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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 13, 1906)
j, ' 4 THE OREGON (SSUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING, ISLAND THAT GOES TRAVELING ITS '4 , - ..' . . . . 1 1 ''i i ii i i.i I. iii. hi ' FIND HIE USED BY Curious Passage Usd as Under ground Railroad by Chinese . Located at Tacoma. HOLE TWO MILES LONG LEADING TO A SWAMP Cavern in Center Under Hill Where Oriental' Were Secreted and Taught First ' Rudiments of English Twenty Years. Ago. - Sand Island, ss It Was, and as It Is.. r The accompanying man drawn from official maps of 1831 and 102 show th change In position and form of Sand . Island at tha mouth of ' the Columbia river, which la Involved bi tha boundary Una dispute between the etates of Ore iron apd Washington. In I iii, when the flrat map showing t.ha-Jeland,wamade. it, -lay lust north. "'haft ll'nbw lis. aa' ia'BFown iky thiTdot-T reachad la polntfar up In the entranca u.iimlimm .'iM-iiiwo.iM.'iw Baker bay anlkjuat eaat vt-Hf lower tnssiOTgacau-wjEgi w" main puat-ot ap-pii ehannela of tha riven One , ran norlTf of the laland and tha other south of It, tha northern ' channel belnc iUe'more open and deeper ona. ' Oradually tha ehannela ahlfted. the northerly! one Swinging- southward and forcing I the Island northwestward towards .Cap Disappointment, since the first map was made, tha laland h rlsiand har Lthan it waa t years ago and owing to the action of the current naaohangea iia shape completely; The channel now runs south of th island and there is but one channel In place of the two of nair a century ago. -When the boundary Una between Wash in gton and Oregon waa described in the in rararanna tn the island sna sfeGUESISMERlSHEft Son oft Proprietor of Nevada iiJHojusft States ThaLTwenty "j . , Three M et Death. QUAKE WRECKED HOTEL FIRE DESTROYED RUINS Clerk Waa ; Caught . In Debris but "Managed-to Oct Free, Badl. In jured Coun&dtbdge?a"ras" They 'Were Taken Out. nwiil nieoeteh hr teteed Wire to Tbe Journal) I Vallejo, Cal.. May 1J. The quarter nf flnnnar L- C. HU1L WHO Was in charge of on of the dynamiting squads durln the San Francisco fire, waa XBrxclel Dlipetch hi Leeeea wire te Jteranrf L-ter -Cea-wstiUran la a IiumiiIimI en.i I (Specie! Ptoateh hr leeenl Wire tn The Jarn.ll searched at Mare Island Wednesday by Ban rranclaco M 11 Freoik Lm. k, h.rf .tit,- ..... I Half Moon Bar. Cal- Mir 11 Aa the I Cantaln-CKarTes JS. liarber Of thi son of the proprietor of the -Nevada -bouse, at 181 Sixth atrtet. claims that -II persons mal death In that hostelry on th morning of th Oleaster. la a statement mad by La to Coroner Walsh yesterday til horror of th earthquake and subsequent fir was de- ' scribed in detail, so far aa the people in his house .was concerned, and the : young man averred that but 11 out of 6 lodgers war brought from th ruins aJ've. Lee acted., aa.nlghf clerk in the Ne vada house. Tha list of dead as given by him, includes his father mother and sJ3r..AfterZjft ,col- lapsed from tha tremor he was caught r-li tha. wreckage and so badly , Injured - .that he has'' remained in a hospital balnea mat time. -r When be was finally rescued from his position he remained in the street as one after another of the "lnjurod inmates escaped or waa brought - out. He cottnted theraallanajie knew who remained when the last of the 1 rescuers returned in the face of th ap- Don't Suffer Longer, You Can Have - Instant Relief and a Lasting Cure by Using Pyramid Pile Cure. Trial raokage Mailed Tree to AH. Th rectum, like th mouth, la lined with that soft, satiny material known s mucoua membrane, pile is a dis ease of that membrane, and the blood vessels that II under it. Fissure . and Fistula afreet th same membrane and belong to th earn family. Pyramid Pile Cur slipped into th bowel, melt and spread them selves over th diseased and painful surface and act just aa a salve would If .he -trouble was on th outside of tha bndy and could be easily seen . and ottenat The Immediate relief they give even In th .'moat agonising cases will startle, you, as It has already startled many thousands of "doubting Thorn'' eefor70fc.-whajv. triad .- vt rythihg and sent for th sample pack age, firmly convinced that they would . again be disappointed. But they weren't. Pyramid Pile Cure don't disappoint They cur. . They are for sal at ail drugglats at ' IS cents a bos and are worth an even 7 hundred to th parson who needs them. rf Mr. John Byrne of Id avenue, ' New York City, writing under date of January IT, 1101, says: "I received the " samples and uaed it right away. I got . so much relief from it after 10 years' ' suffering, that I bought a '60 cent bos: The almost unbesrable pain is slmost goner and my-- fistula has almost dlsap . pes re1. X had given up all hop of ever being cured. - I assure -you, gen- any of njy friends try them, as I can guarantee they are sure cure." i . Or if you want to prov this matter . st our . expense, before purchasing, send - your neme and address to the PYRAMID PJtVO CO., MSI" Pyramid Bonding, Mnrahall, MIchlgiinT and re- a trial packag Xre by return Tao"ma.'T,Miivlf l"?. Artcllrlo'u"s, tunne! over two miles long, ana usa-nn early, eighties as an underground raii- -LWjr-brhlnes8 smuggled Into the coun try, bas Just been located near Tacoma and explored. The tunnel starts from what was one Chines truck garden in the western limits of th oity. . It runs partly under' a bill and is about alx feet high and but little more than two feet wide. It passes under th Stellacoom car 71n " and twists and turns about to spot-half a mil' from th truck garden, where It Suddenly en larges Into what was once an .ample chamber., . From 'this spot for a mile and a. half the tunnel continues toward the Narrows. -and there all traces of it ar lost In a swamp. ', Used for lMfflW - The- old Chinaman who- tilledthe truck patch and lived In a rude cabin nearby is well remembered by the au thorities, here. About 16 years ago he abandoned the cabin 'and th swamp has again extended over th place. . The h larger Umbers supporting tha 'tunnel channel f the river at that time. The shifting of th island and the-channel has given -els to -tb.- present dlspatei f esped pi'oac'hlng fire and th shrieks of help less wer muffled., by the roar, of the flames,"""'---: " t - uUdlntTiPoUap ' Toung Lee waa In th office when the earthquake 'occurred. "" Thestructure, fouf torlas high. creaVed and Swayed and finally the walla, rent and bulging, coUapaed. Iee war pitched to the front of th building, his fingers badly cruahed and ' bis body lacerated and arrived he suoceeded in reaching the street and gave a hand lnth rescue of othersj... His. f ttat rcare, was. f or, his L; parents ana sister, nut h rouna iney could not be leached In t under' tho splintered timbers. Then other-loa8ers"ciarmedWattenrii5 minor he was present when each waa drawn from beneath th heap of debris. Thirteen persons including -himself, were accounted for when the fir was ready to tOmplet th terrible wreck of destruction. it advanced on- two aides and the rescuers-worked until their hair was singed and their flesh scorched. They were urged on io their efforts by tha piteous pleading .ofMh Imprisoned unfortunates, who scented th smoke and -heard the- crackle of the flames. But their endurance bad reached a limit and tney ried for tneir own safety, leaving in human beings to their fate. fsliniSTER ESCAPES FROr.? LYNCHERS Portuguese at HalfTVToofrrBay JVIuIatto .Preacher to Leav-Towrti ? sufficiently recovered only yes terday tn leav the Institution and tell his story, Llit of tost. . - i xne list or oeaa as given by L is ma rollows; Alva Ie, sCTyears ofTtge, proprietor Mra Alva Lee, aged II years, wlf of proprietor. - - - -vt Hilda Lea, aged II years, daughter of proprietor. Mrs. Emma Grelner, 40 years of age. employed In box factory at Third and Townsend streets. . ... ' Miss Edna Grelner, 1 years of age. . Mrs.. Francis, fortune teller. ' KSHSfier. lajeaxa of ge. , yd oman Known as - .Koala. . w nouftad been Hying with Kesseler, Mrs.--Ella Martin-of-SanAntonta, Texas, spiritualist. . '--Mrs.-Lawrence. 88 yearn tf age. Joseph Cook, barber. ... L J2arey, laborer, 18 years of age. ; Olmstead, employ of box factory at-Third and -King streets. J." Or Bunker,' painter; . Mrs. J. O. Bunker. - Brockman, street sweeper. Joseph Murray, til setter. Mrs. Alma Harris. -. . Virginia Harris, I years of age. James Rellly, plumber. . - HUNDRED FUNERALS HELD UP BY STRIKE (Sperlel tHupatch by Leased Wire to Tbe JonnMT New lorn. May li. More than loo funerals were held up today by a strike Of 1,000 coach drivers.-In most-cases th owner of th hears drov it to the cemetery, while th mourners Journeyed In trolley cars. In th Bronx so serious did th situation becom that policemen wer summoned from th station to guard th hem of Richard Madden. wher th funeral ef Mrs. Madden took place. Six coach, had been ordered, but the strike prevented John H. Doh erty." th undertaker,, from having any thing mora than th hearse at th house when the time cam for th body to be rmoved.-DoHrty, who is Independently wealthy, mad the best of the situation. and drove th hears himself to th cem etery, and th mourners went there on elevated and surface lines. " - T The- rigllt T between ths -Coach Own" ers association and tha Funeral Drivers' union. Th latter was organised only two months ago, and includes 1.0U0 members. . According to the president of th union, SO per cfnt of all the driv ers in the city ar enrolled, will be Impossible to send out a single funaral coach, as it is believed no non union drivers can be obtained Wages, hours and extra time figure in the Issue between the coacBwhera and drivers. Yew Tork Biggest Telephone User. - 1 rme the Kmw Yerk Amerlres. The report ef the New Tork A Mew Jersey Telephone enmpeny. leaned recently, ahne-s la New Tors city a tntii or sne.sea inetniBiesTS la eervlee. a sela ef Ie,8uT since the feeflaniss Jd. hir, Tbe telepKooe le ueed atore freely is Krw Tork this In say elber rlty In tbe worMr Per every telephone In Ijoadoa, New Terk ha rwe erd ene belt, Ste for every one la Perls ssl four tor every ene In Berlin. "Tbe eipurnatloa," eels a telephone official, la to be found In tbe temneremeet sad train- fhg f the Near Yorker. Here, of all la-e In the wnrld, Usee le BMitey, and irttheat the telephone the bsalaeae rateiti of New "York would bcaak dona la St SJUatea, , " NIGHT ATTACK FOLLOWS ARREST OF ASSAILANTS cayed and given away in many places and. It la hard to Xollo w. It. w.. , ,i The tunnel was mad us of by con traband Chinee landed in smuggling craft from' Brltlah Columbia at an ad jacent point on th Marrows. Under the direction of guides they entered the tunnel and wer virtually swallowed up by the eerth T"fthjcavejchamberl i iiww .ifamiinsn tini ii TKaCr learn.. J5 smattering of the English language, and whan a favorable opportunltrcame es- Seclared It a Drain. presence of th- tunnel ' Th presence of th- tunnel was known at the time, but the wily old Chinaman declared It wss but the open ing of a drain to carry away the water from hla em amny truck patch, and -.that after passing partly around another hill K emptied Into notfrop swamp, .rjin suspicion -ever- being excited by the man, no Investigation-was made, though many Chinese were noticed about bla place from time to time. The ingenuity and' labor required to fdlg the tunnel savors of the-palnatalrtng car and 'patlenc of the Chinese race and astonishes those who have recently viewed "and gone -through- pertWm of -4t4 Th tunnel with the cavern offered an ideal refuge for Chinese beset by. of ficers of the Jaw, .iVenturesom boys a few days ago traversed the tunnel for half a mil and upon telling of their ex perience oUtera visited and investigated it. ) Pastor. Protected bjrAttorney: Who Arms ' Household One Man Is ' Thrown From Porch Gets Away ' Under Cover of NightT" "' culmination of an attempt to run Adolph RosSr a Metbodlat minister, out of this place, bloodshed and a lynching wer narrowly averted. Reeav who le a mu latto, was sent her som months ago by Bishop Hamilton to organise and build a church among th Portuguese of Half Moon Bay. He succeeded In con verting, to bin views several of the most prominent of th Portuguese residents and they wer planning to build a Meth odist church, Roaa to be Its first paator. The feeling here as a result of Rosa's success and on account of his color has Deen very hitter against him among a certain cliqu of Portuguese. 7 uadayveuljjg Kqs, was .hold -fng "Seevlooe at the horn of Mrs. , 1 Brun. ane of the members ef his church, A mob of men and boys gathered and clamored for Rosa to com out. He went out upon the porch, together with several of his friends, and he was no- ttfled 1nhserhly-laniTigotharirTie did not leav town in 14 hours he would be hanged. Some of thecrowdyeUed that they would hang blm if he did not leav In 16 mlnutea. After breaking up the meeting by standing outside and yelling threats at th Inmates of the morning Rosa swore out warrants for the arrest of several persons, charging them with breach of th peace.--At th trial Rosa's attorney asked that th cases be dismissed, deeming th charges too mild. - When court adjourned, th crowd, in cluding the defendants, waited at th door for Rosa to oom out. His attor ney. Jay C. Powers, notified the consta ble that it was his duty to protect Rosa. Ross, in company with th attorney. sought to leav th courthouse, but as soon ss they- appeared in th doorway the crowd yelled and threatened Rosa with lynching if h did not leave town Immediately. v Powers then sought safety for Rosa In his own' home, followed by th crowd. When he gained his horn Powers or dered th crowd not to enter his prem. iaea, arming- himself and Rosa. One man entered th premises and h was thrown from th porch. When th orowd saw that th besieged wer armed it dispersed. Rosa waa. driven under covernftf dark ness to Pescadero, and from there took a stage for Redwood City. . Rosa is a native of Portugal, having been in this country but five years. He was a. Berkeley. It is his tn tentlon to seek the help of Bishop Ham ilton and th Portuguese legation , at Washington, to proaeoute his assailants. calving ship Independence and Warrant Machinist Rlcketts. A quantity of eut glass and a gold-headed can with the nam ef - Henry-,Ptke, an attorney, of San, Francisco, engraved upon It wa re covered. - Whll.chargea. have noi yei been ' preferred against Gunner Hull, it is nrobabl that he will hav to an- awer o the aerloua allegation that he engaged in looting while on duty, it is th custonn in th navy to giv an ac cused man an opportunity to present his sid of th case before formal charges are filed. . Gunner HuH-Jwa ne of th heroes of th San Francisco catastrophe, and was lcommended for his dare-devil opera. tiona - while butldlnss.T-- He risked his life and his heroic work was praised on all sides. DEFENSE BEGINS IN ' BARUTH MURDER TRIAL (Special Dta pa ten te The JonratL) , Spokane, Wash., May 12. The prose cution closed its direct -examination in tha murder trial or josepnine Bamth thla morning. There was no contention to the charge that the defendant shot her husband. C. U Banith, at Medical take. Witnesses testified that Mr. Baruth wna Jeslous, but no grounds wi'ie ureughl qui. - i . Th defense opened this afternoon I , positive statement that It would at tempt to prove th caus of. death wa due to physician's carelessness and not to the wounds themselves. Th defend ant took the stand and pleaded self-de-fenftev alleging thaf Baruth attacked her with a poker. She appeared calm snd apparently, little eoncerned, ' MAN may possess eU th? qualities " and characterht!c3 of a " gentleman, but if Ii3 appearance does not proclaim Him as sudrTw!wflrnotbc taken for Schaffner clothes there is a certain character," style and elegance in materia and fit that denotes the gentleman. We show here the straight' front Varsity suit If you vant to see how the front of it looks, come in any day and we will show yo. ; Three-Piece 'W':-m- nil hMW v. .. . . In . Hart V Mk .... V;:'V.;;:.t: ' :--- J r V-..- J mm. .1; 'M t tJ Outing Suits Copyright i $06 by Schaffner 6? Mane Comer Third and Morrison Streets Suits LOOT IS FOUND IN R00M- -OFHEROOF-TRISCO FIRE The Old Days. - - the riilladflphia Preaa. the - Barter.- Heoryr1 eakeau r "KBiri xnw RIOT, iirmt j , - . Brat waiter. : i on non l oTra en iptwinw la tine tboee oan." "Naw " replied tbe etner waiter, -tipe eie't what the was. I wis reading ht a -book-the ether day about s gest that gave Sis eirta rlfh.tfor a nieeijf ootrafe.' olmerican Restaurant oomnm Tatzms ajtd oouox urn. OrBaT kTIOaTT AMD SAT. naday Sinner from U a. m. to p. a. Obiokea Oumso Soap. . Uoed Tomatoes 10, Oaoumbers 10e Tetraoe lOt4, Touag Onions.. 5e glucimp, Salad, May oanala. ...... .201 riekM Holland Xerrlags. ....... .1S teamed tittle Veok Clamg. . . . 4 . .2( BoUed Balmoa, Cream Saaoe ....... lfia Tried HaUbat 15e, masov Olams 15 had oe 20e. Triea Shad 15s) Clam Bouillon with Toast 154 Boiled Ox Tonga with Spinach. . .204 OaU aTweetbreads, aCns brooms. .. ,40 Ohlokea rot wis. Dumplings. ... . . . .254 sal Chops, Breaded, Caaliflotrw.,20e) Tork Spare Bios, Brows Fotatoee). 20t Kexioaa. Hot Tamalea ........ r. .. 15 Obiokea Olbleta, ant. SToodl. .ZO Tickled Lsmk'i Tonga, rotate ' Oold Corn Beef, Potato Salad 15f paghettl aad Cheese, Italian ....154 Codfish Balls, Cream Mane 15 Baked Pork aad Beans T.Ik Mother Mad 10 Corned Beef Bash and Poached Br trr.-...,.....iJ..-.,lo Beef Stew with Tegetables .......15 Boast gprlag X.amb, Bflat aaooe.. .20 Boast Chlokaa with Dresslag . .... 25 Boawt Teed with Dreealag ........15 Boast Pork with J res sing ......15 Beast Kattoa with Bresalaf 15 Boast Beef, Paa Oravy 15 Srrawberrle aad Oreant IO Strawberry Short Oak .10 Btrawhearrp Pie - .......5 Strawberry Zoe Cream ....".. ....IO Onp Custard ... ...5 Applerxemtin. custi'd,-Osssanr- PnmpKbt, AprMot aa awasare Pie 1 .6 Cavil flower la Cream 5. aTplaaeh 5 Coffee, Bread aad Battev aad Pota toes with all aaeals.. Blnlag-reom for ladles. . 1 - The AmeHeaa Bestaaraat la the heat plaee to eat. -. Try it. COICAGO PAINLESS DENTISTS 3031 Wash.' St, Cor JFifth St. "22-K Gold Crownsr.Si.OOr fS.OO ...jj.oo, 93.00 Ttrlrlce Teeth. Gold Fillings. ....$1.00 up Silver Fillings..... ..50c Oar practice is limited to blrh-frade amrk. nothlss but tbe beat. Examine tton free.. 10-year guarantee. - Bank .reference. Opea evealngs sad gandaya. VOMAN DIES OH HEARING OF GRANDSON S ESCAPE Smile of Joy Lightt Faco When Postman Brings Longed-for Letter From Refugee. 'Jrt.ts.Jsa J001) Mugs, senr T-rranltrPiseheeof San Franolaco announcing his safety had such an ef fect upon his'' grandmother,-- Mrs.- alary M. Behn of this city, who bad bean w6rif"eufwrtBanlety- while aweltrng news -of him frern Ui - stricken -city. w mlnutea, Her Chyslotan - declared - her . anxiety had caused a reaction -that brought heart failure. When the first reports began ta arrive from Ban Francisco, Mrs. Behn, who was 7 years old, and bad recently recovered from an' attack of pneumonia, instated upon having every line of th news reaa 10 ner Telegraphic messages were sent to Ban Francisco, but no--replies wert re- eelved. Day after day, with no tidings of her favorite grandchild, the aged. woman would sit for hours at th win dow to catch sight of the postman. When she saw the postman approaching the housaf on Tuesday she became ex cited, hurried to the door, and with hands trembling with - eagerness took the letter which he proffered, read It, and. with a faint cry. she fell backward. 8he waa dead when a physician arrived. But the emlle upon her lips waa evi dent' of the joy that had come Into th aged woman's life before death struck. BLOCKS REORGANIZATION OF TRADERS' INSURANCE (Special Dtspatrh by Leased Wire to Tbe Journal) Chicago, stay is. ini nope 01 reor ganising the Traders insurance com nanv was abandoned today because of lbs Stand of John J. Mitchell, president of th Illinois Trust at navmga Dan snd a stockholder in the company. He notified the receiver. Byron-U flmtth. that he would do nothing toward reviv ing the concern, because he considered It a "eorpae." Mitchell declared it was too late to take actloru Mitchell aaid be would hot have been In favor of receivership proceedings had he been here whan the directors caused h action. lie knew nothm of tha matter until Informed of it by a tele-) gram. ! Smith said me receivsrsnip proceea Ing would be carried through aa speed. Ily a possible. MONTANA RAILWAY IS S0LO:TO:MILWAUKEE1 Jorsal Special gairlre.) Helens. Mont., May II. The Montana railway from Iximbard to Lewlston hae been -sold to the Milwaukee road and will becetne .part, of Its main line through this state, . , . . m 1 . ';" : " ' - rr " . , ' , 1 ' .. " , :" ' 1 .: THE. JOHOARRETT COMPANY HAS. SIX EXPERT TILE SETTERS CONSTANTLY -INL.l.TSEMPLOY ' They never leave us. They are wltS ns during the cleude " of winter ss well as beneath the sunny skies of summer days, ;. and those who desire' to know about .their work sea it for them- aelvea be convinced of Its superiority cogltat upon -its - excel-, on ght to step Into either 4 , - -- TiilngJ- ' THK PORTLAND HOTEI, where we - bav laid the . floor for 2S new batha. . .. . . ...... . -THB OREGON TRUST ft 8AVTKGS BANK. ,v - - THB PORTLAND TRUST CX'B BANK. 1 : THB NORTHWESTERN - GUARANTEE St s TRUST Ctt'S BANK. . . , r , : - THB TITLE GUARANTEE TRUST CO.'S BANK. And if this be ho name of dozens of owners of many of the best residence In . the city who will gladly tell other how well their work has been 'done. ' ' . " ' ; ' .' " The John Barrett Co r - -- . - Telephone Main 122 . v 408-410 Morrison Street Between Tenth and Eleventh 11 ikxxzzz: fetra Good Values rieris-and Youths!uits ! At ?5.85, ?7.50, ?10.0O, ?12.50 and $13.50 The prettiest line of SHIRTS, at "75, $1.00 and $1.50. - ' - T,ewestttyles of HATS 50 f 75, $1.00, $2.00 and $3.00 Grand line of PANTS $1.75, $2.50, $3.00 and $4.00. . - '-v. . . ' ..'--, - ' A general line of SHOES and SLIPPERS, white. black or tan, at $1.UU, $1J25 and ? Do hot miss this special sale ... i JOHN DELLAR 181-183 FIRST ST. AND 53 NORTH THIRD ST, Tbe .Haa for the QT- ... - rrorn Fuck.- '- ' Jaea Way sa earth did Uladys siarry Ckarley Domleyf ' Tn. nil abe tnnk the sreSteat faney te Charley's Bases ball, sad k woelda't sve bor the) eB. yreoedeat 1a Aaotoa History.' ; Preol the BattlsMre Aaaerlees. "The swsafar ef that salt trust IntliaeM that bis romp. ay weald ksve V keep tkelr eyee epee ssd look sreaad S while." "Vee, that Is the way toe Brat salt all as record wss awde." Linseed Oil Meal In Carload Lots or Less. FOR SALE BY Kerr, JGifford Gc, . Concord Buildinr, Second and Stark Sts,