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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 3, 1906)
'- -V; .: 'v Portland, . Oregon,., Sunday . morning, june 3,. i9oe.v ' . !.:v.T.'-v;. ;':-V : - '3. W 11 ' 1 1 'ii- 1 1 1"" 1 '1 sssss s ma si ggaBBBBI MM ' ' 1 I . Bg I FT?T7 ; r . ' TT , 77 TT 71 77 - . rr 1 m rJ? fffl 2 Store Opens 8 A. M. Coses fP; M. : June White Far" 5th, 61 Washington Sts. Annua June "White Sale' The "Different? Store '.- Extra Special Monday Bargains VITH As loo Card best ' quality Ball and' Socket Snap , . . 1 Fasteners, y -Special ....64 NICKED FINISH , " coat ; .' k ? HANGERS. J Special . '....4 Beat Darning -'' Cotton.' .BUck.. ...... . . . Special, three " spools . ......St) Bztra quality , , Black Mohair -'-.Shoe .Lace.. Special, three palm :. ....',. 5 Beat quality' Hump Hooka ' and Eyes, , . Special, two . ' Correct Apparel fortheSummerVJoman NEW LOT of - - ',- . ... SKIRT ' MARKEPS at, -earh, .:..T5 I So l-lb. Packet French Dimity Cloth Finish Writing Paper." Special . ...224 BesfXXX Whit Wot Business J 'Envelope. Special, two , : ' packages . . . .54? C . -... ;..:.'....' - - - i The Summer Salons of' the ready-to-doa for dis criminating and dressy women are at their beat now. The June Sale will be a record breaker in volume of selling as well a value giving;. The on assures the thr. No matter what the weather may be, women will throng; the spacious and well-ventilated Coat and Suit Salesrooms this -week and buy liberally without discomfort from the dynaralo force of the bargains offered. Every garment comprising the great conven tion of unusual values that will await you here to morrow Is bright, fresh, clesn an.cj Jnstrlctest harmony wllh Tahioirr'eTRapsIKe most "important factor of tha ' ' . vw .- . The Drastic and Sweevina Reductionjat?- Absolutely Every Tailored Colored Suit. ; In the House on a Scale Like This ; r .(White 8ults which are all Independently - reduced . during the' June WH1TB BALg'en not , - " i includudjKL.Jthls Jlst .1 '. . For - three days only starting MondaywaTsnan institute a sweeping reduction of the stocks of Tailored Suits, allowing full and free choice of any and all (with the sole exception as noted above) at following sharp reduction: - . ". '., ; , . ..-:: GRAND SALONS SECOND FLOOR. ia.M mvm tom ...........$8.33 -i&AO mxhtu job . . . .-v....... ....... f 1 o.OO 1S.B0 TJITS TOM ................... .r:TTr.lZ.S3' hsm striTa tom .iie.67 30.00 wnri rom .t. ........izo.oo S3S.OO SUll'S rOB .,..l.trlir..,,.........k.23.33 And Suits ranglngiln pries op to 1175.00 all go Into the sale at reductions proportional. v Smartness In SUMMER SHIRTWAIST SUITS: A Galaxy of Dainty Creations In NEW , WORSTEDS $15 to $75 The attention' of the passer-by Is attracted to one of the : -store's Fifth Street windows by a marvelous display 1 of style and beauty in new. Summer Shirtwaist Suits. And. If the sightseer be a woman, the magnetism of .the combination draws her. Inside the store to the second floor Salons where replicas of the chio con ceptions are. shown In all their freshness and at tractive newness. No description could suffice to do a tithe of Justice to these jaunty, handsome Suits. - A look through . them Is a. real treat to the woman of taste and refinement In dress. Built on the popular Shirtwaist ' models.- from etyMh etamtnea, - veilings and cashmeres, daintily trimmed with rich silks and beautiful laces, pretty braids and buttons, some with long sleeves and others with modish elbow lengths. Skirts . are fashioned In both plaited and circular styles. In colorings the choice is wide Indeed tans, white, blues In light shades and navy, hellos, corals, grays, greens, etc. These Suits represent combined elegance and simplicity and are the Ideal gowns for dressy Summer wear. - Bee them thla week. Priced. If you wish to Vurcbase from... $15.00 to Jp7500 1 BUTA WHITE SUMMEmRESS ArTHE PRICEDFTHE WAIST1' Pretty White " . v Dresses Worth $8.50 to $20 at $.9S Monday Jf you've a talent of being handy with the needle and prefer the elbow sleeved frock to those of regular length, 'twill be easy for you to make the slight alteration needed to transform these dainty Dresses of last season's make Into models of the newest mold; for In no other way do they differ from 190 patterns. Who can't shorten :r a slceveT Take advantage tomorrow of this. opportunity, to secure a pretty Summer Dress at what -the waist would cost If bought separate. " In order to close a lot of White Lawn Dresses left from last season we shall goffer them Monday at the ridiculous price quoted above. They are prettily trimmed In laces, . Insertions and em- V broideries. Shirtwaist and fancy models, cool and inviting. A wonderful bargain, values up to $20.00, at 4.95 f SPECIAL and IMPORTANT SALE of WOMEN'S' SMART COATS at A THIRD REDUCTION f In this group I Included ths smartest, and) "trappiest" Coats shown this season. In the popular three quarter and 24-lnch lengths. All the swell checks and swagger plaids so much in vogue this season are well1 represented, 'together with the rich plain colorings In ths Imported materials. A group of beautiful garments In the snappiest -Styles shown this season by any house I n America. Th 'plain hellos. tana, corals, grays, greens, salmon pinks and garnets are gems In fashion's casket. ' All these Coats are finished In exquisite workmanship -and trimmed with' fancy braids, stitchlngs and velvets. At regular prices the garments represent-the best values ever shown In ths city at from 118.00 to I7S.00. At the reduction of a third offered on Monday they should go out to fortunate new owners at a quickstep pace. AntosaobUe aad alacoata are lnclndsd In ths reduction. : WOMEN'S WALKING SKIRTS IN A "RUN" r 55 Skirts for $3.33 $8 Skirts for $5.55 $10 Skirts for $6.67 This store shows and sells mors Pedestrienne Skirts than any other two retail houses In town.ThJsfacL-Only. . mieresTS roninrwminmirnriiiw"wn w gs wuianoe m tne wianm cnoosing irom our assortments. Monday's special offering In Walking Skirts embtaces choice of over 10 garments, all new this season and from .; a maker famous in the cult for skirts of .quality and style. Flounced, plaited and circular styles arevembraced ... and materials are of the most . wantfed sort. Including Panamas, mohairs, broadcloths and some fancy mixed '! tweedlsh materials. Choose from blues, black, brown and green. Special Monday as noted 1 .,. 15.00 Skirts for $3.33, IS.OO Skirts for $5.33, 110.00 Skirts for .$6.67 Great Savings in the "June Sales" China, Silverware, Cut Glass . V . --- . " ' r THIRD FLOOR OPPORTUNITIES. " ........ i- Don't be ono of those three-handed folk a right hand, a left hand and always a little behind hand. The alwaye-just-a-llttle-too-late people, who miss the finest of what's going, do It by being ehronio procraatlnators. Get to this sa,la Jomorrow and get the cream of tho bargains. - . . . t . . ' XATTXAITD OXTJTA DXOTnXB MTS. , .-. 100-piece Dinner Sets; our l? 00 value. Special at, - the set $23.00 100-plsce Dinner Sets: our $11.00 value.' Special at, the set -.............. .,. ......$27.50 "100-plece Dinner Sets; our IStLOCL ralue Special at, ' the set $ 36.00 ' iW are Oloslag Out a Itarge Ida of Odd gisoss r ' - - . , , XavUaad China at Half Mo. . -.r-..- AVITKIAJT OXZlTA.SkVirXS tOUg.... . - With gold-traced knobs and' handles. - ,J- ' -- 'I00-plce sets; our $20.00 value.- Special at, ths' . set . ....... .j.... ...... . . $16.00 . 100-plece sets: -our. $22.00 value.- Special at, the i set . .......... w. ....... ...... .$18. OO ' , Xxtra Speolal Bargains la : Blngle Pieces live I -Baskets Sagara aad Oreama, Oak Plat, SaUd Bowls, Single Flats, .-. - - ";' : . "ivtT" Muuasia mom.w HLTUwaas, . Tea gpooas et of , - Speolal atTThe set Vsssert Spooag set of . Special at, the set ' Table bIpoobs set of . -Special at; the set rorks set of . Special at, thajillJJj.i, Berry spoons, special at, each 'Child's set of S pieces. Special at. the set. 94 1.69 1.9:t 1.92 o 90 All of oar Starling Silverware Including Souvenir '", pooas, Boaboas, Cream and Oravy MlNi . Bsrry aad , Salad Spoons and Porks Pickle, Cold Meat, OUve aad Asparagus Porks t Teaspoons, Dessert Bpooaa, Table pooas, Bouillon Spoons, Soap Bpooaa, Berry Spoons, ' Xos Cream Spoons, Salad Spoons, Pratt, Dessert aad Table Knives, aad hundreds? of Paaoy Articles la Ster ling Silver at Special Bale Prioes. . . UBXBTjCUY OT.ABS AT SPBGlAXi PKICBS. " 1W are sblb"aarnts In Portland for Llbbey's Cut Glass which Is justly famous for perfection In quality, design. and cutting. . . ' OUTSsV BOBTB0BTS, CXBXSB 9ISXBS. Our $2.76 vsloe. Special aW each....... ..$2.20 Special at, each..'. Special at. each......... Special at, earh. ....... . Special at." earh ....... OB TXBBOAB JVQB. Our 13.75 value. Our $4.00 value. ; Our $$.2S value. Our $.00 value. on $2.99 v3.25 ..$6.60 .$7.25 ,.. ... .S2.20 .,.$2.99 .....$3.20 .-S.BO .$7.25 1 DMIITY DRESS FABRICS Imported Mohairs aad Silk aad Wool Crepe, Crepe d Paris,. Xlyse aad Bollenne At Xxtra Speolal Prieea. . , , 46-Inch Silk and Wool Dress Ooods; regular $1.60 grade. . . Special only. ytrd '. ..i .$1,14 45-lnch Silk and Wool Dress Goods ;r regular $1.75. grade. Special only, yard .j . .$1.26 45-tnch Silk and Wool Dress Goods; regular $2.00 grade. Special.' only, yard ....$1.46 45-Inch Silk and Wool. Dress Goods r regular $2.25 grade. 'Special only, yard , , '...$1.66 '45-Inch Silk and Wool Dress Goods; regular $2.50 grade. Special only, yard ....$1.86 '' All White, Ivory aad Crsam Brass Ooods la ear steaks are radically reduoed for the June "Walt Sals Rroad- cloths, 1'opllns, Batiste, Voile, Rtaminaa, Nuns' Veilings, 'Panamas. Serges, Cheviots, Albatross, i Crepe Kgyptla. French "Serges, .Bedford "Vorda, etc.: . . v Our $2.7$ value. Special at, each.;. Out $3.71 value. ' Special at, each.,. Our $4.00 value. .Special st. each... Our $4.21 value, Spwlal at, each... Our $.00 valuev- Special at. each - BTDOABS ABB CKXJ Our . $4.00 value.' Speolal at. the pair ,...$3.25 .Our .. .$6.00 value.-Special at, the pair;. ........ $1.75 Our $S.00 value... Special at. the pair..... $6.45 Special at. tho pair .....$8.75 Special at, the pair. . . ..r-.i.. $10.50 Special at. th pair $17.25 TASXS. Special at, esch. at, t. at, at. Our $11.00 value. Our-$12.00 value. Our $21.60 value. Our Our Our Our Our Our $$.2$ $.7t $25 $1S.00 $24.00 $46.00 vaue. value, value. . value. value. value. Special Special Special Special Special each, each, each. ach. each. ........ i Our Our Our Ous Our Our Our Our Our Our $4.50 $t.60 $10.00 $1 00 $16.00 $21.00 $.00 $14.60 $11.00 $33.00 BXBBT OB SAIGAS BOWLS. ..$2.60 ..$4.60 ..$6.60 $10.50 $19.75 $36.25 at. each. .......... .$3. at. earh..... $5.25 at, each.'... $8.15 at, each.... $10.50 at, each. . , .j . . . . $ 1 2.00 at. each...;. $16.90 60 value. Special value. Special value. . Special value. Special value. Spoclal value. Special WATXB PZTOXBBS. value. Special at, each value, v Special at. each. valuft. - Special at. each. w$t4.60 value. (Special at,, cacti. ........ ..$18.75 n.. ....... ...$7.25 i $11.75 EverSee-Sav TeterBoard? jumppn your end and keep tbe-other iFeliow up in the air? . The combined weighty was bound , to do it, wasn't it ? r-Na "xe-Mwing!Lhere We've- placed ;REXIABILl ITY and ' LOW PRICES, linkedjtogether, on the one end b our, business plank, the other erid. Natural laws keep quality high . up No matter how low the price CC W. &. K. quote,the.xeputa tion . of the house assures RELIABILITY f in all it sells. A word of the June -White sale" it re duces the PRICE OF EVERY- ARTICLE ; IN THE STORE not protected from the pruning knife by a contract ., with! its . maker, agreeing not to cut the price he puts upon it generally fair. The "White Fair" is on All that's white sells for less then there are EX TRA SPECIALS .worth your " while t to 'read about. Peruse the page. . ' ; $.000 cakes fin Toilet Soap, all odors. Special, three " cakes J t, .. 10 lOe Leather SOUVKNIrt POSTCARDS special. .54 Pair 6O0 Nlokel Plated SCISSORS. and 7-lnch sis. Special . ,.,aOt $1.60 Solid Back -T- - HAIR BRUSHES, Special ,984 50o extra 'fin ' quality , , . .. CHAMOIS' " .SKIN. - -' '' Special V 30 10c can finest' "' Perfumed - TAIXJUM - .- ( .- POWDER. 1 Special jt jS 5ovRoll , TOILET '-' PAPER,., j ..Bpclidtr. 60o box fin Linen Cloth and Plat ' Finish Writing , Paper. .' ..... . lSp-Li.1.5t MidsiimmevWllw A PARADE OF WHITE TXS SAT S1XDP1 BB OOSTXT. 98c to $20.00 1; : oaxooaa to svit tb:b 80 the Summer Hat needn't b costly you see. The group especially prepared : and ready tomorrow morning mbraca every dainty, pretty style possible to think of and oonjur for tho Summer woman's wear. O course, whit playa an Important part la the scan. And not In years has white been so popular with good dressers. Never hav w been called upon as a mil linery organisation to show such a comprehensive assortment In ' the all prevailing "color" that's not a color at all. Consistent with usual 'custom, ths styles shown her are not to be found elsewher. and rang from ths smart and Jaunty Sailors at 98s to ths beautiful soft lingerie effects in dainty laces and embroidered batistes combined with laces. AH are dainty to glorious, aulting all tastestrlmmlns"of !r-rllrtonsr" fluweis and -prett; aigrettes. Th leadership of OLDS. WORTMAN A KINO Millinery grows mora clearly evident each succeeding season. Asked on careful dresser, half enviously, of a friend whose millinery Is always of ths best and most becomlngi "Wbr do you buy your , hatsT" "At OLPH. WORT. KING'S." cam th reply. ' 1 can't see why any on should think of going anywhere lsa" Remember, all the exquisite creations are subject In price to th reductions of th big "Juno Whit Fair." ' , y 7rsi a t 3sT4Tr 7: ' :' '' ' IMPORTANT SALES OF BEDSETS AND COUCH-COVERS. FOURTH FLOOR. . 'I',' '- :' Hera's Opportunity- to get pretty aeW Bed Seta. or handsome throws for the couches. If you don't : need them at home, perhaps you'v a place for such usables at the Summer bungalow. At any rate, they're low priced enough, to tempt the housewife to look ahead a bit or around th corner to nearby needtlm bzb sbts Bxpxmao. . ;; Irish Point and Spachtel Bed Seta at half price "Regjila $$.50 value. 8paclal,f $4.25 . Regular $12:50 value. Special.......... $6.25 Regular $11.60 value.' Special.;... .....$8.25 :' Regular $2$.00 value. Special.. ....'..$14.00 B4A0 Oonob Covers BXT5. . Heavy Tapestry Couch Covers. j$0 Inches wide, fringed all around. Oriental design; regular , value $4.60. Special, each ...$3.75 : ,r OBXBBTAXi BVOS BBW ABBITAX.S. Just received, a new lot of Oriental Rngs, in cluding 8hlrvans, Daghestans, Kasaka, Massouls, . Khlvaa, Bokhara, etc., at lowest prices. Bvas obxat oxoosnro. r " Liirgesr iitocir'orWllton,'"'Axmlnster and Body Brussels Rugs .ever shown In th northwest; stses ' 6x9 ft, txlO ft and xl2 ft. .a BAsaAiB yze ntnr FINE LINENS and SUMMER rr- VASH STUFFS A chanc for June brides. Exceptional opportunity for women to save In buying the usables they need at horn W1fOT;-pwioiaFear. may-s4,oiJa.'. these lines while th "White Sale" holds the prices down Within bargain reacrt rirst Floor. Tha worldpayajjtrlbuta to Portland ahoppera thla'..' '::.z BTAPBTBi PBOM tEBlABB POB POBTtAJTB BOABSbV $40 dosen 24-Inch fine Irish linen Napkins In J2 designs, - fully bleached and beautifully finished. Special values at. dosen. ...$2.64, $3.08, $3.49 and $3.96 TABUOXOTXS. V- AH linen pattern Cloths In fern, clover spot, ate. Slz tx 4. . Special at, each., .....$2.42 Six. X10; B peel a Fat. each, .......... .$2.64 81s $xll. Special at, each. ................. ...$3.49 j-sr::' ""'':- sattb pakasks Pure Irish" linen satin double Damask, fin quality, , 72 . Inches .wide. Special at,-"'- - - - ' yard .. ....... .....$1.25, $1.48, $1.69 and $1.94 All linen Table Damasks, sliver bleached. 6 to 0 Inches wide. Special at, yard.. ,..,.42f, 63 f and 77 , , Linen Towels from all the leading makers oi the world, afl slses and weights, hemmed hemstitched and-frlnged, at greatly reduced prlcos. :- , Whit Piaues. all slse cords. . Special at, j . yard...! 12, 16, 21f, 26, 34) and 38 Whit Dress Linens for Waists ani-Dresses. lightweight 3 Incbes wide; regular value 60c Special, yard...25e) Persian Mulls; regular value 10c. Special, yard..... .21 French Lingerie Batiste, In. handsome, open work effects; regular value 60a Special, yard 38 All our hand-woven dotted and .figured Swisses. Mulls,. French Lawns, Silk Mulls. Dimities and Whit Linen Suit lngs at special reduced prices. t . Fact vs. Fancy Anent Muslin Underclothes for 1 Women : - After all. stores ar almost human. -They "tak after" tha folk who run 'em. We're reminded of this fact by the exaggerations w not In th ads of somvStores that advertise "Women's Undermiisllns. for Half." Let's look at tha facta. ' Outside of the muslins and nainsooks themselves ther Is probably nothing more ataple sold In stores than muslin andarwear. By staple we mean such things as ar always in demand, whose . prices are. generally speaking. FIXED. Th maker's price Is th same price to any of a hundred store, only . variation In price being caused by a greater profit being added by on store than by another. t .' There's no such thing aa a quantity of underclothes for half or anywhere near It. Yet w read news from stores that hav no hesitation In printing It The truth is, that when you would get good, decently " made underclothes" aQuailef'ainder jrtee-you"V0"s'ot almost " the best brgaln -commercial cnUltlons In this country afford. The Items, picked from scores, ar th beat w ar"abl to do In Muslin Underwear even under peculiarly favorable circumstances. , , ". V , ....... . , ' ANNEX SECOND" FLOOR. ' ' - . . ' - 'I '. ':....;..:.. 1 Womeas tl.BO Oambrie Pettteoata $1.13. ''""", Women'a White Cambric Petticoats, with 20-Inch-lawn flounce, mad with three tows af linen laea Insertion T between clusters of tucks; or deep ruffle with cluster of tucka and lac, edging. Also som mad with flounce of same materUL with three rows f hemstitched tucks and deep embroidery edging. . Our $!.$ val ue. 8pecalatjeacH. , t , tl , , ..,......., $1.13 r- -.1 Womaa'a SflJB Oamhrto Pettlcoata SX.47. - ' Women'a Cambric Petticoats, made with lawn flounce, with four rows of lacs Insertion, and six-Inch ruffle. ' with lace Insertion and-deep lac edging; our $2.26 value. Special at, each .....$1.47 .embroidery; our $1.26 value, Women's SSs Drawers stc . Women's fin Cambric or Muslin Drawers, mad with deep ruffles, with ' - double or single clusters of fin tucks and embroidery edging; our $So value. Special at, the; pair t 69f " ' " womaa'a tl.TS aad $1JI Brawara X.It. , ' Womsa's BIAS Oorset Covers Sto. A variety of styles of Corset Covers, very daintily trimmed with Insertions, headings and edgings Special at, each- of lac or 894) Women's Drawers of fine cambric or nainsook, with plain or bemstltohed tucks and torchon, Valenciennes lac or embroidery Insertion and edging; ; our. $1.76, and $1.$6 values. Special at, the pair..., j $1.19 1 " : .. Women's fl.BS Oowns f or OSe, Women's Gowns of fin muslin 'or cambrio, yok mad with embroidery Insertion between clusters of plain or hemstitched tucks and embroidery edging at yoke, neck' and sleeves; our $1.25 value. Special at ach....98s) A few Broken 4aa f Womaa'a Plaa X)rawrs,Oowns, Ckemls, Oorset Corns aad Mklrta at Half rrle. r .r".'r!.T"T: 7 r'r T'.T """." Infants9! and Misses' Hosiery: "Tou may. run the gamut of all the stocks". says the Ho siery c h 1 f "and youH find no better bar gains than' these." Sub mitted without, comment Infants' Plaa Whit Bilk Xdsls Xos, ' nlaln nr, lacs. . Special at - the pair.21 Misses' Plaa -White xasle ose, finished Tont. fine" ribbed, all slses. Spe cial at th pair ....2l4 Ussa' Pla , Walt Xer. cerlcsd la Xose, full finished. Special st the pair , ujj...., ....... .26s) nd 304 BUssss' White Usl' Bose, embroidered boots; fine .high grade hosiery.- Special at the pair .424 , BOTS SCXOOIi WAIST. Boys' Plaa Whit Bloaa Waists, embroidery trimmed. 1 . . Bpeclal at, each .'. .504 Boys' Plaa White Bloaa Waists "Mother's Friend" style; round collar laundered. Hpeclal at. . earh. ....72S 85t and $1.03 3000. YARDS OF DAIIITY , JAR SILKSm IN A BARGAIN SORTIE Th Silk Salons, will hav a treat for you tomorrow when you call. .A. surprise planned' long " ago, . before operators "got busy" In pushing th prices skyward. ; $,800 sands .27.lrmh Whlta .Japai Silk; unoqualed values at our regu-' lar -prices. Imported dtrect by" O . W. A K , ; Regular. $0c grade. . 8pecVyd..464 Tlegiilsr 5a grade; Spec't yd. . TOf Regular $100 grade.; SpecT, yd..824 ' J. ': w Handsome Cream i Taffetas - : Reduced : .:. Extra Special Monday. ':"..' White.! Ivory and Cream Taffetas. t$- inches wide; splendid $5o quality. -Speolal only, yard;.,,.., 68 4 Bvsry yard of Whtto, Xrry aad Cream silk ta oar stocks la tadaoad. memmm A .1 i ..... 1 . . , - .r " - SIXTH STREET .'ANNEX FIRST Ff.OOIV'- ' - . . , - , . i . A Bargain Booth lrv. tha Big "."Whit Fair," Arranged and -reconducted for Men, only and-Women- who buy for. men. Mea'a BIAS Usl tradar. " t .- V- -tVrJi -. fell 'Men'aine whit merrer- lied , HhIb Vnrlerwmr-- i ... one of Hi fuieattsar- i " -ments for 8 n rrt m f wear;- our $1.26 value. Special-' at'- ; tha 'gar ' -ment 03 Men's 16 Xaadkeroalafi -. ...!, Men's pur wbft Rlchsrd . . son's ,. linen' llandker : chiefs. Special at ' -each. ...... ......lSt Xsb' TSa Wlgatshtrts 3. Men's plnln' white twilled muslin Nightshirts; our , best 75 value, Sl at. ach 5.'lf MSB' Sl.00 Bar TsC.s r. Men's nlsln ahlie durV Uar Vecis wllh leav. . our b"t at $ cUl . h tt. 1 '