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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 23, 1906)
THE Z. OREGONbAILY- j6UKMAIT6OTl5Nb' " SATURDAY "EVENWti?. JUNEmT 1906. BUSINESS CHANCES. FOB BALE gHl estate officer cheap rtot-j easy terra., ooi worceercr ia.--, $480 A SNAP1 Bakery, confectionery ! Ire . cream husiiieas. at bargain; pay big; living, rootua. 111 Ulbba at FINE CHANt'hV Leaving roast snd will Mil food general store turning link 6 times; raah trade; tow, expense; dlsaoua,-- John- wt vera aowroaj. FIRST-CLASS corner aalaoa. aaat ldi km! lease, low rant; good atork. elegant flituraa; nric raaaooaiua. Adurae w iz, care journal GENERAL jnerrhandlae (tore for Ml by J. If. iocaiia.rnuuaviiie, ir. a nargara. FOR BALK WU-juipped candy - ftey - cheap fot aa. X 16. ear Journal. WANTED At tm, , maa to tabs charge af , - placer atlaa aaar Bumpier, Oregon; (alary 1176 par month and dividend; moat xve 8600 ei,tw co inveea -as security, nuori . D T8, ear JouruaL , . . . . V BAKERY, and building for aala; goad -paying established buslneoa-. Addree William Schroder, , Junction City, Uragoau - "OB, SALE Half tataraat hi a wll-eetahll(bd bualaeaa altuetad on tba Penluaula, W IB, - ear JouruaL . . , FOR SALK Country atora: general nwrchandl near Portland; good neighborhood. Addraaa ir W 17, aaaa Juarnaay-r : ' p- ' .IMPBOVEB smelter toek. 4.000 at 10c, par bare. Addraaa H 0, ear Journal.. IF you want a flrat-elaae bualnee and bargain ' you must call quick; bar to Uave' Inside a . waak; rooming bouse, centrally.. located, wall Jrias, w4i auiled.W a, FOR SALB 48-rootn lodging houaa. ea taraM) .- - 200 dowa and tar ma bvye a rooming bona. ' M. H. Hlgleye room SO, 227 Washington at. ITAVB oaa of the brat greenhooaes In city, doing a larga bualneaa; a nap If takaa at once. tu AUaky bldg.. Third and liorrlaoa ata. , I WANT to bar a houae and lot oa to taauU ' mnt plan. I'oat Boi 47. ( . FOR SALE REAL ESTATE, AN INVE8TMKNT PATINS 18 Vi PKR CBNT koaaaa, wm( aid. IS minataa' walk P. O.. lorona 6T par mouth, lot TOkSO faatl .prlea W.700; half down; a fraat ana p. W. J. DAT CO.. , rourU at.. Boob a. - HER IB 18 A GOOD BUT , lo acraa. II ua Una road, laral raad, (or 11.000; tarn. W. i. DAT CO., ' - - V - laei rourtk at., Room H. ' . OMB OO0D VACANT LOTS H block, Eaat lib and Taylor.. . " bOxlOO, Eaat Ankany, etoaa la. " bOxliio, Hawtborna Park. ( ooloa vacant kit, waat alda. aaar 10th; a baaatlfol location far bom. UKNKLJt HABRIION. ' KIT vAblngtoa bldg. - ' BT. JOHNS PROPEKTX ' , B room houaa .t1.00 . ! T-room houaa, modern 2.6no t- A-room honaa, owdara ..r......fBoO ." Broom houaa ...1,700 All tbaaa hoinaa hira vary larga wta and - ara la tha beat location In tha city. - BINKLK RARRI80N, ., SIT Abiugtoo bldg. BKTERAL aloa lota an St. Jobna carHaa. aaar tha earllna. raaaonahle, alagaatly - located TT. tor any kind of bualnaaa, , a Alao a- faw nlca bomaa aaar tha bar a can t. ba nought raaaonabla and aoma terma ran .i tt ba glrca. " S olco bomna aaar Oca lay Oraaav modern houaa, ftrcplaca, aplcadld nrroundlaga. fl.pnO. j . - T-rnom wall fiulibad boaat, ...ILTOOi'tarmi ba glyrn. -... . OTTO A CROCKETT.-: ; ' . S46Vi Waahlagtoa at. l " B ACRES, about 1 mlla from lfonnt Hmtt carllnaj 6-room hoaaa,- other ootbulldlnga, '. young orchard, rhlckaa-yard; a aplandid llula - r boma foe $1.T0. - . OTTO CROCK BTT, . r- - ttb Waahlngtoa at. ... '.. "A JlPIRNDID llttla boma. about 1.S00 feat - raaia Courtney atatioci. on' Oregon City car. . line; acrea.. new 4-roOM houaa, aaw barn with bayloft 1-acra orchard, H am grapaa. - and all -cropa, 1 cow. '1-bnraa wagon - and barncaa, about 1 doaea , chlckana ll 'Implcmcnta: IS.00O: half caah'. OTTO A CROCKETT, ' "T"'aH Waahlngtoa at. . Cast urns T-room boma la . Pledmorrt: (In loeatloai fS.600. ...... Broom bona aa,W!llmtta boalcTard; larga rot; $J 000. Toom Jtoaaa, larga ground a, Boa fruit, la Arleta; f2.00. a-rnom bonac, wall (nnatrnetcd, baaemant, oonrreta walka, barn. 4 lota, beautifully lo cated; a aoap grfa.8rr a -room new modern houaa. all cboica, Eaat 14th at., acar Ankany at.. M.OnO. n-room houaa on Eaat 12th at., cboica loca ' ' tloo. near Ankany carllne, 13.000. 9-raom bouaa, lOdxlOO ground, ornamental . trcea and flower ; nice boma, t block from Waahlngtoa at.; waat aide; might take . aorae amallar property aa mart ny: 116.000. a-roam houae, large - corner lot, carllaaa ' thla la a fln aoma, la Bna location; 8 V' - New modern bouar on Northrua at.. - room boaae. Blitb and Broadway, lx&. - A-roira cottage oa Wllllama ara lot bZc i?a. 11.800. ... HENKLE HARRISON, . ?1T Ablngtoa bldg. - 1 B I)TS la Tlbbettn Homeatead. cloaa to car Una and cloaa In; 60 down, $5 monthly; 460 -peach. " y ; T-J S-moa home, mod era, enrner lot OOrlOO, . concrete full baeement. 1 atorlea1; flnrt-elaaa plumbing: will takelot part pap am Broad, way; t0D. . ; . ' floraer lot. IS-rovm flat and a-roon rot ..... taga; montblT rent 30; oa waat alda, cloaa - to earllna; 2,aso. - y : ' " lt S0i0, 11 -room hnuae, rent ' (It iter month; I block from crllrj weat ld; (760. lot BOiSfl,' modern room bmiae, a eaat "alda near earllna; terma to" lull; rent . $16 per month. . . ,- ; . . It-room houaa, nicely furnlebed, alwaya full; dear WO per month ; rent 38; coat $V9l in ewell part of city. t -- f nvMR HK4'aa 4ftXa1V j, chicken-yard and hen: cement walk, tc.l MonUTin; 11.600; term. ; ; Corner lot 60100 1'nloo are. and Schnrler It., f 1,000; a good corner for atorf or flata. K-roora bona, new, 1 H -atorlea; B' Vote. 60x 100; aoa eornaf lot, good condltloa; 12,600. - ' W. W. RMMCT, - ' IIB Commercial bldg., eor. 2d and Waahlngtoa. BROOM bona and S fractional kit at Lent. inoo. Waahlngtoa ' Oragoa Really Co., SMVt 'aahlngtoa at. y . BOMB B1!BI'RBA1I TRACTS A alee 10-arre tract en Molrata t. Wa erm- - aider thla a bargain at B8.UU0.-. O a cboica acre of It for l,000. - - - 6 acrea, bona, barn, bearing orchard, good ' lagd. Mount Tabor, 12,000. Or acrea of tha aatne. boaae, barn and orchard. I8.BO0. Home good o-aere tract oa Seetloa Ms . road, near Mount Tabor, f.tOO per acre. 2 fine tract a on St. John car Una, near i ' Willamette, H acre. - nearly all clear, $2.M0; 4 acrea In berrlea and garden. 14.000; about B acrea. half yonng orchard. 15.000. A flrat-claaa 11 ".-acre farm, about ,10 mllea '" from fortland, half mlla to railroad, ettra good land, for 10.000. ,.. , Call and are aa about tbeae. ' ori:noi-mblrath Co., . . 24AU Morrlatm t. HO VSR. an rlrer from Portland. Loca red aa der N. P. Irrigating ditch end oa new north bark railroad; fruit goaa oa the market three week earlier thaa la aay ether eectloav' eora mtndlng klgheat price; dally tamar from - Portland. Bale br the awaara, lloraa Load Co., Hoaer. Waahlngtoa. FOB BAIJI AT A BAROAIN A Bae tDck range, aoataliring about l,fl0 ' acre; ll noder fanca; altuatad near Roe ' burg, Oregon, on B. P. R. R- thla la one of tba beat atock raagea In tba country 1 alee k bar another good atork rang containing ' 1 420 here, wblrh will be cold at a very low price. For twrtleuiaf addraaa J. B. Bather, fin, owner. Bncatmrg, Oregoa. VS mod era a room cottage at Eaat Mnr . rlenn, $2,000; $.100 down, balance monthly - paymenta. A. R. Smith, 42A Waeblngtoa at. URAL KSTATB bital nee : floe around floor of- lee, about $jno. In property Itatad, In ' one of the beat aubarna of Portland; a good t : Infuraace -buatneaa; thla offlca baa cleared $1 fWO nine January 1: I moat leer the ally and will aell for practically tba coat -nf llimrea; my broke are open (Mr tnraatlg. tloni a rental Hat. - J t, car Joarnakr HAtJ' B7OCX. T-room bonee, near"-, earllae, 21 MM; will take team end wagon a part parmrnt. 30B Allaky bldg,. Third and Mot rlaon l'' . " ' ) ' fnt JOHNS OPPORTrNITY 1:1 aa bura, lot on carllne. Cloa In: nrraent brtera of nrrflnndjng lot TvMi, . HAUBMANN A MI-ANtHARD, FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. J FOR SALB By owner. Raw, thoroughly modem 7 . W A..hl.ltjl CO.. nl.. !,.- 4 throughout to ault purehaeer; aaat front, full lot; IB. Eights, between TtlWuioek and Thompson ata., Went Irving ton. Moderate Kloe; terma, at par aaat. Call Off audraae 1 Broadway.- LOTS la Piedmont kiva tnereaeed In ealaaaree $126 thla laat d mootba. Why put monrf . out at T per cent? lareeted In IMedinout lota It will make roa from 20 to 60 par oant. ' . INVKSTMKNT CO., 244 Stark iu i Take U" or Bt. John ear. $..ftn0 Beaktlful modara $-room booaa and 'loot 100-foot corner lot oa au-foot treat; terma. $8.600 Splendid modern 11-room beaae, t tola. $3,a0uwEicel1ent 8-room houaa. aa Wllllama are., facing eaat;. a real bargain: tar ma. $8,000 NIc B-rooa . koua and ut. - Wit llain are. $2,200 Modern B-room bouaa, and plndld lot. -I nlon. arena. . . $1.060 6-rooa boo; plenty, of, fruit; terma. .... . $1,000 -room cottage : Baa lot; term. . LOTS. : -(ooo-riBa lot en Unloa ..' i . ' ' .J0 4 lota la North Alhlntl anp. $100 $300 10 aplandid lota la Highland Park; Tory eaay terniaJl' -lwJ Tola laArolna,' near RoaaelL $126 $160 12 beautiful luta aaat at Pletl- ; enapa; trn:. s COLOMBIA - It BAL- ESTATE CO. Oor. Aloawortb - and Union. - WeodlawB 2(1 (one-party Una). Tak Woodlawa car. MOOICKN new o-ronm bunnlow, Nov $21 Mult " nomab." Pboo East 1263. , SUB PIKIMONT. BKE PIKDMONT. . All iBTaatnra abould aurely BEB PIKDMONT- ' Tak "TJ," St. John or Woodlawa car: car leer rry $ or 4 mlnutaa, Beooad and Waahlngtoa ata. " . f l.aoo S-ROOM boa, all mod era ceaTenlenc, four block from Maegly iunctiea. Inquire 101B Exeter at.. PortamonUi. WB hare eaab bur era for water frontage tn large and email tract; let a bear from poa at once; ownera only. , COLUMBIA INVESTMENT CO., . Corner Alnaworth and I'nloq. , ". j Pboaa Woodlawa 326. - - $1,500 A heme la 'St. John. 4-roora hoaaa, , ground 100a 100. S block north of acboolbouaa 607 Eaat Cbarletou. . - tot SALE af a bargain If old at once, a , T-room modern bona la Inrlngtoa; lot fiOiaOO; aewer connected, cement alilewalk ; electric ' light, gag for enoking; burglar-alarm ara tarn; baa a good baaement and plenty of attic room fruit and fine roaea: aaay terma If required. Price $2,800. Call .oa or addrau owner, 44$ Eaat Utb at, . M. . 4-ROOM hoaaa, lghtlT half block, fruit, flow ra,-$l,oUw. Main BVog. 1 commercial but. $Sn0 PBR ACRE tl acrea fin level land, aaar 42d and Fremont ate, tea at or imngtoni. A great bargain at that price. , X 17, Journal. B-ROOM bmaa. built 2 wear. $1.00; terma; owner learlng. Mala SVo3. Hi Commer cial blk. - , TEN , all In cultlratlon. B mllea from of Portland, and 1 mile weat of Clackamaa tat Ion; fin coring water pIpedNo the land under 40-foot preaaure. Price $200 per acre. -Fire acrea at the earn rat. - rin acrea IA mllee eaat tVwttand. 1 anile -i aVom O. W. P. electric line. Pin .oll and aaay to deer,- $76 per acre. 240 acrea 26 mile north of Portland. 100 ' acrea very. eay -to rtaar. about Mi acrea In cultivation, all Ko. .1 land; price $20 per era for all or par;. Will glv terma or might exchange for Portland property. Pot partl'-tllare aee - BEVEIL. 404 Eaat Alder tret. Pbona Beat 401. WEST-SIDB HOME Larga 6-roora cottage oa dfiilOO, enrner Poorth at., for only $2,250; aheolutely tha best buy la city. . . I1AGEMANN RLANCflABJ), -, si ptftk at. IN ST. JOHNS -J- - - lOO-foot- frontage oa Burllngtoa at., clowj to bualneaa renter; Uett.lmprovemroU paid for; price $00 eaah. 3 luta la Soolb St. John; a Boa cornar; only aoo; terma. A An corner lot, cloaa to achoot and rrH llne. t&X): Dart caah. balance $A per month ' S lota aaar St Jobna Height etatlon, $900; terma. - . A Una rlvervlew lot for onlr $S2(1. - 8HRPARD. DOB IB at PETERSOl. " Phone Scott 4001. . . St. John. Oregon. B-ROOM cotuga. B lot, all kind fruit. Bear St. John carllne; a bargain: $1,250: we bar ananr at her on eaay term. P i BEST VAN POSSEN, - 281 H Morrlaoa at. FOR SALB Big bargain for quick aale; B-room auburha enttag. grooad 100x100 feet, fruit' nd hrubbTy; by owner.- O. W. P. Towae . ld Co., 21$ Alder at., la 0. W. P. A By. waltlng-raom. ' BEB Eaat Bide Baal Batata Co. for aaat. aid property. We bare 200 farme for al, from one acre an. aoi tiawtoorB in. Bait 108T . FOR BALB Fhae acreage piopei ly cloaa to der ma canine, io lou iw ana up. ail around Mt. Tabor and la other parte of the city. We have aoma fin bargain In lnalo reeide.BC property. Cll or phone DILHINB, BTITES at CO., Phon Beat 1W7. - -- 862 Rnaaelt at. :A Furzlc If tea $100 lota lncreea $S0 each la valna la on year, and a $1,000 lot Incrraae $160 during tba aem time, where would you place your $1.00OT . Wa bare over 29 beautiful lota that can be bought at $100 to $lf, vary eeay term; aure to ba worth $200 each before a year from now. - - - PHONE WOODLAWH 226. $oO BI TS 8 Sne lota la Beverly addition, juet aaiotning- meumont. , $'.78 each for 4 beautiful Vote la Alnaworth addition; 100-foot avenue. PHONE - WOODLAWN 328. FOR SALE. CHEAP, by owner, beat borne. bulldlim property around Portland; oa carllne; aaay terma. Pbona Eaat 1743. $S1V0 BIIT8 fuH lot and 10-room bmiaa on nrtn at., aaay waning aiatanr. i rtrta at. DO yen want a corner lot on Shaver t. streeta Improved, inquire et 637B. FOR SALB, $600 S lot 60x100, I block earlln. Inquire email bouee 1 Mora aontb Myrtl I'ark atatloa, Veunt Scott ear,' 20 minute' ride to city. FOR BALB Lot, block Sunnyiide rar. water and aewer on street, cheap. . Addraaa C BS, vara Journal, SEASIDE S-ronm enttag overlooking ooean; rare opportunity, roone saai xsxa. ., a SNAP Cboica enrner on- Boulevard, near at, tlon; o til ex lota; eaay terma. Inquire whit cottage 1 block weat Arbor Lodg atatloa. $2,M0 3 ACRES, South Bt. Jobna, for few dare only. ?" ' $2,3008 lota, T-room bouaa. In Arleta; a - brgaln. $2,0001(10 acre flne timber land, on Mr. Kenale river; will cut 8,000,000; a nap .for . a few day only. $1.630 B-room bona and H acre good land at St. John: let thlt for a btc home. $1.000 Pin reataurant aa Morrlaoa at., doing a good bualneaa i , l'wA reataurant ea Sixth at., doing g fln bnvlnea: prt1e teavtng town. " Call at Bus yirit at. lor au kiui or aargaina. faxon park- is now oa th market: mt at acreage price, according to Improvement, - '-Lota.- 60x200 $116, $1.10. $lflf) Iata irmiano $, $2IW, $2TS - i Ita " BnoxWO $450. $w0. $,W0 Thea lota ar mostly In cultivation, level and elgbdy, on a good graded street, clre -to good 10-room cbool, at Iettts; S far to any part of Portland; water free) terma. . O. B. ADDIT0N. OWNER. Tab Moant Scott car, 8c. Lent. Oregon. FOR SALB New- modern n-room ban, full baaement, bath and everyrning complete; lot 6100; $600 down, balance on time: .1 block from St. John earllna, , Willamette atatloa. F. T. Ollpatrlck. ' - ' r t IXrTS or a enartar block at on third It tout. See owner ea tne niece, at ia mh wu aoa I roa ta., near CI Into t. II.KOO BEA(TTIPi:L bnm at a as cr Idee If nlfl la . UOej 1 large rooma; i ..rwrr-ti iawn, flovrrra. fruit; ether eonvenlencea: aa Flratv t. arUai $l.nno eaab. balance time. DUNN LA WRBNCB, I4H Pint at. dOMt LOT. Beat Thirds HollsdtT' ddttlon. ir talCB aooo; eoxitep rear, refiura rigni, .t' cwater. aewer. gaa, atreer improve am pain. $l.2,v Corner lot, Jlollartaj'a, ea Sr bar let gt.. near linlon are. Houae, 8 rooms. - new, modern and fall lot, . sear Ksst Ankenyl term. ' , CLLVKM, U Caambet f Cuiomaraa, JF0R SALEREAL ESTATE. MOW t your time to buy doora.' window. Boa. Ing and all kind et building material at a bargal. Apply to A sacrics a laa. Fhoae raeiaa lorn. CITT- PROPERTT. $1,600 tot near ateel bridge. i.' 410 aVrooui bouaa. fruit, email bar, oa noaaiiori line; term.'-,. - . Iota -la Keallworrb, - $20 down. $10 pel moeiK, g per evot Intereet: good (oil: 14 Biinuta ear aervteet city water, electric light. Parma lo the famoua Bunngaid district aa aaala road; rural delivery, telepnoa Un. $1,80080 acre fine orchard lend: there la ', alao. a iarg deposit of til clap oa that place; easy to clear. $2.000 ao-- acrea fenced, 11 14 acraa cleat and In wheat; anot rmloa Und. 'j $oM041 acres. 26 In wheat,-13 ear laabed; running water; email boa and barn) Uils I aoeieelled errbard land. - $0,00080 acre. 2ri clear and kg Crop; good bona, B br$s: running watr, FRBD 0. RIMll, '' ' $08 OomoMrclal bldg.. Sil'ind Waahlngtoa at. ' ' Pbona Mla $062. . ' $100 la hi . FOXCHA8B ADDITIOM. ' . . $8 eaab and $5 par month. : . City Water. ' 4 block from carlia. Correspondence solicited. BEAVBH BJaALTY COMPAKT. rnon Main JW)01. 424.- PIKDMONT Ores t Ml of Piedmont lota, to Invwtor a well aa builder; aaay tarn;, buy thla weak. INVESTMENT CO.," 844 Stark Bt r BOI.8E8 built, any part o4 city, easy paymaata. 81 Commercial blk. Mala 8tt&a. . . $126 Lot In ' OABDEN PARK" THACTT " .. ... $6..aah and. 42.60 per moath. , - Bull . IVun . Water. 1 r-4 blocks from L'nlrVraltr Park Starloa, Hlgh"wvel and lgbtly. , Good aelgbborbood. .' V Correspondence solicited. 1 ' BEAVBR REALTY COMPANY,. Pbona Mala 8u61. 424 Lumbar Exchange. FOB BALB 80 acre, suitable for platting. Inquire East 43U8. THBSB price tor 10 days: $1,100 for Vancouver ava. 6-room bona; $l.O0 for'Sftg at Kenllwortb ear station, 10-room boa; aay tar ma. Pbona Scott S62eV- --' "' i, FOR SALB Good Ineome property, about $11, 000; ,00 agent. Addraaa 0 40, oare Journal. FOB BALB CHEAP B and T-room hosl era) part cask. 870 Oarfleld are. Woodlawa ear. Pboaa But 8641. Tak HAVB eaab buyer for lota rn Piedmont; ownera only. Pbona Wood la ara 326. FOR BALB 8 room dwelling, on Irving at., bet. 2$d and 34th. Addraaa 0 83, Journal. " In St Jclins 81,600 Lot 60x100. In Ivanbo at., ekm In. $1,1 600 Lot 100x100. H block from Woolen mllbi. 2711 Lot 80x100, eloa In, oa easy teres. 2.60O 1 acre on Hay at, cms la.. 000 House,, lot 60x100; $360 down, $10 -Bwnta. Branch office No. 108 Jersey t., St. Jobna. TUB HOME BROKERAGE CO.. Room 8 Breeden bldg.. Third and Waablagbm. . N0BTH WEST LAND COMPANY. 38 Goodnoagb bldg. Geo. W. Turner..'' H. W. Miner. - We. traaeact a general real eette and brofceraga bualneaa and aellclt a abara it yoar patronage. $3o FULL lot la Mayor Gates" addition: atreet Improved and ldwalk dowa; east frontage: . tor on next lot. D Miller, 71 Chamber oi - Commerce. ' - . ... WB have rash buyer for vacant bualneaa prop erty, on unloa or Wllllama area.; we want It at once:. owner only. COLUMBIA INVESTMENT CO.. Cor. Alnaworth and Union are. - -Pboa Wood lawn 328. BELL WOOD LOTS, 88 down and $5 a aoatb from $75 ta $200. Sail wood Townalt Oe, H. P. Palmar, maaagar. Pboaa East 4704.- ONB'B and one B-ronm bouaa on Eaat Taylor. . between 82d and 83d at. ; plenty fruit and Bower; cn be rturrheaed for $4,600. . PATTERSON STEWART, . - 1000 Belmont at. FOR BALB by owner. B-room hoaaa, $2,000, oa awll. lt Oft anl.. t . location; good tsrma. . Inqulr at 304 Ablng. ton onig. t- FOR BALB 0B TRADE 4 lota centrally lo , rated tn the town of Goldrndale, Washing ' tmt Write owner, Jamee ,. F. Nixon, Bare " rlshorg, Oregon. . t HIGHLAND REAL ESTATE! 'REALTY. RENTALS, INSUBANCB, COLLECTION B. Bualnaaa entrusted to my ear will ba promptly attended to.. ' : LJtJPIEuV hOTARTL PrBUC. Pbose Woodlawa B2. 1088 Cnloa are.. North. - Portland.- Oregon. A NICE 8-room cot tag and a full block of Und. well located In Newberg, to trad ft ...Portland real aetata: wilt pay a eaab dif ference. Alfred A. Vaker, 213-21$ Ablngtoa , bldg. . . , B-ROOM houae, just being built with bath and toilet; arrange lnelde of houae to suit; either - with 1 or 4 lot; price, with 1 lot, only - $l,u0; caah payaneat.$160, balance $10 per month, $ per cent tntereat. We have ether bomea at from 8750 to $2,600; all -ara close to eorllnee; they ar - nice and can be bought OS monthly payment, with luat a little caah down; pay rant to roureelf. If you want a bargain In a Bna up-to-date modern borne oa East lTtb at,, we hare It t $2,360; dose to ear line ; moat be sold this week. Have a fear, bargains to email tract la and near city. Also good farms. - F. J. STKINMETE CO., ' - The Horoeseller. ----- -l8 Morrlaoa at, $760 BCYS t aaw small horn, air yard, am Ksst 22d gt, 1 block from car; ehlckcB-kous and ysrd: rt' a bsrgaln; terma. -- F. J. 8TE1NMKTB at CO.. The' HomeaeUera. ' 1B8 Morrlaoa at. FINE lot, 81x100. corner 89th aad East Yim kill ata., only Olio. PATTr-RSOW 4V STEWART, 10taH Belmoat at. v FOR BALB Very dratrable largo B-room cot tag; bath, grata, alee large porche. eameul baaement, corner -lott prfce $ I, SOW; -very eaay . terma If " "deklred; discount for all rash; nortbweat corner 43d and Eaat Salmon sts. - Pboa UbtoB 108. B LOTS, Lauretwood. 160x100; all In, fruit. 3 block car; $300 Mck; 820 dowa, balance $10 per nmntk. Alao modern T-room bouse, 32d and Cltn. ton eta., $2,800; $1,360 eaab, balance eaay terms. . . Also good 8-room bouse-near Weat ave., ea Montavllla carllne; 100x100 grounda. all klnda fruit and berrlea, $1,800; $500 cb balance ear payments. v You pay no eommlaalonb. -i dwTtEB. Pboo SXrWnod n. f KKW n-room cottag. modern plnmhlngi ground . ROxloO feet) located rn Willamette, on St. Jobna carllne; price $1,980. Call WUUmett station. Owner. ' FOR SALElRMa. CHOICE BUYS1 " $5,600 11244 acre, IS mllea from Port- land; 60 acre cleared, 40 acrea Kreverdam, all level, eom timber, living -water, all fenced, near school, on good grvled road, good (room nous, barn 60x100, 8 acre variety orchard, beat at eoll; tar me half cash, balanc T -year at 8 per cent -. (2.80080 acre. IS mllr east at Vancouver;- 26 acres cleared, 16. acrea elaahed S) and -seeded, behrnce- ewakr.' eaally r lea red; 40 acrea fenced with 4-berbwlre, email creek, good well, new 2-story T-room bouee, small (table, 1 boree, 8 had of cattle. 4 mil to school and church, B. F. D. and telephoa In houae; will glv term. $2.600 To acrea, St mile from Portland; '26 acre cleared, eom timber, balanc aaily cleared; all level, all fenced, 8-room bouee, large bar a. la ere orchard. I horee, fcurgy and harneeei 30 bead of cattl. ' 100. chicken; terms. .' . $uuo 4K acrea, t mile from Vancoavor: II cleared and et to troll; adjoining land fceld at $:W per sera. -tnt loo acres, 12 mile 'eaat of Vancouver, 8 mllea from Columbia river;' small creek; easily cleared; good eoll term. $.1.000 SO acrea, 8 mllea north f Van. rouver. 1$ mile from Portland; 40 acre Bna awsle, cleared, free from tump; 10 - acrea partly cleared; 80 acrea slashed. 10 acre good timber, 1 H -story T-room boo, B fram barn. 8 acrea hearing orchard, variety; team, wagon, harne, hack, buggy, ?eowa, chicken, fsrna Implement: mile so boot B. F. D.r beat at aoll; am II rr"... .. . .. a XioTMS u crea near loovi -onor: an ' 1 acre bearing orchard; aaar acnoal; beat THB. WABHlKiaTP: $ 0BKOOM B1ALTT ftOMPANY. il' BJC4 Waeblngtoa at.. Room II Portland, Of., , and 800 Main (., vamcauver, waaiungtoa. roiTT.TRY and dsh-y farm. 40 eeree: Sft rn bar 'nd cntsloea, k'4 mll Oregon City. IX mile tL Portland; lV. tncladloB tropa. Boa 87, Onfoei Clt. 0rfOB, - FOR SALE FARMS. - , . X II,. II I., 'I - -.1 -.111 82T ACRES, nicely . altuatad; . 180 acre Id cut Uvetlou. 120 acre slashed and newly feaced for goata or sheep, (boat 2a) acraa Tn Und la aaatarei farm Join IB.ouO acrea free range ea the wet; good school one quarter mile from houae; 6 barns, one U newly (bedded oa 8 aides; granary ; black soilth shop; '2 dwelling bouse, one a T-ronm . and due a .4-room bouaa: woodabed; auioke bouee, 8 hen houaa, aad a aaw chicken- bouee; 3 creeks run through 'the farm, be aide numerou springs; 7 mile to county eat; 4 mllea to railroad by county road aad 34 milea etralgbt acroaa afoot, v ' Farm I wall traced aad cross-fenced; will rich black- loam (nou better), and tha farm Und U In a high atate of eultivatloa; vetch grew 104 feat last yean bad the beat crop amand here; have 66 bead of cattle and 30 calve; 130 heed vt sheep and 80 Umbs; T bead f korees aad 2 aolu; $ tanua at bee. .. ,u -' - ' Farming Implements 1 binder; 1 mower nd rake, eesder, 4 horse atari harrow, rolling dlak harrow,- wagon, hack, kay reek., grlnd toae, svlkey plow sod 2 old walking ptowe, .14 loch, clod smasher, hay rork and rope nd pulley aad carriage - toe. track In as roa, 3 garden Burly all planted, early gardea ready to uae; they are both picketed n from fewU: . hauled 28 load of manure oa larga garden thla, spring; 4 seres of orchard, apple. Bears, plums, prune, ches. rlee. aranea and Mne wild blackhurrv nstcb -on rrmr larga maple shad tree fa front or auu; are milking 10 cow at present; telephone In the neighborhood, caa aunBect . any time: crop all iu and look flnt;expct auother banner crop. Price $lu,0U0i term lo ult Durchaaer. . r 88 acre. 38 plow land.' balance" bottom: aoma rolling with oak tree scattering; two . good springs, a well; all . klnda of fruit, applesL jeara, peaches, plums.' c berrlea. prune; all kinds small terries except alraw berrlea; wire screen around the bouse, 'newly papered; good) .barn, woodshed and other buildings: fenced with woven wire and croea- ' fenced with plank wire: B. F. D. mall And phon line by tba place; H mile to 8 churches.- 1 mil to school ; black rick loam. . Prica $1,200. Also a Urge span of mare, aew wagoa and harness, saw plow, ' nearly new top buggy,' 1 atagle bameea. 8 extra Billeh cow. 1 yearling better, 10, -head hogs, I milk wagon and can, will let everything Star for $2,160. - - 15-aer borne adjoining the village f Bear erton; HH acre la cultivation. 8V4 acre ta pasture and wood ; new n-room bouaa and barn: all well fenced; good well of water 82 feet deep. 12V feet of water tn the dry eaeon; T2 fruit tree and mall fruit; ax-, celleut aolL . Call tor price. 40 acraa. 30 ' ere , ta cltivtorr: - crop oa ta. wheat potatoee and gsnlen: good bona nd bam and otlrrr Vitbulldlnga; 1 cow. 1 horee, cblckena and Unplemente; on good coun ty road. B. F. P., 3 mllea to tor and depot " Prica l.TOO. - , T .. 40 acre 8 mile of Beaverton': 38 acres clear, and In eultivatloa. land No. I: good family orabardr. full bearing; 4 acre beaver ' dam; good 8-reora house nearly new, 18x28 with kitchen: good barn 80x40 and outbuild ing: water at house and bara, alao living water la paatur; plenty different kind of fruit, alao berrlea for family aae; mall creek through tba place; ,land gently sloping; aoma bottom tend; half crop Included. Prica $4,0U0. 180 ana 8 mllea from Kalama, Wash., aa river; 3 acre orchard, bearing fruit, 1 apple,, pear, plum, prune and cherriea; 8-room bouaa, large barn and other building ; 10 acraa clear and fenced; springs: aoma timber; fin eoll and rolling land tha beet. Terata. $1,300 cash, . or $1,400, $080 caah, ba lance time. 8 per cent intereat; mortgaga; on a good county road. Good buy. , SSS eeree, -18 mllea from dty, en Base Lin mad; 140 acre tn cultivation. 10 acre In tump add pasture; eoll to good dark kiam: (pod erhnol 4 mile, 3 chool near: rural ' mall every day; 8U mllea to etatlon or boat; tin Urge 8-room boa with cement walla, on large barn and 8 other bnlldlnga; good orchard and many kind of amall fruit; lola of first -else timber for aawlog. enough to pay for the place; good cellar, etc.; no 11011 fa tha fie Ida, ate. etc. : 3 good water dreams; barn 4hxiS feet 3 floors; good chicken yard. Call and sea ua for further part leu lata. Prica $81 per acr. . .v.:. - 30 acrea m high tt of curtlvstlon: 8-fama houae. good barn, tonUwiu, wagoa and farm Implement bed, woodshed; fin water at houae and piped to barn lot; 800 Italian - prune trees. HO Petite trees, 40 pears, mostly Bartlett 100 apple, assorted varjetlse. cher riea and all oilier small fruit la abundance; about 6 acrea In wheat. 1 acre In potatoes nd garden, the bain nee In clover; will tear the carpet oa tbe floor and aha doe and cur talne to the windows. Prlc $4,600; term agreed: B good cow. 8 doaen chickens, cresra eruarator and all farming tool at reduced - rate to th buyer of tb place; T mllea from Vancouver. W. VP . KSPEY. Bin Commercial bldg. Corner 3d and Washington ata. . ASSIGNEE'S SALB. . -TIMBER AND FAetMINO I.2NPS AJilVCJTK-PROPBRT tn order to close sd estate I must sell with In tbe next SO dsys tbe following described property belonging to tb estate of O. A. Htiurt. bankrupt ' ArllngumOregaav to. wit: " ntl6 acrea good.-(rail- Improved farmtBS laud, ear Cecil, Oregon. 100 seres timber Und In Hood Rlrer valley. 13 mllea aontb of Hood Blver. 68 acre farm Und, 12 mllea snath f Arlington. On 8-room cottage, 3 Iota. On store and warehouse, 60-fbot 1st 0b dwelling. 26-foot lot. Ia Arlington, Oregoa. , All of tba above deecribrd property must b cold. W. H. M0OBB, Assignee. For terms and full particular addreaa B. L. BABNETT. . 643 East Oak SU Portlaad. Or. 184 ACRES dairy, fruit and poultry. 88 mllea from Portland, 814 miles to North Yamhill; 85 acrea cultivated. 17 acrea prune. 88 acre grain, 10 acre bay. 40 acre timber, balance " paature; 2 never falling spring, abundance of fruit, 6-room bouee, 3 good barn - with -hed and outbuilding, rencea na fenced, ood soil but rolling. 8 boree. bar. neee, wagn. Implement ana crops; $3,000; ll.OOO caah, or small farm near Portlaad: $2,000 on time, or would exchange for farm near Portland. J. A. Plop par, 280V Lay. 1 rabea at., Portland, Oregoa. TUB SNAP of th araaoa. In fruit belt; ISO acraa of fruit Und aad general farming, 4. mile from Whit Salmon; 14 acre cleared, good 6-room bouse and barn, Bna stream of water through place, timber enough to pay for clearing: only $22.60. B. Field ' aV Co., White Salmon, Wsshlugtou. Reference. ' Whit Salmon Valley Bank. FOB SALE One of th beat little stork farme, Yamhill county, lots of good outside range, constating of 80 acrea; 40 acre In 8rt-claa crop and 12 acrea seeded to clover, well fenced and lot of good water, farming lm- plementa, 1 Spanldlng covered hack, 1' team of boree. 8 cow. 8 S-year-old be If era, 8 calve. T bog, 83 ' head of Angora goat, cblckena and turkeya. all klnda of fruit and berrle 8-room boaae with houae bold furni ture, separator, water In houae, larga bara - and other outbuilding, phone In houae, R. F. D., good school; this sll goes for $4.01 If ld mob; easy terms. Addreaa 0 W, car JournaL IMPBOVP.D farm. $60'ta $100 par acre: B la 10 mile out. O. B. Addttoa, Leata, Or. ' Take Mt. Scott ear. B cant. BO ACRES good land, prtng branch, eaally cleared: no uae for lend;' will sell at bargain. - Boa 163, Eatacada. Oregon. ACBEAGB NEAB CITY 62 crag, ouarter mlla from Clackamaa sta tion, partln rultlvTVn, flu Und. $.1,600. 16 acre, all rich black loam, (11 level end highly cultivated; good, new, modem, house. ' well finished; new barn of dreaaed lumber; -etaichew -peek -and -baraai 100 choice frwH tree baglnnlng to brer, trawherrlea, black, berrlea, raspberries, gooae berrlea. currants, pieplants, etc.: nlca lswn. with choice va riety of rose; front on main highway; Sir, railroad atatloa. Ob account of slckneaa musH aril. A choice home: call and . 88 acrea Und, part Improved. running water, honae, barn, orchard. 34 mile fnee Oregon City, good mads; will trade: $3,600. 8 acre, all in fruit: good T-mom hmree, barn, eallsr, woodabed. anting and well wate i a nlca aoma, near Vancouver, Waab.i might trad. ... e) acrea.' all rbole Und. 13 acrea - ta .orchard, fine houae nearly new, bara and out. building, choice location, near Vancouver. Waah.; will trade. - no acre highly Improved.,. 4 mllea from arty hall. $13,000. - HENKI.B HARRISON, ' . 817 Ablngtoa Bldg. FOB BALB 29 acre. $ mile from Boaaburg, Orl good bouee, bara and frulthouae; all aet "to fnili-and berrlee: win exchange half In Portland residence property' Addreaa 1)1 Hard A CUytoa, Roeebuvg, Or. 8H'ACRB-amn-dJe4a)liuT little towa; ena - nected by ldwalk from depot; (room hone. rood elsed barn. 4 acre nf a splendid orchard n fln condition, -bear vsrVtlea of applea; a rare bargain, for $2,800, half caah) only 10 mile, from PortUnd. .-. And a half doaen ether ale llttla borne near th ally. A 10 a splendid farm to tbe nUT: otTO CROCKETT. ' ..... WaahlugLsn, . -1 FOR SALE FARMS. UOOt FARMS FOR LITTLE MONEY 1 1U0 acre la Usrloa county, on fourth mil from Marlon station) 12 acre under cultlva ' tlou and 40 acre lasbd nd burned. 28 acrea timber, us tared by three good eprbiga, about 3 acre ta orchard, amall bouaa and , barn, Bear good school: price, $2,800. 10 seres la Ooluiubla rvuuty. $ mile from Gohle, 20 acres ander eultivatloa, clay loam - aoll, some good creek bottom, all seder fence. " Sial bearing fruit tree. T-room honae, coat $2,000 t build; good barn, coat $000. and sll aecvasary outbuilding. 22 head of atock. chicken and all fsrm Impiemeota go with th pUce; price, $4,000. terma. - - 80 acrea hi Clsckamsa county. 1 mile from Clackamaa atatloa. en half ander culllva tlon, remainder small timber, good a-roots rua and other bulhllags, school scar; tola p'ce ta only 13 mllea from tb- 4iyt- price, 1.1.000;; will trad for Urger pUra la the val- 100 acre In Clackamaa county,' Bear Sandy P. O.; 22 acre under eultivatloa and 'JO acre aUahed and burned. boot S.nu0,n,) Jood fir timber, good outrange for etock, !"0 ruit tree In bearing, well watered, small bona and bara, ill atock and farm. ImpM . merit go with th placaj prlc. $3.8o0. -.100 acrea In Multnomah county, t mlle from LatourelU, 8 acre anrler culttvatloB, lor) acrea UveL remainder mlllng: well watered by 2 creek and Urg spring, small family orchard, 6-room koua (nd (mall barn, 1 mlU ' to acbool. - some atock goes with tb placa; price, lnylndlng stick, $2.200. - -4 ...... ""risnittrtTcijrorr- - '.': TS Sixth Bt LOOKING FOR A GOOD FABMt - If you want the beet aatlsfactloa for yeerr money, then lor eel last my list of cboica farme (II over Oregon and Waah Ing ton,. . A -. few nf tbem: . T $2,00080 acrea or ehole Und, fair lro- - provementa, close Mlddletoo atatioo. e3.i0 40 acre good. lanL wall Iro pro veil, IS mile from PortUnd, cloaa good (cuool and 1 town, - $41,000 80 acre, aplendld eoll. aH In cultl- - ration, aaw bulldtnga, clue to PortUnd. " $8,600 Beautiful 100-acre farm, Bear TV gardvllia, oa easy terms, or exchange for city property. $46 per acr 854 acre, well Improved, beet of anil, cloee to milk' condensing faotory at Forest Grove: one of tha banner farms at Waahlngtoa county. .1 $30,000, On eaay term 820 acre of tbe beet wheat farm, near Pullman, Wash.; 3 crop pay for tb place. For a good farm from 6 to 40,000 acres gaa , r. n ens. 1484 Pint Bt. ACREAGE BEST BUY IN PORTLAND 8 era t Oak Grov. beat of aoll. Be Gavel, la fine atate of eultivatloa, new bouse, rn gnd eblckenboaae, 8 well. 130 fruit trees of all kind. 260 grapevine, all th tock and lmplmnt; a great bargain at ' $.1,000, .with assy terma. , A chance of your lifetime. - , . - . . .v , -- - F. FfCHS, .. -' -- ' 1484 Firat St. ' 18 ACRES, 34 mllea from Bearer ton : about 11 acre under plow, balance timber and feature: good 4-room bona, 3 barns, wagoa shed,, I chicken houses, all fenced. 1 acr.' fruit' 8 row, 3 heifer, 3 boree. 3 wagnB and all Implement, for $2,800; $1,000 cash, balanc . long time, 8 per cent: a very rare -bargain! would consider a trad for a residence la Portlaad. OTTO CROCKETT. - ". 343 4i Washington. $800 WTLL buy 188 acre af as good soil aa there U la tsl of Oregon; 1 nib from depot, 40 mile from PortUnd; Include atock, machinery snd crop. ' t v HAGEMANX BLABCHABD, : , ' 81 Fifth at. LOOK f NO for a fsrm'- Wky not buy . a ranrb In one of the beat wheat couatleav la Oregon " Over 600 scree; 400 under cultiva tion, good house nd bara, orchard, springs! $28 per acre; $4,000 eaab,- balanc long time at T per cent Intereet : will tak crop pay ments. If Interested, hurry. Sbermaa county land goes Ilk bet cake. Addreaa W. A. Sexton, Monk land, Oregon. FOR SALE TIMBER. For Sale Lcgxin? Camp ' 1.600.000 feet eholc red fir. 46.000 fact A I piling, on river bank to tide water; all heavy work dona, chute, roads and skid-,waya,- bunkhouaea. stable and kitchen com plete, ready for Immediate starting of camp. This at a great bargain to a logger. . A. HBJBREI.L. McKay bldg:, corner Third and Stark at. CERTIFIED price. W. serin, snr sins nice! U. Bowali, 888 Chambsg d Caa WANTED Timber cUlma, eloa ta water' or rallrosd. for csb; owner only. - - COLUMBIA INVESTMENT CO.,' Cor. Alnswcrth snd Union ava. ' -Pboaa Wood law 226.- ' For Sale , By owner, about 800,000,000 feet af yellow fir ; and cedar. Including several thousand ("cay of land: jrlre$l26,00pjons halltah.4 lam-e 10 auu; do agenia or eroaere neeu answer, w 11, care JournaL Bri.lNOl'ISHMtNT FOR SAt.E Timber claim, 2.600.000 feet fine yellow bin, well located; must aell at once; prica $160. 0 8, Journal. FOB SALE 800.000,000 eholc Br timber: a Brat-cUa milling and togging: proposition; . prlc will only be quoted to an actual buyer. Call at room 618, Mar qua m bldg. FOR' BALE T8.000.000 feet of Br timber, ekes la an railroad. Including logging outfit and sawmill with capacity or wo.ouo reel aauy. If taken st once can be purchased for tbe price of tbe timber; act quick If you want a bargain; must erIL Owner, W T. care Journal. HORSES AND CARRIAGES. FOR BALE Team, 8.000 pounds; I team. 3.608 , pound, aud 1 cheap hone, 1.300 pound. Pboaa Eaat 8643. 338 Buaeall at H0B8ES AND C0W8 of all klnda for aale at very reaaoaabU prlc. Inquire 376 Front at ALL kinds of h or we and wagnne for aala ar hire at res son able price. 800 Front at. TO EXCHANGE. EXCHANGE Wanted to exchange, eom cboica Und, bn- . pmred. close to Portland, on fin level road. for a large tract of land, well located. In th " valley, suitable for a stock ranch. What eaa yoa offer ? ,. . -- HENKLB HARRISON,. . 217 Ablngtoa Bldg. ' $10,000 WORTH fsrm property and auburban acreage far.eaU or trad for riuld Portland property;- could divide above: aa agents. Ad dress owner, D 86, care Journal. CIGAR and rsndy store. At loca tlon. chp rent; 'will exchange for acreage cloee In st value 8760. Call 8284, llrat at, aranlnga. FOR SALB OR TRADE for country store, nlca clean grocery, located la pleasant part of city, doing good buslneee. C 78, car Journal, WILL lrd " 40-(cr4 frm Br nillaboro for horn In city: 8n soil, good buildings. HAGBMANN A BLANCHABD, 81. Fifth st FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. WB print roar name oa 60 calling earda, proper Is ad etyw. SAe 2 bualneaa earda, 81. A. W. BchmaU Co., 22 First. Portlaad. Or. SPLENDID lot of damaged eewlng-machlnee: W heeler A Wllenn. Singer. Domestl aad others. - a. n. Blgel. aoo Morrison ss. FOB BAL ,E Aa - aiegaiit Urge - eircaur bow esse, at a extremely low figure. Apply to Mr. O H, Lsrwitt. tioldea Eagle, Third aad) 1 amain sis. HOf.nitN'S RHrt'MATlrJ -CORE Sor rr for rheumatism. Sold by all. druggists. BOOKS bought, sold and exchanged at tbe Old Book Store.- 228 Yamhill t BILLABD AND POOL tabUa ' for nut r tor ale oa r pa 7 men ta. THE BBUNSWH'K-BALKE COI.LENDEB CO. 48 Third at., PortUnd. FOR SALB OB BBNT NEW AND SECOND HAND. SEWING MACHINES. STANDARD SEWING MACHINE AUtNUX. B. D. JONES. 3TO YAMHILL BT. . - WESTFRN OREGON MINING MILLING CO. beH iHIHsisi aback for as I and Informatloa at Ftrat at Pbona Mala 1828. WB Bead furrntnr aad will pay full rain; rnone f-sctne. iw. . weeiern 627 Waahlngtoa at. . Inge , Ca SHOWCASES AND FIXTCBES. d erd .aecrmd-haed goods for a1. Car I so A Ball. .Strom, 3X8 Coach at Pboaa Clay 871. SHOWCASES, counter, St tare bought, anld of exchanged.' Western Salvage Co.. B8T Waak - Ingtoa st. Pad Ac T88. '. - TO Bl'll.n buss 1 a e eiwtegea aee O. B. Black. .contractor and bullderi bare sum fair gmuad lumbar: eaa ve roa saeaey aa r pair work. Pboa Weodlaw Stai . I Alblaa in, 1 ' ARTISTS msbrrtaU. plctnrea ed framUaT. Ji. Moorage- yo., 818 Ajoag ,av, . FINANCIAL T" F CALTTOBBIA EstaWlahad I add. BaaJ 0fa Ban raeuwe, twMfeewJ. Cepltel paid a $ and undivided jeodta . .. - era1 Banking aad Exchange Kualaeeo Treseacteg. Uktisus i,ri.-.. ""rest ea time aVepoaUa. . Aaaounta opeaed far awme ef $! aad sowar. Portland Breach- ' - una u . . CbamtMU ef Commerce building. WbL A. MACBAB... ..Mager. J. T. BCHTCH AELL;Aaalaat Mssgee UmTU) 8TATI8 BATI0BAL ItABBT OF F0BTLAWD. 0BEB0B. . ' borthweet -Coe. Third and Oak Bta. - " Tmnaaata a weaeral teblag Bualna. PUAFT8 ISrillED Avallsbto la AH Ctrl ea el fh JTnlted state aad Larone, Rorarkon end Msnlla. Oellaetieaa Made a Favwrekl rws fj-'-i ...J. 0. AIMS WORTH Vlce-Prealuaat........', ntlll IJJMrnf. ..B. LSA TABNKS CaahU .......B. W. CBM" AaaiatajtCahlr A. M. WSI'JHT Aeslstaut Caabler .. . . . W. A. MjiL. FIm BATI0BAL BxVTC OF POBTLABTJ. 0BEB0B. " Daalgnatsd Depoaltory ad Plaaaclal Agent of tb Tnlted Btate. . rVeeMent ......A. U MIl.tB Caahler .j. ...J -W. WWJB Amletant Caabler........;. C. - A L VOKB-Beeee Aeeletatrt rHahiar. . . . 8V- P.- 8TBBbB Ittera of Credit leaned Available la Envoa aad th Esstera Stats. ' . . .- Bight EirhSQg and TelearapbU Traastara cold oa New York. Boetew. Chleeg. Bt. Mug. 8t- Panl. Omaha, San Prancler and tb prtaclpal pointa la the No'bwe . . - Bight and time bills drawn la same re salt en London. Parte, BerMa. Frank rortia.tba-Msia. Honkong. Yokohama. Copenhagen. Stockholm. St. Petersburg. Moeeow. Enrich. Honolulu. LAD A TTtTOB. BABXEBB (Established ta 1868.1 ' ' . -7 Traaaaet a Oeaeral lasnking Baabxeee. Collection made et art mint oa abl terma. Letter et credit 4saned svsllsbl In Europe and efl eotet In b rtnited SUte. B1(bt Exchanae and TeUrrapble Trenafere sold en New York. Wash tr, rice. Ckwsgo, Bt Leal. Denver. Omaha. Ban randsco aud Montana and Brltlk Colnmhla. Exchange sold on Lenden. Parte. Berlin. Prankfort. Hoaakong. Yekokama. Manila and Honolulu. MERCHANTS' KATTOWAL BABE. P0RTLABD, 0RE00B. . . - ' I. FRANK WATSON. ...... .President B. U DURHAM i te-1eeAeae R. W. HOYT '.... Cashier CEORGB W. HOTT. , CmJTL 'Tranaaeta a Oeaeral Banking Baalasee. Prsfts sad Latter ef Credit leered AvalUbVe To All Psita-ef The' World. gnll.rHena gnliisltr ' TRUST COMiPANIES. P,n 1 1 n.u txubt jJ sri I V' wa LUV RKSOCRCES OVER 81,600.000. General-, BAiiniin 71m eextiacsres. fAnft ee su - a r.ti - k s. - A A. b . I . Mtwa SSWI rVAnev1 a; . . . B, LEB PAGBT.....T.-....T.w.Beye4er (TEOVBITT BAVTBos TBTBT OOMPABT - 'i?""' ."rrr' -in ... 11M BBSJ ssnnp M r im . irwM 1 t ,-,. - -- Available In An Part of tbe World. . , ,, ...... G. V. ADAMB. President , L. A. LEWIS. Fkrat Ua-Pratei. A. L. kllll...... '" It TW.I ,IA,t ' R. a. JCBITB ,....,...c.a"P GEO. P. RI'SSELL 'HE M0BTOAOE STJABABTEB TBUBT OOMTPAanf BABK. . General Banking snd Trust Business Transacted. '"'t'TT.'L A "" B"- . - PrrC 0. W. WATERBUBT. S. LOGAN HAYS Blk Temple. Seventh and Stark TVT 0BTHWB8TEBT OTJABANTEE TBTBT 11 - Lumber, Bxcbssge. 8. B. mini FISCAL AGENT FOB 8 tatai County. Municipal and Oorporatloa Bond l and financed. Btoehe "nXB BTABABTEB TBUST OOMPABT MORTGAOB LOANS an PartUad Real initriBj Br BANK-EBB' IVMRYm'J'l BABK Portland. Orogwa. JJ ;""iLV",l.Bt irfmnd Commercial and asvlngs drnsrtment. Interest paid on "n"',jll letter of credit leaned avalleble la all part of tbe world. Opco Saturday evening fr T to 8 for tb aceommodatloa of customeva. D. C. PBLTON N... .President FRED H. ROTHCHILD. ..Flret V1c-Prldeat JOHN .A. KEATING Second Vice-President t BONDS AND 0BBIS BR0B.-48S etaat Street Parti a Offer Ollt-Edge lnveetmer(te-v tn" Mualctp! DOWnTBO-HOPKTjrB OOMPABT EaUblUhad 1188 BR0KIBB U r STOCKS, BONDS. GBAIN Bought and Bold for Ch ad oa Margin, re, bodm 4 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Phone Main ST. OYerbeck, Starr & Cooke Go; 103 TWrBtT McKayBldg.. Portlaad, Oregoa. on ATN PBOYTSTOBS. COTTON. STOCKS AND B0KDB. WE DO A STaVICTLT C0MM1SSI0B BU8IBK88. Contlnuoa Mark.t. by Prlv.t Wire. Quick Same BKFERItNCES-Ladd aV Tlltoa. Batik- are. snd United Bta tea National nana or rormns, .... Pneacelled fsdUtlea for handling Tonopah. Oold8e)d. Manhattan and other Hated mining toek. UDvTICIPAL SCHOOL AND C0BP0BATI0K - BONDS- , Hlgbeat Return ta lavastora POBTLAND NORTH WESTERN HOMB FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. HANDSOME w.11 raeea. 14 feet. 11 feet. 2 8 feet Western Salvage Co.. 82? .Washing ton et. FOR BALB Good fresh milch cow. with of -without calf; argooil bora, 1.600 pound, nund and gentle. 1004 Mllwaukle are.; Sell wood car to fJratton'e Grove. , FINE large gaaollne launch; capacity 100 pee , pie; engine nothing better: aew; rare bargain : It old bow. Owner. 848 Sixth St., PortUnd, ur. nboiMUa'acifiq. um : GALB WINDOW BHADB CO., 207' Salmon at. FOR SALE Olda runabout tn good abapar 8 bergs In. Phone Wood lawn 7ft. - 30-H0RSEP0WEB Olds 1006 touring-car at a bargain. Club Auto Gang, 601 Alder. 100.000 Tabor hard-burned 208. brick for aU. . Pbona f 110 BCYS runabout auto wdrtk $600, Phonal racine xuao, axter n p. m. -FOB SALB aVarta 11 milk ronte. 25 cow, wagnne. horaee, caha; good paring Business; excellent locatloa. K 18, care JraitaaL , FOR SALE 2 good new -bicycle. ebe. or -would trad for good cow, 1629 Belmont, Mount Tabor car. J. T. Opdyke-.- PERSONAL. . MAKE MONEY EAST. I Become a foot specialist; get a diploma: our mall course In chiropody constate of four lecture. Formulas. Instructions and our method of removing -corns, bnniona. cal louse. Ingtowlng snd clubbed nstla. warts, mole and sll exerreence ef th human foot By mall, $26; $6 down, balance oa easy pay menta; aflat flret lecture It will nay for It elf. Writ ' for full particulars. Addreaa Wee tern Correspondence School of Chirop ody. Allsky bldg., PortUnd. Or. MADAMS ANNA LUCKEY ! Principal of th America a Beauty Parlota. ' give scUntlflc treatment for removing wrinkle and - facial blemUbee with the French paste; also Mm. Harrow's famous remedies. Electric and vapor bath given. Patient received, with treatment, board ad room. Satiafacttoa guaranteed, ' Teat I -mntilala from leading physician.- . Suit IS ' Lange hotel. Sixth and Washington ata. Phase Mala 3011. SUITS prsassd wbtl yn wait. 60c. Ladles' . ekirt pressed. 80e. Gilbert. 108H Sixth at. next to Quelle. Fbone 4 aetsa -088, DR. PIERCE. pecUHet dlseasta of women! all Irregularltle corrected: no expoenra; advice free. - Call or write. -Room B. 8IH Third at ANY maa ar woman eaa ba strong aad ban by aalng Bexln Pllla. the great tonic: prlc VI a bob. a Boxes a, vnt ten iw.w Addree er call J. A. CUmeaaon. drugglat. ear. Be Bead aad YimbIT! sts,. portiaaa. Or. DETECTIVE AGENCY Confidential larestV gatloaai reporta made on any individual best. Be ar property; missing relative located) bad debt collected: charges reeeonaMe; eor reepondencr solicited. Orerm- Detective Service, offices 814-SIS Columbia bldg.. 80S Waahlngtoa st Pboa Mala 8818. LADIES' Turkish barb, maaaag. bydrlatrH parlors; strictly Brst-clsss place for isdle oaiy. Fist A. 661 Wssblagtoa at, be twees loth and lTth ata. " DB. O. V. KKTCHUM cure promptly pel vat die, kidney, nervoo. akia sail special t fesiilt troublea. Call or writ. Offfe I70M, Third at. eor. Yamhill. I'hon PadfU 3228. TURKISH BATHS. 80 OregonlaB Wdg.l Wane dare, gaatUow algbta. Mala 1888. vrosniDnEN rRntT." "A Oay UrtMrto." "Story of Slav," "Fnnr HI ll.--"AgB." -womsn of aire.' 80c each; I lata free. A W. ScbmeU Co.. 338 Pint at DOIL'S HOSPITAL Repairing aad drasstng. 81 TamhtU a. BING CHOONO. Importer of Cllnea eona) owdt. ginaai aelle Cbtness tea that M eerttia vera for all die.. 181 Beooad Set X small! aad Taylor. SCIENTIFIC vibration relieve suppressed, pain- fnl monthly periods, parslrala. rbeimstlsm . free examinatloa. T08 Weet I'ark at. BAI.M 0P-F1G8 for all female dk Eaa naimoat. . rnoa DISEASRS 'OP WOMEN Pftvate -maternity hospital; atrlrt bwetloo and pectel ear. Dr. Atwoud. '.I" V Morrhwa at, room 8. Pboaa PsclSe mi HOLD ON There ta sne tbrng tbt rh.omettem. A'k our drurrtst t, o . s or call Li V A - tr. , MANLY vigor rUetored by Dr. B-bevta Brv Globuwa. One - BKntb' - treatment. 83: 3 Boa tha, $S; sent seen rely realed by taafl. Ageata. Woodard. Clarke Co.. Partlaad. Or. BANKS. ' at "TB wmees Iran - . . . .. banking. Exchange ea all parte ? "e worT , s to a per cent; einrwM - ".a Mfi t.ritn innM " fioatheaet aaraa. xanra Private Frehsnee TX. r, -Breeder - J, O. OOI.TBA.... Aeslstant Bscrewy. 868 Morrisoa Street. Portlaad, Oiaasa. . itisr.s nvPARTalRNT. Intereet Arlowea "v,."uSL.,:ri"rTr : uwai credit . Aertstsat Cccvotarr - W - mLrBr'..... TWF-WI Aaalataat SeereUry Street. Ph- Msla 164. COMTABT FartUaa. Oregoa. (second floar). Second aad BtarB erraeis COBPOBXTIOWB. beagbt snd old. Br and bonds guaranteed. enterprlsae eegaalsaB 248 Waeblngtoa i--rjet. fJi i L . Bstste at Lowest Bat. Tltkar Taaureo. aw urn imUUJUe B. C. MEARS , H. T STOREY. PLATT A PLATT Caabler - Asststsnt Csshle ..General Coanael INVESTMENTS. ad, Oregoa. and Rstlroad Bcicd. Write or CalL- Booms 8, 4 snd 8 La Payette bldg.. car. Blgth and Wash. Bta, PartUad. Oregoa- . DIVIDEND BANK AND CORPORATION 1SI0CIS Camatotaat With Absoluts Sfty,. : ... TBLEPHONB B TELEGRAPH SBCTJBtTIBB PERSONAL. YES. Palm Tablets auk pew 1a'pcTfeJri they cure Bervoaanee tA make yen etroegt All drugglat. ar addree Brooke Drag Caw 87 north Third st. PartUad, Oregoa. 8EX1NB PILLS rare ail forma of nervoti er muscular waaknesa. For men or woman. Prlc $1 a box. 8 hnse $6. with fun guaran tee. Addree or cell J. O. Clemeoeon. drug gist. Second aad Yamhill Ste, Portland. Or. ELECTRO THERAPEITTT8T, BenJ. n. SlahTcurea ererytnnii -Item apeeUIty. 81 H Phut at. BOI .DEN'S RHEUMATIC CUBB Sure rata rheumatism. Bold by all- auggtata. UUMAN'IIAIB SWITCHES Pay (fter yem re ceive 'than; (end a aampU of your hair and we will send you one of our $1.60 switches, 314 oa.. 22 Inches; ei amine It: if a big bar gain remit; If aot return. Addreaa Ladles' Hair Emporium, 324. Dearborn St., Chicago, - 111. MOLES, wrinkle, saperflnona katr removed. lt m tell you how. No charge. Mr. M. D. - Hill, Suite I. Sclllng-Hlrach bldg. Paclfl 136. WE MAKE a specialty of aaperfluons hair. akla refining, acalp lnrlgoratad. manicuring. . blemishes rsmoved, haldneaa treated; work guaranteed. ' Boom 303 Geodnougb bldg. VIOLIN won by Mlsa M. A. Sterrett. f.-rtner-ly from the aat, at 808 Market t. Pboa Pacific 12S4. . MAW artth considerable hospital experience, ea atewerd, but snd sttendsnt ouca to take charge private Invalid; magnetic massage a apaclalty. . C 61. car JournaL . . ELDEBLY Udy with property wlehe to meet gent over 60 matrimonially meltoed. Z 12. car JournaL . MAN In bualneaa owning ewu bom and other mesne would like to meet young Udy 36 ta 86 with mesne. K 16, care Journal. . A CHRISTIAN Udy wishes to meet a Christian rentlemaa aged about 60; object, matrimony t suited. Asldreae X 8. .-rare Journal. PEDICURING aad healing: rheumatiem cure, by haadrubblng. 144 tt Sixth at. Bear Alder. MISS ETHEL WARD, face and loalp maaaage, nanlenrlr.g. chiropody. Room 26, 145 8th. AUTOMOBILES. COVET At COOK Motor Car Co., Fifteenth aad Waahlngtoa Agents for Osdlllec Pierce. Great Arrow and Stevena-Buryea motor-ear; machine rented, repaired aad atored. Mala , .6468. . - ART EMPORIUM, . . PROFEUSOB B "MAX MBTEB. 848 Akier. Portrait na fndecap artlat na rencnee. ATTORNEYS.. A. H. TAJfNER. ttorny. SOB Commercial blk , Second and Washington ata. phone Ms In 843. ARCHITECTS. H. H.. MBNOBB, Architect. 118 Seeeae) at' ASSAYERST, 0ABVIW CYANIDE EXTBACTIrfN-icO . aad Montana Aaeay yfflrj ''T10 BATHS MASSAGE. YOl'NG Udv give vapor, alcohol aad aeedbrated bathe. Parlor ST. 3S(, Stark at. . . 3 LADIF Bsth. face aad. acalp BOS Fifth, bet. Tajmr a a nsimoa. , TWO eoaag ladle glv massage, tub aad vap hatha. -.110 Mr Fourth .. or.. Wsklngioa. by maaaag by von eg Ken maa Udy. XiihMi Stark. 31 43 Tarasaa Houaa. MISS B4VMOND gl bathe and maaaage . treatments, Tb t'oeaan. M Morrwon et. LADY from tb eaat gives arlentldc maag. vapor aud tub bstba. Am Third al. TTil'NO acientlne msmeuee give eleetrt.!, rbermsl. alc.holl aud medicated tr.ln--. 12 Laag H-ei. " Blitb ad B a tTiVVnOU, lSN BATHK' '4. ' hctneen tl aad Bib ' " e ' 'mawaae, elecltl. I'j ' all- !'. ; .'