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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 22, 1906)
rt- THE ' OSEGOM DAILY " jOUIUIAIil P6RTLAlib. FRIDAY -EVENINO. JUNE-24,-' lECl r , I - . u -" I I'dtvD Tc!c3 - ' ri - ii ii . itt ft : - -r TOBioHXi ' AinrikKiim. Hlllf,..w.L..7...:.'.......mirlt! froaman '. ,v.J.,i"Wh W Were Twenty-One-' Emptre.., "Said ruti Ufrio. "Tarn 8rput'. Btln Bur i. "A. Uood-Naturd Mao Vand.llle Faatacea ............i.VaudevllI The last sprint business martins of the Horn Training association wss held . yesterday Afternoon. Th chairman of - tha various- east side circles - war present and there wa much eolf-con- ' gratuletion upon tha auocaaa of tha sea son's, work. Plana - war mad to eclipse thla ssason's work with that of next. Two nsw officers.- members at ; large on the executive board, were ap pointed. y Tny are Mr. W. W, Payne and Mra. A Win Hawk. It was announced that the association would lnatail a model kindergarten at Chautauqua thla jirmmwr, in Be cnnnuntsq ny wis nur. halter. Thi hi bi ft- w next regular meeting of the , assnrlatlrti lUtb .held on the leaf Thursday In September. Tonight there ,-' will be a, fathering- of parent In the asssmbly-roora of the Sunnyalda school-. ehoua. Judge A. I Fraser of th Ju venile 'court will speakj a will also ... Principal E.R Curtlsbf Bunnyslds school. Mrs. Q. Evert MoClure will give , a piano solo and J. IV Parrlah a, vocal olo, . R. B. Soaker 111 W M kh - bitlon of club wlngng. - ' Holding that conipromlar of a dam-' age claim, when signed tor proper pr .aon who understands what ' It . la, bar -any right to recover further damages, . Judge Cleland yesterday afternoon 'directed the-Jury In the case of John H. Olston agalnat the O. W. P. By. Co. to bring In a verdict for th O. W. ' p. Olaton. as administrator of tha eetat of William H. Olaton. sued for f 5,000 damagea for th death of hie ' brother, alleging that It had been caused by an accident on a Bellwood ear No vember 4. The suit was contested on ' . th ground' that the claim had been v compromised for 1800 and an agreement discharging th company from all v claims signed by John Olaton aa ad-mlnlstrator.- Olston contended that the -sgreeroent had .been 'secured from Kim " through misrepresentation. Counsel -for" ',' th re II road company were O. F. Paxton and W. TV Mulr. Olston wss repr i'j sented by 3. L. Taugher. -'.-. 7 . . j f - Th street commute of th executive 'board yesterday afternoon opened bids ifor th construction of the Grand sve v pus ateel bridge acroaa Sullivan's gulch. irJRobsrtJyfcefistds was h-towestra. - Ml. Th international Bridge company bid I57.MO, the Midland Bridge eompany . W.SM, John GlUlgan Co. $5,830, the . Puget Sound Bridge A Dredging company tli'.tM. The Pacific Engineering company bid K9.610. not Including th embankment It elao submitted av propoaal to bulid 'concrete bridge without th embankment for. tut.J0. The committee will probablV make jreoommendatlon to th executive, ' board at its meeting thla attemoon. J -rr To get their-version down In black ; and white before the cruisers sailed away - ' the -police commute of th executive I.. I board yesterday took th statements of the petty orncers wno compiainea against Officers Jsskson and Klanlan. It had ajl been, heard -before, but this tlm th .official reporter of th municipal court was there to- take dewn t the committee decide against .th police men, whlob It will probably do. they will have a chance for a hearing before - th civil ' servlc commission, Itr they ' layman appeal. ' aueat welcome tomorrow.; Th prem ise at 14- Seventh street'. " between Alder and" Morrison, have . a seating ca t paolty of 160, Including' the many prt 1 vat dining rooms for. ladle and f m .Tl lea. 'Max Smith, th proprietor of Th '- Savoy - Restaurant. Is Ao : b eongrat , ulated upon his enterprise In taking a ' 10-year leas and msklng this ths.bstJ PpMntaWabnBhment In th city. '. 11: bakery good are mad on the premises, lioars.wapf pn. J c clock tomorrow morning. . , f ' On a periodical trip of inspection over ' th line, and to make -a friendly call on th prospective passenger traffic "manager of th Great Northern rail road. A. M. Cleland. general passenger I agenrToOHeTNprthern Pacific, came to Portland last night for a few .days' ' visit. He is enthusiastic over the steady -growth of - the pacifier northwest," and particularly th great Improvement ap parent In th elty of Portland. Our tl Sunday excursion to .th Cas- ' cad Locks and return carries the pas senger up th Columbia, through th heart of th . Cascade mountains, the mot romantic spot on arth. Mighty '. ' mountains, dafk eanyona and wonderful waterfall ana ife 'this th most dsltght ' f nl ' ride In ' th world. Th steamer - Charles R. Spenoer leaves Oak street - dock at a. m., returning at p m. - - Msals served on board, r i By a ehang In th classification of grain bags and th minimum .weights of shipment th freight rates will be renucea vn mis commaaii . auiy i. Wheat farmers have mad considerable complaint recently at the cost of grain bags, which they say ar In th nature 1 of a holdup by th wheat buyer and railroad. The farmer buy. the bags , and amp tn wneai in mem ana in ..bags are not returned. Owing t selection of an Inopportune date the proposed plrnlr of railroad men -Stetson " wing th friendship el i Ita owner. K . '. , 20,000,000 Stetson hats, each -"meaaurlrif to Ih standard Of -'SteieoH o,uaMqr sad sly Is; HsyeX". ,.m ''utfrffi th ' SttBao factories: and each haa riven th satisfaction demanded by ,. of owner. '"' . . -- -s' " Wa have Ih Stetson Soft and Derby Hal la att tb Meat styles, - Hewett, Bradley & Co. KaSerfssicn'm Wishlniton SETT lOo'Ciock" Iri order to get space on The, Journal's Real Estate or Classified Pages Sunday it will . be necessary ; to have : copy in by 10 o'clock in ... the . evening the . ear-:-r lier the copy1; . . THE CETTtR THE AD HEHEY" ISlDUEZTOrREACHl P0RTUI.D JULY 9 Considered lk ely That Binger '; Hermann's Case Will .Be First. . United State District Judge C. 15. ' Wolverton .stated odaythat-h had re celved definite announcement that As sistant United Statea Attorney-General Francis 1. Heney would arrive In Port land July t. and would proceed with th trial of th land fraud - cases : Imme diately following hi arrival. - Speculation wa rlfa around the fed eral building aa to which case would be tried flret. but all of th court attachea remained sflsnt . when questioned. On ofncliX"however. Intimated that th caae against Binger Hermann would probably be one of the early ones, and possibly the first to com up. Her mann's : trial will probably excite the greatest! Interest with the public and it la said that ths federal official are also desirous of bringing th congressman to trial... ,-, .. , . .. J.-.-H'' The announcement of the i flat of Heney's arrival In Portland cam In' th nature of a surprise because of the amount of work he 1 known 16 have on hand In Uiv Franolepo, While-It known that the attorney would b tn th city In July, ma ray of the court attache thought that he would be unable to ar rive before the -Cloe of th month! Ar rangement will be made within a few flayk forerawing- a: Juryrto I liter th cases, snd everything that can b don tO'xpdlte th trials will be ordered by tha court. r 1 n at to have been held at Seattle Jun tt, haa baea postponed Indefinitely and a date-will be announced -In the near future. Th railroad passenger traffic men would have been prevented from attending by a rush of work on June It, which la a selling date for th low-rat excursion between th Parif la coast and tb essU- :', -T- r-- -r r-yr-rjr. ': ArTreetinf-theTOntaHorbMiril or trade executive committee last even ing ihev probable location of ah Imple ment factory In Portland waa dlacuaaed. and It was stated that tha concern will probably " make a decision next week on the question of removing, it plant from th saat to this city. Th factory will. It is said, furnish employment for sev eral hundred men. ,. y , . Te the Warship and Oaks. Th Chi cago,. Princeton. Paul Jones and Preble, now In th ' harbor, r quickly reached. eVery seven or eight minutes, from, 11 to a p m.j- rrom-ravont noatnouse, foot Morrison street, south side bridge, and. Oaks every, few minutes all after- ernoon. Water through boa for sprinkling yarda or s We walks, or washing porches or windows, must be paid for In ad vane and used only between th hours of and I a. m. and I and I p. m. It roust wot be used fbr sprinkling streets. If used, contrary to these rules, or waste- f fully, it wiu b shut on. rTX)ok at this! Guaranteed TmT-1ara.1 e-iD. pau eve, is-id. pau i. mMmu Parkins- Co.. First and Columbia. Franklin Markets 10S-107 Third. City Market. 2I Flret. .. - - ... t. ''Women's bathroom, 100 Oragonlaa building, open day and night. The fa tnoua Battle Creek,' Michigan,'' methods employed. Cleanllneas and health com bined. : ; - - A atarUlng reduction In lard,' hams, bacon and all klnda of meats. Friedman Packing Co.) t" 111 st and Columbia. Franklin Market, 106-107 Third. City Market, 2 First street. . Money-saving sal. Guaranteed pure lard, t-lb. pall too, 10-lb. pall II. Fried man Packing Co Franklin Market, 10& 107 Third.. City Market, Hi First sc ' Screen Doors end Windows. Regular elsee In stock; odd etses made to order and fitted o openings. F. E. Beach Co., 1 First street. Phone lit. This Saturday's special. Guaranteed pur lard. t-lb. pall 60c. 10-lb. pall $1. Friedman Packing Co., First and Colum bia. Franklin. 10t-107 Third.' City Market. St First - Th-Orgon-Holiness assoelatlon-wlll hold services Sunday afternoon at .421 Bnmalde - etreet, - eweata t Elvnta streets, at S o'clock.. Notice te the Public We wish te Inform yo that ere have no solicitors for work f any description, Have Hayes, photofraphers. " , Tr. ' X. R. Barber has removed from th Marquam and is now at the Com mercial hotel, ! Washington. Tt Main stls. ' . -. ' 1 W ar stilt selllns eye slssses at 11 a perfect fit guaranteed ,or money re funded. SteUser Ck. lit 0Utb street. For ' Bale Two ' automohtlee, 'Tuna. 1 1 -horsepower, cheap.-Inquir HI Third street, . ... Acme Oil cW sells th beet safety ell and ftne gasolines. Phone East Ttt, Short. drr woo' Hl.Bo per load. Ceil Bp Main 45. Th Nlcdsi ro. Ca-- rorQuallty, Quantity and Quickness go to. Morris . teetaurani Women's oxehanc, 111 Tenth etreet, lunch, II to I. ' Beck, th jeweler. Its Alder. Bar galn fat-watches. , ... . Lsst MA Beaslde excursion next Sunday. . -,. t Dr. E. c, Brown, Eye-Ear. Itarejuam. 'anamahatteT.'lll th. Phone PacJlT. lAt ftlS Eeaalde sxcuntoa Bxt Cundax. y . ' -- ' EILDEREDIVELLBY ClOKETS STUDEUTS Two-Act Piece Is Given by Them at the Empire Theatre" ' S,;;.'. . Last Night. ; ' Student of ' Blanche! inatltut ' won high praise for their ahowlng at the graduating exercises at th Empire thea ter last 'nights A - two-act dramatlo cantata, "The Bell of Rothstock.'V was th principal event on the program, and Francis Meagher. it was well rendered. - Brother George had' drilled, th boys in the dramatlo work, while Brotka- Henry had. Schooled them In the musical part of ' the exer elaea. Father McDevitt addressed th elssses after th program was. con cluded. - Pranols S, Meagher was the boy to receive th gold medal presented by Archbishop Christie for good marks and deportment. Those who received cer tificates for completing the' third year's eours wre Ffancla 8. Meagher, George 8. DrlscolL John M.' Harris, wdfe-OHanlan. JaooTi J. Muller. Tb following received certificate for com pleting th first -year's Work; Vincent O'Hare, Charlea Oleason, Joseph - N. Boose, Walter. J. Doyle, Carl Meyer, Charle B. Looatl, Homer Shaver.' Ieo Simon, Francis ' Mueller, Clarence Manning, Walter O'DonneU, .Arthur J, King. Domlnlck' . Bercovtch,Aloysius ttegner. , . -. BANK AND INSURANCE. COMPANIES IN SUIT The case of th Vancouver National bank against ths Law Union Crown Insurance eompany, which has bean on trial before Judge Wolverton In ; th United States district court for ' th past two - daya, was- finished, late . thla afternoon and a decision reserved. The suit Involves a claim of f t.lf .S. which th plaintiff aeeke to regain on a tire loss In a building which was owned by George W.. Cons.. . i The plalntlS seta up a claim, for the Insurance because it held a lien on the property, which wa sold to the Oregon Fir Lnmber company a few days before the Are occurred. The defense claimed that - the plaintiff had no Insurable in terest -tn the property, and that the in surance eompany could rot be held re- sponsible for IheJeal loss, Fol lowing th case of the Vancouver National bank the caae of Daniel Brecht against . ths same Insurance company and Involving th same questions, was brought to trial. W.S. fates .-and Piatt Piatt are attorney for the plaintiff, and Snow at McCamant repre sent the defense. PROMINENT MAN DIES AT GARFIELD. OREGON Many frtends mOurnreaeparfure from this life of John O. Epperson, who rtl.H m th. tinm. at hi. elate r at Oar. t JohftjCk-EpperSonr field, Oregon. Deceased was ths young est of a . large family . and was th favorlt among his brother and sisters as well as with a larg lrcl of friends who - slnoerery .regret his untimely end. FRED FUNSTON MAY - COME TO VANCOUVER - . . ,v- Although General Funston.. refused to tfpmintt himself In regard te- th ap pointment -of a - successor - io Cienaral Constant Williams, as head ef th de partment of tb Columbia, and ln fact dented -that Ji thought thst he would be reappointed, Id wall known that th Philippine hero llkee this depart ment better than any' he has had com mand ef; This fact . together with the knowledg that General Funston stands high with Washington officials, leads a believe that th place Is open to him for ths asking. In a conversation yesterday .General Funston told, a friend that he liked th department of the Columbia and would be glad to return to Vancouver berracka. Fuastea -awoved- himself popular while here, end It Is Intimated that hie friends ar thinking of taking up his appoint ment as a personal affair with th Wsshlngton officials. .-t - . " 11 " Miiwaukla -Country Club. "" Memphis shd ajbulsvine neea" Take Bellwood and Oregea Clt ears .at Itrat and Aide,- . . ' N ' J i op2n TOMoimovrwcHT;urn'DL 9.30: - .The Mener . Fraiik Store ; $32.50 Siite $15.85. y Take EleWor to 3d Tloor . . TV UJI:T! , I I w Take Elevator to 34 Floor - ' Suit Section 7 ." '., ', Q uJg&l. ' ' : ; . Suit Section , :. ftO Mata Ulerk.eraflsi nTavlA-ak nntlnor -dftre wnmAm These suits consist of sll the best snd newest materials . J- I .1 -A-j'-t 1 . ZZ t . : Jl tweeds and fancy worsted cat, straight front or double-breasted sack suits-vEvery suit is of ?1 g. QC the newest fashion-ajid latest model The $20 and $32,50 values it yUtOJ Three Wonderful Attractlons AII at Once " "TCHE OAKS" I XiXO X O U AX XV IXIOI oVWV thrilling double rtn 1 ttT"W in AT f?tf A tr -frtrrt is a. .viu,mn.r, tne omy living aeronaut penorming rolling globe 2,000feet ireHirthe ground,-and a thrilling double "PPniMTs TIRPRTP GRAND OPENING of the larger and finest , UAN,T SKATING RINK fa world. Opens promptly . ; '',: t 7:30 Saturday evening. : - - GRAND OPENING of JAPAN'S marveloua liie-aied A "AIXlOlJXS.irj.10Ilf FIGURE EXHIBIT on "THE AVENUE" at 8 o'clock; AND ONE HUNDRED OTHER GREAT FEATURES. Z. " , CHOOSING FACULTY : : FOR WESTON NORMAL Weston. Or, June II. The board- ef Tegnte-of-th Btate Kormsl school at thla place are In session. The board is oompoeed of R. Alexander of Pendle ton, president; P. A. Worthlngton, see retary: O. W. Proebstel. I. It, Haley. W. M. Blakeley. H. A. Baxton and Jerry Stone. Professor R. C Frsnch. who wss president of th school when It wss forced : to suspend by th referendum holdup, has arrived from Bait Lake ana la an active candidate for reelection to the position of president.- It Is believed that at least a portion of the faculty will be chosen etthls meeting of ths board, and perhaps all. Midsummer Millinery .Reduced prices NEW Satin St raw Sailori . ; . , -NEW-White-Chip- Sailor. ... . a . . NEW Milan Dreis Miap.. NEW Natural Leghorn Flats,.... ,0 Ji'LX Mtrw 1... PI... lars .......rr ....fl.OO to $2.50 NEW jav GamhorB. .faI rWEW Whil Ducks; 30 tytes.,:;..77.T:rr. .;.r.r90f ta f AH Children School and Dres Hats...... V'-A". 2EI Udiee' Trimmed Ht.t K TO J-OFF Fraleyp -Hattery 24,THRD STREET: . .X ' , cdRNER SALMON. ItM MM IQ '" '-. . sf-i -L-a.. ( f .'- ' cheviots. In new grays, plaids The Meier. (SD: SECOND pexIal4n'3oys,Mother'yFri to 13 years, with detachable waist collars; material, blue percales ..i'., ., . .. ) , . " : , - Eoys Clothing Pefifc percales, regular 50c waists ; special . .v. Boy' all-wool Norfolk Suits in Cheviots and Tweeds, a AO v sizes 7 to 15 years, reg. $6, $6.60. $7 values, special .Young Men's all-wool Outing Trousers, peg top,' roaje . with ; belt loops, and turnup bottoms, of neat styles and QO patterns, regular $4.66 values, special. ,)afa"(l . ' . r CAR CUTS TIMBER ITANDMANTSINJURED (Speelel rHapatcfe to Tha Joaraal.) Pendleton. Or.. June II. D. B. Waffle of-this pi see. an O. R. AN. passenger brakemsn, wa severely hurt at Hons. Fork yesterday In a peculiar manner. His train had stopped at that point to pick up th dtnirrg-car. Mr. Waffle was standing near the tracks, and no ticed a car which was detached start, by Its own weight. to roll down tb grade. 11 aelsed a stick of four-foot cord wood snd laid It across th rail In front of th runaway - car. expecting that It would prov sufficient -to stop th car. In this he wss mistaken, for th oar smsshed th stick In two and th piece on Every Hat to fi.eo to a.oo .92.00 to 93.20. t Ohai'tVaiev miHnfirina.t in fancy worsteds, fancy . J I- t j and stripes, made in ronnd Frank Store FLOOR bands? made with or .without and neat, light striped 31c hillnon PPrtP . , . . . tne serpentine dance on a parachute leap. outalds ths rail flew out violently, and ptrlkijigfiJrygfneiLJbeJejrtefc bruised and tore It badly, although th bone was not broken. Mr. Wsffle was thrown down and had to be lifted upon his train and was brought to Pendleton suffering greatly. aiainmanaaan. Great Auction Sale Consistiog of fine Silvei' Ooisonne, Bronxe SaUuma, nw Bra---ware,Tmagnifieent atin-rnbreidered Screens, ebony csnred Fur nitnre, beautiful decorated Porcelain Vases, Tea Sets. ; - . ;i Public 'cordially invited to attend this sale; every ttinj bargain. WE ALSO CARRY THE Largest Stock In-The city. Wholesale and retaiL And rewKcnc 7 237 Hcnlrr-j : : AiuAaaT- ' v AttleUc Perk Cerser Taaths sad Tmmtf-l earth. " v Portland :v vs. San Francisco - OasMS CalUd at I H p. m. Dally. , S.m.l OalM S:M p. a. tua4aa. . laltee? Bay, Iridar '' ADMISSION Me. ' . ,". . Oraa4a.a4, Hat CkilSna. laoi Bea Bests, Utk acd Tk H.IIM Tt...... WaahlactM MC MVIHIJ liltaiK Mala i. Tmickt (phU-Mm ToBMnot. leM " Matiaae Taaaaavew HBNKIaTTTa CHOSMAIf ' Is the Marrr Oaaaeay , "MARV. MAR.Y7 QUITE CONTRARY tVtSlNU PRICK Tywer Snort 13 aU tl.sA ktalmar. f I, TSo, OOr. Oaltarr. aV. MATINRB PRICKS Lrftwar toar, 11 M. 11, . Balconr, 78-, 50t.--Oall.rr, ZDe. KVa. - - !(. a,mn at HIU Tbaatra . Empire Theatre lltk Ssd Pace Mais lit. Tmlskt m J'mi.i raw 1 glyht family Matiaae Tomorrow Afternoon HI.SDA1.L, MIH1CAI, CUMPANT Is to. Orleatal Coni. Osara . , "AID PA. HA." pom. A it PHK'Ka r.T.nine. isa. . tse,' Ifte and Uatlm., I5r and ioV. last Waea, Baiiaalae eun4ay Vlskt, at , XaUlg Theatre, "The Taleaaaae ttiri." Baker Theatre Im t Bahas. ataa. - Vkeae Mala INT. Taalght, Twaamw Matinee aad Klgka-tAst Tare. TimM. . THE BAKER THKATKK COMPAStT IX Heary T. Same iea4 a BMstiraa. aae uaatiee Hay w vi wnm rwMaTTT-oira. Taalnf srina SKc, S9c aad. eOe. . UlUm, lac ana xnr. Mast VMk, gtartiar Sunday . Mattsee, - . -MAI) A all slMa-eijij." UVRIC THEATRE Every . AftaraM a.4 ZTaalag Taetlaad's fopolar ttMk Xmv- ; A XMiasee ef the Mines ' The Serpent's Sting" nr Toxra acts. s,, - rotXOW TUB 4 HOWU ONTIMCtH'g "PERFORMAXCg." l.iamlaslas 10s k a geats. Mev Empire Theatre MOsDAT, JV X, AT . M.. ThelLSeSePrincetohM strel and Specialty Co. Csder the Mana(.nMat of 'C. W. Adaroa, Cklaf . -r. ' Maatar at Arms. roa' amzrrr or tXAMZirt iggriivri. - f RlfBS 8V-. tne, Tc and l. iui asle. emnmanclng Thuraday, Jane 31, to date of en-.. errtaJnmcnt. at bus office. . .. THE GRAND -WBFg. Of n;(il-r ' Big Orpkeaar eeadnilla. . ''Husk Eauaatt, Werld-gasassei , ' ' estrlletnlat. k aTrffnuaa. Markers XitoaaU. Utk aHha. Lea A MttaheO. . , HaieU Beff. . STAR THEATRE Commencing' Monday. Jan. 1. sTntk VTMk , STAR STOCK COMPANY IM "A Cood-Natured Han" It Omntlw Wfth a sasevuto Ollav Iaotadiag Sea- aad Maving rtetarae. PANTAGC& """.tS-stc ORACT wrnmifOTOW ad tnmee is tas Boubi Taree. "A trunilal aln. -Oeerge Allan. . McPea A Cites. Jeaa Wltaea. Tke Zaafrallaa,: Billy Ivaas. Tke Blosmpk. F'errorsiaarm dally at l:3n. T:0 and p. m. A4nikMto. to. 4 boi 26. Ladles and children any ami st wak-dsy . awt. Ineea far IM easts."":'. In bsylng Implements and farm and garden tools of all ktnds Is your privi lege snd to your profit sny of these days if you rome here and look about yoo. We buy nothing simply because It's cheap, but sell many things cheeper thsn you can buy Ihem slsewhere. Fset w can prov. - . . Avery (&L Co. est Tmxms ar. SXT. POT AM9 Aat. . -,ga of fireworks RAKING IN BARGAINS