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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 8, 1906)
FRIDAY EVENING. JUNE1, 8 1809. n 1 V . THIEVES' BUSY 1(1 l:i:;isters Fosr.i co;;litz . couhty associatig:i,1- Deslgned to Stimulate , Closer ' Relations Between Pastors ; of Churches. v ; ABTUSBBLBaTTB. There Was Never a Weaker. Tone to the Po tato Marked Than at Present Some Sales . as Low as Twenty-Five Cents a Sack Madev. BserThsatre Oeagoa Thaats Ca-. ea. t Bahsr. kL.a ram aiaia isot. TH to. r llixs-rnaar eHock, . A LI, THIS WEBKslATINffa BATt'BPAT, TUB BAHDKST rKDIHICTIOM OV TUB has nouopoLY on BLOCK HATCHES JOURNAL'S DAILY - OATS LOOK LIKE A CHANGE OF TONE IH fJElV YORK ,'' Stock Market Very Active Dur ing Today's Trading . Bui- lishness Gives Way. IEAB HAI.L CAISK'8 WONDBKrVL. -.... KaioTlOBAl. &BAMA. "ThcEtcrnclCity" TIPS ON MARKETS Burglars, Pickpockets and Sneaks Relievo Citizens of , Their Personal Property. aaWsnaBBauBaussmasBBnaasBBuaasBisBW NUMBER OF THEFTS ARE , .REPORTED TO THE POLICE 11 iBSseas east.' sugslOcant ' Th first Losan brrls to nr dj rivo this Baason cams la from C&llfornla tola ' morniris; . to d Pago Son. Stocks wwro ' In d 'quit, fair condlUon and war d packed In crates contAlntn- SO d boxes aach. Th prlc obtalood d waa 11.60 per erst. ' ' It Is aUU noted ' that som d strawberry shippers aro uslns; soond-nand' boxes. ' Thia la un 4 lawful and If th mark at ln d spector should . ehanc to e them-th stock will b confls- SicnttfO ureheetrs. ' - , (Special Dispatch t Th loaraaL) . Kalao. Wash., Jun - 8. -Th Mlnia tarlal aaaoclatloa of Cowllts county, recently organised, is composed of th minuter of Woodland, Kalama, Kath lamat. Caatl Rock, CaUIn and Kslao, and Is designed to atlmulat closer r la- PBICEB Eva.. XSc, 8Sc. Bnrt Vat., loe, 88c Evening Carta la, 818 Saarf. ' NEXT WEEK J SUNPAT MATIMtB ABO BI0BT. - v Destruction' of Factories In Market Gets Active Very Sud .. denly and Price Bounds v Higher Each. Sale. The Man From tho . South Leaves but One to Take the Field. Golden West , MOXDAT. TUBHDAT. WBDXKSDAT, Br lanasas Popular DsatsaO, ' Trunk Stolen From Hall of Rest dence. Horse and Buggy Purloined on East Side and Njimeroua Small IRobberies in Different Parts of City SEVERAL BOXES GREEN JULY ONE AND A HALF GOOD GAIN EARLY IS - - - LOST ON LIQUIDATION "ThcEtcrnclCity" CORN FROM THE SOUTH HIGHER AT CLOSING SSATS SrOW -OB- BAiB Tn2 OREGON DAILY. JOURNAL. PORTLAND. TODAY'S MARKETS PO (ID ra -T 1. Strawberries Are Scarce, With Price Twenty-Five Cents Higher Poul ,; try Stiff at Yesterday's Rise Egf '. Show Advance Pptatoea Duller. 'Frost Street, lint 8. The principal feature ft th Portland wnoleeale msrxts bhhj ev., 1 Block ulchtt 18o box Unmet. ''Flnjt loganberries arrive In market. ', Several boxes green cora ertlre. (. : . , '. B(t Slant la eomlDf sgsln. . -'it. 'Several can of Bananas in. N Cherry market trifle low. , ' : Eggs an higher with denaead. ' Poultry la atlff at rises. ' Scarcity ef errswbetTlee today. ; Gloomy outlook la potatoes, t-.r.';. ' Review of aaattra hop market. .' General strength la creamery batter. , . Matoa JlaaafrtuoiialloB4t7V" ' Imniiii. ta various dealers Portland bow bu a nnuuoolr 1. ttaa block match trade. Tba bimniia or a.e Francisco- out aaToral (ae- torWa there ant of business and tbs result. is that Pertlaad has tha ool block aiateb eoncern as tha Pacific rout at thia tine. Tola la a- k r..m Kraa. at this eltv and haa baea conducted- bv tha present firm a number af ..are. Porasrlr thara wars two er three match factorial la th la city, and several more were located at other places oa tha mat. Oppoal "vionhechBa" eo-rc tua The emallce slanti ware nut oat of business and thia left but twe ' or three tn haadJa tha trade. .The deatractlaa tit the Bay City f oeml jT-''" ' an hear, that adTaaera were soon made In tha "prices. Te data tns prlprTrf -nrstchee- ha ud v.aced about a hair of Its former rou pvics. Tula, thara au aa additional rise of ISe box la local prlcee. Higher enet of aultabl wood ale csotxibulss to th sdrancce. ... .. ' . . Brl Box Orsa Cora Arrive. - -" vret baxea at green core were amonr the - produce erclvsle tseax-th aoatb thla. maraio-, MuiHlfM. PtIm at fiOo a doaea today. . Three crates of cantaloupes from hrperia! vallev. California, came In thw morning, con dition boat of the saaaon. - Price at 8.80 for mall crate. . - ' - Ueesebsrrlee ar rather, scare today and th price ts a fraction higher. - ; a. ' Kit plant Is earning In better shape with good lnaulrlea at 40c a Bound. -Cherrlee are slightly fcrwr with . sumsahat garter arrtrala. Hhabarh firmer today with scant supplies . Bererai cars of bananas cam la annnf tss BMrntof. Oeneraily In frees conditio. Im Hixber With Better Demand. ' - There was an sdranca of He m the price af asga today. The cenaral market atanda at BOc a doaea. bat som ealee are oalng maaa U orer that amount. . Receipts only fair. ' Poalur Is quite firm today at the advance footed exclnalreiy by xne joaraai yasicraay, ..Receipts fair with demand folly eqnaL Creamerr batter la stiffer with hearier eat' aide demand. Local trad aot - yt 'Improved nd prlrea a loas tba street -are fraruoaaUy "Bnrnantd. Btoie bnHae -aa raqiiat at -prlntail - f ltTiree. ItrawVarry SuppUa Ar Sheet. i - - Thar was a anortase In eupplle of etrew- Trrl alone th atreet today on Scrvmnr vf tha coattnoed nfavorable weather. Thar U ptlll an abaenc of flratlaaa quality. ' nmd waa aot anxious thm BMrntnc o acennBt of aa advance of 8S crate la price of brat trait " Berlaw f Casters Sop aUrkat. Th lateat ham of th Mew York Producers' Prlr Correct (Ives 4 he following review ea ope: -. "Tha hop market continue t show. lark of Internet from any claaa of buyer, and In fact tha asms atay. b said reaardlaa; np-stat narfcets sad alas oa tha Pacific euaat. Bat aa far as 1900 hope are coneeraed there ar a few left that even If there were any dtapoiltlon to trade It would be difficult to locate supplies. Pram all growing sect lone In this state and la th throe Pacific eeaat atatea we ar advised the vines ar doing ep lend Idly, and If conda ttons continue to keep ap as favorable aa they -bee iMB doing we should barveet a bumper grop, with Brtr ruling aceordtngly. Lateat " mall advloa from England and tb eoetloent . report th saat favorable condlttona aa hare. Th giwuumeut reporta tea paid a d.ataV H barrela of beer during April. lWOtt, as agahwt I. Ml .907 for earn month last year, an Increase hf 4.St barrels this year svar last. land, choice, per lb 11 til - fltara! ItXH. per lK.r. - Peclfle coast. 1IMW, eholc. per Ih....JS aid L I'oelf Ic oout. i. goo t prima.. ..iiyjiaiavi PsHfle aoast. 19U9. oomaraa to fair, - per S Olo Tb trad pays th following price to front treat. Prlcee paid, producer ar lee tegular CommaisioB: Oratn, flea aad Toad. - WHCAT Crab. ROTSc; red Basslaa. TOei olaeatem. TtStTtwr; valley. T0tTlc. BARLXT Feed. a.0O rolled. 2S.00OM-00 trewlna. 00. . CORN-Whom.. 131401 tracked. 8.b par R TV 1.08 per wt, OATB Preducere' prieJ. J whHa f 30.00 ew oo: gray. 2 00t2B.0O. $ ' PXOCK New eeatern Oreeoa pa tent a, M 00 straights. ,H,flW eiport. Hid; valley-. K graham, V.. S.(I0; wooTTWhaaTr 13.T5: rr, Rni. tS.OOj balea. OiTS. MILUTrrrBW Bran. IIT.BO per font mid dling. I2R.O0: shorts, country, U0.00i tit, ' lin (l: chop. (1A 00W1I.B0. . HAT Producers' price Timothy. Wlllamett valley, fancy, I0.00a)l(00i ordinary, $70i 00; eaater Oregon, 14 OftQIa.OOs mixed, taOOfrB OO; clover. 15.0069.00; grata. .a0a 00;. cheat, ts.00. . ' Butter. Kgg aad Poultry. BnTTR PAT . Ob-.k. Pertlaad w t - cream. SOet eour, le. ' - 1 HUTTKB City cieamery. JIHr; eotaid fancy, tOr: ordinary, lTHc! erore. lav,c. ItdflS No. I freah Oreaoa. caadled. S0c. CHEESB New Full cream.-flats, HVkfllV; . Young America, uejiaet Callforala flats, UHc. . .'., POTJI.TKY Mired chicken. - l per Thi fancy hen. ISflltSe per lb; noater. old. lnc W lb; stasa. lie pat lbs fryers. lorlT; broil. era. le'"e par lb; .old ducka. 164110 per lb; -sermg ducks. Ie per lb; reeee. ai?c -per lb; turkeys, l "per ; dream d. J0 per lh; sqaaba, tXBOOS.00-par deat-l plcaaae, .00 par doe. - . ' . 0 ... Hops. Wool and Hides. HOP-atxacir-llno' mo, llHJIUd fr h; 100 Ore.., liVstJlae. .' WOOL KX clip Valley, coarae to aaedSaaa, aac; one. tSr; eastern Oregoa. BOaia. . MOHAIR New. BOc. HPfK,pi rniearhaa. lBOSOe each; ahnrt weal. KOeOr; median, waot. 04Tn each; " long wool; TSeJ$1.00 each, - , TALLOW Prima, pet Us IH4e Urn. S aad TmrTl?i11.AR:--iiH par tb. HIDB8-Dry. Ko. . I. W lh i sad 1dM ITU pee th; dry kip. No. L h U tha. li rr calf. Mo. L miar- lba. U: salted hid-. teera, sonnd, 00 las sad ever. iOJ 1 Icj aewa, wfSc: stags sad bulla, aoano, STc; kip. ta to lb. Oc; calf, aouod. under lo lha, lie; area, anaalted. 1 leae: calla. la per lb ha; ' Coraehldea. salted, eeeh. t 241.T5; dry. eaeh, ' l Ooat.sOt colt hldea, ISt.V)ct goat skins, rnmrnoa. each, 10Jlac Aagura. ach. hoc 11.00. . T rrarta aad Yagatakla. l" POTAtOY-S Beek. eaeted. To per sack: pra ...MP. eric trw ea lot frOc aa rartt ardlaary. pfivi.V; preducsrs' pries, H new petatos. 'NOtfS JohMsf price vreti peeducera- price. No. I, fl Bi OB, It L 9: No a. iiom a.... it( ner lb Callforaia, 11 00i.23; PBESl f BC1T8 Apnl-. nS0S 00: aeeeges. fancy bsvsL M.TS4J4M; seerirlng. 3 7d: Medlterraneaa. 1 ln:l 26; saaaaaa, te Ih) lemon, choice, 4.0'4. per box; fancy. nSBft-iflO per bev; limes, Meilcan. 878 per 1f; tanterlnes. I plne.nnlsa. Meilcan. S.7Si llawsllaa. I strswherrlos, L2'41.75 pat eraUj geaeebarrlea, 4.6 pal lhi ahsrrlss. l.SS; phrms. 3.0 per orate; aprleets, . XM; pescnes, si.ou; aoganoerrtaa. i.ou. . VEuirini.r.4 Tnniia aaw. 11.50 na aack: earrota, 11.60 per each; beeta. fl.CO per each; paraalpa, tl.BO per sack: Ore gon radishes, SOe per doa; cahbage, California, i.Hmi.uu per cart; uragon. axuu; oou pej mttaoe lb; hfeiicea romatnee, z.T6 Plnrhla. S..50: naranlna. SOeiaXlt string I 104)12c; cauliflower. $1 doa: peas. BQBHe ibi Boraeraillah, OtfTo lb; rtlcbokee. Toe per oe; hotbauaa letruee, f l.tK per box! cranbemea. leraeva. 114 no nee hoi: CVwa bay and' Til la- moo h, 410.00;. aaparagua, Oregon, 004TB per doa bunches) Walla Walla. (1.80 par box; equaah, lle; spinach. Toe per box; BTea anions, Oreaon. 12tte per dos soncheai eucunt- ncre. ont7DC per uos; 'ueiary, . sua per m; green corn, hoc do. DR1RD PBUrrs Apples, evaporated. ISO !Se per lb; aprlcota. 13aiB per lh; peaehee, llOISMe per lb; aacka He per lb less: priiuaa, 0 .to 40. TUc; HC drop on aach aiitaeath mailer alae: figs. California black, 4(Te In; Oallfnrula white. Oa per lh; dates, golden, per lb; tarda, fl.85 per 15-Ib box. - OioarvJfuta.Yto. B 10 A B Back baaia Cub. tS.30: IB. 15; fruit arsnulated. 15. IB; dry rrsaulated, tft.On; conf. A. S.OS; beet grsanlated. weetern. RswalUn. (6.0R: extra C, 4.66; golden C. fl.S: D yellow. UK; bbls, loc; U bhls. 25c; botes. 60 sdranca oa aack beala, leas She per ewt for cash, IS days; maple, 1016 par lh. - . A hove price apply let sslas of la than ear lota. Car lot at special pcie subject ts actuations.) HONP.Y 00 par crate. - " - :J rorPER Package brands. 1.9B. " " " ' BALT ' Posrsa... HU svoad. JUOa. .MIO, see ton; 60s 8.50; tahl. dairy, 60s, U.OO; Ions. I10.T6; imported Liverpool. 60s. IllOO: 100s, tie HO: z2ta..l.0O: extra fine. bhle.. . Is. 10s, $4.60gt5.W:Mrk,. 30. lhs... M.005.00i bscks. 60s. 6R Llvernooi lumo rock. tU.&O nae 4ov.hO-lh-iock4JOO; 100s, eT.TS. DRAIN If Aim Calcutta. BHuTlOe. . - BrriB tmperlal Japan. Wo. 1. 0CJ H. t, 8fl514c: New , Orleans band. Te AJax. i CreeJe, Be. I . . -BRANS BmaTl white, $4.nt 1st .. whits. Hon; pink. 3 00; bayou. W OO; Lima. Sd.00; Mexican reda, 4e. NTT Peanuts. Jumbos, e per Ibj TlrgteU. OHMie- P- lot roo.teV-H - - H cocoa nets. AnQOOe per doa: walnata. ISaiSUa Per lb ptnenuta, lOQime per lh; hickory aura, lo per lb; eheernnta, eastern. 1516c per lb; Bras!! ants. )4c per Th; fllborta. HOllo per lh: fancy pecana. l&HQKHc; almonda, UHc . . , . v,-.-,lBts. ' Owl' OOb. . BB,-.t?- ROPft Pur atanlla, Ui auadard. llt ahal. ' lie. - COAL OIL Pearl or Astral Cases, 19At par sal: water whit, iron bhla. 14 nar aal: wooden, ITe par gal; headlight. lTOeg, cans, sjVfce pee aal. -.JiW-...l .....n d.i,- - , - B,i GASOUNK -d(. case 2U per gal. troa bhla. 1c per gal. BKNKINB .Vdeg. ease SB per gal. Iroa bhla IRHc per gal. . TTJBP1NTINB la Me per gal; woedas bhla nv per gaL , WHrrn LKAD Ton lota. T.e per lh; BOO-lb lota, ac per Th: lan lota. SU per lb. WIRB NA1IA Preaaat baaU at ft 58. -I.rNRKKr. OIL Pn-a raw. tn S-bbl lots. Mr: 1-hM lot, Mr; raaes. 68 per gal; genuine kettle, boiled, eases. 00 per gai; 6-hbl iota. 64e: 1-bht lor ooe per gal: sxonna eax. ear lots, ao.ov par too; lens than car lota, MO.OO .par too. -' afaata.- Pish sad Provisions. . , ' f - MaVATS Troat atraot Baaf .steer. 4Qoc per ir: cows,- ste par id: nogs, rsney, su.eBc: ordinary. TUCtacx poor. TtfTU Der lh: bulla. S3Hc per B: re. 1, extra. TQTHe per lh; ordtnary. tMWH' Pr lb; poor. Be ih; mutton. rsncy. K0iH per ii: lamoa, ac. HA ITS. BACON. ETC Pertlaad pack flora II hi ma, 10 to 14 Ibe. IBs per lbr 14 to Id lb. 14Me per lb: break ft bacon. lH20e per lb; picnic. 10c per It: cottage, lni por lb; reanlar abort cleare. unamoked. 10e ner lb: emoked. 11i Per lb: deal backs, unamoked. 1H per in; amoaao. iiy, per in; union eutte. lo to IS lha;, 8c per lb; smoked. B ner lb: dear bellies, anamoked. lie ner lb: smoked, 13e per lb; shoulders. 10VC per lb. LOCAL L.ABU nettle tear, - jiw, jxc per B; 6a, llie per Ih; BO-Ih tins, 11 fee per ,b: steam readered. Xtw. lie per lh; oa, llUe ft lh; compound. loa. ee. 4 CANNED BALhlON Oolan-oia river. 1-tb tafia. l.RO; t-lb talis, ft.To; fancy. 1-lb flats, I SO; U-lb fancy Beta. $1.15; fancy 1-lb vaa), a.TB: Alssxs tans. pins, setzwr; raa, Sl.ou; nominsi ts. tall, 2.00. PISH Rock cod. Te par lb; pounder, 6c per lb! hallbuti 6c ner lb: crab, tl.60 ner do: striped peas, 12 Sc Per lh caroah, Ta per lb; aal moo, Columbia river Chinook, hc per lb. eteelaeafla 1 per id; nerrmg. se per IB; so lea. oa per in; eanmps, toe per in; pare, o lb: black cod. Te par tb: touarad. Te.aer liver amelt, Te par lb; lobatere. 16 Par lb; So -par rueeh aackeeel Be nee lh B.h dos: shad, he ner lb: etarcean. 10c nar Ih. o I H I a. km NBarwxer say, par gal. SZ-XO; per ji'ijj!.,, . l i Ltsu Haruaneti. - per box, z.oo; - resor I ajB,: per Cos.- T K CATHEAI,DSHEEPtOSE 25 CENTS AT YARDS Packers Show Little Inclination to Buy and Markets Are Weak erHogs Holding Their Own. Portland Cnlonv aHsckyarde. Jon 8.Lrr stock receipts: ' Bore. Gatfle. Bhaeo. Todsy ....12 : ai 64 week saw........... S 'ST 170 Month aa... 14 Sid l.On. Xesr ago .1 lot 100 - LIS Parking Inrareats sre abewlsg bnt USW ts- poaltkm ta do any axteaslv burins at thl time aad th local market la dell. Hog ar ateadr t strons, but ncbsnged ha Brtca. Cat Us are duller with a lose f S3 In th prlc. Bheep ar weaker with lb same dUa today. Today IT harm a came ta. , Official .livestock uotatlons: - Hoes -Beet " eatr - Oreeoav 8T.00elT.SS: blockers and China fats. 84.60: atockers and leenera, ejej4u. Cattle Beat eastern Or. eon etaera. SS TRdl 4.00; best enw snd heifers, 8.18: atockers and feeders. tTOO: hnlle, I1.M, beep Bhearunca, lalhc lamha. 44. EASTERN CATTLE STRONG. OMTO . . " . An atOBthty. ,'. Chlcage, Jun 8 Lrreatork receipts: Hoc. Catrlev Bhaap. Chlcato .......,..,..,"0 S.oM ixW) Kanaaa City.. ....... .00 l.JV") ' S.OilO Omaha 10.000 - l.OUO Hog opened steady "and asebaaared with t.Oiai lift over. Receipt a year ago war 10.000. Today' prlcee: Mixed. 4.&A8.60; rood. 8.4iiJ; raugh. 84 104 36; Tight, 0.218. 40. Cattle strong. SAeep Btdy..;s . ... SHANIKO WOOL SELLS AT HIGHEST PRICE --(Special Phrpstck t Th JeumaJL) " -Saaaiko, Or., June 8. Prices tbtehmd st the second went ssle yesterday were th highest ef the. preeent season, vslav raaaisg between lOe and S3 per pound. In all a aunt Sutf.uuo sounds were sold during th day. The kad tldual purcbaaea: HolloweL Jooe ft Daanell. tTSOOt Bosnd: Whitman, Paraawortb ft Thayer, lk0.000 pnuada; Praacle Wiley ft C.. 100,000 pouuda; Luce ft Manning, ft) OUO pound; A. Livingston, 6O.000 pouartai J. M. BnaaelL 80.0WO Buaads: peway. Gould ft Co., Beanda: Botaay W or. ted Ml Ha, S.0no Boujtdu Baea tjthaisna ft (an KAOlM pooaua. Wheat la Strort4 on Damage Reporta .; With Largest Gain in th December -Corn Market Riaca Alone With 'Other Grains. . "'';. BELATITB WHEAT YALTJBS. ' Closs ' Close Ploee Oaln , Jon B. Jun T. 190S. wo. 4une a. .hi 3 .001 JU - X July.. ....... ,f 4B Jt3a.Af.JW oeptamoer.,.. .BSIa , ."i1 Lvaataber..... .M& , Mi Chicago, Jun 8. Th eats market was th caster of attraction la th grsla pita toosy,. It looke as if som ea was trying to comet th msrket tha way price jumped during th nay, xn principal activity was is tn wair. which onened ahamlr hi. her at MUe and eloaad at C7. a net advanc for the day of ie. MDtemtMt ana uaeemnar opuona aaea had a rl of xue wneat maraet waa urn on guoa onyius; sua reports f aamag to tn crop, nsxc se' option trar flrmt, witn December nearly le up at the closing. July and Beptcm- per eacB nao a I gain of 4o st th (losing. Corn waa quit setlv with a goad gala all throuch th Bat. Official qnotatlona by Over beck, Btarr ft company: WHBAT. Open. Blgh. Low. CI". July. ... ju $ juu $ ju. a .mhs .... - . .08J .r - Jil .83 -BJ J B4ta, 821. i.tlfc 8ept. ve. CORN. Jury... jnu. "r.M . .80 JH ' apt.... .tn ..61Z . .vuZ JHU aeSerw--,.et "'" ' 1 i60i ,0tfa OATS. Xuly... Dec...i; Jnry... Sept.... .M "v .88 it" r-8H'Tgi .'- .87 MB88 P0BK. Id.TT 1.4T . . 18.8T .. 18. TB ' 10.60 ia.87 LARD. ' ; " -W - B.TT a.5 "im' 8.8T na 8H0BT BIBS, .j B.4T .... 40 ' 8.1 B.3S - 0.16 .08 Id.M 14.47B 8 " '" 8.05 " - 7S . 46 8A" , B.16A B PS 05 8.8T Bept.... . Ott-.u July.. Bept.. Oct.. 48 S.XS B.18 ,' ' "irrafoot eaanr xaixxt. " LfvarpooL Jun BOfflrtsl pricee: . ,... . . WHBAT. Open Close riaas OaB December July Dembr , 8s fli 6s 7d 0s Vid fid I OOBN. 7 4 TVd e 1t . 4 8fid 4 8Wd 4s Td 4 (d CHXCAS0 BBAJM CAB LOTS. . Chicago, Jun a.-Orain car lota: - Cere, firade. Bat. 1808. 1 Wheat' - T toom ;T..... 8a JBi so - "" 808 Oat ....... ......... led 47 141 saii jTiAjrcTsco mmre stocxb, Baa Yraaclaeo, June . Official eloee: Bid. Bid. Belmont .......83.60 Cash Boy 18 Golden Anchor. .67 Home 28 Urn Butler 1.23U Ophlr L66- Mexican ....... raledeola ..... Exchequer ..... Noreroaa ,,... Gold Crown Oreef Bead ... Rescue Black Butte Ex. . . . .2A. .44 .18 .OS .an Mrnamars ..... .TB Midway S.10 " Montana ....... 8.2H North Btar M Ohio .27 Tramp Ton. Ex. fA) Golden BelmonU ' .4S Montgomary hit. .40 ' Boneet ......... .SO Sceptre .81 Manhattan .... .10 Sailor-Hump ., ,20A Dexter ......... ... .08 t Granny ........ .30 Gold Wedge .... .ISA Lone Btar ...... .00 Gt. Bend. Bx... .OS Ot. Bend AbbsxV-.IOA Creecaat ....... .16 Cowboy 10 TVnver .- .IT Bull Bear.. .04 NTT. Cob S Manhattan, Co. .78 Llttl Jo.,. 05 May Plower ... ,so Jumping Jack... .34 Red Top ...... .OS rtevaas rrm....inw West Cnd ..... 3.90' Adams .07 Atlanta IT Bluebell ....... .14 Booth i k.- .84 .17 .18 .17 JU1 Columbia hit... Con. unsrry . . . Plaraendlleld .. Dlxis OoMnsia ......t- .40 Jumbo Jnmh Bx... .19 Kendall ... Laguna . . . . May Queen .OT J7 .1 MohawK L6SH Bed Too ...... 1.524 Santta torts T4 Bllver Pick..... .28 Bt. Ives S.elew.e JUI Mnallx X0A Coo. Cal-Vs... l.hS 1 BAB rBABCUCO LOCAL BTOCIB. on VLoctr stocks Bid. Ask. Costa Wstsr, 61 61 W allsy Water,..., isa 18 I Else trie Uti. .. Contra Costa Water. Sorlns Mutaal Giant Con P2 H. wallas Commercial............, T08 Honokea Sugar 10V Hntchlnaoa Sugar.................. 12, SO 11 Makawall Sugar,., Onomes Sugar Paanhaa Sugar.,., L'nlon angar Alaeka Packers' Pacific States Tslepbsns 6SH 108 Tnrm btatss MTZBsriczn bob-dc Krw Terk, Jane 8. Owerwmeut bonds i . Date. Bid. Aak. Twos, rerlatered ln lod oo coupon loi loot, Three, registered.......... lRtm ion, do coupon...... ....... I lnT, Twos, email boadk .... 1H Penrs, registered........... 10T 1o2-Z do eoupo..... 1T lon roors, regletared........... 129 1I4 do coupon... 12S 12BW Pterrlct af Celnmbla, 8-88.. .... 11T PhUlppla 4 lw 103 H 104U 10SU 108 ioi"! KH ISO ' '180 Taraisja Osffe sfarkata. Havre. Jun 8. Coffe advanced H: Has, burg advanced Hr SJo receipts, aoOO bars, price SB up: Baste receipts. 14,000 bags, market steady, prtae nehaagsd. , OKlJUnKsUUrX BTATMrXBT. Clewrmc Balsnc f804.eOT.8i 70.P17.Z1 Wew JTark:tadoa SClvar. "Titew Terk, TnmmK Bfs11aT 885 IMNL Os. . , . . WIRTANEIOVltLJE SENTENCED TOMORROW Juffcw Fraxer will pronounce Mntono tomorrow morning on Ooat WlrtAnon, who waa found aulltr of mauialaughtet for klllina; Matt Watilo aftr a drank brawl at th Tunnla hotel at S84 North Seventeenth otroot an April SI. Tho penalty for msnslaurhtsr la impHson ment la tho penitontlAry from on to II rs and a fin aot to exceed 11,800. WOMAN AIDED ESCAPE 'T OF WOULD-BE ASSASSfN '' Journat BaeHal Bsrvjcw.) ' t ' Madrid, Jun Ic-A KapubUoAa load ra wlfo has been Arruatod aa an ao eoaiplieo of Moral aa, the would-be as saaana of Kins Alfonso. Sh eonfaaaed to buying; tho. woTklnTnAB"f e.loth8. In which Mcn-aisA AAff-uacaped .froaa tho : S8H 88 ST . 80 17U ru, n . . .. . t hO ' Money Rates ' Rula Around Three Per Cent Talk of a Dividend on i Locomotive Common r Coppers Very Weak With Losses. 1 PET T-oesKS. Anaconda S Northera Pacific. .. li Amsigamaisd .... I 1 Brooklyn Baltlmor ........ Mexlcaa Central... Katy Norfolk ........... H People's Oaa. ...... 114 i vmr.oo ruat.,.., 1 St. Paul...., Chesapeake ' Canadian 1 I Heading . - Hon I ner a Hallway,. Southern Pacific. .. Tennessee Coal..... Texas A Pacific.., Union Paeiflo V. . Btael do preferred uenrar ... Locomotive Erie ..., U Illinois Central.... H, Leulsvlll MIT OAIWB Alchlaoa K6CKsTha7BfuTr v. m . w ltottos Oil. Colo. A Southern... UlWoolen ... 14 are.'.," 5? Metropolitan 1 Oreat Western Ont. A Wsstsra.. Mlaaoorl Pacific... S Bock Island....... 4! Pressed Steel...... Wall Street, New Terk. June 8. The stock awrkst had sa entire change ef ton during today's session. The opening wss strong snd the general list advanced shout m pouts. This. waa Ooe. tinned antll the middle of the day, whan the list Sold off. closing general 1 with net loss- z Official -amitaqona- u Otsibtky Stars A uooae company: .DSSCBIPtiqNjT Anaconda Wlclng Co... Amal. Copper Ce. ...... accnison. o. Am preferred. . ....... . Car A round, com. do prei loa 108 Am. Sugar, eom loi aa. avmaiK, eom,..... uo prsisrrso Baltimore A Ohio, earn do nrsf erred 11U 108 Brooklyn Bapld Transit. uanaman raeirte. mb Ohl. A Or W.. com,., ChL, Mil. A Bt. Paul. Chi. A N. W com... Chi. Terminal Bellamy Chesapeake A Ohio... Colo. Puel A Iron. com.. do 8d preferred. . , do let preferred...... Delaware A Hudson..-.. Dela.. Lack. A Wert... Denver A B. Q., eom... do Dref erred Brie, coca , ao ad preferred..;.., do let preferred Illinois Central. .....n. Louisville A KaahvlU. Metropoiltaa St. By.. T0 18414 14T ret, 183. 1MI1I14K 111 Manhattan Railway., . Mexican Central By.... lBSJlf3.Jll 119 III Z3 Hiasouri rscilic. ...... M..JC A T., ta J1 New York Central..... Am. Cottoa Oil.. Am. Loco mot rr. rederal 'Smelts Norfolk A Wee tare, earn 88 88. at prersrrea. ........ North American....... N. Y Out. A West... Pennsylvania Br. P. O.. U A C. Co Pressed Steel Car, eom do nreferred . Pacific Mall Steam. Co., Beading, com.......,,. 146. 1414 do Sd preferred, ...... do 1st preferred...... Is. Iron A StssL com. do nxeferred .- Bock Island, com...... do Braferrsd Sou there Ky., asm...... do preferred Southern r"sclno. ....... do nrefsrred. II. L k A P.. Sd pfd. do let nreferred 8L I AS., W cam... do nreferred. ......... Texas A Pacta 844 S4M Tenn. Ceal A Iron.... X., St. . A W com. do preferred.... ..... IMm 136 union .ractne. com... do preferred 188H 183 18114 Central Leather, eom.. H 'isii ; 'isii do preferred-. . ..... 'eiiitW'BT u. a. uusoer, eom..... do aref erred . .... .... V. S. Steel Co.. earn. d Sd nreferred...... an flo lat breferred. . . . . . 81falf 41 Wlseanatn Central, easa. SB SO 2& oe pruxerrvq. ........ . 'p2 western Lnlon Teas.... Wsheah, cam.... d preferred. . . am. n ooteue . ......... Kortbera Pad Sc. 21S Central Leather, ex-dividend o( 14 per ceat. Total ealee for the day, (WS.OOO share. Call misty closed at 848 par ceat. ' FAVORS EXTENSION. . : : ; ' OF PORTAGE ROAD - (Bpsrial Dlspatcb to Th loaraaLt Salom, Or., Juno -The Mar report for tho Dalle portage railway waa filed yesterday with tho board , of portage eomralaalonora. It appears that . th eamlncs of tho road for tho month were 148.18, while tha ozpenao of opera., tlon amounted to 1841.19. Among other things tho report any a: ' Tho aurvey of tho extenalon ef tho portage road Into Tho Dalles, which waa recently completed, le estimated to coat to build 1 an - Independent lino aome 188.000, while to build and connect with tho Great Southern road would coat not to exceed 181.800. Thia probably la th moat feasible plan and should be given particular attention, aa without tho lln Into Tho Dalles wo aro badly handi capped, aa at preawnt. Tho feoat being nnshle. tit reach tha porta business la at a atandatlU." IEAJ.OICT0 IN HAROKONER RACE CJooraal Special Servlcs l Vienna. Jun 8. Drahoea,-' drirlng a -horsepower Mercedea, arrlrad first In tha Harokoner automobilo rare from Frankfort, Frlnow Henry arrived at 11:88. an hour later. Fierce, tho Ameri can, onlehed at 11:18. One hundred and fifteen of th 188 atarter finished. One driver killed a peasant in tho run. MRS. CHADWICK FAILS TO TELL OF EARLY LIFE (Journal Special aervlce.) ' f Cotumbua, (J Jun . Mre. Caaal L. Chadwlok'e depoeltlon In th aultd pending againat Bankera Irtand and Hoatott of Pittsburg have now proved sensatlonsl. Nothing In tho early Ufa of tho fair money manipulator baa been roToaled, . . . ..., , Burglars, pickpocket and anaak thieve atlll continue to operate throughout tho city, and numerous re port . of thefts have been received by tho police. Mra. O. Plummer of , ttSVs Stark street reporta tho larceny of a atoamer trunk marked "a P." from tho hallway of her horn yesterday afternoon. Ray Bailor, residing 'at the Union hotel, has notified the polloe 'that hla room waa entered and a revolver and aeverml suit of clothe taken.' ' 3. Kllgoro. residing on Wilson atreet near Nineteenth, became alarmed at tho nearness of th firs laat night to his dwelling and moved everything from tho building Into tho streets He hand, od a aack containing 14 high-bred black chickena to an unknown boy and haa Bejxjet?uJBrthsJoultrjr nor tho lad since. Tho police are asked" To aialst him. A . Mra. Devant of 1147 Eaat Tenth atreet, north, has reported that a bur glar attempted to effect an entrance to her homo early thia morning, -"'but aha ; frightened him away by calling aome of tho "men folks." . -- Joo kockfelt's saloon at rirat and Main atreota waa entered by burglar early thia morning and tho till tapped X0r..lJL.-Jhft jCrflokt BIQ .broke Into saloon at Front and Jefferson streets and aecured 88 from the cash register "uVW"UBftaJpSuVSf which may lead to . the capture of th John Toungqulat, a gueat at tha New' Western lodglng-houae. Indulged tn an after-dinner aleata In Erlckaon'a concert hall laat night and upon awakening dis covered that' his watch had been pur loined. He haa complained to . the po lice of hla loss. Frank Dubuy, resid ing at the sam hotel, mourna the loa Of til extracted from hla pocket. X Welch of 8t Eaat Twelfth street reports tho theft of hla horae and buggy from In front of - hla reaidenca yesterday morning-. A. boy la auapected of having committed th crime and tho police ar aearchtng for him. ' IWOMENSHES (Continued from 'Page One:) . main In their poaltlona, but will be aa alsted by women. Tho women who havtf been selected to aerva ar as follows: Miss Clara I Webb will bo tba head uaher for th main floor of tho main auditorium. Associated with bar on. that floor aa member of tho reception com mittee and ushers will be: Mra. B. TV. Wlngate, Mra Robert Berger. Mra A. J. McDantelr Mmr J.-W- Winer Mra-Orant Phegley,' Mra. O. P. M. Jamleeon, Mlaaea Fern Bristol, Emma Love, Helen Bueh-nell,- MarguerHo-Quarnberg.-Elda.Moe Daniel, Pearl Tooley and MM MaachOr. Thcw jB-ho will Serve. Tho gallery of tho main auditorium will bo under tha: aupervlalon of Mlsa Grace Balrd, who will be assisted by Fred Johnston. The following women will bo association with Miaa Balrd: Mra. F. W. Osborne, Mra. C K. Wight man. Mra. Fred Johnston. Mra- S. Mo- Quire, Mrs. J. W. Gorman, Mra. Eleanor Olmated, Mlaaea Alice Johnaon, Home Nelaon, Loot Flnnell. Nellie Furnlah. tavern Boosar and Edna Lewis. The main floor of tho Sunday school hall will bo under (ho aupervlalon of Mra Elnathan Sweet, tho Wife of the I assistant pastor. She will bo aaaiated by-Fred UtUehalea and with her will also be Mrs. T. W. Altman. Mlaaea Bertha Quarnberg,' " Jeaalo Henderson. jHattl C. Floyd, Jeaalo Gray. Roxanna White. Etrrel Kay and Sarah Jonea. Tha arallerrv of tha Hnnrlav achncvt hall will b fn, charge of Mra. Frank Beardle. wtro-Will be aaaiated by Mra C. E. ' Groves, : Mrs. Lucy Foulkea, UI.U. Wmw.m. U.... . t. - - I Joaephlno Beach, Helen Whit and LH Illan Du n flT n : COLONIZING PROVED (Continued from Pago One.) It made mo mad and I have reported tho matter to th 001100." SraAsaM Stm oa Sglswsr. Tho names which remain on tho regis ter are W. 8. Collins. W. J. HadaalL M. LavSmlth. W. J Barley. Harrr Meaaina. r v Bmitn, a, r. a.r,,! Ogoaf Spea. On election day 178 of tha 48 votee eaat In . tho Bellwood precinct were sworn In and th votes cast saceeded tho registration by IS. Opposition to prohibition at Sellwood reran . chiefly from tb Mount Hood brewery and from tho Oregon Water Power company, which owna tho Oaka. If the district went dry no liquor oou id be Sold at the Oaka ' Rumor chargea th colonisation of voter to tho Oregon Watar Powr company, but W. H. Hurl burt, tho president of th company, de nies emphatically such Is th case. In an Interview this afternoon ho said: - ) "We did not wlah to aeo tha dlatrlot go dry, but thara waa no colonising of volar ny any on connected witn or in th employ of our company. No mony was paid by tho company or by any ef Its agnts to th Sellwood hotel for th board or lodging of colonised voters." An evidence ox ine aentiment arouaeoj by tho diaputa over th aheriffa offlco was fttrnlnhed thl- morning 1 wha a rmmltteoof strwetcar man eallad on Tom Word. - told him that th ' carmen were with him and offered to contribute 18 each or more toward th xpn of tho recount. 8hr!ff Word declined th offar, but thanked th carmen heartily for th offer. "This la th people's right, ha added. "It la duo to them that th votes bo re counted. I simply eeek to learn who ta rightfully entitled to hold .tb offlc."' WASHINGTON GRANGE- SUPPORTS ROOSEVELT ' rjourI Special Service.) Waahlngton, June 8. The Washing ton State Grange, la aelon at Spokane, has telegraphad to President Roosevelt that It repudiates the reported attempt of th attorney for certain corporat Interests to speak for th larmere of th country oppnglng tho prv-lrlenfs efforts te remedy prevaUlng packing house sondltlona, . ' Rev. Jolm C Abelsv : ( tiona between th pastors snd to pro mot the general interest of th churoh. Mtins -wlU-b held -th first Monday In each month, at which papers on llv topics will bo dlscuaaed. Tho offlcera elected for th ensuing six months ar as "follow: President. Rev. , John c Abcla of tha Presbyterian church. Kelso: vice-president. Rev. N. M. Tern pie of tho Methodist church, Kalama; aecretary and treasurer. Rev. Ford Jack' son of tha Christian churches of Kelso and Castle Rock. Tho next meeting will be held In Caatloock. - Rev:-Mr. Wolf drTKlsarand- Rorn-MeCwrjefcy-f,. Kalama will present papera. EAGLE INSURANCE CO. REPUDIATES" POLICIES (Journal Special Service. I . : ' h -.. Ban Francinco. June 8. Tho local agent of the -Eagle Insur- . : anc comninr Issued a atata- . rosnt today, to the effect that he haa been notified by tho New , York office that the company haa -canceled all existing pollclea in San Francisco. Th company' a. llabllltaea In San Francisco aro 1178.144. Ita capital $860,000 and It surplus 1178,071. - This Is th t aomDaor -to repudiate a a result of tba recent disaster alnco the: Traders' failed. It 1 -. . feared other eompanlea will fol- W. ... . PIONEER WOMAN OF OREGON IS BURIED fSpeclsl Olsijsli h as 'lbs 8ojrnl. Y' Independence, Or., Jun I. Mra Sa rah Webb-Butler. 1 pioneer of Oregon, died at her bom ip- Independenc. Wd. nesday morning, aged St years. Mlaa Sarah A. Webb waa born In Scott county, Illinois, near Mancheater, August VII0 lMl!8lBha went to Warrsn county with hr mother, Mra Lauratta Webb, afterward Mra David Johnston, where they joined tho . emi grant train of which bar futur bus band, Isaac M. Butler, waa a member, and .came to Oregon. They settled near Buena Vlata, Polk county. She was married to Iaaao Butler In 1880.- Mr. and Mra Butler spent most of their married' life In Polk county. 8b leaves a husband and daughter. Funeral services were held yester day afternoon at tha Christian church. Rev. E. C, Wigmore of Eugene officiat ing. Tho remalna were laid to rest In th 1 C a r. cemetery. ; - DRAG GRAY'S HARBOR FOR DROWNED SURVEYOR "rseeetsl TCspetek to Th lurBl.V - Aberdeen. Wash., Jun 8. Af Mr working--unta 1 o'clock laa night a party of mn who war dragging tho bay to find th body of C W. F. Schelva, th surveyor who waa drowned at noon yea tarday, war obliged to cease their ef forts on account of darknaea and th rising tide. , His oilskin coat and cap war found. Renewed effort la being made this morning. Schelva has been In tho government employ for many years and has worked with E. I Car naater. th government engineer ata- tloned hero, for aome years. Ha waa 14 years old ana unmarnco. L It is orotner waa drowned at Bnoliuin off th boom a tick Into tho water whea going to the dock from a boat. TWO COUPLES ASK DIVORCE IN LINN --- (Special Piapatc tg The Icirnatli Albany, Or, Jun I. Two suits for divorce were filed In the offlco of th county clerk laat evening, j Anna Lies against Joseph Uea. Sh alleges crul and Inhuman treatment, non-support and desertion. Thsy wer married in Benlcia California. Febru ary 17. 1J8. Koastta Bock againat William Bock. Sh allsge that they war married tn Laurie. Oklahoma, September 8, ll; that dafandant lnducd her to algn cer taJtt papers of a fraudulent character, la conquenc of which ah was placad la Jail and much humiliated. Ua de serted bsr at th tim of hr arrvst and haa alnco lived apart from her. Sh aaks for tho restoration of hot maiden name, Roaetta Nwtoav-; - - . .t SWINDLER JUST OUT ' OF JAIL REPEATS CRIME ' . . ' (Special Dispatch to Tha Jour sal) T acorn a, Waeh.. Juno I. Frank Brady, one of tha amootheat swindlers that has aver vlelted T acorns, yesterday regained hla liberty after two month In Jail for cashing a bogua ebaek. H r walked down the street, went Into a skloon. wrot out and cashed a bogus check for 8. He spent eeveral hours buying an outfit, returned to the police atatron for property ha bad left there, and then left the city. A few minutea after ho left tho sta tion the aaloonman with whom he had raar.ct te check med his appearance , ' it rr,,," to arrest lra-v. n , : v i.:s tcpa of f i I )4th sail Tk. H.IIIX Tt...e 'Hsshlngtoa HiC IIUIIC IHCaUt Hal 1. , 'f. ..' Scats Now Selling 'J':- ' At th texwfoos f ta Bslllg. . Kendall Musical Company 'la the hfualral-CbBeOy Sueesss. ' ' "The Rounders" all sxxt w-zxjc, BxonnrrBS StraDAT SI0BT. Popular Prices , Si Bessrv your reguisr sests sack Wees. ' ' Inqnlr at Bosofnee. - TH til? II IO THEATU I4th sad ' ' OeWlLef lVjJ rwaa TONIOBT AND TOM0BBOW BI0HT. BpwHal-Price Matinee Sarurdav. B.0TAX llA WAIIAB BAUD OP XOVOLvTV . 00 airSK'IANS 0 . ' GBAND CONCBBT. Mllttsr Band, StringaS Orcbeatra. Bfaaaotls. Oullar, BanV Clubs, Choir an Sola Singers. Kvsalng price, 2S, soe. The, 81; Bullae prices, JsVe, tee, 78c , ... UYRIQJCJtlEATRB I very - Aftsrses Ivearag . Tertlaad's -reawa ate Th ateleAraaiatl "a'convict m?tfir I THBZK ACTB. .FOLLOW TUB CROWD CONTIBCO0S v k arc k a wm Admlaalea 10e; Bassrvsd Saata SSe. Athletic Park v' - - OofBor Taagha aad Twwaty -fourth JUNE 7. 8, 9 Ok 10 : - Portland vs Los-AngdesJ Osmt Called IsM a, sv Daily. ,: r lams oant bibo. p..m,BusaTS, Kadi Say Friday. , ADMISSION 25 CENTS GRAND STAND. 2Sc' CHILDREN. 10c . BOX SUATS. 18. TS. GREAT SAN FRANCISCO ' - DISASTER. " omo, oTLAau si sura ' 120.000 reproduction of th Baa -Francisco dlsastsr. Before, during aad after th artho.uaka and Are. "'; -A Pyroscenlcal Mechanical .. . pemon$tTatioia ; Requiring four acre of spac for Its r. r, :.. v'-. presentation. - . ., - . REAL CITY, REAL EARTH QUAKE, .REAL FIRE At th Lwls and Clark fair grounds, Ave day, commencing Wsdnssday, Jun 11. QIwj1ND Week of Juno 4th Bit Orpheum ; Vaudeville ' BAIDA CO. SSOBOZ . TEOafAaT. ZLL8W0BTS ASS BBBI. , BBOAOWAT TSI0. habols Hoyy. , . SaUXSISCOrS. ABMSTBOHO ABO HOUI 'TheExpressma&M STAR THEATRE CoaBaasneiag Moadsy.' Jus 4 Tlfth W STAB BTOCX TOlAirT "A Pleasant Day" Btretnj -TaneVrlU OB PANT AO C& '.Sm balfk crntaTnroa a oo. rnrra cixxb bated do abd kobxit C1BCT7B. afeClawd aad htelvlll. yietaha aad Beaaa. .' ' hi las AUa Hahaan. ...... , Jsna Wilson, hfevia IHstara. Pertormaace aally at t JO, 8:80 an a. a. Admiaaioa 10 aad SOe; heass. She. Lsdles snd children admit te t ay seat at week day istlnse tor 10. ' - - -- I , 1 . TOO JOllOiriOSThT AS DEMOCRATIC LEADER Mayor of Cleveland Declines to Be Considered as Candidate 4 for Presidency. -. ; - - (Journal Special Savvies.) " : Cleveland. O,' June 8. Mayor Tom l Johnaon will not be a candidate for th Democratic nomination for president la 1808. During a discussion of th Demo cratic presidential situation It waa sug gested that th mayors nam might b presented to tb convention. "Nonsense." was . ht a newer. Tv got a Job that aults ma her. Tow can ay for- m that I am going to rua for mayor of Cleveland again. ''For tho presidential nomination my energies will he directed toward aaalet ing Mr. Bryan." r- TWO-DAY CELEBRATION BY SILVERTON PEOPLE '(Special Wassteh U The Ssuawstl Bllvsrton, Or., Jun . Sllv.rton wi'l hold a two-dya earnrval this year, Julr I and 4. Th Sllvrton Crescent bnn.l la bach of th momoL r1apal lae'raa. 4Ssrla4 THsatch e Th t" ' lllvrton.. Or . Jun 8 B. Wshburav who Is 1 th hifh achool It i past two yeors. 1 tlon ar..t V 1 ' B.ii-e.a - ' BASEBALL