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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 22, 1906)
Page of . 1'he Journal fef vJrr" Editorial .. , ... THE jbURNAL . AM IXDKFINDINT KSWBFArsa. Pabltokw JbU.k awry eoealag ?! ."l-,L.!Sf . Inf. rtftfcv sad .XeaahUI T street PertUae. ' Kntorw) f tn aeotorace at P-rtli4. Or goa. (or traoovlooloa throofk the . stalls as aeeoao-eiase aiaiier. . . TELEPHONES.. KoitnrUI Itmm.. buslane 0(Bw.. .....Mala 2S0 .....Mala BOO rossio ADvemsiNo biprkskmativi VrooteaS-lleiiJiBilB 4ri-l AJTor11lir AS"". JJO Ki rt, JWw s TrUmoe build .. loev folcefo. . ' ' ' - ' Energy will -d -anything ah . be done in this world: and no talents, no circumstance, no opportun- ; hies will rpskc a man, with- out It -Goethe. r- - .-r- WHY THEY WHISTLE. ENATOR; ELKINS has - mfde -ithe interesting rediscovery thst ;the chief point ".of difference between e rich and the poor man is that the latter whistles. The person afflicted with poverty does this for a variety of useless-and highly immoral reasons; As he tramps hetrtbrolcenly through the graveyard of his dead hopes he whistles to keep his courage -up.--And again he .whistles, sailor like, in an effort to raise, the wind. Sometimes he does it because he is Tiotealing, as it is a fact, seriously set forth by some of the most learned .scientists, that the disfeathered biped is quite unable to whistle when his mouth is occupied , by any . sort -of ood but his own uncanhed tongue.. The late Benjamin FrankMfl, while in, a plagiaristic spirit, wrote of the - boy-wh, Tlacking- the-holy endow ment of a Trading instinct, bought a whistle at a great advance over the trust price of fhe day, and thereafter whenever he. wis robbed in the name ?f" business" humorously referred - to "the fact that he "had paid too much for his whistle." s": It is just possible "that Senator Elkins, who has no use for a poor man, , aside from requiring him to : point a moral and adorn and wag a tale, overlooks the fact that the an fortunates whose penury puts out of the questions further - purchases of machine-made whistles at rust-mde prices, continue to blow on the same old instruments the same old tunes. If the whistle of the poor man atrhoys Senator Elkins, and he must - have ' music, wef would suggest That he re place it with a grand piano; if he does not care for ' a ' concord ' of sweet nds, e fancy thatymepe6pTe would be willing to trade their whis tle for. a broiled steak.", 7 i A LOCK CANAL. T. LAST the type of canal at Panama has been decided upon by congress, . both ' houses having voted for a lock and ' against a sea-level canal, and as this 2m eets The approbation of the prcsi- dent this important and vexed que tion may be considered settled. --J-i Of course we know nothing of the -relative merits of the two Jypes,. ex- cepl inch slight, second-hand knovri- edge .as "could be gleaned from jhe " " published discussion -thereof; but be ' lieve that congress has decided wisely. " It looks reasonable that a sea-level - canal, once constructed, would be far preferable and more valuable, but its "cost wouhTrun uplo several hundred , millions, and it might talce a quarter ; of a century "to. build it,"while it is al- ' leged that the lock canal can, be com pleted in about eight year,' aindiwit h - 7 in somewhere near the estimates. The cost,- for such a very "great - and enormously rich country as this, is not a matter of prime importance", TrovidiBgthe" sea-levercanal "would .' be vejry much better, but the element of time a difference of ten to fifteen - years is. a matter of great conse quence. '... " Eminent, JSDgmeers declare that th lock canal is not only entirely feasible but is not greatly Inferior, "taking inteV-oceah traffic into consideration, nrFsel-levercanaTriirJTf this be the -...f.a.e the. decision ife-wise. I f) courfe there will le many who 7 will criticise and attack and accuse, "but, we'beliieve" that congress and the ssident have dniie the best lh atI75oi could be done in this "natter. GOSPEL OF GOOD CHEER. I N HIS SALUTATORY in his new paper, the Optimist, Mr A. . Bennett, after some explanation of hi position, says: "I will always endeavor to look for the "good and eschew the evil to live in the sun shine and forget the shadows, I am just, a plodding country editor who Vs the fruits and flowers along life's pstWty and tries to show them to "othV -j .". . '.;(.; ' This is a good platform for, the "country editor," and th,city editor as well, to stand on, a good rule to work by. Not all editors, nor many art constitute! to carry out this pol icy and program so successfully and unaffectedly as Mr. Bennett, who has "sunshine in his souL" yet all of them could work along this line somewhat more than they do. None of them can scare up a "Kabbitville" corre spondent, .but most of them could brighten up their papers a little, ajd make more ' of life's good . and less of its evil, and so cheer and encourage their readers. , ,.... "' ' Of some evil deeds newspapers must take cognizance; they must, por tray, cloud and storm as well as sun shine and calm; .must .. notice bad odors as well as fragrance; , must point but the thorns as .well as the ers; but may we not make more of the pleasant and sweet and beau liful and beneficent .things ot earth and of our immediate 'surroundings? ,'eHvirbiirbrirftyTir.Tis-gerand help others to get all the good pos sible ot of life. Be an optimist and not a pessimist." You will live better, happier, even longer.' - As Brother Bennett .carols: -? ., - "The difference 'twixt the Optimist And the Tessimistis droll; The Optimist eats the doughnut. ' The Pessimist gnaws the hole. OPPOSITION TO ALDRICH. THE SPIRIT of revolt against -; corporation ' domination ' in and astir even in little Aldrich)and, Rhode Island. Or. is it only rivalry between two-men equally beholden to the 'tariff-gorged . trusts? - Colonel Robert. Is:es Goddard, a wealthy cot ton; manufacturer, has formally an nounced his candidacy for the senate, in opposition to the Aldrich dynastyj though it is not Aldrich,' but hi me tob, Wetmore, whom Goddard will di rectlyoppos in the next7.senatorial election in the little "rotten borough" of Rhode Island. ... ' - Wetmore iannuaWyspends, afew weeks at Newport," a little time in Wash ingtonr -ani the - rest in Ne W Ywk or Europe, and if regarded as Aldrich's "rubber stampHe doesn't worry about what to. do or not to "do when in the senate; whatever Aldrich says goes, and whatever suits the Standard Oil senator is good enough for h im. :'y " T " ' ", ' 7 'The movement in Goddard favor is said to have started among the peo ple, and ihough rich and a protec tionist it is to his credit that he is willing to head a revolt against Boss Aldrich's machine. - In ; his accept ance of the nomination tendered him bjFatTTndependent Republican . con vention, he ' says that "there can be no hope for reformation in Rhode Is Iandpolitics until machine controTTs thrust aside. "-""" "' . The - anti-Aldrich ; movement in.- ctudes manymanufacturersf and-ap- italists, as well as people of other vo cations, who. have heretofore been strong supporters qf the regular party and its tnachineji-which i. therefore in danger of serious Injury.""' fr The Puget Sound millers should go tonight school long cnougblPlcafp that it is easier and-cheaperrto-haul wheat down hill than up oyer, moun tains half a mile high anjgrop it : down' again. Or, knowing this,- they-should not'insist that na ture' easy route should be .handi capped merely to build up their busi- ness. i iney can move to ronianq. And notwithstanding the murder ous germs that assail us ' at every meat, America has a lower death rate than any country in. Europe, except ing. Norway and Sweden. Are we to understand that the canned horrors of lth e packing-houses are really health food in disguise? 'J y ' ' "T . A good many men, .who are pre- tendcdly for Bryan are for him "in a horn, as the boya used to say. They are for him long enough to kill off Hearst, and'then they will try to help the Republicans nominate a genuine conservative"; Aldrich would suit them best. - - ' That the cost of the Panama canal willfarexceedthe estimates is cerr tain, but if. there be not more than $SO,opO,(XX)' or so of graft' the people will not : complain," so long as the canal is dug within a reasonable time. me of those big trust and rail road magnates who have been de fiantly violating the law and plunder ing tha people 'so long would look very . well indeed to the people in prison garb.. Mr. Roosevelt has again corralled. lassoed, and-branded the senators, with..7the ' exception of - Mr. . Bailey, whose i- maverick heels and :; shrill squeaks disturb the peace of th rodeo. ' i. "' ' Now !4hat Haakon and Queen Maud are duly crowned, we hope .the Norwegians are happy and will be so ever thtr. -4",.-l-- . - , ity the sorrow of 4 poor anarch. Here is Mj. Sicnosikwier, a con- JSatJQinkdspieLJEoi - VEGETARIANISM Br Ooi4 V. Hobart. (CoerricM, luo. br AnMrlnaa-JourMj-Kxmlar) Slftlh Lleber Son Looey: V haf ra- celfod your- letter trans Maluinoy City, Pa., und your mothfr und me va vai slat to hear dot you haf prosperlsed so aucceaatvely In dr commercial trafeler puineas. Ve vaa aorrv to hear dot you Buffered alight Indlapoeitlonment after eating aome canned llverwurat In Shamokln, Pa- . - You-could avoid such mlaerr. Looey. If you vouTT vatch der doing of der beef trust more oomprehenalvely. It is an open secret dot der beef trust aboUaliedllverwursTSrerare nt und replaced It mlt shredded boo thee Is iimi "1H-r 'i 1 i i V va all veil at home mlt der. egg- oeptlon dot I took a chance on some canned plr knuckle at your I ncla Oscar: Schmtttberger a veelr ago Tue day, und for two miserable day J suf fered mlt profane polaon. . - or course. Looey, I dink it is a. una Idea for der beef trust to be progreealve, und I haf no serious obcheckshun ven dey .-can up' a. few pair of low-priced Bootch cheviot trousers und call It beef a la mode, -but It hurt me In my famfly prlda to alt at der dinner table und aee der southeastern corner of an Insulted, doormat coma to my plat disguised a a weal cutlet. Ve waa all Veil at home, mlt der eggaceptlon dot you? mother went down to Mrs. Charlie Bkeesegelater' house to play bridge last.Vedneaday. und efer sine den she ha been troubled mlt,in omnia of der appetite on account of soma canned, roast beef aamvichea vich ah fell for In a moment of veakneaa. Vea do present vlch ht partook of der aamvichea .finally reentered d'elr presence of mind dey found dot der only place In der can. vich contained any real roaat beef va der label on der ouldslde. Tour mother . found In. her aamvlch an sistent assassin and terrorist all his life, who ha had to call In the police to preserve th peace between him self and some of his fellow murder- ... . rT r m . ers. - A short time ago wr. ien- pszkwies voted to have - President Roosevelt hoist witrTaii anarchist petaydTTrnd" thrtrouble in the assas sin's nest arose over the misajppro- prialion .oC the .funds to be used fof the purpose. We sincerely hope that the anarchists j who. threatened vio lence to MtiSjengsskwiei will be pua ished as" they deserve.. . It will interest iome of the promi nent citizens whb"voted at Sellwood to learn that an Astoriaj man has been sent to prison. for violating the election laws. . . i; -.:- 1 i .- "..':-''-".-."V- : What's the , use of having a con gress then--or one to do anything more than formally to' enact the pres ident's orders, since, he is boss? " An artverttir urce hia natrons not to-complain of the heat, and with very'MLjexceptions they arc taking his advice. r . - It is to be suspected that the trusts afefeany''notv"ery-n'rttf8latically for Bryan, after all. ' :VV-, All a man has to do if looking for trouble, is .to get , into office .in St Johns. ' ' ' ' '. .The only fairly decent thing about thecartneuVTneatsseeins to have been the tin. Et tu, Maraschino. Drive to Drink. Itarry B. Walmsley, food expert of Kansas City, and the man behind the pure food bill fn the last session of the legislature-, declares such to ne tne caae. Every restaurant bill of fare bear a on Ita face the proor or rood aauiierauona, he says. Here ' are the varloua food and th way they are poisoned, according to this Butter Covered with coal tar dyea. Meat-You known all about the meat. Iard Ueed ' In - frying meat made from diseased hogs -CaUup Full ef salicylic acid, colored with coaltar dyea Bread rull of alum. - Coffee Full of copper1 salts. , Tea Full of copper salts. Pepper Alway Impure; full of cocoa nut sheila, sawdust and clsyr Vegetables All - Impregnated with varloua coal tar dyea. Rosy apple Mad rosy with coal tar dyea. . New potatoes Freshened up from old potatoes with alum, water, after being craped. ' "Half of the deaths In the United Rtatea are the result of impure foods," Mr. Walmaley declared warmly. "It la practically impossible to get pur food In hl country." ..... . A Very Old Tree. The distinction of - being the oldest tlvtng thing undoubtedly belongs to one of four trees. A century ago D Cn"n bolle found two yews. -one at Fortlngal, In Perthshire, and . on In Hedeor, In England, that were eatlmated to be re spectively J. BOO and I.Z40 yeara old. Both are attll flourishing and the older tree ha a trunk 17 feet in circumfer ence. -. A gigantic baobab In Central America, with a trunk 20 feet through, was thought by Humboldt to be not lesa than $,J6 year old. Mexican-botanists be liev'that they have how jdlacovered 11fe span even greater thn-thla.. ei from the annual ring a eyuraa of Oifr pultepec, which has a trunk HI feet In circumference, Is assigned ah ag of about ,200 years. . . ' Halo Around Sun. t - A. large solar halo"- caused Some ex citement In Mlddleton, New Torn, lately, and aroused much apprehension among superstitious people.. The Immense cir cle around the eun appeared at 10:10 o'clock in th morning and laated two hours. Th circle resembled a rainbow. Inside of It 'the sky was black, specked with brilliant apota. Ontslde the. circle the sky waa clear. Theetreeta were filled with people gasliig at th phenom enon tbrouak smoked glasses. . . v T .1, ic-ixmaic MORE THAN;A FAD. . ulterlor motive vich turned ould to be der lining of a straw hat. mad In lt your Uncle Lud wig's vlfe drew a shoe lace und part of a -red necktie, und Mr. Truckenmuuer cashed In two pants Out toua und a rain check for a bail gam m Chicago in 1(8. ' Of oourae. Looey, ve all snuat glf der beef trust credit for trying to be im partiality In der selection of aubatltutea for meat. At der same time. Looey, ven I alt down to lunch und fill up 'On chipped beef. I Ilka to be aur dot dr beef trust ha not cold-decked ma Und ven I find ould 16 mlnutea later dot der chipped beef hat on an underatudy, Und 1 am imw full Of NavaJorahaelTf makes me peevish. 1 V VSS HI veil at home mlt der egga ceptlon dot, your leedle brother, Helney, vent to a plchlo last Turaday und among der "udder dangerous' sports vlcb he Indulged In- vaa -oma-jrrajtkf urUm, vich vaa familiarly known as "dogs," because delr bark, va a bad a delr interior. - Leedle Helnev dallied mlt two "dogs" und five minutes sftervarda he leaned up against a nawsatand und had writer's cramp In der tomch. . ; ' , : : Vun of hi playfellowa aucneneatea dot der-beat cur vaa a hair order dog dot bit him, so dey opened a Frank furter eggspectlng to find it furnished on der Interior Uk a $14 mattreee. " Not such, however. - -"'Dey found In dare nuddlng but a bunch of pink transfers, not -good for dl date, und a half portion of rubber vich hat been treated chemically to de ceive dr appetite. . ' '' ve har all Become wegetgnan at our house. Looey, und v vlll live on splintered pickles und Tuihlgated sauer kraut until der beef trust "get back to a meat beale. ;.i'"' , Tour mlt luff. " , I. DINKELBPIBT - Per George V. Hobart School of Sharks Attack Ship. - i From the Baltimore. Sun., ' ' The metal on th sides and bottom of the ship W. F.- Babcock, now tn drydock, telle a story . of the -sea that ha few eqruals In It Una Above and below the, copper line, where metal baa been placed' to meet the attacks of th aea germ that eat into tit wooden aide, th metal I curled up In placea by attack upon th ahtp by harka. ' " Captain Bailey, who -brought the ahlj. from San Francisco . to . Philadelphia, With a cargo of scrap 4ron, Is not alone responsible for the story told. ..A ship brought to a standstill for on day by aharka 'that extended " In all ' directions to th horlson and followed by aharka for nearly ihree weeks jit. sea, Is , th story of the gnarled and curled plate of sheet copper that had to be torn from the sides of the Babcock when ah wa docked In Baltimore, i t - r - "Mate, apln Us th yam," waa asked by -vialtor. who became Interested in ths explanation of the curled condition of the "Babcock's bathing suit. .- And this Is What h told: V ; "We called from Ban Francisco, No vember 24, 1905.- When on th passage In th Pactfle lour crew became worried at the multitude- of shark that were following - th . vessel. On night', an awful , splash .waa heard about th ves sel, a If we were In company with a Chesapeake bay , sidewheeler. In th morning we' had a revelation. The ocean as far a th eye eould reach waa filled with aharka "They made charges against our sides and aomklpped away with a piece of copper between their teeth. Their mover ment were so faat that we were satis- fed they were going to hunt -up th dxntiat vve- had been, making- pretty fair headway through thla maa of live ly fish, when the breese fell off,- and our momentum was not sufficient to fore th vessel ahead. - Wa lay- be aharked for 24 houra. It being Impoa- slbls to go ahead. t A light breese sprang up and soon placed us olear of our convoy. ' I - Leonatnie.' . ;BoTT0wTnarTWhiwai writtsn Jamea-Wbltcomb- Riley on a wager that he could, successfully imitate th style of Edgar Allan Poo. Th poem wa accepted-ae Poe'a for a year when th true authorship was revealed.) - a- - Leonalnle angels named her; And they took tha light v Of the laughing stare and framed her - In a emtio or white; v -7 And they made her hair of gloomy; Midnight and her eyee of bloomy Moonshine, snd they brought her to ras In the solemn night, ... In th solemn night of summer, - ; -When my heart of gloom . , - " Blooaomed up to greet th comer Like a rose In bloom; All foreboding that distressed m I forgot a loy careened me Lying joy that caught and pressed me i In tn arm or aooroi- . - Only spake the little llsper, In the angel-tongue; Tet I. listening, heard the whlaper "Bongs are only sung Here- below- that 'hey may grieve you Tales are told you to deceive you, -. 8o must Lqonalnie leave you,. - Whll her love Is young." . 'j- , .. Then Ood smiled, and It waa morning, Matchleaa and supreme; Heaven' glory seemed adorning Earth with Us .esteem; Every heart but mine' seemed gifted With the vole of, prayer and lifted When my Lemialitle drifted " From ms like a dream. . . . A Queen's Hobby. . One of the oddeat of royal hobblea fa that -followed by Queen Mtud Den- ark, who ror yeara has made ivory her hobby. Not only ha ahe a fins collec tion ef Ivory statues and other art objects, - but she collects Ivory In the tusk a well and he a large collection of trophies of th elephant' chaae.'many of which war sent to her by her brother, ' the present Prince of Wsles, who ha doubtless added to the collec tion during his recent trip through India. Moat of these are supplied with tiny gold platea. telling where and un der what circumstances' th - animal from which th tuak wa taken - waa killed. . Failures in China. Frnm tljr'New Orleans Times-Democrat "It Is SOO years sine th failure of a bank In China," aald a bank examiner,' "Over 00 yeara ago. In the reign of HI .Hung, a bank -failed. HI Hung had the failure Investigated, and to hi In. dlgnatlon fnwnd It had been due ta reck, leas and shady conduct on th part ef me mreoior ana tn president "Hi Hung st .one Insued an edict that next time a bank. failed th heads of Ita prealdent and directors were to be out oft This edict, which 'haa never been ; evoked,' Has mads China a banking ln tltutioa lot Safest tn th wor)dV , A tittle Nonsense rvhit im mi, BMrit atiw lika. aaecdote. er puoi avef jboay ss eae last oe thinks la the bnt "roe tror krd." Tbe Jouroal wanla to know just the sue of auo tht appoala most aironsly te Ita naaers, sn will give two easb prises a week for tbe bMt saort stories sent te the nasur Kdltor. Tho etorle aa4 not So original, eat . the Bust not be OTte SOO words sod most eoatala aa element of clean wit. Cor the tost. SS will be paid; SI will be Slvea Tor xne bet. Tga eaa son la ee eutoy eterloe es Su like. Ivory Journal readee ku a cbaaee la the prlsoa . . 7- f - Hit Politene Pleaaad. -' 77 f 7-7 ' Sent by P. I X. Portland. .'A deaf old woman walked into a De troit ator and asked for 10 cant' worth of aoap. . ,- "We . don't aell a bit' worth," said th polite, dark. . -' . the old lady. You don't undrfnd saaaasr aid th clerk. "L aald a bit won't buy any soap In thlfcstabllshmnt." - 'Bur endugh." replied ins agea cue- tomer. "Boap lan't what It ueed to be In my lime; they -put; too 7mucn7TOtn tn tt the daya" - - '.--'- 'Oh. Lord 1" exclaimed th now ai- tracted Blerk. In a atage whlaper, "wiU vou luat hear this old luntlc!" .Thin placing his mouth to th dame ear, he creamed': '- ; ' 'We do-nl - a bit" wprth of soap hre!" ' N . ' ' ' - ;. Yes." said th old laay, -you may put It up. in paper and. tl a, atring around it. If you Ilka" ' Tha clerk rushed t a box,- toob out a bar of aoap, and almost threw IS at th poor old woman, exclaiming: "Take it and get, you oia narnaan oi thunderatlon!" The venerable customer carefully laid her dim on th counter and, a h did o, aald: ' ; . Tou re th politest -and -aecommo datlneat young man I ever. xl and I'll, call agin, when I want some more oap."v ' ''.'.."' V .':.:."- ,'' 7 Bryan Paid fot the Coat.' ' T.t veae William Jenning Bryaa vlatted Cornell nnlveraltf and told th following tory on hlmlf : - "Onca out In Nebraska I went' to pro test agalnat my real eatate aaaeeament and one pf th thing of which 1 par ticularly compla'lned waa aasesslng a nut at 118. I claimed that a goat waa not-eal'. property In Jth legal sense of the word and snouia nov oe timim. Ons of -th asseesora a very pleasant faced old man, vrry obligingly said that I could go upatalr with him apd to- a-xhw-wo would Innk over in -rules and jegulatlona and aes what could be done. . ' e . - ' -We looked over tn ruiea, ana iinauy th old man asked: 'Does your, goat run 1ros-n tha -soadaT" - - "Welk sometimes aald I,- wondering wht4h penalty waa for that dreadful offense. ' - ' . e - " "Does he buttr again Queried in oia man.. Ta I answered, "h butta'- i Well,' aald the old man, looking at m. IMS rule say, tax all that certain property- running and abutting oik ths highway. I don't see that X can do any thing for you. Good day, u; " - -" ' A Lucky Fit. . . ; ' Th arrival of precocious asparagus from those maglo market gardens where nothing la in faahlon unless It Is out of season, aay the London -Chronicle, re mind us or th eon se or humor ana lack oreensIbmtjroT The"7amou French wit Fontenella A friend who celled upon him waa pressed to stay to dinner. "We will haveLasparague," said Fon tenella who wa an epicure tn food aa in-worda With oiL- amended-hi guest ' "But I prefer it with sauce," objected Fontenelle. " - . ' . "Bawe-disagreea with me," the -fetend pointed Put .'.-' "Oh, very welL" said Fontenella with a very bad grace, and he went to give the prder. On hi return he found hi gueat in an apoplectic fit. ..Back went Fontenella to t -top -of th kitchen stalra. "Cook, lie roared, "you can dress th asparagus with aue. '.. . , -HWTrH-Loe-Itr- A-party 'of KTentiirklans, Includfrig senator lindaay and a number of mem bers of ths house. were paaaengera on aa eaatbound - train - laat fall on - their Tay to attend the opening of eongresa Before the party retired for th night, according to the American Spectator, ths aenator had permitted them to partake of the contents of a : flaek; which he returned with, -religious. ear. t. the deptha of hla dreas-sult case. In th meriting, a the"-train waa wending Its way through th Alleghany mountains, a member of ths party Who had risen early perceived the senator pacing up and down tha stale, an ex pression of disgust and dismay upon his genial countenance. "What th matter, Lindsay V asked th other. - -, - "Matter enough, waa th reply, "why. I've m th better psrt of my baggage." "Lost or stolen r' . .. . . - . .... "Neither," said Senator Lindsay; "ths cork -cam out" i-. . The Poem "Life. . 7.7;.-;.. Much rlntereat-waa aroused by th publication In last Sunday's Journal of the poem called "Life." found In a little book on "Literary Curiosities" in th British museum, and aald to have beeq compiled by Mra H. A. Demlng. " Tha poem waa mad up of line from th work b of different writer; of whom tt were repreeented. Many readeraof Th Journal haV sent in "keya" to the poem and others hsv found in - scra0 bonks similar verses containing many of the , lines used in Mra Demlng's compilation, be Sides others, thst mak" poems of con siderable length. '- V-v , Among the best Keys" thst hav reached The Journal Is on by Mra C J. Jordan of this city who has identified about 22 of the author; R, A. Bums of Astoria haa found th names of it; Mra Taylor of Pendleton 17 and Mrs. Frank of PSIem IS.- Other readers of Th Journal have found a large percentage of tha writer. An Interesting communication comes from "A Subscriber:' In Weston, Oregon, who carta attention to the fact that other compilations hav been made that contain many more lines than did the poem printed on Sunday; the letter la accompanied br, th. fuller . compilation which haa M lines. . - The "key" to th lines publlsherf-lssl week will be printed In next Sunday's issuer - Lonesom for Complaints. J; In Abyssinia It was one th habit of romplalnajite to stand before th door of th king' palace, loudly appealing to hla majeaty for help. "So accustomed la th king." , wrote on traveler, ""to these querulous tones of sorrow that when tha rain prevent - such as are really distressed from repairing to th capital, a aet of vagranta la provided, whose object it Is to raise the cry of artificial Borrow, lest h should feel a lonely. o.ulln,t , T IRDSEYE VIEWS -i- . of TIMELY TOPICS I SMALL CHANGE. v .- -t ... , , .. .Moat ef those weed are still (rowing lUStlly. ' . . r' - - - e" e-- - 'T 7 We'll soon know ' who's ' who, ' for sheriff. ... . , ? .- - . . : ; !' " . Dr. Xowl say h heard muaio at night. CatsU . , , e e .. ' ' Lbnaaat dava tn the rear.' Davllcht to do lot of good. . ; ' , f , m m , y. ,. sinshttrsbyfadtVratc,UP,W", -Thlv-Jnne Is going to beat all fur met bride records. Good sfgn, , . r ,. '. ,.t e er , r ' ' . No business man wants a cigarette. smoking boy In hla employ. i e . . '.'-,, Recuperation by a vacation Is '.'for moat people sea) ly hard work. '-' - ' ; '" .',"' ' ' .71 ' The Penrisylvania railroad clerk who "in ado" 171,000 a year on a aalary. of 171 a month should b rapidly advanced to th position of president of th road,- ,. - ..- -. . i I Uncle Chaunc Dep'ew taking physi cal training so as to become a muck raker? - - . - e e : - '. Because he ha Dunn well, th cof- leotor of internal revenue will serv a third tarm. , . - ... Th dentist will never Quarrel among themselves hard enough to pull on an other'a teeth. , r Borne of the' man's Panama hats are ao expensive as to make th women al most envious. .i , Bryan' ha vialted Bussia.' bat will consider, that country tarn beside In diana next fall. - .. i Th mor Shaw talk th greater th magnifying power of -the glass required to e hla boom. . - . , - . ' , .. ' W , With so much activity In timber land, Puter'a enforced ldlenessmust tnak htm S.- X D. "; 'r-. -'; ..'...- ' e e ".-.---;. Senator Morgan i St year 'old. and feels able to discuss th Panama canal bill for 20 year yet ' . . , a ' '. The-girl who-Jilt a worthy young man doea htm a great favor, though he can't always eee it that way. . a ' .-' ' ?Th-w aenator from Delaware-! at the head of the powder truet and will f try to keep- H from being blown up. t '' , '- -"'?u .7-:. W. R. Hearst and Graver Cleveland won't attend Bryan' reception, yet thla doesn't prove that they are chummy. , ' . ' -' "' e- e -'. " " Opportunity knocka only one at om men' doors, but goes Into other men' houses and loaf around day and" night " ''... -J-A Parla editor offered Rockefeller $1,000 for a lS-mlnute Interview. Really, Grandpa Rocky doean't need the money. - If .lt had been Unci Russell Sag, now-. '.'..',. s .v "Message; ty Mary. rfCCASIOOBEDICfVTIONOFJHEJTEMPLE. Christian Scientists from all part of I the United States gathered In Boaton for th dedication of the magnificent new annex of th Flrt Church- of Christ. Scientist, which took place Sun. day, June 10; On of th moat interest lag feature of the occasion wa th dedlcatorymessagi Eddy, the leader of the Chrlatian Science movement Th message was aa follows: ' . My-bloed jrethren Th divine might of" Truth demands well-Ttotng-.-. tn --order to demonstrate truth, and thla not along In accord with human desire but with spiritual power. St John write: "Blessed are they that do ' hi commandments, that they may have right to th tre of life; and may enter in through th gates Into the city." , Th aear leaves of faith 'without works, scattered abroad in Zion'S wast placea, appeal to reformer, "Show me thy faith by thy worka" Chrlatian . Science la not a dweller apart in royal solitudes It lanot a law of matter nor a transcendentalism that heal only the elck. Thla Bcienc I a law of divine Mind, a persuasive animus. an unerring ' impetus, an ever-present help... Its presence Is felt, for it acts and acta wisely, always unfolding ths highway of hop, faith, understanding. It Is the higher criticism the higher hop; and it effect on man 1 mainly thla that what one know, of htm, on examination on I 00m pel led to think genuln. whoever did it. A Christian Scientist verifies hi calling. . Choos ye!' -.- " 1 When, by losing one's faith in matter and aln, one flnda the aplrtt of Truth. then he practices the Golden Rule spon taneously;. -.and ..obedience .to thla- rule spiritualises man, for the world' nolens volens cannot-enthrall Itr-Luats-dlejlMm- sty, Bin dlsablea th student; it pre clude th practice or efficient teaching of Christian Science, th truth of man a being. - v . . The Scripture reads: "He that taketh not his crosa, and followeth after me, is not worthy of m." On thl basis, how many ar following th Way-howerT W follow Truth only as we follow truly, meekly, , patiently, spiritually, blessing -saint and . alnner with- th leaven of divine Love, which woman ha put Into Christendom and medicine. A genuln Chrlatian -scientist loves Protestant and Catholic, D. D and M. D.. lovea all who lov Ood, good; and h love hla enemies. . It will be found that Instead of opposing, auch an Indi vidual subserves the intereata or both medical faculty and Christianity, and they thrive together, learning that Mlnd-nower la good-will toward men. Thus unfolding the true metal in char acter, th Iron in human nature rust away, honesty and Justice, mot "hiet Ice," chsracterlsw-th seeker and finder of Christian Sclenca ThsnkTorthTatlroad company's courtesy! long Uv that railroad man agement in which '"map's a man for a' thstl" - -. Th pride of place r power Is th prince of thl world that' hath nothing tn Chrlt. Our great Master said: "Ex cept ye become a a little child, y cannot ntr th kingdom of heaven'1 the reign of rtghteousneaa th glory of good,-healing th alck and saving th alnner. Tha h1fht of my hop must, re main. ' Glory be to Thee, Thou God moat high and nigh. - Whatever I - divinely' natural and 4din1onstrablv true lH athlos, phQasapfev HI ; 7 OREGON SIDELIGHTS. 7 - Cow '. creek . mine are prospering. Gilliam county may hav a fair next fall. . 1, .' ''J-'. ''") ... i -.; .-a- v One Blalock Arm bought 10,000 grain acka .,' r . 1 . - - ' --i ' ' . ;:'' : r.'-. . - Mor men 'wanted In Oregon's bay; field, v -!; ' '-.. - r -'.::., ' ' Btg eoal mln being opened -up nea weqtorq.. e e : " .:..:' .TCsaton la ,a city of fin gardens, a Best a th leader. . - --.'.,: :- .. . Grant Pass' will build a f IS, 000 brick! ' schrolhouss. -r"V ;" ' ' ' ,' " : i, a e... '- 1 ' .' ' - . . .Bumper crop of hopsalao, predicts) , th Salera Statesman.', . ' - . '. , In six week K.000 head of sheep, were shipped from Happner. . . - ., e . e :. - . ' . ' ' Josephine county fruitgrower organls a union Juh ft. . will Chlttlm bark only I cents In 'Benton . county not worth gathering. ' ' e e . " ."' Hood Rives man haa .10 aores of ' Engl lab Walnut tree doing nlcily, . ,' -.-:. ...B -. ; V. It ta predicted that all Rogue River; valley will become a great orchard., . XX-ZZXirprr-tr - , ... 1. Telephone line ' from Drain to ths hitherto Isolated Smith river region. , ..'-, e e "..' A Rdseburg man sold a team of half brother weighing t6S0 and l.t7l pound a ' .''-.-' A Presbyterian church society with It members has been Organised at Mil ton. ... . :r . ' -; " A Union man . picked 100 crates of ; strawberries fronj. aix row 200 yards lOntV..... .1 ; . . . ,' s Confederate, 10rfcU!aienlboguB -.-M-s: vn& cume ere ill circuwuun in .n Dallea ' , ,.r... ; ,- - ' : - .. On Boulder creek. -In Tillamook eountv church and Buaday school ttrvlcts ar. bsld in a big barn. - - a. . . . . Stayton celebrated going "Arff a "It supposed, but on receipt of new That it had gone "wet," celebrated again. .- (.' ' . 9 ' Slate Senator Miller of Lebanon has served " continuously aa schoor director ' for IS year and waa reelected Monday. e ' e ' . . ' A ' Corvalll crmryrturnd ' out nearly. Utre tons of butter tn on day. : It uaea a ton of aalt a week for butter and another ton for lc cream. ; . T -ix i 1 ' j ' 7 Near Dundee 1 an Engllah walnut orchard of t)0 acre. Trees nine yeara , old bore aa average o? two bushels each laat season. - After the tree are ef thla ag they ylejd front 2200 to O00 per aor s and require Jittle car. Th walnut ' grow to perfection In Oreaton. ',rr,' Baker G. Ecldy or religion I not of God and originate In Th mlhd"or mortals, rrirth-Ad! dream according to ths Scriptural all-' gory, wherein man 1 auppoaed' to start ! from dust and woman to be the outcome of ' man' ' rib, marriage synonymous with legalised lust and tha offspring o sense ths murderers of their brothers 1 . hOlly apart faem thl mortal dream, this illusion and delusion. of . aensew ' Christian Bcienc Come To reveal man, " a God's image. His idea, coexistent with Him and God giving all and man having all that God glvea Whence, ; then, xam art he -creation--of -matter-,--sin, -and death, mortal pride and- power, prestige or prlvllegeT The, fir t com mandment of th - Hebrew . Decalogue, "Thou ahalt hav no other god before -me." and the Golden Rule," are thr tl-T In-all of Chrlatian Science. They ar th spiritual . Idealism and realism, which, when realised, constitute a -Christian Science, heal th alck, reform" th sinner, and rob- th gray of . Its , -XiDiory. Th spiritual understanding,'. which - demonstrate Christian Solence, enables the devout Scientist t worship, not an unknown God, but Him whom, under standing even In part h-continues 't love mors and to serv better. . -1 - Beloved, I am not with you In propria persona at thla memorable Dedication and Communion aeaaon, but I am with you In spirit and in truth, - lovingly -thanking your generosity and fidelity, and saying virtually what th prophet aid: "Contlnu to cboos whom y will scrva" - Forgetting th Golden Rule and In dulging sin, men cannot serve God; thy- cannot demonstrate th omnipotence of ' divine Mind, that heal th sick end tha alnner. "Human will may mee merixe and mislead mam divine wladonv never.-. Indulging deceit Is Ilk th de-fendant-argulngT-foT-tha -plaintiff -fa favor of a decision, whloh h knows1 will be turned against himself.- - W cannot serve two masters. , Do- wa ', lovs Ood upremelyT " Ar wa honest, just, faithful? Are W true to our- sclveeT "Ood Is not mocked." "What soever a man soweth, that shall b also reap." To abide In our unaalflahed bet tor self, Is to be don forever with th . sins of th flesh, ths wrongs of human -life, tempter and temptation, th mil apd dcelt of damnation.- Whenf" w hv overcome sin in all its forms, v men-may revile u and despltefutly us r us. and, w shall rejoice, "for great -ts our reward In lieaven." , . , You have dexterously and wisely pro. A vldd for Th Mother Church of Christ A Scientist a magnificent Temple where- - ' In to enter and pray. Greatly, im presaed and enoouraged thereby, deeply do I thank yoa for thl proof of your progress, unity, snd lova Th mndeat dlfle of Th Mothr Church. pf- Christ, Scientist, began with th cross; tt excelsior Extension is th ' crown; tj'heroomof your leader re- . malnfTri the beginning of Ihie ediflo.. evidencing th prats of babes, and th Word., whloh proceed eth out of ths - ' mouth of Ood. Ita crowning ultimata .!" Uses to a mental monument a super- structur high above th work of mn'S hendseven th outcome of their hearta, '. giving to th "material a spiritual slg- ' nlflcano -th speed, beauty . and " achievements of goodness. Mefhlnk this ohnrch 1 tha on edlflc on rth. wnicn moot ipflaur self-abnegation, hope, fmth, love, eatrhing a glimpse of X glory. MARY BAKKR O. EDDY. r Pleasant Ylw; tConcord, K li, Juos '4