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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 13, 1906)
1 PACES 15 TO 23 ' SECTION TWO fJbnday Bargains Monday Bargains Monday Bargains r-Monday Bargains Monday Bargains ( Monday Bargam 1 '''Wrn-:n -'"' FASHION' "BOARD-1YAUC" f A JMDE,OF. THE ' ' ; SPECIRmSURHMERGmL SECTION The'Different" Store FfA, Sixth and; Washington Streets: -m-BAljil .Qf . 9T77JatT A" SECOND FLOOR. iiu. . rhinr hrosxit frnm . the mm." or " an" exhilarating "Mf f Of" run- Jmm ,riT"r''ntrT fields,. . comes .the news today, of tha NEWER fashions in Summrr model ror-gam-ur uiscmmnanng Temininnr. ,K"."r. ultaiieonsly -with -the appearance lit leading New York and Washington. Apparel Shops of the ADVANCE styles In Summer Costuming, this great amFauthbrltative Style Store introduces the same modish conceptions to Portland's critical ferolnlno lrclea.. Without, wading through a verbiage' of useless introduction, we call your attcntipn, today to a matchless show--, lng ofUhe'NEW, possible only with 'this house In the city from the fact that this store was alone In sending Its buyer s, SECOND TIME? this: ae.aon-to-the great eastern- fashion centers.- AT -A TIME WHEN THE STTLES FOR ADVANCED SUMMER WEARING HAD BEEN FIXED- - These garments are exclusive with 'JOWs. Wortman & King Store; no other local house can or will show 'them until samples haj. been obtain here and lod "Sen-Eat-foir-simHnr styles. ootwrHHwg wn n.i--i nt . , , ZZT,,. JZZ-JZ, it will, at best, be but the IMITATIUIM or. copy 01 intr oniiwi ium jhuiw . T,i C' real brightness has been rubbed from the- NEW on the models. Our shqtrlngs tomorrow will be fashion creators and that after the' real brlghtnei complete and exhaustive, embracing i' - In swagger Pongees, blue or tan, black and whit checks. - -whit linen-and - black - Ufftoullr-f-toiuaf4a--l -lengths, all trimmed wltb contrasting colors in maieriais iand fancy braids. . . i J '. -. .. irsw SZZ.X BTon. - 'moires, taffetas, etamlnea and smart cloths; all ex :qulBltely trimmed with laces, taffetas and fancy braids. mnwiiiiil."'.'.::'":''' - SweUl'Prlncess",atyies ,Jn.blackgUk.etamlnes.;white. rT"rges and fetching black and white mixtures; stylishly -utrnmed with velvet ribbons and buttons., ' . , ; axrxx suits. A moat charming convention of pretty and atylish'8hirtwalsts for wear of dressy femininity at evening functions, and f rll!f irae-tylev The-ewrlngwatst are-in the-dellcate, lovely shades salted for party or theatre wear,- light blues, -pink, lavenders, et( Tb,ejtallQrtd.. styles arelnswagger..jilals or leading , clans, .very, popular .amonx r smart dressers. - The evening waists are trimmed prettily in laces and Insertions and have ths modish elbow S sleeves, with lace cuffs. Choose from 17-68 and 18.60 values Monday for 3.49 , Full "Rainbow" plaited Suits, both waist and skirt in - plaited effect These In handsome plaids, neat stripes or yokes of imported linen: these in pretty pin stripes, ' dainty checks, etc.. In light blues, delicate pinks and .-modish grays. LTOB-JRTZTaU Thnaa lii aturdv linens, dalntv ducks and reps. "Choose -elthefr-plaln-waHe-or pietty hellor'TtnkOTMtieBr'ltr Eton o Jacket styles, tight or loose box-fitting models, ' attractively trimmed in bralds,embrolderl.esJlaces; and -"buttons. . - - .. ' XTJrOXBXB-TAlBTfk. Handsomely and elaborately trimmed In Taces, tnsertlons "and hand-made embroideries. . LL 1 : , wbw -wuxmoaam- oowirs.- tll elaborate showing .of Lingerie eff ictsqulsltely primmed In ' beautlfuLJaces up t rom f 18.50 W BXSTJrO . XAXXTS. This house Is headquarters for garments for fair eques triennes. Here is shown two for one of every riding garment shown by mlndr local houses. Riding habits in black serges' and 4 cheviots Jacket and Skirt Bloomers of heavy satine for wear under the skirt. Riding Skirts in regular mako and divided models of khaki, duck and linen all at moderate-price. m.ion or tmm hiw. Special Monday: tireat H Many times the past week we've had the inquiry "Haven't you some cheap tailored Suits for Coast wearf Suits' of good, fair weight colors that are attractive yet slow to show wear and soil. Well we don't carry "cheap"' Suits as most stores interpret tha word but we ll make the price so low on a lot of QOOD Suits Monday that it'll put "cheap stores" to the blush. .-.-. . We've selected -about 200 Suits. . Jacket and Eton models, materials of cheviot broadcloth and fancy tweedlsh mix tures In browns, blacks,' blues, garnets, purples, wines, greens, grays and mixtures. Some severely tailored styles, others trimmed In strappings, velvets, braids and buttons. , Splendid values ranging up from $20.00 to $46.00 in a regular wayr but all at a choice on Monday for ...... . HALF-PRICE $10.00 TO $22.50 V . FIRST FLOOR. " ' Suggestions of " savings that Should prove their own salesmen. Women's - white cotton, -lew .neck, . sleeveless . .Vests, - neatly trimmed at -i 'each 10 and 1S Women's white cotton sleeve ' loss Vests,. Richnlleu - ribbed, at, each.. 20 .Women's white lisle, low neck. sleeveless Vests, plain neat and fancy cro- . ehet trimming, fine and Richelieu ribbed. Special at. each . .......:............: 254 Women's white lisle seamless Vesta, plain neat trimming, . fine and Richelieu ribbed; regular and extra sixes. , Special at, each ..-i 35 -Women's WTilte 1mee1nngth ' TtRtls, lsce trimmed; also , French band tights In extra slses. Special at pair. .35 Women's whits cotton long, sleeve Vests, shaped waist ',, splendidly made. ;' Special at each ; 2B and 35) Women's "Merode" white cotton Vests, long sleeves, short . sleeves and no sleeves, with ankle and knee length Tights . to match. Special at .50 Women's white llsle"Merode' Vests, all shapes, with knee and ankle.leitgth Tights to match, at, each... , ... . ... 7B JTomea'i "Merode" silk, and cotton Vests', long, short and no eieerea.-itjwa.ajia. anKieiongiB -i ignis to mvrn, i. each .'' , v;" "Women's "Merode" cotton Union Suits, all shapes, at ' each . fl.OO " Worn en'v"Mef odd" hlfe lisle Union Suits," longi" short and , no sleeves. Special at each - .......,.....$1.25 FOURTH FLOOR; ' Special Sales Create Inex pensive Luxury. Plan now for - the Summer Curtains, Cushions and all the little "fixings" which mean . so much comfort during - the warm days. The Houseflt- Ij ting Shops have been busy -planning for this house-renovating season, and you bene fit In many ways for instance In IMS-; r : r Remarkable Sale of Madras Curtains Fine Madras Curtains, with silk stripes. In all popular Special, pair ...fl.95 H2.40 13.35 3.TO 14.45 15.25 . nPHE fashions for the ;-JL-r,,Sumrner Girl" are how fixed; and decided upon. Set' . summer styles are a known quantity, -that the OLDS, In order WORT- Jic. rnay he full- to their, character we make JAddy's announcement a spe cial "Summer Girl epistTe the appellative being used in its broadest sense, to in clude'" within; its " scope all femininity,-from the romp ing . lass and "sweet girl graduate" to ' the demure andelderlyT niatrohofTrip en,ed years. We show very clearly the . style develop--Hments and-Wesent a con -crete-and-authoritative"idear critical . folk who insist on the latest and best in cos- -tuming and-in-the-homesv closes :fe ; , p. m. mm'lA- -v i ' IIsspi fit ; i " MAN & KINO SLUlC'B uub y- I W , V I - nrm.1 . I .' . "BIJOU SAXiON8"- SECOND FLOOR ANNE3C , . I ' 1 i l "Tthsr- & 1 :'.'';'j4Hl'j- - Portland's Greatest Millinery Sensation of the Season Our wonderful displays of charmtng and ooiiect MHUneiy for -the Bqimer-1 months has-brought rortn entnusiaatlo praise from thousands of be- holders. Patrons are. pleased beyond expression at the unrivaled and i .tintl nf hoiittfnl tastv creations all nlaced In a nun of modest pricings. As a special pYeparVlbry"event'TeaaiHg Nf maub m uKisuun- fAiit, wnicii opens on Saturday next wo shall Inaugurate- tomorrow the greatest sale of fashlohable Mllltn.ery, - embracing the - seaaoa's-amaTtest styles. ovcr'Ttanducted at this season by any Portland house. 1,000 New Hats, comprise the offering, all .new, chio tailored creations in the most approved models shown this -season. . Regular values ranging up from $6.00 to $2S.000 For- threa days, to allow of every woman in Portland wearing a new Hat during the gala days of the coming great Industrial - Expositions-Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday you may choose at ..... . . .ZXACTI.T Wt'-T TMUOfU Ribbons & Laces RARtVALUES " " I ? FIRST' FLOOR SltOPS."' An enchanting scene comes before the view of - the-- visitor to the "Beauty of" the merchandise now in demand, the very newest ap proved ' stvles as worn and tracd hu ultij Jrcaflcra and I A"'" thU weak, a long vista of beau . . :tlful new Bummer .Ribbons challenges the eye on the one side. ..while on the. other the dainty laces -attract attention from all who pass through this busy pStore - SY4ntieHenil bargain prices add their magnetic drawing power - read t New Silks & Dress Goods - --- Beantlfnl Hew misbons. rr: A lot' of pretty all-allk taffeta Ribbons, all colors, black, white- and cream, I laches wide.' Special at, yard Trr.i. inTiT.Mrr.-.r...25 Pretty fancy Ribbons. tH to 1 inches wide. Special, yard ...,.. .25$t ' XVaoea and Znsertlona A Sale. cream Point Venlse band. .. A lot of handsome web top cream laces, up to 10 Inches wide,' divided Into f Ivo lots - Lot 1, Values to J5c. Speclaf 'yard. Lot f, values to- 60o. Special, yard. Lot I, value sto $1.26. Special, yard Lot 4. values to $1.50. . Special, yard Lot 6, values to $S.00. Special, yard 18 38 a ...... .984 . Beautiful labroldery Bobea Bedaoed. We offer Monday special reductions on Batiste. Lawn, Handkerchief Linen and hand-embroidered Robes lvalues ranging from $8.50 reduced to $7.50 Up to those at $50.00 reduced to. ..r. . .....i. i .$44.00 Between values at proportionate reduction. . "Tub Stuffs"-Unusual Values WASH GOODS SHOPS FIRST FLOOR. TnoiisaTiTis-oT-ya"roTiof ""beautiful r Bummer Wash Fabrics have come to us the past week ....J ,J .- XI uiu uijiis uuiuviiau cwn."i Ban r twKniw -orders, 'The- terms made ua were eo liberal as to allow making worth-while price eonoesslons pnniea. T .WBJM Regular $2.76 value. Regular $2.00 -value. Regular $2.25 value. Regular $3.60 value. Regular IS.75 value. Regular $4.60 value. Regular $5.00 valuo. Regular $8.00 value. Regular $7.00 value. Special, pair Special,, pair. Special, pair. Bpeclal, pair. Special, pair. Special, pair. Bpeclal, pair. Special, palr. . r.. t-'... . v Oriental Couch Covers. Full line of beautiful imitation Oriental Couch Covers', rn .rich designs and durable colors, at, each$J2 to f7.BO i .': lliiamalad Xros Beds. -S XU0-4- -Lanre- assort men V eeteul Uv-l-wW t ptnlt- green a nd - .i)luo and fuU-sl-at each..... ..f-BO to BZS.OO aaunoekSr New handsome) and comfortable Hammocks in sll the new . est styles of the season, at, each. ...... -651 to S5.50 BARGAINS, . FOR MEN Special Monday in 1he " Toggerie 99 -SIXTH STREET ANNEX FIRST FLOOIW- Ttie fastest growing end Of -our business Is the Men's end "Reason whyT" New styles come here first lower .prices always than the "other fellow" asks for instance -tomorrow - A line of Men's Oolf '. In this season's newest -'signs. In strlpesT eer., with 1 pair cuffs de- tsrned; n-gulur valuo ii on. STl 1 P TVsvV al t vv Spcclnl. each 83 -at's Tu piiasrwar7HC- Men's Derby ribbed Balbrlggan Underwear, extra well, made and finished; regular value 76c. ".. Special, - ' each '. 4TH Man's 760 Hegllgee Shirts Boo. Men's Negligee Shirts In fancy, stripes, plaid, Madras and plains-soft collar attached; Just the thing for qomfqrt .and outing; regular 76o value. Special, each. .. . . .55 - i tl IA lata tl M Fanny Bumias Vasm In mhttr whits with black flgweo-4 and tan with- black figures; washable, detachable but tons; our best $1.60 value. Special, each 81.05 . Btaa'g yeekwea SBo. (''. ' A lltie of Mn's Four-ln-Handii in pin In colors. Foulards, dots snd figures, and plain wlfa Fleur dn Lis, efforts. Special at. each .25 slew Waits Ooods too Tard. 6,000 yards Embroidered Batistes Dotted Mulls, Mercerised Madras, Embroidered Etamlnes and Fancy Jacquards. Special at 7ard..25 . ITew $1.60 Tablecloths Mo. 600 fancy drawn-work white damask Tablecloths, J yards long, 1-yards wide, assorted patterns; regular value $1.50. Special, each .984 ,'"'"'"'-'''. Sfew S00 aollettaag 38a. Silk finish Eollennes In black, cream, evening and all street shadesVregiilar value-eoc; Special, yard -. . rr;. . : r:T7, .... .384 Mew Shirtwaist linens." Richardson's Shirtwaist and Costume Linens, all widths, rough "and smooth finish. - This Is the third shipment this season. See them at yard '....-.......... .'. 40 to 82.50 ' - FIFTH STREET ANNEX FIRST FLOOR. Ws had the luck to obtain, several lota cone talning thousands or yards of the most wanted TieWTararcsTor making intBummer frocks ana" Gowns, smart Summer Silks and matchless Dress Goods that had been originally Intended for one- of the leading houses lit another city wnose cTrcum stan ce eompelienicancenat ion of orders. Th fabrics came ' to Us at Conces sions varying from 20 per cent to a fourth.' Tou may share our luck thla week a number of the lots, are on sale at similar reductions allowed u. Special Monday and Tuesday-. -a 24-inch all-silk Crepe de Chine, 2-lnch all-silk and: wool Poplins. H-lnch smart Suit Silks; all wanted colors to choose from In these arand - dependable Silks: unmatchable values at our regular prioes of $1.00 and sac per yard. Hpeclai tor Monday and Tii U-inch Royal Warfh Taffeta, all colors to choose from; regular. 75o value.. Special lor Monday and Tuesday only, yard 58 WIU BITDI nxoa ow mn vi 1 : ; COLORED DRESS GOODS h. 5,000 yards Silk and Wool Dress Ooods Monday and Tuesday at PBJCB. Lota Include Ondulay Voiles, Ely see Cloth,. Cart tas. Crepe da .' Krancals, Crepe de Chine and Crepe de Paris, In the following colors: Pinks, turquoise, Nile, reseda, olive, serpent and myrtle green, light blues. Alice, grays, castors, tans, champagne, modes, browns, mahoganies, . . dlnaL garnets, etc. Special for two days f $1.60 regular grades.. Half Price- Sale, yard. .......,..,i,.....Y. jnLlfmiaiSllicM SalSr.yard.. , , ,Tr.r8TM- $2.00 regular grades. " Half Price Sale. yard....................f l.OO $2.25 regular grades.Half Price Sale, yard.....;.'.... j.. ....... .f 1.12H $150 regular grades. Half Prlca Sale., yaxd. . 4ksv mm m e "Jt SB's? SPEClALSALE-BLACK-DRESS-GOODSr $$60 per yaid aiadMg lit Turkish Mohairs. Satin Liberty French Prunellas, Crepe de Paris. Poplin de Chine, and a large assortment of Silk and Wool Novelties. Specially priced for Monday and Tuesday only ardr tniliiti 1.94 Our regular $1.25 grades of Armures. Cr I spine, Mohdelalne, MelroaeC Pru nellas, Sollels. Serges. Crepes, Batistes, Poplin de Chine. Crepe de Parts, Henriettas, eta All go special for two days at yard 974 NICK-NACKS AND NOTIONS . . : FRST FLOORS 12c Heavy Black' Mohair' Tubular Shoe Laces. Large stse square cake Ironing Wax, Special . Special, doa. ......4 KfcienFirnsftngs,S7vchvare : Two great Special Sales of Importance to every -housewife.' No matter what your need, from a nutmeg- grater to a set-Of Havlland Or a Refrigerator, you'll find the most compre hensive stock here with least to, pay of "any where. This week we offer special values as printed. - - - . - - -v--- Granite TronPreaT Kptt( Vf STilar .yaltie$Se'."'rr' Bpeolal, eaoh .60 Granite Iron Tip Saucepan, qts.; regular value 25c. Special, each .'. 18 OrWnfl i IronCoffee Pot. 4 qts.TTekular value " 40C. Special, each v.", ......... .-. . . .7. ........ i . . . . . . . . . Granite Iron Pudding Pan, $ qts f regular value 17c. Special, each JTiaJJlsh-J'an. 10 qts.; regular value 20c. Special, each Long-handle Deert Pan; regular value 25c. Special, each. Tin Dlpperf regular value 15c..: Special, each ..V- $-1hch Paper" rwtes; regular value' 4c. t rTpseial, each rrr.r;. . r.r. .'. 6 H -Inch Wire Strainers; regular value 10c. Special, each.......... 12-qt Galvanised Iron Pall; regular valuo. 26c. Special, each Iron Bske Pans, 10x17; regulsr value 2Je. Special, each. . .'. 29 10 20 m . . a dc ,...104 r;.;.v.;;.,.34 Tat ..........IT ...........15 Closing out discontinued line of Table Silverware at half usual prices. :xtra Al Plate Oneida Community Co. 8 llyerwarcn. ; . ,' , , Li Coffee Spoons. Special, set of six. ..... v .......... .60 Orange Spoons. Special, set of six. .........CO Table Spoons. Special, set . ofslx. .. , M ...C F6rks. Special, set of six. '..Z$. Sugar Spoons and Butter Knives.. Special, pair ..23 7 Bo card best quality Patent Hump Hooks and Eyes. Special...., .......2H 5o set Shell and Amber Side and Back Combs. Special...'........- .39 to cube best Jet-Headed Toilet Pine, Special ...............5 Newest MDERMUSLINS and Lowest Prices Meet IN THE ANNEX 8ALONC-8ECOND FLOOR. ,' : s - We're holding our grip firmly on the leads ship In selling of Women's Undermusilns-and Children's Underclothes. We strengthen thai .hold this .week with these unusual values: Xadlesflns tnusUn" or cambric GownsVTToVr trimmed In rows of ruche insertion between clusters of fine tucks, embroidery edging at; : yoke, neck and sleeves; regular price $1.60.' . Specjoleach ..................... ..Sl.lT Large stse stockinet Bibs, tape bound; regular 1 5c.- Special at each , .23 Ladles and Misses' Sun Bonnets In plain or fancy colors. In ehatnbrsy, gingham, percale - or calico. Special, each-....,........-. 17" Children's white ' cambric. embroider trimmed at neck and armholes. 1-ln. drill waistband;" ageo from regular price $0o. Special at. each , At Royal Worceater Corset Countar, , A great variety : of Ladles' Whits Petticoats. trlmmeoVIn rews of . twaa or embroidery insertions, clusters of narrow Of wide plain ' or hemstitched wck mna ig or embmraery efigittg ' " . 1 1 i-to It years; Regular $1.75. ReguUr $176. Rernlar $175. r.e;.:!.ir $4.76. Special, each... Special, each. . . Special, each. . . Special, each, . . Cl.T