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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 8, 1906)
THS OREGON DAtLY JOUIlNAi; POIlTCAim; FRIDAY EVENTNQ, ' JUNE 8. IZZ3. F0RTY-ni;3F"VJILL GRADUATE Commencement at Oregon Ag y ; ricultural College Most Not--', ' able'rtrr Its History. SIX DAYS OF IMPORTANT . E - EVENTS AT STATE SCHOOL Visitors Gathering at Corvallia for th Annual Ceremoniea Attending . CUsa Graduation Waek'a Pro- gram Includes Ball Game. ' 'J " ' 8per1J Dlspstca to Th JearaaL) Corvallia, Or.r Jun t. Commence- . ment weak, of the- Oregon Agricultural college opened laat night with a play at tha opera-houae,- "On Bbora and Sea," given by tha vocal department of, tha -college under direction of Mra. E. F. Green. Tha caat of character Included , many of tha moat prominent eoloists of th elty. It being a musical drama, and a packed houae greeted tha performance , Saturday night th laat of th eerie of tnteraoclety debate for th Qatch cap will take plac in th collar chapel between .the Pierian and Jeffersonlan literary societies, th aubject being, -"Reeolved, That th Right of Suffrage In th United Btatea Be Restricted by , an Educational Qualification." The af flrmatlv la taken bjrJhJtfferannlana. eunaay, in college cnapei, in annual baccalaureate aermon will b preached ' by Rt Rey. rrederlo W. Keator, D. D.; "bishop of Olympia, and becauae of thea , services there will b no aervloaa In th churche of the city, all uniting In -this- annual event of commencement week. - -, - r -. V Mortday at t:10 p. m. the claaa In phyaleal culture glvea tta exhibition drill In th Armory, and In th evening Jat . 1:10 o'clock Professor Gerard Tall Undler, assisted by pupils of th elocu tionary department, will appear In an organ recital In the college chapel,,. """"Tuesday, however, la th greateat day Nfcf'"wSJWtSf' .self. At 10 a. m., on college eampua, - a parade and skirmish drill by th cadet .regiment will be wltneaaed by a. great throng; at J p. m. the claaa day lexer cisea take place on the campua; at :t0 p. m. th faoulty and senior engage in a gam of baseball that promisee to rival anything In that line ever at- - tempted on th local Held.: Prealdent Oatch ha laaued two requests In rela- tloq to the game, via., that th senior "are not to "guy" the faculty after th ' conteet, and that all apeotatora will go "into ' th grandstand out of reach of - danger.- ., ..L..J.... Seniors Olve AftivBlodk raeedaywrenlntvln th opera-house, . th' annual play will fee given by th" enlor,-'Tirle -wll b a farce, entitled "After th Storm Com (a Calm." The program will embrace vocal soloa quarts ta and -monologues. Xloaenateln'e orchestra, will furnish musli. ; . Wednesday, In th Armory, at It a, m. tha graduating exercises take place, ' th addreas to the claa to be mad by Itev. .William CL Eliot Jr. of Portland, At I p. m. tn th chapel will be held the ' meeting' of the alumni, and this wilt : conclude what la considered th moat Important Week of th year in Cor- ' vailla. T" ' ' Visitors flood the town at thl sea son to attend commencement and al ready some are arriving. Former stu dents com from all parts, not only of Oregon, but of neighboring Btatea, and ther I general merriment and festiv ity during th six or aeven daya that tnak op tbe-pertod-of-eommeneement.-There are 49 members of th senior , claaa this year, from all parts of th ' state, and some who reside in neigh boring spates. , .; ' . Preferred Seek Canned Ooode. , "Allen Xwl" Best Brand. r-CAFE AND MUSIC HALL WEEK BEGINNING ' MONDAY, JUNE 11 BcaxaaaaBBaBaasmsBBBBaaBBaBBSSSBSSBBga WclchuiiJarl-: Song and Dance Artists - Fiechtl's Tyrolean EE Sextette: Old Heldelberf The Great and Only " Lillian Melbourne" ; Comedienne v Trixetta ': ' Serpentine Dancer and . Contortionist - Belle Lawrence , In Specialty : ' . MOVING PICTURES Special Daily Matinees from - 2 to 5 o'clock. SPECIAL SUNDAY IIATLNEE 2foS Clock A Profjram Changed Daily. . Entrance at 21 North Third treet, 21. 23 and 25 Horth Sec ond street, and 243, 245 and 247 Durnsiie trert ' ERICKSONS DMiLE flVilOT jlESUPE POST Ex-Marine Hospital Surgeon on Special Inspection Board J,T:;':'U , a Capital. ; 'i' FEELS MUCH FLATTERED WITH HIS APPOINTMENT Says Senator Fulton Is Considered On of tha Big Men of the Senate at Washington and That Membera Do Not Leav When He Speaks. The Jeortxl kaa esened a sews est sab aerlptloe bums at fto CeaaMrclsl strMt, AsUrU,. where say kaelsess with tks sesef sssy be trsaactea- faeae Mala tauU .. Bpeelti Pteaecea t The JearaaL) JourniU'a Astoria Bureau, -June I. Dr. Bayll It. Karle, until recently In charge f th United States marine hoe pltal aervlc for Columbia ripe re, will probably not return to his duties her, at least for aome time. Several montha ago he secured leave of abseic to-take a trip through th eaatern and aouthern states. He la eervlng on a special board making sanitary inspection of govern- ment buUding at the national capital, and be wrltaa to a friend In thla city that' he oannot return -to Astoria befpr ja autumn, u a Dr. Barl wrets thai mitt two weeka to complete Inspec tion of th large treasury - building. Th Whit House and th capltol build ing are among those' yet to be Inspected, and h figures that many month must elapse before th task Is completed. He writ! - V-" - - - 1 cannot help but feel highly flat tered over my appointment to th board that la making th tour of Inspection of th buildings at th national capital. Inasmuch a th member were named by the- prlsedent film self. It begtnato look as .though I would not return, to Astoria. r-. ' - "As a life-long Democrat, I take great plensur1miaylnr Thir 6uf" Mend.' Sen ator Pulton. Is considered on of th btgenorehnette-ihatC Ha ls -welt thought othere, nd I-notle that when h speaka th membera do not go out Into the cloakrooms, but re main In thelr'aeata and llatn.""- -Dr. Earle conclude his letter by ex pressing th hop that Governor Cham berlain .would b returned In spit of th odds against him. being too good a man to turn down. He also expreesed hla regret at not being able ' to return to. what-ha termed th best state In the. Union, and on of th moat pleasant towns. Th regatta, h added, b Would ml vary much. - -.j... ' Oradoatlng Xxarelse. :raagementaoif7ttenrmal..cjJuu.v menoament joerclse of th Astoria ' .high, school hay been1 mad.. : .Th-axiw. erulses proper will take place on June 16, and on June IT Rev, W. S. Gilbert of th Tint Presbyterian church will deHvrlhebticealaurat sermon. 4 - On th evening of June 10 th recep tion of th junior to th senior claaa will take plac. ".Tha graduates are Annie WUhelmlna Bergman, Edith El- -si Butta, Magna..flo4til--CafeSonrBtod- wen Davlsav May Karlnen, Orac Ellene Magladry, Maret Loula Bottom, Kate Mabel .Wood. Joseph Leahy, Prank Thomaa Parker and Otto Emll Utain , ger. Th claa motto 1 "Justice Before , AH." - Th class flower Is sweet briar ; and the color red and blu. - -- Arranging for Celebration. ; j, Astoria is to have on of th best In dependence day celebration In her his tory. Th commute In oharg of the event 1 holding regular meetings, and umbref at tree t Ions hav- been -arranged. Among the will be a mardl gras parade. Th celebration will ex tend over a period of two days, com mencing on th morning 6f July t, and the new city park just completed will b dedicated .en th opening day. t ; '";;r '. .Utogal TetM U 711. '.' H Frank Hendricka, arrested for Illegal voting, was bound over to th-dlstrict court yesterday at th preliminary hearing, and In default of ball was com mitted to the county jalL Hendricks Is accused of votlng In two precincts and in lesumony against mm i strong,, - " , 1t foe STew XAsera. ' Rv. W. & Orlm, paator of th First Methodist church of thla city, left for the scentupf-hia-futur labor t Delia, 'Colorado, today. HI family accompa nied him. A reception was given by member of - the church last Tuesday evening. MEDICAL ASSOCIATION IN QUARTERLY SESSION (Bpeelal Mspetek t The JeanuU ' ' Albany, Or., Jun . Th - Central Willamette Medical association met in quarterly session Wadneaday evening In th new hospital building of Rev. Father Lane, formerly the elegant home of the late Rev. Lou la Metayer. . Dr. Coffey of Portland read a paper on ''Modern - Dlagnoele and1- Treatment of Diseases of th Abdomen,' which was extensively . discussed., -' A subscription of 50 was donated to th physicians' relief fund of Ban Francisco. k A fin banquet waa served, those In attendance being: Dra Coffey, William son. . fierce, Portland; , Dra. Booth and Lamberaon, Lebanon; Bra. Cathay and Pernot, Corvallia; Dr. Bennett. Monroe; Dr. Emll Howard. Crawfordsvllle; Dr. Prill. Sclo; Dra. Davla, Wallace. Ellis, Trimble, Hill. Btark. Myer Albany. JUNE WEDDING OF L ' 'ALBANY YOUNG FOLK (pctal Dlspeteh to Tse Jearaal.) .' ..Albany, Or Jun ,TKn of th prett tleat weddings- of th year took plao at high noon Wednesday, June c, at the real dance of Mr. and Mra. Oeorg M. Payne, their daughter Oeorgiene becom ing th bride of Charlee Hall Stewart tt thle city. Th ceremony waa performed by Rev. Tracy B. Qrlswold In th pree ence of about I Invited gueata. Immedi ate member of th family and Intimate fiienda. It .waa happy occasion, and th most . enjoyable of June wedding. Tbey left on a tour of th sound coun try and will make thlr home In Albany. ROSEBURG INCREASES 1 ' . SALOON LICENSE FEE tSeerlal tfchtrh w The ereLl Roseburg. Or, Jun I. As a result ef th recent election in which part of this city, which has been "dry." went wet," and tn expected opening of a number of new saloon, th city council last night re teed th aaloon license from 1 409 to f0. Th chair of Councilman F- W, Haynee, removed from th city, wa declared vacant and C B. Patrick wa appointed to represent th third I z z i it b y -v . mil i I In I W IMeiGaMESELJyM -121-123 GRAND AVENUE Elbow Length SOli Gloves -BLACK or WHITE Just received a new lot , Gloves in black and white. ' Cream and Vhite Dreis Skirts $4.00, $5.50, $6.50 ; Made.an4..trimrned in th LYry newest jtjles, perfect fitting. Manama and mohair materials. , j , v , . " V - White; Duck Skirls M.48, $1.95 EE ; Stylish ready-to-wear White 'Wash" Skirts " are here at the ; lowest prices consistent! with style and quality. llncn-FInish White 15C, loC, Z5C The popular materials for PETITION OF SHEEPGRO.VERS OH GRAZING DENIED Exception Made in Case of One Firm, Which Is Allowed j r " Extra Grazing; (Sperlsl DUpatrk is The leerasL) Pendleton, Or., Jun I. By a decision of th forestry, bureau of the depart ment of agriculture tha appeal of th Umatilla county ahpmn agalnat the allotment of the Wenana reserve ha been denied. Th action of th dapart mant I announced In a letter from Overton W. 8tlll, associate forester,- to Xten P. Smyth, secretary of the Uma tilla association, which says: "Attn a careful consideration ef the appeal 'from the decision of Ranger Sohmltg made by Mr. Raley and your self on behalf oftthe Umatilla County Woolgrowers' association; In reference to th allotment of graslng privileges on the Wenaha reserve, the forester baa decided to sustain Mr. Schmlts on all of th point presented exoept that In reference toth Cunningham Sheep at Land-eompany In this case It appear a a mistake was mad and ' that th ap plicants are entitled to a larger number of heep than wa allowed. I Ineloe a eopy of the forester's reply to - Mr. Schmlts for your Information." In th letter to Ranger Schmlts the chief forester hold that aa the Cun ningham Bbeep Land oompany pur- , J)- heM and V. u V rr money by : YVXusina KC (( VT'X Bahinj i M ITuy .. , vy , ., ; CAREFUL inquiry hows majority of caaca, preaenbe Pabrt Slue Ribbon Beer becauae hy know of its absolute purity and pontrre clenliiicm It is thi ef tondst and ricTuil$r in the world, said one oi GucagV leadingr doctors the other day. "WKat appeals to mc, Le said ' tLe Pabat process and Pabrt ei Jht all the rest,lvVf Jjictorsappreciateji teachingf the people ia their hpme the ralue of gteriliaation. Oa -almost every visit we male we emphasize that. I hare Tinted all the breweries of importance ia that for absolute cleanliness there Palbst BlueRibbon I prescribe it in my practice Tte agfuig! of Pabst Seer; is aaotner point wnereia the great Pabst brewery excela Pabst is the perfectly ag"ed beer. Not a bottle or a leg ever leaves the brewery unhl acience and the test of time shows it folly aged, and mellow, perfect in age, purity and strength'--; , When ONerlas Beer, call Chas. H. Kohn Third of the much wanted long silk' - Suit Rlatwlals atj Cer.- WIITE SUITS OR SKIRTS. GIGK 1BDAGI1E PoeltlTely emre.1 T CARTERS these uhm ruis. Tbey also rUeve Dfev Msa tram DyepepsU. Xa digwatloaaad Toe Hearty rilTTUS IVF-R PILLS. A pertoct Drowtlpesa. B4 Taata m the Mnrth. Coated Tongria,Patatnaede TORPID XJTXBV They reralate the Bowela. PwelyTeretable.- SaULLPILL SIULL C3SE. SaUllrttCL CARTERS 'Ceiraina Must Bear Fao-Simfle Signature IflVER 1 1 pills. REFUSE SUISTITUTES. chaaed th plant of Charles Cunning ham In accordance with the custom of the country, they therefore eueceed to the range prtvtlegee held by th latter and are entitled to a permit to graze stock In the reserve except as far as' tble privilege Is modified by the regu lations. Accordingly the company la placed In rank B Instead of C, and they ar allowed an additional l,ee sheep in tha reserve. JOE BELL FREED FROM -- CHARGE OF ASSAULT ' - (SaeHat Plspetch The Jearaal.) Chehalla, Wash., Jun S. Let yes terday afternoon the Jury returned a verdict ef acquittal ln'th case- ef the etate vs. Joe Bail for assault. Ball waa arrested on the charge ef aaaaultlng Alma Gustaveaon, the daughter ef a foundry man. . He waa bound ever from the Justloe court and has been confined In th city Jail awaiting trial. The girl waa ef ansound mind. M. A. Lang horne was attorney for Bell and Proee euting Attorney Buxton conducted the eaae for the etate. f iraaheaul Asks tMreeee. (Kpertal DaiBatek es The eearael Pendleton. Or., June . Oeorg R. Troxel has sued for divorce from Clara R. Troxel, alleging that the defendant deserted him lav January. 1104. They were married In Vancouver, Waahlng ten la im aa4 have a children. . , octo: : ' ....... . iiwe svvwi that Joctor, ia perhaps tLe lar' - day malt, so very different fro: the country, and I must say ,. is no beer to equal and drj.nV "rftlf.- for Pakat Blue Jaoa D Co. PHONX MADir tad BASTHMT OUTPlTTUIg QOhPfAJTT ""'Tlflls Is byTong odds ; the Pta -2? Shirtwaist Suits of Shirtwaist Suits we have ever made It em ' braces every style and fabric your fancy dictates and at , prices well below the average. Cash : or tha usual terms of .. ...... . $1 - No extra chaige for credit Eastern Outfitting Co. . Tfce Store Where Yon Credit Is Oood ; ' ' Washington and Tenth - wl ' Make Your House as Pretty as a Picture Rv beautlfvlne It with Bay State Paint. and the- beat of ail le that you oan do It ell yourself, aa our paint la all ready to D appnea. An 7 color or anao you wish, and thev are ail extremely dur able, standing euneblne and raid with Impunity. ' ;ra m anr rroma. . Fisher, Thorsen & Cc. runl axo- atomxzro rrx ...v u V - ' IttTllI OtmrmaTO OOMTAhTT most: complete showing a Week Your DoIIcrs Go a Long Woy Her la purchasing hardware that'a de pendable la quality and attractive In price, whthr buying be a alngle ar ticle er In lote ef a groaa. Courteous attention whether yen. buy or look. " EhKH. Co. 'la vV err a w m i i s 4 .-r .. i.-. , ' WW XX Ml I m , v i i . xx l mm S6C Msffl Porfland's Kcv; Dzparbn't Store Nolhlng Dot For tomorrow The FoUowlag Bargains tsd Cssdreds of C&ers ' Jns! as Desirable Are .EEE Ready lw Yoa " ! Tcaditow: 10-YARD DRESS ; PAT TERNS French Uiwnfl -'- goid German Linens i-S S-Pound FEATHER PIL JtQWSj, good quality. SJ1 urday onl?'''- Five cases Traveling- Men's -SampleTT UNDERWEAR. consisting of balbriggan ' ribbed, all sixes and colors. Special for Saturday 25cWINDSOR TIES, ex ' tra Special for Saturday 12c LADIES' LACE STOCK COLLARS, also Persian collars, studded with beads. "E Special for Saturday - 7 TORCHON IRISH LACE. Linens and Valenciennes, 10c and 12c values. Sat urday only ' 15c SILK POLKA DOT RIBBON. Saturday only good sized Picture Bamboo Easel. Saturday ;'.V only Wia AU CarplsrTcxIst; ceive Onr Special DIsccsst. ElLss. 1 UUkZ SATURDAY "i .,:.J:- - 1