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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 1, 1906)
you a: Gasoline and Naphtha Tanks, of Union , Oil- Company Near St. ; Johns Blow Up-Watchman Is lar Rre: Follows Country Roused At midnight lsat night the tanks of the Union Oil company, located on the ; waterfront at Portsmouth, .exploded with terrific tore, setting fir to tbe conv panja office, the trestle work and rall - road tank ears a land In on a sidmg. ' On man,. Leonard Jaque, tba watchman - at tha tenka, baa not boon aeon sine th explosion, and It la feared that ba , lost his Ufa In tba disaster. .- Tha cause ef thT explosion u not known. Exactly at midnight a ter rific explosion shook tha ho usee near the tank a, awakening peopla and hurl ins aoma from their bed. They rushed from tb houses to find the tanks End buildings surrounding them a seething mass of flames. . ' Bmoks was shooting; over a hundred feet tn tb air. Within a few minutes after the first explosion a-smaller tank exploded, adding; to the terror of the scene. A largo crowd collected quickly to now the spectacle. rtrsboss sat to Seems. A call for aid was sent to the Portland fire department .and- tbe- flreboat was Immediately ordered to the scene. One that-, it trained streams on surrounding nranartv. maklna? an effort to aare tha J kaMlroad spur trestle, tb tank ears -standing loaded upon It and tba bridge running from tbe waterfront to tha bill and carrying the pip line of tbe Stand ard Oil company, which" has monster - tanks within-J00 yards Of the of tha other company." There was oona id arable danger of tb fir being communicated along tha pipes t tb Standard tanks, . bat, through 4erWork of tb fire boat '. crew this disaster wa avertsoyH-;.,,.,-'; ' .Oampasn '0aWjJaelW; - Fire Chief Campbell ,i tb Portland . department dttre to ths seen in aa " automobile' and ..took' personal charge of ths 'fir. - 'He compelled . tb crowds viewing the spectacle fo remain on the hill. It was feared that another larg tank, standing within 0 feet of tba first .which exploded would explode in turn. It was found later that this tank was nearly empty. It exploded at 1:0 o'clock, but tb shock was hardly per ceptible, r- Tb wife of Watchman AsQue was upon the scan soon after tha axploaion, asking lit -vein for news of her bus ' band. Hs had ot been seen by anyone after ths explosion occurred. Tbe heat .trom the firs was so Intense that no one oould approach bear enough to the tank t sss whether his body could, be found there. It is supposed that he perished when the tank exploded and .hat his body was consumed. " A fortunate circumstance was that when the tank exploded the top wes blown off and 'hurled high In tbe air, but tha sides remained -intact, thereby t-rmnnjng K ""lnl " th- tank OSHKOSH III (gpretal tMapatch to Tea YsaraaLt Oshkoah, Wis.. Juns 0. Ths four wRnssses brought to Wisconsin from Oregon failed to show reasonable cause for holding the five Oshkosh men charged with land frauds in Oregon, and they wore discharged. The letter are Leender Choate, James Doughty.. Ben jamin Doughty, J. M. Bray and Thomas Daly. All ars wealthy ex-lumbermen and present bankers. The Oregon wit nesses are Henry J. Cole of Xaekaon county, and Jefferson Howard. Butler T. Helman and Bumner Parker, all of ..Jkahland. . '.. THAW A Claims Earth Was Rid of Animal Dangerous to Future of America by Murder of White. (Cbvrrtett ftaaM Raws aulas, by Leased Wire te The JeamsLI New Haven. Conn.Jun When th best Industrial Interests of Jamaica wars Jeopardised by sn animal which in sinuated Itself r-tnto tb heart of ths young fruit rand destroyed it before it matured, the government sent te the ' East Indies and imported the mongoose, - foot only did ths mongoos kill ths I - fruit enemy, out n aiso MiHisirang fapf ths cobra and other poisonous reptiles V from Jamaica..; . L'l:'''-i'L Harry Kendall Tnaw ana . xn Tr rsnova girl might sach be oalied ths human' mongoose. " They killed, but in the Interests of .society. Both commit-tA- tnrAmr. but both rid ths earth, of MissIng-rSpcctaca- whole by the Shock. Had tha sides been blown oat and tbe burning oil been allowed to now out side the trestles and loaded tank ears oould not bar bean saved. Maw Boof of TaaJt ralL , V. U Cats, watchman for tha Stand ard' Oil company., whoa tanks-are sit uatad about loryertarfrem tfinss be longing to the Union company, was leaping tn tbe Bouse provided by his company, and was thrown from his bad by the force of the explosion. He hur ried from ths houaa and saw tb roof of the tank falling in biasing pieces. Tb oil Was biasing and ths smoks curl ing upward, in hug) eloudsv-Ha at onos began a 'search for J aqua, but was un able to find him. - Tba largest tank, which was ths first ons to. go, was about 19 feet tn diam eter and bad a capacity of ST.000 bar rels, although at ths time of ths ex plosion - contained only 6,000 ' barrel a The other tanks caught fir at 1:10, but dtuHoreontaln much oil and did not explode: ' i ' ' ' Tire Tag Boss: Oood York. , Tha fir tug was seat to ths scene of tba firs and did good work tn ear ing a number of oil ears on a aiding connecting witn tn tanas, in iwu er WhltUer which arrlred but a few days ago was lying alongside at tb ttm sf-tks explosion but was Im mediate! nulled out Into tb river and was saved. : Other ' vessels . passing In ftba at ream war kaot to th wast ah ere so ss to be as far ramovea xrom m danger as possibl. tf. v if- ' L Ther Is n; Uw to th causa of tb explosion and tba omy en ,tat aa so assigned Js that laoos. Ibewetciunan. went n aa inapectlon trip1 of ths Unks with his lantern.- This thoasen. em ployed In ths TtcltHty a ay. was entirely unneceseary because of the fact that ths tanks, ware Uchted by alactrlclty. Practically the whole district from Albina to Bt, Johns and bey on! .was sroased'Wben tba tanks blew up, and ths i shock broke hundreds "of window panes. Panio-atriokoa people rushed half dressed to ths strsst, thinking an earth quake had atruck tba town. People who has been through the Ban Fran cisoo disaster ware the most frightened. On the West side of the river ' the shook was fslt In a few places, but net generally. It was not noticed down town, but back In ths resldeno districts several felt It. In th .neighborhood of - ths city park it was reported the buildings shook. At Thirteenth snd Hsy streets, several people were roused snd dressed snd cams down town. Tbe largest tank was valued St 110, 000 and ths smaller onee were plaoed at 5,00. Tha value place a on the u- i tMoa. fi ESCAPE TRIAL Parker Is a Isnd huntsr and has been Indicted aa the alleged agent of the Wisconsin parties. He went on the stand voluntarily and swore that he never had any relations with the Oshkosh parties during ths tlms and regarding tha (and named In the Indictment. The other witnesses testified that they bad en tered the lands described tn tbe Indict ment at the Instigation ef Parker and for a cash compensation, claiming that Parker informed them that he was act ing for Oshkosh parties snd that all th (Continued on Pag Four.) HUMAN MONGOOSE - aw x v 1 lv. 'A II , . JIarrjr Kendall Thaw., 'v'.. - PORTLAND, OREGON, j SUNDAV ;.: MORNING, JULY, ilSOC.P'OUR, SECTIONS rFORTYrEIQHTP PAGES. -'V",:lt-'"-' - (Special Dapateb by, Uaaaft Wire Tss Joeraal) San Francisco, . Jftfas -30. "In my private life I rn as kind hearted at the next man, but when it comes to a matter of-business ice-water runs in my veins. I'm .in California to save every permy l-cxn for my company; I am going to get everything the law Hows me." This statement, according to E. Myron Wolf, insurance' commissioner of California, was deliberately made by an adjuster sent to San .Frtncisco TF6mTheXfTahtic coasnneTThe greaT fire. - And it is this attitudsr-in ths opinion of Mr. ' Wolfe,'TthalTlM made the names of certain hitherto re spected insurance companies synony mous with dishonesty. "What is the insurance situation r" Mr. Wolf was asked today. He an swered: "There if a tremendous fight on for the plain rights of the people. On one side are a certain number of insurance companies, how many I cannot sy now, and on the other are the men and women whose ; money those companies have accepted for years, in return for assurances of pro tection in case of fire. These two bodies have engaged in a desperate battle.- The companies to, save, by means fair or otherwise, every penny possible, the people to get what they nave paid for. dangerous animals, reptiles more' poi sonous than ths deadly cobra, and crea turss more destructive to the .future Amsrlca than any four-footed beast or serpent known to ths Jungle or the so. - Stanford White probably began life aa a vsrlle youth of artistic tempera ment, handsome physique and persistent ambitions. He coveted suooaes, tame and wealth. ' Hs won all three, but In the Winning h lost those Ideals which undoubtedly accompanied him te the altar when he married th mother, of his son. Few men oh the day of their marrtags Intend to lead Shameful and dishonorable lives. -While Whit conquered circumstances and -overcame H tne esewcies wawa life throws tn ths way -of ambitious youth he rauea to.eoouuer nimeeii. ne Indulged to excess these - appetite which Ood gave man te Indulge la moderation. He excited this blood by unnatural stimulants snd over-spiced foods, and hs attowed his ertistto and lM.x.a fmaalMtlM-- full UoenS. snd looked upon every woman whe poa- sssssa nauy or ciwqi .m.v. rat looked upon t he luscious young CI ' Store Saogwema Than tpe - "When, any man f caters anappaUte for 'otmtlnuoba changing feaat of Innooene, when th lov of. many women becomes hia reeraation ana . nis wnBpfnwni - m tmm' af UUum. ba IS morally I dla CALLS - - 'jt- .4,:i!t.'tvt i i V. ?s- ;.-r. INSURANCE FIRMS THIEVES r California Commissioher Grills Six-Bit Com--paniesWhoSeek--to-Shave-Policies Issue of Common Honesty. Raised. - "Cither t the people of San- Fran - Cisco.? COnt'""ed thff jnanranre mm. miesidner "are 'anarchists and "per jurtrsj which I do not believe, or else these insurance-companies are mor ally, if not legally, thieves. They claim-the policies should be shaved from 10 to 30 per cent on a count of the earthquake that preceded the fire, asserting that damage to that-amount Was inflicted by the shake, vThat as sertion is false. The earthquake dam ageywas -between two and. three per cent Had' there been no -v fire, the shake would have beeo forgotten in nine'tlays. "Eastern adjusters,' chair warmers, men of small calibre and no business judgment, -are to blame for the trouble here. vThey looked on the San Fran cisco disaster . as a beach-comber views wreck; it was something out (BT SUA. r; iff ' i bfaAKi C.nfn4 UThlta " - "V. WHO KILLED TO BENEFIT SOCIETY " Mj-sinemiiuii i i Mi. i I I f ' ' " " v ' I'm i s Vt ,T V- 1 - ir TZ- - h a- v V , " T"i( " - .1 ef which they eould make espitsl So thsy are doing it by shii king-their obligations. " . "Understand me," said Mr. Wolf, "I do not refer toall insurance com panies doing business in San Fran cisco. Some corporations are paying dollar for dollar without even deV manding proofs of, loss. The result is that they are overwhelmed With new business, that they are getting more policies than they can write. It is the so-called 'six-bit' : concerns, the companies that settle' for 75 cents and less on the dollar, that have fallen into inch disrepnte that their names have become byword for unfair dealing. -.' "What did they dor" asked Wolf, bringing his fist down on th table with. a smash. "Ill tell you. They sent , out a lot of I feel like calling eased, and If he possesg wealth and po sition and power a Is more dahgsrous to society than tha leper. ' . Such moral lspers destroyed Pompeii, Rome, Babylon, Nineveh, Tyre, Sodom and Gomorrah. Lower and lower, below th level of the wild animals, earns such men eventually. AU that is beautiful,, all that Is sacred, all that la Qod-glven. In ths relation of the sexes, they degrads? and defile. Womanhood Is scorned, in.: noeenc robbed and nafare outraged be-, cause ef these monsters possessed by devils. AS older cities have fallen through tbe monstrous sin of such man. and ths women they destroy, so . our cities win fall, tor la the sight ef tbe Creator this Is ths unpardonable sin, mia debasing of the greateet.- the most po tent, th most universal, the most Im portant, th meet sacred Impulse In tbe universe, sex attraction. . - .. , ... ,Way ee Bevertatfoa. V-, . ,' iWhea a man-and woman whe have it moral tight tv possess each other are drawn together by s mighty and violent passion - which eauewe than - to lose sight ef every moral and social eb llawtlna in the one all-cpmpellJnsi Impulse- to belong te sach, Other. there is an element grandaar In the tragedy which usually ' follows. U Is Uke ths uncontrolled element Of- aatsre, ' the torn ad a.--the lightning, tne earthqush the tldai wave, awful, yet tracked with wrxoox.) I : 1 1 ; " rr - ' ' . ;.. r , Y : ',. "- them petty larceny thieves adjusters from. New York, men whoseone de sire was to make a reputation, .Then beran a steady, studious series of in bits. First they moved to QsUand, where, . behind . closed doors.', thei plamedskiS7Wencycder; There was 'no necessity . for crossing the bay. They could have transacted s4uite as well -on tnis sine. But theSsnY--AJjave set out with the deliberateontenubTr--ol irritating the ftentole: X . - - "Next.1 they- announced the-ipsursd mmteoHiolr with (he letter of thei and-file,proofa of loss. This ,Wks new-deoarture in California. Pi tn Anril, 1JL no comoafev insisted the fulfillment of this formality. In deed, such was- the ; comVetition for new business that the corporations made out the proofs of loss them elves, and when tbe insured;, having been, burned out, presented his, policy nd demanded oavment. he found a check for the full amount awaiting him at the company' office. bO(,not one 'man in a hundred knew whs a proof of loss was. When he inquired at the- insurance companies hea$ nnarters he was met with a cooli : ' 'Read your . policy,',' from .some "When he asked for a proof of loss. "a J -. ... -,': ' 1 ' Evelyia Ntsbh TbASV"1 (Continued-ea Page Thirteen.) - -j: Con tinned ear Page Two.) " ... sr t- - a-: ... :?::iii'-'!? N ,'. v' V-1 PJUCE TVE CENTS, i yv i.i.;,"11 State Has -Fared Well ihecunh&Need ; Legislation Diie v to Etfbrts of Senators. ': Fulton With Gearing Aid Accom- plished Much, for, StatCo lumbla rlvr . Appropriation, Klamath Irrlpition Project and PubHo Buildings Are Results. -. (Waaklasam ef Tba TuwaaH -Washington. IX &, June I0- Tha O- aron deUgatlon In tho session ef oon- ' grass lust closed, .while handeeappad by unfortunate elrmomatanoas, has been lnrJy"nniceosf sourd for Oregon Interests will com-, par'?av6rably with that , obtained by. other, stat delegations. In ths bouse there has been much forbearanoe and charity- ahown Oregon on aooount ef the naturally weakenatt condition of tha stats's rapraaantatlon, and tn all matters In which Oregon la ' Interested svary. effort has been made to git the stats a fair show -and square ' In tb senate there was no stronger'"' delegation from the' West or northwest than Fulton and Oearln. These two sen- -atora worked in harmony and without ' Jealousy or rivalry for th lntaraats of ' . their .stat and It la unfortunate for Oregon, that they ar not to continue ; to work aid by side during the sixtieth - congress. . coming; late m tb session . and observing strictly -the tradition of ths senate that a. new senator snail nol, take a speaking part In the proceedings, .. Qearia has snada addresses ia - tbe senat, although urged at various times . ta do eo by tbos knowing bis ability as ' a B-peaaer.- r.. work ef - While not dobiavany talking Senator Qearln basaMUed hlmaolf -!tr oualy to woikxov bte state, and xcoa. Junction Twltk Senator Pulton has so eosapllsbed material rasulta. ' Senator Pulton's work -during ths session had a soon of both national and state , tn- ' treats. Conaplouoss tsvthe former-was " - his participation: with marked suooeas in th railway rate dlsoussioa, where -h earned a blgb position among the;'" legal lights of th senate. Barrio- of a more distinctive state character re suited through his efforts combined with (ana tor jQearla'a - in th generous -appropriations for Oregon, eonslderlns; . that this to election year,, when the watch , dogs gr)wt- at . every . traasurr gat. Th ' SiOO.see for oonUnUlng work at th mouth of - the Columbia line, thJClamatb. Indian appropriation of tSt?.007-bJng a good second, and ' I119.0 for stated ulldlngs being- not a dsfpicabl. third. .SL- V -? Tnltoai Aooompllabed BCaak. . . Senator Fulton's authorship of what ', baa come to be known as tha- AJllaoa -comirfomls on ths court.rsnww snrnd- . . . tlon of long work.- Another msasure of - much Interest to the west, wblcb bo v ohamplond and ' was ' th ablest ponantA was th ereatlon ef -ths federal " district court In Chinas, which shall have . raarai'. iunsaicuon. or an American vto irests tn that ooantry. The appeal.' of ' mercantile Interests was . presented o Oregon man. and 'bis efforts were oondentrated for. tb Urn ; upon tb enacimenc or iam taw wucn - oceurred i. Just before - adjournment.' . Corrupt and. ineffldopt consular courts , which had become Vsuch s menace to American. ' Interests th orient will, now b . ' I tlrely displaced. ., ...:.' - .. Ths : Oregon i delegation' had enaotac) ' th law Whch forbids aliens front nab-' ' lag In the wster of Alaska, which was don at th Mheat of American Interests suffering ; front - encroachments) of the X. Japanese and slhers.. ; Another deed fqr . Sint 'Cities "WIoseMoristrous USInsQu Ay-. ;$ , 1 x sublimity. VTtl la a grsn.! bin'" amotioa geae wrong' through tsaic But when thlV sex becomes', a r ' ' phase ef -gross .appetite, wHen i Uon, . nee emotion, rules It, when u : quires eonatant feeding with i t , ventures, when if Is the ftia. woman, which attracts, or v tilt lower and farther f ' signs - and, produoea r dlaessed tastes and. r degraded habits, than and race in peril. or a to devastation, deetrur-tlr-, .Whether surh oia dw t er in the haunts oMi. . ..JContUued. em. lacs V V- 'f'- : ::;T"TTTT ''TTT :.h'r ?: Ti1 - - ' '