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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 8, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY 'JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAYEVENINGrJUNE-a,iS03 NEW TODAY. CONSERVATIVE - INVESTMENTS coimtiais . CICSN M02T0A0C5 K:cn-02ADf INDUS TRIAL C0ND5 PC3TLAND EEAL E1V TATC CONDS CCSPCaATION AND BAILCOAD BONDS These aocurlUea sra !n convenient da---Tmrnlnattono sultabls tor Iwveatirispt-ai' fund of U alses. and because of their conservative and rton-apseulatlve char acter are especially suitable for 11 crimlnatlng investors. . .. 1 , , Hcrthwcstcrn Guarantee & Trust Company fcualw Sxchaaa-e Ma. (Bsooad floor) IT IS DANGEROUS To carrr larts Bum a of money in cash. If a, check la lost, however. It la a vary simple matter to order Ita payment topped, and so protect you reel f. "Oldest Trnst Company in Oregon" offers special facilities for ladlea and - other persons dirin ta-Opsa a check account, r ..... ' , -. . j mxioumozs orxm $1,600,000 ' Portland Trust Company of Oregon s. B eor. 3d ead Oik sis. Phon Ex. T. PIN J. I. COHEN............. President H. L. PITTOt'K . Vice-President . Bt LEE PAGET. ..... iMntur J. O. GOLTRA............ Assistant Secretary. Green Slabwood, per load. f 1.50 Dry SUbwood, per load, f 2.50 At the Foot of Lincoln Street PHONE MAIN 3119 ,-' 8,pO(X Front street. 49x100, corner; , Income, lilt yearly. . .....,......- Becond street, 104x100, fine corner. imiLIi, aoa OowmerclaJ Block. , Water Front Fop-Bale t0 feet-of choice. water front. In olty limits, contains shout five acres, railroad through It; a fine mill proposition: essy terms. Call on X 8. TAYLOR. CIS Marouara Bid. LOOK! WILLIAMS AVE. A OOOO INVESTMENT Twe kotajea oe lot 10x130; alley; eee hoaae aloao coat eror $2,000: eoocrete aldewajka aad baaoswnt, T lars reoma, bath, hot aad -cold water, waahtraya, (aa and electric Hsht: all amlcra and a aoe borne; fruit and onwera; pries (S.400. H. O. BROWN 4 CO., 647 Waah. instoa at. Phono 1'ariec Bos or Eaat 4740. T0V WATOX OBOWI $200 REWARD "A reward of tioo will be paid for the ar. real and eonrtrtloa of the party or part lea bo defaced th tralldlnf at Third and Salmon alreet on the nlihf of nne T. IKOIt. THE EBWAED UOLMAjr UHDEETAXIMO 00. WEATHER REPORT. The eeoere atora yeaterday erer Ike Da kota, bae adTaaeed to MlnaeaoU and dl nlnlabed ; greatly la Intensity. The klaa fireanr area yeaterday ever Orecoa baa alae dlailnlaked la latpaaily and amred eaat to Idaho. Uitbt ralaa kava faUes Is western reta sad aaederataly beery rala,- atteeded by blak wlada, aceuired yesterday and la.t Blsbt la Mostasa, tke Dakota end Minnesota, l.eal ralna hae also fa Ilea la th lake res-loe, , anlrtdla Allan 1 lcAfld 9'twJEosljid latr. Tka weather la the soothers alatea frota Califor nia east to the Atlantic ocean la fair. Normal t.eineratore prrrill we of the Rocky ama talns, while la the east era states It la warmer thaa anal, except In Mew England, where It eontlnuea cool. Libt frosts occarred this nnrnln( Is sootheaslera Idaho. Th eoadltloos are famrahle for llfht ahowera la thla district thl afttraoos, . to Blsht and Batnrday.. obawratlona Ukea at I a.' n.. adfle tlnMt .. ' Temp. . nature Mar. Mln'Prodn. ytakar dry, orene. ...... en u 4 ,o ymatea. Massachusetts..,, 54 - 4 Chlcese, Illinois R4 ) Dearer, folorade. ad 0 Kansas City, Missouri..., M . na Im Aaselea, California... 7. ' M New Orleasa, Leaialaaa.., SO " , 74 , New Tork. Ksw Jark... . 78 . M . Portlsnd, 'Oreaoo. ,. ....... 4 62 Bosebunr. Orrgtmyi ........ SO ... 62 ail. 11017-Missouri....... 84 74 Halt Lake, tltsh 68 - -t 40 Baa Prasdsco, Callforsls.. 70 .' . 64 ' Bpokaae, Wasblnstos...... 2 . 42 Iseotne, Waahlnstos. R4 . 48 -Walla Walla, Washtnctes.i 18 48 Wa.hlnrtoa. D. C 88 " - 82 - ,oi .24 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 T .04 T .8 . . .0 .0 T MARRIAGE LICENSES. C, E. Clow din. Kertb Bead; Orefoa, 28- car. lyn Jenkins, 21. .Roy C Lewis 864 Beet OH sea. street, 24; Edna Hataeid. 22. a. H. Uetlns. 22; Soasa Kerr, 18. . Para Ralph Vearer, 88; Alice Arnold. 38. Earl K Park. 198 McMlllaa atrset, 22; MarlC. Walcott. 30. eay a Palmer, 228 Craat street, 84; JVlis Earl, 88. , Ernest K. Hnajse. Kalaras, Washlnftea, 38; Itsasab A. Bensstoa, 26. J.saea 0. Maclatr, Plrst street, 23; fiolole af. Allen. 21. Henry H' ! as sea, Orefoa City, 22; Cortaae ttotrmaa, as. Weddlas Cards. W. Q. Bmlth AV Os.. Wash. tnstos bld., cur. fosrth aad Waahlnstos at. Weddlas and ealllns card etisraTed er seiated. B. T. Bsshtoa. 882i Wsshlastoa at. Miss Berika Martla. rooea 213 A risky, bids. ! T lL ariVaimT aTiirTaaaalrrTmiil 1 ''T" '' .' DEATHS. rmi i Ira.-Va. . Pen milka. as years. if, Ttilrs. Kronehlal sothros. ki ii.lln-J.., s. Ant-nio BrafSto, 48 Jean, i.d (yt kintBtk, apoplexy, , Pofiland Siabwood Co. Klamath Falls BIRTHS. !: EIMMERMAN Juae a. to Mr. aad Mr. Georg r.immera.aa. Marquee BIIL boy. COOP :m May 25. te Mr. and Mrs. U L UjudcHUIT (111 to. a bov. BblCNuR May II. a Air.' aaf Mr. R. r. R r. vis jaoooy. a gin. KOPPT Msy 4. to air. and Mm. Lawreas CAMPBELL-March 0. to Mr. asd Mrs. H. P, famrhell, 525 Everett, a boy. BI Ki-l'tiL-Juiie T. to Mr. ead Mr. Wllllaai , c. nueopei, itn seat Klgbtk, a bov. FotJI.K-Juoe 8. u Mr. aad Mra, Ales B. Fogls. 644 Pooler, a lrl. M'KKK June 8, to Mr. aad Mra. A r til or D. McKee. 1258 Borthwick. Iki OLOYN-Jun 8, to Mr. aad Mra. jobs Olojra. Wheeler, a. boy. MIELI-ER-Juae 8. t Mr. aad Mrs. B.-W. Mueller. Ool Kerby, a girl. - CONTAGIOUS DISEASES.' Helea Howard- II ' tut Jtlrfeeetli rta. Charles Goff. Tillamook and Rodnrr arena Lain BrIIloa. Eaat Thirty Srst aad GlMan. reeles. ' Villa Nutt. scow', foot of Beat Davla, measles, Ada Eurober, 193 West Park, measlsa. Msry MoGroodl, til Cook, Bsesslee. Grab Peterson. 107 Rarer, nmslee. -''BWP"" Wti4P0fa" " IwT Bs stetM', 1 BslPf' Kenneth Hawk, fc'.a WuhinvtM Ka.t Twenty-seventh, aieasies. Helra Coagrove. 271 . Porter, goeeelee, , 1 Helen Newell. 247 Hslsey, mssslee. Reanl Blemlef, SSS Halwy, Btoaalaa. klarle Km-bardt. SRB Boaa. swaalra. Klma BraraaL AS SoTantaooth. nnrth dlnh. thrla. ; . . -AaaUa Bwlrt 021 Eaat 'Ollaaa. siaealoa. . ' a Rare, 14A Kait Tblrty-foarth, aaniaps. ' Henrietta HTlck. flrja Gaatatibala arena. "iLUnT aad Kither Jesses; 101 East Twaatjr. Int. aortk, acoaalfs. ' Lawrrace Morpbr, Beat Palmoa. Sirailee. UNDERTAKERS. J. P. rinlor It Boa. faaaral director aad at b Intra, turawr Third sad Madlaoa atraeta. Orscsr et coast eorosas. Tewpboea Mala S. Daaalas. MEata A tfllbaaab. sadertakara aad rmbalawa; seiders la erorr detail, Saraatk aad Plo. Mala 480. Ladr aaaUUat. A. B. nonstock, aadortakar aad ambalBMr. aat Thlrtaoatb aad UsiallUa a. rfcoae Ball wood ti. : ... .... ... .. Holman, ' Tkted ataaat. ' K1TZBTUW CEMETUT. flaala araee tin. r.mlle into I7S to St AM. Th only ce met erf la Portlaad whlrfe per pornallr nalatatna aad rea fne lota. Per fall taforasatloa apply to W. R. Mackaeale. Wot raaler block, city.-. W. M. Ladd. arealdost. 5 REALESTATETRANSFEltsr 0. W. Glbana and wife to Ethel Chi n.rnnev lof ft hloeh- l.a tt.mmt Port. leorph Caaopbell and wife to Emma . -Carsos. lot a, block 11, Blchmond - - -sddltM (M C A. Cola aad wife to Mra. M. U Rolaaee e-etrr-4-eV-Meek .---.- . d 1.S00 Mnltaooiah Cemetery company to Wil- llam A. Thomnaoa, lot 41, block B, ' , eemetsry ' J( Jobs W. Fllnk sad wife to Oeorrs Rat- -Buaaca. lot 8. block I. . Bochelle ..B50 A. M. Urlawold aad wife to Hollla R. Blue, lota 11 aad 12, block t. Mire,- " ' aide addltloa .; . ! ' 880 H. U Ollbert to Been M. Randatedt, - lota aad T,. blark , Albln Homo- ' . - atead I.B00 Edward B. Daffy and wife to Joseph M. , Teal and Walter P. Burrell. eiecntora. ..'lot t, , T, . block 108. Eaat Port- taad. . lt.000 Joha P. Sharkey aad wife to Joseph - - N. Teal. Iota ( aad . block 108, East . Portland - ......M ...... ,5W 0. O. Oammana aad wife to Jobs Gab, lot 1. block 21, Uacola Park ....... 400 Pacirc Coaat AbatfactGtiafantjr Trnrtr ' company to Elisabeth M. Masters, lota and block a, Keowortby's addltloa i... ...... 1 Alfred i. Hamilton and wtfelto P. B. - . fteronld. lota 21: 22. block -fl; lot . 10. 11, .14, block I. Stanley; lota 24 to II, U to 87, block , Stanley No. 3. I firland eompaay to Josephine L. Jose. " lota 23 aad 24, block 4, airland 47 Mary Norden to WlllUm E. Prudhomm. west portion of fractional lot 4 asd let 8. block ld. Couch'a addlttoa I Wllllaai E. Pradbomm aad wife te Mary Norden, aoatb 18 feet lot 17, block IS. Klnc's Second addltles ; 1 Hans Asa and wlfo to Ida Mukev lot H. . block P, Portansontb Villa Ki tended... ' 230 L. B. Hawkins to W. J. Hawkins, lot 1, block 12. Lincoln Park Aanex ." . 1 Ban Ase to Ile Muhs, lot 12, block t, Portsmoath Tills Kiteoded.. BB0 nle Holmbers, lot 11. block 8, Boats M Bt. Johns , 330 Amanda Bosh to Rlrhard Hnhbard -ad wife, lots 1 aad X, block 4. Hawtborae '. Aveane addition f 80 Multnomah Real Batata association to R.. - - R. A mead, lot 21, block 20, Wll- " ' lamatte ............. f SfiO Jnsrlna Emilia . Browns and bnabaad to Joha Henry Ares, lot T, block 4. Wye- - hoop Villa ,. 42S Msllssa B. Powers and husband to J. L. , Hartmaa. trustee, lots t to , block ' 1, Power Tract 1 W, T. Slater end wife te H. P. Me. Kary. lota 1, 2 .. 4, block 4, Colum bia Helehta addldoa ,10 La tie Vallandlnsham et al. to Ellssheth M. Lorelsce et al.. Vita 8, 8, 7, block 1, Tomllnaoa' addltloa 1 Tltl.Oaarantas A Trust ODmssay lo P.. '' c. ncanneiie. iota . 10. la, js, nun ' 2. McDooa-all'e sabdWIslea Wllllsm - tfersahah- to H. . H,- Wright, lot 8. block 4. Sostb St. John 1.408 1.180 1,000 J80 TOO . S90 firland eompaay to Robert E. I Daral, Kts it ana is, blocs t, nnsna .... Harry M. Vail aad wife to Jobs U i Hesderses, lot 8, block 22. Woodlawa. Alhpa J. Power and wife to Chrl Marti a, 10 acres beflanlns eoethweet -corner of east 14 of nor the a at "4 sc tlos 18, towashlp 1 eontk, raute S Msry TIswklna et al. to Clara Br Klnc, lots T asd 8, block 8, Llseols Park Aanes U L. Hawkins to Clara B. Kins, lot T, block. 18, Lincoln Park Aanex Mrs, Hannah C. Ex on te Issbella Ana Btraaahsa, north H of lot 18. block 2. Excelsior addltloa Mary Roe Its and husband to Phil Met. rhaB et si., lota 1, 4, 8, 8, block 12, "Watson's addition Wllllaai M. ladd et al. to Jeaette oed- 1 SJSOO mas et al., block 1, Btrms'a addltloa. rreaencB H. Btrong ans wire to jenevre . Ooosmaa st SL, lot 8, block i, strong addltloa , 3,000 H. E. Hepfner and wife to E. B. Holme et el., let I, blaak 18, Johalrrlnfa ...1 r irsi laainna cm Kate n. Strickland to K. n. fiolmee and -. J. P. Menefe. lots 13 to 28, block , Albion addltloa ' 10 George a. Smith aad wife to Sarah B. Tirlor, lot 22. block 8. Alblna ....... t608 Chsrles E. Ladd and wife to E. H. . Hobbs, lot 8, block 18. Ladd dl ' tloa 1.8S8 I. H. Huddlesoa and wife to J. P. Klg- gins, late 11 snd 12, block 88, Pled- . moot ' BOO Sheriff to Leander Lewis, wast 80 a4a.. . of east 100 acres of aoatb H of done tloa land claim ef Bbenecer Ore well i - r---and wlfa, eectloa IS, towashlp 1 aoutk, range 2 east 8.782 Ida M. Church to Ruth A. Mana et al., - -north 474, feet of lot 3. block 38. - Camtheia' addltloa , 2,200 Sheriff to S. Tomllnaoa. lota IT aad 18, block 1. Henry' fourth addltloa .... 12 W. O. Kern and wife to Margnerlte T. Tomllnaoa. lot T, block 8, Loehlnrar addltloa ,. 10 Oak Park Lend company to Mr. H. Tu OroehT. lots T. 8. 27. 28. subdlrldos " block d. Oak Park addition Arthur C. DodrlU toKarl Holier, Borlli- aeat V, of lot 8. block 42, Jamee Jbirk 'addition ICO Amanda S. Dennl to Prederlck K. Nob. let. lota 12 aad 18, block 8, Miller addition , 800 C. .A. Wilier to Sarah E. Wllley, let 14. block 8. Arleta Park No.. 8 'i 1 Loer Saerrod to Jnlla A. Blmmona. south -' 88 feet lot 8, Esst Psrsdlse Snrtags.. 1.2S0 Edgsr Strip et at to Jennie M. Kramer, weet ef lota 3 (ad 4. block 393, Hawthorne Park 1.660 Amaada Drydea to Alma B. Whaley, lot IT. block 1. Waahlngtoa addltloa. 1 Osrar Oebrlg aad wife te Alma Whaley, lot 3, block 1, Waahlngtoa addltloa.. 1 Oct year tmutsn'S aad ahatrace to reel estst from tbe Title Oosrsntoa A Treat eompaay, 840 - Wsshlngtos street, eoreer Second, NOTICE. OPFICB Dlsbnrslns Onartermaater. . Partland. ' Oregnu. June 8, 19". Sealed proooaal In triplicate will be received here antll 10 a. m., Paddc time. June 1 1908. for fur nishing,, 800 cavalry huraea 'for Philippine lalanda. Delivery et Seattle, Waahlngtoa, - or ether prominent railroad points. Partner Informs rloa furnished et thea ofdee. L'alted Slates usanes the right to reject- or accept , aay er ell bide, er ear psrt thereof. Ka , veins containing pronna! should be marked "Proposals' for Csvslry Horses" and ad dressed te Alfred M. Palmer, Major. Quarter Busier, JJ a, A, ltsbotslag Uusxteimajter, ' . ' ; : , NOTICE. ADVERTISEMENT POM BIDS POR WATER SVHTKM. The- diy eoaacil of the dty ot Wallows. In the county of Wallowa. Stat, of Orscon. will htr.1. bids aa te aad In' -""""- lh. alzfeenth flar or June. for- ibe euaattuctioo, of" a eatar a, stem 1st said city. ' The water shall be Ukea from Bear creek - shout mile from said cHy -ead there shall be s Suo-foot fall to the system. The main pipe line to be constructed of Slack, machine-banded, wood atoreplpe. ' There shall be on 8-lacb (at Tale at source of eunplyi one suitable brase-wlre rlotk atralaee at leaat four llmee tb ra ' of the S-lnch plpo; such apsclsl ttlnia. euTTea, etc., aa may be accessary to fol low chanfea of direction la pipeline. At tb. InUk there ahall be ballt S suit abl. sunbole of concrete oc adjacent atone, .with a eorer of Iroa with brass lock and key, to properly protect nad pre rent -ace te the strainer and .to allow examlna- The treach for the main pipeline ahall be an arerae of not leea thaa thro feet deep and at so point ahall the mala pipe be coTered lesa tbaa twe feet. In the dls. , trlbtittoa aystrm all the malna aad brancbe aba il be rorered at least , three feet oree the too of th. nine. ' The suin shall ne tultihle for a 2)0-f. u-rooc nesa ano hraacbea shall be wooer 1 7 beddCS IS th trenrbea to pre rent settlini.- . Ths dlatrlbntlon system Will require. en , pcoilmauly, 1.300 reel 01 'J ;-'r banded wood storeplpe; 1,750 feet of 8-lncb machine-banded wood atorspipe; a.o of 4-tnca machine-banded wood etorsplpei four 8-lnck Iron-body brsse-moainted . iste Vslree: four 8-lact Irca-body besss-ujouated SateralTesi 8re d-lach Iron-body brass, rousted sSteralrea; 13 standard heary adjuat able eaat iron , sad 8.000 pounda apeclal eaat Iroa flttins. Tbere. " IS Are hrdraats, which bU bare outleta for two 2 4 -lack boa and ahall b froatpniot. All bydranta shall be so blocked, braced and anchored to lb pipe sopplylns ."" to prevent belns bkrwa eff hr water ram . The entire work to be completed and 8rst clsas. and to be done In a food and work maallk manner, and all material knd tabor to be furnished by the eontrsetor The city council reeerree the right to reject any and all bid ' without Incarrlos any liability for such rejection. " ;- Datl Jus. T. blcDANIEIk N' Mayor ef the City of Wallowa. Atteat: O. A. VI! RPILLAT, Recorder of the City ef Wallow. STOCKHOLDERS' MEET! NO Portland, OresoB. June 8. JiKK 1 o rne awipoiuw. Portlaad Coal A Development company, a rornoratkm: The annual aieetlng of the atock- ,1 SmiLmI r!oet A TCT. lOOBl. tl I "-company will be hold et-eoom 420 CooimerHnl Did, rortianu. ureaon, m - - - - : 1908, st T o'clock p. m., for the purpose of - electing officers and for the transactlos of snrh ether business aa may properly come before the meeting. . JOHN X. DODWELU Secretary. NOTTCB OP STOCKHOLDERS MEETINO. a . .1 -a .L- a a a aa.ST' AhjB at in orno oc mt nmpiBf, 'w tork tMlldlnff. Portland. Offfw-. Ju a rwkil . 11 aUlnsh an 11 . fiat tlM DnrMBBS e Jlfctlnf ' a iHjrd erf dlr ! t Haalrw--eAad-- HI. -n?grt LlS!I!!IZr etber businca sa may Mgaiiy corns mm the areetlas. " ' A. S. PATTT1LLO. Seeretsry. Portlaad. Oresos, May 24, 1808. PROPOSALS POR PUEL Notice la nereny SItcb that olds win ne rereirea si ine oum of tbe school clerk, op to Monday. 11 a, June It. 1908, for furnishing school district No. 1. Multnomah eoxinly. Oregon, with fuel for ths ensuing yesr. These bide will be opened publicly at 12 m. ef said day at th office of the school clerk, city. ball. Spedfl catlona caa be had at the office of the scbool clerk. J. V. Beach, Richard Williams, eeaa mlttee" on supplies ' MEETING NOTICES. MULTNOMAH CAMP, Ha 77. W. O. W.. meets tonight in -their hall. East Sixth? near Eaat AMec, ill nailing awignoora cordially welcomed. ' iiJH- B-'JNORaJnfrjija-: J. M. WO0DW0RTH, C M. W. A. Erer groan Camp, a,4SU. meetii Wednesday -erasing, aiisay phis-. Morrtsoa ata. EACSIMILE tfpe written letters. dreatns. mailing, etc circular ueiisr vw, wts -st. Msla 2284. " 11. W. A.. Oregon Orspe Camp. No. d.8T8, Mea. daya.lTth aad Marshall; visitors welcome. M. W. A... SPRUCE CAMP NO. 8094. meeta In Hill ball, corner Williams v. and Russell at., every Friday Bight. Visiting neighbor m? iimj. JLOST, AND FOUND. STRATRD or Stoles 1 bsy horse. 4 years eld. weight 1.200 lbe.. 3 hind, white feet and small white trine oa th?sose: 86 reward ft returned to Frank Miller, Barnes road, B. P. D. No. 3. ' - " - LOST fjewellea eetter. white body, black face. k PIBCB ear. r it, '-'" - or for Information aa to whereabouts. O, B. Mitchell. 840 r.llle st. LOST A gold umWlla handle la or near Meier A Prank atora; reward. Phone Mala 8841. LOST Iroa gray pony I gelding), brand 2C ea flank: reward 310. H. X. Page, Oswego, Or.: B. P. D. Kkl. POUND Shoes. Phone Eaat 6885. LOST Prom tb wrecked S car coming north on Tuesday even ha, a gold fob and locket attached to black rlhboe. - Finder please re turn to Jonrnsl office. It -waerth property 2 of tbe person killed on ths car. Might hare been lost before he took the car. LOST A wrlit bag containing money and name tnslde. between Morrison snd Waahlngtoa ata. Return to Journal office; reward. HELP WANTED MALE. RAILROAD WORRV . STATION si MNr tMnnela. wseonroad work, ear work. wneelberrow rock wests, eerth wheelbarrow work, all kinds station work; else regular contract work for small outfits: good work, food prices; os O. R. A N.; free traasporta tou ever O. R. A N. B. Ti J0HNSOH A CO.. 141 Pint St., Portland, Or. MEN AND WOMEN to leers barber trede la . eight weeks; graduate earn from 316 to 128 weekly: expert Instructors; catalogue free. Moler System ef Colleges, SB North Pourtk : et., Portland. SALESMEN WANTED Tor see ef the lergset nni aerie la thewest eaan savnnceo wveaty. BOOS tet on4 torrltorr ooenT A h. . rw. Tannealah. Waab. A RARE opportunity for a tana with; capital; Inrestlgste and yea will sore I O 110. care Journal. win m.rm.m sure lsveet. AGENTS WANTED to sell superior, hlgb-grsde , nursery stock I complete eutat furnished frees rsab weekly: write todsy for choice of tor. tilery. Capital City Nursery Company, Bslrm, Oregon. WANTED Tarnlsher. machine and beach baada. Oregea Furniture Mfg. Oe, Macadam ' read. ' WE secure employstent for saembera; apadel membersMD on moenn sa, a. as. v. Fourth ead lamhllL I IP yea play pool, go to the Welling toe Par- lor. Allaky bldg.. Third snd Morrison. HOTEL HELP Walter, cook snd help of all kind. Bret-class hotel. 247 North 12th St., Marshall, nr. aims, room oi. I'iiilaase la fmnlturv ,mmtnmf, eedy work rear round. 40 Front, corner Davla WANTED Mattress maker, Davla 48 front. . eoraer A PEW GOOD HOMESTEADS lit central Or. . goo: for Information address U L .Barber, general delivery, city. ' WANTED Sign writer; ' Binst bs first -rises workmsn; steady Job tit right frty. Apply at sec. W. P. Bergcr Boa. 384 Yamhill at, WANTED First class bench mas. Portland Saab A Door Co.. Eaat Taylor and Union are. WANTED At once, 80 laborers st Caaadero; wagea SI 25 per day. Call at engineering Senartment Oregon Water Power A Railway Company, First asd Alder ata., for particular. WANTED 3 mea to work In brickyard at 31st ad Tillamook. Take Irvlngtos car. . COATMAKERA- wasted, bldg. IS, Bamlltes MACHINISTS wasted. Grand are. H. C A lbe Co., 348 ALIcABOL'ND grcerymaa to drTve wagon, take care ef hoc aad work Inside; aoae but . active, heneet young mas need apply; give age and reference; eteady work for right mea D 12, ear JoaraaL WANTED A young colored boy mess st- tends at far th laalor sf Seers' sa, I'. B. B.-CJVgO. 'U - F" "" I r HELP "WANTED MALE. WANTED flood business chance -saleamaa to Bianare well-located office; email guarantee runs require, tor particulars write v CJ, .care oournst. WASTED Jfotir hoTS. 88 per week: eteady work .year round, with rlianco for sdtasce- f root, corner uarla. WANTED Per United States army, able-bodied unmarried tnea between, asea of 21 aad 88, ettlaeiie of United Slates, of good character aad armnerate bablta. who caa apeak, read and -write Engllab. Apply to Rscrultlns Of. Seer. Alaawortb blk I bird aad Oak eta Portland, Oretus. "WANTED Immediately, aararsh route-wasna snrers roc Separtment-atere work; none but eiperlenred men need auply; referencea re quired; stats where yos bar worked: Is re- 5 lying (Ire telephone samber. p 23, care ouraal. ' WANTED A boy under 18 to sell fruit from wasos. Apply First at.,- Alberto House. WANTED Bolosnamaker and meatnerker. Ap ply ureaaaa 1. a. P. Do.. Urssbam. WANTED 800 men. woman aad children to appear In the production ef the Baa Pran cleco Disaster, which open st the Iwts and Clark fair grounds June 18. Call at SS Seventh St. Monday aad Tueaday. from 10 to 12 a. m. and 1 to 6 p. m. v , SOI.DERER8 wsnted. Apply Pad 8 Coast Biscuit Co., 12th sad Davla sts. 8 OR S MEN wasted to do ahorel work. la- quire corner Grand are. aad Wygant t., Highland. , . . 1 ' BOT WANTED at Courier of flee. Apply St WANTED Competent man to car for sarden. row. norsea aaa ne generally a a nil. 211 Pretlyaus are.. Mount Tabor, WANTED Ooed sober 'Job printer; sone etber sees apply; tt wage. Boathers ore goslas, Medford. HELP WANTED-1FEMALE. GIRLS ahrnt IS yesr of kg to work In fac tory. Apply at once.. Amea-Harrla-Nevllle Oe., rifth sad Davla kts. - . ( HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENOT. 8434 Washing, ton St., cor. SeveBth. apetalrs. Phooa Mala 2093. Female help wanted. t THE HOME LADIES' AOENCT, -keh, aegiairsiioa , iso. - -IttBH 4tb st, spatalra. room 28. - Mam 8828. st T8 First at. WANTED Nest waltrssass at Hobart -Curtis, 14th aad Jeffereoa. HTEU.JBEIP Chambermaids and help ef all I kinds. Tlrst-clae hotel: - 34T "North 13t Stt , seer Marshall. Mr. Jsanes. room 81. GIRLS WANTED Operators to work ea -skirts , snd overalls. Lessons gives to Inexperienced. APPl?. t Standard factory No. 2, Grand ave. and B. Taylor st. r WANTED Competent girl for general hooas - work; family of three.- Apply 128 14th at. 01 RL to assist la general housework, smsll falmly. 831 Hancock at. Phone Bast 1910. WANTED Partner Is ' transfer hnrineaa. a - manager: doing in bust nesa In city. Room 8 Breedea bldg.. Third aad Waahlngtoa ata. Phone Padse 2098. . v ....... WANTED Middle-aged womas for housework. .824 Jackson at. . WANTED Girl for housework. 6-room cottage. . 193 Cleveland sve. Tak U car to Beech. 8INGLB mas wsnta lady companion; wagee 840 aad expenses. Harry Smith. P. O. Box 47. WANTED Immediately, " ernerlenred girl, second work aad care of babe; alee private family; wages 825. 230 H Yamhill. Mala 6413. ....... - WANTED OIH to aastst with boueework la email family; must sleep at home; American er Swedish preferred. Call mornings. BOT GantenbelB sve. 4-WOMAN to do washing. Phon Eaat 4166. MALE AND FEMALE! HELP. WANTED AT ONCE An . experienced party with flOO to run a paying .sundry. For particular call MH Feurtb St., apstalrs, aulte 23. Mala bo 26. . . T HELP wanted and supplied, anal or female. R. G. Drake. 206 Waahlngtoa st. PsclOe 1870. 314 PER DAT can be made by lady or gent selling phots coupons. - Call - et - Asderaoa Photo Studio," Vancouver, Washington. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. SITUATION wanted by s oonsderitloris and trustworthy man ka collector; can tarnish the beet of references'1 or furnish bond: hsve bed ' long experleace. Address O 40. ears Journal. GEORGE T. MURTON, 634 Chamber ef Com- mere, keeps hooks pad does general expert cooantlng business. Phona Mala 4888. EXPERIENCED young man wishes to drive butcher wagoa. Address D 13. cere J our sal. WANTED Position; ofdee work preferred; honesty, genuine Integrity, steady bablta: al,s some experience; sblltty sa salesman; , are- yoa Interested! -- Pleeee reply., D XI, cere Jonrnsl. SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE WANTED PIsIb wsshlng to do st home; price, 40 cent s doses pieces. 183 Shermsa (rear of 180 Shermsa at.). SITUATION WANTED by experienced Ger BTfa gIP 4P das general housework: steady aad seat; Tscoens er Seattle preferred; wagea 32B. D 18, care Jooraal. WANTED AGENTS. WANTED Agents: something arw) good asllsr; big wagss. 308 McKay bldg. ANTED Snedal aalearoeu for th bis Orerna Nursery compeny; liberal commissInafbutriy' free: choice territory. Writ te the Orsgoa Nursery Co.. Salem. Oregon. AGENTS Either sex, 1.00. an hour Istrodne Ing Dr. Hull' Electric Comb and Brush; . cure hair trouble nature's way; no drugs; term free; postage on ssmpl comb, 6c C. S. Horner. Mfg. . Co., 1491 Pena see., - Pittsburg, Pa. MEN and women agents. S3 te 88 every day. Paradox Novelty Co., SM Union a vs.. Berth. Tak Woodlawa ear. - AGENT wanted to sell a few 1-aere tract I convenient to two electric Uses. Cedeahergh, 814 Cooimerdsl blk. . I, EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. THE Portland Employment Co., at. Phone Psclfle 338. 306H Morrlaos HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFPICB - iva msn. 98 N. Second at Phone Main 1838. BIG POUR EM P. AGENCY Help supplied free. Id North Seeosd st. Phone Mala 1918. WANTED FINANCIAL. WANTED dnoo to apes ap new rEi frioo to apes ap new copper mine; give aa extra good opportunity aad la ment. Call la lorsaeoa Josee' Bosk 8 lore. win dnrement. 391 Alder at. WANTED Te ansa f 1.600 oa dty property building purposes. D T, rare Jourasl. for WANTED TO RENT., W ANT E D TO" L R E N T HOUSES. COTTAftEs! PLATS, ROOMING-HOUSES, STORES. ETC. Our rental department baa bees enlarged aad provided with additional staff. We Invite listing from LANDLORDS, offer personal atteattoe te sad eootlnaosr superrlatos over gll areperty la treated to ear PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OP tREOOIf. 8. E. cor. 3d aad Oak ata. Phone Ex. TB WANTED Te rent S oc A room house Is suburbs; .Isrga grounds: gtvs description snd rest asksdi- Address Renter, '(08 tor sett at. WANTED Eaat aad weet side . bouses, jets aad cottage; can rent st onoe. WEfTKIlN OREOON TRUST CO.. ' 1 Stark it, t 1'kvsa fJcUld B98, WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED Uaaeslons qusrry. If yos heve any limestone beds, or know of any lead for sale having limes ton deposits on It. eoea . munlrste with C D, Charles, 321 Chaaabsr of Commerce. ... WANTED Lot 1b exrhaage for equity la 8 e f-esom boaae.Phae Esst 8641. ' WE WILL sell your property, bo matter what I la w Him wcura. mi m r . . .' w and we will do the rest. Address tbe la. vaetor' Guide Do., 811 Marquam bldg., Por lead, Oregon. WANTED A small houa or cottage, sew aad modern; smsll cash paymeat; muet modarstely priced. D 47, care Journal. WANTED Houae oa easy torn 818 Commercial blk. Mala 8968. WANTED ItoslSonca or B to 11 era. good ' repair) Nob Hill or Portland Heights; will pay 37.000 to 810,000, but value aiast show. D 45, care Journal. WANTED Desirable residence lot en eg near , i w ,u,n am a ... , sauea el rraewiiwii take Sunnyslde; give particulars. . D. 48, cera Journal. WANTED Modern residence of S to 10 room, full lot er quarter block; Nob HIU or Port laad Height; owner only. D IS, Journal. NOTICE I want a S er T-room house and lot, . north of Caruthera aad Eaat of 14th ata., about 38.000. . Also small house 10 mtautea' walk from ' Giaad ave. and Hawtborae; must he reason able. phone Pacific 08 or Eaat 4740. H. 0. BROWN A CO., 407 Waahlngtoa at. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. . B. N. MORGAN, pioneer sprayer all whit. washer. Call Eee 8243.- Remember the WE WILL BUT. SEIX OR TRADE ANT OLD THING. WESTERN BALV AUK III, sal 829 WASHINGTON. PACIF10 T9S. . WB WILL BUT pour furniture Bay old time. western salvage ia, vat " imiuiim ... WHO IS M. G. MORGAN A CO. SPOT CASH" k . '. '. ' . roR PCBNlTtlRaj' AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS, , : PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS, - 31 FIRST STREET. ' . " MAIN 8880. . , PAINTING, apraylag aad whltewaahlng trees. bsesmsala, Sara., jlocka, etc. largest gaaolla eprsylng outfit ea the cosst. MV O. Morgaa A Co.. 823 Unloa are. . Phone Beat 317. rURNITURB aad household roods. Don't ast psoas Pa worry, lace time a saeaey. CIS T93. , Wl"t-P0 WASHINO If cslltOofe-l-nJSbeT: man, rear oi uu soermaa FOR wlrtdow-ecreenft, , O. ElsgVsr, SSS Michigan are. rnoae vnioa dim. SAN FRANCISCO . .- Wanted Xwe.mara.csjlosd of fttrBlrnre for ' Frisco will pay best prices for aof ec-' end -hand furniture yos hav foe sale. Call up Mala SOT. Aak for Joha Oke. WANTEDLIMESTONB" QTJARRT. - If yea have aay limestone neo or snow ef sny land for ssls having limestone reck 'deposit a It eommnalcate with n I -C; D. CHARLES. 82T.- Chamber of Commerce. GREAT SNAP. Wllsoa. the auctioneer, at 308 First St.. Pare eaah for SBythlns yea have to sell. I'hane Mala 1628. i BOATS WANTED List your hosts, ateamera. launches, bargee, hossrtjoats ans eoataouses with as for sal oc rent. 'We have .calls for then, every day. Best 184. WANTED By arlddle-aeed gentleman, ticket i-orriano. to Denver, u zz. cars journal. WANTED Second-hand . cheeaecntter. .lata JnodtUglTtL price. TB North fnloa ave. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT THN RICHELIEIr 88 NORTH SIXTH ST. Kiegantly rurnunsa. sresm seat asa saua THE GRAND. 45V, Nirth Third St.! gsatieaiea II. aa per week aaa ap. NICE famished noma for two yoaag ladles: furnishings new; never been ased: 376 14th at., corner Montgomery. Phone Mala 8828. LA ROR well-rarnlahed -rooms, 31.25 sod ap. H Cakm avs. TOrjvO -cTToph, - have large front room.- suit able for lady or ladies: hoehend trsvla, wife - deslree company; bath. phone, piano, gas, etc: very reasonable. 823 14th, et. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. THE MITCHELL. Flanders sad Seventh -Room, housekeeping snd - traneisnt; eos venlentt prices reeaonable. 1.00 WEEK IIP. dean, fnrnkthed housekeep. - toosas, with yard, psrior, laundry, beta, far. Baca heat. 203V Staatoa at. 0 car. 11.29 PER WEEK Lent, cleea. -famished housekeeping-rooms: laundry and bath. 184 - Sherman, South Pertlend. . ' SLEEPING asd bousskeeptng room. Linda Vlata. 347H Fifth at. ... . . . LARGE ' elegantly famished Iwneekeeplng ' reorns; gas ranrs, rnnalag wstee. The Lswas dale. BOSS Alder at. j FOR -RENT 8-roora flat, cleea aad newly - painted, 810 per ssoath; parties going awsv. Phon Msla 8603. S3. Seventh A. LARGE well-furnished boneekeeplng enltee, . 2.25 per week and an; also alee large single hooeekeeplng room. $1.75. 23 L'nios sve. S rURNISHED honaekseplng-rooms, 8 rat Boer; nice yard, low rent) no children. 874 Front, ROOMS AND BOARD. WILL take a tew more table boarders; rood home cooking. 470 Mala. Phone Msla 196. FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES. OFFICE SMsn, anfamlahed rooms and sample ' rooms fog rest, Osodnongh bldg. Apply sle- PART of shop to rent, suitable for pslstsr er plumber. 208 Fourth St. TWO mrg connecting office rooms over Plum mer' drag stors. Third sad Madlaoa. BT0&B for rent, corner, 28t North 18th st. Just tbs plsre for 8 BtrTrber-ebop end grsaary combined; cheap rent te right party. Apply J. Kraemer, Cotnmerdal blk.' STORE for rent 388 Waahlngtoa st,. bst. Fourtk and Fifth. . . , UNFURNISHED ROOMS. TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS for rest. ' Sbermen at. Is rear of 180 Sbermaa st. 1U $ VERT pleasant unfurnished reoma. with bath, toilet, etc., reasonable. 860 Montgomery at. 8 ROOMS, new, priest, entirely awdera. phone, lawn, 8 blocks to steel, bridge; L car; smsll rent to neat adulta. 23 Lerrahee at. HOUSES . FOR RENT FURNI. i, . -.... TURB FOR SALE. FURNITURE af a 12-room eoomlng-houee,.los In; good business. Ostf-98-lUS at, . . , FURNITURE ef 8-room Oat for -sal cheep modern, good location. Inquire 401 First, Harriaon at. rial a. FOR RENT FLATS TnOROtlGHLT modera lower 8-room Sat, In cluding latest plumbing, bath aad electricity, furnace heat, full earnest basement, gaa ring Irstslled. tiled kltcbea aad bath, ce ment walk. tc 873 Fifth, St., nesr Grant. Bent $28 6or PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. Phoae Exchange 72. . ONE flat, 4 rooms, Eaat Ninth sad Belmont, none Rest 1270. li FOR RENT HOUSES. FOR RENT New 6-room cottage, $10. f 4-room flat, $7, does, la. Upper Atblaa. Call 421 Hancock at, ' - KADPERLY TRANSFER CO. prempt aad re. liable plane aad farnltare-aaevsrs: slse a toe sgs. r-hoae Msla 1888. -Of So 118 a. Third. TUB CONTINENTAL COMPANTc- 243 STARK ST. .... ISIOaUlKCa, - JtsWIAl, 8KJ lelBT, FOR RENT HOUSES. NEATEST AND PRETTIEST new Bungalow; Myrtla Park, Mount Scott eer-line; hot water, bath, elcctrl wired, large yard. Phone Mala AtlM. FOR RENT Modern 8-rooai eotUge. close la. Inquire 207 Malkst St. A 4-RM)M cottage en Second at., between Hat ans LiocoiB. Inquire at eov ruts si. FOR RENT 8 modern a-room cottsgee. 1b - qulrs 494 Eaat Waahlngtoa. Phone Eaat Tva. FOR BENT A 4-room booee ea Woodstock car- nn. inquire at 170 Froot at. FOR RENT House, 11 rooms, modern tmpreee- - meata a 12ia at. Apply vn inset. - FOR RENT 313 House. T rooms, nice view ef river and Partland. ' 1190 Willamette boalevardl Inquire 1341 Greeley st, Wil lamette station, sc. woods car. TWO 8-room modern eottsgsa, 31st at.. Kenll warth.3l4 and 816. Key at atora, er phone East 73d, FOR RENT -4-room cottage ......I S.O0 s-roos oat ..31Z.UO AT TS0 FOURTH ST. FOR RENT 4-room cottage at Oceea Park, completely furnished, from June until July 8. D 24, care Jouraal. BUSINESS CHANCES. DONT com hers first, bat don't bay roar dtp property, fruit aad garden lead, wheat, stock erNdslry ranches antll yoa see us; North west Land Co., 306 Ooodooagh bldg. P. B- ' We also have business chancer ef all klada, aad caa locate yoa debt M. W, L, Oa, WRITS as quick about recent Important do , velopmsnfs af th Hurst Automatic Switch A Signal Co.; buy stock before bis advance. J. F. flarst A Oa. 308 McKay bldg. FOR SALE Family hotel nf 100 rooms, clear ing ever 8000 per month: very , high ' class. .This would be a good hay for badness woman to manage. Furniture ef the very beet: modern apartments: mast be cash. Fur particulars address Q 300, care Journal. LONG-ESTARLISHED steam deaatng and dye ing plant for sale cheap: doing good hsalneeai Ill-health causa for eelflag. Address U JL ' ears Journal. - -. -r - - $300 PA RTNRR In good paying, restsorsnt; east wbo k willing to wars, svi nonn eiatn. WHO 1R M. G. MORGAN A CO. I WANTED AT ONCE Aa experienced petty with $1 ts-rua paring laundry. For particular call iftnvt Fourth at,, upstairs, suite 23. Msln 6828. , - HOMESEEKERS' EXChSI0N overland ta being organised to go to Harney county, Oregon ror lnftirmstlna lnqylre.fyw Com mercial blochr enenee st onrl' and Wsahlns- toa cts., er phoae Mala 643. ; WANTED T talk with people whs under. etand all klnda or- manufacturing; 1 save some kood" sites, aim float ee e4aeswlse. .B. It Cate, 113 Second. WANTftrwPsrtner with 3I.B00 to take half , inieresr inn rasnsgemcnx or new- pn.,i, good aide lines; willing to open new store Is several towns in Oregon and' Washington. C. B. Clexseat, BIT Chamber of CooHnercs. HOMESEEKERey EXCURSION - overland I being organised to go to Harney county, Oregon. For Information Inquire BOB Com-' merdal block, corns neoood and Washing ton sts. Mala BIX Address Arleta P. O., Bos 208. ONE of the best paying eon fct looser. Ic cream psrior aoa near aianaa as in cur ir the money; snap If taken at once. Call at 329 V. rirat at.- - GREAT SNAP Wllsoa. the auctioneer, at 308 rtrst etu psy easn- gov snyuiing yet- savs to sell. Phone Mala 1828. FOR SALS; Mattress, manafaeturing and rea- evetlrg business: electric power, soou run ning order; cheep test. Address 0 AS. csr Jonrnsl. FOR SALE OR LEASE Location for a restsar- ant with fixtures, or will give latereat to tight party. . 307 Third at, . FOR. BALE Wboleesle end Jobbing grocery Business, i,ow. 00a a. -vww BEST bos riling house In dty. 20 rooms; golden opportunity. Bee Fred Vlersck. E. 3d A Ask. AT A BARGAIN Furniture of a 80 room bona for !: - slwsys full: Icaes snd low rent. Apply by awaer. 211 K First at. Alberta hone ' SMALL restaurant aad htaca counter far eskt. t 8. care JearaeL RESTAURANT for rent; good paying tmarassa. 72 North Third st. GROCERY BTORrsnd flxtures In very healthy, plesaaot part of city: will pay to Invest! gate. D S. care Journal. .- WANTED Florist to furnish flower at tbe Oaka oa commission. , Apply at oace,; 854 Salmon at. NEAT little elaar store snd coafect' with building aad cheap ground lesss, en account ef other business; pries $426. . SOT ' Esst Morrison at.v FOR BALK Photograph gallery, good Iocs tloa. - doing good bnslneaa; good reason' for eelling. D 49. car Jonrnsl. gusfc BJSIai -r ri.aiv " . mmiuiii,- bouse clearing $50 per month; 10 regular - t , 1 - ...-.-..- . rmarurr., mwev ww . - e rent: $58 dowa aad $15 per month takee It; furniture' used aaly S mouths; pries $300. Main 8987. - FOR BALE Saloon; paring propoaltlon; Va cor nor. Address Lady, B 90, care Journal. s DO net keep Idle money. A postal card will bring yoa In format ton -bow to get the largest returns on aa absolutely aefe Investment of 1 from 8100 to $500. J. B. Bailey, B17 Lambs, Exchange, Portland. Oregon. - FOB ' BALB-16-roore - Bst, newly furnished, papered sad painted; rent $10 per naonth; moms sll rented, with steady tenant; price J360, with terms. Commercial Baal Estst, lltb and Ankeny. FOB SALE Wboleesle aad business. $1,600. Box D 1 Jobbing grocery cere J Jonrnsl. FOR SALE All legitimate concessions with ths Sea Francisco Disaster, which epena at : the Lewis and Clark fair, grounds Jane IS. Call at 88 Seventh at. . GOOD paying fruit, dgar and eon feet loneryj central; long lease. Asswer D 26, Jonrnsl. PA RTKE Rfof US In center of city. $760 ROOMING-HOUSE, corner, brick,' 2T rooms, ell full; fin furniture: rest 36. 208(4 Morrison, room 4. Pacific 223. FOR SALE 48-room lodging-house, close In; . 8800 down and terms. He H. H. Hlgley, room so, WiJV, wssningron at. x FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. ' NICE residence lot 1 block of Hawthorne. 60x100. near East S9(h $37$ thla week. . D 48. car Journal. WILL aacriace 8-room basse, Isrge lot, on Sunnvslde and Mount Tabor earllne, $1,400. Inqulr st 380 East Washington sfc FOR SALE New s-toom house. 6 blocks freai rest ead ef afeel bridge, 348 McMillan at., - $3,400. J. Amberaoa. f FOR SALE Good Incoroevpreperty, about $11. 000; no agents. Address 0 48. care Joursal. PIEDMONT hwa $400, $Vr, $000. seme a low - aa $.'100; $100 down, $10 a month; our lots hav Increased over $125 this year; will In- - crease snothsr $100 before fall; buy m Pied mont, yosr money will bring yoa ever 2S per cent: a greet sale now en In Piedmont te.- Tske ti, St. Johns er Woodlawa car. Represents tire en tract every week-dey till lata In the evening. HOME OFFICE 344 STARK ST. ' Main 871. " PIEDMONT Great ssls sf Piedmont lots, te Investor wall as builders; easy term; ' buy this week. INVESTMENT CO., 344 Stark et. . LOTS In Piedmont have Increased Is wains ever $125 thla laat 4 aaonths. Why put asonry out st T per cent Invested In Piedmont lots It will make you frota 36 to 60 per cent, - INVESTMENT CO., 244 Stark St. . ' Tske U ar St. Johns car. $3,656 EACH 3 new 6-room houses, furneee, Is, fireplace; l.'VOO dtown.'belsBcn.aionthly. SO East Mala. Phone Beet 623. ' THOSE who veant me to select chores raltrosd land In Alberta tor them should let me know . before ear next party gas, Jan IL H. I Brig. 138 First St. $BI l.woon Lore. $8 dowa and 88 a month; from $76 te $200. Sellwoad Towndt Cs, B, F, filatw, Bssasfw. Phoa Bast 4J94. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. HO4 FOR SEAL ROCK! " A great tsrgais Is aew offered ef thla dimmer resort, situated S rnlloa south af Newport, Oregon; hotel, hern snd other ' buildings, with 800 acre of land, soms la cultivation: 8n fiahlrat' snd hunting arauian . Il ia place will b sold cheap, la order to . i '2 chs up aa sniaie, ec reniea 10 rssooaelbl parties. . 1 W1LUAM G. BECK, 313 FalUng bldg. 1 SEE PIEDMONT. ' ' SBB PIEDMONT. ..' - . . All lavestora shoo Id surely . .. , '. BEE PIEDMONT. -Take V. St. Johna er Woodlawa ear; ear ' leave every 8 to 8 minute. Second and Wash. Ing tea ata. . . , FOR SALE OS TRADE d lota centrally I,' rated In th town ef Ooldendsle, Wash. Write owner, James F. Nixon, tlarrlahars. Orsgoa. , . " $ HANDSOME heme, brand aew, well as. ranged, all modern Improvements, 8 do aoe Br. Ninth and Schuyler, Holladsy'a addl. float best buy oa market at price. 80S Fourth. 'Phone Pacific 3125. er Mala 8990. 81.200 Nice new 4-room cottage! beta. gas and electric light. Mabl street be. tweea Hamilton ave. and Seymoar, 1 block ' from 8 ear and school, 800th Portland; terms, Inquire 308 Fourth. Phone Paalas 8124. Basil or. Main 8990. , FOR SALS CHEAP 8 aad T-room arm Dart eaah. 870 Garfield Wood Is wa ear. Phone Beet 3841. BOVER, ns river treat Portland. Located aa. . dor N. P. Irrigating ditch and ea arw north beak railroad; fruit goes ea tbe market three Wsek earlier thaa la any other eectloa, (am Biaadlng. highest prices; dslly at a mer from Portland Sal br tb Hover Co.. Hover. Waahlngtoa. FOB BALE AT A BARGAIN A .fine stork range, containing about 3808 . scree; sll nnder fence; situated near Ross ' ; burg. Oregon, ea S- P. B. R. thla Is en et the best stock ranges In ths country; 1 also ' hsve another good stock range containing - 1.420 acres, which will be Bold at a very low ' priee. For pertlcwera sd dress J. B. Sutbsr. lln, owner, Roreborg, Oregoa. FOR SALE Big bargala for quick ssls: 6-room ' suburban cottage, groaad 100x100 feet, fruit ,- and shrubbery) hy owner. O. W. P. Town. ' aid Co.. SIS Alder at-, la 0. W. P. A By. waltlag reoss. - - BUY THIS HOME 100x138, Broom bouse, good condition; 40 bearing fruit trees. 60 rose bush es; between Union aad Grand area., class In; price $2,800; half cash, bslaace long - tlms; nut eel!.- J. N.- Btoay BIA-Ablagtoa ' bldg. .. LOTS and frsctlonal lots In HolladsV addl. tloa. do Unloa are.; on half let, $600; corner hslf, 3700. r At East, ; Third and Schayler. Inside let, $1,980; corner, . $1,600; or whole quart block. $2.tK). - CULVER, 823 Chamber of Commerce. 7 ' NEW OUEEX-ASJUt stylav- strictly ... np-to-aate evrooen neuse. with fun semen beaement: cement ' walka; close In; lovely view; ea excel lea t Investment for fins boms or center purposes: iniry- ta.arwt- I Home Lead Co., 148Vs First St. MR-BEST-ass. la-Pert nsw. rnoae at 1JO. , BARGAINS New 8-rooaa - hoas. large - let ' bara, fruit, garden, cement walk, lawa; near rar line. $1,860; $50 cash. Others $50 to l0 . first pajraient. Houses built ea Inatall ments: lots furnish sd. If desired. Cite Realty A Balldlcg Co, $13 Commercial Bldg., aaaia jwev. A 6-ROOM honae with bsth. lot 35x108. tn location. lawitre ea premises, ens Water St., sooth., bet. Arthur snd Meeda Price $1,660. BEE East Side Real Estate Co. for east aide property, we Bars zia term lor sal, mra eae - aere-ap. -UT Hawthorne avs., phona Beat 108T JUST FINISHED 6-room new house, with, hath, -.u. rioseta, etc.r witn-twe lota sexiou, corner, rof Si aoof l...' -!.h ... w ii-e iT. cv.. 145H First at. INSTALLMENT HOMES EXCLUSIVELY. Psy Bent to Yourself." . W awl and offer for Immediate oerapeaey an saay asoatbly paymente the following new 8-room hens, a with all modem Improvements! House, northwest eoraer Hawthorn ave. Grey house. STS TJnehnr St.. aiice 33.8301 $250 down, $28 per month. Ysllow house. 680 Wilson st, tost eff N. 21st, $2,860: ZV1 down. 828 per month. FIDELITY TRUST CO.. 408 Ooaaawrctal blk. Pbon Mala 44T. BY OWNER. a.rotn eottsg. lot Box 100, with laront alley; price 8M0O. Addraaa WIS Hslght sts, Uppc Alblna. - SAMUEL awETT erf Long felaad; real eatatot- an Bine, an eves. , Headquarters. Hunting ton, Long Island. In St Johns v - o lots clow In, block from carlrae, 3112.60 pas lot. S lota overlooking - river, 3 blocks Brant postofacs, 6876 per lot. . 2 sere In South St. Johss, 100 test trees reruns. 82.800. r T acres roe prartinar, fzao- per lert, HOME BROKERAGE COMPANY, Boom B Breedes bldg. Third and Waahlaartoa. - - Phone PsdSe 3098. - RTOnLAND REAL ESTATE I - BE ALT Y, RENT A I a. IN8URANCB, , COLLECTIONS. Buetness entrusted to nxy. ears will bd promptly attended to. J. B. SPIER, NOTARY POBLtO. Pbaaa WoodlswB 63. - 1 1033 Usloa are.. North. Port landr Oregosv,- ELEGANT qnsrter block, cor. Beet Twenty ninth and East Couch. Very desirable looa I than. 1 no 11 Ira 9Jt VP.ahlneinai a. TWO LOTS 100x100, ta tins residence district. nesr union ave. rar; asye weu a Dove grade! choice building site; bargain aa aa Invest ment; worth $1,000; this week they g fog WO. Boms Land Co, 14BH First at. FOR SALE Bf owner: $700, 3H acre tm Montkvllla; good soil, all ta culttratlcm, email fruit en place; tanas to salt. D U, care Jonrnsl. 300 FARMS, small tracts asd sera: bargains ea vr. r. eiectne line. v. n aaaitoo, bun. wesow ill, noiai Btcoik rar, as. ARB yos looking for a good real estate bae. nessr 1 moat iv ta city; .wilt aell my ' buslaees for practically the cost of Sitnree; fine grorjnd-floor office la one of . tbe moat . enterprising eubarbe ef Portland; net eoav Klssions for May, $360. , D 19, cars Journal. SEASIDE 6-room furnished cottage overlook ing ocean, lau na San njwr. Pbeas FOR SALE One block ef lots; abundance of trail or an xinoa; cow aad chickens with tke piece; term If desired. Inqulr st 101 Marylaad axe. VACANT LOTS SUNN Y8IDB 3 lota, 44x73 each. $700 for th two. Corner. 44x100, 89th st, Ti(. 4 Iota, 44x100, Eaat Main, . $428 esch. - 4 lot. 44x100. Esst Bslmou. $428 each. . HAGEMANN A BLANCHABD, 81 Fifth it. THE OWNER of a well-located boas reentry marries a wire ana moves onto her rarm; I wa Instructed to sell ths honae for $1,000, which la dirt cheap. Now he writes aaa to sell It for $960, quickly, aa he seeds money, Hslf cash will do. The house eoatslns 6 nice room, full basement, brick foundation, ' lot 60x100, aesx earUne. -Phone Tsho 189. BUNNTSIDB HOME B9 nOA Am ,U.,nf mpm, B 1e . ... . T-room honae tvltb every modern convenience. nose in: hers ts an opportunity thst doesn't often come yoar way; can be bought ea good terms. HAGEMANN A BLANCHABD, 91 Fifth at. . atsixos reet, s-ronm aouss. aplandld wen, s blocks from graded school, assr earllsel terms. - . Aleo bargain la lots and acreage. 1 Sea sal Wa sell the earth os ths In stallment plan. MOUNT SCOTT REAL ESTATE COMPANY. Phone Scott 2284. - - Lasts, Oregon. FINE building Bite to , build Al houses; 24 feet above grade: well Imnrovsd: 1:1 . j. -a. 188, ' . xaoegser, sio anssy Diag. Mala BPY a tract of beaatlflit land on eaat aid tor $8,000. J. B. Hoemer, 810 Allsky bldg. ' $1,600 BUYS a fine 10-ecre tract near ths city; "dirt cheap." J. B. Hosmer, 810 Allsky bldg. Msla 3138. - LOTS between Old Portlaad and the deep sea from $260 ts $1,000. J. , E. Hosmer, $10 Allsky bldg. Main 8138, I HOME BUILDERS. ATTENTION t W ksv a nice variety sf well-located Iota ea esst ride at. below market price; lei as show them. HAGEMANN A Rt.AKCHAKU .'..' , 01 UU at. IK ) y