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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 22, 1906)
THS" OHZGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, f FRIDAY EVENINGT-JUNE 22. 1803. LAclpLisr 1ilE Washington Stat Bankers' AS- 1 toclatlon Decides to Put , , - - - .. Cheap Companies Down. . WILL NOT HANDLE THEIR i i . POLrCIES FOR PATRONS Thorough' Investigation :. Will BJ ."Made of Payments Made in San . Francisco to Ascertain Actual Coa- dltiona.' ; :. , . - Special -fMspelth to ftie 9uuim1 . " 1 -Tacoma. Waah.. -lum Jl Th WUTi jJankBie aesuilathm tuo drastic ac tlon today in the matter of Insurance companies which raf uaa to n their t oaa resulting from the Ban Frencjsco 'disaster. After a discussion - of - trie .. conditions It waa decided that the bank - ere of Waahtnaton, In order to protect .themselves, should know the Insurance companies that are refusing to meat " losses, so that the Individual banka can take such, action aa they think neceo aa'ry. In handling the policies of such r sompaniee aa collateral. , A committee waa appointed constat - ln of J. A. Btaiwell of Everett. C, J, Lord of Olympla and P. E. Purdy . of - Belllngham to take up the matter with .the state tnaurance commlaaionar 'and make a thorough Investigation of com pantea doing business in San Franclaco. . list of those refuslns to pay loaaee will be made, and each- bank - In the state association euppUed with a copy. This-action amounts to a practical blacklisting of. such companies, and It Is probable that the banks having auch ,llste wUt refuse the pollclee of ' the companies aimed therein as collateral! POLICE CALL UPTOri CLEVER ; SI'IbDLEB AND THIEF Reports ; Show , He Collected Nearly Seven Hundred Dollars v v While In Portland." r " 7'--' Am the result of . tha allea-ed aartn "dllng operations of John Uoton. Phlllln Anderson, residing on Portland Heights. ana a. wiiley of 409 Hnwthorne eve- ,nue .have reported to the police that , they have been mulcted to the extent of VT; The-inethod of operation, aa out' lined by Anderson and Wllley, brands the fellow as being one of tha clevareat j Dunkomen In the country.- According to their atory Upton, upon tne representation that he waa a part ner or winey, purchased, large quantl ties of foods from local dnalera. In. eluding Anderson. - The goods thus se- cured he la alleged ' to have sold to other , persons and pocketed the pro- coeds. . Prom acquaintances of Wflley'e ; he. la .alao alleged ' to- have borrowed small sums of money, -To -WJlley he imparted the Informs. - tlon that 'he waa to receive , a large legacy from -rich, relatives In London, . and upon this ahowlng secured $400. It ' ts alleged that Upton alao purchased real estate In this city end borrowed "money to pay 'the Installment a on the : same. It la understood that Mrs. Win tera, a wealthy woman of Victoria, B. '- C, ia fru slater. - - - r. l Upton disappeared from here on May 11,-taklng -with-.him- tha box of tools . which he secured from Anderson. It Is believed that he ahlpped the tools to r Tacoma and followed on a later train. Be resided on the east side and ran up an account amounting to t0 on a restaurant-keeper In, that district. , OWNERS WILL NOT BE ' IN FAVOR OF PEACE " (Jovroal Special BerTke.t ' Baa-Tranolsee, J una ill,... Tax (v( Wrt of the United -Shipping t: Transportation - -association met . thla morning and framed a reply to the ' mayor's offer to arbitrate the seamen's atrlker-ft-le berteved it will, be a direct refusals to. arbitrate.- . The scarcity, of sailors continues. All the steam schoon ers putting to sea carry armed men. "Thla morning the steam schooners Ra- ValU, Newport and Llndauer Bailed with non-union men. ' ... .. t WOULD ONLY PAY F0R;: I J; : THIRD OF INSURANCE (IrmrMl Sptelel Bi tltm. '' Ran Franclaco, June 11. The Ameri can Insurance company of Boston es tablished a record this morning by' of- ' ferlng Its clalmunta Si cents on the dollar. As a result over a dosen com plalnte have been Hied with the Insur ance commissioner, a movement la now tn foot to establish a pollcy-holdere' association for the purpose of. forcing .the company In courts. If necessary, to make a more satisfactory settlement. ESTACADA HAS .WARM J CONTEST FOR GODDESS ' Estacada, Or.. June II. Sueh Interest la being evinceo in me contest tor uod dess of Liberty here for the Fourth of - July celebration. The vote to date . atanda: ' 7 . Linda, Womer, Estaead ....... . . . .71 Ava Lovelace, Estacada ..........;. (4 Wavo Lewellen, Spring water .. 4 Neva Oreen, Estacada ....... ..-.'....41 Frieda Duua, Currlnavllle ...31 .Nora, Hanlfln, Oregon 'City. .. ,T. . .. .10. IJthel Oreen, Oregon Cltrr.T;. 19 AMERICANS HORRIFIED , '-J BY RUSSIAN MURDERS e .- ' - ',. e) A (Jnnrasl Spertnl 9-lr.) ' Washington. June 11. -The 41 aenate this afternoon without ob- d jectlon adopted the, fpllowlng 4 resolution: - "Resolved,-That the people of 1 the United Btatea are horrified by the reports of massacrea of Hebrews In Russia on acoount of .. d e at race and religion, and that those d bereaved, have the sympathy of the people of the United Btatea" 4 It Is understood the Subject d of the ' Jewish persecution In Russia was the subject pf much conversation in tne caoinei meet-, d Inir today. lrv Is known the' president feels keenly the suf e ferlng Of the Jews. , ' .a e "'O 0 C'- O e CITY OF FOmO: . " . , j ' h ' , , , j C ! i '-.; ' .','. . Commercial - Club Hat New Method and It Costs the ' . . Public Nothing. An effort to extend the good repute of Portland throughout every state in tha union le being made by the Portland commercial club through ST slmpie and easy medium the everyday, oorreapon- aence or . Portland people. A splendid advertisement for Portland waa recent ly published In the form of a statement In Construction Newa, the leading east ern mecnanicai journal, to the effect that Portland beat the world last month In Increased percentage of building, per mits for May. - The executive committee of the club asks that .every Portland man and wom an hejp the good cauae along' by Inclos ing In letters a leaflet bearing the Con struction News' statement.' - This has peeBL printed. tflrthe extent -of -several tnousana copises on m utamu sneei ox xnin "paper, and the club Is1 ready to -supply every one with unlimited copies. .' The following requeet has been Issued by Chairman T. B. 'Wilcox; Of the 'committee: . ' , .Portland, -Or June IJ. IW. r "To the Cltlxena of Portland: - "The -Portland Commercial club has Issued a four-page leaflet, .which. In ad dition to - giving a .compilation from Construction News' of Chicago showing that Portland made a larger percentage of increase in. value of building permits for the month of Hay. ltoi, over May, 1S0I, than any other city in the United Btatea, contains other facta of aa In teresting nature. . . . . - - ' 'These leafleta are so light aa to add nothing to the postage on ordinary let tare, ana axe at xn aiapviiiiua v& wuai neaa men and cltlxena to aend broad cast over the world. Many of the bust- nese men In different lines' will - send eoplee of these circulars In their mall, and others In packages and bundles. We would-very much appreciate baring all who receive these put them In personal lettera. " - "Thanking all In advance for this help In advertising Portland. . I am, truly yours. . THEO. B. WILCOX. A . "Chairman Executive Committee.' GIRL STRUCK BY 77- r ' CAR AND INJURED Three-year-old Constance Beaton of 135 Fifth street, was seriously Injured at T o'clock laet ulght by a car of the Fifth street line at Fifth and Salmon streets. The little one was crossing tha street and ran directly In front of tha wheels passed over and norriDiy erushed one of the child's limbs. .The other leg waa pinned under the forward trucks and It waa necessary to raise the ear before the child could be7 ex tricated. The ambulance waa sura moned and the injured girl. removed to Good - Samaritan hospital. There ma surgeons found that- In addition ie a fractured leg she Vad sustained a dislo cation of the right thigh. . passing currency; ; -MADE BEFORE THE WAR . ' Oiiulil Dtonatca at At JentU Pendleton. Or.. June 11. The Elite candv store, tha St. George restaurant. and King Lee, a Chinaman, during the past few daye have each taken in dur ing the ordinary course ox xneir nw ntu a 110 bill of atate Issues previous f tfieTcrvTinrwar. and whTch It la sup- nnuH inn a aao ' reaeeniea.' n banks. hare hold -that they- are entirely out of circulation and to all interna ana nnrnoaea bocus. The man who In each inituM worked off the old currency described aa IS . to 10 years of .age, smooth ahaveftr-dark-oomplexloned and wela-hlna about 145 pounds. -He to sup posed to have left here Tuesday, night. SAYS HE WAS ROBBED . ON STEAMER SPENCER Tmffv. whn waa booked as a lodrer at tha city priaon last nighty re ports that he wae anocaea aown. u robbed by a fireman named Wilson on the' steamer Spencer. According to Duffy aAaia..hoarledtha yesart. at Lyle In an intoxicated . condition and formed an acquaintance wlth-Wllaon, When behind the engine-house .hie oom pan Ion felled him to the deck with a blow-In thefaoe and -extracted-IB. 6t from his pocketel Wilson - was dis charged from the Bnencer upon the arrival of the boat hare, owing to his drunken condition.' The police have a description of. the thief and expect lo BARLEY HARVEST TO- X BEGIN NEXT MONDAY (Special rnDetek t The JmrBal.V ; Pendleton. Or.. Juna II The barter harveat will begin In the vlolnlty of ruot hock ana in ail the districts eouth and west of Pendleton about June it. The crop was somewhat damaged by the dry weather In April, out It will be very gooa nciwitnstanning thla It will re quire two or three weeks to cut the crop, which will be done with headera Header supplier and harvest hands are now in aemand in that district, and many farmers are now- making prepar ations to begin . cutting next Monday. LEW1ST0N WOOL IS SOLD TO BOSTONIAN (Jeerasl gpeelsl Urn ilea.) ' ' Lewiston, Idaho, June 11. The wool situation took on a brighter aspect yes- terday. morning, caused by-the sale "of two lota of wool, the purchase being made by Bam Wilkinson for Koshland eV Son of Boston., at figures of II l-i and 10 rents. The former price was re ceived - bv Jones eV - Bon ' for 40,000 Twraas.:. These lots will-be shipped to renaietnn ana baled. - QUARRELS WITH WAITER " AND ATTEMPTS,SU1CIDE Nellie Thompson, residing In the Elk- ton house at Sixth and Davis streets. made an unsuccessful attempt 'to end her life at an early hour thla morning by quaffing the eontenta of a bottle 0t- liiuiiicnv. ii is oetievea inai aespon dency following a quarrel with Pavld Malley, a waiter, was the cause. It le though! that the woman will reoovar. -. . MINISTRY WILL NOT : - ANSWER FOR DEATHS enaBBBsaaaMaaeHaw ' r ' " iiTif apkdsl BUA ' St Petersburg, June II. The douma today rejected the proposal to arraign the ministry for complicity tn the recent massacrea of the Jewa The - amend ment demanding a parliamentary min istry waa adopted. -. ' , CMXEJIIilHra ' t:!:i, KE DECLARES nd-So'the" Detective Captain r Preferred Charges Against 1 Patrolman Ole Nelson. - Pending the determination of ehargee of Insubordination and disrespect pre ferred by Captain of Detectives Bruin agalnat Patrolman - Ole Kelson, the po liceman has been suspended by Chief of Police ,. Orltsmacher. - The formal charges filed with the police commis sion are the outgrowth or the against Ed Johnson, a restaurant pro prietor on Seventh street, near Alder. accused of selling liquor to Charles u. Conkey.' a 17-year-old etudent at '. the Hill Military academy. ' Nelson ,waa called by the defense to testify to a conversation held with Conkey. In which the lad stated that he had been In the habit of visiting av loons. Nelson at first positively Identi fied Conkey aa the boy wiro approached him at. Morrison anftjTiura had the conversation In: queatlonr Upon Interrogation by Judge Cameron Nelson-waa finally forced to admit that he waa mistaken, and that if was- W. B. Hendricks, another - Hill student with whom he had discussed the It waa regarded aa peculiar' at the time that Nelson should1 take auch an ax eeptlonal . Intereat in the . defenae of Johneoo. Following' the - trial ''Nelson was questioned by Captain Bruin as to bis failure to make, a report of the matter. Bruin claims that Neleon told him that "he would not obey any orders from him. aa he -waa under the com mand of Caotatn Moore." - - r ,' Following thie declaration Captaan Bruin recites In his charges that Nel eon addressed htm in a loud and boister ous manner and showed great disre spect to hla superior officer. Nelson's case will come before-the eommlslson at the next meeting- of that body. ... MANY. LABORERS AT WORK ON RAILROAD ISpeclel Dlvpetea to The loaraaL) Lewiston, Idaho, June 11. -Contractor John Porterot thanrm of Porter, Broae ft - Welch states that -there ' are now 1,100 laborers employed In the -construction work of the OrangwviUe ex tension of ths Northern Pacific from Culdeeac. More, workmen are being added dally and no trouble la encoun tered "In keeping the. men at work. ' Every mile of the contract between Culdeaac and Cottonwood has been sub let , and campe have been established along each different section. The oon- entlre distance at one time so that ths railroad company will experience no delay " when it commences to lay the rails. Work haa not yet been started betweeh Cottonwood and t OrangevllU, and the general contractors will prob ably perform thla portion themselves. - CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR . WILL MEET THURSDAY (Special Dtapetak. te Te Jeanial.r ' Lewiston. Idaho, June 11. Tba Chris tian Endeavor for the atatea of Idaho and Waahlagton, which convenae here from June II to July it preerflaew to be largely .attended from all parte of both state. Considerable Intereat la being manirestea ny eatSM'Cltlea and from all Indications several hundred young people win be entertained. - ' ' governor Mead of - Washington wtll be one of the principal apealcers at the convention and an invitation . haa been extended to Governor Ooodlng. - A chorus of 100 voloea has been rehears ing for several weeke -under the direc tion of Mr. H. W. Newton. The social features include an excurekm to Fort Lapwal, on the Men, Perce Indian re- POPULAR INDIAN GIRL VICTIM OF SCOURGE (Special Dispatch to The Jooraal.) Pendleton, Or.. June 11.- Greatly . to the regret of the people on the reserva tion, both white and Indian, and no less to the regret of many denlsens of Pen dleton, tt ie learned that Miss Anna If ash ICs sh ts iln a degree the elutlnr- consumptlon. - Miss Kaah Kash Is the daughter of : Jim Kaah Kaah, a-well- known Umatilla, and la a recent gradu ate from Carlisle, at which -institution she made a fine record for scholarship ana ail ladylike qualities . . . ... FEARS DEAD WOMAN IS HIS MISSING WIFE Fearing that the La Mont woman Who committed suicide thla morning waa his wife, William F. Mllla of Seattle re- reeled to the police that hie wife and two children, a boy t yeare and a girl II. have been missing from their home at 1107 tt First avenue, Seattle. Mills believes that his wife le In Portland and asked Captain Bruin , to. aid. film, in Jlnfll-J SELLWOOD CHAIRMAN: SAYS HE WAS HONEST John A. Miller, chairman ef the day election board at Sell wood, voluntarily went berore tne grand Jury -thla after noon. He swoVe In many affidavit vot ers, but denlea that he took part In an frauds. " " - I ' - . ' -'., , - , , I , MOTION TO REFUSE r : MONEY IS DEFEATED " (Jaaraal Special Servlee.V Washington, June II. The senate de feated . the motion to etrlke from the presidential traveling expense bill the appropriation (or II&.000. . XiBagosrncilgMB aieew j - (Spertil Phnjatek to Tne 0araaLt Arlington, Or., June 11. The Arling ton Knights of Pythias lodge haa elect ed the following officers for the ensu ing year:., n. E. Dodson, C -C; L. Thompson, V. C; William Irvln, prelate; M. Chase, master of work: J, D. Hammond, Inner guard; C -W, Shurte, outer guard;- William Bnell, maater at arm a. " Three Boys O. BL-Mitchell of Spokane haa re ported to the police that three boy a, aged 14, 11 and If, are missing from their homes In that city. Mr. Mitchell believes thst the boys are In Port land and asked the polloe, to search for them, . v ; Too ae nested FrlaotpeJ. ' (Bpartat tHspstkh le The )wmL) - -1 Bllverton, Or June- 11. Professor F. Toose of Monroe, Mlohlgan. a brother of Hon, Walter L.Toose of Woodburn. has been elected aa principal of. the Bllverton High school. Its will move bis XamUy to SUverton early la tne faU. . I1USDADS KILLED E WIVES Explosion Near Anatone, Idaho, 7 Causes Death of Jhre and Fatal Injury of One. WORKMEN ON NEW ROAD ' MEET INSTANT DEATH Witness Is Hurled Seventy Feet Down Mountain Side Families of Dead See Disaster but Art Power- lata la Aid . ' ' Lewlston, Ids.. June 12 Moses Ooff. a ptuiiiiiient eitiieti or Aflttone. tuururr head blown completely off and hie body horribly dismembered, Mr. Cook. - a recent arrival m this section, had a leg severed and died from loan of blood; El- win lajMin, - aged is, son of a well known resident of the Anatone section, had a rook driven through hla body which caused his death an hour later, as a resuic.oi a premature explosion on the Schumaker grade Ave mllee from Ana tone yesterday afternoon. - . , Stories of the cauae of the explosion differ, one being that a lighted match wae dropped In black powder, while an other la to the effect that the dynamlta waa tampeo too hard. - Aside from the dead,. Henry Thormahlen, aged ' 10, la now at the Aaotln hospital, suffering with Injuries which may prove faUL Hla eyesight seems to be destroyed, but he -remains conscious. t The victims were engaged In road Im provement work oh the grade and a niast was being put Into the rock when the axplosion - occurred. Moses Ooff waa directing 'the work and the Taplln boy was supplying ths water used In the operation. Cook and Thormahlen were working near by and received the shock's full force, the latter being hurled in reet oown tne nmslde. "To add 'to the pHy. Mrs. Ooff and Mrs. Cook and her two children were near the scene when tha explosion oc curred. ' .. - v v WHISKEY WAS CAUSE i.' OFJNDIAN'S DEATH ' - " r Sp-ll DteDsteh to The Smmdl. Pendleton. Or.; June II As soon as Indian Agent IMwarda was notified of the death of Joe Bennett, the Indian, In the county Jail, where he waa serving time for taking liquor on tha reserva tion; he began an Inquiry of hla own Into the clrcumatanoee and the events of Bennett's life Immediately preceding nia neatn..- Mr; Edwards' especial- provo catlen waa the finding In Bennett's clothes after hie. death of two partially emptied flasks of whiskey. This after noon It was ascertained that the llauotl came into Bennett possession through hts wire. Who visited him nofTover an hour , and a half prior to hla sudden death. Mrs. Bennett secured the whis key, It la stated aa a remit of Mr. Eld wards' Inquiry, from a three quarter breed, who le said to have bought It of a local bartender who la known to the authorities. If these alleged facta fer reted out by Major Edwards should be substantiated in . any' definite degree later on. tt ts probable that both will be indicted by the-grand Jury, Bennett s mother, as well aa his wife, visited him at the Jail at the time the liquor wae passed to him -through the bars of the doo?. There la a theory that the liquor contained potaon, and - Major- EM wards will have what, ia left i of the stuf r analysed. -r- -. . J.R. FOSTER WILLIS . 'ADMITTED TO PROBATE ; :f ' ' -The will of John R. Foster was ad mitted to probate In tne county court thla morning. The petition aaklng that the will be probated statea that the estate ia -valued at 110,160. By the terms of the will. a sister, Mary Ann Hunter, and her daughter. Alice .H. Hunter, of Schenectady, New Tork, DEFOR M iAmnt ta Ilfananrncattr. eaull gues to Ullte ClllldieJI. Pgr policies In the Mutual Life of New Tork . " i for 1 6,000 - each. -All the rest of the property la willed, to Dora, "V., Savage, a niece of hie wife. - Tha will statea that no provision has been made for hie nephew, Scott Hunter, because he did not consider the nephew had any claim. Also that no provision wae made for the children of a " de ceased sister. Catherine Vealle, formerly of Troy, New I. Tork. Louie O. Clarke and W. A. Cleland are' named as execu tors of the estate.- - BOCK IS ARRAIGNED v , IN CIRCUIT COURT Charles Bock was arraigned before Judge Cleland In the circuit court this morning on ths Indictments returned against .him by the grand Jury, charg ing him with assaulting S. W. Johnson with a revolver and with shooting at Walter Safer In the attack on the schooner Johan Poulsen on June 'II. On request of his attorney, R, Citron. Bock waa allowed till Monday to enter a plea. Deputy District .Attorney Bert Haney - aald he had arranged to have Bock tried on July 1. but Citron' aald he would aak for a continuance, and it la thought he wtll' delay the .trial aa long aa he can. ; 1 . . . S" ' ' - -m ' Boring ' (SserUI IMapserb to Tse JneraaL Enterprise. Or.. June 11. E. R, Bowl- by has Just received a well-boring-ma chine and will begin ai once 10 oore wells -In -' that- section of the county where Irrigation le not practicable. His machine will bore down to a depth of 1.S00 feet and if hla plane are success- ful wUUmterieJly-add to the product--! Iveness, of the county. Xe Beraty Clerk. - V - ' (Special niepates to The Joarael.) - " SUverton, Or June U.U. P. A1d rich, for a long "time" head clerk for J. Wolfard Co of thla city, has been chosen by County Clerk R. D. Allen aa his deputy - and will move to Balera August 1. when he will begin work In hla official capacity. 7 - STEVENS GAINS ONE f . IN TWENTY-FIFTH y-JV '. .--' At '1:10 o'clock this afternoon ' 0 a recount ef the twenty-flf tl pre-, e) clnct ,, gave . Stevene one more - w votk cuvklng his lead ever Word . d 1. Ths vote In this precinct e stood: Stevens lis. Word o. e On the -recount one Word vote 4 was thrown out ij- VATITS DETECTIVE D I S L iSS ED FROM THE;F0RCE r. t e. Mrs.: Ceorgiana Anstey Declares . She Will Do Things to -7 Detective Hellyer. " Mrs. Oeorgiana Anstey of 10$ Tenth etreet, stormed Into the police station thla morning, accompanied by her son. and demaaded of Chief Orltsmacher that Detective Hellyer be Immediately dis missed fot having given out 'a etory for publication reflecting upon her charac ter; Receiving no satisfaction from tha chief. Mrs. Anstey left poltce headquar ters declaring that she would take the matter we with Mavor Lane. t- "A man who. would do such a thing should be horsewhipped, and I lntenfto take the law Into my own hands." in dignantly declared Mra -Anstey, as she swept out of the enters office. About three weeks ago Detective Hell- rwu serins Mrr A finer rtstdtnc? and- Informed bv her that aha wished a man arrested who had won her affeo- tlona under promise of marriage.- Hell-yar- informed- the. irate- woman-that, he could do nothing for her, but If she would -consult District Attorney Man ning that official might Issue a war rant, . - ' ;'. - .The same evening' It le understood that Mrs. Anstey purchased a bottle of antiseptic tablet a- In Nau's drug atore and upon leaving the establishment waa detected throwing the- - empty bottle away. A bystander brought her back to the pharmacy and a phyalclan waa sum moned. By the prompt use of a stom ach pump the woman'e life waa saved. A mysterious feature of the affair la the fact that Hellyer'e report baa die appeared from the flies of the polloe department and cannot be found.' Hell yer malntalne that he turned It over to Detective Meare, the clerk of the de tective bureau, and Meare declares that he filed the same. Sawmill owner -cleared of charge . (Special Dispatch to The JeomaL) Bllverton. Or, June 12. Upon com plaint made by Deputy. Game Warden J. W. WhlUook of this city, D. P. Fpx waa arrested a few. daye ago charged with having violated the game law. The ease waa heard In Justice H. D. Mount's court yesterday. . . ' Mr. Fox owne a small Bawjrffli-bavtha.. Abaqua river-a-few mllee .from this city, and for many years the waatajeomposed of William Carson. Horace product from the saws has been piled on the bank of the pond.-While fishing In that vicinity recently Mr. Whltlock ninif-ea mat some or the sawdust had rolled Into the water and he Immediately eommenoed action against the miller. The defendant, however, produced evi dence to prove that none of the sawdust had ever been placed In thlTwater, and .."i18.. bad v,rT WM evidence. A th. ii.VJ " nAmiy-was handed to br WITNESS TO START -FOR SEATTLE TRIAL "lerfl Dispatch to The Jmmj.L) June 12. o. V. Hurt. Ed Baldwin. J. K. Berrv lv . foTS 8U1 " wltneaaea .K? a noe Qeorge H. Mitchell. Snbpoenas have been received by Judge u.- V' 7 .T "ryson, Mlse :"''; rrJ Mrs. Burgese -V, Urn . m. 7hT r . .w orny "TJrtnn may go the first of the week. Mrs. Buraeaa "ln,lfl1 Intention to Sh- ""isnd tomorrow. She will not go to Beattler-- ESTATE IS VALUED AT SIXTY THOUSAND County Judge Webster has admitted to probate the will of Matthew -O. C Murphy. The estate Is said to be valued at, 10,000. By the terms of the wllL one third of the. estate and fl.16 are devised to the widow, Ellen Murphy. Each of seven children James C-; Mat thew P., John J., Joseph A. and Mary Murphy and Luck Murphy Turner and Buaan Murphy Kelly receives If ,a a i w -exrat 11 . -t a w i . a- i iw n,riruiwin ira tinvrins fliurynji th latter-belnff now known aa Slater MaryAlvtda of tha ffoiy Nama. j FATHER HAY'S WILL ' ADMITTED TO PROBATE - The will of "FatherClark Hay waa admitted to probate in tha oounty court thla morning. . He bequeathed 150 to a daughter. Clara- Parker, and .the bal ance, said to be worth I4.S00. Is to be divided equally among three other chil dren. Lucy Hay, Ida Perkins and Vaughn Hay The two daughters, Lucy Hay and Ida Perkins, ere to have the net income from the estate during their lifetime, if they wish It; If .they do. not. the prop erty Is to be divided at onoe. ..... GETS ORDERS TO HELP " -SELECT TRIAL COURSE Colonel S.WV Roessler. United States engineer, received Instructions today from the war department to asalst In establishing a trial course for the navy department on Puget sound. Colonel Roesnfer will confer with the trial board and then nleoe such buoys aa may be Liound necessary to mark the course. ColoneL Roessler returned from Ban Francisco last night, where he attended a meeting of the examining board. FIRKIN-OAKLAND SWEEPS ROW CLEAN (loonul special nervlce.) ' - Oakland, Cel., June 11. Fire at noon today cleaned oura Tdwr"tnrtldlngs un Broadway from Second to Third streets, caualng a loss Of $50,000. 'The Peerleae Mattress company la the heaviest loser. ' Seats for Ail Tonlgk. Beats have been provided for ths large audience certain to aasemble at 7:10 tonight aT-Cedar"HHl to seeThs For- ers" under the auspices ef the Colle Vate association. It Is not an Invita tion affair and tickets may be bad at -tne entrance. . , Minnesota SarUtqaaka , Mnarnsl Speelal Berrirci Red Wing. Minn., June fl AH Aasthquake shock wae In the vtcln-f lITof this city thle morning. - Slight damage was done. ' Spenosr Is Arrested. , ' J ; ISneelel PeireWS Ttie loarnstT" - Colorado Springe, Col., June 13. C. S. Spenosr. an alleged Portland forger, was arrested here, today. Preferred Stock Canned woods, ' AUea a Leaiaf Beet Brand. ,:v v ' ' ;, . ' -k AKKIfft IM1I Coming From Tacoma on Tour r of Inspection of Lumber , Condition. , , A party of men representing . the Weyerbauser - timber syndicate,' the la gest holders f timber in America, will arrive. In Portland tonight. In a special car frdm Tacoma. They are In the' northwest to attend ' the annual meetings of the Weyerbauser timber companies' and to inspect timber condi tions. Firs rooms have been reserved for them at the- Portland hofel. "' The party Includes Frederick Weyer hauaer, hla son. F. E. Weyerhauser. 8t. Paul; F. 8. Bell. Winona; Horace Rand and William Carson. Burlington; P. M. Musser.. Muscatine, Iowa; C. E. Perkins Jr.. a son of C. EX Perkins, ex-president of - the - Chicago, - Burlington ' St jQulncy railroad". ButUngton;' Eilwnrd Mines. Chicago; A. E. atacCartney. . St. Paul; R. L. MUCurmlfk and Ooui g -8. Long. Tacoma, , 1 Following the annual ."tbckholders' meeting held at Tacoma Testerday-aft-4 ernoon. the party left for rortiana. They will, It le aald. take an extensive trip "through the timbered sections of Oregon and while on the Columbia river will visit Vancouver and Inspect the log ging operations the syndicate Is push ing in Clarke county, Washington; It will be the last of net week before the party returns to the sound. They will, visit Everett and - Seattle and go east In about ten days. The directors - elected at yesterday's meeting are as follows: Frederick Weyerbauseiv St. Paul; W. H. Laird, Winona; 8. -T. .McKnight,- Minneapolis; William Caraon, Burlington: L. Lamb, Clinton; F. C. Denkmann, Rock Island; P. M. Musser, Muscatine, Iowa; H. H. Irvine and F. fe. Weyerhauaer, both of St. Paul; R. L. McCorralck and Oeorge 8. Long,' both of . Tacoma Ths officers elected are:' President. Frederick Weyerhauser; vice-president, W. H. Laird; treasurer, F. E. weyer hauser; Secretary, R. L. McComlck; as sistant secretary, F. 8. Bell; agent and manager, George 8. Long. Some of the men en route to Port land' are .stockholders in : the - . North Yakima Nachea Valley railroad now being . constructed by George Donald. They have Just- made a trip of Inspec tion over the line. The , road le . com pleted 11 miles and within the next .month eight mllee moire will be graded.. The party . on the inspection trip was Rand. A. E. MacCartney, I. P. Inglehart and George Vance.-The trip waa made In the new passenger care Just received by the company at North Yakima.. The road will tap rich agricultural and timber-regions on-the east slopee-of-the Cascade range. ':"..'........ -. - FIFTY PORTLAND BOYS: WILLJWARCHTQ THE SEA Fifty member of the boys' depart ment of the Y. M. C A. are preparing for a? march to TUlamook Bay. occupy ing about two weeka In August.- The vouthe will start from Portland Wednesday morning, August 1. travel ing by train to Forest Grove, where the real start on the "hike to the sea" will take place.:. A large wagon haa been secured to carry provisions,, blankets and all the necessary paraphernalia for a trip of thla character. s Stops will be made at Gales creek snd other popular camping places along the route, which will follow the Wilson river road. A few days on the beach, at Netarts, with a visit to the light house and" the many famous points of Interest as far north aa Tillamook Head wtll be on Z the program, af tet which the boys will retrace their steps, fishing the clear mountain streams and camping among the most beautiful and Inspiring scenes In the world, arriving home August li. . The trip will be under trie direction of W1U 8. Halo, secretary -of the boys' department. Mr. Hale will be assisted by physical director L. M. Myers, J. C. Clark, E. C. Herlow, Frank E. Guild and ' Dr. Theodore . Fessler. Tho party la limited to 10 boys, between ths agea of 11 -and IT years.' f LEFLRURSEJWD KEYS IN STREETCAR MraAda Madcen of Butte, Montana, has reported to the police that she left her purse containing 170 and her trunk keys on car No. of the Fifth etreet line, at ipe .union acpvi icrmmua, ainu asks the authorities to - assist her in recoverlne- the nrooerty.. - Thieves entered the StarBrew"cry at 11 Alblna avenue early yesterday morn ing but took nothing of value. 1 P-C Kauffman of .Tacoma, secretary of the Washington- Slats Bankers' aa- sedation, haa issued a circular letter requesting all banks and ths polloe to be on the watch for 'three bogus check operators who are working In Washing ton. One of the men answers the -description of John Massey, a colored man who waa In Jail in thla city last May for passing factitious checks. His method is to deposit a large check with a bank ing Institution and with ths receipt to secure funds from unsuspecting shop keepers. He attempted to pass a check for ItOO tn a real estate deal la Tacoma but was detected In the act and fled. The - other- twotmen mentioned In the circular are J. I. Oatea and Bert Me Bride. PIEDMONT MERCHANT IS ROBBED OF CASH W. Marks, conducting i, store at Pied mont, haa notified the authorities that burglars entered his eatabllshmant be tween midnight end 1 o'clock thla morn ing.' broke open the cash register and carried away 141.(10. - Eptranoeaa ef fected by cuttlng-away 'onSior tho-wln- dow panes. R. Fox. a clerk, lert me store at 12 o'clock and upon fiXi return discovered' the robbery. He save that a young fel low was waiting for the St. Johne car at the tlms and suspicion la directed to ward thle fellow. , FLORIDA DEMOCRATS - DECLARE FOR BRYAN Jacksonville. Fla.. June 11 The etate Democratic executive committee today deelared In favor of Bryan:-- 7 ". . ' Blew City Mall for Orove. ForJiT'orovr Or "jUne 12 -At the 0,.,' TJZ" A!-..! meeting ef the city council the commit tee on the building of a new dry hall submitted Ite report. The plan calls for a building, 10x60 ee, two stories, to be located on the site of the present city hall. The building Is to be a good sub stantia! one. costing about 11.H00. with beil tower on on corner of the front, I - - 'e roi f r hose cart and trucks on t ' r ' ' ' council and f" 1 t , SAfl PEDRO RU; North , Pacific "Steamship. Com pany Will Soon Be Operating " ) ' : Four Vessels. ' - ROANOKE CANNOT TAKE : ; CARE OF THE TRADE Columbia Will Perhaps Be Added to - List of Boats Making Coast Trip Elder Mar Also Be Placed oa ths Run to Saa Pedro. ' Advices from flan Fraialsuu tofiay lav dlcate that the North Pacific Steamship company . will soon be operating three or four regular at earners between this fort and ' ban Peuro. toncnlng-at San Francisco, Eureka and possibly . Coos nay. For the present It . ia operating; the Steamer .Roanoke with apparent auc- . cesa The Roanoke was placed- on the run -a comparatively short time ago ' and Is at present unable to handle the', traffic '. offered. - She pulled out'' last night : with, every Bit of freight space occupied and her passenger accommoda tions taxed to the limit. ' , 4 ..' While It may rstcnr strange because of -there being f pposltlon lines, it is reported that the North Paciflo team ship company wil) probably add ths steamship Columbia,' now owned by the . Ban Francisco A Portland Steamship company, to Its line, by lease or pur chase, and placs her on the Portland--Ban Pedro run 10 alternate with the Roanoke. It ie also stated on what appears to be good authority ' that Charles B. Doe, manager, of the North, Paciflo Steamship company,' -haa de cided definitely to purchase the Interest In the George W. Eider,-for which he has held an option for some time. With tne Elder repaired the' company would have three good-slsed steamers of bet ter than average speed for the Portland-California and Oregon coast trade,,, ' ' Star Torn Over. Colambla. The 'San Francisco & Portland Steam ehtp company Is said to be figuring oa turning over ite only steamer, the Co- lumbia, to the opposition line because If"-will take-in - the "neighborhood of -1150,000 to place her in condition for service, : an estimate of her damages sustained in the earthquake having been carefully estimated. It hi also figured that It will take at least four ' months to, make the necessary repairs,' which' would "bring" the " cost of the " stearaer- up to nearly 1200,000. and it la said the owners Would find it more ex pedient to buy a new steamer. The San Francisco & Portland 8 team- . ship company has been operating the steamera , Costa Rica and Barraoouta ' under charter since . the 'George W. Elder, St. Paul and Columbia were lost or disabled. 'but they are both., tied up-i at San Francisco at present on account of the waterfront labor trouble there The Barracoute and Coeta Rica are both aald to be operated at a loss, al though they have been full to the hatches both going and coming. - Both boats are too slow for ths run and ; poorly equipped for passengers, but of ficials of ths company say they are the best to be had for the present, with everybody clamoring for carrier a. . .,; DELEGATES ARRIVE ' , . AT GEARHART DAILY (Special WspatckTe TSe JornL i Gearbart Park.-June 11. The Wed nesday evening life work meeting wae held on Sunset oreat and the address was by Oregon's state secretary on the -"General Secretaryship of the T. M. C A." Following thle a large bonfire waa built down on the beach and delega- -tlona sang songs, gave their college yella and Indulged in various other amuse ments. On Thursday Rev. John M. Dean gave "ithe platform address. - His subject was In AUtnuriif vi .ww v. . - emphasised the fact that the scriptures have proven true, histortcallyjScietv-tmpany-TtncrTfFaTrt-iefays. '- The life work meeting laat night' was edlreseed by E. T. Cotton. He presented' the call to the foreign field. "The finale in-baseball resulted In , victory" for Nlchol's Bible olaas over Cj4rBe', Bible claaa snd also Ire a victory .t-rn Washington against tha ffldlltV- Every day more delegates and vlsltorg arrive and Interest in the conference In creases. - -.,-- -,--...'! V.-1 WORKMEN REPAIRING ' " - WASHED-OUT TRACKS (gperlal ntopetc to The JxaraaLt Pendleton. Or.,-June 11. Three miles eaat of Bingham Springs, where the track of the O. R. ar N. was either washed entirely out or covered many: feet deep . for a distance of over 1.00 feet aa a result of slides caused by the recent destructive ' flood, a large force of laborers Is now at work making per manent repairs to the roadbed. One de tail In the work-will probably be the changing of the channel of M each am creek at the point where three years ago last January H freight engine top pled over and went into the creek, In utantly killing' Engineer Patty and Fire man Mllllgan. That . accident wae caused by a washout,'-to which that-' point will always be liable -until the channel la either changed or enormous . and costly retaining walls are put in. CORNERSTONE OF OLD- BANK AGAIN OPENED ("peelal Meeiitce to The Joarnsl.) ' Grande, Or, June J a. The foun datlon of the t Grande National bank a aa raaedT yesterda;." the nrlgrnat tioriier Stone Wae opened and the contents, ; which consisted of a list of the first stockholders of the first bank la i Grande and a few eolna to the value of 14, waa brought to light. Many of those In Its organisation have paasmt away. Thla building was uonnt'ructed In the year 1087, and It Is now being torn do we for the- purpose ef putting up an other more up-to-date and substantial building, which will, also be ued for the newly organised bank In this city. MRS. LEDOUX'S MOTHER MIS CRITICALLY ILL ' rjrl Betil 1 Stockton. Csl., Junej. , doux'a mothr. Jfrs. r y critically 111 in 1 -r t . house, anil t y '. ' her (Iu-vit le r - IHrlct ? i-ui 4-