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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 23, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY" JOURNAL, PORTLAND ' SATURDAY ' EVV-JINO, JUNE 23, 1SC3. IT BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES. g. rtlRKBNWAI.D CO., 804-806" Bttrrtl ', I ric.t butchers' supply hoot " the wit.' BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. HOWE, DAVIS A KII.HAM. 108 111 Second . rlaek booh manufacturer;- agent (or June inproved Loose-Leaf ledger; sec- ths P.ures leaf, 'the beet oa the market. COLLECTION AGENCY. POKS ANT ONE OWE-TOfT MONET 7 WR . -. IT-Bl- lt!T -P Af l-KfWTlR. B'OUTIIWFSTKRN UW COLLECTION IO., 1M tiRAMI AVE.. . ROOMS 14 AND 16, C1TIF.KN8' BANK BUKIr WfT IH1B OUT. F1IONB EAST 046. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST. . Ahraya Consult th Beat. . I'ROr. B. KHIMO, DifitMl 'living astral deed-trance elate . : vnyaot of jUi ag: dvlar oa bastae and II affair f Ufa; tclla roar fall ne aaj shit yon called lor, whom yo will aisrry, , liow I control ha ana you low. even tbouck - in lies swer: i separated; ilm secret powere to control;, as mug uelays la siting. Hoars 10 to 8, dally and Sunday. Permanently km tod tn bla own bom. n ruin .1 corner Madlaon at. SPECIAL $S reading fir $1. St.' Oeors OroMade, Royal Kngllah C.ypsy. Consult hire oa love, buelnee. chhgo. marrtag. dl- 'voce: tella nsmee, dstee.. secrets, bow- to g.-t well, ha magnetic, phyalcally and men- ' tall vigorous; rnwww bad baMla. gives rood hack, cures vital kee. aril liulneacea. anrlls, deefness, absent treetment. Incete ailaelng frlrBdrrlfd--TaMtrTn1ww.--B-reins; tells you exxcfly what yea wish to ""know. 11014 Tonita at., corner Washington at. MRS. STEVENS, Portland' loading palmist. eetrosnger and clairvoyant . 140, Seventh at, , ana. Hotol Portland. .., ..MADAME -AXNTJVE. tha wonderful chalrroT' aat and tranoo nodlnm; ronault ber bofon n Itaclttc tn any nndruklnc of mnf aatnroi ' naat. praarnt and fntnra rim; palmlatrj , M-irllnra. 25c. 1T Weat Park at., aaar Montana. - - PROP. WALLACE, th 'irraat palmlat. tolal tiffnt oTorrthlng from, tho palm 4arh . VaarftnliitrT: about narrlaco. toro, bualnrwa; ,. romidotr roadlnR 60; acrnrat and trntb " fnl. bdVb 81x1b at., aar Stark. 7 MADAME EVE. arirntine rard rrador: aatlfae - lion Kuaranlod. 1H RUth at., cor. Aider. JOHN R LATER, tho wnrld'a irroatoat platform trat airdlum, will bold hi lt toat mnn . In Auditorium ball, 20r' Third al.. Snudar . OTnliiK. S:1S aharp; toata - aiaaaagoa and oald writtoa Hoationa anaworoa COMMISSION MERCHANTS. ETERDtNO PARREIX. prodvea and aoauBla. aloa marrhinta 1M t rsnt au, Portland, 0C. - - Paoa Mala . IT. - COAL AND WOOD. AI.S1NA FUEL CO. Doalora tn eord wood, roa I and (Tva and drr- labwood.K-R.aiid Alblna ara.. t Mock aast of forrr. Kaat 674. WESTERN Peed Pool Co., nrontT'' be tM.n OUaan and Rort. doalora la all kind of hoaa eoaia and biackamltk eoala. i'auu Mala 1018. STEEL BR1DOE PtIEL CO. Pa!ra In eoal, - eordwood and dry alabwoad. Pbona Eaat 4U4. .-OREOON1 Pt'EL CO. All kind of eoal and . wood. 80S Aid at. Pnoaa Main 80. BOX and planar wood. Standard Wood Oa. . lmaiodlata dollrorj. Pbona Eaat tUS. ' 4-POOT cw"dwood ftl.60 nor eord: aawod, T5 . and $4. 4KB Commercial at. Pbona K. 8100. PORTrAJSD SLABWOOD CO. 81bwood, I.M; " ond wood, 1.7ft; in aid. fJ: dry, 2.50. Mala 8118. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. WABMBURN IXOTD Carpntora, Jolnora and : rarrUf work. 3 Pbona Paelfle 2108. 8TAPLKH ft MOORE, oontrartora and Jobbing; all klnda r romont work, wana nam or atona and eament blorka. 181 Flrat. - Main 6X64. C CARM1CHAEL. eontrartor and bnlldor; atora . aid ollca fltUofa. 80 fifth at. Pbona Pacific ip. . . . . ' E. HENDERSON Carpontcrlrjr and Jobbln , pronipUjr attended to. Raaldonc 863 MU t . wankla at. Eaat S888. - CIGARS AND TOBACCO. M. A. OCNST CO. meiriouiosa si CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. WHOLESALE crock err and nlasswara. Praak BrgmH Co.. 100 to 1 -Ml Flftk. eor. Stark at. CARPET CLEANING. . STANDARD Carpet Cleanln Co., larreet plant an the coeat Lnrine atid Hardin at... tele 1 pbona Kaat 2W-Carpeta cleaned, .refltted, . aewer and laid; both tem and lateat oom- prraara air prooeeat renoeaung matti ' and feather a apeclalty. SAN IT ART carpet cleaning, suction and com- . preened sir combined; rariieta cleaned on floor without removal. Main &34. Mala 820O. HUNTER.-- steam earpM and roattreaa I. Pbona Main 214. cleaner. 650 Jefferson CAFES. THR omc.E2S.v Wnahlngto at., pbon Mala 771. Semuel Vlgnenx. CHIROPODISTS. . CH1ROPODT AND PEDICTJRINO. Mra. M. D. Hill. Suite 1. Selllng-Hlnicl Bldg. Paelfle 186. CLEANING AND DYEING. WHITS LILT TAILORING CO. Cleaning, preaaing, repairing; French dry cleaning. I'bone answered promptly. Paelfle 418. Alder and 7th, Portland Steam Cleaning at Ileal batter la connection. forcing Worka: prae . 211 4th. Paelfle 807. -.- cirTIIRS cleaned and pressed 81 per month. I.'ntnu Tailoring Co., 847 Washington at. 11. W. TCRNER. profeaatonal dyer and cleaner. BOS Jefferson at. Pbon Man 2518. DRESSMAKING. DRESSMAKING of all k1nda. Hotel-Keny. lth and Waahlngton. Pbon Fictfle 490 1 DANCING. I.F.KHONS la dancing at your homa. or at my residence. C. P. Mmllb. - Pacific 1118. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. PAX'IFKl riMXCStm CO. Engineer, contra c. tor, repairer, electrlo wiring, snpnlle. 04 first, eat. Stark. Main flo. H. H. Tate, mgr. FURNACES. BnTNTON warm air fnrna.ea save fnel, I. 0. Bayer Faraaee Co.. 2S Second, slain 481. FURNITURyCTORIES. V ORKUON Furniture Manufacturing Company. Manufacturers of furaltnr for the trade. Portland, .Oregon. ' . FI'RMTt'RE nanufacturlng and aiHal order. L. Ruvenaky' fnrnltur fctory, 870 Front t. I GROCERS. W A I'll A MS CO.; whole I grorera; tnaoo r factarers and commnMdua atercaaat. .Fourth and Oak ta. ALIJCN 4k LEWIS, enntmlaslon and prodnc m. ebaata. Front and iMvIa ata., Portland. Or. FENCE AND WIRE WORKS." evi. '.i" ......'. Li .I, ;,!,lmm pnMTt.Atp WIWK ft IRON WORKS 2d3 4 lander at.. . Third. Phone Main . I OASOLINE ENGINES. HTA110VAKT and marine! "I.lttle Speetar ...line lennHt. tlOOi second band electric Uvecbee and naila. , a.. 1 HWkS'N MACHINERT col. , UO-4- MerrhNu at. HAY AND GRAIN. E. L. COOPKR A CO. Pritatoe "roed sad nsur. im raw m. I'tuM Kam inn. HOTELS. HOTEL Portland.' Imriiu plan; $3, $3 pat day BF.CVKDBRB: European plae;4tb and Alder at. HAT FACTORIES. -Branch, t(24 rtral. . Pacific 18. HARDWARE. Portland Hardwar Co. aollrlti opportnnltr to quoin prico. J no tat at., ear. Aider. Main 139. INSURANCE. ISAAC U WHITE, are tnraraaca. 800 Dekam IAB. Mel. WOOD, tm ploy era' liability and tn. aorideat surety bond of all klada. Pbona 4T. Sii3 McKay bldf. "MONEY, TO LOAN. MONET TO 1.0 A It Oa ImproTed city property or for bolldlnf porpooea, for from 8 to 10 yeara' time, with prtTllea: to repay all or part of loan after two year. LcaM appro red from plana and money adraneed aa bolldlnf peoa-raaaaa: martaajea ten-ap and replaeaa. . . 8.1 fKkl) STRONG. KlntBclalJkfaat. . w atara au . . . . . THE STAR LOAN CO. Any aalarled employ, wiwr-earacr. ran Sat an hi Bote, without ronrtaaee . Month. U Month. Week. fdO.OO Repay to m 8I8.M ox 8fl BO or 8 83 8.'. 00 Repay, to a 8 8.88 or IU) or 81.88 8)8.00 Rapay ta aa 8 4.00 or $8.00 or 1 oo zio Mckay pid(. CONFIDENTIAL I inns on aalartee. tnaorane pollclea, piano, fomttora. warebonaa re celnra, etc.; any deeervln paraoa may eeenra a liberal advance, repaytnf by eaay weekly M miinltil. tlliu.1. . .. . . NEW EilA LOAN A, TRrST . COMPAHT.S . 90K 1M..IM MAm . ' - . I MONET ADTANCED SALARIED PEOPLE . Aad Other upon their own name wltheat aeenrtty: rhrapeat rate. ea.Wet payment; office la' M nrlnelpal eltlea: aea yboraelf , tnony by petti our term Brat. TOUIAN, 223 Abln ton bW.. 108 Third at. HEADQUARTERS FOR SALARY LOANS Moner can be borrowed aa.eaay payment plan." loweat eafeai atrlctlr eonfldaatUL j CRE8CENT LOAN CO., 428 Mohawk bld.. eor. Third and Morriaoa. MONET to loan on real, per anna 1 and collateral aenirlty; .aneclal attention to chattel aaort notea bonrht. , 0. W. Pallet. 804-1 ' Fen ton bldf., 84 Sixth at. HIGIILT reapectabla place where ladlea and Jreae can borrow aviney on diamond and ewelry. Oollataral Loan Bank. 288 Waek ntoo ! Pbona. Jllack 71. MONET to loin on Clackamae coonty land. P.-aaaV tV B. Rllayd08 Chamber at Com-t LOWEST rate on fnmltnr and piano. Eaat. arn Loan Co.. 448 Sherlock bids. Paelfle 2118, MONET TO LOAN on all klnda at eeeortty. William Holl. room 8. Washington bid. TO LOAN Soma ta ntt en rhittel aacartty. R. A. Frame, 814 the Marqnam. , WILL loan 88.000 or lea oa real aetata aerarlty , at 8 per -cent. Farrluftoo, 818 Chamber at ' Com mere. . PRIVATE money ta loan near Portlnd at reaaonahla ratea. So! Bloom. 835 Chamber af Commerce. . . ' Money to Loan prirate faad on lmprorad' , J. U WELLS CO.. - : 84 Grand are. TO LOAN Money tn amall Bum on real aetata; eery .reason me. Aaarea r a. car journal. MONET TO LOAN at 8 per cent Fire and raanalty liwnrane. Henry C. Pnidbomma, 618 Lumber Exrhanca. Phone Main 443o. 85.000 OR lea to loan on real eatate. O. A. Jinnaon, 818 Commercial blk. MONET loaned (alarled people on note: cheap- eat rate, r. A. Newton, 42 A Din ton bid. MONUMENTS. NKU KINOSLET. 288 Flrat at.. Portland' jeadlnemarbl and franlta work. MUSICAL. EMIL TH1F.LHORN. vtrptl of SETCIK. rtolln teacher. Studio 19ft 8Ixth. Tel.. Main 3988. MACHINERY. THE II. C ALBEK Co. Second-hand Baeblnery, , sawmills, ate 848 -Grand av. HIPPELT MYERS, machtnlita and elee trlclana; leetrfe elevator, electrical machin ery and gitaollne engine a apeclalty, . 234 Oak at. Pbon Main 1820. . TRENKMAN A CO.Mlnrng. sawmill, log- glng machinery; hvdranlle pine, caatlng; all . klnda repaired. 104 North Fourth. MAGNETIC HEALING. ' SEXUAL dlaeaae of both men and,. Women cared; consultation free. Mam 4178. J, C rdamond L. Ff. Heart, 188 Seventh at. - 1L ) III 1H II ' OSTEOPATHS. DRS. ADIX KORTHRUP, 410-18-17 Deknm bldg.. Third and Waablngtoa ata. Phone Main 849. Examination free. THE- very beat' lady oataonath In towa. Dr. I.V- Johnaoa, aulta 18. Selllng-Hurack bldg. DR. PIERCE, oateopata. vibration hnd the new ' light. 81 H Third at. Pbon Paelfle 887. ORIENTAL RUGS. ORIENTAL RUOS repaired and cleaned by na'ive eiperla; we use tlie original vegetabl . dre caalimere wool for our repairing! all work guaranteed. - Call np Oriental Rug Re pairing Co., Pacific 2.18. 844 H Waah. at. PAINTS. OIL AND GLASS. . E. BEACH CO. The Pioneer Paint Co I wlndow-cl.aa and glaalng. 138 Flrat at. ' Phone 1KS4. ' -PLUMBERS. DONNKRBKRO RADEMACHBR, r moves! to No. 803 Burnalde t- . . iFOX A CO., sanitary plumber. 231 Second, bet. Alain ana naimon. Oregon rnone stain van. FINNir.AN BROS, ft CO., W Third at. Pbon . Main 2o00. Plumber and beating engineers. PRINTINO. THE MODERN PRINTERT Arttatle printing. 28 Rnaael bldg., Fourth and Morrlion. Pbona Pacific 1528. ANDERSON ft Dl'NIWAT COMPANT. printing. lithographing, blank book. Phone Main 17, i Si Alder at. ( RUBBER STAMPS. P. C. STAMP WORKS, 240 Alder t.. pboWMaln 710; rubber tami, elr atenellaj baxgagr trad checke: aend for cataiogna wo; ga, ROOFING TIN nOOFINO, guttering, repairing aad general Jobbing. ' J. Ioal1. 212 Jefferaon at. safes; blEROLD Manganese - Bank ' and Plrriroof i Safes. PNEOIIALKD. 'FRISCO FTRR, class J KAM.Mlilkig. van "II" thin wall safe ant of tally protected content. Dvl sella Jt. metsl vault fixture, open lock oqta... repairs. Pbon lfloav e Tbh-d, PORTLAND SAFE CO., -eoks agent for HER ( RINI-H ALL-MARVIN Safe -and MAVOA KF.SK Steel Rate C.' Bank Safea. 02 7th at. STREET PAVING; WAR next Construction Co.. street porlnavalde nelk and cruaelnga. 718 Oregonlan nldg. THE Barber Aepbalt Paving Co. f Portia sd, , Offtce : Worceater km. l. fjK. . . SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASES of a eery deacrlptlon: hank, bar' and atora Srturea ajade ta order. 1"B Lath Maouactartnf Co., Portland. B. U. BIRD3ALL, deelgnar; a rent M. Wtatar Lamber Caw. T Hamilton bid. . Main 86S9. SECOND-HAND GOODS. ATWATEH A CARL furnltnra hooae Hlhe.t ITWATErV, . lirleea pal4 Second ft. Id for aeeoad-hand rurnltura. 81 Pbona Pacific 4W8. (ooda. Pbona Eaat 807V 128 Ualea are. SIGN PAINTERS. GOLD SIGNS, window lettering, rletb bannera. economical electric aicna ana eiriia or an klnda n.ade quickly, - Feeler A Klelaar, Flfta a ad Erorett Pbou Kachanga 60. W. P. BP.ROEB) SON, 14 Yanihlll at. 8ln of all klada. Phone Paciae XIXL SCALP TREATMENT.- CALP afcd fare Biaaae, maaalearlnc aeeat tut nr. -t arietiaoa'a rrtnen toner trTiciea. 11-18 )rand caeatra bids. , Mala 84T1. Boar, 8:80 to 6. SUMMER RESORTS. FOR RENT, near Searlew, Waablucton 8-room furulahed eottace; coon water, nrrpiar ana all conyenlenrea. Phone Eaat 847, city, or write W. W. Plimpton, Ilwaco, Waehinfton. POH . RENT Knrnlahed - collar at Oearhart Park. Oret01ILJia..reeonabie. ' w 8, care JotirnaL " TELEPHONES.. THE only irlualT telephone hona. B.-R. r.lectrlc It Telethon Manufacturing com luy, 82 Fifth at. TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWELS DAILT Comb, braah, aoan. - 81 "Tier mootb. Portland Laundry aud Towel Supply , Ninth and Coach. I 'hope 410, TYPEWRITERS. NEW tine writer, all makee. rented, enld and repaired Coast Agency, 281 Stark. Tel. 1407 J. WINDOW SHADES. OAt E-WINDOW-SHADST Cf 287 Sl Plam and fancy abadea mad to order. TRANSFER AND HAULING. SAVES, piano and fnrnltare mored, packed t ready for ablpplng' and (hipped;, all work gaarantetdr larye, 8-atory brick. D re-proof warehouse for at.a-ai. Office 200 Oak at. C. M. Ulaen. Pbona Mala 647. THE BAOO AO nV aV OMKJ B4?S TUANSTKH CO.. cor. Sixth and Oak ata. ; hafae checked from hutal.M-raaldenca direct -tn rteatlnatioa; naaaeucera therefore arold ; rush and annoy ance at depot, - Print Kxchage 88. C. Ot PICK. ofSca m Flrat at., between Stark nd Oak ta., pbon 696; piano and furniture t mored and packad for shipping; eommodlona : brick warehouse with aepaxat Iron room, . Front and Clay at. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 1S4 North Sixth, Pbon Main 80. Heary hauling and atora ge. POST SPECIAL DELIVERY. No. 200 H Waab . Ington at. Phone Main 081 CUT rate An boose bold good to all point aat; we make up carload; apeclal room for -rmnka whll watting. Oregon Ante-Despatch, 18 Flrat at. Phone Main 710. WIR3 AND IRON WORKS. EAST PORTLAND PESO V WIRE WORKS, 180 E. Water t Toon' Eaat -2l.. POLICE DEPARTMENT JARRED BY 6ENERAL SHAKEUP By Order of Chief Gritzmacher and Inspector Brujn Many. Changes Are Made. Aa the . result of orders la8ned. this afternoon by .Chief Grltamacher, whole Kale changed are to be made In the as signment, of the members of the police department. The changes will take place Monday, The shakeup is the out come of recommehd'ations.6yrrt8pector I of Police Bruin. .The most ImportanJ, cnansre is tne relegation or lwtective M. P. Murphy to patrol duty In the dis trict west of Fifth and south of 'Jeffer son streets. Murphy has been regarded aa a particularly efficient member-of the detective bureau and his transfer to Tho outside comes as a great surprise. -. Under, the new arrangement E. Burke ofittie day relief gives up hlw. position at headquarters to work with B. V. Smith on the Chinatown gambling de tail. Patrolman.. J. Maloney of the second night relief takes Burke's place as telephone and call clerk, and Patrol man Richards oomea In from, tho street o take Mnloney's place. . , Patrolman Circle Is assigned to- the union depot dixtrlct, and Patrolman Ooltg will patrol the beat Circle had. Patrolman J. Burke la removed from the union depot and will cover the dis trict made vacant by Ooltg. Patrol men Oalbralth and Endlcott ara . to change districts and reliefs with Pa trolmen Brothers and Blnnott, and Pa trolman Ole Nelson, now under suspen sion, la to change with Patrolman Lytl. - '' Captain Bruin recommendedNeIson'a removal from tho crossing" at Third and Morrison streets on tho ground that the post requires an officer with a mild temper, and one who can speak tha English language .fluently and pleas antly. Bruin declares that all of the changes are made for the good of the service. : '." -'- ROOSEVELT. IS GOING i TO INSPECT CANAL 4 Washington, U. C, June 23. It 1 officially announced that : the president will go to. Panama In November. H has been con- siderlng a trip to San TTknclsco to lay the cornerstone of tfre-swwr federal building, but has decided that the' Panama trip will pre vent 4t. His next- trip will be to Lansing. Michigan ' " H ? The announcement that the ex ecutive is going, to Panama lias created..- the., greatest astonish ment... He will be the first pres ident to visit -a foreign country, but the-canal tone Is technically United Rtates territory. , WOMAN WILL NOT BE 7 L; FREE, WATCHEtS THINK Stockton, Juno 2I.AI-noon District Attorney Norton bad not concluded the clnsihg- nrgumeht in the Le Doux case. The case will not reach the jury much before I o'clock atid.. disagreement or conviction; Is eitpected by .the majority of tha people who are watching tha case! 1 - .- . . . - Llvrpl Cotton Higher. ' i i--4,lvrpno June 2S. cotton fntur cWed "rniUiS iw e nuinia uf. apuia, ateaii, i pointa TODAY'S MARKETS LOGANBERRIES ARE GETTING DWI -Better Suppies Add to Weak ness in Market and Prices , Are Going Off. LEMON MARKET IS ON . V A RAMPAGE IN SOUTH Creamery Butter Just Holding Its ; Own With the trade Expecting Present Prices . to Continue for "About a Month. Front Street. Jane 28. The principal feature of the Portland wholesale markets today are: Loganberries are Yheaper. , .' Several eara of bananae arrlra. , . ; Lemon market atlll soaring.. Klr demand for old potatoea. . New onion are saorlng well. - Creamery butter I Juet holding. INiultry tone llilitly weaker, ' Dealer predict drop tn egg. Halibut higher wlthacarctty. .' ' Notblug uolni In jrbeat market. -lt''' , togankarriaa Are Che par. Heavier arrrral In the loganberry market canned the price to dron between 81.23 and 81.4)1 per crate of if boxe till morning, wlth must or in .aam-iraana uie xortner rigure. tigMfcerrle are now beginning to come tn eery good ahane,' quality behig flrat elaaa, Tlie pack la fully aa good aa a year ago. wheav-they were cdnslilered almost perfect. . Demand for these herrlo promise to he eery beeey tli aeaaou. and It 1 believed that one, the more-menr- for canning niirnooea atarta tl call for auppllea will be anffirlent to keep the market from -doing any downward atunta. A few eratea of atrawberrle came in' this morning, with quality quit fair. Price bold a high. - t Raapberrlea are very scarce again, bo bet ter movement' tn thin direction la expected early tlie cnmlny week. Total production for the aeaaon expected to b abcsit nan. Fancy cherrlaa war r reeding ly aeare along the alreet tlila morning, and price held well. "" ' String Jsaana Oetting tew. Oregon string beana are now coining, so faal that price are at a eery low level, and there are nromlaea of atlll further declines. One! dealer alone receive on an average- of 40 aacka ot beans from the vicinity of Tha Dallea alone every day. Other dealera receive In a like pro- portion. . California tdmatoea are somewhat more plenti ful, and there la a leaser demand for Mlaaisalppl and Mexican atock. Beat Callforalaa are firm at IX , - ...... Several car of bnnt cam In late yeeter day afternoon In fair condition. .Price tb aam. - Fair TJemand for Old Votatoa. - Old potatoes are again aliowlnr--fBlr local demand and dealera who cleaned UP their heavy holding a week or an ago are again tn the market at a price. - Till price generally range ronnd 40c for beat, although one or tw purchase have been reported a fraction higher. Quality of old potato 1 better than at tlila time In any recent year, and ahonld an anex I'letlid demand corue from the south for eeed It can be filled eaally. New potaloea eomlne quite faer, both from local polnta and from tl. onth. Prteea hold np. New onion are finding a vary good call, with atocke aoiurwhat bevtr-nd quality, flrat class. - . Laman afarkat BtlU Soaring. - While soma dealer are atlll selling lemons st former prices, value In tb eontli are rapidly Increasing. ' By the trade here It I believed tliat the top of the market baa almost been reached. . Orange are considerably firmer. A ear wa unloaded, on the atreet tlila morning. , . lonlttprTon Slightly Weaker. " , ' The ton III l.lie-.Millt. nurket la altglitly weaker. Recelnta are "oeglnnlng to allow a alight Inerea. Rig buyer are slowly curtail ing their purrhasea. and predict kma are now general for a decline the coming week.- Moat gradea are held ijulte falrrnday A f-nt. keys ara arriving. Rom alight demand at 'the price. -. Xetee f Yariona afarkat. -On acconnt of a scarcity halibut price are e a pound higher along tb atreet today. - - lifgernpoTtlon"BTTlie eicn in ran or snimon la atlll Increasing. A There fa nothing doing In tb wheat mar ket at tb moment. The call-for flour Is only fair from tha orient. The trade paya the following price to Front atreet. Price paid shipper a . are lea regular comralaakma: . .. ' Oram, Flour aad F4, WHEAT Clnb. 72c; red Eoaaiaa, ttei blne tera, 74c; valley, 704371c. . BARLEY Feed, $24.00; rolled, 123.00028.00: brewing. 124.00. CORN Svbola, 124410; cracked. 1 128.80 par ton. RTE 81.58 per ewt " OATS Producers price Nor-4-i white, 128.00 enti.iar: gray. i.T.i.ia,zw. w, - , u: FLOUR New eaatern Oreaoa natenta. 8A onsT 8.r; at.antlita, 83.403.SO; export, .1.1S?a.20; valley, .voo; iriDim, o.oir;. WBOM WOaat. 83.7St rve. 80s. 8.VO0: bale. 82.78. MIU-STl'KFS Bran, 117.60 per toaf- mid-, z..w: anorra, country. 820.00;. city tm.rin: chop, tin.oofl2l.fto H A T Producers' pries Timothy Wlllamett vliey, rancy, ii.ii: orninary, lu.OfM10.n0; eaatern Oregon. 816. 00ft 17.00; .mixed. $10.00r 10.60; clover, j. grain,, $7.50(38.40; cheat. $7.0008.00 , - ... - --- Buttr. Eggs and Poultry, BUTTER FAT F. o. b. PortUad Sweat cream, 20c; cour, 18c. BIJTTKR t.'lty creamery, 11 He; ontld fancy. Unit!; ordinary. J7Hr; store. 13SI4c. . Elian No. 1 fresh Oregon, candled. 22c. CUKKMK New I"nll cream, tlata. llsyiic; Toung America. 12Uiitl3c; California flata, 11c. POI'LTRT Mixed chlrkrna. 13HC per lb: fancy hena, InVtI4e per lb; roosters, old, lOWc io; aingi. utilise 'ryera, mrpifc; broil ers. lo17c per 'lb; old ducks, 151,10 per lb; spring ducks. lOo per IHr geess, oaiVn per . Ibp turkeys',' lfle per lb: dressed, 20 per lb; sonaba. I2.BOQ3.00 per dos; pigeona 82.00 per doe. . Hope, Wool and Hide. HOPS Contract. 1808 crop, 10c per Ibt 180S Oregon, lOarllc. wonly liNMI lip Valley, eoarae to medium. 22c; fin, 24r; extern Oregon, 204321c. MOHAIR New, 80. . ' SHKKI'RKINS RT, carina. lKJ20c eaehf'anort wool. 2(1240,.; medlna. wool. 804178. eadr; long wool. 7V.4JI1.00 aaeb. r TALLOW Prim-, par Jd, SUQ4ei No. t aad grtaae. 202H. I lUTlIM BARK 1008 atock, 83He per lb; I0O4. nominal; lOOS, 24e tb. . HIDES Dry. Noa 1. Itt.Ib and ap. I8U 17He per lb: dry hip,. Ne. 1, 8 to 18 . lb. 14c; J - 1 . VT . S Ik. . . l, ' J . 1 1 1 ,.v, II'. t iuw, .(m;, ni. n. nmr., teers, sonnd, do Iba and over, lOQtlc; cows. I'tdHHt: staaa and bona, aound, 0'it7c; kip. IB to 80 lb. c; calf, sound, under" IS lb, lie; green, emitted, le le: cull, 'e ser lb leaa: borsehMea. sslted. esch, $1.2341.78; dry, each. i.ootl.oo: cult tilde, znuvicj goal nin. common, each. !0QI9c; Angora, ach, SOcO .1.00. , .... . ... , - Fruit aad Tegetaol. - - ' - POTATOES Beat orted, OOe per sack; pro ducer' price for -ear. . lota, 40t4.Vt per cwt; ordinary, !Wii46c; producer' price, ) new potntoe. 81f0. - ONIONS Jobbing prle Texs l4e- per lb; auroral, si.ixi girne, eajve per in. ftRfflH FRUITS A pole. $2.6048.00; orange. Medllcrranean. $H.7r1r4t banana,- fte Hi; lemons,- cliolce, 84.At45.2.r per box: fncy, ,1 Winrt.M Tier box; lime. Mexican. 7.V per 10O; tangerine, plneapplea. $2.7r,ijf 8.00; SAtURDArPRICESriNT - THE WHEAT MARKET . V .. 1 4nly. ept.' Chicago ...".I .HB , $ .84B fit. Louts .. .81 2 Milwaukee ,MV , .84 - Minneapolis .. 8Vk '. ".... DulUth ..:..V ,liE4 ...;- tverpnol 4-.isAd Is 8Hd -Winnipeg k . r... JOURNAL'S DAILY ; TPS ON MARKETS d. With expected heavy rocelpta 4 d of eastern egg during tha com- d , lug "Week tha egg trails along" d tha atraet is genexaJly bearish aa d to tha futtiro tf tha market. : 4 d Loww prloea may lmnterallae . d hre, but at trur preWrtt' ttm they are not (probable. The east.. ern egg now being brought to market coat tha trade -an amount which make It Impossible fur them to be 'old under current ; figures and retain w profit. Kast- d ern egg handlers Bay they will y place them In cold storage; If . the market does not Justify die- ' d posing, of them. , .. " e ' Hawaiian. ;' strawberries. $1.&018 par crate: sooaeherr lea. 88e oer lb: cherrlr. 3iNc lb: pluui. 81.2A4xl.oO per crate; aprl- e t o., .u.. . Mi tii VI . , nerriea, l.2,wi.w; cantaloup, fl.oufjo.ou; raapberrlea, $188. , VKtiK'l API.ri4 Tiirnkoa, new, $1.80 per aack; carrots. 81.75 per aa. r7 beeta tl.BO per aack; pamnlpa. fl.AO per rk; Oregon radlabea. 2"c do; cabhaga, Oregon, $l.MHil.76; bell peppers, l-l2oc lb; Mttlitn tomatoes, $2.00; t alitor. nl.-$2; local bothouaa, 84.00: pa ran I p. ftoc4 $1.00: airing heaua, Oregon. 6tc per Ihi cauliflower,. $1.00 per do: peaa, 4ftAc pr n; noraeradlak,; 847e lb; artlcbokea, 76c per doa; craiiberrlea, Jeraeya, $14 bhl: Cooa bay and Tilla mook, $10.00; aaparagna. Oregon. ROtjjOSc per do bunches; Walla Walla, $1.00 per box; anuaah, lVte: aplnach. 60o per box; greea onmna, Oregon, 12Ve per do bunchea; rocum hera, -8ftf 7c per do; ealery,"'00e pee-- do; greea corn, 28e doa; aummer aqnath, 7ocQ$1.00 Don; eggplant, 4oe lb. - . , DUIr:D FRDIT9 Apple, evaporated, ISO 14c per lb; apricot, 14c per lb; . peaches, 12Q13MC per lb; aacka. 44c pf lb leaa; prune. 80 tn 40. Be; He drop on each sixteenth mailer alee: fig, California, black. u,c lb; California white. flin'4e per lb; date, golden, 7Vc par lb; fards, $I.40ei.68 per 15-lb box. " Oieoaila. Ituta. It. " '- 81 'OAR Ssrk bnals Cnbe. $(l. SO; powdered. $8.15; fruit grsnnlsted. $5.13; dry gTanulated. $5.05; ronf. A. $8 05; beet granulated, weetern, $4.8T; Hawaiian, $5.08; extra C $4 55; golden 0. $1.45; D ri-liow. $4.68; bbl. 10c; V, bbla. 2T.e; box, ftOc advaac on aack baal, leaa 25e per cwt - for cash, IS daya;.. maple, 14O10 per lb. ... - (Above price a;tply t aalea Of leaa thsa ear hts. Car lots at aped I prices nbjct to fluctuation. 1 - r- - . " - - i HONET $..80 per erst. - - ' COFFEE Package branda. $18.284)14. 76. ' SALT Coarse Half ground, loo, $.00 par ton: 50. $0.90; table, dairy, 50 112 00; joo. IthTr-tmporleil lj1ver4. 80e.-$l7.00r-10o,- 118.60 : 224a, $18.00: extra flne. bbla, 2. 8. 10a, 4.50.' bulk ' 820 Iba. $4.00613.00; aacka. Mia, HAtrMe; Liverpool imp rock, $19.80 per ton; oo-io rocK. ev.iai; roua. au.tat. i (illl5i BAGS Calcutta. OWtt RICE Imparl Japan, Ka-,L Set Re. S, OKBVic: fa" Orleans aeao. Te; AJax. 8c: Crc-Ve. Se. - .v.. ,. . BEANS Small whit. $4.25: large white 13. M); pink, $3.75; bayou, $4.78; Lima. $5.60; Mexican rede,. 4 He. NCT8 Peanut. Jnmho. e per lb; Virginia. 0ttHc per- Ibt. rwated, R8He per Tb; lap. nee, 5T5Hc; roasted. 7f7Hc per lb: cocoa, puts. Mantle per dos: wslnuts. 16til5t4e lb; phiennts, lOWil'Ve per lb; hickory not. 10c per lb: chestnuts, esstern. 18"lfle per lb: Brssll nuts, I4!5e par lb; fflberts. 144J13e par to; taocy pn-nna. iwi aimonda. lonyic ralnta. Coal 011a. It. ' ROPE Pure Manila, Ue; standard. 184i ml. lie. COAL OIL Pearl or Aatral Caaea, 18 Vie per gai; wiiww wsitv, irow ooia, isc per - gal; wooden. 17e per gal; headlight, 170-deg. caaea. '4i M.e pr. gai. 0ASOUS.B 48-deg. bhi. 1e per gal. ' - - ease t4Vie pat gal. Iron BENZINE 83-deg, caaea 25c per gal, iron ooia ioc per gai. TnRPCNTINE la eaase tSa par gal; waodaa bbla !V pee gaL , WHITE LEAD Tour tola. T4 per Jb; 800-Ib tots. Ne per lb; le lot, 84e per To. i . WIRE N A II.S Present be ale at 82 88. LINKEEI OIL Pu-s raw. m 6-bhl lota. B8e: 1 hM lot. 68c; esses. BSc per gal: genuine kettl- nouen, caaea. no per gai; n-nni lots o4c: l-tlI lot 55c per gal; ground cake, car lota. $20.00 per ton; less man ear lot, per toa - Meats. Fish lal F revisions. ' FRESH MEATS Front atreet Beef eteera, 48)5c ner lb; cow. .14 4c per lb; hoca. faacv. NWcjordtnary, 7Vj8c; poor, 7a77Vc per lb: bulla. Si3Hcper mroal,-exrrr-Tc-:per-1br ordinary; oo per in; poor, oc per is; mutfo, fancy. afflSHc per ll; lamb. 8e. HAMS. BACON. ETC. Portland nark (Iocs 1 1 hama, 10 to 14 lbe. I5e per lb; 14 to 18 lbs. Mc-pee-lbt- breakfaat laicon, IIHfjfiiOe-- per in; picnic, loe ser in; enciaga, ltic per In; regular ,anori vmn, ...nKiira, " per in; amoked. 11e ner lb: clear backa. unemnSed joue per lb; amokod. llV4c per lb: Union butts. 10 'to IS lbs; onamoked. Be 4er Ibt amokrd, 8e per in;, ciear oeuiiw. nnamogeo. lie per lb iuiaii, izc iper id: anoonera, iuc per lb. LOCAL" LARD Kettle leaf; row. roe-vaw Ih; Aa, I2HC per lb; 60-lb Una. Ilfte per d; ateam rendered, tOa. 11c per lb; . Be, UH per in; romiionnn. iva, eige - -CANNED SALMON Columbia river. 1-lb talla, tl.80: 8 lb talis.. 82.7.1; fancy. I lb flata. $1.00; , lh fancy flats. $1.13; fancy Mb ovals, $2.75; Alssfca talla, pink, 85600c; red. $1.00; aomlaal 2a. tall. 82.00. - ' - FISH Hock cod. Te per Tb: Sounder. Be per lb: halibut. B'xc per lb; era he. 81.50 per doa; atripec omks, i,cge per id; ctnsn.- ic per in; salmon, Columbia river dirnnok, 8c Ih; steel- beaxla, 8c Ih; blnebaeka, 7o lh herring, 8c lb; an lea. 8c lb; abrltnpe, 10c lb: perch. Be per id? oiacs coo. ic per id; romcoo, TC per id; liver melt. 7c per lb; toaster. IB pet lb; rresu macaervi. ne per in; erawnan, xoc per uos: f n. ii, ac per io; sinrgeon, aue per id. OTSTERS Sboslws r bay. per gal. $2.28; per 110-ib aack. 84 00. ' . clams Hardabell, par box, $3.00; rasa Hama, $2.00 per box. COTTON FUTURES SIX - TO THIRTEEN LOWER New Turk; June 23. Cotton future dosed to 18 point off. Offlcl! nuotatkm by Over beck, Starr ft uoox company: ' ' olnc Oiien. High. Low. June 2.1. June 22. January , Feliruary March ,. June -.i July .... Anguat . . September lu.&l 111.62 hO.46 IO.40 10.51 10.44 ' ' 10.62 10.2O 10.21 10.81 - 10.81 -10.84 W.M ' 10.40 10.51 10.68 10.8.1 M.88 W.m 10.80 10.41 10.43 10.17 10.28 1084 10.85 10.40 10.41 10.41 10.41 10.47 October ....-10.41 November . , 111. .17 December .. 10.47 10.41 10.27 10.48 HEW TORK COFFEE MAtXIT. New i'ork, June 'SS. Coffee cloae: . Bid. I ,..$a.2olDecembcr ..... 8.25 January ... 6.B.H Felamary ..... . .. 0.40 March ... 6.451 April .....,', ... 8.0TMay Bid. .$0.00 . 6.70 '. 8.00 . 8 0S , 7.00 June ...... ivAX ...... Augiial . . . Heptemtsr October . . ; Nirrember , INSANE-WOMAN CAUSEti DISTURBANCE IN STREET Mrs. J: H. Conrad of til Montgomery street was taken into custody today Sit West Park and Alder streets by Patrol men Thome 8 Jefferson Casey and Jo seph Jefferson Keller and locked up at the county Jail pending a determination of her sanity. Mrs. Conrad by her actions 'had 'at tracted a large crowd at the Intersec tion of the two afreets named' by daring In a loud voice that a Chinaman was about to take her life and begging the bystanders to kill her Mrs. Con rad visited police headquarters yester day and Implored Captain Moor to Issue a warrant for the arrest of her l fHK.4 nm a pharos nf ..a.nlt, 1 In. vesttgatlon disclosed the fact that there Wa ho cause for her complaint and she was advised to return to her home. DR. DEVINE SELECTED ' . TO HANDLE BIG FUND " Ban Frsnclsco, Jun it. Dr. Devlno of the Red Cross society has beeTn se lected head of - the relief committee which Will spend the millions con tributed the cOuntry,: The mayor favors tha' Installation of " permanent colleges forrefugee.-. .. , , v, . .' . t-, . - A... - ' ' .--',. .... UPHILL FIGHT IS .... . , SUCCESSFUL Bull Forces In Chicago Wheat Have Much to Contend With ; but Prices Close Higher, COARSE CRAINS ARE -r DEPRESSING INFLUENCE Prices a Quarter to Three : Eighths . . Advanced at : End of Session Smallest . Rise - in the ; May Corn BeirGets Good Wetting. r I RELATIVE WHEAT TALIES. . ,s ' "cloae . ' Cloae "'cioai- -' ;fl1n . . June 28. Inn. SO. - liaH . J.n. !U July .M'nB .8.H,b"$ ,H4 $ .00' September ,84B SftA ' .85 : .00 oecrmber ... .M A .N4U ' .nau, - .nnai. May ......... A1W .87 . - .vow Chicago. Jun 28. The bull force' In wheat made a great flaht today but It vraa rather u phUl . bu si nesa, aa they wars- handicapped by two or three bearlab Influence -which the trader did not kava to contend with on nrevlou dais. Tb crop new and the weather map were aa much on the aid of wheat burera tmlay a at any time (Hiring the week. The opposition In fluence were lb aevtet in tb corn and at market,- the rather peraiatent selling of wheat on every hard snot anlist privi lege, and the claim of the beara whlrh aeemed toe be without foundation that long wheat waa coming on the market above 84c for September m aucn quantities aa tbe trade would take. aectkme or the weetern corn belt which bad not auflMent rata before had a good, wetting laat Bight. . . Official uotatlona by Overbeck, Starr ft Cooke compaay: ; WHEAT. . ; Open. ' ,! High. . ' Lew ' .. .sa I..M1, . m , ,, ..84 . .84 .-. M . .84. ' ; .! . .841 . -..87i -':SI ' ,.8714 . ' . CORN. , s t : i Close. .$ .H.T.B , .84B : . .84'4A July. Sept Dee. r. July. Kept ie. .85- UESS PORK. 18.85 , 18.S.1 . , July..,., 18.88 J8.06B 1A.A2V,: 14.85 : $2vi , 8.8H .812SB 8.07V.B S.80 Sept....'. I8.47H 18.674. 18.4214 Jan.. ... 14.80 !.. ' LARD. 8.85 - 8.80 8.8214 . 77 8.82V, 8.77V, 4 SHORT RIBS. . ; n - .o7 8.10 8.118 July. . , Sept.., 8 85 8.80 8.80 oet... July... Sept... Oet 8.15 .io S.3 8.85 S.87V4 - ! rarKAKT axAiif atovzxiirr. "... .' Chics go, June-23. Primary receipts: . i Tr1y. Tear Ago. " 1 ' ' '. Bush. Buah. Wheat - 277.000 IH0.000 Corn 716,000 " 807,000, lhiut, Z : . 1 Wheat ................. 224.000 -' 288.000 Corn ............ 4dl.00O '. 388.0(a) Clearance: Wheat,- 80,340 bushel: corn, 52.148 bushels; eat. 8.ti4 buabeU; flow. 11, 468 barrel.. . , ' ' LITER POOL SBAIV MAJLKITS. Liverpool,, June 2. ofSclal price. " . itr.A i. r - Close . .... .--. . . , , . . jun 23. July s 4d September ........ a Hd to.mber. ........ 8 8Vj,d. - cohSy Cloae Gala June 22. June 28. Oa 8d ' d 8 8xd . Vkd 8 8d i... July s.d 4a 8'jd September 4 7id 4 Iif Hd CHICAGO eiAXV CA LOTS. Chicago, Jun. 23. (rla cr lota:1. Car, tirade. Eat. 1806. Wheat 8 . 8 j8 8 Com ..,W8 . 232 51 . 882 Oat ,.....221 - 218 , sa Wheat rare today: , Mlnneapolla, 170; Dn loth. 29. Ten ago; Mlnenipoll, 131; 'Iru hHk, .- - ... ...... ,--,-.v- A. BETTER TONE PREVAILS ' IN LIVESTOCK ' ; Hogs Are Again Absent From the Yards Cattle Are Irrtproving - Sheep Are Good. PortUnd I'nloa Stockyard. Jane 28. Live stock receipt: . Hog. Cattle Today ..j' .. 125 Week ago .............. 118 2Mt Month ago ............. 81H - , 76 Vear sso 32 . 287 Sheep. , - 4lK ' r 8H0 ' . 8-Tt - I7 Iloga are again absent from the yards and the too I better. All market seem to bold better then the esrly week, there being a good call In all line.1' Price rule aam aa yesterday. To day 140 goata arrived. Official livestock quotations: I K I ,t 1 r,niri n vi i. , fi.wm.i.. blocker and China fata, $6.50; tockra and feeilers. $0.25. ciu u . ...i.n rw..M ' ' an vx best cow aad heifers, $3.25; stockera and feeders. .t.0(; rmlla. $2.50. Sheep Kbearllnga. 8ttr: lambs, 425t. EASTERN LIVESTOCK GOOD. Hogs and Cattle Bteady la Chicago -..,, ' Sheep Btrong. " f tlcago. Jun 23. Llveatock receipts: Hogs, Cst 1 1. Sbeeb. Chicago .......13.000, l.SOO . 3,10 Hsn City ii.iaa) iisi 3110 Omaha .... 7.4O0 2.V) 500 Hog are ateady, with 4.000 left over. Re celpta 8 year ago wer 10.000. Today'a price: Mixed, $fl.30,.32V: good. $A.50d.82V; rough. f8..inj8.46; light, $H.ig.57, - t ttie nteoy. . . , J 8bp Strong.. s '. , ' HIW T01K BAiriC STATIXXXT.. ' New Tork, June 23. Bank tatamenf: Increase. iwwr.r l, . , leas United State,. .$3.81.650 8.808.25,1 a.sia.oo.i xana , , Secle. . ... 3.520.700, egsis ..... ,...,(., Deposit .... . .' ni.,.nai . ... 1.2M0.2I0 .... 16, 300 I'lrcnlstlon .... ..... Deere.' Btarllag Xxohang Rate. New orkeJun 23. Hter kJim 23. riaerllng exchange: D mend, 485.lor 00 4y.s2,2iil4m.M. LAURELWOOD HOME - PESTROYED BY FIRE Tli home of Wtlia Nlukanen $outh of Laurelwood station, was totally de stroyed by' fir' yesterd$y about noOn: It is believed the fire started from a defective flu. .,Th ' fir , burned so rapidly that-nothing could bo aaved. The loss- Is estimated at about $2,000, with some Insurance. , , .- This I th flfufhous to burn within two months' In "that . district., showing how sorely th people are In need of hydrants , and an apparatus t0-fight fires.. f-' . .' .'-,-. c 4UIV..... ,.,11 .01k .OI'S . .OlMill n. -- 2i .61 . r-.B- Dec'...,. -,,60 . ..Bit .48 .40 - . oats. . '- iss .; . r " .88 .;'.!"hb .. 88 :(..- " .8614 " "-.85 'T.88 It's Time to Look. After fanning Loganber ries and the Trade Would Do Well to Stim ulate the Demand for Them, Coming Week. I 016 CLUB IS HARD . . . , i . i ' -. . Move of Administration Against Standard Oil and Other Flnan- cial Holdings Worries Street AMALGAMATED. COPPER THREE POINTS J-OWER Prices of Stocks Turn Weak Again Today Bank Statement Considered Favorable; by ' Trade Increase in Surplus. '- 4jrniLos8ES.Tr7i","";'r: Amalgamated .,.. 8 lllllnola Central., Anaconda ........ 44iI-oulvllle ...... Atchlaoa ........ j Metropolitan ... Car A Foundry.!, 4' Missouri . Pacific. Sugar v,IMexlcan Central. Hmelter ...;...,, aValKaty preferred.. nnwiyH 1 71.- I, icinral... Canadian lot ton till Brie . lePiiple's (is. . Pressed Steel Car. VI Rock Island... Reading ......... 2'.- do preferred. Southern Ry, ...... Ui Southern Pacific. Texaa at raci aclfic. , !Tenneaee tvsl. Central leather... ' ll ulon Pacific. Woolen 1 It, S. Steel.... Northern.' Pacific.. de prafnred NET OAINS. - ' Balttmor A Ohio , .. . . .77.. ,,V. Wall Street. New . i'ork. ' June' 28. Anothee 0(1 MARKET tiraat Western.. . !UiconiotlT ....... 1 ( St.- Paul ...J.! Norfolk ...... ...j $ I heaapeak . , Nortk mertcsnj Colorado -Fnnw-2 mnu... ft. WMitrBjj 3 lieuver 1 H'ennarlvanla .V777Tif "I- day of llqiiliUllon waa shown In storks rodsv. The lilt tost heavily, there llnj but on ad vance, Baltimore A Obm closed nf a point -higher. Conner wa weak, with Amalgamated ' S no'nf off.- -, i .... . - The aiarkM turned wak again today", wllh aneclal pressure on Amalgamated and Reading. Ther wa general eellhig. which depreaaed nil etneka. - The adnilnlatralkon mnv against tb ' Standard Oil company wss a fact., although It dnoa not asani te hA Mnrriel . -l--mln eh- rJ bnkmemeTrTNVe.rrmeF-fvrb1.--c ing a oecreaae in loan nd aa Inereaae In aur- . Rluk. The arlltng of both Amalgamated and i' rook lya looked like lkiuMatlon. The mark ' a, rtosed rwek "at: about- the. lowest pclcea, , Willi t Amalgamated down 3 polnta tn par. . ! tirnciai quotation by overbeck: - DBSCRIPTIOIt. Anaconda Mining Co.... 1244 !244,:240 1240 Amal. Copper Co .!litTAllii3u1in ton Atchison, eom...... do preferred. . . . .1 MOV,) aav.1 ui. .'. .i1fl2Vk!1IU I109LL!104? am, I". rr A Found., cam.' 8si,l 88vfiW mvi A ' f' ".rmi ..-..,..' I,. I 1IISI Km. Sugar, om.;...,;.i1.'i2Vj)l.12V Am. Smelt. do D referred Baltimore A Ohio, com Brooklyn Ranld Trattatt i an t anaoian racine. com... Cht. A ot. Weat., mm. Chi.. Mil. A St. Paul... Chi. A North., com.... Clil., Terminal Ry. Chesapeake A Ohk..w. Colo. Fuel A Iron. com. Colo, South.,, conrrr. do 2d preferred.. j,.,,, do. 1st preferred.;.... Delaware A Hudson ... . Dvls.. Lacks. A West... D. A R. com.. do oref erred arte, oom........ - do 2d preferred. ' do 1st preferred.. Tlltnnla Central 1THU.17sii'1T Ismlevllle A Naahvllle. f:i6i45 144 . ..iciropoiiian ritreet Jty.t 1. , . Mexican Central Ry.T.V.i 22 j 22 1 jo laaoun racine ..... . 1 -00 M.. K. A T.. 'ftta A 34 do. lie c ferret! New York Central, Am. Cot toa. Oil.. Aae locomotive. . I Nurfoik A Wwatern, com. I Wi da preferred,. I. .. .'nn jtRierican. . . . . . .4 . 1 ln N. V.. trat. A West renuaylvauis P. ii.. L. A C. Co pressed Steel Car. do preferred.... Reading, com..... - do 2d preferred. d let preferred Ben, Iron A Steel, com preferred. ....... Rm-k laland. com do .preferred. . . . , . , fVmrbern Ry.. com..;. do preferred. . Southern Pa inc. v. . . . do- prefeered,.. . ..... St'. U AS. F. Sri pfd Kt. UAH. W com.' do preferred...,,,. Texas A I'scinc,.,, Teun. Coal A Iril. . . .J. . . T.. St. L. A W torn..! 27 tl do prererees t-nion--4'set do preferred,.. Central leather, do preferred... V. S. Rubber. Co do preferred... V. 8.- Steel Ca.. do pi ef erred . Wt-cel. A L. K, . do 2d preferred., do 1st Preferred . . Wlscomln Central, com Western I'olon Tel.,. Wsbauh. com ,. do nref erred........... Am. Woolen...,,,,..,, 87 Northern I seine. . , , . ...iua Total sales for day BOSTOVf COPPER MA1XET. Boatoe, June 23. Official eloae: - Bid. ' ... Adventnr ..$ 8.60 IPhoenlg .; - Bid. , ' .811 . , . 25.50 , .$ 83.80 . 18.00 8.25 Alloue 86.00 'l'rrot Arcadian .... Atlantic ..... 8.00 ignlncy 18.26 Royal Rlnghara 28.00AISIimrT- Calumet' SNaoo I Tamarack .... Si 00 Centennial 21.00 Trinity ...1.00 topper Range 70.00 I I'nlted Copper 84.23 Pair Weat -16.23 Ctah -. 66.00 Franklin .... 18.00 I Victoria ' 7.60' Green Con.. 24.50 I Winona ...... 8.00AI i- Oramby ..... II. art IWolverlne .... 187.08.. - Maaa. 7.50 It'. S. Mining. 68.28 ., - Mnbawb ...... f)0.50 ITenn. t'opnar. 42.00 . Nevada Con. 17.75 IFaat Butte ... 8.60 , N -tb Bnt., 85.80 I Oil A Arlsona. 110.00 ' 1 O Dominion. lllackvMt . 8.2. Oacrola 107.00 I Ely ..'...,;. 8.23 ..: ...-,--. ij.. r TJVTTKD STATES OOTEEsatENT B01TDS, - New Tort, June 23. Government bonde: Tvroa." regrstered , . ilo coupon Threes, registered . . , do coupon . .i . . . . i Twi.a. amall oonda -. . . , Foura, regl.tereil rtn- pouiion . . . . i . . Foura, rexietercd ... ,, do eoupon .... Dlattict ot Columbia , . Philippine 4a BAV TEABCISCO LOCAL STOCKS. I 1 Bag Fnnrlco, Jrie 83. Offleisl eloasi Rid. - Aak. Mi ', 23 - 81 . ;r. 48 , - " P3 : 17H en 40 . 100 . 14 Contra Coala Water ........... M , Spring Valley Water 2314 (llant Powder 80 Hawaiian Commercial ........... 81 1 una Sugar so 11 34 31 Honokea Sugar ,. Makawell Mnger 1. ......... Onomea Sugar .,..., ts Paanhan Sngar Alaak Packer' Aaaoclated oil ........... . Pacific Htatea' Taleubon'. ... liulchlnsoa Sugar POETLAED EAXE STATIMEET. tlermg ..13.7ontT . 88,413.34 B lm:ca nai jinn , iil:2 1182 I I4XVS-I14MI4 14d -T148 : I' lis Jllil1 116' I us In. ins liiaV J 77L77'Z ; S 1S1HIIM1 VI0I Ua-ii -r 17; 17 17 Pit '.: 178 178 177 177 .....I IHAlZ - 1314 18 13 18 , 68 6H 68 68 621x1 62 m 6i, Ml! . 84 I 34 . 88 33 48. j 48 i 48 48 on ii .,i 220 I...... 662 ' 43 42 i 42 42 UJ ..t 8 43 43142 42 H" '7"iTS 78t ' rT22ir--f lllsH F j 34 83 I, 11 . I ... ...,,a.8T14 . U1 187 I138n84 i I...;. I -I 81 I i TtiLL an I an . 8 i wi t w no g I 40 40 I 48 4SI 8 IJ3V12BI10 I 8ov4i ormi so Com..'..... 1 48 ' 71J , I ,. 11X3 138 ll30li:u. I 85 I ......1 02 I 82 I 02 I ..I 21V, I 24l 24 24X, ........... 821 sjt flr 88l 88 ' 8 .7' OB'sl WOiZi tat AH ..'" 80! 87 88 .-.laii 1120 IllBVt no'i L.I d 44 - 21 j 21 I 2H 21 ..t S3 63 62 52 T- t'38 20t5 I 1 84 1 C0m... 80 I 804.1 88 80 I ...... .1. . . . .1.. . . .1 102 Ji 1. 40 48! 48 40 j rum... I 7 S7t 80J 8iJ I Itfhll IlliU l1AMU.MO.SlZ - 1. om...Tl8 I18 171 17 . T ..! 1 1 1 24 ... I rH 8 I 88l 8 I 8': I 02 I 02 81 81 4 I au I 2o ' iohI io J; ...:.l.... I 45 I 37) S8 S " I' VO l2iMlll.t ... I 41Z1O0 aharea. , I Pa I a. Bid. Aak. .., 10O8 10.1 lo:i lonfl ing 1041T ... lous , 1113 10 ... 1803 103 , 103 ... , 102 . .... ... 1007 102 . IO314 . i, ino7' 108 104 ... tnv.t 1201I 180 ... I2K 120 1 Ml I 117 118 ... .... 110 .... Mi l PI SIT, j J