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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 3, 1906)
13 THE OREGON SUNDAY, JOURNAL; PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING, JUNIJ 3, 1803. i TOKMG;UT GOT" W- ... . J a :,. ' 1 ; I. T7T J . O - TTTV Tl TATD ' Tl fl th:f .'Reception-Room,. The j. C. Lee Company,'- We Oivn Two TJines That Arci Mflucirifl -Gold Every Coiir of- the - Day and MflW j". Cashier aind Bookkeeper, The ,J. . C . l)ee '". Company. 1 ; 1 The Sterling Gold Mine ; . Is situated In the Hungry Creek Mining District, Siskiyou County, - California, and is equipped with a ten-stamp mill, tramway and -- sawmill and all essentials necessaryfor the operation of the mine. We have decided to put a new mill on this property at once, thereby increasingthe-presefircapacity "to at least 50 tons of pre every 24 'hours. This means an increase of thc"productiDn .to at least $300 per day above 'all expenses; ' . .' ' . , The Crooked Creek Placer Mine Is. located in the Dixie Mining District,', Idaho County, Central Idaho. This consists of 153 acres of patented placer ground con- taining TWO ANDONETHALF ilLLION cubic yards of gravel ; that produces, an average . of . FORTY-FIVE CENTS TO THE CUBIC YARD and is being handled at a cost of only 8 cents." .This Eroperty, is equipped wfthhyfraulicHte as a caoacitv of about 400 cubic vards oer dav and is runnin? dav J C , fHtightArrangements-art-iow-4)eingade-tefn at least 2,000 cubic yards per day. ThismeahOharthe production ; of gold will be increased to. at least $500 per dayrabve all ex--penses.: Ve also own the town of Dixie, which is no small item.;. Other Mining Properties Besides these TWO CONSTANT PRODUCERS we have sev eral excellent prospects in different stages of development, some of which will soon be among our REGULAR PRODUCERS. .We., alsarown interestirin" other valuable ' mining properswhichwe--- have not space to describe here. ' r r In addition to our mining interests, we have built' tip an ENOR MOUSLY, PROFITABLE BROKERAGE BUSINESS. - Having offices established throughout the east, we have EXCEPTIONAL .FACILITIES for carrying on a general brokerage and REAL ES TATE business. t -- - v-:-' ' " ' We Have Never Paid less Than 27 Per Cent ' To our stockholders. Isn't that UNUSUALLY GOOD RETURNS oh their investment? , Ve think so and we believe thatou do, too; i This Is Iow W(B Rcsnl ts : i i J Each 'department is under the supervisToh of an "expertwho has had years of EXPERIENCE and SUCCESS in his particular line. '.... Our employes are financially interested in our enterprise and arenlwaya looking out iofnhr.tsTtemtOI'i"mpany.,-":---- T: WeNever Make a Statement That We Canl Proved We ask" our prospective clients to INVESTIGATE FIRST and - DEAL with us afterward, t Our- books are open - for your inspec- tion at any time during business hours. You do not have to depend upon ANYBODY'S word. WE SHOW THE GOODS. Any enterprise founded on the principles outlined above is ab solutely certain of success and the secret of OURsaccess1iesrtfl"the acLthatjve3ayeJtlway9strillyadherjedJ:QLthese same principles. : Now don't you think a block of stock in a company of this kind- I would be an excellent investment? , We is, and so do ' -others who have had he opportunity of, investing in -it. "'L ; If you owned some of. this stock, and were drawing satisfac- tory' dividends every month, no doubt that you would tell your friends about what a good investment you have and about the busi ness we are in.-That is the kind of advertising we like, because it ' means 'an increased clientage and therefore increased earnings for heicompany. r. TV, . " ": " J I . One Hundred and Fiity People 'AW drawing dividends from the same source would mean an enor mous amount, of "word o'-mouth" advertising for the . enterprise that paid them ; ' ;. ".!':; L Now That's What We Are Alter;:;? ..Wejvsant YOU as a PARTNER in thissplendicl. enterprise ao . that you will help to increase the business. Grasp This Opportunity 'We are going to give you an opportunity to get a' few shares of this EXCELLENT DIVIDEND PAYING stock. We have set aside 150 shares to be sold'for the purpose of INCREASING the' OUTPUT of our STERLING and CROOKED CREEK MINES, as well as a means of ADVERTISING our business: Werare-go- ing to SELL THIS STOCK TO YOU AT PAR VALUE. THINK, OF IT. AN OPPQRTIIWITYJr03ULSTOCICATPAR-TAT-HAS NEVER PAID LESS THAN TWENTY-SEVEN PER .CENT. One Hundred Dollars- .Buys a share of this stocky NOT OVER FIVE SHARES will be sold to any one person. This stock will POSITIVELY-NOT BE SOLD for less than ONE HUNDRED and TEN DOLLARS PER SHARE after JULY 1, 1906. We are going to sejl this stock to you TmdeTing-the-following -r- - ';" ' ' .. - - Absolute-Guarantee1 THE J. C LEE COMPANY will enter into a written agree- -rrtent with every purchaser of this stock that if a DIVIDEND OF .w AT LEAST ONE DOLLAR PER SHARE is not paid EACH and EVERY month, "at least until su$hHinte as they have received in -- : dividends an amount equal to the par value of their, stock, THE J. C. LEE COMPANY, will, on demand, pay to the holder of said ' stock ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS per share the first nionth that ' default ismadein the payment of such dividend. Could anything " be more fair than ,this? ;- - -'':LJj ,.rl;i..,rJ;-7?.;""- - A Bonus ol 1000 Shares : ; " " s Of LEE'S CREEK GOLD MINES stock will be given-with each ' share of the first one hundred shares of THE J. C. LEE COMPANY stock sold. THE LEE'S CREEK GOLD MINE is running day and nieht and the stock is selling now at ONE CENTTa .share and Will pay dividends within one year. 't , ' . A Business Proposition We do not believe there is a man in the city of Portland that would turn down a bona fide investment that is guaranteed to pay TWELVE PER CENT, especially one that has NEVER PAID LESS THAN TWENTY-SEVEN per cent, if investigation would Proyc the investment to beas-represented. AVe stand ready to take you at our expense to Siskiyou County. . California, to our STERLING GOLD MINE, where we will show ' you 100,000 tons of ore that, by actual mill test, is plating more than FIVE DOLLARS per ton ; show you the mill in operation and pro- ducing a handsome profit every day ; then prove to you that we ' 'own this property in fee simple. :- " On our return trip we will take you to the MYRTLE CREEK MINING DISTRICT, . Douglas, "County, Orcgonand' the famous BLUE JRIVER DISTRICT in Lane County, where you can see rlhaf"we are working. doubTeshlft on;our properties in th"ese camps, as-well-asHur-fanHms.-BIG-FOUR4n;:tnVantiarnrDistrictj-Ltnrr-" County, with SIX FEET OF SOLID, GALENA ORE; show you : that we own the controlling interest in these, properties ; then re- turn to Portland and visit the CROOKED CREEK -PLACER - MINE, situated in the famous PIXIE. MINING DISTRICT. Jdaho. County, Idaho, where we will show you 153 acres of patented placer ground, averaging FORTY-FIVE CENTS1 TO THE CUBIC YARD, equipped with hydraulic elevator, giant, sawmill and all other essentials foroperattfig-a rmne pi tuia nature; and the tnrivirrg little mining town of Dixie, all ownedby this company We will then take you back to Portland, where you may, examine our books and satisfy yourself that our brokerageibusiness nets us handsome . returns every month. ., ' ,. , We are ready to stand the entire expense of any prospective " buyer of our stockho will take this trip in good faith, and take ' our chances on sellingva block of our stock to thim when he has completed his investigation. . You will certainly give us credit Tor not being so foolish as to rnake-this- khrdTDf apropositi6nlf "we couIdHnbrmakegbddeyery statement . . : r - -. ' vVe' have taken. more than 25 ' business and professional men' frOrd the .Willamette. VaJleyto see the several properties financed .' by us and without exception they have pronounced the properties better than represented, and have backed their judgment. with their ' money. . We jlo not" come to 'youwithTgaily . decorated" prospectiis , of our mining properties and assets on 'paper. Instead, we sell our' -stock on its merits. y ' About-Knockers- -I f youcomo into contactiwtth one. ,'o'f thisclass., who say anv thing against this company -or-its property, we wiirforfeit ONE - xiu mjicu uinAa i or cacn ana , every siaicmcni maae uy '-v herein Jhat he can prove to be .false in 'any jsense whatsoever "Bring himtOTur office and -sec for yfxirselt how quickly he will-4 ' ready. to. admit that he, was wrong in his assertions., The chances C.- are good.. that if one of this class were offered stock in Calumet and, ; . Ilecla for one dollar per-share' he would turn it down without in-v 'eitigattonjlaotwhhsUndjnc the fact that it is selling in the open market for over $60 per share. DONT LET-ANYBODY-KEEP OUFROM"INVESTIGATINCvHATPARTDOES'NOT COST, YOU ANYTHING. Every Possible Sateguard 2 Isuthroiu'n'd'tie1ilvet8r .' by 'khe By-Laws or this company, . i which provide that none of , "the property owned-now or in future - ; can be disposed of without a two thirds vote in favor of same by the ; , stockholders, at 'a meeting called for that purpose.- t - ;..'.L ; At a recent meeting of the Board of Directors, the President of ;v the company was authorized and empowered to appoint a committee , '' of three to audit the books bf the company quarterly and have their u report printed for distributronamqng the stockholders Was declared "for the month of May.- These dividends were sent ) out to our stockholders, among whom are many- bankers lawyersr-, physicians, businessmen and, in fact. peopIe"in all walks -of life. We have, never paid a smaller dividend 'than this. . Do." you 1 know of any other stock paying such dividends that you can buy at : ' par? 'We. don't;-'.. .. . ,v; ..-A-';. .'XL,.?;;,;. v? t,u r To any interested person we will furni$fi the names of a number ; of our stockholders to whom they can go for, a corroboration of the above. ' s ' ' . -' " ' ' The holders of, THETJ.jCLEECOMPANYstock get the benehtf everythtnglhat Ts good in the mining business. We em- -ploy prospectors and when they find something that looks good we Jofcate it.'. Then we develop it until we can . show prospective in; " vestors something worth their whiles ; Then we either promote it, -' sell or operate it ourse!ves. As a stockholder, you get the benefit ? of all this. Don't think this is a safe way of conducting a mining business? , We do, because we have tried it. , : ; 'vl: .' ,, ' ; ,; Capitalization Lpvv.-Pividends Binh' v 1 -THE J. C. LEE COMPANY is incorporatedunder the laws of T": lihtStatejDliDrcgonjandi3jcapiUlizedIoiurUy200,00Q 2,000 shares of a.par value of $100 each. - It does not-require great s earning capacity-to pay good dividends on only 2,000 shares. That's why our dividends have NEVER BEEN LESS THAN TWO DOL LARS AND TWENTY-FIVE CENTS PER SHARE, MONTH-Tj LY. That's why we expect to DOUBLE our dividends within the next NINETY . DAYS.. 7 - - , , OurGuarahtees:Good Because we have assets of over HALF A MILLION DOLLARS , to back it up, and whenever you find that, we have misrepresented anything, all you to ask for your -money back and YOU WILL GET IT. That's fair, isn't it?. , Your Only Opportunity To buy this stock is NOW. DON'T wait until you see how some thing else turns out. Indecision. haacost-rnanya" man -a fortuner "ACT AT'ONCE. BUY NOW. You will neveY have a better op- ; pbrtunity to get a guaranteed dividend-paying stock at par. - ; , v FILL; OUT THIS COUPON NOW SI, : ; -1. NAME. . ... . ................ ;r. . . ........ .Tvtv STREET NUMBER . . h . ..... . . v. ;:. . - ciTrrttr.t?r7ri;;".";.7..v: state........ THE J. C. LEE COMPANY. .' . .1---., . ',, -, , ; - Lafayette Building, Portland, ' Oregon. - V - 1. 4 Gentlemen ',;''V.' ' ..' u v v'-'-'.; Kindly send me particulars, or have one of your representatives call on me " ' , (' :'. at ....... .... o'clock, . . ;.:rr. .t. . v:x:.t. rr;rr.TTjune v:;:?:; lsoer: - ?. ;: 1 Private Office of President' J. C? Lee. o vo r ' ' . ' - ' ' -'. INCORPORATED . j ::; ScKes I, II, 11. 12, 19 and 20 Lafayette Building, Cor. Sixth and Wash Ins Ion Streets, , PORJLANDj 6req6n r ' , JA ii:A M inf 7 a i u . i ; ' 'i ' .i y ? N N". Realty Department; C B.. Porter, Manager. 3 i m ) '7s - Nl 4. 4f,;t-r, .