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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 7, 1906)
TUX- CTvZCON DAILY JOUEHALV PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING. JUNE 7. 1CC3. J. EFFECT OF STRIDE TOMOnftOV WE OFFER UORE GENUINE BARGAINS - ; : ' , - ' , E San Francisco Liners Barracouta : and Costa Rica Will Be Tied " Up Indefinitely. - . v ROANOKE MIGHT ALSO HAVE TO REMAIN IDLE Local ; Steamship Officers Receive. In atructions rto Accept "Wo Future. Business Until Further Notice Be cause of Labor Trouble. s i , ?.' Aecording to private sdvtces received ; tn this city this morning and last night . alt shipping la tied up In San Franelaoo , ; harbor. ; R. P. Bchwerln, vice-president and general manager of (be-Harrlman v. '. 'water. ; lines, telegraphed t& tha local ' '. office of tha Ban Francisco jc Portland Steamship company that the 'steamer .' Barracouta and Coate Rica, plying be tween this port and Ban Francisco, will -be tied up aa soon, aa they react the . southern termlnua. of their route and remain so until tha strike la nettled.. i xha ateamer Roanoke will probably be tied up when aha reaches San Fran ' Cisco on her next trip to California, I Charles ST. Doe. manager of tha North ')' Paclflo Steamship jeompany. telegraphed - r Agent Harry - Young In thle city .thle morning that all ahlpping la tied up In ' the Bay City on acoount of tha atrike and that no promiaea for future business I ahould ha made until further .notice. ' The Roanoke la scheduled to aall from - - Portland -a -S- o'-clocli t hi .veiling, hut It la believed that there will be, no -trouMertn having her-eargo-dlseharged upon arriving4 at Ban Franclaco, al- -though It will probably be Impossible v 4 to load her there, which will compel Her Ua up wilh.lhaLrest.oC Jhe coasters.. . ' Strike Kay Spraa4 Mete,:"" 7 JNeithorth.eBallora. union nor' the TC3 itoay omy, $3 to S5 Trimmed Uct! longshoremen's union of this dtyTlSs heard from tha affiliated orflces In Ban "Tfaiii'lacu -and She locaV hug)ncS,,,tnan - agers have no knowledge, of how far the trouble may be carried. Poaalbly It may . ' be extended to -PortlsnAJbot j ao far no iniormation- na v own nenrra : in ; would, hint at auch extreme means of fighting the ahlpownera' combine have been contemplated. . ". " The' tie-up of the liners' "of "the flan - Franclaco at Portland Steamahlp com ' pany and the ateamer Roanoke will com- pel shippers to divert their bualnesa te ' the already overtaxed rallroade and dla-' j astrous dclaya In handling freight, be lt ween the twa porta are anticipated. The - ateamera have, been unable to cope with - the attuatlon for eome. time and there are now several hundred tona of over-t- flow freight on- tha dock awaiting ehlp jnent.aouth. Unless the strike cornea to . an earlyareme'nC'"ffahg6nTeirtB will have to be made Immediately to forward this by ra,l. . ' , The ateamer Breakwater la booked to l aall for Ban Franclaco, this evening of ; tomorrow-morning, but - precaution la t being taken against her being tied up at Ban Francisco, by. giving her rreight water will run no farther south than Coos Bay this trip, so her -local agent . atated thla morning. , i - Tha F. A. Kllburn aalled for Ban Fran cisco early .thla morning with freight -and pasaengere and her owoera. will take -ehanctson the strike being settled when - she reaches port In three or four days. " The trouble eaualng the tie-up la all i due to the fact that the ahlpownera' combine refuses to grant tha aallara an increase In wagee of -It per month.. The " demand was presented three months ago - when thecontract- between the -ownera -and the sallors-axpirad. - The freight', handlers. It Is understood, have gone 'out In eympathy with tha sailors. v... ' .THOUGHT IT WAS A BOAT. " OsTleers of tha araakwates Oo So Baooaa aad Find Stf ar. - . ,.; : Tn the wilsty weather art the, Columbia river bar Tuesday night Captain John . aon of tha ateamer Breakwater thought he aaw a fishboat adrift In the choppy in sud belusreriltd out beyend hope , of ever returning to shore. 'Other of- . fleers of tha t earner concurred and She ' skipper changed his course with a view of picking no. the doomed men. who ap '. peered to be making faint efforta at signaling for assistance. -.- The ateamer stood off to westward and soon overtook the derelict, which by o thla time had been transformed Into a common, ordinary, moss-covered snag, " which probably hadT come al the way . ' from Jhe headwaters or the Willamette. . It waa ahaped like a fishboat and In the distance the- branchea looked for -all tha world Ilka men. declare the -officer, who" were led on a "wild-goose1 chaae. , The. Breakwater arrived at Oak-atreet dock last night, bringing 0 pasaengere and some freight from San Francisco via Coos bay. She haa been tn the dry deck at Ban Francisco for ' her annual V ' overhauling and looks aa clean and trim as if on her maiden voyage..' Captain . Johnson says mm heavy aeaa were en countered, TuTTheinn waa and the ateamer Wd not labor very hard, nor did the passengers suffer very much ' ' from being bounced about. Effort will be made to get the Break " water away for Ban Francisco thla v evening. She commenced loading early thla morning. ... . v . . . BUYS SUPPLIES HERE.' 4?oibirhumW as Btoak Tog Sauatleea Tlaita Haraor , 1T lot Tayaga. ' """The tug Dauntless arrived at Conch street dock thla morning after having dropped her tow,' the schooner Mon terey, at the fulnnton tanks, to stock up with suajtplte. Bhe will remain here only a few hours and will then go south iqpiejrey .rpr. aMtftergaago "f-mtr rr "We tame up to buy supplies, said one af the officers this morning, "but will make a brief : visit only. Ban Franclscolao not In ahapa to equip us' with - the same dispatch "as formerly and ao we found It to our advantage to stock up here." r CHARTERED FOR LUMBER. Bkl Oatkaalao Assail Will Load far JUtofogasta, Chile. Balfour, Guthrie Co. chartered the ; Italian ship Catherine , Accame yester day" afternoon to load lumber at this port for Antofogasta. Chile. She will ' rarry about l.S00,0. feat. The cargo . will be supplied by one of the local , mine. ' ' ' -. -. The Catherine Accame . arrived here May J J from - Hamburg with a general .oargO consigned ft Meyer, Wilson at Co., end finished discharging only a few days ago. She then tied up at the O. W, P. dock while awaiting Instructions. o confirmation has yet been te- I $0.75 : A '! great clean-ttp sale of . Trimmed Hats every one this ' season's make. Fancy . straw -' and hair braid ; shapes, with flower, yibbon and wing trimmings At - this . price . they ., won't ' last through-. : out the day. " Be on band while the' as-, sortment is v most complete.1 ; - . ;';.u.:'.V.-'.:1 - ' Regular values to $5.00. ' Friday only ;' f.Or if a e lev" e a eVe ' f e s ' 4 a e $le75 . ' 25c VEILING 10c YARD '.;: 3,000 yards of Sewing ilk and Tuxedo VeUings , in black, white, nayy : and brown -the very. .thing lor sutomobiiing and at the beach; regu lar value c yard; but now they, go for. r 25c MALINE P0NP0NSi9c Maline Ponpons in every color and shade very popular this Season a remarkable ipccieLFn day bargain at 10 ARTISTIC FCTir.- , . rortlaa Agents CCLUntCIA-YARNS Extraordinary Special Values in Dainty Muslin Llriderwear 85d FOR $1.0(J GOWNS Made of high-grade musliaand ' cambrics; squartT and circular neck,' long and short ,; sleeves; beautifully trimmed with embroideries and laces and hemstitching. ,. 8e FOR $1.25 GOWNS Made of cambrics, muslins and nainsooks; "V," square, high, and circular necks; also . ome slip effects; long and short sleeves; fine lace and embroideries used as trimmings. - . y 9 1.IO FOR $U5 GOWNS Of cambric, muslin and nainsook; splendidly trimmed and finished. ; . 91.45 FOR $175 GOWNS Made of fine cambric and nainsooks; "V,"-circular and slip effects; daintily trim med with fine laces and embroidered edges, insertions " and headings. . , ' . w .. . .. . ... .... . v - drawers - r - -y.v - - - :$9 FOR 50c DRAWERS Made of cambric, finish of' .:deep ruffle, trimmed with tucks and "lace or embroid--. ery edges. '-' ' . : ' " ' ' .' ,''' v' i 49d FOR 65c DRAWERS Of cambric and mulin trim--. med with lace edges and insertions and deep embroid-. eries. 85 FOR $1.00 DRAWERS-Of muslin and' carabric; , trimmed "with - fine laces, '-edges 'and ' insertions; -also J Swiss and nainsook, embroidery., .V; . v. SHORT CHEMISES Made of - excellent" materials, cut full width;-perfect in workmanship; special values at 49f, '.68, 85f, up to 1.98. - H ; ! V SKI3TS : ''-':--J:'V 98 FOR $1.25 SKIRTS-Made of fine cambrfc. finished - with deep ruffle hemstitched, tucks, lace insertion; ex . cellent vstues. . . , . . fl.45 FOR $175 SKIRTS Made of fine cambric r several-styles; deep flounce, trimmed with fine embroidery. Point de-Paris and Cluny lace, edgings and insertions. 1.98 FOR $2.50 SKIRTS-r-Made of fine cambric, deep , flare flounce, trimmed with fine laces and embroidered ' edgings and insertion. ' , , . .. ; f2.49 FOR $3.00 SKIRTS Made of fine cambric, deep flare flounce of lawn; handsomely trimmed with fine laces" and embroiderfes.-- t--.-.-.--.- .e-r- - .. -i-.,.. CORSEJ COVERS ; . 294 FOR 35c CORSET COVERS-Jilade of fine cambric, .; French and fitted, styles;: circular sleek, finish of em-' " 'broidery and lace edges, insertions, beadings and ribbons 39 FOR 50c CORSET COVERS Made of. fine cam v brics, French, or fitted styles.; circular or "V" neck; ' . trimmed 'withifinV lace and embr,oidery. edges, "inser tions and beadings. v.'.' 59,0 FOR 75c . CORSET. COVERS French or fitted styles; circular neck; fine lace and embroidery edges, in sertions and beadings used as trimmings. - - , - MISCELUNEOLS UMDERMUSLINS . COMBINATION CIlEMISE-rA magnifiw cent selection of these garments, in dainty - effects; prices start at fl.85 and go up " tc' 85.10, with 'all intermediate, prices., SHORT SKIRTS For the worn - en who like short skirts we've a splendid bargain collection, be ginning at 9f and going up to fl.45. . "... Women's I.lJndecweflC-and Hosiery. ... f. -JriVC-.'-NLsaJ: 50 ' FOR . WOMEN'S 85c RIBBED . VESTS and light, medium-weight Vests. . They are high neck, long sleeves and vankle'length; somewhat heavier than reg ular summer goods", iust the thing for thisobrweather.--B5ideisrtlreyire gen-j StrRf B B EDOT-fl I nine bargain. TlPe FOR" WOMRN-gS T TON VESTS-iLbw' neck, sleeveless, well-- finished and good value at 25c. ' "-BeV-SB-WOUEirSSc'RT B B ED COT-- ., TON UMUKCU.A UKAWtits irim-,r f mctr -witlt. wide ta.ri;iir0fcimiaMq-yo'a- save a dime. -, :...,.-. 85 FOR 50c HOSIERY Worrfen's fancy colored lisle and cotton Stockings, all im- VI VU S)VM, umv, hij. ....... , plain and clocked, fancy stripes and dots; , also black Richelieu, ribbed ... a. ...,..,-' . Women's extra fine lisle thread Stockings, embroidered insteps, lace and embroid ry and allover lace, in black, white, heho, sky, reseda and Dresden; PeJ P'ri 85 at and ............ W ...... ....... ... .... .81.25 - We have a large collection of very handsome extra fine black Silk Stockings, with , embroidered insteps, in fancy colors; also plain black and colors. Prices, per any x.oo,, fx.r Ma..,..,.w.r...-.-.-...rt..-i.....,'"'r l : ' Friday and Saturday Special -- ' . '.'..'. ' '"-' Engraved Visiting Cards iahd Invitatidnsvffii ?et vour-v4tmg. graved at tfiese -special prices for. less ' than you would- pay tor printed cards. """ " y - - -- "yVeTnnTTrjOaydl'rom-T . - any-srae-eardr-for ;... M.sfJ, V. We engrave a copper plate' and print -100-cards from same, any, size CI IQ . card. Sot -.y:..;..'...-.,,.,' . , .H lfj Wedding invitations and announcements :' -in the most fashionable styles and papers ' at much lower, prices than any other place" in Portland. ; ' . OaU aad aeai the Utest styles. :7'-.:'-; . W( SU SMS t aSI7,.j-.-r:- J..V, "Regular 50c Neckwear for." 4 Regular 65c Neckwear , for. Exclusive Portland Agents for the exclusivt 1 IUm.. J l Ull The Best $3 Hat Made. Agents for the Well Known . . ' Jaeger's Sanitery Wocten Undsrvvcrr '. .. .-.'All Weights and Sizes., V, LADIES COVERT JACKETS . Values up to $12.50 : S One hundred Covert Jackets in all the most desirable shades of tan ; short and medium y lengths, made, in plain tailored and , strapped effects, with or withput collar; i::'.' lined with-bst. quality tan satin. Every jacket new this season and 'selling reg ,' ularly up to $12.50. - ,. r;. tfJiT A P Very special at.'. , i t'.l ;'t;U40 JAP $ILK WAISTS Values up to $3.59 .One ;hundred and Ififty Silk Waists of best , quality white Jap silk,-made in embroid ered, openwork and lace trimmed styles, " finished with tucking, plaiting and face . insertion ; new elbow sleeves,' with lace trimmed collar and cuffs, sold fry .regularly at $3.50; special.. J jpZfLD Wedding Presents for Tune Brides in in- ' ':. ;' . finite vanetyi -' Ladies!NeckwearReducedOne-Fourtli For Friday and Saturday .we place our entire stock of Ladies' Neckwear on sale at greatly reduced prices.VNewest and daintiest styles.Your .Choice: , Regular 25c' Neckwear for. t9f Regular'35c Neckwear for. ... .38T iRegularJ75c Neckwear for... -Regular $1.00 eckwear for 8Ta Regular $1.25 Neck wear-f or, , 8e1 :43 f Regalar-$1.5qrXeTkwear fo.;...f 1.19 .47LLRegulatJ-$2.Wye.cVwesr for. . . . .fl.T .5Ta Regular $2.50 Neckwear for fl.OS bt DemhMadeVaist Patterns: Pric jilclWf A splendid collection of this season's Demi-Made ' Shirtwafst ' Patterns," richly im .. broidered in mercerired cotton over entire front and On collar and cuffs; soma . daintily trimmed with Valenciennes lace' insertion;- extra good values " - : to $1.25. Very apecial at. Of C $2.50 Demi-Made Patterns at $f .4Z ' . . .:' i..- : :-. . . , - - '-T"" .A -complete line of beautiful effects in all new,! prettily embroidered Demi-Made Shirtwaist Patterns. Must be seen to be properly appreciated; good ATT . -.. - values up to $2.50. . Priced for this great weekly bargain event at...... JleTr r ; Specials for the Men " : Three wsrtoveTmoheyTnour 'crack Men's FurnlaWnf - - , , - - - - .- . .- Store: . - ' MEN'S 50c SUSPENDERS 25 PAIR100 dozen iriui'i'.wfi t .i.i-kfI!t- Aii..MMiiit:ir-ii-b' jt;as is always used in our 50c quality with leather. " .ends and cast-offs and" finished in the very best ' manner. . Save just half at. .. .......... ....25 MEN'S 20c HANDKERCHIEFS I2 EACH --Theseare-pure-Iishiner hemstitched -and inr . itialed, , -There are just. 100 dozen and they are the best value in the city at. liZf SUMMER SHIRTS We have just received a new shipment of Men's Neelieee Shirts, all new and napfvpattcrnseithcr,tripes-.otJ5gures lplaiAl TVc,gtigee70T7plaited-po8msvriaieou madras and percale, and sell tor,$l.uu and l.ou -a shirt. ' - , ' T. .: I- ': ;'-''s ; --i-- - WomenyKerch7eiBTaf "Sensational ? Prices . A' few are slightly 'soiled, otherwise in perfect -condition,..' You can neveY have too many hand kerchiefs', and this is your chance to buy them. - - Cv For --5)00 Jace ;,trimmed-Handkerchiefsr real--OC " value I2yic. V ,:";; '";-',:'--'.'.' ;,; , For 5,000 plain hemstitched Handkerchiefs, jC ,. excellent value at. 7c each at 3 while they last. -Kr'r -": . ' ' V'. ; ',. ' ::i . ZEorL500 lace trimmed and scalloped"" 10 v women s emDrcudefed"HaridkjErchJcfej-worthj 25c each, to be closed out at 16 each. . ' "T VERY SPECIAL-REDLCTIONS i2c Ginghams for 8Mc- 3,000 yards of 28-inch Cliambray Gingham; colors tan. cadet, .light- btuo, dark. -bliie; greendark- pinknothing .superior. , for women's and children's wear; 124c value. Special, yard price .... 8 Je ' 12 DRESS GINGHAM S8J4l YARD Striped ging , . hams in short lengths, varied assortment of colors; very ; desirable for waists and wrappers. . Special value, yd.Sjf Linens for Summer Cottages Hemstitched bleached Huck Towels, size 20x38 in., each.l3 Pure linen half bleached Table Ooths, ready for use. Itf xl)i yarH," earll , . T . ,,,7tm - r ........ jr , , , t.89f 54-inch Table Damask, a yard 32 Whjte efdeher BerSpreadsrextrt quality7fultiizereach.0t Fringed "checked Napkins, dose..,,..,..,sO The College Waist There isnfy"e"waist"thaf'Ts making a sensation this year. It has style, coolness and simplicity. It -is-the- only short- sleeve waistj. to be worn without - gloves. - Ix has the approval of fashion from New York to Portland. It comes injnfinite2variety of styles.""" Prices $150 td$730 reived roncernlnr ; the . reported char ter Of the British ship Oalcate. 8ev mmn -it wee atated an what appeared good authorltr that ahe would load jumoer ror vauso. rwru, u. ir taln - OrtffHTHss. reeelved no--tnetrw- tlona to that, effect rrom nis owners and It now. e perns aa If the yesset la still on the disengaged list. ,': ( NEW STEAMER COMING. -" Teaacalta W1U Be Xere to loa tamber tot OaUfeemlft For. -." s. The new steamer Toaemlle. tHe tons net register, will rom to Portland to carry lumber south. She la now at San Pedro and wlU sail for thla port in a few daya. Thla will We tha Toaemlte'a second trip, her first voyage having been made from Greys Harbor to flan Pedro. " ' - : . '' The aoljooner Churchill la reported today to have sailed from Manila, May SI, for PorUand. She-waa ben a few months ago and will return .for another cargo of lumber. . ; ' ' A brigantine was reported air the Co- r rrvef barTKia njorrnnt.Ttruom pany with the two brigsntinoa reported outside yesterday. Bhe la believed to be the Geneva, from Hllo. Bhe comes under charter to tho North Paelfle Lum ber company to carry lumber to .Cali fornia porta...' .'.-....J.:,.,.,-.,. ' ' '- :U MARINE NOTES. V 1 ; Astoria. June t. Sailed at 1:11 a. in. Steamer Cascade, far Ban Pedro. Ar rived down at s. m. and sailed later Steamer F. A. KUbnrn. for San Fran cisco and way ports. Arrived at :lf a. m British steamer Dulwlrh. - from Comoa. Outside at a. m. Two bsr kentlnes and a brigantine. Sailed at 11:11 s, in. Schooner Irene, for Re donda - ... " - Ban Franelaoo, June T.---Arrived at S a. m. Steamer Barracouta. from Port land. - ". , ... - v 7 - ... .. . --JLatorla.-Juna S Arrived -down , at.Jl p. m.Oermaa steamer -Albenca.--Arrived at and left up at 1:1S p. tn. Steamer Alliance, from Eureka and way ports. Left up at t:ll p. m. Schooner Monterey and tag Dauntless. At J:l p. m. Barken ttne- Fullerton -.and - tug Sea Rover. 'Arrived flows at 4 p. m. Sohoonee Irene. Left up at t:!9 p. m. Schooner W. H. Smith. ( . Hongkong, June . Sailed German steamer Aragonia for Portlands Yokohama. June S. Sailed Steamer Arabia, for Portland. ' Astoria. June 7. Condition of the bar at a. ra., smooth; wind, west; weather, cloudy. Astoria. June 7. Sailed at 11:4 a. m. Steamer F. A. Kllburn, for San Francisco. Left up at 11 m. British steamer Dulwlch. ALONG THE WATERFRONT. The Korth Parlflc e"mpny wUl not cancel the charter Of the Ital ic.! bark Erastno. which arrived at As toria yesterday after a awlft run aorosa 'th Pacific, although she came too late to take the cargo intended for her. Tha Erasmo waa to -load for Geneva, Italy, but the. cargo waa given to the British ahlp Kllburn, which arrived at a desir able time. The destination of the Erasmo haa not been deflnltely aettled yet. - . 7 " The British steamer 'Dulwlch arrived at. Astoria thla morning from Comoa. B. C. and will be In the harbor late this evening. - Bhe goes to the Portland Lum ber company's sallht to take on a ship ment of. lumber for Pert Pine and then ah will shut to the mills of the North Pacific Lumber company to finish her cargo with a shipment of lumber for Wellington, New Zealand. . - The steamer Alliance arrived from Eureka and Coos bay at I o'clock thla morning, bringing a small cargo and I passengers. She wlU aall tomorrow night Captain Kelly reports an , un eventful trip. The schooner W. H. Smith la In tow up the river this afternoon and wUl be at the mills of the North Paelfle Lumber company thla evening. Sbe comes from San- Francisco to load lumber for a re turn cargo. The barkentine Fullerton Is "at the rtsmbarhniis-dTachaTgTog-oir-and the barkentine Monterey la discharging oU at the 14nnton tanks. Both arrived up yesterday. The outalde bar bell buoy at Hum boldt bay, California, has been moved one quarter mile N. tt degrees 11 min utes E. true from Its former position and reestablished In I feet of water on tho following bearings: Humboldt un used lighthouse, a IS degrees E. true. Humboldt bay entrance range front light, 8. 1J degree E. true. Humboldt 1 Igh thouse, 8. IT degrees 20 minutes W. true. ... . . epi. 1 OF PORTLAND. OREGON Mi ' . .'V ' A. L. .A" magnificent organization. .Every policy ' holder is an. owner in the company.. Clean Life Insurance .conservatively and economic ally managed, is furnished to the jolicyholder at actual cost price is leu than he can buy it 'for elsewhere. - Perfection in Life Insurance.' MII.1-. . President.: .4-"?.' - '.'. U IAMUKU Oeneral Manager. CLARENCE f. SAMfEf Assistant Manager. PERMITS ARE ISSUED FOR STRUCTURES AT THE OAKS The Ingersoll Construction "eompany haa received two permlta for amuse ment featurea at the Oaks, one la de scribed as a roller . coaster, to cost tt.sse. while the other Is a carousel, to cost IJ.S00. A. Duchamp haa received a permit for a one-tory frame build ing to. be used aa a. camera ooacura on Hawthorne terrace. ... Building permlta have also been Is sued as follows: A. Norton, repairs to dwelling. Tacoma. - between East Twenty-third and East Twenty-fourth, cost 1300: A. . H. ; Linibocfcer. cottage, union avenues, cost $9fO; G. W. Priest, one-story dwelling. Ivy. .between Wil liams and Vancouver, avenues. cost ll.eoo: R. B. Rice, two-story dwelling. Multnomah, corner East Twenty-fourth, coat t'.SOS; Fanny Lowengart,- repairs to dwelling. Park, between BumsWe and Couch, coat l0: A. 8. Maney, move and repair dwelling. Myrtle, corner Seventeenth, coat IJ0: Ir. J. W. Mor row, repairs to dwelling. Son Rafael, between Rodney and Union avenues, coat 1400; P. S. filocum. one-story dwell Ing. Orient. . near - Milton, cost RS; Charles Jacobaori, two-story dwelling. Roosevelt, near Blacklstone, coat 11. 70S. Low Rates East."-- - On June 4, and 7 and also en June C wJI .(hM l.a. 4.1m .Wa CMcago 4c Northwestern will sell round inp - iicaeis . va mil ' eastern puims ii 171, SS. - Other points In propOrtloa. Fur ther' Information by calling on R. V. Holder, general agent, IS Third street. the chef moms That a GAS RANGE is better, cheaper and more con venient than a coal fire. because every Chief in town uses a GAS RANGE and a Chefls usually a lavrunto him- selL He doesn't use a thing that he doesn't believe in. " : . I - . - - & m . Housewives know that a 11 i Boils and bakes better I Gives a quicker fire " f Is -cleaner and handier r Keeps the house r cooler GAS RANGES burn ; the minimum oi GAS at the minimum of cost and give the maximum heat They are also easily cleaned;. All GAS RANGES and Gas Water Heaters purchased of us Installed Free. .e. ..!.... , w . v Tc: