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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 21, 1906)
' ' i r ' . - " i ' ...''''''. ' . , '' ' .r ' " I GOOD eVeIUNG Journal Cirpulation ' : - , THE WEATHER.' - Shower and cooler tonight; Friday probably fair; westerly winda. PORTLAND, OREGON, THURSDAY EVENING, JUNE: 21, 180fl.-TWO ' SECTIONS 20. PAGES. VOL. V. NO. 82. PRICE TWO CENTS. VlSlnVaSl 0 PLOT FORMED AMONG PORTLAND REDS -- AN.n. MAN CHOSEN TO ICflffJ . PRESIDENT P IS 10 cu I Witness Testifiesoh His - Oath" Before Judge Cameron-That Reds Prepared for Crime Says Funds Were RaisecTfiTSend v John Przyware, the Man Se elected to Do the Bloody Work, to Washington to Assassinate Roosevelt. " - - ; v ............. .r .. r 'J Portland, Oregon, la becoming ! one of th worst centers of ) anarchy of Ruaaian origin, pro- - -ductng a plot -to kill tbo prest- . dent lata In May of this year. ) Collier's Weakly, Juna IS. ; 4 In the municipal court thla morning Waiter Sealaasklwlca, a Pola who claims to have been -Invited to Join what for ernment secret service agents believe to be on of tha "moat radical anarchistic aoclettea In America.' declared on the witnesa atand that a plot waa laid In thla city laat month, for the assaasltia- - tlon of President Roosevelt. , Ho further 'tea titled that funds were raised In thla city for tha purpose of - sending John Prsywara. a Russian til -htltst, also a member- teje-soeletyVto Washington city to execute the murder on plot. Plana for the killing: of the president miscarried, ha said, because or internal dissensions which arose In Nr it 4 PRINCIPALS IN UNIVERSITY "QUARREL? the society. Plan Waa Abandoned. When trouble arose1 In the ranks of the red followers, he aald,. fear, of ex ..posur of tha plot -seised upon tbem and the plaa wes-ubandoned temporarily. Ills knowledge of the plot, be averred, led to tha fight and his char of as sault and battery -on which eevarjgl of the alleged members of the society were arrested. .-. He. daclarea that ha fears for hi life as tha result of his exposure of. their plana. Ha brought with him Into court a l-year-old girl who clalma to have overheard a recent conversation between certain , of tha accused In which they planned to deatroy Settlaexkiwlca'a home by means of a dynamite bomb as pun. 1 tsnment ror ma exposure. The girls "testtmonyy-however, was not relevant to the charges of asnault and battery and was not heard In the course of tha trial. She told what ehe had heard In full to Deputy City Attorney Fstsgerald and to .Government Inspector roster. " ' Aeons Is Aeoaed. T The statements-of Sealassktwlcs wet vehemently denied by those whom he accused of membership In. the red or ganlsatlon. P. Stawney, one of tha ac cused, rose dramatically In hia chair on the witness atand and, pointing aa ac cusing hand at th Pole, stated that there waa no truth In his statements, but that Sealaasklwlca himself -waa. an anarchist. 4- . Th sensational disclosures, with-ref--erenoe to th existence of an organisation of Teds In Portland and their plana were brought out In municipal court.duxlng the progress of the trial of P. Stawney, Tony Budny, John Pnywara, R. Lukas seski, John Koskalak, R. Zakssawskl and D. Bclbor on chargea of assault and battery. Btawnoy waa also charged '. with having stolen a watch from Seul 2.akwlrs, who was th complaining witness In all th cases. .. Attended Meeting of Alliance, v The complainant's story was'correft orated to a great extent by several wit nesses, who claimed to have aeen th en counter. However, the testimony of the accused and their friends resulted In (Continued on Pag Two.T" Professor O. E. Coghfl, Who Re .' : . ' algned. . ' f I ter f: IS? ii ISM A Nebraskan Arrives at Trondhjem and; IsrWelcomed by Amer icans and .Norwegians---Stays-Until Sunday. (Joarasl flpeclsl gcrrire.) ' Trondhjem, June SI. William J. Bryan arrived here tbla morning. He aald ha could not dleouss politics as he has been away from homo so. long, but he is certain tha Democrats wilt sdopt a progressiva policy. ; Mr Bryan .was .welcomed. the Americana here and this afternoon msny Norwegians called upon. him. He looks In the best of health and Is ap parently enjoying his trip. He will witnesa th Inauguration ceremonies to- inorrowT-7-1 Z " " T. ' Mr. Bryan will remain at Trondhjem until Sunday when be leaves for north ern Norway. - Upon hla return he will S i vv iiui.i. v m. ... ...-." r and Inspect Gibraltar,, from rhanoa he will aajl for noma lp.AugustA PRIVATE LINES MUST . GO SAYS MR. CASSATT , . ' -. . ' (Jouraal Rpeclnl Srrrlr.) : ; Washington, Jon tl. Today was the day appointed for th presidents of railroads to appear before the Interstate commerce commission and say what they wished In regard to their relations with the coal companies. The Pennsyl vania waa the only- road responding. Fourth ' Vice-President Thayer appeared and aafd that, befer -President Caaaatt sailed for Europe he gave an order to abolish within' a -year all private car lines along tho-system, . EIGHT OF CREW GO ; DOWN WITH SCHOONER '- i (Joaraal Special Barrios. ) Dover, Eng.. June 21. The . Danish schooner Bertha sunk near South Good win lightship In a collision with a Dutch tank eteamer, thla morning. Eight of the schooner's crew were drowned. Tha capTftlns gun waa ilia unljf suilr. - 13-STORY BUILDING . r , TO COST S5.000.600 . FOR USE AS CHURCH (Journal Mpeclai aerlo. rhkwge June II. Undismayed by th foreclosur proceedings-: sgainat - tha X.hjpagp-Trxas .Lamt ft Lumber . . com pany. Dr. George F. Ilalh pastor of tha Independent congregation, which wor .htna in nush Temule theatre, toromlses V to carry hla enterprise to, a successful I Issu JKl 'to build -in -Uhloage-B' "Chris tian Tempi at the cost or, vr. Ha.ll Pk .enthualastjcally. .and .coodr ilenll'y of both propositions. "The Christian Temple" Is to be an lt-story -sky rapr 'on the' north' aid; In- th vicinity of Lincoln park. Dr. Hall,, who, la .tha irJglnator nl Ides, planned to, complete a fhrlatlsn cltr vinder one roof. The mem -purpose i to -pro Ide' good' aoclety'-fnr "working joung men and omcn' of Chicago, who are now ' compelled to live In cheap room 1 and ' are deprived of ' all social dlverelon. Klv floors, of the temple are to. be devoted to m university, which will accommodate 11,000 puplle, who must obtain their education at night, if at'aii: ..: " ). ' In the building there will be l.&OO rooms, and each room will- be rented to two young men or twft young women at a .rat .fmr. JndJvldual ,f , 12.(0 ,a. week. Tha young people will hare their clubs, lodges, societies, parties, etc., all under one roof. There will be banquet hslla, restau rnntjii laundries,- -rewms .for- servants and attendants. j bnnk, chapels; rerrea tlon. rooms., study rooms etc. In fact, the young people need not go out of tb tempi to live a complete Ufa. REYNOLDS IS STEVENS GAINS SEVEN JUROR OVER OFFICIAL RESULT i III IU.UUUIII ui vu LU -President W. N. Ferrfn, of Pacific Untveraity.j Infatuated Manr Steals Brideiand. Keeps Her ih-CloseVGonfinemehtiiforiSix Months Before She Gets a Chance to Escape i J- (Joarnsj ttpeetal Berrlee.) : f Omaha, Neb June tl.-Held prisoner against her -will for . more - than sis months after being chloroformed and kidnaped from aer parent's home. Mrs. Dora West haa succeeded., according to her story. In escaping from ber captor, Tha latter followed her to th street. overtook her and beat her to Inseniibllfty and started to carry ber back to his rooms, when a crowd . gathered and he dropped her and ran. Clay West, the husband of the woman. la an actor, and soon after their mar riage, In July, last year, ha left ber r to fill a theatrical engagement. became a boarder at the horn of Mrs. West's parents and became Infatuated with the young bride. On January 7, according to Mrs. West's story, while she was playing the organ In th parlor of. her home, McDonald crept. In . and placed a handkerchief saturated . with chloroform to 'her nostrils, ' and ' ah lapsed. Into Insensibility.. When aha re gafrTud consciousness she found herself in a house on the outskirts of Beatrice, 40 -miles from home, held prisoner by a woman. There McDonald frequently visited her snd sought to make her promts to go with htm-and keep her whereabouts from her husband and pa rents a secret, and aha refuaed. Sine that 'time aha had been held prisoner. ; Saturday night friends of. the -girl learned that she was held prisoner- st Beatrice. McDonald also learned that the woman's husband was on his track and hurried her to Omaha, where he close watclr upon her. She escaped from her prison and Immediately started for the depot. Intending to return to ber parents. McDonald missed her before she- had gone a block. He caught her and was In a fair way to carry her back when a -crowd gathered and he fled. Traction Magnate Loses Gontrol of New York "State Democrat and ; ' Journalist Is -Triumphant v... r. (Journal Rpaelal .nervtre.) -New York. June 11. August Belmont haa lost control of tha Democratic state committee.- He captured thla body two week ago by aecurlng th algnaturas of a majority of th members to a call -for a meeting In June to act upon tha resig nation of Chairman Cord Meyer. It de veloped after the signatures ware ob tained and before the call waa laaued except Belmont had Indorsed the call. Th discovery resulted in the prompt publication of a call by th friends of Judge Parker and the friends of Hearst Belmont's defeat -Is overwhelming and irretrievable. Hearat haa become , tha beneficiary of th Belmont fluke.. H now haa mora than 30 of th 6 mem bers who say they will vote for the sup pression of Belmont' on any question of reorganisation thAt comes- up. Th most significant fact In this relation aa showing the strength of Hearst In th rural counties,. Is that neither th Tammany nor th Kings county mem bers of the committee -are counted In the estimate of tha Hearat majority. Information ' coming from Parker Herrlck sources la to th effect that all except four of tha upstate senate dls- raanHrPeinocmilf Iwileii of standing trleta wHlaend committeemen to ' the meeting who will not antagonise Hearst nor consent .to any action prejudicial to hts chances for th Democratic nomina tion for governor. ; A new call is now being drawn by tha supporters of Hearst on th committee, with whom ere allied some committeemen who are not Hearst men, but. who will oppose Belmont. The date of the meeting. will probably b set forr4ulyT or I. THAYER SAYS THAT- - .OPERATORS PROSPER '' (JoaTBSl Bpaeial gervlce.) Washington, June 11. Th house sent the Immunity bill to the conference to day. . Thayer In th Interstate bearing tried to prove the Pennsylvania mad no attempt o prevent tha' Independent operators from opening coal mines. He cited statistics showing that many In dependents are apparently prospering. .. . Dewey a Singapore. ' (Joaraal Special Berrtre.) Slngapore, June 21. The drydork Dewey arrived her this morning in gooa-eentlitUin, . '. m ' ATTACK ON HAAKON : PREVENTED BY POLICE ' Trondhjem, - June II. Several an archlsts known to th European police war arrested quietly today to prevent the .possibility of' an attack on King Haakon.- A number ef bombs have been sejyd. : . ''.. i" PRINCE HENRY MADE " . CHIEF OF GERMAN NAVY Berlin. Jnn It. Kaiser Wllhelm haa appointed his brother Prtnc Henry of Prussia, commander-in-chief of th Gef V navy, i. ,'4 .;..-.-,, r. ,-. , WOMAN BURNS LIKE A TORCH Suffering" froth a religious mania which made her convinced ahe had committed a great crime, Mrs.' Margaret Emmert, 71 years old, laat night poured coal oil, over her clothing,'. She then applied a match. Early this morning ahe died of her frightful burns. About 9 o'clock last evening , aha Mrar Emmert lived with her grown children at 763 Borthwick street. asked her daughter for coal oil to fill a lamp. ' ' - - ; Leaving the room where her laughter waa, Mre, Emmert walked into r anotherroom and Immediately poured tha kerosene over herself. It ia evident that aha must have anointed her head, and that the oil run ning downward saturated nearly every ahred of her clothing. An instant later ahe had touched a lighted match to the hem of her akirt. ..'..l ... ;? ' . ' Then, without giving ahywarning of what ahe had done, the deranged woman, rushed into the yard. Here her eon caught her, but by true .time aha had become a human torch. u : Throwing a blanket about hia mother, the young man tried In vain to amother the flames. The oil- soaked clothing caught ao rapidly, however, that little could be dona until ahe bad sustained frightful in juries The lower pert of her body waa burned to a crisp, and ahe had also inhaled the flames. ' - . Dr. W. C. McKeChnie waa called, but all ha could do waa to relieve the agoniea ot . the .' patient. She' soon became unconscious. Later in the night she was taken to tha Good Samaritan hospital, where ahe died at 6 o'clock thla morning. The body waa removed to Holman's undertaking establishment. -' Mrs. Emmert waa a widow. She haa several aona well known in Albina where they 'are in business. ' Her mind had been affected for aome time, but ahe had never before shown any suicidal tendency - , oWeeaaa.M mmmm 4mm t University Park Man Chosen as - -Grand Jury Member to In- vestigate Election " ' Srr: Frauds, r?- - Th selection of Thomas A, Reynolds of University Park- as the seventh mem' ber of th grand Jury and th submis sion to Judge Sears of three hypotheti cal queations framed with a view of getting th court's opinion of what con stitutes a crime against- the election law were "Iw6 Important developments of today growing out of th official Inves tigation of th frauds in Sellwood and other precincts, v . i. Another development not : officially recorded ia that J. W. Reed, tha con tractor at the Oaks .who Induced Harry Toung of Fulton to cast an Illegal vote and sent It one-night 'colonisers to th Hotel Sellwood, Is in th employ of the Oregon Water Power- A Railway com- 4-pany and not th Oaks Amusement com pany. Reed pays his carpenters . with O. W. P. checks, and there is evidence on record that he uaed one of these checks to pay th combined bill -Of i tha 19 guests of the hotel. Another Juror Selected. 'Before "the- convening of th grand Jury this morning Judg Sears as pre siding Judge of the circuit court -or dered that another name be drawn from the Jury box to fljl tha- vacancy, caused by th resignation of Olaf Akeyinn Thtt n bore the nam of Thomaa jV. Reynolds, a merchant, who Uvea at 1627 Portsmouth avenue, Uni versity Park. ' Mr. Reynolds was ssked If ha had registered and If "he had served as a member of an election board. He an swered that he waa a registered voter and that he had served on sn election board at th primaries, but not at tha regular election.. He had bean drawn aa a Juror in Judge Cleland'a court to serve In the case of John H. Olston against the Oregon Water Power Y Railway company, but by agreement of th attorneys of both sides h wss ex cused. This removed the only obstacle to ' his beoomlng a grand Juror and ha was at one sworn.' beginning his duties shortly thereafter. The grand Jury met at th usual hour. but soon want before Judg Sears and submitted a presentment containing three hypothetical questions, which In substance war as follows: a... ' Tore Hypothetical Questions. If John Doe, a single man, who had reglatered In precinct 14 while registra tion waa open, went to precinct 17 th night before election, registered at a hotel, got hts' supper, bed. breakfast and lunch and voted In that precinct by affidavit of freeholders,, did he com mit a crime t " If John Doe, a married man, who had registered In precinct. II while regis. tratton wsjt open, weit to precinct 17 th night before . election, leaving his family In precinct 14. registered at a supperr-red. - oreak raat hotel, got hi and lunch and voted In precthot 17 bv affidavit of freeholders,, did he commit a crime? ' , - If, sift freeholders mad affidavit to the qualifications of John Do as a voter, not knowing him and never hav ing seen him before and not being ac quainted with -hi - residence, did they commit a crlmeT v -" " " Tha distinction mad between a single man and a married man la due to th fact that th law presumea that a mar ried man's residence Is where hla family lives. Thepolnt whether a voter muat make, an actual 'and hot a pretended chang of res I dense la Involved lq -both cases. . - 1 . . - ' - Matter Vadar Advisement. Judge Sears informed the Jury, that he would take the presentment under advisement and render his opinion aa oon as possible. ' It Is not thought that the court's answer will be received be fore "aturday. In th meantime noth ing will be don by th Jury In th matter of election frauds, but It will be ket busy with various matter sub mitted to It by District Attorney Man ning. . ' v Jwelve Precincts Completed Up to Noon To day Sheriff-Elect Stevens Now Has Lead of Twelve Votes Over Sheriff Tom Word. Work Progressing WellMany Ballots Re jected Because of Flaws . - , - The result of th recount in th Word Stevens contest up to th- completion of precinct No. IS Is thst Stevens' lead over his opponent haa Increased from five, credited blm by the official can vass, to II, and Stevena ta. supremely confident that th battle la hla. Th Twelfth precinct waa completed at 12:1 1 - o'clock today, . much faster progress being made than yesterday. In the three-hour morning session 1,420 ballots were counted, an average . of nearly too to the hour. At this, rate th count will be completed by th end of next week and precinct No. 17 will probably be reached some time on Sat urday of thlsjweelL . ng this morning's tedious sea- Stevens a gain of on vot In the first precinct. In th second, two Word votes and oneHteyns . hnllot were thrown out for being marked In a way that might 'lead to their identification. In Precinct No. i a Word ballot was relected because th elector had In sisted on voting on the ''"wet" and "dry" proposition, whloh did not .happen to be an Issue in hts precinct. In tha fifth precinct two Stevens ballots previously rejected by th election board were eounted, Judge Fraser contending that th Intention of the elector waa appar- vote going for him which had v1rhntl! been mlseed In the election board count. A Word vote was thrown out In preolnci It, snd with the close of the morning; session Stevena was thus left In the leadl : by a margin of 13 votes. Judge's Work Delicate. . -i -Tha work of deciding upon . th ve ltdlty or Invalidity of a ballot la a dell cat on. Indeed, as Judge Fraser beg stated again and again during th re count. Ten times as many ballota ar objected to as are rejected by the court. Exceptions" are taken to all the deelstona and all ballots over which, there la any controversy are laid aald to be ref rre In later. La lei means at the conclusion of th recount- If wholesale miscounts alon ther were no glaring mistakes on tha -part- of -election - boards-revealedr No evidence of wholesale miscounts appeared.' The alight variations from tba statements of th election 1 boards were due to., sllgnt -mistakes on their part In. counting or to Insignificant er rors of Judgment aa to the validity or them. The recount yesterday gttve f upon w rourjiamMra are ate are found which places either on of ther candidates. jar4n the lead th ballota laid aside may never be referred to agatrc Hut If the result Is cloee, every one of the ballots so laid aside will be) considered . again; arguments pro and and con will be heard and possibly Judge Fraser may reverse many of too decisions so far made. - . enfc- In preolnota and thera l -the sortilhat. is, . If he .waste hla variation. The results left Stevens nine ahead Of Word at th close of last night's recount. This morning, however, tb "wet or dry vote waa reconsidered and counted, thua reducing Stevens lead to eight. .., work or ta Morning. This morning precincts 7, , . 10, 11 snd 11 were recounted. In 7 Stevens gained one and Word lost two. which left Stevens 11 -aneaov in a.a5evens gained on and Word Inst twd and Stevens was IS 'ahead. Thla lead was -.Continued on Page' .Two.), rwliiuwl to 41 lir'Wu. t. where a Btevews vote was thown out. It waa reduced two mnre In 10, where Stevens lost one and Word gained one. Stevens forged ahead again in th eleventlvprecinot, one ready plied more than three soor of doubtful ballots over the validity ot whloh a fierce" legal controversy la likely to be made at the end of tberee count, No long quibbles are heard at this stage of the game: these will oom later, provided tha recount shows the) vote .to b close. .. .. ... . ., , If an elector wishes to vent his splto upon any candidate h may do ao by drawing a Una through th candidate's name, but he may not write "rata", after, tb nam.' "Drlaooll, tha dosj ' catcher,' "A. P. A. Clarno," or anything vote counted. : Neither may ha writ ;K.-sfter g man's nam or. en - tha ballot. This ' waa tha decision handed down by Judge Fraxer this mornlna after .ar rather amusing controversy en the part of the attorney , r Ballot Improperly Tstsekad. Th ballot 'bad bean i cast In the Eighth' precinct snd registered a veto for Word. " But over tha name of Fran els Clarno, Democratic candidate -foe state senator, the letters A. P. A. had been written. Dan J. Malarkey, attor ney for Stevens, objected on the ground mat tne umint contained a dlaiTnguTitTi- ing mark. , Attorney McGinn pointed! out the fact that th voter had vl (Continued en Page Two. WO EXPRESS FRANK FROM TOM PLATT GIVEN MAE C. WOOD . . (Jonraal Special Service.) ' . " , Colon, Mich, June ll.--Me "TJarher In Wood satd this "morning that" she would remain In the city until her at torneys directed hrr In the next move to -establtah her alleged claims against Senator Piatt. She Bays she fears to go elsewhere, as she has been hounded, shsdowed and persecuted ever since 101. "I .expect soma. attempt will be made to throttl me." she said today, "but I have 'two friends who know where the prearber who performed the mar rlage is located.. When I ne1 I i to testify I think he will appear, unless, of course, snm great Influence manages t suppress him. "I do not know what sort of defense) Senator Itatt will attempt. My sole object Is 4av-hav the truth knoarrt. I have means of my own and do not want money: I want this Incident I ia my life rinsed and closed truthfully." Miss Wood said She did nf t ra muk -a held statement 41 at t Piatt' was .parsimonious. 1 never evert jtlven a r ' i prnss mmriif. Fhe f f!srou w!"i ( ' - ' . v . J