rate Story of Game. ' Fresno 0, Portland a. - ' " - Batterlee Fltsgerald and Daahwood; r Calif tr Moor .and Donahue. ; The Tlgere crawled up from behind ., yesterday, attacked Callff and Moor and won out In the ninth Inning, making ft v rune. Poor Calif f had pitched , eplendld baU for eight innings, but wae tired out completely -when the laat Inning alerted. He expressed the deelre : to retire,, but wae told to go In and : finish the game. '. Well, he did go In and finished the game ao far aa Portland . wae eonbprned and the local certainly saw their finish. Callff waa ao weak that he could not throw the ball over the plate. At tht time the acore waa I to 1 In favor of Portland. The first man up waa aour-faeed He- Laughlln. who' tore off a double. Thl 'unnerved the young twirier and la iia succession, intr aisposing 01 Delma. he ' passed Daahwood, Hogan and Fltsgerald. which forced In Mc Laughlin. Coleman; made a. mess of Doyl drive , andU Daahwood score. Hee - Charley Moor, took up .Callff a .unfinished business-end; alt Wolura on the craiy-bone. ' On thla ' poor shot Hogan waa forced, homeward , bound, making It three runs. Sweeny got 'gay and tried to catch Fltsgerald, threw badly and allowed both Fltsgerald and . Doyle to cross the home plate. This made It five and Fresno retired on two files. . . . The Giants mad a desperate attempt to rally in the laat half, but even with ; two hit to their credit Fltsgerald turned on full head of steam and the day waa done. . Portland's runs came In the first, third and fifth Innings. The fielding , honors of the day went to' Casey. The : story: - 'V' PORTLAND. tT , ? AB.R.H.PO.A.E. MoHale, cf. ......... .4 114 0 0 Swrnney, as. ........ 1 0 1 I t Mitchell, If t 0 0 t 0 1 McCredle, rf. I 0 1 t 0 0 Smith, lb. t 1 1 0 0 Lister, lb. .......... 4 0 1 7 0 0 Donahue, c . . . .. I 0 lit 0 Coleman, 2b. ....... , I 0 . 0 111 Callff, p 111 10 Moore, p. ..... j,. ... 1 0 0 0 0 0 McLean 1 0 0 0 0. 0 . .Totala ti I T XT 7 4 J . McLean batted for Coleman. ' '. , :.. , FRESNO. . :'. - Doyle, ct .,,.l.,.vl 1 0 f 0 0 , Woltere, rt ......... 4 0 0 0 0 0 Casey, lb. . ,., 4 0 0 1 6 0 Karon, ss. S 0 1 I I 0 MoUaghlln, If. ....14' 1 -I I '0 0 Del mas, lb. ......... 4 111 I 0 Daahwood e. .......... S 1 1 I I . Hnnn lh . a t a 14. a - . ........ w . v . . a w FlUgerald, p. t 1 1 111 .Totals . .......... '.iT 0 T 17 10 "? ' SCORB BT INNINGS. Portland . . 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 01 .Hits , ,t.,.i..t 11010 10 17 Fresno .. ; .. 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 10 Hits , . ......;.0 0l010 17 Struck out By Callff. 4; by Fltsger ald, 1. Bases on balls Off Callff, 4 ; off sirigema, . iwo-mm nits - caitd, ' McLatighlln, Donahue. Sacrifice hits jjonanue. nmitn. Htoien bases iaah wood, Hogan, McHale, Sweeney. Hit by pitched ball Woltera. First base ' on error Portland, 1 ; Fresno, I. Left on bases Portland. 0t Fresno, 7. In- ,- nings pucnea ny cauir. ih; ty Moore, ;' Tim of game One hour and 45 minutes. , Umpire Knell. , ALEC SMITH WINS . GOLF TOURNAMENT ' floomil Rpeclal 9m rice -Lake ' Forest. June 10. Alee Smith won the open professional golf tourna ment here yesterday, making the 71 holes in 2 strokes. - v The complete score for the 71 hole were: .... - Alexander Smith. Nassau, ISC; Alex ander Campbell, Brookllne, 110; Robert Taylor. -Minneapolis, 110; David Mcin tosh. Westward Ho, 114; Robert White, Ravlsloe, 114; M. J. Brady, Newton Cen ter, HI; Frederick McLeiod, Mldolthlan, 130; D. X. White, Algonquin, III; Percy Barrett, Toronto, lit; William Marshall, Onwentvla, 114; J. M. Sellers. Qlenvlew, 117; J. W. Watson, Skokle, 111; George Low, Ralfeisrot, 14; Jack Jolly, Arling ton, uug nacKDarxn, uconomowoc. .124; Charles H. Rowe. eBaver Valley, izs; Aiex koss, uraeourn, 310; R, F. Hunter, Midlothian, 111., NEW AUTO LAW WILL , : GOVERN JERSEYITES fJoarnal Roeelal arvlre!t Trenton, N. J., June 10. The Frellng huysen automobile law, paaeed by the , legislature last winter, will be put into effect tomorrow and th state authori ties ar fully prepared to meet with its ' requlremente and to enforce Ita pro visions, dreatlo though the latter may be, according to the view of many own ers and driver of horseless Vehicle. Every owner in th state has been re- - quired to tske out a new license, grant ed on the basis of the horsepower of ' the machine. , The license fees .will be applied fot highway improvement No .. com. rams ajt eovox its. ' Om BAT AJTS BXOXT. ; ,- T Fried Baaot Clama ......1B4 Fried Shad ...1i...... ....15 had mo. 0 Steamed t ZilOU Veek Olasaa ..20 Clam Boafiloa with To. ........ J(() Ohil ooa Oara .164 Baked Fork and Inu.,,, &i riokled XrfUnbs' Tonga,, , potato Salad ..7.'. ,-. .. .20) 1 Oodflak Balls, Oreasa Sano. ...... Hji Cora B ataeh, Pdaohed Bgf....l5 .BpagliMtt and Cheese, ItaUam.V..,. lfi Boramld Oalvss Bralaa x with Bgg ........204 WUH ............ Jiae? Coffee, Bread and Butter tM Potato wlta an meaia. Dining-room for ladles, ' - ' Try in mtnen xtesianraat eso aad vea U alaxyi I a jatioa. , IK1TII Itcenae haa been granted to any person tinder 14 yea re of age. The speed limit la fixed at alx to twelve mile an hour lncltle and 10 miles an hour on eountry roads. Arrests for" violations of th Isw may be made without war rants. Chain tires are prohibited except vara enow or ice mrm aa maa, - YESTERDAY'S RACING AT THE MEADOWS fined il Dl.oetf t The JesraaM Seattle, June 10. Result . at The Meadowa: - - - Five furlong Mtlsora won, Mr. F. Newburgh second, Katharine C. third; time. l:04. Six . furlongs Hersalnt won, Pure Wood second. Black Cloud third; time. l:lttu - Six and a half furlongs Rudabek won, Tellowston second. Jolly Witch third: time; 1:11. . Mile Duelist won. Caqejo second. Ba ker third; timi !:.: Mile Flo Manola won. Anired second. Pettliohn third: time. 1:44. Mil Boloman won, Ramus second. Canoplan third; time, 1:41. SHEEPSHEAD BAY TRACK RACING SUMMARY , .. .. (Joaroal goeeial errie.) New Tork. June 10. Sheepaheaf Bay summary: - Seven furlongs Melbourne Nominee won. Ancestor second. Lady . Ellison third; time. 1:10 1-f. Mile Brookdala Nymph won,, Bohe mia second. Content third; time, 1:41 I-a . Five furlongs Jersey Lady won. Tod. dies second Fantsstlo third; time, 1:01. The Thistle stake, mile and a fur long First Son won. Garnish second. Ormonde's Right tnira: time, i:sx -. Mile and a quarter Grenade won, Maxnar second; time, 1:07 4-. .Two starters. . . Belling, five and: a half furlongs on turf Solly M. won, Frank Lord second. Ben Strong, third; time. 1:01. i " ATHLETIC STARS WILL MEET AT CHICAGO 'Jamil Sjneeul bnln t Chicago, 'June 10. College and .asso ciation athlete from all parte of th middle weet atreamed Into the city to day to take part In the champtonahlp meet of th Central association. A,' A. U. With a field of several hundred en tries, including th cream of th track and field athlete of this section, it Is confidently expected that oaet or more records will go by the beej-d before the final event la pulled off this afternoon. PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE. ' 1 1 ' " ! " Won. ' Ixet P.C. San Francisco ........41 17 .711 Portland . . ....... rrm rr tt Los Angeles . ...... .11 ' IS .541 Seattle ." IS ' .444 Fresno . ........ .,...t4 -43 .151 Oakland . 21 41 .11 . ' And OaklfVd Wins. ' (JeeraK,gpeetal Service. ) -Oakland.. Cel., June loi The locals held a batting rally in the ninth yester day and won out' Score: R H E. Los Angele ...0000000 10 I ' t Oakland . ......000100001 4 0 1 Batteries Burns and Eaarer; Graham and Peralta. Umpires Hod son and Mo Donald. , , - Seala WU la mtb..w fftrejat rMfvateh te Th JoeniaL) Seattle, Wash., June 10 The - Seala won out in the tenth Inning on the lo cal' error. Score: R. H. "BL Seattle . 010000100 4 0 I San Franclaco .101000000 1 I 7 I Batteries C Hall,- Blankenshlp and Hansen; O'Brien, Hitt and Wilson. Um pire Perrln. , ' AMERICAN LEAGUE. .Won.. Lost. P.C. Cleveland . .' ,. ,17 , ,14 .407 New York . II ( 14 -.400 Philadelphia. 17 25 .507 St. Louie .i 11 2 .515 Detroit , , 12 ' i .g2j Chicago 11 "tt .617 Washington . . 12 ' II .147 Boston 14" 44 .261 At Detroit. . R.H. E. .......7 8 Tl Detroit . . ..... St Louie . . 10 4 Batteries Donohu and Schmidt; Powell and Spencer. -"' ' ' At Waaalagtoa. -- " - First game -. R.H.1B. Washington .. ........ t .... i .. .6 IV 1 Philadelphia . . 0 ll 0 Batteries Kltson and Hsydon; C oak ley. Bender and Schreck. Second game R. H. R Washington ' ...4 11 I Philadelphia ...6 7 1 Batterlea Patten, Falkenburg and Wakefield; Dygert. Bartley, Bender, Powera and Schreck. ... . At nvla. . i - R.H. B. Cleveland . ).......... 16 0 Chicago . . . 1 7 1 Batteries Townsend and Bemla; Walsh, Owen and Sullivan. . At Bew Tork. R. H. B. Boston.. i............ 4 1 4 New Tork . ,.1 II I Batterlee Dlneen and Armbruater; Chesbro and McGulre. , . NATIONAL LEAGUE. Won. Loat P.C; fhlcago . . 45 20 .412 ew York i". 4...41-" 11 . .447 ittsburg1 i . 40 20 .447 Philadelphia J..34 Cincinnati .. II Brooklyn . . ......... .26 St Louis ...25 Boston i . .....21 II ,'. .507 If , .400 If, .lit i ' .171 44 .111 . At ThlladalpbJe. R.H. E. Brooklyn 1 I I Philadelphia . . ( 7 0 Batterle Scanlon and Bergen; Lush and Dooln. . - At Boatoa. ' rL R.H. E. DOStOTi evTl, r ( s s J New York , I 4 4 Batterlee Young and'Needham; Mc Glnnlty and Bowerman. Umpires Email and Conway. At at. Koala,' R.H. E. St.: Loul I I 0 Pittsburg 6 10-1 Batterlee Druhot and Grady; Willis Ond .Gibson. Umpire O'Day. NORTHWESTLEAGUE. ', ' At Ahardera. ; 1 ' R. tl E. Spokane .. . . . . .0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 4 I Oraya Harbor ..01120000 4 7 1 Batterlee Rush and Bueae; Tonnes eon and R. Boettlger. , At Taooma. '.' Tscnma . :'. ..... 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 7 4 Butt.. .... ,tl 000 1 0 0 1 1 4 7 1 Batteries Finney and Shea: Toren and Swindell. Umpire Derrick. ' Democrats, Attention. ' " All Democrats are Invited to th Jef fersonlan banquet next Monday evening. No written Invitations ar - being ex tended to any but speakers, but all Democrat will be waloem. Th4) OSMrg will b fl fir put. . 8P0RTIIIG GOSSIP OF TI1E-DAY Every Line of Sport Touched Upon for Benefit of JourV . nal'i Readers. , alice AniTnick; wire 4 . about their visit Tom McCarey Haa Not Yet Taken Poaaesaion of Lo( Angelea Nine Peter Lohman'a Estate Waa Valued at Severity-Five Thousand Dollars. T- - Nothing definite baa been don by Tom McCarey in regard, to th proposi tion mad to htm by th league effloiale to take the Loa Angelea - franchise, McCarey and Gilbert Mead, will hold another conference in a day or two, and In the meantime the fight lmpreeario will look into, th offer thoroughly. Meade waa cent south with order to get McCarey to handle the team or to Incorporate and sell one half of the stock la Los Angeles. . - Th league officials Bert Ewlng, Agnew, Evans and McCredl promised to take the other half. If McCarey doea not take the team Meade will probably try to interest J. B. Lehigh, rhe- Awner of Chute park. In th francMsi.VW!rh Lehigh aa a magnate the- team would not need to worry about ground In th future. Whatever happen Loa Angelea will hav th league baaaball for the remainder of the season, 'either tinder McCarey, Lehigh or under the auspices of the Paclfio Coast league. , - e e j '" : The Grecian games of today- seem p be shoe polishing and hat cleaning. e Special From Alice and Nick 1 am Very much, pleased with England." said the husband-ln-law- of -Alice Roosevelt "In fact I am particularly gratified to find that it la not nearly the place America la. - Your canned meat is sot half aa bad aa ours; your trusts are not as powerful as ours; your public graft la a mere pittance compared to the great American boodl aystem. - I think it 1 foolish to travel anywhere. I have aeen more foreigners In America than over her. I went to th A soot races and had a Jolly time. I admire espe cially your betting system. It is dlf ferent from the American aystem. In that over home th public win some- times. -. The races were good. I saw two horses go under the wire in a dead heat. I suppose that waa an Aacot tie.' -.1 ' . Jimmy Collins say ha will hav some new blood ion the Boston Americana In a fhw-daya. Jimmy must be going to take a fcunch at aomebody. ; e . e . . : ' Pete ' Lohman'a ' estate, appralaed at. $75,000, mostly-in real estate, has 'been taken out of the hands of his wife and placed in the care of a trust company. Brothers of th well-known player went into court and eatablUhed the fact that Mrs. Lohman waa an Improper per son to act as guardian of th property. It waa ahown that her hablta were not the best, and besides, th family phy alclan apent a great deal of hla time at Lohman'a home even before h waa sent to the asylum to mend hla ahat tered mind. Lohman'a brothers sought to be appointed custodlana of the estate, but the court thought they would be unfair to th wife, inasmuch, aa they had been antagonists to her In the court proceedings. Appointing the trust company guardian waa aatlafac tory to th Lohman brother and also to Mrs. Lohman. . - e Frank! NeB la- doing very little box ing at hla training camp at Santa Monica in preparation for hi fight with Abe Attell July 4 for the feather-weight champtonahlp of th world. W don't want to take any chancea of an Injured hand at thla stage of the game," his father said, "and so we have cut out boxing. , He don't need atrenuoua work to make the weight, because ill pounds ringside la a cinch for htm, for h 1 a trifle under weight now, and we want him to come Into the ring etrong and aggressive. Before this fight goea five rounds Abe Attell will realise that he Is VP agalnat the toughest boy In the world." , e e Eddie Graney haa secured the skating rink on Fierce atreet between Sutter and Post, In San Francisco, for the Nelson-Hermann fight The rink la 275 by 117.6, and he figures that it will be large enough to accommodate any attraction offered. He haa the monthly fight privilege, and hi contest will take place In thla building. . Th Chicago American did great work against the eastern teama In the series Just closed. v.; e The St Louis Nationals made a Tory poor ahowing on th eaetern circuit. e - Frank Klllen. the veteran pitcher, ia umpiring In the Pennsylvania, Ohio and Maryland league. - In intercollegiate baseball, Princeton la the undisputed champion of 1101. The team won II games out of a aeries of 11 played.' i : . If the Cincinnati Reda had one or two good alab artists they would be giving the leaders a hard fight Just now. . e e . It looks aa though Dea Molnea would be "It" In the . Western league again thla season. , e e "La Crosse, Green Bay and Freeport ar having a great tussl fdr honor In th Wisconsin state league. " v ' John Hoey and William Corrlgan of Holy Cross and Jama Morgan of Georgetown university have Joined .th Boston American. v.: ; : Of Your straight game won by th Whit Sox from th Boston Americana, Nick AUrock pitched three. The Way to Travel. ..Th road that givea yon the servlc should be th road to travel. Th Can adian Pacific not only boasts of furnish-In- th vary beat service, but the acenle attractlona are unquestionably without parallel. Tour Itinerary can b ar ranged ao that vry foot of th scenic portion of th lln 1 viewed during day light Th chief attraction ar th Fraaer canon. Valley of the Illeclllwaet Albert canon, the Great Glacier of the Selklrka, Ottextsll range and Canadian national park, all of which go to make up the grandest panorama of mountain scenery In the worldi .For deeorlptlve matter and full particular regarding rates, ate., call on or address F. R. John son, F. and P, A., Portland, Oregon. , Tee flek reenlt a STeat Ool. TO SHUT PRIHCESS T cor U IT Don Carlos, Spanish Pretender, Trying Again to Separate El vira and Lover. FATHER SEEKS FORTUNE POSSESSED BY DAUGHTER Difficult Time Perauadlnr Young Woman to' Enter Religious Life Motto la Everything la Well Loot . for Love and Carries It Out: ; '- (Jcmrnal gperUl Kerr Ice.) ' f Rome. June 10. The report that Prin ces Elvira, daughter of Don Carlo, haa been persuaded to qulf Count Fllippo Folchi. the married J TttaTwlt whom ah eloped 10 yearafago and ri, enter a convent, ha been the stapla of gossip thl week. The reliability of the report is questioned by many, but thl perhapa I due to the, fact that similar reports have been circulated before and have el way e turned out falsa. i It 1 known, however, that theSpan lah pretender would mov heaven and earth if he could put hla daughter In a convent and It la not -at, ell Improb able that he will at laat eucceed an tola efforts. In seeking to bring thloieheut Don Carlo ta not actuated by any feel-; Ing of solicitude for his daughtra moral welfare. . What ha la after ia to retain possession of hsr Immense for tune, which he would be able to do If be entered a convent for Ufa. ' ' - Supported by Pop. - In hla efforts . to break the relatione between Prlnoasa Elvira and Folchi Don Carlos haa received the etrong aupport of the Vatican authorities. Hla other daughter. Princess Masslna, haa alrt been active la hla aid, and the fact tht.. Princess Elvira la now staying 'with Princess Masslna in this city tend to substantiate the report that the run away princess haa finally decided to quit her paramour. At the time of the elopement the Vatican was thrown' Into a ferment Folchi' 0 uncle, 'the cardinal, sent one of the most prominent mem bers of th Jesuit eoclety to aee and persuade th prince of th folly of her way. Th, Prinoe Masslna also triad to persuade, her elater "Vivy" to go into a convent .'But It waa. a difficult plan to carry out. Princess Elvira Is the one member of the family whusa ra- llgloua views hav been lea bigoted than thos of th rest of her kin. Her motto Is, "Everything 1 well lost for love.'' And sh carried It out After the elopement Don Carloa loet no time In disowning his daughter. To hi supporters h issued the following letter: "You are my family, my beloved children. I therefore think. It my duty to inform you that another of my chil dren, aha who waa Infanta Donna El vira, Is dead to us alL May God In hla Infinite mercy have pity on that un happy souL" ' Wasted Star Money. Don Carloa' alacrity to - disown El vira aa soon aa the elopement became known brought v out - considerable ad verse comment from, thoee who' were acquainted with hla clouded past It waa not long before the motlvea of the pretender were disclosed by the lawault which Prince Elvira lnatituted agalnat him for reatltutlon of her right under her mothera will. Don Carloa, who make hi horn in a auperb palac in Venice, la renowned throughout Europe for hla extravagance. Though hi pri vet fortune la lmmenae, ao alao are hla expenditure, nd th incom from hi daughter' large . fortun undoubtedly would come In handy to him. The dispute over the fortune ha never been definitely settled and will not be until Don Carloa aurrendera the money . or succeeds in his designs to force hla daughter Into a convent The princess Is perfectly well acquainted with the motlvea of her father and if aha falla into his plan It will be a aur priseto her friends. It is stated that the princess haa consumption In the last stage, and If thla la true It may offer aa explanation for her decision to retire from the world. HEBREW RABBIS IN ANNUAL CONVENTION - (Joernal ftpeetal Serviee.1 Indianapolis, Ind.. June 10. Many prominent Hebrewa are arriving for the eventeenth annual meeting of the cen tral conference of American rabbla, which la to convene In thia city tomor row for a aeaalon of fire days. ' Some vital questions concerning the status and welfare of Amerioan Judaism will be discussed by the conference. Among the subjects to be presented will be "The Reform Movement aa Reflected by the New Hebralo Literature." Rabbi Max Ralslnt "A Study of Immigra tion, With Special Reference to the Jew," Dr. David Blausteln; "Religious Work Among Jewish Inmatea of Insti tutions of Charity and Correction," Rabbi Adolph Radln; .The Centenary of Samuel Holdhelra." Dr. E. G. Hlrach; "The Teaching , of the Adolescent," Rabbi Adolph T. Oodshaw. The officers of the conference ar: Honorary president, Kaufman Kohler, president of the Hebrew WTlege, Cin cinnati; president Dr. JoVeph Stole, Chicago; vice-president Dr. David Phil tpson, Cincinnati;- treasurer. Rabbi Charlea S. Levi, Peoria; recording secre tary, Rabbi Samuel Hirschberg, Mil waukee; corresponding secretary, Rabbi T.. Schanfaeber, Chicago. PLAN VACATION NOW. "potter" Ooee oa June 80 Low Pppet Columbia stiver Bate, . June 10 the "T. J. Potter." the popu lar O, R. N. eeaalde excursion steam err makes ita first trip to North Beach, touching Astoria going and returning. Very low excursion rates now la ef fect ' Delightful outing trip may b made to upper Columbia river points, th new local O, R. N. train leaving Union station at 1:11 a. m. dally and return ing at I p. m. the came day, making It poaslbl to spend a day at any of th point of Interest along the river be tween Portland and The Dalles. Very low rates in effect . For partloulara about the summer re sorts aad trips aak at Third and Wash ington streete. Portland. C W. Stinger, elty ticket agent . " Special Sleeper for Elks. ,On Saturday morning, July 14, th O. R. N. Co. will run a special stand ard eleeper, Portland to Denver, by the way of Huntington and Union Paclfto, for the Elka, account the annual con vention of th grand lodge of i Elka at Denver, July 17, II and II. ., Preferred Stock Owned redY ' eUleu A Lewi Beat Sraad. , ' " "A ' " ' . ' ' ' ' " ' ' ' il ' Tv i f J fc-1 . W v-v i . . . . . . , .v , . .-. MOYER -A " -ev. MEN'S SUITS the best you ever saw. They are the equal of v those in up-town stores at $15. Come in and let us show you. ; -! ' ' " - ..- ' .. . " ' The Ideal and Beautiful h Wall Covering 1 Tint your walls with GYPSINE, getting beautiful effects and sanitary conditions in your home. i , GYPSINE is not one of the many ordinary kalsomlnea with :: which the market is flooded. v f - GYPSINE is not stuck on the wall with animal glue. .GYPSINE comes ready prepared to use by mixing whh water and applying with an ordinary wall brush. Practical painters and decorators are much pleased with the workings of GYPSINE. . i ' Buy GYPSINE only in - five-pound packages properly ' labeled. Full directions for applying on every package DIAMOND WALL FINISH CO., GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. : 'Fo Sale by , 'i !.; T::':' v RXSMU5SEN & CO. w Second and Taylor Sts., Portland, Ore. lO; D AND OAK M Taa Jowaal ' . r. . - s ; -. '.T -1 AS