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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 23, 1906)
.11. HXW TODAY.- Mr. E. Z. Mark Scents the Elixir of Life, FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING LA RGB rooms elegantly furnished kousekeentne "LCV! " "(r. Iks, Lews-- . boas. Alder at. , - dale, VlrJT A Sleeping snd honaeksaol... 4 Per Cent 34TH ririh at. . 1.86 PER WEEK Lsrg. claas. furskmed , hutiaeheeolng-ihsijus; laundry aud bath. 1H4 Sherman. South Portland. " v INTEREST THE HALL. 414 Fifth furnished oousckpliur roome. Ttmrlsts welcome. v. ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS FURMNUED housekeeping flats for rent, gin month; newly paluta.. Call 663 Seventh st. ce, iisui eaa Birr: stricii eem..i u. - Psciflo 81 T. '..'''-- ." i"v - Cpyrlght. 10. by isssrsssa I ill frnitim ,' .-',' "; ; - T- ?7 7 THE 106 West Park at, u Savings Bank -or THB-t- ... ; " TITLE GUARANTEE & TRUST COMPANY Pays 4 pe eint on Certificates t Ee posit. - v: Pays 4 par cent on savings n tercet compounded awml-annuaiiyj. Pays I per cant on daliy balances of check, accounts, --'r- -.-;-t :, ' A - ' .... ,' - ; ' ' Ba p ln hours ..... a. m. to 4 Pj ra. "Sauira.ys a. ra. to I p. ra. Saturday evenlnss... ...... to o'clock 240 Washington Street - '. oonet sooad, ' Portland, Oregon trains in Real Estate Rd.aso B-room modern - d welling;. - lot . 60x160 on Irving-, noar Twentieth iTut! fiinun: I flrcDlaces: gas ana olootrlo futures; a very desirable and eompleto borne. , -' f ,800 I room now' modern homo on corner lot S60, beautiful lawn. Just ona block from Hawtnorne avenue; - la flttocl with s-ss and electric fix- . tares, furnace, fireplace; cement floor . in . basement; one of tho most c'om ' plcto homes la the oity; owner must sell bjr July 1. 98,760 6-room new house, just com pleted, on fcasi lamnni, near iwraij' ninth: aav terms. $1.000 T-room modern bouse, now, on block Of oar lino; close In. tLCOO Quarter-block' on Hawthorne avenue; a bargain. feoo Lola on Hawtbome avenue, t3,B60 Two ' acres oii " Ksst Thirty fourth street; street .Improvements pound. $900 H acres with bouse and barn, on olootrlo Una. STEVENSON- BROWN CO. no noon ituit. St. Water Front sT rVAHlaffft R -1 0CCi foTssTssY roriwi wWtyTi"Vw- ivvk deep, near Peninsula Lumber Co. Moxon-Valentine Co. ST. JOHNS Front For Sale 800 , feet. St. Johns River Frontage. The best saw mill site ever offered. . Deep wa- ; ter, solid ground, plenty of stor age for logs and piling. This can r be had at :a: bargain..- Address, - Owner, Care Journal. Farm For Sale 44 ACRES On the Tualatin river, to acrea culti vated. Nloe -roora house; Rood barn and outbuildings; lit fruit trees.. This is a good little farm. W1U exchange for Portland property. Alfred A. Baker Ilt Ablng-.ldg, TsL Mala StSa. NEW STORES and OFFICE ROOMS FOI RENT W. a ssr. Third asd stadlsoa. Apply Estate of D, P. Thompson t naiT stxxxt. Removal Notice! LOUIS. SALOMON bxal num.-' Moved to Room 220, Lumber Exchange Building B. X.' Oar. IiiiM sad Btark Bta. . $1,000 Cash BAXAJTCa O BAST TXXatg. For a choice location on Everett atreet. I near N. list, with god T-room house! Chamber ef Oommaroe. a o&ows oozva to All 1 - ari. ..w . w - - " i,wj" " nwm.iii rimniT, vrea;on. Iiinile. We pay transportation of sll PI rt'HAfER8. Forty vacant lots In thla city 11 cash, per month. THE DUNN-LAWRENCE COMPANY Great Snap For , Quick Action . .. Tha finest tract and on! ma un on .tha.weat aide. AH ready for subdlvl. inn. fan ba soul at a great bargain. Kor threa davs only. Can mm 11.000 pr acre. Only 13-mlniite car oawrvtoe u nmr or ine niy.. h , CI It. DEUUiKK. - X. $i i'Uia nw i ortlajt, Pr. Johns Klamath Falls T- ' 1. STRANGER Mr, Mark, I . to Iwlreduoo te your notion; the discovery of tlte Twentieth Century The EGYPTIAN ELIXIR OF LIFE. One whiff, sir, will entirely renew anee Vitality) for . Uat, tirod isellnfl, IU boon, to humanity " lt M mil HIHHMIUHM H M M m'm 4 M M M M NEW TODAY. DECIDE NOW That Yoo Will Look at This ::: Property Before Buying - tWO eOilOO to ld-foot alley; "beauti ful lot on Bortbwlck atreet; sidewalk, sewer, etc.; part cash. S90 Nice" lot on Cook avenue. ' . S33S Soth"fronfr Vt on Sumner street near l car llne. . , 1 ISO each for three lota In Good Morning addition. ' . SMBO Two lots; a corner on Bhavsr street; 100x100; will make a nice cor " ner for a, borne. 4TI each for several lots on Vancouver avenue near Shaver atreet S1S.000 for three lota and two bouses on WUllams avrnus. noffar-frora ' steel brides. Look thla up for a busl ness Investment. ; S1.T00 8tore on Union avenue. SUM New house, almost finished,' on . Alblna. avenue; ajoooUbuy. - Terms - 20 cash, balance f 11.19 month. M. E. Thompson .'..l : 4 msstsetppTAvenue. Fhone Wood lawn tot. The J. N. Blair Company 315 Abington Bldg. Buy and sell all kinds of Real Estate city and suburban. The best buy; on 2nd Zitreet, $30,000. ' ' 100x1 25 100 feet from UnlOfTAvelObeai fruit trees, good six room house. PhotTe Main 6758. Want Timber Lands GET A HOME ,SM BOWsT AJTO S10 A MO Lots In South Sunnyslde, 'cheapest tract on Hawthorne avenue: fine ear service, streets graded, water In, sidewalks laid. Call at Room I. Chamber of Commerce. XABTHAW ft TBOIIWOW, - Chamber ef Oommejroe. 1 THRIFT ' "' :; -- TBS '. , ' ' "' ' "" "Oldest Trust Company in Oregon" axaoinoza otx si.aoo.oos" lews perlal Orttaretet of DepoiRt that pay ft-osi t s pr cent lnterMt. - aod can he drewa at snr time br airlns s eertals arohrr ef tr' Botlee. -rail parUonlais are eoaUlsed la ear Book ef nxUSTXATIOYI" Wtairh'ws .ahaA bt glad t Send yea. ' Portland Trust Company of Oregon a. m. tar. 84 end Oak eta. Pbone Kx. Tt. BKNJ. !. President H. U PITTIX K Vlre-fmldont B. LB B PAOBT hmun J. O. UOLTHA .ailaUnt kVcreUry WEATHER REPORT. The kick waaeare area ever weetars Wa.h- lngtoa kaa adrancad to waetara Montana. A larfe low preeaur area M nntad ev tha lower lake reftaa. Tkfee conditio Da bare eaua.d lirary rcalna la MlMoorl ant llxhter anumnu la tbe ad)olnlat statra. kala baa also orenrrad la Menuna, North Dakota, Minnesota, tbe Ohio valkr and tbe lake rectos. It la warmer Is central California and In Oregon It eontlnnee eaol la Make- an4 a llffbt froat orcarred thla swirnliia at Bolae, . It la coolar. la I tab, Colo, rndo. wyomlof, waatera Montana, weatern Bunlb tMkota end eaetera Mebraika, and warmer la Oklahoma, Arkansas and Teanian i. Tbe temperaturee In tbe gulf at. tee are, gen arally alljrhtly above normal. . ' .e - in conditions are raeoranie for raw weatner In tbla dlntHrt toiilaht and Rnndar. It will b warmer Sunday eaat ot tha Caarade stoan- talna and pfonaWf eooier In waatrrs' oracua and weetem Wanhlnslon. - Obaerratloos taken at s. m.. panne lime: , Temp.- gtatlons . Max. ...Mis. Predp. Psker-City. Oregon....... a . ' 4. .0 Boat, MaMacbuartts M ' OS . Chli'ago,- llllnou ,:..S4 '""es .0 .84 - .64 a " ...o. . .0 ' .0 .0 .0 .41 .0 " .o - .0 .0 .0 .0 Denver, Colorado a n , asanas my. Hiavun. ..,. i- e. Ujs Angeles, tallfornia... ja ri Kew Orleans. Uwtatana... 2 '-Z Td . New York. New York...,. M " Portland.- On-torn 1 i M Hose bare, 'Oregon..,....., 74 4S Kt. Lou la. Mlsatairl Lake, I'tak " '. 4 Kan PrasHsco. ralltorpla.. Tn fKI Snokana. Waablngtoa...... M " 42 . Taeoma. Washington 70 , Mr W alla. Walla, waasingum.. u r Washington. D. M M DEATHS. BEARD June 33. Leila May Beard, 3 months, Thirty-Bret ana Rae unsen, eenticemia. EslMCBTlune 81, Margaret Km inert, Tl ers rinnrf SsmsHtan hosoltal. burna. PETIRBOK-Jrine 1". Minnie B. Peteraoa, months. Al Kast Twentv-flrat. gienlngltls. EltliltWnne 31. William Frdla.. 18 years.' 86T Margaevlta'avense, valvnlar hetrt diseaae. r.i:i June 33, Ivy, Meed, 84 Kast Twelfth, rn years, oia age. CAI.sjr In Hnrtnedata. Waehtngtnn. June IS. Its. Allen ( alef, aged 8 yeera, eon ef las lata Chaflcj S. Calef ef i'oxUaad, Vltfto, would Ilk 2. STRANQKRWuat greatest -Mir; It - will maKe-you "fowt twenty-rlve hour later) E. Z., wtitaoetM meariT yeara yt linger. - ' 7 What'a tha matter with you. Waka up! - MR. MARK Aaahl rVm-m-m-ml It , Where are all tha eoata and umbra1 la gone . ta ma I reoaMlxe tha moiU A-evhl ; from tha hall atandf What does your " Hjibjimi . . . . empty pokeibook iriaa.i Jyififl hara?yogr . i diamond shirt atud la gone, too and your MARRIAGE LICENSES. WlllUm McDermott, Trinidad, Colo., 17; Ba. die MeM abas. as. .. - Amoa Tbomaa, 8S North Ninth street, 48; Mary White, 83. James P. Caaaldy, 827 First street. SS; Kath rya Hortoa, S3. llf Ci bld., O. Smith t IV. ItA, lngtoa cor. rowth aod Waablnstoa eta. Wedding end printed. . T. railing cards en gr a red or Bash to. atV Waablngtoa at. kftas Bartba Martin mm Bit Altehe ku. ttamplng asd 8ne a dleworki leaaens gteea. BIRTHS. POWERS-Jnae . to Mr. and Mrs. Cbarlra X. Powere, 138 Twelfth, a glrU M'DoXALT June , to Mr, and Mrs. P. M Donald. 68 Hojt. s boy. SAN June 11, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kaa, ow cast jweuia, BOX, UNDERTAKERS. J. P. ftnley at Son. funeral dlreetors and ambalBMrs, eurnar Third sad Madlaoa atreeta. Of fleer ot aoaaty coroner. Tewpboae Mats Si vDnnning. MiEntee mitaaf. -endertskera and embslmers; atodera la ovary detail, aeroath and Pine. Mala 480. Ledy aaaletaat. A. B. Bematoek, andertakar IBd embalmer. Bast Tbtrtaeatk asd Cmatilla ate. Pboae Sail. wood Tl. Rrlcfcaoa Undertaklsc Co., embalm tna. Alder at. Pbone Mais 61SS. 0 Edward Holms a. aadertakar, ISO Third street. Clark Bros for Bowers, tat ktorrtaoa atreet. jurrmvirw cimmi. Ingle yravas (10. Family lota 78 to fl.OoS. Tbe eoly cemetery In Portlasd which per peraally maiotalna and cares for Iota. For full Information apply to W. B, Markensle. Wee eeattr block, city: W. M. Ladd, president. -SEAb-ESTATE-TRANSFERS William 1. Ranclf and wife to Paolo Blrl sml, lot U, block . HeUwood. ...... .$ 610 m. mm mm mmpsnf to - raSM . uraes . . 5"w.rt T. , block s, Arlets Park ' No ...... ; j Cdward Dekam at si. to Xlnatbaa Kweet. Ma 18,. Is, block 10, King a tlecond sd- dltloa , . TOO William T. Kerr, and wife to Kits M. Boaemas. lot block 4. WllUama Aveone addition , sna Cregnry B. Hnyder and wife to John W, ' t'aplee. parcel of land beginning on enutnesat line of Halaey street, M feet la northeast course from west corner or block B. McMillan a addl non . . . Georg W. Frown to Kathrya O. Taft I,,., o, n. i, mm. dmstb s.uarer O. ffnencer; trustee ana wire m Men. eoo A. Wright, tola a. 4, block 380. Holladav addition ... B. B. Wright sad wife to Onatav rrel wald. lota 8, 4, block sr)0, asms ad dition .... ... J. A. Cnrrey and wife to rVhsyler 0. Kit ten, lot T, block 111, Graver's addltloa Joseph Cloaaet et al. to U M. Dlckaon. north la or doable block !," City.... L. M. Dlrksoa to Margaret Alnswortb et el, same The board of school trustees to laors Allrk Beck, lot IS, block 278, Coach's addltloa 7. B. Ie Paget and wife ta Michael O'Brien, pareel- land tn section s, town-3 ebln 1 eneth. range I eaat ..r. Amelia Katharine Haab et at to Mathew F. Pantos, lot "W," Grover'e addl tloa H. C. Dattna and wlfa to J. E. Terpen -nlng. west half of lofa 18, 14, block . Roaedals .... U., .. . .., Arlets Land company' to Lillian Moysr Strong, lot 28, block 14, Arista Park No. 3 ,... !.... Arlets Lead company AnryTtoyer, tot 27, block 14, Arleta Park Jtox.B . Matilda Hnrhes and bos band to A. Mai ler, lota 17, 18. block 8, Kline I Park.. Tha Title Guarantee a Trust com parry to H. B. Carey, tot 4, block 1, BolUday Park addltloa r Peter Wagner and wife to J. . Ingles, lota 1, a, 8, 4. block B, Patt addition.. Walter H. Vaa Days and wife to James -, P. .Graham, wast H lots 6, , Work SPl, City N. B. Ooldea and wlfa to Christian Addi son et si., lots 1, T, block T. Waod mere rranrbi A. Ball sad wlfs to Edward P. CTlaeey, lot IT, Mock 1, Beouod Elec tric addition Sams to William L.Crteey, let 18, -block I. Second Elertrle addition Jessie L. Morebead and husband to Her bert Gordon, south U at lot I, Park 8.600 B.000 1.600 18 100 ,100 a eoo 850 . B 4, City il.OOO B. B. Menefee and wife to Annie C. Ca bs Ha lot e. block X. Lincoln Park 1,060 lwis K. unesdie anq wirs to Philip Gebbsrdt, lot 8. block 7. Central Al blna ..I rt -.. .i-,..- 808 Lsng Investment company to C. Q. Kirk- land, lot 34. block 8, Gay's addltloa.;... 180 Iris r lee i, Hose sad wire to Thoraaa B. Neobanaea and wife, lot 8. block 304. llolladay's addltloa 4,800 Matilda rasa to Raines Kennard, 1 sere, beginning st northwest corner of prop erty conveyed br II. C. Csrmsck and wife .... 800 It. t. reok to Matilda yeak, asms prop erty William W. Wing and wife to William G. Colhnra and wlfa. lot 8. block 76. Mellwcod 1.000 Christine Jemtrgaard to August Ander son et sL. lots a. 4. block 10. North Albrna i . ' 1.108 Boawell B. Lamam et st. tn Grace Balrd. : lot 8. block 1. Villa Heights ' M Bams to Llaane O. Balrd et at., lot 13, block, 1. aame - "f)00 Theodora Rrugrer ta Grace Balrd et el., - mta ). ix, niors i, this neignta. . . . . . l.ono Tnomaa h. lmnanoe ana wire to w u- s. Ferrell. lot 12. block 14, Parsdlee Rnrlng 4ract . . .-. a Sheriff ts Jnha Pennlaon. lota T. 8. 8. 10. 11. IJ. block 1. Davie Rlrhland. 1.M8 Cbarlea W. afarrltt and wife to RslUe T. Poke, west u nr Jot 34. and lota 35. 30. 37. 38. block 6S. Inlreralty Park... 1.371 Get your tnenranre end abstracts ro real eatrf. from the Title Guarantee A Tmat cmsmssy, 340 Wsshlngtoa street, corner Second. NOTICE. NOTICE OP STOCKHOIJERS' MEETING. ' Notice Is hereby given that the snnnal meet ' Ing 'of the atockholrtera of tba Midway Oil company will be bald at tbe offle of Idd Tlltoa, Portlsndi Oregon, st 8 o'clock p. ' m., an Wednesday, Jnly 18, lore, for the purpoes of electing a board of directors and for ths transaction ef such other business as ma r come before the meeting. WILLIAM M. WIIIDDEN, Secretsry. - ' ;$2S0 Reward c For the spprebensloa of each of the persona row at larg wfae committed the murderona eswanlt en the crew af .the ship Job aa Poetess es the night of June 13. lRr), .. T , ' - The Citizens' Alliance - 22$ Sherlock Bid?. . - ' ' 1 . .. aa " 8,000 tefc whiff, Mr. S. MRS. MARK -watoh, E. Z., do 4 M M M Ml M M M ' NOTICE. PHoronALS isYifrn tor nrvpum r TUB OREr) HTATFTPKNtTKNTIARl UB FERIOl) ENDING DBt'BMBEB 81. 19(. Sealed blda for draga. dry gooda. grocwrtea, leather and Bndlnga. plumbing anppUea. hard ware. Hour. ftsb. meat, etc.. will be reeelrrd at the office of tho su!r!ntendent of the f Oregon "-tate Penttentlarr antll Jnne SB. at i o'clock p. s., at which time they will . be opened. . . ' A of 8200 caah or eertlfled check, parable to- the superintendent, must sreom na'nr earh bid for meat and floor, and. all other blda moat ho seeompanled by aa amonnt eqnal to 10 per cent of tbe amonnt of the bid. Hamplea to aceompanr all bide wherevpra ttrsble. The right la reserved to reject aay and all blda and to seeept or reject any oor Af . km ro each enveloDo: alionld he . jiuKTlbed the aatura of tho bid,- iorts f Oreaon. maaufsrtvre or -product ton will receive preference, ether things he Hi a eugl. -,AI1 gnoda and rappllea moat be delivered ta tbe penitentiary within 90 days after tha contract la awanled.' Hrhednlea ef tbe virions lines of gooda will be furnished spun application to tbe anpertn- temtent. - - Vouchers will ha leaned for payment on the flrat of the month following the complett-w of tbe contract 'Sod monthly or eeatlnnona contracta. . Midden will take notice that the appro. I . nrlatloa Tor maintenance or tne penennsry La now arallshJe. and all clslns foe anpplle after Being anititea ny ine secretary ot ataie will be paid by state warrants. C. vr. james, . Snpertntendent Oregon Ptato Penitentiary, aabrm. Oregon.- Jane S, 1D0S. .. - - NOTICR or PINAL. ACCOUNT Ths sndee. Bigned has ranaed to be riled la tne county court of Oregon for Multnomah county her final account as execotrlj of the last will of B. H. S.hwah. deceased, and Wednesday. June 37. tone, at tbe boor of :S0 o'ekx-k s. m. of as Id day. In the above-named court, hae been set for the hearing ot the aame and the settling of ohjeetkma to the same. If there any be made. All persona Interested therein are hereby notified to make their obtertinn thereto on or before said date. Dated and not published May 3A. WOfl. JENNIE L. HCHWAB, Executrix.- JAMES GLEASON.' Attorney for Eiecutrlg. OmCB DlKBl'RarNO Qt'ARTERMAWrER. forusjd, .W-. J'ine in lteei nea leri nro possla. In frTpTfca heTTrberecerrederT nntll II o'clork. Pacific time, July 3. ldna. for 3.078.000 feet of lumber for tbe Philippine Islands. Infnrme'tloB fnrnlahed here. United Rtatea reservea the right to reject or accept any or all blda. or any part thereof. En velopes contslnfng proposals ehouid be marked "Proposala for Lumber for Philippine Islands." nd addrasai' d to Alfred M. Palmer, Major, Qnarrermaater, 17. B. A, Dlaburaing Quarter master. MEETING NOTICES-: ALBTNA IXMlge, No. 101. A. P. at A. M.- apeclai . eommunlcattoa thla lork" Work la M. M. degree. Vbtltlng brethren cordially Invited. By order W.' M. A. i. HANDLilT. fleeretary. HARM0NT Lodge. Bo. 12. A. P. A. M. Special cocnmnfilcatlon to night (Saturday). T:H0 o'clock. Maannte tenrnleThh-d end Alder atreeta.. Work Is tbe M. M. degree. All H. M. welcome. . By order of BUTTS R. BALL. Secretary. MACCABEES Portland Tent, No. 1. will give s whlat party and dance In their hall. K. of P. tamnle. Wth and Alder sta Thursday evening. JMst;.3a. 'jsTrlends are Invited. E. M. LANCE. R. K. M. W A. EVERGREEN CAMP. 8,4nB. meets Wednesday svenins, Aiisay 0Hif juira sna -Morrlaoa sts. . M. W. day a L, Oregon Grape Camp. No. 8.975. Mou nts aod Marshall: visitors welcome. LOST AND FOUND. STRAYED Light sorrel borne with biased face; had -halter on. a. s. ninny, unts, or. Ho ward. LOST. A nnrae containing cards, 'ta snd leward. money. r. Return aame Journal office. HELP WANTEDMALE. A HUNDRED firemen snd brakemen on Oregon. California and other railroads; ags 30 tn JO. strong, good sight snd hearing; eiperhroce - unnecessary. ' Firemen 80 to 8100 monthly. beeome engineers and ears $300. Brakemen 870 to 8h0 monthly, become con doc tors ami ears 8130. Poeltlone awaiting competent men.' Send atamp for particular. Name position - preferred. Railway Association, . room J 41. 1W6 Geary et.. Has rrancMco. iai. WANTED Varnlabers, machine and bench hands. Ore goo Furniture Mfg. Co, Macadam road. : t - IF you play pool, to to tbe Wellington Par- lor. A list y bldg. imra ssa siarrieoB. MEN AND WOMEN to learn barber trade tn eight weeka; graduates earn from 818 ts 2S weekly, esport Instructors; ' catalogue free. , Moler System of Colleges, 86 Marts Fourth St., Portland. SALESMEN WANTED For saw sf the Unrest nnreerlea tn the west: cash advasced week In good territory open. Address Wsablagtoa Oe Toppenisa. nam. inENTS WANTtcn to sell snnerlor. hlrh . nii.eeev stock eotsiolete ootflt fomlshed free ca.k weekly: writs today for eboloe. of ter ritory. Capital City woreery compssy, nus, Union Hotel .81 NORTH SIXTH ST. ...Weekly rates: Boom. nom. 31.31 up sod board. 6 60 up.-A ndereoni ftroprletor. nnve-pNurrcT - POSITIONS Toting men wanted to pre per for letter-carrier snd rail way njll clerk. West Caat tmrennoaaeDce - Reboot. 3d Stark st. Opes svenlngs. WANTM) Competent, - per lanced Insnrance - pmdnrers for beat fraternity eitant; liberal -compensation. F. F. Rouee, prealdent, Den ver, Colorado. IOC ean eern l weekly If yoa learn to . rUti.r ai..hlnH: Miff anrl. short hours, ateady employment; lr aeons reasonable. , Offlce 14H Blath St., room L WANTED Couch makers: .steady wort. 48 Front St.. earner Davie. WANTED Boy abont tl; ateady work. . 43 Front et., comer Davie. , WANTED 8 energetic, reliable esleeraen for rapidly growing real eatat or i ice. netween ' an vesra and 40 yeara of kga: ability snd rnaraeier tne fTiitrnw, (rinsiug auvn oe nly 36, far Journal. TOt'NO men. prepare for railway snd. wireless telegraph service; nig noma no mr graouatea; quickly acquired ; anmmer rate sow on. Call Immediately. Pacific Telegraph School, Grand Theatre bldg. ' WAITERS, cooks familiar North 12th. near Marshall. beet hotels. ' 347 Mr. James. i J WANTED Good snhscrlptloa see Call 4-60 MMS 8104L. til, ' A, HarrWIny homo a half ahleep. MR8. bratnleaa there and mining yoy hesrf Wake up! - Mark, ilUMMMIMIIII)KHtUMMIIMMMIHtMI(Ml "HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED. AT ONCE 260 laborers at- Cssa- dero: wage )3.26 per day. Call at engi neering departiueut. Oregon Water Power A Railway company, Flrat sad Alder sts., for particulars. WANTED Maa to work tn offlc; must have aome money ' to Invest: csn make (Inn s month. Call room 8 Breedea bldg., Thbrd and Wsshlngtoa . WANTED Yotmg men to prepare themselves for bookkeepers sua atenograpnera. - ainoe Aept. 1 we have had 478 application from bualnea men; daring this seme period we have placed 284 la positions. Open ell tbe year, day and night. iWa will place yoa Is s position when competent: enroll now.' Catalogue. Belioke-Walker Business College. WANTED Men tor brickyard at Seventh snd Kuseell sts. POSITION ss watefamaa: age 81. good pbyalqus. reliable) references, w IS, car Journal. WANTED Boy. Id. grocery and cars for Eaat Portland. Inquire ,W S. JOuraat. WANTED Rellahls men everywhere, good pay, tack algrm .etc. ; nothing . to aell ; ' no can vassing, rnlveraal Adv. ('., Chicago. : 20-MTN.-dre'aed"Wn. 315 per week: no fee; sena stamp nr psriicuierm . m ua vi. " HELP WANTED FEMALE. GIRIJI sbont "IS yesrs ot age to work ta fac tory. Apply st osc. a met-nam-nanus Co., Fifth and Dsvls sts. HANSEN'S LAPtKS AGENCY. 846 H Waahmg- ton at-.ear. Seventh, spstsirs. i-none sisis 3083. Female bel wanted. WANTED Girls to mske o All" ovsy- ...S3 alia at 78 Flrat at. GIRLS WANTED Operator' tn .work on shirts snd overalls. Leseona given vo loexpenenrea. Apply at Standard factorr No.- 3, Grand are. and E. Taylor at. . WANTED 3 wsltiasaia; one for dinner henr only. Apply et' once, uoejsrt-vurtia, iis snd Jef feraos sts. ' WANTED Coronetent girl fe work. 827 Marshall .St., betwsea Nineteenth -and Twentieth. , WANTED A rood Vomas cook st Watson's - atsnraa. - . glilh at,, aear rne. An- pij . vm-v. . THE HOME LADIES' AGENCY. Femals help famished free to employer. Registration Free. 166V, Fourth St., upstair, room 38. Main BS38. YOUNG ladles, pre par for Commerdsl and wireless telegraph service; Dig oemand ror graduatea; quickly acquired; summer h rates now on. Call Immediately. Parjfls Tele graph School, Grand Theatre bldg. WAITRESSES, rbambermatda familiar with near Marshsll. beat place. 347 North 12th, Mr. Jan EXPERIENCED dressmaker, single or widow, to do dressmaking with milliner In small town; mnat understand cutting and Sttlng thoroughly; state aalary espected; reference. - D 60, care Journal. ' A GENTLEMAN would like tn meet lady 3d to . 40 for bualness partner. Addrees P 6, car Journal. " --r . rTR8T-CItSS waeber 1 take family washing horns. Call 1026 VI II litems svs., or Scott 8481. GIRL wanted' for general honaewnrk: good . cook: small family. Apply st OMV, Gltsan at. WANTED Lady cook - for - hoardinr-booae: 18 Addrees w. B. msrp. wyeth, Oregon. WANTED Girl or middle-aged woman for general housework. Call 741 Overton, se Pbone Main 4000. Carfare paid. GIRLS 'ave.. wanted ta rlgar-bor. factory, cor. Eaat Pin.-' - Uakoa WANTED H alp, snd Columbia. " . JLnloo Laundry Co., Second WANTED As BHporlcnced lady to press ladles iarmeuta. at the Eaat Portland Cleaning ; Lye Works, 14S tirsnd, sva WANTED Small fin to take ears of Baby, at. Inquire 670 Fron: 10 CHAMBERMAIDS, 840 per month i IB store Iris st 6X0 per months -no fee; send atamp for particulars, root uox particulars. Poet 47. WANTED Woman to do family wsablnt Mon day tack weok at. ,778 Irving st COOKS at tbe Coast. 40; Illllsbore, 8401 city, 340, and 810 week V housework, 3.10 to ; laumlry work, fa, room and board, snd others. The Home Idlea' Agency. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. iKOROB T. Mt'RTON. 634 Chamber of Com merce, keep booka and. does general expert accounting bualness. . Pbone Main 4X88. YOUNG man going to college would like a position where be could work forenoons and svenlngs. Addreea W .11, cars Journal. WANTED By young man, work In family - Honor atore; have bad 8 monlba' 1(0 Eaat KlghU at., aorth. experience. WANTED Position, ofnee work preferred, by ' young man who har Bad experience as stenographer and clerk J do not object te going out of Uy. W 14, care Journal. TRUSTWORTHY, sober, bandy elderly maa want work on private place, where ke wren make himself useful: except horses; good gardener: city or country. Addres D 60, care Journal. . AS CABETAKER. by married man, strictly sober, thoroughly nndcratsnda care nf truck, matinee and driving borece snd their equip ment: private stable preferred;. : reference. W 4, eare Journal. WHO want .met Am good all around cook. "Harry, th Cook." Main 1163 MALE AND FEMALE HELP. WANTED AT -ONCE A a experienced party with 1100 to run s paying laundry. For partrrnlers call - IA64, kewlh-sW-- upstairs, salts i. Msln 6826. BRLP wanted asd eunplled, male or fnmals. R. G. Drake. 8Vi Wsshlngtoa St. Psclne 1STQ. SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE WANTED Situation In rooming. house a boose. keener; would-g out ot cite. Call 23 borlfe Mass), al -f t - , v A. MR. I. It jthlcklyl Maft-f-Qlvo KITn.n.kl. . 'llwl. Htm - . u.. T .', MARK Oh, you puny, ' minute, nonenttyl r aaa It all. - You aat let iomt man glva you knockout T eaus ana men rvu ynu. aw 4m THIS la Jta limit. I qultl SeeT WANTED AGENTS. WANTED Agent: somatblng sew; good sellerl big wages. 3t McKay bldg. AGENT wanted to sell s few 1-acre tract convenient to two electrle lines. Cedernergk, 814 CommercUl blk. BIG PAY to one agent tn each county working foe tha Investors' Gold. 311 Msrquam bldg,, Portlasd Oregon. DICTIONARY OF THOUGHTS. K. TAYLOR A CO PUBLISHERS. LACBB, BLDG. PORTLAND. OR. . AGENTS WANTED. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WB want property oa I.lnnton mad. A lot on eaat aide between Oak snd Couch, went of S4ta. - W want all kind of bargains real dene , snd business properties. t H. libll.BKONNER A CO.. - 616-19 Lumber Exchange, 2d ssd Stark. WANTED Lot la .or T-room bona. sxchang for equity la' Phone Best 8641. WANTKD House on essy term. 818 Commercial blk. . Msls 8863. WE WILL SELL year property, no matter what ft Me or where located. Sand description sow snd we will do the rest. In restore' Guide Co., 811 Marquee bldg., Portland, Oregoa. only. . Phon Wood lawn 229. WANTED Reel ealale. Improved ' and antes proved; we ran tell II for yon; list with us. BEST tt VA.V FOSSEN, 201 -a Morrison, st. WANTED To buy. house snd lot. or vecsat lot st ,,ioe. f.lwell "-eouven Wash. Beslty Company, Van- 8 TO 8-ronai bouse, or vacant lot, south Jefferaos: will pay fl.200 rash, balance terms: owners only. J 3. cere Journal. of EMPLOYMENT, AGENCIES. . HANSEN'S Pr1PLOVMKNT OFFICB FOB MEN. 3d N. Second at . . Phone Mam 1838. BIG FOUR EMP. AGENCY Help auppMrd free. 18 North Second at Pbone Mala 1818. ' WANTED FINANCIAL. - WANTED 8600 to open up new copper mine; . will give sn extra good opportunity ssd In ducement Call In forsneoa Joass' Book Store, 301 Alder St. jOKT your mortgage Joans fromTbe I)nnn Lasr - rence enmpsny. itvn, First at. 1'lenty money, low rates, no eommlaaloa. WANTED 6600 on first mortgage security for ? F" ra ; will psy T Wf cent; uo-sgeatsJ Address J 4. cars JournaL . WANTED 31.000 from priests psrty for 1 or 3 years, first mortgage security. X IS, JoursaJ. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED-TO RENT HOUSES. COTTAGES, .FLATS, ROOMINO-HOL'SES. STORES. ETC. Our rental department has been sslsrged . snd provided with sddltlonsl staff. We Invite listing from LANDLORDS, offer 'personal atteutlos to snd eoatlssoo supervision svsr sll property latrestad to ear rare. - -. - - PORTLAND TRUST COMPABY OF OREGON. S. B. cue. Bd ssd Osk sta. Pbrne Ks. TS. WANTED or T-room bouse, with ha th snd small barn, near school sad cars; stats price. W 8 csre JournaL WANTEDMISCELLANEOUS. U. It. MORGAN, plot lottser sprsyer ssd whit. wssber. Call Bast 6348. Remember tn name B. N. Morgaat It years la la Portland. WB WILL BUY, SELL OR TRADE ANY OLD THING. WESTERN BALTAGB (37 638 WASHINGTON. PACIFIC TBS. WB WILL BUY your, furniture any !-time. W eaters Sslvage C6 627 WnmlisrVeY -4t. WHO IS M. O. MOBGAN CO. PAINTINO, sirsylng and whitewashing- trees, basements, barns, docks, etc. largest gasoline enraylng outBt on th coeat. M. O Morgaa m uo., szz usioa bvs. rnons assx air. FURNITURR asd household good. Don't Worry-loss tins sr mossy, J set pooa r sin TVs. BOATS WANTED List your boats, steamers, Isnnchae, bargee, house boats and boatheseee with us for sal or rent. We bars calls fee them every day.- East 184. , Mala 6466 , . Main 6666 FURNITURE WANTBD . FOR ....... - . spot cAsn. . PORTLAND AUCTION BOOMS. 211 First St. . Msln - 8na WANTED TO buy boueebold furniture, com plete, for rash. Phone Paclfle 32M7. WANTED A good shotgun; Smith o Paclflo 80S. second-band doubleberrel Parker preferred. ' Call WANTED Steal" range; must be In good order , snd cheap for. cash; state make and price, W d, car Journal. - . WANTED Koll-top desk; etqte price and con dition. W 1. car. Journal. . FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT THS BICHELIEU 86 Mi NORTH SIXTH ST. Elegantly furnished, steam best ssd baths, THB GRAND. 46A N.eth Third st. tot gentlemen 81.86 per week -and op. NEATLY fnrnlahed room, walking distance) bath and phone; $6 per month. Call even ings 610 Hoyt at. - . FOR RE.NT-r-One large fnrnlahed room for two ledtee or a couple. 160 North Grand svs. . N1CH ftirnlabsd room, 36 s asonth. 611 Harrf son St., not ween liwnsdsla snd 16th. FOR RENT Large, light, airy room, flrat floor; thoroughly clean; well furnished; porcelain bath; telephone; reasonable. 80S loth et. NICK furnished fermt room in a. modern prl. vat, borne; gentlemen preferred.' 660 Sccend FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. THB MITCHELL, Fraadees - sod Bevsatk Rooms, kocsekeentng and transient; s - ventest; prices resaeasbl. WANTED Plain, reliable eouple take fnr nlahed rooms Is beautiful home, giving owner 1 tneale; walklug rilstanc; abundance fruit jsud sowsre, SovU Vi, tsuraujes. fl.uo WEEK UP, eleea. furnished honk.... room, with yard, parlor, laundry, batk. tar- sac beat. a aiastoa et. U car. PLEASANT front bouaekeeplng-reomat low renti electrle light, phone, do! ft Wit it T. . ' A NII'I 8-ronm L furnished for boo-.uni must be sees to I be apnrectsted. 1M4 Coll... FOR RKNT-680 Sixth sr.. furnished snd nn. furnished housekseplng-rooaia, ressosabls HOUSES FOR" RENT FURNt 'TURE FOR SALE. . MUDKRK a-eooea bones, ckaja InrTIIVnllur semT" for sale; rooms all occupied; owaer tearing city: term. L 8, car Journal. V AUCTIONS. Alf-TlrtW BA LK " Of 13 bead of horaea. inaa. snku e and gentle, weight from at) te Joo poosds. -on Tuesday. June 2d. st 2 o'clock p. m . at bjront t. I kon l'aclna ,460. Farmer' FOR RENT ISTO RES-OFFICES. OFFICB rooms, ssfaratabed rooms -and aampkx rooms for reat. Goodaoagh bldg.. Apply ale- -Vator, PART of shop ts rent, satiable for oslstse . piumbsr. 308 Fourth et. STORK for reat. corner. 281 North 18th st.t Just ths place for s butcber-abup and grocery 1 combined; cheap rent to right party. Apply J. Kraemer, Commercial blk. STORK, corner 4th sod Ollssn: will he vs. esled July I. Owner, SO North Esst. Ninth. ROOMS AND BOARD. WANTED Women ssd girls to room snd board at 886 Kast Aokenr .st. st 62.60 per week. Pbone ' Ksst 261. Volunteers of America. ... NICELY furnished rooms, modern convenlencea. borne prllrlegeo. Tel. Mala It. 386 14th St. YOUNG man desire ronia snd board tn prlrats family; references. Psoas Main 21:13. . . WELL-FURNISHED rooms with board; rates ressonsble. 442' Jefferson. LADY would like to csre for child or two; motherly csre; rate reaeonable.' - Inquire 463 Gantenbein ave., Alblns. ... FOR RENT HOUSES. FOR RENT 61200 d-room anna on Shaver at. 8 10. on 6 -room Sate oa Union ave., cloae In. ldtaj O-room Sat, new. modern, bath, eoutheoet corner Monro at, sod Mlsslslpid see. . XyO 00 fne atore anA llvine.rnnBns eat l'elnn 4-'ever; Sne opportunity for mas snd small family. .- . . . ' M. E. THOMPSON. , - 8.4, Mlaalsslppl see. ' Phone Woodlswa 22. KADDERLY TRANSFER CO.. prompt end re. llsbls snd fiirnltsre-movers: also stor age. Pboae Main' IdSfl. Offlce 110 K. Third. THE CONTINENTAL COMPANY SEE LIST. FOR BENT 8 modern a-eoom cottages. In. qntr 404 East Wsablngtos. Phone r.aat TPs. PABT ef steely furnished A room bowse, aradera convenience. Nob Hill. Pbone 4081. T-KOOM house. 808 Second St., near Clay. In aulra 888 caambet; ot Commerco. . ' . MODERN 6-rooss cottage. 614 Delay at. larast yard, wlndow-sbsdes asd near, O. JU-etO N. rtop.' , f 6-ROOM bouse. Urge basement. Key st O'Nell's Grocery, cor. Hood and Graut. .i.yo BEMT- ttaga oa Garnald ny 1 block from Union, dale et. inquire st int iwns- A COTTAGE with 4 room downstairs and 3 In attic, also bath and cellar, comnleted last fall. No. 400 Iron at., I block from Grand sva. and I'lrlalon at., 810 per month: no children. Tha Barrrll Investment Cp., Ke T First st. - FOR RENT 6-room cottage, 816 month. Ap ply PI Eaat both, or phone Esst 3176. FURNISHED HOUSES. FOR RENT New; 8-ronm furnished house. Hol ladav addltloa, cloae to car; larg aleeplng ' porch. -Apply J. 8, care Journal. FOR RUNT Fnrnlahed - house, eight moderaTo rent; deslraMr Tocirtlon. - Inquire "2- Northrop, Phone ' Pacific? 221. FOR RENT FLATS. FOB BENT T-raom flat. Sreplace. furnace. all modern! corner Park one Jefferaon; In -- Srat-claaa condition. Inquire W. T. Turner A Co.. 86 Front at.. Pbone Main US. FOR RENT July 1. modem T-room 8a f.. 801 12th at., corner Columbia : to flrat-rlase con dition. Inquire W. T. Turner A Co., 08 Front St. ltion Msln HV - TWO Sat, furnished or nnfurnlebtd. modern enavenlencee. - Pbone East 8066. 3 6-ROOM children. flats. and $I3.6A a- email Call uiatalra. 626 M III. MODERN 6 -room flat; steel and gas range, wind, ear -shade, largs cement basement. 2ta W Halaey. . in in 1 .1 , n BUSINESS CHANCES. - WRITB aa qnlck about recent Important de velopments af ths Hurst An torn tie Switch A Signal r. buy stock before .big adeanre. , . P. nnrat Co.. 308 McKay bldg. WANTED AT ONCE An experienced party wtth , 4liio to ruaa paying laundry. For particulars call 106H Fosrth st, spstsirs, salts S3. Mala 6838. ; BOMESEEKERS EXCURSION overUsd hi being ergsnlssd to go to Harney county. , Oregoa. For Information Inqntre 608 Com mercial block, corner Second asd Ween lag toe sts., st pboae Mala 843. , DO not keep Idle sinney. A postal card will brine yon Information bow to get tbe largest returtia on an absolutely af Investment ef . from 6100 tn 6600. J. B. Ballsy, 61T Luanbet Exchange, Portland, Oregoa. ' ROMESEBKERS EXCIIRSIOtt overland la . being organised to go to Harney county, Oregon. For Information inquire 6 Com. Bterdal block, corner Second and Waablng toa ate. Main 643. Addrees Arlets P. 0 Bos 308.- vr; .:. ; FOR SALE A rare, bargain may ke had la a country store ny csiiin ig on or addressing DongUs county. Or. L. N. Smirk, Itlxoovllle, IMPROVED' SMELTER STOCK, 4.000 st I0g per sbsre. Address H 6. rare JournaL WANTED Party to Invent 100 IS securing patent na salehts articles for quarter Interest; reference required. K 11, cars Journal. EXPERIENCED, rellahls prospector ba knowl . edge of larg onpper and crop oa line ot Alaska Central - railroad, wsnt grubetake references. Address J 6, rare JournaL ' 0 ROTE R i snd bakery for sale or trade for city or farm property., Addreea D 63, care Journal. . " WHO IS Jt O. MORGAN a CO. BAKKBY ;t'6 pop for rest KKBY for sals. In good bualneaa town, abont population, good opening and location vtaurant; win sxrnanga ror reainencs t : property In Portland sn burn or nt. jonn. . 'Kot furlher particulars sddreea Box 3, Moro, Oregon. . .. FOR SALE Hardware st.e-e snd buildings, doing large business; email town hut large terrltiwyi reaenn for eelllng. bualness Inter, esta elsewhere; tS.oOO, Addreea M 10. eare Jvurasj v V I c-- t