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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 7, 1906)
, .. . . THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. 'THURSDAY HUE RIVER ;; : WM Mi) ' - IS RICH IN noTciOOP .-pi:ACg-TD-TrtPD; iolz Agents for monarch IJdkfiWe Rccs The Range With a Cash Guarantee rT --1 ,'Dr. J. F, Reddy Says Country Has Great Future and Medford Is Destined to Be : ? .come One of Greatest Cities, v" Pennsylvania : Cleric on Small Salary Managed to Accum ulate Fortune in Coal ' Properties. 4 $1100 DOWN $1.00 A WEEK CREDIT FOR YOU AND YOUR FRIENDS, TOO PRICES ARK RIGHT PAYMENTS ARE LIGHT EVENINO, JUNE 7. 1SC3. ' -ag -- - ' v- Inn in tm n'nn L IALLEY r " Mil au,uuu MINERALS - .: ; ;-;.,. ; 111 ulULIi V? & ' ... .' - 1 i " fL..,. t 1 i, I ' , ''' Recent Sctlvltl along development lines In southern Oregon nav drawn :n amount ( attention never before received by that region from men who ' have experience and capital to apply '' tortile Jaak of opening up the .count nndhoverng-- indue Hal possibilities. - It la declared thaf the' Rogue river valley not only baa a good claim to the greatest future fa horticulture of any i district fn the United States, but It la "shown that Josephine - and v-Jackson , counties have ' Immense mineral re .'.. sources.'' . . - -' ... "I am satisfied that the, Rogue river country has a great future, and that Medfprd la destined to become a city of ' considerable slse " and Importance," . said Dr.- J. F. Reddy. who la registered . at the Oregon. He haa apent .several ' years Investigating the . natural re ' " sources of Jackson and Josephine eoun- " ties, and I regarded as en -of the moat thoroughly Informed mem In; Southern Oregon.' A number of mining undertak- ;ing by him have "made good" end he , -). said to have, justly earned the repu- r tntlon of a man whose Judgment csn i be rolled upon by Investors. . He said: , ' Bogn stiver Valley aUoh. ' t'The . Rogue river ' valley haa gold, wmi, tuppcr, cinnabar) lhn;"oalr marble end An quality of granite. .Its bane ores, although they never have .'"received attention, are valuable. It,haa the Iron in hematite and . chrome. , It . ltaa Jaxtey r--orn menial tonermyiT ' asbestos and dikes . of, tale that will some day be developed. - Its timber, NfraletHowlrWajir """'a. re" very "great "t "do"ndt""hesitaie to , say that within a radius of 100 miles i abound Medford there are greater re sources than in S00 miles around Spo P leaned The Tl6gueflvef cOHtrjrwm therefore maintain a proportionately . greater- - population and produce cor. " reapondlngly greater wealth." rr.-rrf Capital Ja interested That the Rogue river country has the greatest sugar pine forest In the world i. and that the mineral deposits of the val ley are of great variety and richness, "haa long bee known but little appre ciated. , Recently- Spokane mining men and New York capitalists have taken ' cognisance of these conditions and have been' Investigating '-and - investing la ' southern Oregon. It is said too men fvim RnMrAn lilv. Mill Invastf YS.tlAnS " if mlneraf deposit 7hnBSgil'ldviiaathrioTi . valley, while the figure . witnoui v ciphers would about represent! the num ber of southern Oregon men. Who have made similar examinations of hclr own , No record exists of (the amount wealth that is every year being taken out of the ground in southern Oregon. It la said a gold brick is ahlpped nearly every day and the proceeds go to New . York owners. The record of the gold ' becomes a part of California reports of STREETPREACHERS TAKEN TO JAIL Negro Ministers Almost Cause ';. Riot by Utterances Before , Large Audience. CHARGED WITH USING IMPROPER LANGUAGE 7 .n.,,..; Declared. It . I Alleged, That AU Those Who' Perished in San Frmn--cutco Horror Are Now Suffering Torturee in Realma of Pluto. ' . ' By declaring In vehement terms that the Roman Catholic clergy and Sister - of Mercy were corrupt and that minis ters of th gospel in general were de generates, J. R. Mills and D. X Hender son. Itinerant colored street preachers, lmoat precipitated a riot last night at Sixth and Washington streets i Th crowd which bad gathered to listen to the exhortations of .the two negroes was in an ugly mood.'' Patrolman Cerr took both men into custody for th us of profane and abusive language. Carr was -vociferously cheered as he took his, twa prisoners tn the flty prison. I T olio wlag . tae . rug. When Our soldiers went to Cuba and the Philippines, henlth was the most Important consideration, '-Willis -T Mor gan, retired Commissary Sergeant U. 8. A., of Rural Rout 1, Concord, N. H., aoys: "I was two years In Cuba and two years In the Philippines, and being subject to colds, I took lr. King New Discovery for Consumption, which kept me In perfect health. And now, In New Hampshire, w find it the best medicine in the world for coughs, colds, bron chial troubles and all . lung diseases. Guaranteed at Skldmore Drug Cov Price to and 11.00. Trial bottle free. THE GRADUATE V WILL APPRECIATE WITH GREAT- ; . , DELiGHT;;:;.j,;--t.v.;;rr;' gold'and silver articles Because- they have intrinsic value and last . the longest. ., We have a great variety of unthought-of ideas that Will prove interesting at attractive prices."" " -- " . ''.' i Corner, Third and Maaafactattac Jeweler i OpU class gold production and Oregon gets no of ficial credit. ; ' ' While the region Is' rich In .a va riety of minerals, It la properly., cop per country,", said Dr. Reddy. 'The copper-deposits- ara attracting Spokane mine operators and eastern mining men. Robert B. T.owne. who owns the Blue Ldne copper mlnv. SO miles west and south of Medford. In the main rang of the Slsklyous, haa a fore of 135 men at. work developing--ins- property. H Is a-copper mining man and well under stands, the work he has undertaken her and what th results will be. H wlU probably Invest a million dollars In Blue Ledge before he takes a dividend. He Is th owner of a number of smelters and railroads In Mexico and undoubted ly wlU build a railroad from th Blue Iedge to connect with th Southern Pa cific at Medford." , rc-i; rs 4tmttr " Mr. .Town has purchased a smelter site tn the Applegate valley. When th largeat Individual copper miner on the coast selects a district In which to en ter upon a gJgantta mining enterprise It Is said to mean that the district chosen tnoL.PiS8?LTIr. per values. This conclusion is reacnea by mining "men who have noted the sig nificance of Mr. -Towne's I course .. In southern Oregon. It Is said his decision to locate a great mining industry there Is" the most powerful and convincing argument that could be used to shat terthe., seeming indifTerence and neg- -nrthntHwr people toward on of th richest sec tions of their wonderful commonwealth. In the Blue -tdg -district there are many--ether, good mines nowbclng veloped by. Spokane men. Th Bloom field. ' owned by Peter Larson. - Jo C. Adams and Andrew Jeldness; the Sis kiyou Copper company mine, owned by Bpokene and -St. Catharine, Ontario, people; . the- Joe Creek Copper mine. owned by J. C Chapman, a banker of Red Lodge, Montana. William Hart Hamilton of Crescent City,.-California, Henry .En gel of Medford and 0org Putnam of The Journal all these prop erties are .being developed rapidly and making fin showings. - Th New York owner lof . the Odd mine hav com' pleted plan to add 40 stamp to their mill, making It a 10-stamp mill, th In th Bloomfleld mine a strike was made the other day where- three or four feet 'of IS per cent ore was, taken vr. Keafly, There ara about 1.000 elalma -now lo cate In 'th Blue ftedge dfstrtot. Near ly the. entire camp is made up of Spo- kane men. It is said a miner ei se cure and open a better mine with less spans in southern Oregon . than In any other mining camp In the United States. ' . , ,,,, . and 'a large part of th crowd followed him to police headquarters. Mills and Henderson arrived Jiere Yr0m"BanTranclsco ahortly after th earthquake and hav been -holding street meetings. They claim to be regularly ordained ministers of th Church ' of Ood and are in possession of certificates signed by' Apostle J. K. Smith of San Antottto, Texas. . Considerable complaint has.-beenmade..:ofthlr utterances on th public streets and Chief, of Police Orltsmacher fnatructed all ' patrolmen to arrest them if necessary. -Patrolman! Carr was one of - their auditor last night . and did not inter fere until their language became offen slve. Mills was the principal speaker of th evening and opened his remarks with the declaration that all of those who had perished In th San Francisco dirister war now tn th realma of Pluto. He took for Ms text the first chapter of th book of Daniel, and after getting -warmed up to the subject took occasion to attack th Roman Catholic church and finally wound np by assail ing th Hebrews. - His language is said to have been obscene and vulgar and there wa muttering beard In th crowd. At this Juncture th policeman made his way through th crowd and placed Mills and Henderson under arrest. - . Although no specific charge was placed against the two men, yet they were brought "befor Municipal Judge Cameron this morning. They denied th allegations mad against them and de clared that they -nad-ctrly quoted front th Bible. 'Judge' Cafflerontl,,Jnformed them that he would not tolerate such conduct oh the public streets and tar tended th warning If any further com plaints were made he would deal severe ly with them. . The tenets of the Church of Ood as outlined by Mills is the observance of th Sabbath on Saturday, th discharge Lng of the teachings of the early fathers end the rem sat to believe in present dsy inspiration. While in Ban Fran riseo Mills . and Henderson preached nightly, at Grant avenue -and Market street up to th time of the earth quake, and It la understood, that th police of that city had similar troubl with them. '..,. J .: , t Simplicity and economy are the key notes of the.if urnlshlngs of the Rocke feller home In New Yory City. -Ther Is no elaborate system of electric bells, no elevator and no frills about anything. Mrs.. Rockefeller prefers' climbing' -th stairs to having an elevator put In. . -t ii ". J i '--sm-t Washington -treefsC Siamoad Xatporter ? a w m-M- fMi m III it -AtzA OA IIVATjSXXvN- sT-yCTi-, T'll i Latest' Photograph by Giuseppe Sarto of Pope Pius X, who is In very poor - health although, he insists that h will do all necessary work. Tha ; smaller photograph at the bottom is that of Dr. Lapponl, the Pope's physician, whVsnTryingto" make nim take a long rest. -- ..' - TORNADOES SWEEP IWOITATES- One Man Killed in Minnesota and Many Injured in Wis consin by Hurricanes; BRIDGE IS CARRIED OUT TRAIN FLAGGED IN TIME Infant Child Picked Up and Denuded - by Storm but Found Unhurt Much Damage Done to : Crops Two Towns in Ruins. - (Journal Sueelal Brl.) - La Crosse, Wis., Jun 7. Halvor Hal vorsen- was fatally In Jured,-l others wer seriously Injured and '10 buildings were leveled by a tornado near Btoddard, Wisconsin, tonight.;- ' ' Others Injured : are: Mrs. Charles Bcheck, ' Carl Scheck, William , Jones, Mrs. Louise Scheck and Infant child. Julius Orank and several other ar more or less seriously hurt. ' Th hurricane centered ' apparently eaat of Stoddard, Vernon county, passed up Coon valley 1 and Mormon Coulee, striking Stoddard and Brink man" moat heavily. Wires are down. 1 In La Crosse ther was much damage. Washouts ar reported on th railroad. A. bridge on the Chicago, Burlington Qulncy, near Stoddard, waa carried out and a' Burlington passenger train, car rying 200 passengers, wa flagged at the brink of the gap by a farmer named Miller and many live were saved. TOWNS DEVASTATED. SnlldlneTS la , Wyoming and Xortb Branch, Mlnnssota, Demolished. "T . ' (Joarnel 'Soeelel Servlee. - 8t.' PhuI, June 7. A tornado at o'clock last evening swept over Wyo ming, and North Branch, small towns It miles north, doing much damage. Mr. Engdahl of- North Branch is reported killed. ,' Severs! other were injured. The storm formed near Lindstrom and cut a path (00 yards wide for 16 miles. iciiing nouses sna uprooting trees. Bmall buildings were rased and large nes moved from their foundations. At ulnwood th I-a Duke stock farm buildings .wer destroyed. Tb house nd barn Of .Henry Kunk were com pletely destroyed and hi wife and son I severelylnjureda- M rs, rank had her ii-TOrmths-oa babe in her arms -when the storm cam up. and though ahe tried to cling o It, It wa Mown away. Later It was found some distance sway, un hurt, but without a stitch of clothing on It. ' ' . .' STEAMER FREIGHT IS V TIED UP BY LOCKOUT (Joarsal Special Servica!') -San Francisco, Jun 7. A general tleup of freight at this port 'resulted when th Pacific Mall, th San Francisco-Portland, th Pacific Coast fttaam ship and the United Shipping A trans portation companies laid -off gang of stevedores a - a result of th steam schooner men's fight. t Shipowners state thst thi lockout Is In anticipation of a strike to be declared by th sailors, and that the companies did not wish to hav freight on' hand which they could not deliver. ' t'rlon officials, however, de clare that they have no Intention of ex tending th fight ' beyond ' sailors on schooner. ..(, . .... ; , V I SI fit-.: ': ; UNKNOWN WEALTHY WOMAN IS-BURIEDJOEA Drops Dead of Heart Disease on Deck of Steamer and Is ' Dropped Into Waves. r ' (JoornaT RneeUraenikieO New York, Jun 7. On th first-class cabin paasenger list of the' Hamburg American AUaa liner, Salvonla, Which arrived today . from . Kingston, was th nam of Mrs.- B." Ij. AHenr satd-to wealthy American -womaftv who - died Sunday on boa r-andwa-burtsd-at sea at midnight. Although she was richly dressed and had plenty of money, steamer officer say they hav not th slightest Idea a to her Went ft y or th whereabouts of her home. - No inquiries wer mad for her upon the arrival of th steamer. , r - Mrs. Allen, who was about 68 years old, boarded the salvonla at Kingston Friday afternoon. " Sunday afternoon, while walking on the deck, shfc dropped aeadr rrom heart disease. There n nut sufficient Icernrr board 10 allow" for the preservation of her body, and an Immediate burial- was decided opsn, Passengers gathered - on th ' deck - at midnight, when the captain, read -the burial service and the remain of Mrs. Allen war dropped Into th sea. " Banff Hot Springs, a ' Passenger going east via the Cana dian Pacific have an opportunity to e Banff, the moat attractive mountain re sort on the North American. .continent Excursion tickets now on sal to eastern points give yon stopover at this point, a well as Glacier, Lakes In th Clouds, Field and the wonderful Toho valley, all of which are recognised by th traveling public -as being the greatest onlo at traction In th world.-.' - Very low excursion rates from port land to Banff Hot Springs and return. Less than 48 hours' rid from Portland. For jleacrlptlve matter andfull partlo- uiara, can on or aooress r. K. Johnson, F, aV P. t A.. Portland, Oregon. , . LANE COUNTY VETERANS TO MEET AT EUGENE .- . ' (Special tMspateh to Ts oarasL Eugene, or., June 7. The .program for th eighth annual reunion of th Lane County Veteran' association, al ways a gala event with th civil war veterans, has rerL prepared. Thl year It will be held In Eugene, June li. 18 and 88, and th Spanish-American, Mex ican and Indian war veteran hav been InvrUd" to participate! r - - , ' THrTDALLESTIREMENr CHECK EARLY BLAZE (Special Dispatch to Tee Joarsal.) V The Dalles, Or, June 7. A fir alarm this morning at 10:80 o'clock was for a blaze In a building occupied by a meat market The fir 'department a,vert the building; loss $100. THAT TTMS niUia. Tf you are languid, depressed, iheao- able for work, it indicates that your liver la out of order. Herbine will assist na ture to throw off headaches, rheumatism and ailments akin to' nervousness and restore the energies and vitality of sound and perfect hea th. J. J. Hub. herd. Temple, Texas, writes; ' "I have used Herbln for the past two year. It ha don for m more good than all the doctors. It Is the best medtrin ever made for chill and fever." 60c . Sold y Woodard, Clark St Co. c tJeeraal Special Berries.) PBlladelphla. - June T. Joseph K. Alkena, , for , 27 years chief' clerk of th Monongahela division of the Penn sylvania railroad, today testified before th Interstate - commerce commission'. heating to owning 1,300 shares of coal, mln stock., which 'cost, him 10.000. H received - small amodnt of addi tional 'stock, as a gift.' H admitted aendlng Boyer $4.0O0, which th lat ter reoelvad, as admitted yesterday. Th money was sent as commission on a business matter la which Boyer looked out for Aiken. Alkens . wages ranged from ISO to fit! monthly dur ing his 10 years of employment.' . He bought coal stocks through lo- vestrng-tila wages. Hwas -once given 1300. by an operator. He also received ISO monthly for an "indeterminate in terest" in a company store. Casaatt has directed th Immediate dismissal f Joseph B. Boyer, who has confessed to receiving secret commis sions on th company's coal purchases. KING'S MINISTERS OF STATE HAVE RESIGNED x (Jouraal Special Service. 1 J .' Madrid, June 7. Th Spanish ministry nas resigned.-" 14 cr causa Is assigned and in court circles no reason can be given. ICing Alfonso was "greatTy aur- prlaed wuch" the " announcemettT was made to Aim. He declared the motlv for the defection of his stat advissrs wa unknown Q h'm. - PENDLETON TO HAVE . -PAVING AND NEW LEVEE (Special Dtopatch te The JooraaL) Pendleton. Or., June 7. Pendleton wlU hav paved streets and a comp,lt ly repaired levee, according to the ac tion of th city council. Th work will be dona at one, th paving as soon a possible. After th flood tt was believed that the question of pav-Infwduicr-belaio asidft Ttidfinitly-n: account of the expense.1 The destroyed portion of th lev will b repaired and the old part rebuilt at once. A levee commute has been appOMUiTfor this purpose......:..?. . . ,:. . COMMERCIAFMEnTTN r FORCE AT 0GDEN; UTAH (Joarsal Special Service.) ' Ogden,' Utah.; June 7. JKight thou sand visitors ar hare this morning to attend the convention of th United Commercial .Travelers, . which Is. hold Ing a three-day session. - Twenty-live bands will march in th parade 'tomor row. Delegates ar present from Mon tan. Idaho, Nevada and Wyoming. ' Fourth CUT GLASS Fortune Brides Of ooare they had rather have Out Olass Ws can - plans yon 4n design n4 prle. alee front theeei " '''.'-'''' -i ."','''- '.''": ,.' SW : V'rHegular, Flower Vase, 14-lnch ............. .$18.00 - Pedestal Vase, 18-lnch ..i ; 80.00 .Whisky Jug, Oriental ............ .811.00 Fruit Vase, newest ahap. .$11.60 Pedestal Bonbon. 18-lnch 818.7$ " ColOnlaf "Decanter and . i . . - Whlky Glasses.. ...... . a.t. ... .$18.85 ,-Colonial Claret Qlassea, H dos...... 88.88 Colonial Cocktail Glasses, dos.,.; 88.85 Ice Cream Tray .................... $18.00 TffrrywTrbeautrrurout ....$18.00 f 11. BO Water Pitcher, whirl cut........... $8.50 8.T5 Pedestal Cake, 10-lnch. ...... . $8.00 '." ftt.25 Nappies, Spoon Trays, Vinegars, Oils, Salad -Dishes. Water Glasses. . Bherbeis, etc., all at 25 ' rum onrr dxscoujtt. 'If you ar going to buy Cut Olass, talc ad van tag of these extremely low prices. . Household Needs . . . AT LITTLE MONEY -Preferred Btock Rye, quart, rag. jUM- Bpc'l.T3 Fin Old Port, qt., regular 80c. Special, . .,,.33 -Fin Old Sherry, qt, regular SOo. Special. ., .33 Fisher's Bourbon, qt, regular $1.85. ' Special... 95 -8-etar Cognac,, qt, regular $1.78. Special: 35 - "Officinal Brandy, qt.. regular 81.00. special, ... .73 " Metal Towel Racks, regular 85c Special. .1 Bathroom Bracket, regular $i.S5. Special 90 Alcohol Stove, for campers, reg. $1. Special. .651 ; Guaranteed Alarm Clocks, reg. 88a. Special... . 73 Fair View Books, regular 85o. Special 10 ' Highland Linen Papeterle, reg. 80a. Special. . , .38 -Writing Fluid, regular So. . Special , . . . v-, . ...31. Mucilage, regular ic Special. ,v. .". .3 Ruled Writing Tablets, regular 15a - Special. . ,10 Hardwood Toothpicks, regular 5c Special. ...... 31 i 'Frisco View and Book... ..--10 to 25 Crep Shelf Paper, regular to. (Special .tt.2? Paper Napkins, extra fine, decorated, per 100.. - Special , , ,r, -. . ....-.. Wax Ga Taper, regular 10c. Special.. ,4f Sho Polish, paste, tegular lOc Special. J 4j i- TMxn ssutstbt mon axesAjraa Canadian Money Taken at Par. , Friday and Saturday Specials Yoii Can r I nvite Your Friends Tn '. whist -at yot 'our noma ii you r hav a sat ol our FOLDING TABLES Within Easy Beach at : your ' residence. mound Prop leaf. Slnt oMlnf Teniae 80 I no he In diameter; " reg. prto 88.60, special. .. .91.S5 XoonA-Toy Table i Made of East ern ash, 80 inch In diameter, with polished top B8.4S Burrows Wots Tables A hlgh- grade, light, compact table, 80s 80, regular 18.00, special this . week .................... S3.08 : an Outing .l&l Satflrdp ButT doljt comfortably" ; I I g???1?. 1 a .. -..--i: ft. . ortment la .. replete . - laf , ': w1th-tt-Strle4-TSHl'-ryi--t f i,:. In price from i J . V, : .. $2.50 to-$35fp $1 Moravian Reversible Art Rugs 69c It ! needless - to say they ar cheap. T0M02R0W. -satukdaV- Moravian versibl Ar Brags Inches; regular tl. this week, : whU they last, each.. ........ These Rugs come In serviceable patterns and are well worth the reg ular price. We obtained them' cheap from th manufacturer and offer yon the benefit, - , v.. y WESTERN EMBEZZLER . CAUGHT IN GOTHAM (jearaal Spaelsl Serrlc. Nw Tcrk, Jun T. William P. -wn-on. alias E. R. Parka, aged 88 years, was arrested last night at th request and Washington Slpeclal. f 13.50 . 4.50 f8.T5 f 1S.30 8.60 i f 8.05 82.90 2.90 115 SOAP At your prlc. 82.95 length, and a noxsle free. li. W hav an excel lent showing of va rious makes at prices that will Induce you to Visit our stor nd Inspect our stock tomorrow and Sat urday.. . . ,:'-v,'... f ' Olns Tables roldlng tables with Jreen bals top. 80 lnohea-tn lameter . S3-00 aiquare Clnb Tables 80x80, onk frames, enameled cloth top, , nickel oornere; regular 84, this week ...S3.0O Weathered Oak Folding Tables 80 inches square: regular SA.0O, special . . i. .SS-SS Wortr$5:75itT These Qo-Carts - have parasola. reclining back and adjustable foot boara" aui rubber-UrdT' whls.. TIiav must ha 'seen to be ap preciated. TOMORROW ..:,lAND- -SATURDAY- 22x44 CO. .- 36x6S-laoh mugs, reg. 88.00. , thia week. whU ft 1 -r-thy last, aoh....' of th "Los Angale police. It Is said that Wilson or Parka ; decamped last November ?lth 88,100 of hi employ ers', the Tltl Guarantee Txust oom- pany. The prisoner admitted his gull this .morning and said he tol nearly , 85,000 from hi employers. ' A reward of 8500 was offered. H will be hald until th Los Angeles officers arrive. Streets EXTRAORDINARY O SALE WEEK JUNE S TO 9 W bny Soaps by th carload and ar thus abl sU for less than others. : Kead down thl ' . ; ' ; list, Vhon or bring your order In . ' ' , and w will do th vest. ' ''-;y ',.;;,, '.:.;:,. ;'---' Spfciau- Klrk'a Juvenile, per cake. ................ .. ,. .7- Dairy Maid, best buttermilk, per cake 5i - Olive Cream Complexion, per cake .v.. .3 ' Geranium Transparent Glycerine, cake ,,.54 ' ; Eutaska Toilet, highly perfumed, cake.. ....... .64 Oatmeal, per cake 8 , ' . Almond Cream Soap, per cake. ,,.,...6 ; ,' Lettucc Crtam Soap, per cake ... 64 i H-pound bar Tranaparent Glycerin Soap, , ;; per cake ....... ..-,,!. ... .51 C ;. Fairbank's Glycerine Tar, per cake ........... . .3V- -: "Honey Soap, per dosen cakes.. ......'.,.,.. , .254 :. Turkish. Bath, per dosnn cakes. .304I - . '10c cut of Imported Caatlla, now ......... ,S -,T. r 15o cut of-tmported Castile,- now. ............. ..434 30c cut of Imported Castile, now...... ,i. ...... lt 8 -pound bar Imported Castile, now., ...27 4-pound bar Imported Castile, now. .......... 884V'Y J-pound bar Lily Floating Bath. now.r.........14 , - Cotton,-or Floating Bath Srap, per dosen , , ,' cake ...304) V ( Kloen-Kxy, for th kitchen; dos. cakes 30 ... ...Bon Ami. per cake .ftf Ivn Soap, per cake ...71 7 Pumice Hand Soap, per cake. .................. ..64 ' . I,if Buoy Soap, per cake-; . ....,,.,,,...,.. k .31 J ., Gueatrom Soap, per dosen cakes. .171 Bathing Caps n 1 In great yarlety. r Tak one to the shore -with you. ......................... .501 and T5f Garden Hose to f 12.00 for 80-foet Every hos fully gnar- XTRA SPECIAL Hoe Reels worth 81-35 each, now.... ....... .864 Don't fall to examine our stock be for you buy. . : f .-: .- ' . ; .. - ,t Positively No Mail or Country Orders Ac- . cepted at the Very Low Prices at V WhichThese Goods Are Offered. ,'