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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 8, 1906)
JTHE ,OREGON-PAILY JOURNAL, PORTTAND. FRIDAY EVENING. JUNE i, 19&6. 13 3 FOR SALEREAL ESTATE. LOVELY HOAIB Burnt an M date, wits full .. baeament, lug kalb (beat tub), lied for luruw. In rooaia S). large closets, nice - little bara. (rival drlre. boli nn in ahaneaaee. shade' trees, braetltul law a, lot ' Onloo, la HwlUdar; pile $3,700; terms S Pr ojnt J. S. Uoaour, A10Alk7 VMU Mala Slid. . - , riMH BIOHTLT HOME 1 2.2r0 S-room eoitsg la to eonoitVio, I - on oxloo lot; lgant rlaw of city and "aat wium, anuria tt. aouin. . UAJEMANN A BLANCH ABD. . 1 Flfta at. 1,000 300 FBBT square, iBcloaod. S-roont Boaoe, chk-keo-nouee, eatDulldlege. (nilt trees, garden, on eerllne; sear terms, alt. . Seott Reel Batata Co.. Loots, Oregon. Pboae Scott KU. , ' S ACRE, stahlr rmnmred: s-roore bona, bam. ' , celcaea-Bouse, all klnda of fxult;, close to , . car; a aoaia ana Income. , -room houses, marl payments down. Balance monthlr;' locations all part of eltj. . S noes with lota, naar PanlnaaUr eta- tlon: wall Improved; will all separately ac fcjther er will exehsngs or emesr-ln. -laroma Inreetmrata, Wa bar than elaa la ana deeirenit at to tm.ouo. , ' BEST VAN F0S8BN. IW1H Morrlsoa at. FOR SALEFARMS. a elW H . . nW, , . . IW, H ACBES cleared Una. no grar!; 6-eent fare: flna (or, t, platting Ultra lot In aere tracts: an aountr ' road : d lota adjoining! iio an eaa baU eaab. Pboae owner. East MM. , .- A Riiniin, 1R8 ecree, 4 ml lea from railroad and Bara town wMb beat of school, ebarchee. roll, as eelooo. finest climate:, good orchard, ap flee, plume, peerf and otbar fruit l aaw -room ' nooee, two barne, tool and buggf abad, bog - boaao, ehleken-hoass. He.;, mountain spring water piped to tba sous; on pair work noraaa, unm, wagon, bara. Dinner, mower, ' bay raka, saw plow, barrow, eultlretor and numerous otbar small too la: thraa food eowa, 0 Plymouth Rack bens: anil la of tba varr baat and crop ara flea: brat of a rock ran a a eatsMe: ell goe for ta.OOO It sold by Jutr . 4: fa.MO eaab, balaaca on eaay tar ma If owalrad at a par cant: half mlla to cboreb, : o raoa to arbooL Call on na, or arrlta for , itruw, partiouiara. , -v CALbWCLX. 0OM Philomath. Or. ' 140 arraa. 4 mllaa waat of Oarltoa: 50 aeraa la . rultlTatlon, food balldln(a and orrhard. wall " watarad and fanoad; prlpa, with praaant : ;rop. .ou par, erra. jtaaraaa aara. o. jv. atarpajr, Max a, oarltoa, ur. 'ttll SALB OR TH1DI A flna farm of 11TH t aeraa. tat lor tloa In the rail;. , Addraaa .- u- um, mnaav- oraaoa. K) CHBAP IWO aeraa, 900 andar aul . tlratlon. with crop, ton la and atock. : Applf , M. V. Smith. Springaald. Oragem. IMPSOVED' farma. WSO ta 1100 par acrai 0 to . 10 mllaa out. O. K. Addlton.- Lenta, Or, laaa ai r. noon ear, a eanta. . Flneat rao-blii Clarke eountyil wall jHodrtd Alao aevoral Una kooaa prod urine? food loco ma, for half the mat of tba ImproraaMata. .H t. RRnWHIMd 1 luiom "IT-Waehlmreeek- a llOMF-STDADEBr). ATTENTION "Rrirnuulihmrdt of " f Elalma.- irom aDotor una, encap. - W. IT Waahlactaa bUc, Cltr FOR KALI A rood mVacra farm la Tambtll eainty; 00- aorea - ta- crop wttb arork aad rartnlna inrplementa, iyxmi Dalldlnae. well watered and feored. all klnda of trnlt. For farther to forma tloa addraaa O BO, Journal. 130' ACRES ta Nat wheat beM of Pakmoe - - 'Mratryt tillable, 97ft aeraa la wheat, fair ImproTementa; eloaa ta arbool, aoatofnea and tore: $3t par acre; terme, i r. Ball. Whitman county, Waahlnctoo, lot) ACRES of food fruit kind. ml lea north of. Lrle. Waah.: gentlr rollm. with new , 6 -too to frame bona, beru and other bulldlnc a; : tool Tamil orehard; water? JX mile ta eehonl. rnod mad. E. W. D. : aeraa fleered and 10 trtti tu b) Hewed very entttyr r00,00r feet of pine and fir timber oa tba place: fl.AOO bara ft If taaaa at once. By owner, D aa. eara Joanrai. - - . IS ACRES 11 aeraa la blab etate of ealtrra. . . tloo, new T-room brmee, rood well at .water and fine eprtnji oa plaoa. rloae In: a anaa at . . $2,000; aniat aeU; do not ever look tfcla. D Id, eara iotrnuL. ? 40 ACRES of land, 2 mtlea freea Barton; aaw cottage, large eblkea-bnutee, euttable for rhlekeo-ralalnr: -aoma cleared end the eat Tery aaally cleared. S. IT, scare Journal. M AOREB, T mtlea eoatheaet af Oregon City; W aerea of plow land, 10 aeraa of Doe wire bopyard. good d-reom hoajae, bara and aut- bulldlnra, )b lntereet la large hopdryer; thla plara ana of tba beet In tba eountry: If yoa want a good farm look at thte. It Lraa;t be beat; $4,300. Phone Seltwood T4. W. R. atoreboaaei Take Bell wood car. . ' FOR SALE TIMBER. CKRTiriBO aorlo. anr elaa ateeea: , arteea. W. O. Bewail, M4 ChAaabar af Oee STOCK ' aad tlmbermeo, abeerra: Two Ana graalag aertlone adjoining Meet ration, with eoeo pine timber, well watered, at ft per : aere. W. T. Barney, room 17 Waahlafioa ) bMg. FOR ALE 1. 000,000 feet piling, wlthla H die ra I treed and rlrer. Owner, D 11, rare Joaraal. HORSES AND CARRIA0ES. lt AtATem, a.OOC- piaiiAai 1 team. 1JIO0 nonada, and I cheep hone. l.BW aeaaaa, Phone Eaat SMS. 33a Raaeail at. BORSES AND O0WS of all klnda for eale at eery reasonable prlcee. laqulra STf rront at. FOR BALE Top bngry with ateel tire, for halt price. Addreee B 1. care Journal. ' TO EXCHANGE. KirB enraer lot on-1 m preyed are.,- Bear earllae, to eirhaare for good aprktht plaao. D 1, eara Journal. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. OBBaT DArti I PCPPIES FOR SALE TW X oufhhred, pedigreed. Call 12 Sharmaa after 1 o'clock. Pbonr Main $482. HOLDKN'S RHEUMATIC CURB . Im aara for rheamaUaoa. Bold by aU drugfleta. PIANO, Mathnehek aqnare grand, tvaeeiood i eaae, coat wq; pnea inn. w. n. raggnt, tawyer. fclnlkey bldg- . .. VI prmt yoa name aa NO calling tarda, proper , etae and etyle. tKci IN buelneaa eerda, 11. ' A, W. Set male Co.. t Flrat. Portland. Or. FOR SALE Aa elegant large circular. abx x raae, at aa extremely low f lira re. Apply to . Mr. 0. R. Lewltt. Ooldee Eagle, Third aad Yamhill eta. BILLAR1) AND Pool, tabtee.for rent ar for i. eale on eaay peymenta. . TBE BBUNBW1CK BALKK C0IXE5DEB CO. . o Third at.. Portland. I, - HENDERSON Carpeaterlng and Jobbing promptly attended to. Realdaaca SM kill waukta at. Eaat S. - - ' .BorSFHOLD, reetnarant and hotel fnrnltnra at .'.one third of coat. Wa will clear ant tba for r nltnre bought by ae after the Lowla aad riiff k fair at your, own prlcee and o ymr ' own terma. Apply at one. Time Anctloa - Co.. third Soor of Oanld e Co., eoutheeet ' - aoraar Flrat and Bnrnalde. Aak for Joha Oka. FOR. fAlB OR RBNT NBW AND SBCOND HAND 8EW1N0 MACHINES. STANDARD ' , SEWINO MACHINE AOBNCT. H. D. JONES, 20 YAMHILL ST. WESTERN OREGON MININO . MILUNd CO. beadnaarterai atock for eale and Information at Sod Flrat at. Phone Mala 16M. BOOKS bongbt, aold aad erehanged at the Old Book Store. Kb) Yamhill at. WB aeed faraltare aad win pay fall ralne, . phone Padn TO. Wee tern Selrage Co., ttT Waahlngtonj at. - ' SHOWCARM AND FTXTTRBB made ta ordort eennnd-hand goode for aala. Carlena A Kali . atmat, am coach at. Pbene Clay T1. SHOWCASRB, eoantaee, Brtnree bought, aold or . eirbanged. Weetera "alTage Co., 2T Weak lagtoa at. Paelfle TM. ' 1 ' TO BTT1LD boll eel or enttageg aea C. B. Rlaek, contractor and builder j bara eome'efair gronnd lumber: eaa ee yoa money oa re pair work. Pboia Woedlawn Sud. - 10 AIMaa are. FOB SALE Flna aaaoa. Call ap Mala 4AM. FOR SALJ Rertotered, Sborthora cowi and . helfera. H. H. Arkermen, Pullmaa, Waah' algloa. n. r. v. n a. , SAILBOAT. e Mee, to aondltloa, at bar a 1 i j I --, FOR SALE MICELINQUS LARGS aeoond-hand aafa for aala. Sd Third. A SNAP Weber plaao. etyle Louie XIV, ma hogeny caee, will be aold at aaerlfivo. -Apwy at aoo ajuot at. H bee lair .4 Wllantv Klnrer, omeetloajij oinara. av. a. oigei, aoo aaoniaaev at. . FOR SALE Young Mountain-Boiler aUglne canary blrda. cheap; all good alngara. Call morainga aoa Sacramento ec ' ARTISTS' malaria la. pletnree and frealac. U. Uoorbouea A Co., tlj Alder at. PERSONAL. - MAOAMB ANNA LTJCKET Principal of the American Beauty Pirlorl. tires aclenrlflc treetment for 'remorlng wrlnKMs ana , racial etemieaee wiu the ' Preach paste: also Mma. Kerrow'e famous .resDedlee. Electric and Tabor be the gleea. Patlanta reeeWed. with treatment,' board aad room. Satisfaction guaranteed. Teetl- tooulala from leading pbyaiclane. Svulta IS Kaga notal. niitn aaa weaaiagtea eta. u.e Mala Soil. SUITS priaeed while yoa watt. 50c. LadSea skirts pressed. SOa. Ollbert, 106 BUU SC, ' Beat to Q Belle. Phoao 1 setae JOSS. DR. WORLEY BENJAMIN, the Foot Specialist, M04 Washtngtoa at. , Boev S04. saw (M1 ' made aonnd. - ' -, - - DR. PIERCB. (pedalhrt dlaeaaea of women: all Irregularities corrected! no expoenre: ad rice free. Call or writs. Boom ft, SIM Third af. ANY ma a or woman eaa bo strong aad happy by aalng Serine Pills, the great too lei pries 1 a bo. S boxes $, with fall gaarantee. Addnaa ar call J. A. Clemsasoa. druggist, ear. Seeead aad TamhlU ate.. Portland. Or. DBTBCnfB AOENCT Oosfldestlal lareert. . gatloasi reports mads ea any Indlrtdoa! boat. ' Bess, or property; sslsslng rslatlrea located: bad debts collected: charges reasonable: cor. . raspsnaaaea solicited. Oreeoa Detostrre ' Seretce, efflcea S14-S1S Colnmhla MdaV. SM Washlagtea at. Pboaa Mala tale. ( IIOH-OBADB perrraltai apodal offer for few dayof cabinet etae. rerds er felaara, 1ft for it; snail tr aad work the beet, D. M. tsrens. 0S eosdsoaxH bldgn Fifth aad XamhIU. LADIES Turkish . hatha. Btsseage. kydrlarrte ear lore : a mcoy nrai-ciHs oisce ea wmw-m only. Flat A, 6B1 Weak lagtoa at, betwesa lath aad lTth ata. x - MANLY rigor watered by Dr. Itoaarta' Nerve . Olobalsa. One. month's treatment, ft! Bioatha, tn asnt oerarelr aealcd by mall. - Adeaea, Weedard. CUrko- eV Co. PorUsasV Os. DR. O. T. KETCH Obi raree promptly prtrata dlnaaaa. kidney, aarrona. ekta aad epecWl femele troubles. Call or write. Office 1J0H UDira sr.. cor. zamniu. raene noiw mm. TURKISH BATHS, too Orafoatsa bldg. I ears, gestlemea algkta. Mala Hm,,irtn,H mile e e. eimm laarfe.1 -Story at a mar" 9'I'"-1!AS" ernan of Fire?' toe each; Ueta free. . A. - w. achaaaw on.. B Da at. V nA aaa Baat. mA at. t mataralty assess diseases af women. Phono Tabor 111, DOlL'g HOSPITAL r Kva1rtnrnd MALM OF FIOS for an feensle dl . East Balmont. Pboaa East MSe. BINO CHOONO. Importer of CMaase root medU . rloea; aells Chlneae tea that la eartala care for aU diseases. 181 Sesoad bat. XaaahUl aad Taylor. ' DISEASES OF WOMCTI PrlTate mataralty , heepttai; quiet lorartoa aad apectal ears. Dr. , At wood.. snoH Morrlsoa at, room a. Pboaa - Padae 17M. TEH. Palsas Tablets make yoa pel f entry; they car tar aw anesi ana mate yoa erraairi tmsjrt teed. aoe a box, 0 bases sx ou AU dngglste, ar address Brooke Drag Co or North Third st Pertlaad. Oregon. SEXINB PILLS aara all forma of "erreM or I mnernlitr awwakneaa. For men or POUjee), TTPrioa 1 a boaT i boxea 8rwTtn-fwttiara-- taa. . Aaareaa ar call j. u. tanraioa, arr (let, Beeond and Ie.mhnjLBta,Pertlaad. Or. BOLD ON There la asa thing that wll eara rbeamettam. Ask roar drurghtt for barb tonte or addraaa er call 1. Q. -Cleinenaoa, drug- ' gtat. Port land. Or. - PBOF. 0NEIU teacher of dermatology, mani curing aad beauty cultural aeteatlne treatment - of the eompleitoB, -bslr, aealp and akla; face bleaching; manna aad electric massage gteea; aaperfloua heir and all facial blemlshee per- ' me neatly remorsd without leering scare; all work poeltlTely gaarantsed; bast references glrea. Parlor 141 Barren tb aWoornar tlder. ' Pbsno Mala aSBT. t- DR. WALKER. Dlseaeea of women apeelsrry; asoy pay elelsa la attendance. . - .-i 181 First St. MISS Engtlah, graduate chiropodist and mag netic nssiers giTeo ennjvu ic w rhrumatlsni and BerToasneea. ZMVa Waah tsaaoa af. . Pboaa Pacific lie. - - - . ELECTRO THEBAPECTI9T. Ben). H. Stahl raree erery thins, rheuma tism specialty, tlto Plrat at, . VIBRATION relleraa suppreaead menstruation, , female weakness, paralysis, rheums tuna; no operation; coneultatlon, free, Pacific MT. Vlbretortum, lot West IPark at. BOLDEN'S RHEUMATIC CURB Sura rhsamatlam. Sold by all irartnu. HITMAN HAIB SWITCHES Par after yoa ra- celrs them; send a aampie of your hair ana ' wa will send yoa one of oar 11.60 switches, ' as., n Inches; eiamlna It; If a big bar- faTa remit; If not return. Address Ladles' lair Bmnortum. 134 Dearborn at.. Cfclcaao. nU." Y0UB character aad personality win be read . from roar handwriting apoa receipt of zee . and specimen. No etner fees will be solicited. lioaloo nice, ii west aiat St.. sw xora. A PARTNER wanted with tdOO: work oa su tilde; experience not necessary, call at room le, Cltlsene' Baak bldg., 1Z2H Grand ara. CARPENTER'S. NOTTCB fine sampls nprlgbt plaao to eaenenge mr cerprnTer wora. ree Oeorre Andsreoa, expert niano-taner, law Third at M0TEfl, wrinkles, euuei fluueia nshr ratnored. . Let mo leu yoa now. no cnarga. mra. m. i', 'Bill, Suite 1, Selling Hlrsch bMg. Paelfle IAS. ART EMPORIUM.. PROFESSOR R, MAX METER, S4S AMer. I or trail ana lenascepo - en art aaa Tsacnse. ATTORNEYS." tas sad gnsnce baalnsaa eoroeratlons. under any .state for aay par pose; $i far the law of sny state or U. S. oa any eoMect. Addreea Tba Uanteua' Attorneys, Washlngtoa, P. C U. B. A. A. H. TANNER, attorney, SOS Commercial hlk. neeoad and washing too eta. raoaa msib aaa. ARCHITECTS. H. H. MENOES, a Arehlteet. lit Second at. AUTOMOBILES, v; OOVBY A COOK Motor Car Co., Fifteenth aad Washlngtoa-eAgenta lor radlllac, flame, , Oreet Arrow and Stereos-Duryee aiotor-rar machines reatea, repaired aad atered. Mala t4flS. 7 ASSAYERS. OARVIN CYANIDN EXTRACTION CO., aad Montana Asssy Of nee. 189 Mornssa at. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES. B. BIRRRNWALD CO.. S04-BM Ererett at. Largeet boteaers supply boose en tba eoaet. BATHS MASSAGE. TWO ywanf ladles glee message, tub aad sapor hatha. UOVi Foartt at., ear. Washing too. LADY front the eaat glrea scientific massage, vapor aaa res seine, bui inira st- YOCNO fetdy ft res rapor, alcohol aad medicated bstba. rarr gr, msm atari at. MISS' RAYMOND glrea baths and mssssga treatments, inc uosmos, zosuj MornsoB st. BHBXJMATIBM cared by sjseaera traatmanta by youag oerman lady. SoBVk Stark. SI aad tt Teeaona House. .... t LAMKS-4atb. face and scalp massage. aiai rirta, dsi. -jsyior ana naimon. - YOt'NO arlrntlfl aiaeaenee glrea electrical. toermal. elonboue and medicated treetmesita. li Lease Lotos, Our. ai&la tad WsaklagUa, BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. HOWB. DAVIS A KILHAM. 100-111 Second .t Blank book maaufactarere; ageuta tor Joaea . imprered tooae Leer ayd;era; aea too a Eureka leaf, the best an too market. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. WHOLESALE crockery tad rlareware. Praet, Beg els A Co.. 100 to Vet Fifth, ear. Beard et COMMISSION MERCHANTS. RVBRDINO Mt FAB BELL. atoa saerebsnta. 140 Flea av, Portlsoo, Oa, raoaa Msta it. CIGARS AND TOBACCO. M. A. OCNST A CO . Platrlliauxa cf - FTMB C10ABS. Pertlaad.. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST. '. Always" Conealt the Best. ... ' PROF. B. KHIMO. Ores test llrlng asrrsl dead-trance Clatr . myaat of the a vol adrlaer ea business and all affair of Ufa; tells your full name aad what yoa called for, whom yoa will marry, bow ta control the ana ron lore, area tbonah ' ant lee awayi, reunltse the separated; gteea eecrrt powers to eoorrol; no long delays la waiting. Honrs 10 to a, dally and Sunday:. Permanently located In bis owa home. Sod Fifth ac, corner Maaieoa at. A SPECIAL ' S reeding for $1. ' St. Qeorga . Ormonde. uonsuit mm on ,wre, pnsiness, rbanges,' marriage, dlroree; tails aamea, dates, seerets. bow to gat well, bo magnetic. . physically and mentally rlgorooa, orcrcooiee bed hahlte, gtraa good tack, coree Tttal teea, aril Influences, a pells, deefneas, absent treat ' . meat, locates missing frleods. burled treasure, , Bilnea, ore reme; telle yon scaetly what yoa , wish to know. 110)b Fowth at, comer Waehlngton aC - - -" " MRS. STEVENS. Portland's leading palmist. - aatrologsr and clairvoyant. ' lot Serentb at, epp. Hotel Portland. MADAMsT ANNUTB. tba wonderful rhelrror ant ana trance medium; consult her before en gaging la any undertaking of any nature; pant, present and future glren paUntatry readlnea, 20c. 19T West park at., near Morrlsoa. - - JOHN SLATER of Ssa Frsndaco. 'tjoslneee teet Biedtam. Tba Auditorium, SOS Third st, Hoars nut rROtV WALLACB. thfgrrat pelmlet, tella wmm .Maihln rm that n.lm' tae, htm palmlatry; about marriage, lore, bnslneee; romslete readings ftOc; accurate and troth fuL WVi Sixth St., . near Stark. ATTENTION ... . Korello, the grsat tarrcblc tranoa medium ana -CiSirTOysnt, lei curie rmuj' mini, o p. av; pnrate reaoings oaliy. . iue awreau at., near isyior. f COLLECTION AGENCY. - DOW ANY 0N .OWE Y0C MONETt WB COLI.KCT BAD DEBTS OF ALL KINDS. TN 0 RlHWFSIETt LAW-A 'OLA.BCTION CO J 123 GRAND AVE., ROOMS 14 IIP 18, I t i l irMfr-BAWri-BiilHr. VPs; IUM ODX. PrlOcia) BJABT BIMS. CHIROPRACTIC DRS. MARSH AND EVA - HOOAN. Selllnr H track bldg., suite it and SO. Pboaa Mala 20d, hours 10 a, .m. to S p. as.: - ' CAFES. THB OrFICaU-fee) WasblnctoB St., pbene . T7L Samuel Vlgaeaax. CHIROPODISTS.- CHIR0PODY AND PEOICTJRINO. Mrs. M. D. Hill. Suite l. Selllng-Hlrech Bldg. Partflo lSS. COAL AND WOOD. CBDRCHLEX BROS., 438 Kearney at.. Phone Main ?1. Now the lergeat woodykrd In the . city, earrytng all klnda oc wooa an Dry sawed wood a specialty. AXBINA FCEL CO. Dee lees ta eerdwoed. seal - aad greea and dry eUbwood. R. B. aad A blsa ara.. S Macks ssat at ferry. East aTe. WESTEBN Peed A Fuel Co.. ml Frost, betwaea Ollesa and Boyt, dealers la all klade el Mala 101A STEEL BRIDOB FCEL CO. Dealers la oasl eordwoed aad dry alahwasl. Fhoaa Beet eaa. OR BOON FCEL CO. All kisda of aaal aad tog Alder st. Faoao- Mats oa. - BOX and planer wood. Standard Wood Co. Jmmofliato aoiirary. noao seer aaao. 4-F0OT cordwood $8.M per cord: aawed. tS.T8 ana fe, witn a rooncrioai ox so cems sniu June 4. to ear handling. 8 Commercial et Phono East tltt. t-FOOT cordwood tM per Oord; sawed, fS.Tt and $4. f Commercial st. Phono Eaat Bltt. CARPET CLEANING. BTANDABD Carpet Oeaalag Ok, aa that anest. Tiinrlns Bad Hsrtf and Harolng ata., tele- pboaa East Carpets eleaned. refltted. aewe. ed aad laid: both ateem aad latest eoaa. med air process; r. era Hag east trial si aad BBstherl A specialty. - SANITARY carpet cleaning, anctloa aad eos pressed air combined: earpete cleaned ea too arlthoat ran jaaia ooae, sxain oui. J.' HT7NTER.' - ateem carpet - and Buttress, ctssssr. $H Jerfirsia. Pboaa Mala tie. CLEANING AND DYEINO. WHITE LILY TAILORINO CO. Oeening. prssslag, rapehing; French dry cleaning. Pbona answered promptly. Paelfle dltu Alder aad Tlh. Portland Steam Cleaning A rrrafng Worksr tlcsl better ta conaoetlon. Sir 4th. PaelBc aO' CI.OTHES cleaned and pressed tl Per m Gnloue Tallortng Co., $47 Wash Inert oa at. B. W. TURNER, profeea tonal dyer end rJesaar. SOS Jefferson st. Phono Mam MIS. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. WASHBDBN A FLOTD-larpenfsm, yntnara aad carriage work, at Bth at. Pbnao r Psciae Slot. STAPLES A MOORB. bcdldlng and cement work. Of See 181 V First, room T. Mala B8M. SUITS $0; aUrtwalats B0 aaatt and ap. Sot Market It. - . DRESSMAKINO of all klnda. Hotel Ken yoa, loth and Waahlngtoa. Pboaa Pad Be eOo. V; DAN CINQ.4 BALL BOOM and fancy, correct method. Pre. .' fseeor Rlngler, academy tot Alder at. FURNITURE FACTORIES. 0BE0ON Faraltare -Maaafaoeartaf Coaxaeayw Manufacturers at taraltara tar the trade. Portlaad. Or. FCRNITORB 'mseafsctnrtng and apeclel stasia. L. Bareasky'e faraltnra tsctsry. Ff t Froat afc ELECTRICAL SUPLIE$. aicietfl w i eora in nn tors, rrpalrera, electric wiring, ssppllea. t4 Hiat, cor, tt.rk. Mala SB. B. H. Tsto. mgr. FURNACES. BOTWTON warm -at roraaeea aara feel. I. 0. Beyer Forms ee Co.. tat Secoad. Mala ads. FENCE AND WIRE WORKS. anirt.i in ariBB A IRON WORE Flssaers et-. sor. td. ' Pboaa Msla Shoo. GROCERS. WADHAMB A CO., wboisbbIo grsaata, bi - fscturera aad eammlsalaa aearchasu. Vsajnh " aad Oak ate, - ALLEN A LEW I B. eommlasloa aad prudeee arer ehaBB.FroatBBdDaslaaa., Wtlaad., Or. GASOLINE ENGINES, "l ' Statloaary and mertasi "Mrtle Bneetal" asollne leaaek. llMj aaseat head aesetrte sxaacaea and knlha,., BIISR'ON MACHINERY 00. . . JesVde. ataxTlaam Ms X., HAY AND GRAIN. B. L. COOPEB A CO. Potatoes, feed aad . Am. fS U L. . . 1.1. HOTELS. HOTEL Portland. Americas plan $$. t$ per day. BELVBOEBBi a piaat dth aad Aides ata. THB BROWN Grand and Bawtxtorno ares. . HARDWARE. Pertlaad Hardware Cs. aondta eepsrtanatty to amsto prtsss. in let rt .eor. Aldsr. Msla lts. HAT FACTORIES. HATS cleaned, blecked. aude Bka aaw for BAc expert Panama bleacher. 04 Third, Boar Plan. Branca, axe nrat. I'eetne la. INSURANCE. ISAAC L, WHITE, firs Bldg. , ,, Dekssi JAS. Mef. WOOD, employer liability aad In- oinaaai aenaent surety nonoa ac asi xinss. ar. bus mcKay a tog - LOCKSMITH I. H. RICHARDSON. lockmln aad revalrtag. tST Buraslde. Pact He last. MONEY TO LOAN. ' - MONET TO LOAhT- On .Imprered city property or for bnflding paiuusaa. for from I to 10 rears' time, with rnruege to repay au ar pan er loas a iter wo ysara. Loans approred from plans sad r aarnnosa sa atiuaing progresses p sges taken ap and rsplscoa. SJD H, STR0N0. nnejwlal Ageat, S4t Stark st. - THB STAR LOAN CO. Aay salaried employs, wags earner, aaa get on bis note, witnoax BiorTgag Month. U Vfonrh. Week. BOO Repay to oa tlS.KS or td.BO or tl.Sfl 00 Repay ta Be $ t M or er il.OS .00 Bepay to as i 4.00 or $2.00 or $1.00 110 McKay bldg. CONFIDBNTTAL liens en salaries. tnsaraBca policies, p la sos, furnltare, warenoass re ceipt!, etc: any daeerrtng psraoa may secure ... a jjnarai aaraace, rrpaylot PZ. fu weeaLj or monthly InatsUmenta. " . MEW ERA LOAN A TRT78T COMPANY, SOS AbtngtoB bldg. - BfONBtT ADVANCED RALAR1ED PEOPLE. And other apoa their own names without secnrityj meapest rates, awwaast pajaenv. efSce Is U prladpal cities ; eara yoaraelf . money by getting our terma first. -TOLMAN, 223 AklngtoB bMg., lOtti Third at. BKA DOTT ASTERS FOR SALAHY-XONttc -Money esa bo borrowed oa eeay pytnnt plan, lowest ratea: atrlctly confldeatlaL CRECBNT LOAN CO., ' 4M Mohawk bldg.. car. Third aad Morrison. Unirrr tt tiaa ierejal-eeMalLau collateral I security; apeclal " attention to chattel mort. f- rages r iio-bcmr W PslletJOJ satoa bldg.. Be BixtB ar, BIOHLT respectable place where ladles aad gen's eaa borrow money on aiamouue euu Jewelry. Col In tarsi Los a- Baak.- ant -Waah. tngtoa at. Phono Black TL - MONEY to loaa on Clackamas county lands, B. F. aad P. B. Riley, tut Chamber of Coax LOWEST ratea aa furniture and Dlanoa. East ern Loaa CO., 44 Sherlock blag, racinc wis. MONEY TO LOAN on all kinds of eewnrtfy. William Ho II, room t, Washlngtoa bldg TO LOAN Same to cult oa chattel security. R. A. PnutM, bit the Msraassa. -r- - - WILL men fs.ont or less on teal estate security at per seat. Commerce. laCae WANTED Notee. panrtgagea or eon tract oa any kind of real estate la Orrwoa or ; Ipgton: eeoood mortrages ' purchased If. well eecursd. H. E. Noble. $12 Commercial blk. MONEY TO LOAN AT S PER CENT Pira and - casoslty Insurance. Henry 0. Pmdhomme, T Chamber of Commerce. Phone Mara 182. PRIVATE mosey to loan near Portland at reasonable rates." Sol Bloom, tSS Chamber of Money to Loan arlTat fuad oa tmprorod property. , . . I. U WELLS CO, ; . v 4 Grand ara. MUSICAL. EMTL TBIEt.HORN, punTl of SBVCTK, rVTIa toecber. Stadia IBS BlxtB. Tel. Manx tent. LESSONS 50c; alano. rrrltar. ban to. mandolts, rfolta mstramsnts for aam. S41H First, neer Matn. Mra. start La, MAGNETIC HEALING. BEITTAL dlaeeeea of both men and cured: coneultatlon tree. Mala cits. i. tl. Diamond. L. B. Heart, 18t Sersath at. MACHINERY. THB B. C ALB EX CO. Becood-kaad mscktosry. aawmiiia, eta. nan arena ara. B1PPELT A' MYERS, anaeblnleta and elee. trlcla na ' aiertrta elewatora, aioetncai macnin ary and gaentlno sag1neo a epedalty. t24 Osk at. Pboaa Mala 1810. B. TRBNKMAN A CO. Mmlng, aawmlU, log. IloJs machinery; hydremic pipes, eaa ting; all is repaired. 104 North Fourth- MONUMENTS. lEtfA KINrtfllJIT.-tea Ph-st St., Pwrtlasde esadlng marble and granite works. OSTEOPATHS. DRS. ADIX A N0RTHR17P. 410-lt-lT Peksa bldg., Tklrd aad washlngtoa ata. raoaa Msla Set. Examine tloe free. THB eery beet lady eeteoparh ta town. Dr. xe w. doBneoB, cute us. Bsiiing-uarsea Mag. DB. PIERCB, ostsoneth, Tl bra tloa and the new light, el H Tktra a. - raoaa raeino asi - PRINTINO. THB MODBBN PRINTER Y Artlstw prlntlBg. aa Bnsssi blag., roarta ssa aiorrtaoa. rseos Paelfle MS. ANDERSON A DCNIWAY COMPANY, prtatlBg, llthoa-raphlng, blaas aooaa. rnoaa axeia li. But Aldsr at. WBLCH. DAVIS A OA RSON Prhwmf that pars the payer. Itosmi BUS aad an Btsarns bldg. Sixth and Morrlsoa. Phone Mem 14T. - ORIENTAL RUGS. - - ORIENTAL RIIOS repaired end cleaned by ne'lro expertat wa ass too ariguisi Twawisjiis dra eaahmere wool far oar repairing; all work guaraateed. Call ap oriental Rug Re. pairing Co.. Pacific 3f4. $44t4 Wash, at. PHOTOGRAPHS. CLOSINO aala of SHU photographic rtews ed axpoaltloa. sosrenlr poetearda, new aooaa, etc.. . greatly reduced prleea. Bxpaattloa Store. t4 Morrison at. PLUMBERS. DON NK SB PRO A RADEMACBEB, rBKTd ta No. tot Baraalda st. FOX A CO., eaaltary ptsmbsra, JB11 Berswd, Vet, aaia aaa bsibsob - twsgoa rew, ouihb swa. PINNIOIN BBOS. A CO. Set Third at. Pbo-a Mala avm, piumbera aad Beating engii PHYSICAL CULTURE. R1NOI.ER OYMNASIUM Prlrate eleea aad Utc dlrMusI tnatractloa. bob Aiat at. PAINTS.SOIL AND GLASS. r. E. BEACH A C0v Tba Pioneer Paint Co- window -s laaa aad . glaalng. isa rirsi at, reone ias. RUBBER STAMPS. P.C. BTAMP WORKS, Set Aldsr at,. phone Mala Tio: rubber etampo, aeaH. e teed is, nag rage, trait tbeckf. read tat aatalasao It, As, I FINANCIAL Uvrrzo STAxxa vatioval baatx of portxaitd, orxoov, Northwest Cor. Third ssd Oak Sta, . Transacts a tsamal -tanking Buatasss. DRAFTS ISSUED Araflabla ta AM Cities si the raited a late and Aaropa. Bongkona and Man Us. Colleettosa Made ea feawraklo Term. President ..). 0. AlNleWOBTH Vlco-Prssldsat W. B. AYJtJt VSZI"?mi: -- LEA FAKNBS Csshler , WU W. BCHMKSR Assistant Cssblsr A. M. WRIJHT Assleunt Cashier W. A. HOLT T ". OP CdilTOsUrXA-tosxMiahsd 1 tot, - Head OfHee, tea Freailaee. CallforaU. Capltsl paid ap $4,000,000,001 Surptua sad andlrldsd rroflts tt.TTO it tt ; ... f Osaerel Banking aad Ri change Buotaase Traasacted. SAVINUS DEPARTMENT. 'aMra tlaxa dspualta,., AaooanU opened for earns af $10 and upward. Per Used Breach -wu . Chamber sf Ceamoree balldlng. , MACRAB Maaager. I. T. BOBTCgAETX Asxtstaat Maaaawr KATXONAX attxTX OF TORTLAETJ, 0RKOOH. I ' ' t . Dealgaated Depository and Flaanetsl Agent of the TMUd Stats.' Ae1..rrrV ".V A. U HIM Caahle i J. W. NrWTRW I-T.Ill i,c"blr V. 0. ALVORD Second Assistant Cashier B. W. STEVEN Credit leaned' Ara liable la Europe aad the Eaetera State, at. p. i '"rtisnge aad Tslegnphl Trsnsfsrs aold ea New York. Boeroa. Otcega, St. Louis. oi V: mba. Ssa Fraaciaco aad the principal points la the Noetbweee tr,r m hills drewa tartams re salt ea London. Parts, Berlin, Frank fort -cn-rbe-af ata. - ncwisong. Yokohams. Conenhaweo Benrkhnlns. St, Cwraralnrw Moscow. Enrich. Honohim. Y d ADD ATTLTOsT, BAtTKXXa (Tstabllshsd fls .. Treaaaeta a Oiaaial .Uanklnw Bnalseas. Collscrlosa aaade at all astata aa a. " tsras. Letter of credit leaned erelleble In Europe aud all rolnte In be TTntted 5, Yi.a.'Vf"' rebsngs and Tehnrrspsle Tre asters sold oa New York. Washlnrten. Chlcags, Denrer. Omaha. San raaclaca snd Montana and Brltleh Colombia. Exchange sold ea lyindoa. Paris. Berlin. Frankfort. Hongkong. Yokohama. Manila end Honolulu. M IC3LA,""r!' SATT0NAL BANK, PORTLAND, ORISON. . J. PRANB- WATBON PmAh.1 B L ntlRHlM m i i ...... . .(.esnier ukukub w. buit. ....... ssisrsnx wmw , Trarteaota a . weneral Banking Bnatassa. Drafts aad Lsttsre.e Credit leaoed Arm 11a bl to All Parts of the World. Collection s Specialty ' . t BaJrXERS' A LUlfBERVAll'S BAHTt Portlsnd. Orogoa, Corner Second and Btsrk arreets. -.." mrr1"' earing a department. Interest paid on sarins seconnta. Drafts and mtters of credit lasned srsflabls la all parta of the world. Open Saturday ereuLngs from I J" koooaiiBodarloB of rustomers. . " . nuz r.. r.ahiM CELT"-L- i--.. -.... -.. President VrVuw .' .iittHruD...rir.t Vloe-Prseldent JOHN A. KEATING Second Tlce-Preeldent TRUST COMPANIES. I 11 L A FT) TRUS'f Ooira XT AV n(MA IT . RRXOCRCES OVER tl.aVW.OOQ. Oensrsl SAVINGS ACCOUNTS. Tim eertltcetea, ttOt er orar. 1 14 to d per cent. , CaU for hook and Oak eta. Mm. BBNJ. I COHEN....... PrwainVst B. LEE PAGET. Secretary S ECU H ITT SAVproS A TKTTST C0MTAWT ttt Morrlsoa Street, Portlaad, Orsgea. Tranaaota a General nktng Budneas. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Intsrest Allowed oa Tims aad aartasa .ta. Acta aa Traatee for Eatates. Drafts e d Letters af Credit - .... Aellable la All Parta of tbs World. ...'' V F .AT,Avrt President L. A. LEWIS..,,.,, First Tles-Preetdewt A. U MILLS Sensed Vice P.eeldaat B. 0. Jt'BITS... .Mcrstary - - --. - OEO. F. Rl'SSELL ...Aselataut Cecretary 'HI XOIIOIM aVAKANTXB A TXTJST COMPAJfT BASTC. Oenaral Banking and Trust Bualsees Traaaactsd. Interest Paid eat Time Deposits. CAPITAL WATERB0RY ......... . . . , . i i esnnnii S. LOGAN HAYS . , .President Elks Temple, Sernth aad Stark NO OTAEAJCUI A TKVET C0MPANT Portland, Orsgoo, , Lambsr Ex Changs, 8. E. earner Second and Starg Streete ; (seedBdTlDBrtr-! FISCAL AOENT FOR CORPORATIONS. Stars. Ooaraty, Mnnjetpal and Corporation Bond bonght end eold. New ent at prleea ergaalied . end flBanced. Stncka end bonds suarsntaed. . - "TTXE aVABARTEZ A TXTJST OObrPAJfT suaiuaua uu&ki aa roruaaa neet Bftarw at iaj e aai aatee, atueo . v j " atracta Faralabed. - . 6NDS amdinwsthentst M 0RKIS BROo LtJ etrst Strset, rerHeaeC Oregea. . . . Offer Oflt-Edga luicetuicnte ln Ifoalclpal and Railroad Bonds. Write op Can. DaWKJO-HOPgaS O0stTAXT IxUUIsaed 8TOC01Co7T0Him Tlougn Prlrare WTrea. r BOOsf d CHAMBER Overbed, Stair & Cooke Co.' l5t ORAnf, PROVISIONS, COTTON, STOCKS AND BONDS. wa iiu A o J. mux 1.1 CoBttnii Markets by Prlrate Wire. Quirk era, ana t'turea ntatea nanonai Bang or rortuad, fnexeelled facWtlce for handling Ton ope h. Oolddeld. Manhattan' aad ether listed mining rtock. LOUIS-J.- MTjTICIPAL " ' SCHOOL. AND ,. moims: CORPORATION - Blghsst Re PORTLAND A NORTHWESTERN BOMB ROOFING. TIN ROOFINO, guttering, repairing sad gi lobbing. J-. Loall. til Jefferaee at, SAFES. DIEBOLD SAFES ALWAYS BELTABLB, Bot la TRCST. Norton snd Buckeye Jocks. Metal - Office Mi tares. Brpalr. Pboaa Mala lot. Joha B. Darts, Agent, St Third at. - -t- STREET PAVING. WARREN CoBStrnctloB Oa-. street poring, side, walks asd crossings, fit Oregoalaa bldg. THR Barber Aenbalt Psrlng Oa. of Pertlaad. Oftce ens Worcester blk. SIGN PAINTERS. tOMi SIONS, window letter!.--cloth banner, economical eleetrl eigne aad algae af all blade mede aulckiy. Foeter A Rlelaar. FTftk tad Erarett. Pboaa Exchange ad. W. P. BEROER A SON, SM Yamhill St. Blgaa of all kind. Phono t-actne SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. HOWCABES of erery aeeerlprtot; beak, bar aad store Sxtaree mad to order. Tha Lata Maaafaetorlng Co., Portland. S. n: BIRDSALLr deelgnefL Agent Hrrtnter Lumber Co-. T Hamilton bMg. Mainooju. SECOND-HAND GOODS. ttOOUS't Farnltnro Hooas Highest prleee peld for aeeoad head faraltara. sis eeeoaa s. Phoae Pacific sS. BIOHBST cash price paid for seeoad-aaad goods. Pboaa East 0O7T. 128 Ualoa are. SCALP TREATMENT. ORAT, falling hakr, daadraff tree tedr shampoo. lag, BMBlrurtng. chiropody, fi B. F. Kyas, 1SSH Fourth, lUorn $ PBoae Paris, tod. lacv war. sirw. SCALP end face meaeage. mannlcnrlng; agent for Ir. tintion rrcnen toiiei ariine. 11-tt Graad thsatra bldg. Msla S4TL Hour, t tse to a. - TELEPHONES. THE only agrluatre Utepboao bauel. B.-B, Eleetrl A Telephone bUaafacturlas esax paay. tt girth et. ' TRANSFER AND HAULINO;: SAFES, plane and furniture aaorea. packed reedy tor ah roping and ahlppedi ell work guaraateed; Isrge. $ story brick, fire-prool ware hoc ee for etorag. Office SOt Oaa St. 0. M. Glee. Phone Msta $47. THR BAOOAOB A OMNIBUS TRANSFER CO cor. Sixth aad Osb sts.; serfage cheeked . tram hotel or resldeneo direct to dssOsatteoi ' aaaaeogere theeefnre erold rash aad aaaay aaeo at desota Prlrate Escbaage ta. a O. PICK, office SS First st., between start aad Oab sta.. pboaa ted) plaao aad ferultam aaorod aad packed for shipping) eomeasdlsaa brick ware bo nee with separate area esse, Froat aad Clay ata. OBEOON TRANSFER CO., 184 Nsrth Sixth, -Phoae Mala St. Beery hauling aad etorag. POST SPECIAL DELIVERY No. SMWt Waah sagtoa a. Phoae Mela tarn. - CUT ratea on household rood to all points eaat; w Mate ap er (: peciai room iw trunk wbtla waiting. Oregon Aato-Deepatch, IS Pint at. Pboa Mala T1S. TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOjaRLa DAILY Comb, brash, eesp. tl per mtotb. PortUad Leaadrr aad Towel S amply Co.. Nlath aad Coach. Pho 41A TYPEWRITERS. NEW typewriter, all makes, rented, eold aad repaired Coo at At easy. $31 St- k. Tel. lsuT. WIR3 AND IRON WORKS. BAST PORTLAND FENCE A WISH WORKS, IH B. Water st. - Phone Esst azi. J.J ew-eaawjesawsi II, l S :' '.-"Oasaa WT11 BTot Oonat. ' Tha high school defeated It M. A. yesterday, T to I. but owing to several high school players - being protest! the game will not be counted in the of ficial standing. . v ' BANKS. tn ltftt.1 . .... je-nreetdent hri hiis w miitt sststaat OssMse H. C. MT"ARS.,.;.,;..................CBb1r H. D. STOREY...;. PLATT A PLATT. . . ....... Assutaat Csshler General Counsel erv. Ame n. - W tn An bsnklnst. Exchsnrs sa all Barte af the World. . t to 4 per sent; ahort-eall apeclal eertlHcate, of ILLUSTRATION" " BoaUsaat eomes Third Pelmk, r.nh.nM T H (. PITTOCK tWPreelAewt J. Q. O0LTRA. , Aaalstant Secretary , $100,000.00 a W. MILLEt u, w. xiukh ,....... Aestateat Seeratarr Streets. Phone Main IM. 14 Wasbfbgton Strsst, ..Correxr Seoond, ItPa--BROKXRI i . , . OF C0MMBRCB. Phone Mais ST. (Membera -Chicago Board of Trade.! Third SL. McKay Bldg.. PortUnd. Oregon. uumauBBiUB SUSIXXDS, Ssrwlca. RKFFRENOK. Ld4 A tlltoa. Bank- S, d and S La layette Mdg.,- ear. Sixth - aad Wash. Sts, Pertlaad. Orogoa. DIVIDEND 'BANK AND. '. CORPORATION JSIOCKS- ninth AK-rf-e. i.Mfl TELEPHONE A TZLXOEAPH SBCTJRrTTBS ROWING AND SAILING RACES CpmmftteefAnnoance Entries for Opening Races on the Wlllametta River. ' The Joint program of racea under the auspices of tha Rovalng club ajid Oregon Tacht club, achedured for tomorrow afternoon on the 'Wlllametla opposite the Oaks, Is aa follows: - Rowing events, four-oared crews V. Dent, stroke; J. D. Boost, I; C W. Qana miller, I; B. McCabo, bow. . A. Allen, stroke; McMlcken, I; B. Allen, I; Fender, bow. 'T" ' B. B. Harley. stroke; B. M. Orth, 1; 1. fitarr, I; A, Stringer, bow. Pr. Ieoomls, stroke; E. O. Oloss, I; E. O. Wendllng. 1; Beton Taylor, bow.. - Senior single soul la O sorgo Xeuddera. rur8rflJ(a,"E..loBar-- ; TT - Junior alnrlo sculls E3. I afcCabe, A. Stringer, E. B. Harley. . Double aculls, two heats George Leuddera, bow; W. King, stroke: Rosen felt, bow: Paul Bmld, stroke; Marshall, bow; EL O. Olaae, stroke. ' There will' also be single, double and tandem canoe racing, and a tilting con test Dan J Murphy will act aa starter and Richard Hart and Ralph W. Wilbur will be judgea. - ' . In the yachting events tba following crafts will atart: - Claag A R. VT. FosUr'a Vflechlef, I. F. Power's Jewell and Francis Darcys Anona. Claea B Owyhee, Zephyr, Tyee, Zenda, Bynamox, Skylarks . Wlaard, Wanna. . " ": C speclalr-IIahn brothers' OUnnonda, Mr. Powers preaenta a cup for tha free-for-all, and Mr. Nelson donates a cup for another event.' Charles Nelson will act aa starter. The racing committee Is composed of "Captain Todd, R. F. Foster and Leo llahn. . , . .,;. V PRELIMINARY TENNIS MATCHES AT MULTNOMAH J '';.. . The tennis tournament for tha Ladd cup began yesterday on the Multnomah courts. The results were: Rohr peat Alexander t-i, t-l and J. H. Knight baat Rylanoa t-l, t-l. Word was received from San Francisco that the Flsk cup for the Oregon state championship was aaved from tba flataea In the big fire. : GASOLINE LAUNCHES -I TO TEST THEIR SPEED J, E. Wolff t gasoline launch. The Flirt, and O. P. Graham's new boat will race tomorrow afternoon at tha Oregon Tacht club. The two boats were rased last night but tha course was a abort one and neither owner was satisfied with tha race. Dr. Frteburger's boat. The Emma, may alao enter the race, T Hood River Agency" Changed. Mr. L. W. Wood has charge of The Journal agency at Hood River. Those having buetneea with tha paper will have the aama attended to promptly by calling at bla plaoa et buttnoaa. ' TeAJsd OfTtoora atBOBoraasd. IJoeraal Bowctsi Sweie) Washington, Jwno S The land efn eera'at B r - 1 ' "-"r, aa arall aa I5e sorveyor-r r.'ertly In vestigated I I'' tl t( the "genr ' r ated at t REVOLT OF PEOriJ: T TARIFF Congressman Bowers of- WJ, eissippl Talks of Result of, , Oregon Election. t . DEMOCRATS OF CAPITAL i ; . REJOICE OVER OUTCOME Deduced Majorities Show Tend of . Public Sentiment Psrtissns Gird v Themselves for Winning; Fight for -Control of House. ' . (Joaraal Special Barriot.) - ,. Waahlngton, Juno g. ConaTeatraaa ' Bowars of MlaatsatppL chAlrroan of tha . campaign commutes of tha 'Dam oc ratio consresalonal eorfimltta. today gav out -the follow Ins statement In relation t tha elootlon In Orcson. Mondajr, and Its effect on eummer and fall electlona of . membera or tha lower house: - "Tba Oregon election is an Indication of the revolt of tha people against tha atand-pat poller Of tha Republican party, .in latd Oregon cars President Rooeevwlt 42.DOO majority out of to Ul vote of 5,000. , Two yeara later Oregon returns ta office, with an Increased majority, Oor- , ernor George E. Chamberlain, the Demo- . aratlo laeumbeat - for the -- past- four yeara, ' reducea majorities In both con .acroAslonal dlatrlcta arln Republican candtdatea, and on a popular vote for United States senator, agratnst the lm menae majority riven Iresldent Rooao velt, offer a the Republican manasera tha 1 coBooiaUon-of a betre-t.bOO majority- f or AGAINS the - Republican nominee, Jonathan Bourne Jr-over the Demooratle ooinl nee, John M. Qoarln, InoumbenL '". ne laaua of revision of tariff wad ' preaented by Oregon Democrata and It -was dwelt upon In the utteranoea of aU newspapers which supported tha Demo- .eratlo nomlneee. Newarjapera which - aupported ' the Republican Uckal" made a strong appeal to rotera to yield ta -tha party cry and tnalsted that Repub licans vote atralght. They also loudly ' demanded vindication of President Roosevelt by the election o every can dMntll filr ttrrh-llnti , " "Inasmuch aa tha majorltlea reooTve. by the Republican 'candtdatea elected wore the amoiloot alnce the praaldan tlai -election of 18, Democrata may take . warm comfort from tha Oregon out come, and gird tbemaelvea for fighting -a winning battle for control of the next , bouse of representAtlvea." , . AWARDS AT WHITMAN GIVEN BY PRESIDENT - : fSnedar OhtpateOj to -The Jenraal. j'-' ' ; Whitman College, Walla Walla, June 1 At the last meeting of 4he aeeestated students the baseball, track, tennla and . debate managers gave reports showing a email gain in the finances of each d partment. with the exception of track, which went behind again this year. The principal feature of the meeting was the awarding - of the official 'Varsity fW to all who have won them this year. All were called before the entire association and the certificate of award ' preaented by the president of the col lege, Stephen B. I Penrose. Ten "Wi were awarded to men In football. 10 in baseball, eight In track, four In bosket ball,' two in tennla and alx In debate and oratory.' The certificate of award also' states how many, times the re-. ciplent has been awarded the emblem In the aama department before. Dutcher has the record, having won bla letter 1 times, In football, baaeball and track. - OLD SUIT ON MAIL CONTRACTS DECIDED ' (Specie! niapetea - to The Journal. t Walla Wash., June l-In the federal court yesterday afternoon a Jury In the caae of the government veraue C, C. Mo Coy, Thomaa MosgrOTe. William O'Don nell and D. W. Small, returned a verdict In favor of the government for $J.T71.. McCoy- held valuable mall con tracts In -San- Fronelaeo- and defaulted tn-awveTat-of thern In ISf t. Suit was begun against. Musgrove, O'Donnall and Small as aura ties to collect tha full amount af tha bonds which amounted to It MOO. Tha ease baa been In the federal cdurts for a dosen years and has been bitterly contested. The defendenta yeaterdavy gave notice that they would appeal ta , tha United States supreme court. FOR OPENING BOXES." An Irnplernent Superior to Any Now y ' : in Us. " - '"?t Opening large box or caae with' ' only a hatchet or hammer aa acoee-aortea- would entail eoualderable labor and time. If a patent natl extractor la used both the time and labor would be reduced. But an Implement that re duce t tha opening of tha box to almost a pastime la Illustrated below. By In-. sorting the point of tba level beneath - PRIES OPEJ" THS Utt the boerd to be raised iM sura the board la Q'licl. r forced out of r""'tl" . ahowa the roalt e ae lnert 11 lines t t ple-ce-t I t e I t re y' J