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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 12, 1906)
-,-1, the-daiiouiwal issold.o -4 GOOD EVENING. Journal.Circulatlon YesterdajJ Fair-and cooler tonight with pos- albly light ; frost; .Sunday fair, and i warmer; wind ahixting to northwest Was PORTLAND, OREGON, SATURDAY EVENING, MAY 12," 1906. SIXTEEN PAGES. VOL. IV. NO.' 55. tRICB:TWO..CEIV'i?iSOTA?leCT -wy" n --- a- - oW& - ? ORiaCO ": hi i R-e) to Form Active liaveEaiIed Reticent About Over Five Hundred Join. : Streetcar- motomen nna -eondttctor f Portland, who were forbidden by the Portland Consolidated Railway company to hold membership In a labor organise- tlon, are forming a union. Meetings ivavrTe(iiriei4"aurr"Taifrwe andnthTOarwTBrToraanaTunwajreoia large numbers of the men have taken" theobllgatlon. More than 600 ofthe .To conductors ana motormen in me city i.hav. signed aprelimlnary ' application ormembrahlPtJTnftiniyenjenXj!Over ell -alootrlo llitoov j-. .s4v i 4- - The preparatory work la being carried v on by officials of the Federated Trades - council, and they are administering the .obligation at meetings that hay been held. it la expected that Mr. Cornelius of -Detroit,- a member, of tba- executive .-, committee of the national organization. Will arrive in Portland next ""complete "the organisation" and " af fllia te - ' It with, ttie national body. He has been "In San Francisco for soma time, attend ' : Ing to relief work that has been done 'there for members of the San Fran cisco streetcar union. . f ; W1U Uae Old Charter. . ' - The Portland men will organise. It la said, under the old charter that was used 2Lj by the-men on the Portland Railway . company's Hne9prlor"to the consollda- tion of that- company witlv the City 4k ,Z Suburban company. This charter Is Di vision No. ltl of the Amalgamated As sociatlon of Street 4V Electric Railway Employee of America. The men are ex- tremety reticent when approached on the subject They refuse to give any of the '. details of the project, alleging that they will be In danger of leaing their posi tions should the facts be known at this time.' The most of them, when accept ring their present places, signed a paper v to the effect that they would not during - the period of their employment by the ariumoauwij:orapauyMcgraa.mem. rwr Of HPy rtr.r tnen'e linlnn, HnmeTTlet Amef (fnir W b?f WitJ 4 lwri of them are so conscientious. It is said that they regard this agreement aa bind ing, and have not yet consented to Join the new organisation. The large Mass efmenjQokuppnJhe jsreemenjt, a; ant0jig0aBmont.,ofsi hospltaL,Xundfc., which abridgement of their personal .liberty, , end rmf eneaf 4heiiMrlnolpal metlwes In joining the union Is te demonstrgta that .they .have the right to do so. They hays ' other grievances. Including long, hours f!i of work and discharge without a hear. . On. the lines of the Oregon Water Fierce Natives of Samar Make Raid, KilhOne, : : JkVound Seven, Loot and Burn Town, fy Escape With -Twenty PrisonerWv1-- ' " (Joamal ipl tervloe.t Manila. May . Another raid by the I Pulajanes In Samar with fatal results . Is reported hls morning. - One person 'Was killed and seven wounded by the 'outlaw natives who entered Inabangan '! by Barrio -Wrirht.-Bamar.'- The Puht- Janes "looted and burned a score of houses and then fled taking 20 pris oners with them. i , -I - The native constabulary and troops are, pursuing the -raiders Into their motintaln fastness. A battle - Is ex- peoted within the next day or two; , Oeneral .Leonard Wood in1 accordance LOUDLY CHEERED BY . 1 MEMBERS OE-DQUMA 1 (Jan real Snerlal n iki.) : 8t: Petersburg, May 11. The douraa resumed He sittings . this morning. Chairman Mquromtaeflt read telecrams of greeting from many foreign and do " mestln sorieties. Messages- prom Vein g support were alxo received from the universities of Moscow, and Odessa PORTLAND CONDUCTORS AND MOTORMEN ARE QUIETLY ORGANIZING Organization and Discussing Matter. Power Railway company it Is said that or nearly 100 men employed all but about 11 have signed the application to Join the Amalgamated. There are about SOU conductors and motormen employed on pany, and reports Indicate I than 400 have lolned. The first Issue expected to arise will involve tlis- very existence of the or ganlinUon, It is the expressed' will of the Portland Railway company that it will not recognise .a labor organisation on its lines, and wilt net knowingly employ a member of the union." At the time-of consolldatlon-of the City and Suburban and the old Portland Railway company- ther was a Union on- the lines of the Portland Railway company. Man ldent, and 'ma-nagr.of the consolidated companies under the .Clark and Sellg man -ownership,- announced to the men that the policy- o( the company would be to exclude unionism from the lines d thet they would have ol- give up their .membership if they wished to con tinue in the company's, employ. The men elected to disband' their union and remain " with" the company,' 'but . they held to their charter, and have kept it in - good standing in the amalgamated association. Under this charter the or? ganiaation ia now being formed, em bracing the Portland- Railway company's consolidated lines and . the - Oregon Water Power ft Railway company, v. Sentiment Zs Strong'. . Action taken at the meetings thus far held Is said to show a etrong sentiment In favor of organisation. At -one bam ompanvOificiaisA meeting, where SI men assembled, there wade the tent life of the refugee un were S signatures to the list of applt- j comfortable and rendered passage cations for membership. ' - At anothar barn ti were present and (0 signed the in attendance resulted In the lafnllatlon of all but four. ,. .s ' Some time ago aome of the saen brought up the question of the monthly hae been the custom for years on the llnee. The - oonipany - deducts cents a month, from each men a pay and turns it-lnto a hospital -fund. When any employe la Injured or 111 he receivee f rorn thlefundsultlclent money to pay (Continued on Page Eleven.). . d' . - with 'the war department's decision Is preparing troops In the Philippines for a-possible campaign in China. -A aye tern of field marches -and target prac tice by sham battlea has been outlined and a program ia being followed. The department la eomewhat handi capped In ease it should b necessary to invade China, by the. diversion of hun dreds - of thousands of dollars' worth ef supplies destined for China, for re lief work at San Franojsco. It is esti mated that more then 11,000.000 were destroyed In the fire and earthquake belonging- to the department of the Philippines, ' - .... statffig that If reforms were pained the support of the people would follow. - Meaaagee from political prisoners de manding, amneaty were . greeted ' with cheera. Moitromtsff asserted authority over .Deputy Antkensv who: demanded that the douma 'conalder amneaty be fore ita OTfanlsatlon. : ..''- TLirw OTrri i r c ricnnnikiT ai r-r re ' V I faw evea. wmrn'm-. ' We seas: : -r. Or : IfV x I V-.tfff,,flTHl C !- I 1 I I I I .' II I eaaa jg. i vr im-i inn ,j . rr i tvmv v a xi d . j tu-.i v.i i urv 1 aa n i av . yyj b i a . am i j i u i r i fr nJltC J-mi UWmm ! reallaatlo-L f the fact wat r ..eTl-- "-, aVf-jf" - " .- : and produce market , on the .Paclfio , i " n tatig. ' ' r ri1'l lfm '"-J.-- coast, and that this Immensely lmpor- " V ' .' eaagjBK? ' ' . VJ -'L' - ' tant commercial poaltron may be mala- - Lif - . 1 - ' . i . - : : I talced If the proper oourae iapursuedVT that, morel- " t . SSaV 1" ' ; ' . . .' ' .. ' : 1 .- ; : 1 , .' - : , M:. 1 PortlanA wAoleaajft mercjiants areBalt-4 ;JtTt ft narn I upg IQ-JDIIOW. 1 lng the flret move toward following up ... .j . .i.ii i vi ' i '.'. j . 1 . ' - . . the enormous expansion of trade that 'a-j--ja- assr -- -s-si1 w ft" i W isrv siat' I I s. St. m fa ft Mill IA smm na resulted here from the destruction nnnillllinTlllliri 1 1 ll I ll MA Hi n nn .llli fBa-Fraw!s. Traveling men r I 1 1 I I V" I I I 1 1 I I J I 1 1 1 1 Lllllll lJllI I II I'll ll LI 1 1 I -" V - U I 1 111 V b,n Into the larger terrHorz and f'5 1 11 1 II ' if II II I" nil III rHIlnllln ll I lL-VQ " OwiIiLj bUtn" t0rg"'rty wntwttedWrtne I f rn If -M-r B W 1 - l-f I I" f 1 -ll If; I secure ma full' measure - of results Panlo Among San" - Francisco Refugees Caused by Fire at Barracks -Chill Wind Makes, t Life Uncomfortable. . (Jearasl- apetal gervlee.) ' San Francisco,' May II. A heavy chill- laden wind last night and tbls morning through the streets hasardous. XJreat LclQUdi pt float yera-hlawn throughout I the burnt-d daunt the thousands Of sight-seers, the majority of whom 'are women.. Following the mayor's order, the work of 'concentrating in refugee campa will hegliL immediately. The roof of the cantonment barraoke at -the-Preeidlq-caught .fire last-night, creating a "panlo among Ttha - refugees encamped about, the- barraoksTb sol diers, extinguished the flames, but not until 'the entire roof wae consumed. f Large tnanufacturers OfPortland ce ment have announced a uniform rate of a barrel, whtoh Is considered low. Several new plants for the manufacture of cement are being constructed In thla vicinity. Lime Is quoted at 11.71 for finishing quality and 11.60 tor common. This Is a slight advance elnoe the tire. Brick is quoted at about 110 a thousand. With these nominal prices there will be no delay In rebuilding on the score of cost. .-',..-'. --. L . The grand total of subscriptions to date Iff ts.US.m.lf. SEA LEVEL CANAUIS FAVORED BY SENATE J (Jonraal Bpedar' service.) ' Washington.. May U. The senate ca nal committee haa .voted 8 even o the type of the Panama canal. The final determination will ' be postponed until Wednesday. IJr Is understood that the sea level plan will be favored then. - Cert Sonars Still Uvea. 1 - (Joerul Special Servlee.) ,' -Kew Tork, May 12. Carl Schurs la expected to live through the day. - A alight rilly early this morning' was fol lowed by a collapse" laler and pKyaielane tat that he will probably expire with in .the next few days, - M0R FEATURESJHM EVER IN THE Ko paper in the Pacifle ' Northwest equals The ' Sunday Journal. Oct it , once and ' you " will . nlwaya 'want It. Here are a few of the good things it oontalne thla Sunday: ' ; . .,....., An article Illustrated in colors telling of how thoueands of negroes, are captured every year and aold XUnta slavery. An article Illustrated In colors achievements In airship navigation. ' -A typewriter ' recently performed the remarkable -feat of writing more then 1.000 words in en hour while blindfolded. This Is an Interesting story, of a. great . teat v ..,'"-;, ' , '- . Another feature ,tels-'Of how workers fit deadly trades are protected. r . " ' ( ' 'TT . '.' 1 l " J i At is oeiieveo tnat inaiviauai errortsi Amador Government Using Po- lice to Keep Liberals From -: Polls andlMaIntaInCon-l3 " trol of Affairs. (Journal Special Sarfloe.) , Kingston. Jamaica, May. 1J. A sen sational statement made by Qeorge W. Jimines of the New Tork police,, return ing from Panama, lays bare the deter mination of the Amador government 'to controL.lh9..comlPa:eiecUoojt)y. tober on a years leave of absence un der contract with the Panamanian gov ernment to reorganise the police on a New Tork basis. He says the force has recently .been .enormously Increased junj many detachment event to- the Interior with Instructions to prevent the Liberals frem registering or voting. ' He adds: i'l was reoeiitly-inatruoted - that the police force was not Intended to preserve order, but to be used to control eleo tlons.andyTT'WaaTo" aeehaf policemen- voted aa of ten aa possible and prevented - the opposition from reaching "the polls.1 ' - " 'T replied that I was an ' American and -would not do that for my own country or any other. I resigned on tha-apofc Everybody. onthe Isthmus knows the Liberals by fore and fraud are to be prevented from winning and all expect a revolution." - -,. SHOOTS HIMSELF IN PRESENCE OF BANKERS (Journal Special serf lee.) 'Chicago, May . 12. Albert Portlock, aged 28, of Memphis, Tennessee, at tempted to commit suicide in the Northern Trust company's "banking room today, lie: ahot himself .. In the presence of the depositors. Unrequlrted love is the cause. Ha will probably die ; v. - i r . Ztaliam Strike OoUapeea. , " . '.' (Joeraal Sperlal aerrtee.1 A . Rome, May 12. The strike here has ool lapsed. Railroad-men who were out. numbering thousands, ark returning to work. At Naples the strikers have all returned to their plases alter a weekj In which there wee more or lees rioting and disturbance. - X if . . . ' Honolulu haa one of the best educational ayatema in Ttfie world. Miss Molly Proebstel, who went tor Hawaii as a special commissioner for The Journal with The Journal party, hae written a .most entertaining artlole of personal investigation' of the schools of the Island. . American ambassadors abroad live in regal splendor. If yon want to know something of thela life at foreign -eouTt,-rnd this artleley -arapeciat writer. - ' : Pete, the roguish bear of the City Park Zoo, talka this week to the -children of the different tlmee he, got out of the bear pit and played tricks on Herman, his ; keeper.- . 1 . These are only a few of the good thlnsa. Don't forget the colored comlo pictures for the children. The ' women have thftr pages, one of faihlnns by Mrs.' Oaborn and Mra clymea' page on health and beauty. telling of the lateet Steamers Minnesota and T Da kota, Giants of the Pacific, AreLPuhshased by Nippon "Z Yusen Kaisha Line. From Information received here this morning the - stars and strlpee which have waved -over James J. Hill a ocean greyhounds, the Minnesota and Dakota, are to be hauled down and the banner of Nippon hoisted Instead. It baa been thmue last OoUho Great Northern Bteamship-eompany haa aold these two vessels to the' Nip pon Tusea Kaisha. a Japanese line ply ing between Puget sound and oriental lPorte - . Itia understood that negotiations have been- ln pro gressforaome time, but aa-aacretly have -thy been con- ehtoted-flat-ewtatlnjatloit-stbA-prosr: poaod 'deal hae leaked out until today. The formal transfer may not be made forsOme itTme.-burtharThcaaje-iias been -consummated there ia little doubt. That the - Great Northern Steamship company "has not been a paying prop osition baa been an open secret for some time. It is said that the Minne sota and Dakota bava been operated at a loss since being put Into commission. It -was undertaken to -- manage - the steamers -from Chicago, and, according to those In a position to know,, thla ar rangement proved unsatisfactory. The steamship line Is merely an extension of the Oreat Northern railway system. ' Owing - to the enormous dimensions of the steamers special docks were erected at Smith's Cove, near Seattle, where - they load and discharge - their freight and passenger - The Minnesota and Dakota are the largest steamers ever constructed In America. (They were" brought around the horn about a year ago from Newport News and im mediately placed on " the run between Seattle and the orient. They are twin screw steamers, (80 feet In length and have a displacement' Of 20,711 tons. It was tna. dream of James J. Hill to odrral the oriental trade for his rail road lines with. these vessels, but It Is evident that his great expectations have not been realised. The little brown menhavins Junionstratedlhelrsti, premacy in the far east are now reach ing out for the commercial supremacy of the Paciflo. - T SUNDRY JOURNAL Destruction of - San Eyes of Western to-TurnJhisWavHawaii:the - r Orient- and California IViir Trade Here in the Future. : merited unless- there Is an organised and .united movement by Portland com mercial interests. The first feelings of sympathy for a sister city In distress have been Indulged to the full extent and $260,000 haa - been contributed toward relieving that distress. - All busi ness considerations were for the .time swept aside. Many large houses in' this city have, waited for San Francisco to recover her senses and look about to see what she may te able -to- do to retain her preetlge. . . . The riclA ts OaDiaf. . The full extent or the 'calamity to her business interests u now comprehended. The outside trade of San Francisco la unable to draw upon its former, sources of supply for anything, and haa turned to Portland. The commercial Interests of this city have been obliged to set aside . considerations of . sentiment and meat the eituatlon as it Is. stripped of all but business.. The field le calling, andJf Portland doenot take posses sion..pOOM2Waaow cities eaat and north. Orders are overwhelming the whole salers and manufacturers of thla city. The' demands for' roods come from a wide stretch of territory, from. Honolulu to Alaska, 4, A. leading Jobber said: "We have been working day and night, with double shifts, to keep up with our orders The en tire, force of this house '. ia working overtime, and we do not see our way out yet. Here le a large order from - Honolulu for -arocertea -and- pro-i TURKEY BLUFFED BY BRIIAII1 Sultan Recedes From His Position and Agrees to Abandon Disputed Egyptian Territory - - a (Joornal Special Servlre.) : -.. Constantinople, May 12. It Is an nounced today that Turkey has ac cepted England's demands for evacuat ing Tabah and the Egyptian territory on the Slnat peninsula and the joint delimitation of the frontier, condition ally. Tewfik- Pashs, the foreign min- TalerTJIeoT'ar'lhe: "Bfrl tlsh" embassy to. day with fresh proposals in regard to the controversy, which are virtually a compliance with Britain's demands. The Turkish government-asas tnat a mixed tribunal determine the exact frontier. It la believed that the British will consent The crisis Is considered peat, - . ' - - , GUMMAKER TRYING TO GET AN INCREASED PEHGIC ' (JoanurspecUf Service.) " ' ' ' Cleveland. My - 12 Or. Beeman, whose benign, bald eountsnance smiles from each package of ehewlna" gum tx-arlne his name, is endeavoring to have t. s r"' "i 1 !r"i fro: i 1 to ill at i i "e of "to. If mm OTER - FranciscOr - Causcs Commercial World visions, whlci we are trying te flsnra out a way for filling promptly,- The- ex pansion of our trade territory haa been -so sudden and enormous that we were ' not fully Organised to meet it, - We are aejadlnavjtuxjgten. inta thn Juast .coun formerly aupplled from San Franctsoo. . -: All this trad la being brought, Into Port, land. . The Sandwich islands are calling upon us for all kinds of commodities. -t , - Kust soom Cta Together. -"In , Alaska there Is a large Una of trade that was formerly controlled by Ban Franclsee, and that eouU be taken -. . . over practically entirely by Portland if we were properly provided with ocean transportation facilities. It 1 a very serious question." . - The fact that large problems In trans portation confront the city, . and that - fore of the commercial interests; leada to the belief that Portland business men will soon be obliged to get together on-, eome plan that will provide a 'way to securing everything they desire. They cannot afford to lose time If they are tarr benefit by the natural advantages thla olty unquestionably , possesses. ... The . sound cities are awake and Intensely - -active,, and they are making strenuous efforts to overcome all disadvantage-" -in the way of their securing San Fran-" Cisco trade. -: - .T.-..-.--.;-'.-'':.----i--- . The Ohaae That Wow Batata, It Is now realised thst many years wilt be required to restore Saa Francisco to . her former position. The mouth; Of the Columbia river la meantime being deep- ened and great strides are being mad by Portland ain the development of man. ufacturlng, while the volume of ita agri cultural products Is Increasing by leaps and bounds. In the 10 or 20 years that will be re- . quired for rebuilding the Physical Ban .r rancisofl-jjn.a-jmnnuoant nnr cmsena will be to a great extent devoted to horn questions. Naturally Portland's bust , neaa advancement) will be very largely) atlmulated, and -when the time again comas for ..San , Franolso t enter - the field -fully armored - for - the battle of -competitive trade,- Portland -will - ttav made a long stride ahead, end will be . solid 1 y - f or ti t led - tn--a -reigning - position -In coast and Xnrentar commerce If her -mercantile and manufacturing Interest fully meet present emergenciei'.TT " . . .... ; . - Compliance-with Great Brltaln'e re quest has alone prevented drastic ac tion on the part of England. Had the sultan not yielded before tomorrow, the British fleet would have made a dem onstration in order to forcibly secure he ejection orjru.rka frgm. Egyptian lerrltory and from - forta Which the Turks have seised without warning. . The British squadron, under the com mand of Admiral Lord Beresford. Is st Athens ready to sail. Prince Henry of Battenberg'a cruiser squadron la already under way and preparatlona were com pleted for landing parties should Turkey con tin He obdurate. BE EM AN r. Beeman sold out his hue: the chewing gum trust and r 2 7.0C9 year from renldtvn.- is at he swell Ct r t 1 ) t nu-.l lab-.r c: