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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 13, 1906)
THE OREGONUNliAYLJQVF :--V V l ... J .... ;.. 4-... -4 n ( , S ,.. :. .. .. ; , -. , , . a. -v -A ': 7-7' '7''1"'" ' " "7" -"r7 ',,;'7.'77, ,,;'.-"'r" '-.A .;7;'" :. 7": ;'' ' ' : ( r' v:-.-.". " , rT1". 7'r' " ,'7 . -7:; .7:-7, 7-7:..:.7:':.v 7.v. : -7 .:h ' --L ,:,lQ . .. " . Hl- 7,r ;7., -il HUNDREDS OF .and fuel "" " science and are many well with .andLmany ENAMEL sell them ''" '.: ; 7 Special1 anc?7 Attention Mall Or . lnitiatiVOne Hundred's Work - r Falls Unless They Are AI-" lowed to Help. COMMITTEE WILL ASK, , ' FOR HALF HOLIDAY Another Plea Will Be Made to School Board to Allow Children to Par ticipate In General Cleaning Cru- j aade Throughout City. ' " ' ' -1 t'pon th cfWnof the Rchodl board In deciding; to grant or retime to civ "-the achoo! 'children a half holiday for the purpoae of engarfnc In the jeleaa " 'ffty 'wori: Wilt dcpnd th luccesa or failure of the work that has been under- taHen by the Initiative One Hundred, . rrtrjln to Francle I. McKenna. chair man of tho committee. ' -. .T Ua- tnmlir nf H. fnmn.lKt. mrm " dHpmdlng upon the aid of the tichool children to a large roeaaure, and they : ay that if they fail to aecure tlfelr blp ' I lie eleanlna tip that "1 planned, for the . t-ltx will not be the aucceaa tiiat It muat Ui to make the city preaentable. .. Member of the ubcommlttee ap ' . pointed to organise clean city commlt ' lra In the varlon dlatrlot of the mu nicipality have aucceeded In aroualng dtp lntereat among th school children, all of whom are anxious to spend a half . day removing the nibblab and unsightly ocumulaHona of trash that mar the teauty of the city. The school board was k1 some time urn to rive the a rosiTXTS ncasRTT. d tnr 14) ilya from a severely brulaed leg, I only loiina roller when I used a bottle of Dallard'a 8 now Liniment I can cheer , tully recommend It as th best medl i In for bruises sver sent to the sfTllrt e1. It has now become positive nece- tiy upon myself.,, J R. Kyrnes. mar chnnt, Ixveravi11e, Texna, 25c, gOe and H vs. Sold by Woodard, Clurke 4 Co. , 1.: f : . ' illULCHILOREII SISIIIEEDEE STOVES RANGES : Arc giving perfect satisfaction in -Portlancl. and suburban homes, all of which are v, folly, proyfc theirlsuperiority'.and demonstrating their, excellent qualities in baking: economy.. In their construction which have made this line of stoves and thorough test under all conditions. The material, the workmanship, the . .1 acsign ana uac jmisn di a jqucks siovc or range comrane io rnaKC up a peneci pro- : - ; " ductthe, work of the world's best stove and range builders, who from one year's ' "7 end to another is thc.Jbuilding -.of scientific stoves and ranges. : We guarantee a " li. Buck's stove or range tobe free from "fdremosrstoyeH exclusive and splendid features ticularly mention the superior weight of stoves and ranges, showing that in each led rack urdqprrihgt wood or coal and the scientific other.features have brought to LINE." on the liberal terms of C : " 7 Prompt to All J era children a half holiday, but there seems to be some hesitancy on "the part of th member to grant the req,uesti As a result, special committee from the i 1n1ttatrtr--nWtinai ed wfll attend -the board meeting Monday night and make a special plea. rv . 1 Chlldrsa' Ksrp ITssded. ''Especially - Im th -outlying dlstrlota," aald Mf MfKenia. "the achool children muat be depended upon almost entirely to accomplish th work desired. If they fall to get the necessary holiday the movement will npt be a completer euc ces at all. The very fact of th ehll dren working would arouse an Interest In th movement among th parents. They, too, could be Induced to work, whereas they probably could not If the children did not enter Into th spirit of the movement' Besides this, It will be valuable education to th little folk In the principles of clvlo cleanliness and teach them to be more careful iot to throw litter and trash upon the streets and public grounds. In fact, I believe there should be an annual half holiday for city cleaning purposes. In this way old and young might be taught to keep the city clean and beautiful at all times. Boon there would be no' necessity -for any special cleaning-up crusades. 1 XCMttaf JCoaday Might, - Mr. McKenra announces that there will be a meeting of th Initiative One Hundred Monday .night, at which time the subcommittees will report' progress in ths -various lines of work .assigned them. The committee on the First street franchise will probably report, recom mending that th people reaort to the referendum law to defeat the proposed First street -franchlss should It be laaieoTUyth r"iriaf" The proposition toclrculate a petition and force the city to construct munici pal streetcar tracks on both th east and West sides of th river to insure service to 'all "part of the city and keep the. way -open for new companies that may deair to operate Jn. the mu nicipality will be discussed also. ." - BODY OF W. E. COLE -FOUND IN THE RIVER (IpeeUI Mtpttrb to The Jonnwlr Spokane, Waah.. May H. The body of W. K. Col was found In th Bpokan rlver'ycsterdar. CcJtwawll k irqwn and It Is believed be was murdered and thrown in the river. He had been miss ing since March 28. HI team mlased at that tlmaava recovered at' Couer d'Alene, where It-had been sold by a at ranger. The body was -in the river 20 mll' fronk Bpokan and has not been exanjhied ye for marks. r- : . . 777". 7. : '-7 J7-.'. .7l ::.;..-"'7 is embraced the many splendid features ranges famous the result of defects, arjd we are backed up by and Range Company of St of the Buck s line, among which we par the different styles and sizes in both cook is solid constru(iori The-oven,-with its arrangement of drafts and a high- standard the "GREAT WHITE V,;T... " i " Eastern : Firms Hasten7 to Pur chase Timber Tracts in ; ' L- Oregon.' BELIEVE 'FRISCO WILL DEMAND LARGE SUPPLY Settlera Are Holding Timber for , Higher Prices in Some Localities Over One Hundred Lumbermen Registered in Local Hotels. . . Eastern lumbermen are crowding Iqto Oregon In their rush to buy up timber tracts. Many, eastern firms sre con vinced that the enormous demands -of San Francisco during th ifext few yesrs, will cause a scarcity In their markets, and they are resolved to provide against this condition by having tracts of tlm- eem which -they' can get "their own supply of lumber exclusive of local dealers. . They are. offering fl a thou send feet for this timber everywhere, and In many districts where the. bidding has been sharp thla prtrs has been re fused. The ssstern lumbermen are find ing it a hard matter to get suitable tracts because of th fact that settlers are hanging on to them in th firm con viction that they will get a much higher price. - - 1 Charles B. McCofralck. a lumberman from Ban Francisco; arrived in Portland Friday to purchase lumber for retail trade- n that city. He does' not believe that the Oregon dealers will raise- the price of lumber in th face of conditions It "i Fr-""'"" Taldro Reyna. a wealthy sugar and rice plantation owner of Mexico; arrived in Portland yeaterday: He will seek to pur chase a. timber tract In esstern Oregon. Fred D. Smith of Elmlra. New York. Is In the city for the same purpose. NeaW ly 100' lumbermen are reglatered at the Jiotela about town. - . . , ii ii ii ii ii ; ibi ii ii - ii ii a. ' yj j fj ui xj ii ii ii mm. i ' c vv "cv t ii x - . hi vn ifULUii ii m . w m m m ilj a. w Bta aw . . at mm m u ai . mm m , mm vm. 11 ani Tiuiar 11 .r - i . LlinBERMErj RUSH ThDnoTiimn- : iu 1 u iilh iun sixty years of "America's Liouis. There flues. These TWO r.TILLlOfl FOR STREET WORK This Sum, It Is Estimated, Will " Be Spent In iQxt Two i:Z2 Years. . I4I. TWO HUNDRED STREETS WILL BE IMPROVED Work Will Be Let by Contract and Thousands of Dollars Win Oo Into Wages Much Important Work Now Under Way. . Fifty-one streets, Involving an ex penditure of nearly 1200,000. now under Improvement, and ISt streets under con sideration for improvement and which may receive favorable action from th street committee and council are a few of the things that are helping Portland out this yesr. Asslstsnt City Engineer J. R. Hanson has compiled a repuit whltli allows that within, th next year a. sum aggregating more than 12.000.000 will be spent In th paving of streets In the residence and business districts. As in the past, the work will be let by contract and a fair share of th 12,000,000. will go Into wages. ' Th most expensive piece of work that la under wsy at present is the Im provement of Holladsy avenue. In this work the estimate of the city -engineer was 146.725.' The contract was taken for a few dollsrs less. Other important Improvements that sre being carried on sre those, on Eighteenth street between Marshall arid Vaugnn, Everett street and Grand avenue. A Monntala of do Id - could not bring as much happiness to Mrs. Lucia Wllke of Caroline. Wis., as did one 25c box of Bucklen's Arnica Prove, when It completely cured a run nine aore on her fee. which had tor tured her 23 long years, Urestest sntl- aeptlc. healer of Pllea, Wounds and Bores. 2o at ftkldmor trug Co. ' , , 7 SP W otSW t . -; VY V 77 - (C Perhaps ours now Is connected with th construction of th Brooklyn district sewer. The regular payroll that is - disbursed at th city hall goes to men who are em ployed In the street cleaning depart ment. On an average there are about to men engaged In this work snd the wages rang from f 2.2S to f S per day, AS TO VALUE NONE DO ORCJMlt BETTER '"Vijl"" '' om Stoves and Ranges r . 1 dDTTDHES are not the only clothes in cyi dence at the moment. . - ' ;" ;.."; We believe, however, that the Alfred Benja min Correct Clothes, for which we are sole Portland agents, are the most stylish. ,Tlie New York sack suit without vents in the I back is the correct thing now. ; " : . A visit of inspection might profitably precede - a visit of selection. . . .. lha letter figure snlny In l rf n ,st the head Of th department. Sewer work Is also carried on under th direc tion of th city. ... -, t j . y - Claims Kew wireless 1 Marnml'a Utrrt1 irtrrleM dlernvery U ' an apparitai for directing i and controlling the nExchange foi We Give Liberal Allowance r v 1 imm m ... -. - . I 1 . -J; .flwjrjej!ravejjthat ttir mr he alned like s shot at a yeclfto point, llltbro U wt bare radiated Indiscriminately in Tirknw, dlree tloaa and eosld be Intercepted af any number of ataUona eqnlpited with the Marconi ay earatoa. Thla will hereafter be Impoaalble l wlreleea Bteaeagea can s directed jo s alnsle hip ulllns the high seas Of the aartlculax land' ataiioa dcalrtd. . . ' - - I