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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 8, 1906)
TUC CTTTTn A V TATTnri T I Growing in Popularity Eecauie. It It the Eetf Paper on the Coait. fenCTTV D A D iTC LmsWng Color Paget of Happy Hooligan, Lulii and Leander. ' Little Jimmy and The Bachelor: rtTT7 !' T"".''l iliU JUlliAl JUUlUtAL Features Thia Week Will Pleaae Everybody. There la a Page of flCCl 1 I LlAlSlCO Fashiona and Beauty Hintt for Women; Story of Coaat Detente; The Workera; Short Stonea and Eyerything ol j HH LJi - ' efrY Journal Circulation Yesterday n n f - ', A':jHZ- WEATHER. "';:': "': Light ahowert this afternoon, to- night and Saturday; southerly winda. ' 7 n Was : vol; V. NO. 81. PORTLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY EVENING. JUNE 8 1903 EIGHTEEN PHAGES. PRICE TWO CENTS. o rt&nrt awn Few, TAa4. mi CjUsIs liillSII Ik SAYS THIS WILL CHIEF OBJECT DURING THE-NEXT FOUR YEARS e if - , , m s v 7 GOOD EVE illllG j - . 1 -a A. .A. ' -J . A "N A il GOV mm STATE AW mm Election; Fraud Comes to Light When Hotel -Manager-TelliStory of Torn Register. ? JJTjyenty-!SlxlMnuRe'8teredftt Hotel $ellwood Night Bef ort Election and '.Taken to Polls and $worn In as Voters on Fol lowing Day.' -4-.. A torn hotel register and a check for colonisation which will la ell prob ability result 4n the throwing out or the Vvote-rn the Sellwood precinct-... . "" Rumor ot election fraud In Sell , . wood pavt been rife slooc last Monday. , Many opinion ,end belief have been ' expressed a to the alleged illegal vot- , Jng, one aide ha.yehemntly. accused ami the . other aide aa . vehemently de nled,i until today, the '. facta came to light It wss learned that 2 men were ' lodged at the Hotel Be! I wood on the -'night of Jnne" I, that On 4he following ""'"day tney were" herded In itnr to the i poUli)g piare .. and . voted, . jealously .-f guarded leat they might talk-too much, " ad then herded away again, not to the , Sellwood hotel, but to loot point out elde of the preclriot.-- - .. .-, ' Further, .t'ne fact" la known that, the r-hotertm of the,- waa- paid "T by - check, by some other . . person, that ' two day later soma on, evidently ln tereted In-deatroytnr the" evidence' vt i the men having been et the hotel elan- deatlnely tore the page on which were Wl IHeythelr name from the hotel l register and either made ewey wflh or letroyed them. , . . . . : 7 Totee Were Illegal. ' : The belief la entertained among many : persona that a man may become a legal voter by simply registering at a hotel ''and declaring hi Intention of maklna that- hta-reeideneer Thfat 1 not the feevl - and In all case where Question of the legality of the matter ha been brought ; before the courts it ha -been -decided 'emphatically that such colonisation aa ,-took place at-. Sellwood le clearly op . posed to the letter ea well as the spirit of the law. . .. .... i! The SeUwood hotel ta altuated at M74 Nineteenth street.. The proprietor of the hetel, A. N. Fosdlck, made the fol ' lowing, statement to Tbe7ournaI today: . i -Last Buaday X received a telephone ' message from the. Oeka asking If I could accommodate about 21 men. I said I could and In a MtUe while they ' came, t of -them.. In a body. : They did not tell me where they came from and I did not aak them. They all - regla . V tared and got aupper and . breakfast. They went away In the morning and at noon, according to ordera, I took their 'meal down to them at the Oak. They ' i were lust being lined up to go to the -poll and we had to wait an hour and a half until tney reterneo. lam diu was paid all In a lump by one man." V Weald Sot ere Mesne. ,' i When pressed to tell the name of the ' man who 1iad made the arrangements .and.had paid the bill Fosdlck refused. . aaying that, though he had not been : asked not to tell, he did not wish Jo of fend the gentleman.. . ' In regard to the man who destroyed ' the record on the regtater Mr. Fosdick ( had the foUowtng to eay:. - "He waa a man of "middle age whom ' I had never seen before and whoae name , I do not remember, though he wrote hie name on the register. He said he - wanted a room fbr the night and I aa ; signed him to ene. He went to his - room. but he eiidently watched hla ' chance for the first time the office was .' empty he sneak rd In and tore out the v two leaves en which most of the name ' of the 2t men were written. ' There . wtr( several names, though, which were written on the lower half of another "page and which the fellow evidently I overlooked. They were not destroyed. (Continued on Fag Eleven.) POWDER KE&&OES UP IN SMOKE BUT ? BEARER UNHARMED (pedal Mspeteh to The JearaaL Florence, Cot, June I. A terrlflo ex plosion of blasting powder took piece In the Radiant coal mine, seven miles enuth, of here. Joseph Rankin and Al bert Jonei were badly burned and laeer- ,id. Reakln'g escape from death waa title short Of miraculous. The", explosion- , of peculiar origin. Rankin 'was car. vine on his right shoulder a 1 ; cottt.' -5 2t puun4s of blastiri WORD As Far as He Is Concerned Dispute Over the -Office of Sheriff Will End With Recount of Ballots'and There Will Bo. No Legal Fight Aa far aa Tom M. Word la concerned the dispute over the office Of sheriff will end with a recount of the ballots. There will be no' legal fight to throw out the votes xf varloua precincts, even though It can, be proved that hundreds of Il legal ballots were permitted to go Into the box. Sheriff Word and hla attor ney. Judge McGinn, feel confident, that a secount will show that Stevens waa defeated not by a narrow margin, such ae Appears In hla favor a the result ot the formal official eanvaaa, but by hun dreds of votes. If they are disappoint ed in thle expectation there will be no further proceedings, unless the prohibi tionists should take the matter In their own hands and aak the courts to throw out the vote of Sellwood precinct, which wae carried by Stevena by a majority large enough to turn the scale In hie favor. . . . . " Bate la JTot et." " ' Just 'when the recount will begin Is uncertain.; - Sheriff Word la ready and Robert I' Stevena saya he will put no obstacles In the way. He haa retained Senator Malarkey, a enrewd and. re sourceful attorney, to look after hla In terests and will be guided solely by hla advice... Malarkey ls busy with other mattara at present, but promisee to get around to the recount question within a J- powder end waa going down . Into the mine. The Keg cam into contact with a live wire' carrying 260 volts of elec tricity. The explosion wse eaused by the metal keg making a short circuit. The mine waa allehtly damaged. Hug clouds of dust and smoke aroee, but a good current -of air , In the mine kept the englnemen from suffocation. The explosion took place 1.400 ' fret below the surface. That Rankin's head, was rot blown off seems remarkable. " Id ABIDE BY RESULT day or two. Provided ne asks for an early hearing the dispute will In all probability be decided before the Sher iff term expires, as the second count of the ballot will not teke more than a fewdajr. . ; ' ' ' : Despite annonncements to the- con trary. Judge Eakln. supreme . Judge elect, has not been aaked to. preside at the ' recount. The present indications are that the ease will be heard by either Judge Bears or Judge Fraser, but It la till possible that It may be assigned to an outside Judge, called here because of the crowded condition of the Multnomah county calendar. ; , r Sear Demise Wsstlnf ' ' Judge Sears denied this morning that there had been any meeting of the cir cuit Judges te consider the assignment of the recent petition or that he had de cided to ask Judge Eakln to alt .in the case, In response to an Inquiry aa to when the- recount would begin. Judge Sears said: - "It depends largely upon - the condi tion of the publlo business. The calen dars 'are crowded, and If an outside judge le called tn It will be to assist ne rn our, work. It Is no certainty that he will be assigned to the' recount ease, I hate not yet aaked any on to eome hrr. and as for a meeting of -the circuit Judges to consider the matter I beard nothing of such a meeting until I reed It In print thla morning. It le ridiculous to Intimate that the case cannot be treated iiere with fairness. We have had recounts before, and I. think we can handle-our own business. "As I said before everything; depends en what can be done In regard to other business. . Judge CI eland cannot alt In the recount case, as he haa a case which will occupy his time for severe I weeks. This leavee Judge Fraser and myself, but what wilt be done la atui to be decided."" -. . peemUtton a B sennit, ' . Now that a recount la assured there Is much speculation on the result. Both sides predict large gains for their favor Its candidates. Steverta end his friends still declare their belief that he will run hie majority up te 200 Mat why they (Centfoned en Fage Tw.4, -I TAFT TO SlUUir IHUIUUAIIUH Secretary of War to '.Speak Throughout the West In Be-' v ;half of the - Philippine , Tariff Measure. (Josrsal peeta! ferries.) ' Washington, D. C June (.Secretary of War Taft la to stump the west and possibly other parts of the -country on behalf of the Philippine tariff measure which the aenate has condemned to death. The secretarjr""xUl Invade the land ef the enemy, where1 he will eek to make converts to the cause, whrch he declarea to. mean simple Justice for the government's brown wards over the sea. . .1- , ' ". ' During the late summer and early fall the cdrigressional campaign will be enlivened by the presence of Secretary Taft on the platform at political meet ings. Ae at present arranged most of Taft'a speeches will be In the west. He will go Into the beet sugar districts, from which came the most determined opposition to the present measure. Nobody yet knows definitely whether It I the secretary's Intention to go upon the supreme bench or not, but If he decides to take the place offered hire by the president he will put forth his last effort to make the peth straight for such Philippine legislation as he ko- slres. --1. - - -.-,-.--.'- - BOY OF SIX BREAKS LEG FOR EIQHTH TIME ' ' (flperlal tHspatra to Tk Jsarasl.) ' . Sllverton. Or., June I. A t-year-eld son ef J. L. Phelps, living near this city, met with an . accident yesterday which resulted In a serious frecturg, ot his leg. - A pecullsr feature In the case Is the f set .that thrs Is the eighth time the little fellow lute suffered from the same cause In hla short life, having broken, ene limb five .times and the ether three, .. . : .." . .. ' rAVCTDranOTEnnMrii:rioiirnprn r ihivl i in iu oiciki vMi.iH4iania:Mai mmu Packers Spending Million to Get Public - Confidence Presl-, .dent Reports More ' Investigations. r " (Jeerssl Special Berrlee.) .' Washington, June I. It la estimated that the packers will be forced to spend a million dollars In stemming publlo Indignation . aroused ; by the recent expos. , . -t ' "advertising contracts' are being made wtthr many newspaper. Already tSo.Ote-has been spent In Chicago In page advertisements asking the publlo to visit the plants. This morning ad vertisements appeared In eastern pa pers. New York- publications, which attacked the packers, are not given ad vertisements. The president today sent the . house agricultural committee two reports of Inspection of Chicago packing-house by the agricultural department before the Nelll-Reynold Investigation was made. , The president In a letter com ments on the Immediate .and extraor dinary Improvement 'In packing-house condltlone following the Netll-Reyholds reports. The letter etatee that the Investiga tion of packing town la unfinished, but the president Is not prepared to make a final statement retarding the com- 1 plaints against the bureau of animal In dustry or the "graver etiargee in con nection with the adulteration ef meat products aa well aa other matters." He quotes a letter from the Chicago friend who describee the packers' baste In cleaning up aa "amusing If It were not so nearly tragic" . PRESIDENT HAS SIGNED FREE ALCOHOL MEASURE - (Jnsrael Rperlal SrrW. Washington, June t. The (president hts signed the bill taking thejtsrlff oft denatured alcove" ('" ; " "A 7- . ' -1 FRANKLY 10 I POLICY OF Reaffirms His Faith in Initiative and Reterendum bays Lmployes loftate Institutions Will, Not Be Removed FroTfn3iF uficient:Caus.liSiiS Reduotlon ef state taxes will be one of the chief objects of Governor Cham berlain's administration during the next four years. . In a statement given out today the governor declares that It will bo hla earnest purpeee, aa It haa been ever since hie inauguration, . to Issaen the burden of taxation, - and he re affirms Ma faith in the principles of the initiative and referendum. The gov ernor outlines the policy he will pursue during hie secortd term In relation to state school land. Irrigation and other Important issues. Governor Chamberlain' statement la as follows r ... -. Triumph ef Buslnese tdsea. " "My election 1 In no way attribut able to my personality, nor waa it in tended a a compliment to me ea an Individual.- The sentiment le growing that better results from a business standpoint eaa be obtained by. having some difference In the political . eom plexlon of the executive, legislative and judicial branches of the state govern ment. I firmly believe that If the peo ple of Oregon had concluded to elect a Republican governor-they would have elected Democratic, legislature. That this 1 -true. It will be remembered that In Ohlov whero the Republican major ity is overwhelming, the people elected a Democratic governor. In Pennsyl vania, where the Republican majority la even greater, they elected a Democratic treasurer, - and In Missouri, where the majority Is overwhelmingly Democratic, the people elected state officers of dif ferent political affiliations and gave the electoral vote to President Roose velt la 104, while at the same time they elected Joseph W. Folk aa gover nor and a Republican legislature. The result In Oregon la attributable to a growing sentiment In . favor ef the elimination of party Unee In state and municipal affairs. This ta particularly DrrBrougherCoaches'Class of FiftAdmdF ishingThem to-Disturb End Seal Hogs and Hogeses but Not Separate Sweethearts. During the next six week (0 women will serve aa ushers and members of the-reception committees at the White Temple. They will begin their dutlee at Bundqy evenlnga services, and mean while Dr. J. Whltcomb Brougher, pastor ef the White Temple, le coaching them in the arts and requirements of the new positions. "Be euro never to separate 'a fellow from hla girl," he said, "nor separata a husband and wife." - - - . "But how are we to knew they are married T" asked a charming damsel who declared ' that she would rather serve aa usher than a bridesmaid. "No matter." replied the divine evasively, "just be sure never to violate the rule. And there le another that yon muet observe. Always watch out for the end-eeat hog, and disturb him when ever It Is possible. Never overlook an end-eeat hog. It la likely that the number ef female end aeater le In ex cess of the male variety, and I caution you never , to , overlook a ehanoe to make them move clear te the Inelde end of the pew." , - "If they refuse shall we use pin or pull halrT en M eald to have asked,' while Dr. Brougher Ignored, the ques- $5200,000 IN DRAFTS STOLEN BY YOUTH IN WALL STREET BANK (Jnamsl Speelal Servlee.) .. . New Tork. June t. Wheelock Harvey, a messenger for the First National bank on Wall street, haa disappeared taking with him oaah check and draft to an amount, which It la reported In Wall street, will be close to Itoo.noe, it I known that he had among anpere In- trusf 1 t'. Mm .on draft' for l0,00( on the ( v-Amerli-Hri Trust company. 1 V hllo artmlttlnt that I" ' J wllh valui..le f ! OUTLIHES THE PUBLIC SEC0ND TERFV1 the Principles of the true at this time because there' la nl ' well-defined ls separating the- great -national parties in this country . This ' : factor was the controlling one In the election which haa Just : been held i In . Oregon. Another factor waa the In- -tense loyalty of - my friends . all ever.;, the state, and in nearly every place visited by me during the campaign I found men of every political complexion actively, though quietly, at work to ao-' eompllsh my reelection. To all of these I. feel deeply grateful, and will en-' geavef-lmrtPemhenext tuur yeaia tor-? do my part In so administering the af fairs of the state aa to cause ne regret ' to those friends who have been Instru mental, Irrespective of party, la aoeom -pushing my election, , j Will Try te mednee raxeeP. " Tn reference to the policy to be pur sued by ' me, I can only say that t will endeavor in the next four jaWs, as in the past, to reduce the taxes of the several counties by, economising In . the - administration of . the-- affaire- of every department and by more equally " and equitably distributing the' burden of- taxation by suggesting to the legls- " lature the bringing - within the tax paying class propertleev persona and. corporations who .have heretofore prac tically escaped taxation. - Thle can be" " done without any question of a doubt.. As a matter of fact, the- revenues for state purposes ought to be. and can be, raised without . apportioning enypart- of , It against the several count! In the atate. Thla la now being done In eome of the eastern states, and that,, too, without Imposing unjust burden on any class of cltlsena. To abow that 1 it eaa be done. It need only be remem- -bered that during the three year of nr administration there ha been raised approximately-ISg$,00 from the taxa-- . (Continued on Pag Two.) tlon and Proceeded with bis course of Instruction.' - "We will continue the leseona until the. 'end of the week." he said tmtv.' ir Turn ,nTi-v. I-ji '- v, . .'ui. mo 4uiea . will be well coached and perfectly ablo to handle the crowds vitkont aloa" .' At a meeting of the congregation last night It waa decided to hav female : ushers at the White Temple during the next aln weeks. The regular ushers and member of the reception committee will take a vacation. eratona te Yew? Men.' 'i '. - And during that time Dr. Brougher will, deliver a aeries of sertnons - 4 young men.' The subject for Sunday evening will be "Fit and Misfit; or a Round Fellow In a Square Hole" At each aiele n the church ' two women will be stationed and two will be stationed at each vestibule, A mar ried woman will be selected to serve aa a member ef the reception commit tee, while- an unmarried woman will b selected to serve aa usher. The men who are at present heada ef the vert ous -departments of the church will re- (Contlnued en Page Eleven.) cash was small snd that' few of the papers are nKgrrcnrhle. They said he bonded by the United State A Trust company. Ifarv r year old and had been 1 ' of the hank les th-a t a son of ljan F. 1 Chase National t' , i parents. Jlsrvey 1 ' ' ' bv n i' 1 1 i r