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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 8, 1906)
THE 1 OREGON I DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. "FRIDAY EVENING, JUNE 8.- 1808. The Market, Basket ' " V '- I Phona Main 1413 MAGNETIC BARGAINS Phona )' Main 1-413 Mm ra :CMY C0. U- . Hare 70a pat up. your strawberries yetT Moat housewivea have not. Thoaa wh neglect purchasing for -canning purposes durlnc the next few days wlU be aorry, lor mere ia every umraura kt ww ummsv Tu.adiv th bis? run will ba at Ita vary height and then it's too lata. lor price wui osin u ad vance. Thoaa that ramambar tha action of tha market laat aaaaon wera among tha flrat to purchase this week. A yaar ago atrawbaniaa want In and out of aaaaon with almoat a elngle bound. Thoaa who waitad for. cheaper barrlaa failed to aacura any at all, for Inataad of going down tha pricea began to climb alarmingly fast. There's no uae. however. In denying tha fact that qual. -lty-aaomawhat jacking -this . aeaaon, lt'a tha rain and lack of sunshina Too much water In tha barrlaa to eutt aome people, but even aa It (a quality la bet ter than that given by other atatea not more than l,0e miles away. ' There ia vary 1 lltUe possibility of raspberries getting vary low In price thla aaaaon. The production promiaea very light at tola time. ' Some few eratea are ahown In tha markets, but at to and 21 cents a alngle pound box they are too high to even think, about at this period of tha year. ' Oranges are getting vary scarce for bast quality and while this has been decreasing the price baa bean Increas ing. Bule work both ways. It's time to think about warm weather and lemona - Tha price' la now quite h on anrrmnt of tha ennrmuT fi - mand from the east, but here It has been too cool for extensive sale a Ten cenU for single pear and a small one at that. That's a pretty stiff price for a retailer to be asking for paara in Oregon, where so many of them are produced that even with the enormoua demand from the far eastern . states tona and tons go to waste annu . ally" because of tha lack of a demand. Of course, theaa paara that dealers are asking 1 cents each for are not -from this state. They're from far away Aus tralia, and there's about-two bites to a peaf anoThot Very big "bitear that Several smal shipments of theaa paara have been received here of lata and soma one, fan always be JCaan&J&MX , - tha-price.1 -. - ' " New vegetables of all kinds are sow In the market. New beets, turnips and others of that Ilk are bow coming In abundance from California, Garden peaa from local points and string beans from -.. California : are - getting - considerably cheaper. Tha markets are now showing FOWLS CAUSE DF iVESTIGllH PoIicemarvAsked to Explain Why -v His Chickens Dig Up" Neigh- J : vvi vwinih SAYS IN DEFENSE THAT " NEIGHBOR HAS BAD COWS Police Committee Obliged to Take Evidence in Neighborhood Row Involving Patrolman John Berri '- - Captain Had to Answer Complaint. to own Has a policeman th right chickens? ; - "rT - That ia. chickens of tha kind that scratch up his neighbor's garden. - It's-awweighty- problem, and '"after hearing a lot of testimony yesterday afternoon tha police committee "of the executive board la still undecided. It la expected, however, that before it board meets at 4 o'clock thla afternoon Messrs. Babln. Pattullo and Greene . will have reached a decision aa to the chickens. t -The case of Policeman John Berrl Is still further complicated by the fact that his mother owns tha chlckenaJBut -whan Philip Ream made a complaint to Chief Gritsmacher he didn't care whether it was John or his mother who held a title to tha fowls ha was mad because they bad scratched op his gar den and when ha had protected John had ueed him roughly. Bo he didn't consider tha young man fit representative of peace and "order. Therefore the police committee had to tackle a good old neighborhood row. Ream waa out of the city yesterday and the evidence was ail on the policeman's aide. "Y . jhey Wffrs. "It rhU-lraiia, " I had been running over our place and so had hie cows," aaid tha officer when haled before the committee. "He called ma bad names and when I got up on tha fence and remonstrated , with him he swung a? hammer in my face. . He's 71 years old and I didn't hit him." 7afcv Joins Argument. Than It aeems that . tha policeman's father,'- who la over 70 years old, took a hand on hearing tha commotion, and tha two old men fell to fighting. Thla waa more than John could stand, so ha landed one or two on his neighbor, who. while the officer waa trying to hand cuff him. had slashed him with a knife. All this time Ream was calling John and his father hard namea and speaking of tha chickens as nuisances. At thla juncture Mayor Lane leaned over to R. I Sabln of tha committee. "I had to plant those peas four times. and every time those chickens"--but the rest was lost- Tha Berri family lives -at l.tU Chajtref-tjiplMajr9rJIna Is also an inhabitant of tha suburban extensive displays of Oregon1 cabbage, and this means the disappearance of the California article, for, this season at least. California cabbage will, not aell whan Oregon can ba secured. - Aspara gus is reaching the and of Ita season and ' already, there Is deficiency In quality, , . -. Chicken are about I cent a pound cheaper on account of the lower prices' ruling In the wholesale markets, . xnis ia at retail. Supplies during the past week showed a considerable gain. Creamery buttor la about cents a roll higher than a week ago. There la a vary heavy demand for Portland but ter from Alaaka points and this Is keep ing the heavy production cleaned up in Ua-marketaTightar price, elsewhere caused the advance here. In line with the advance in creamery , butter the dairy product la higher about the same amount,' .. - - v-" . . Good, fresh ranch eegs are now sell ing in all markets at It cents a doaen and prcaant prospects are that the price- will go do lower than tnis auring xne present season, Y Thatre at retail of course. . -. . !. ' . , ; & . . Soma retail pricea: : ; BERRIES Beat strawberries, . ltc a box; others two boxes for J 5a. Rasp berries SOo. and I6e box, '. FRUITS Bananas lOe doaen, lemona lie and SOo. limes ISo tiosen, cherries JOc and 0o pound; apples 40a and 60o dosen, apricots 7So basket, piams .o basket, pineapples tic and ' Mo each, gooseberries three pounds for ISo. - VEGETABLES Egg plsnt 40c pound. peppers, bell, three for 26c small alsea 250 pound, peas three pounas ior zee, string baana 16o and SOo pound, aspara gus three pounds for 25c, cucumbers lOo and J 5o each, summer squasn . io pound, new California ' . onions - XOo pound, rhubarb fro pound, new po tatoes to pound, green onions too dosen bunches, new carrots two bunohes for to. head lettuoa three for loo, water ere as to, hothouse lettuce to head, rad- lahea three bunchea for loo, caul mower lOo and 20c head, . : , . . FRESH FI8H-t-Halibut 10, aalmon iBoTattrrgaoir 1 wamped baa aoiag ltc. Mack ood 11140, perca loo, noun- dera lOo, ahad Sc. sea trout 20o pound. crabs ISc each, aalmpn cheeks . 5o doswtr-aitad roe ISa and 20o-pouua.-- BUTTER AND EaQS Bast creamery ito per two-pound roll; cooking tto rolL Fresh ranch egga ISc dosen. -" '.' POULTRT ' Chickena lo pound. ducks 75o to 11.26 each, geese 1 to ti.tO each, turkeys 25c pound, spring chickens 7 to pair, friers 75a to 11.60 pair, squab Tie pair, " . ; ;;V:n'v '''' ' region.' Evidently he knew what. neigh bors' 'chickena can do. - ' - Finally- tha committee went Into- ex ecutive session. After two hours' de bate no decision waa reached. A. Shapiro, the - proprietor of ' three saloon .1 n .. J h a t y, presented a com plaint against captain tfaiiey, wno nas the. second night .relief at the police sta tion. Owing tolhe excitement of a fire, Shapiro had left hla front door open few minutes after 1 o'clock. When ar rested and taken to tha station Captain Bailey had demanded tlOO ball or an al ternative of a cell for the night. Sha piro stated that the captain knew he was entirely responsible for bail money, but at that hour had only 127.60 on hla par- eon. Ha waa locked In a oell for half aa hour and considered that he had been treated unfairly. Captain Bailey was not present and tha committee an nounced no decision. . r.ijiLEin35m , v: puns BORA!? Soficno IVctcr Saved Cbcns c-JAVhltcno Cs3.e33 If yoor ateajar hasat St-Mule-Teao TJoaag, take no aubadtata, Writa us, oaaaaatec S emta, gfrtof aaaler name, an4 w wiU mal Taa a package), and in dAie aW" tetaax i tao Hama," 0eC7JlX-KAa ccrjuc SOAP aotaina ua Borax, Natora'a aeanaat ana Wbeliaaf haaca aaakaa atatbaa aasj a zwhttgr-jadtrjrglioaJraaaK; AB CaTaaaaa. .... . Pre, sampia bar for top from pent ad eaitoajadulaeajaoraxaa All Jim Parlfle Ooaat Borax Ceapaay, Balldlng. Oakland, Cellrorola. j Baeaa j j'Bi 5tore of Uttle PricesV, DRAWS REVOLVER AND . RECEIVES KNOCKOUT W, Johnson, representing himself to be a salesman for. the Zimmerman- Wells-Brown company of . 42 Second street, became engaged in an altercation In the Keystone saloon. Fourth and Flanders streets, last night, and upon drawing , a revolver ' waa promptly knocked out by one of the habitue of tha place. Upon the arrival of the po lice, Johnson had disappeared 'and no one waa found who would awear to a complaint against him. At the estab lishment . of Zimmerman-Wells-Brown company it ia atoutly denied that there ia. anyone In the employ of tha firm named Johnson. .. . RANIER MARKET ' Baa lfeata at Seasonable Frloee. Pur Honey, tar... 30t arid 604 Fresh Ranch Egga, 25 da.. I ds..4fit Finest Creamery Butter.. 60 and 55 Fresh lot Dairy Butter, per roll...40e rui.. Lj. i . i Humpty Dumpty Flakes, pkg......l5 Two packages for........ 25 ' Fresh Dressed Chickena Saturday. A rail Urn ef Ceased Oooda and Soap. Freak Fish very Wadaeaday and Friday Butter. Eggs and Cheese a Slam, lrtk aod Sevier Sta. Stata 1C3S. THE- J -HIGHEST GRADES OFCOFFEE ROASTED IN THE AT YOUR GROCERSr: Jn ccrrtt .11 IfiieChfcago Market 187 Third Street, Near Yamhill With their new and improved plant are able to preserve and Jceep their meats in better , shape. The Hygienic Cooling Counter is one of their great improvements. Try one of. their PRIME RIB ROASTS OF BEEF or a FINE JUICY STEAK of a ROAST OF PORK, MUTTON or LAMB. We make and have fresh every Tuesday genuine German KNOCK-WURST, VEAL SAUSAGE made fresh every . r , - ' -1 SATURDAY. . . , $ L PHONE fVfAIN 413 Shrewd Buyers always come to us when they want BARGAINS and: get good "goods. l?emember this, Mrs." and you too can be helped. : . . . ' I cane Star Condensed Cream. lc slsa Can' Eagle Condensed Milk. ' 1-pound can Assorted Soup. r S-pound package Soda Cracker. 15e t can Standard Sweet Corn. ,15 Pound Fellow' Blend Costa Rica Coffee. Pound Hoffman House Java and Mocha Coffee. ' ., ; ; , ' , :. ' '-. 25'.-''" " Pound good ' Gunpowder " or English , . Breakfast Tea. Watch for us in Our large new store on Oak street about June IS West Park and Washington Sts. Phone Main 2596 EeBeCOlWClI (ruiaaitj Van W1I0LESALE AND RETAIL GROCER Hi. Ml, S8B Third at, ear. Jeffenwaf1 Big Stor of Llttla Prka roixownro matt will sat tov & om XTzar soxxab. oalitt ovAKAirzus scRitLiiro'S axn baxxmo : yowozs to (till, per u.,.... ,.M BBT aBABVLATXO SVOAB, fit" SI LBS SBT OlaJTULATtD SUOAB 1.00 I pkft UaCBolia cleaned earrants ....... ..28 I pace sew sktowb sefded raisins ........SSe I Ibf sew t-ciuas lonae Ifaeeatels ........Z3 I -lb cis RoTil beklns pewder ,.0e Ciwe BMckwell'i ollre eO, at bottles. ,5 l ib pkg Arm Hammer soda l-ftl caa fasry table tyra,.. .......40 fe-gal can fancy table ayrop e-.V RhrwIdF Wheat blaralt. pr pk( lOt Tasry Early Jane Peae, per aos ....0e IS bars Roral 8aTa oap ...T4 T eana beat 14 aarttlnM In oil. ....& Core oyatere l-lb rasa, eolla, per aos.....:'..aoe H.fl eata, B-lri pkra. ner Bt. Best plcals kama, per lb Rard-wbeat Boor, per tack Scotch oats, per pkg Posram cereal, per pkg Fell's. Napta soap, per bar Best aoft-wbeat floor, per seek Jars a Hoeba coffee (rerolar Me) box eoda erarkers (aboat 10 tto ) knslia Break foot tea, pr lb raaey Oanpowdar tea (rogolar tSe) Csoada plecolt, per pkg... AOs. lie ,.U li.oe ,.io Bue .Bo 1.00 ,.aso ..0e ..ISO ..lot Bast Sid Belrwles Tsesday asd Itltaya . FHOBB HAM 40. . . WILL OBSERVE FLAQ DAY - IN SCHOOLS OF PORTLAND Flag day wlU ba observed In th pub lic schools of th city, past Thursday, June 14. A achool close June. If. and both teachers and atudenta are rushed with) worklduiing the last two weeks. tna day la partly weicomea. i "There are so many holiday now you can hardly keep .track . of them,"; said Frank- piglerj city superintendent, this FIRST AND TAYLOR WHOLESALE AND RETAIL FIRST AND TAYLOR 1 lb. Imperial Gunpowder Tea 1 lb. Royal Gunpowder Tea , " 1 lb. No. t Pin -Head Gunpowder Tea. 1 lb. No. I Pin Head Gunpowder Tea. l-lb. Basket Fired Japan Tea...,..,. 1 lb. Nov S Spider Leg Japan Tea. . .. . 1 lb. No. 1 Spider Lg Japan Tea. . .. 1 lb. No. I English Breakfast Tea... 1 lb. No. 1 English 'Breakfast Tea... 1NOTICE Saturday.and. Monday only. Select and Ceylon Assam Teaa blended - . Monarch blend, per lb. ,....."... . FISH Vv- 10-lb. Pall KKK Herring ........... I l-lb. Cans Mustard Sardine.. I H-lb. Cans U B. GUslg Imported Sardine . -T H -lb. Can Oil "Sardines ..,,..... S l-lb. Cans Pink Salmon ........... 1 Flat Can Salmon Steak I i-jD. u&na vv woo swnioa 1 H-lb. Can Canadian Lobster ....... t Cana Pheasant Oysters ............ I (Jan nnrimpa a .......204 .......25 ....... SS ....... 46 .......204 .......35 ...J...45 ...... .25 ........aof. Pick Indian -non better . ....... 45 ..1....0O. Finest 25 ....... Z5V - aw A .......AOS' .io .......Z5 ........25 . f ...,. 2S xoa7 1 Cans Any Brand Cream............ 1 Gall. Can Salad Oil 1 Sack L. B. Bread Flour ....... 80 .....fl.OO ST. JOHNS DELIVER T WEDM BSD A Y ARLETJt AND SELLWOOD . -. ... FRIDAY . , :-V i. MEATS Th maata tfeat atak thoa. os, Xd4i ajpaaaao! a baA a tha NOFLI'I BTAB.KBT AID OBOOXBT OO. rOXX BvOABT, TBAJb BOAST, BZZT BOAST, : ZAsfB BOAST, BIUTTOaT BOAST, ' , STXAXB, BTBWS, OXOFS. r CHICKE1NS l-lb. Pall Pur Monarch Lard. ......... .11. lO 6-lb. Pail Pure Monarch Lard...... 6S? ..... t ....... ... .4O0F 6-lb. Pail Beat C. P. Lard 10-lb. Pall Beat C. P. Lard. .. BUTTER AND CHEESE 85 Dairy Butter, sweet, per lb. ......... Freah Ranch Butter, t lba for. ...... Freemont Creamery Butter, t lba for Sunset Creamery Butter, S lbs. for . . Fancy Cream Cheese, I lba for...... Ex. Fancy Cream Cheese, per lb, , . . . Toung. America Cheese, per ib. Brick Cream Cheese, per lb. t....L... Extra Fancy Swiss Cheese, per lb. . . . . . . . , .... 15 .350 45d .50d ,25) .15t .15o 17 M 4 17He cppri At - c ATlTDn AV - , , MWBI BBkaff W a STX -V 4 B I' ' f to I lba. Extra TXn4 T. JL CheM.cood for - Macaxont. pr lb. .r.. 14 I. ........... - -,. ... .. , fl.OO ...B5v TOO? 20 lba D. G. Sugar ...... 10-lb. Box Soda Cracker JV-4U. ngx sisouiu- ...,. MEATS-PROVISIOMS . OBSOOBT TBOBTAJBUS. Asparagua. Green Paaa, Wax and Green Beans, . , Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Cauliflowers, . Onion, Lettuce, Celery, - . Famous Town Talk Coffee, per lb. . . ..... . . .20 Champion Monarch Blend Coffee, .per lb. ...25 Gold Band M. As J. Coffee, per lb SO Army and Navy Blended Coffee, par lb...,,. 15 Old Dutch Combination Coffee, I lba for... 5 ' SPECIAL NOTICE In order to Indue you to start using our Coffees we will give, lAlwauai ( lba Town Talk Coffee B lba Monarch Blend 4 lba Oold Band M. & 1 ihr-imrM Mivt Kleud. tha Coffee with a grip . 1.00 rtva, UTvaDax asm, c Coffee fl.OO Hand Coffee .fl.OO M. J. Coffee.. ..fl.OO iVHSCEUaUAINEOUS 10 lba New Potatoes .; ......,....,'.25 10 lba. New Onion f. . .25 4 lba. Noodle. Maccaronl, Spaghattl or Ver micelli . ..25 T lba. Rolled Oats .......25 T lba White or Red Bean'.':.r.i...-...i.-25- 10-lb. Sack Farina. ...... i .35 ; 10 lba Graham Whole Wheat or Ry Flour.-25 10-lb. Sack RoUed Oat 35 1 lba Whit or Tollow Corh Meat.v..,r..i.25 1 Gallon Can French Muatard ............. ,T5 1 Gallon Can Tomato Catsup 75 . 1 Pkg. Diamond Match 20 f Roll Toilet Paper ................ i ....... lO . 1 l-Strlng Broom, clean straw....,, ...35 VEOETABLES Mail OrdiirrPrSmpttrFtUmthS0mU Pottal and Our SaUtma will Call ana Submit Prices. NEW YORK MARKET & GROCERY BXfl STOBB OF XITTUI YBZOTM." 477-479 WJLUAMS AVENUE Phone East 460 Where everybody goe for BARGAINS and th beat of everything." Good green iv-t.yc-mren wTvrmr rrrn-y-imrtimT ta- numiucialty:,""Tt)iuorrow" w wlU hav Strawberries, Oranges, Bananas,- Tomatoes, Cucumbere, "New 'PoS" tatoea, Radishea. Lettuce. Bunch Onlona. In fact every good thing in th market Order early.- -.,T- .-.J.:: -'X..-, r-.T Z SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY The beat Hard Wheat Flour, avery 'pound guaranteed .v. f 1.1 0 A fine Family Flour (guaranteed - tool .......95 10-lb. eack Hard Wheat Flour... ..25 10-lb. aack Whola Wheat Flour. ..'.25 10-lb. aack Graham Flour. ....... .26 10-lb. aack Tallow or White . i Cornmeal .......... .25 Jcaf . and Coffees With every pound of Tea "and Coffee bought Saturday- yon-get a 10 oaa t pure pepper absolutely f rea . . ; . ISa M. J. Coffee, per lb..... ...SO 30c M. J. Coffee, per lb, ui...... ..25 A good Coffee at. 20 SOo grade E. B. Tea at, per lb 25 SOc grade Spider Leg, per lb.;;. ..25 SOo grade .Gunpowder, per lb.... ,.25 40c grade Gunpowder, per lb 20 tOo. grade K. B. Tea, par lb,..,20 We Carryaruir LTne Of Lard, Rama, Bacon, Plcnio Mam and Freah Meat, and a goad grade, too. . For Campers and Picnickers It wlUb.weUto com and buy your supplies here, aa w have a compleU Una and pack and ship all order care fully. -i , ; ' A lew Specials Deviled Ham. per doaen 45 Deviled Tongue per dosen..... ...45 Ham Loaf, per can.. lO Veal Loaf, per can.. ........lO Bottled Olive and bottled Pickle.. lO Same, per dosen. .......... .....fl.OO ISc package Cracker.;;. ........ .20 t lbs. Pink Beans 25 QL bottle Crosse BlaekweU Oil-r,65 10 lb. Broken - Rlee. . . .. , ......... .35 Canned Goods Cocoa and Chocolate ' I-lb.canOhtrardelH' Chocolate. .75 l-lb. can Ghlrardelir Chocolate, .25 1 can Ghlrardelir Cocoa. ...... ...20 -25 Ibs of Sugar Jot $1,001 With a purchase of 1S.00 worth of groceries we give St pounda of sugar for th .00. 100-lb. ack Sugar. ...........,.f4.T5 21 lba Sugar .....fl.OO NEW YORK MARKET & GROCERY The Biz Store at 477-479 WJHiamf Avenue" ' Botweoa Page and Bugeae Straata. -4how Beat 400. : ' Remember, w retail' at wholesale pricea and keep our competitor guessing. Tomatoes, t cans ......... Bame, per dosen Can Sweet Corn, t cans..;. Same, per dosen . . . . . . . . . . Canned Sweet Peas, t can Same, per dosen .. Table Apricots, per can. Same, per ..dosen . . . ...25 fl.OS ...15 ;r.T5 ...25 .......... .worn a-.... . . 15 .......fl.OO Frank L. Smith Meat Co. - aS AXBBB STBBBT, Bstaaaa First aad Soeoad. BS1 SOVTB1 FZBST TBBBT, Baa tha Bridge. -,-v ' ; r FigHtintf tHo Beef Trtist" When you pay a trust butcher the trust price for meat you are helping to loh the beef trugt it doesn't need your charity. When you trade with Smith you are economising for-your Own pocket and "you aia buying f rem Portlawd'a only independent alaughterav Spring Lama Hindquarters, per Ih.lB Rolled Roast Beef, per lb... lO Pot Roast Beef; per lb. ............ .8 Sirloin Steak and Rib Steak, lb.,12H Round Steak, per lb. ............. .lO Shoulder Steak, per lb. H Boiling Beef and Stew, per lb...... 6 Roast Mutton, per lb.. tt 'Mutton Chops, per lb ;....1o Roast Pork and Pork Chops. lb..l2H Spring Lamb Shoulder, per lb. ....lO Leg Mutton, per lb.., 12H rum Bausmge ana ninourr Diou, per lb ,..10 Bologna Sausage, per lb. .......... .8 Frankfurters, per lb.... ..lO Breakfast Bacon, per lb ...1TH Lard, pounds SO - Low pricea to people who use quanti ties. .- ; . Large Shad 15c Lach Chinook Salmon, 2 lbs..... 25 Halibut, 3 lbs. V.25f Fresh Crabs, large size, 2. . .25 Smoked Salmon, Halibut, etc. . . . i ' Salted Eel, Anchovies, Herring Best Creamery Butter : ; 45c a Roll 2 Doz. Ranch Eggs........ 45 Columbia 1: :-l Third and Ankeny Sts. Phone Main 5 ROE SHAD, Sc Per Pound HALIBUT, 3 pounds; .... ... .25t Chinook Salmon ........ 12 Vi?TCrawfiah, Live ht Cooked. Perch, lb. . . , ; . . . . . .-. : . .8 Ovsters, qt. . . . ...... .50 FRESH SHIPMENTS RECEIVED JDA1LY STANDARD CRAB CO. - 171-173 MADISON STREET (at the Bridge) " Spring Chickens 25 Cents Each Hens, lb ....16 and 17 1 Best Creamery . . . . . . . . .; . .45 Good Creamery .......... .40 f Dairy. ........... .30 and 35 Best Sugar Cured Hams, lb.l5 ; - ' ', ' ; i La Grande Creamery y: 264 Yamhill Street " Central Market I always prepared to serve its patron with th choicest out of meat, such as TaadoTlola, Porterhouse, Bov&d. aad Xambara; , - STEAKS Baaf, Mutton, Veal, Xmb aad Pork r ROASTS ; Smoked aad Salted Meat, Poultry and ... - .. riak. - - r- KIND0RF BROS. 11 Corvallis Flouring Ms I I! Highest G , , , a, ft rade of Bakers' and Family Flour g Bafialo, H W5'Cf. ' Sawta aad y. AvENill aa ; : urnu g . . OOBVA& H xos,sxb- r- .a VXBTOaT . . . AJT0. .3 " -x. rSOBZA. E a a B Th high standard of excellence which for mora than thirty year pant has made ''CORVALLIS MILLS BEST" a household Word In the families of discriminating housewives Is tha best guarantee that th same high standard will bo maintained In tha future. - ... . -A- OUR BRANDS 'l Corvallis Mills Bestahd . "Pride ttf the Waldo Hills 19 "the former msr4ifacured at our mllla at Corvallis. th latter "at" our " Silverton mllla, are made from tha choioeat grade of selected winter wheat. Our plant are equipped throughout : with th moat new and modern machinery. - - On- November lot, 1 X5. wa instarfedii our flouring Mill Wnat1l j :wiw. M.ih. A1on -Prrw-. .htrh le on anttifetv a. .v.i.m-,a. ffm. I proving and tarillsing all, grades of nonTnamifactured by out planticC ff It la dona by tha use of electricity which la made with a 600-volt dynamo M. and from the connection of two carnon points which develop and make a large electric spark, or a gaseous air known as ozone, then pumped through a coll of metal pipe Into a large gyrator. ' Hero it cornea in contact with the flour, oaonlng ssme, which leaves It in a much healthier, condition; strengthening the quality, also making It absolutely free from germs, taking from aama a certain portion of the oily matters, or. In othsr words, leaving tha flour In tha earn state as th atmosphere would be after an electrlo etorm. ; A trial will convince you of tha results. Thl I considered th moat .wholesome flour on tha market, and every sack 1 guaranteed. : , Many mllla use a combination tf aulphurlo acid and sine for bleaching flniir-vn r ''nt nt V," K'"r cheaper than -.tha. eleetrte- oroceao.-.; These being of a poisonous nature areblghly lnjurlou tu th hearth ofr ASK YOUR GROCER FOR A SACK If ha does hot hav It, send us your name and addreaa and wa will lee that you get It . Trad aupplled from- . - 1 OUR PORTLAND, OFFICE, 531 lumber Exchange j FIvIi FAOmO VOl. - MMTVaf TOZ. oVSUUa. HUMffW. a.crzzz:izzzzai:zzzzzzzz:zzzxzzzzzai GEYLON TEAS. 'DIRECT PROM TUB' GJ RDEAtS , , The Great Hit of the Portland Fair The Cheapest Tea to Buy T lUlilwjrmwmNQ. One Pound Equals Three Ito. 1 Ceylon and India -Ib. can. T5f. No. l C, and I., 1 lb...eB No. I Ceylon and India H-lb. can. 40. . No. S C. and I., Vi lb.,.3S SOLD BY ALL GROCERS i S 1 '.! - MM4w morning, i 190 Oraad Aw Vhona Xast dia.