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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 8, 1906)
hi. r- . w GOOD EVEHIHG -JcurnnlXircubtion THE .WEATHER. Fair tonight; Wednesday fair and, probably cooler; north to east wind. . VOL...V.' NO. M.' ' Teal and Mackenzie Tell of -Timely" As sistance Given to Suffering San Fran cisco Thousands Through the . Gen: I erosity of People of This State. : . - faults attained by. the Oregon relief . corps working uu& Jrranclaco during the period-of privation and suffering following the earthquake and fire, - shown-e-IsM report submitted to- the finance committee of the Oregon ' relief rommtttee-thls morning by Joseph N. ' Teal and Dr.. K. A. J. Mackenzie, are very pleasing and satisfactory to those who devoted Uielr time, attention and monev to the""Wonr-- vxnuuHuvQ account ox mfl FHtyHJTegoil lellef butea waa sub. mltted br-Mr. TmI and u equally orougli report of the work done by the volunteer ' corps of physicians and nurses that went from Portland. read by Dr. Mackensie, who had charge 31 ZEES tit ti. asfvrse. M'lir members of the finance committee .list ned to the reading; of the reports with i muoh Interest, as they .showed that the Or iron committees took the lead In the r work of relief. . feeding - the - hungry, clothing the scantily attired,, distribute Ing funds-to the penniless, nursing and doctoring the' sick and Injured, provide IBirTi1iIter""for the "homeless, construct- - Ing hospital 'camps - and putting Into operation the necessary precautionary atessures;ta a prevent the development tad spread of disease. , , - . am Praise Work.-' .''' ' ' The finance committee baa not as yet tnmi -able to complete r Its port so "thsf -no complete figures as to the . smounts of mooti spent and food and supplies of all sorts distributed eair be " given at present. i The reports, the -eaw . eientlal parts' -of wales,, are- Srtveev fcese, show that many thousands of sufferers .' were fed, clothed. - housed - and - given medical attention. Governor Pardee of ' the state of California; Mayor Bchmtta -of 8tn Franclsoo and the ' civil and military authorities, have been profuse ' " in their praise of the excellent work of ' the -Oregon -relief workers. Mr. Teal's .' report shows that 160.000 persons were yiupplled with rations and more than 100.000 were handled by-thej railroads beteen8anTranclsco and points , of relief. At present no estimate can be made of , the number oared for In the ,' ' hospital camps.--. ''';''.'''. ' The reports were heartily approved by the finance committee and will be made matters of record - . - From the- report - filed by- Mr,- Teal : with, the finance committee of the San Francisco relief committee, the follow ing resume is taken: ' . tit e tales that ton arriving at Oak MILLIONAIRE SHIP; WEDS YOUNG MEXICAN GIRL ' " Joa'rBrSpwttarV.) Philadelphia, May 8 Shipbuilder Wll " rilsm McPherson Boach - of -Chester 'brought his young Mexican bride and : Tier gaudily dressed Indian handmaidens back to his home' today. Mrs." Roach ' was Senorlta Julia Hidalgo and their "trourtshlp wai rapld.Three months-ago x " Roach arrived " lor the Mexican Capital - -on a business ' mission, Remembering a young Mexican of his acquaintance, be AMERICAN Si.w k .; Popo Piux X. : (Journal Rpeetal RVrrlr.) -'. ' T- .- New York, May . 8. Archbishop Farley will, within 'a, few days, re ertve a message frort Rome asking . him to perform a peculiar, personal n-ijfiirrfor his sovereign Pope-Fiu ' X. lli will be requested to lociHe a POPE'S SIXTY-YEAR-OLD SISTER -1. " " ' s M.JIIIU-JIHIHIMH-mxWirj MtMsWsWBSMSJMeM --j fy 'Ami 'i , - v.': A ' -.-r land en May t, after looking 'into' -the work, being, carried, on, by . the Ore ion relief bureau, which was In charge of Mrs. Marian Macftae. assisted by Mr. MacRae and Jefferson Myers, he found the work now consisted principally In looking up Indlvidnal cases for, relief, looking up friends and relatives In re sponse . to ... Inquiries , and - furnishing transportation to those deserving -It. He reported thst muehl good had' be n ac- ne. yureaufemfeja I..,. d.ieen praotlrally uunu. GL.CLUift IU, M I mm I m, UUIWU1, WMI that better results would be obtained by working under one general head. It was" concluded best- to) close the bureau Ifttuxdax-Jitght. Mar g, Til. rtpgrtJ states i "Be fa re oominoT to any final elusion In the matter J consulted, with a number of people In close touch with the situation and they were unanimous In advising-against the maintenance of separata relief bureaus." . Work la Xospltals. "At the Wilraerdlng Private school, at Sixteenth -and-gan- streets, a hospital was being conducted In charge of Cap taln WK., Carll. surgeon, in command. having in "Charge a hospital corps of the . If , Q., consisting or II" men, ' be sides nurses, cooks and other help, -and an ambulance. , - ' -. The con t gloss disease hospital . at Harbor YlwwaLatarjie4. rprw Mac-kensle,- I-feuad-him getting, ready to leave for -home after " more' than two weeks' hard work. Most of bis nurses left Friday last. This hospital will b ooatumaay andea gweiisesit'wufsi At the request of -the -government, h submitted plana for its - Improvement and continuance, which will be adopted. Dn- Marie- D. -Equl who had charge of the burses at the Presidio, returns Mon day night. She hasbeen very highly commended, for her , work. ' The Oregon nurses worked splendidly and from all quartera I beard nothing but praise for them. ; "'.. . . - - - -- At Hamilton square two largo relief camps were" established bur are now under the control of the general committee.- At' the Presidio - the Oregon tent protects the medical stores, Bevr sral registration bureaus were estab lished, which, aided In locating people. This - place sustained a - very heavy property loss ss a direct result from the earthquake. More than 10 people were (Continued on Page Two.) BUILDER i niMo ia MdhTtirTinSiTrrdFccUBaMcTrnnm L,uls C Labastika Jr, formerly, one of j . Qne firm has closed contracts for a the seoreUries at the Mexican embassy J hundred first class , buildings and con st Washington. By him Rosen was In-I tracts to clear the debris from a- hun- trodueed into society and at a, sail -was presented to flenorita Hidalgo.. . It was not long before the two were Vs gaged and soon married.-- Vlee-Presl-dent end Mrs. Corral attended the cere monies, which Is necessary under the Mexican law and the vice-president acted as one of the witnesses. -. r- DEMANDS Archbishop t Farley ;,Js Authorized toforrn- ally Decline Propo--isalrr-Maria Sarto Is Greatly Surprised. wealthy gentleman' of this city named ,Vebber,!"and present 1 him the , pontiff's ,J compliments and in form him that it is impossible for his proposal for the hand of the Pop' sister t be entertained. ,' ) Webber, describing; himself as. a wealthy bachelor, had written -a formal demand to the Pope forrthe hand of th latter' 60-year-old sister, Maria Sarto, who is a woman of the peasant class.' -J The Pope, while displeased that the auitoF'did not appear at the Vatican in person with his proposal, has de cided toideal gently with him. Ac cordingly an official letter has been sent by the Pope to Archbishop Far ley .directing- him to present the pon tiff's refusal . to the . suitor, . The PORTLAND, OREGON, TUESDAY EVENING,; MAY 8, mmmmBmMmmm U JSeorge Mitchell, Slayer j . . ,j . .. t ..'. ' uj,.'r. t l(Jhdreds-ofi " ' (Joersal gseelil Berrlee.)'.. San Francisco. May I. The new San Francisco begins to look like a mining camp. - Hundreds :'of; temporary .build ings eW shacks are, springing up In every direction like magi c, The air Js filled wlth flylngdust and plaster, stirred up by J he menf demolishing the walls and preparing for new" founda tions. The army of workers and teams were- greatly augmented this morning. Workmen this morning began shoveling thn debris from t'' ""l'' "t St. Francis hotel, whloh wiu be ready dred. lots Jn the business, section. . " The" reports Xrom NeWTorlrrThatra big syndicate is to rebuild the city has greatly . encouraged , citizens , who . are going forward on. their own hook ,to re organise their business.' Those, with small credit will be obliged to await the Insurance settlement. ' u.t.i.i.i.. v..t.. - i, ( HAND OF .- I woman's age and the lack of acquaint ance of the couple appears to be tire main objections. . . . . : Maria Sarto was greatly surprised when told that she had an American snitor, and she tolifthe Pope that she should never marry. . , . --.'V:'T ' Dt3oshuCCffield.: It Is now certain ' that Market street will hold Its own and that the city will be( built practically on the old lines so far as location for .various forma of business is concerned. The United - Railroads now has 1.500 men at work as against 1,000 previous tcrtithffiflrst -Nearly-rSOftr-carsarata operation today. Practically svery elec tric line outside of .the burned district Is running. - The. discovery was rmade" today that many cars ccrylng supplies hayo been ooieu en ruuu and many goods taken. The matter. will .be Investigated. CZAR'S 1 SOLDIERS CHARGE COUNCIL OF EMPIRE Meeting of . Newly-Elected Of ficials Broken Up by Troops' ' at Emperor's Command.., . - (Journal BmcUI lervlre.) - - - St.-Petersburg, Mar . The meeting of the members of the new council of the empire was broken up bjr soldiers totoy at the Instigation of the cur. The building was surrounded by cavalry and the pollns . chief ordered the members to- disperse. 1 . Twaty-eight members el the parlia ment signed a protest s gainst the action.'-The Democrats are aroused and demand the dismissal ' ot the chief of police. ' . 1 Many "worklngmen leaders have -been ordered to leave the City and were not given, time to remova their families. FIFTY-SEVEN SMALLPOX CASES IN SAN FRANCISCO (Joaraal Bpeelst Kervle.) Washington, D. C.May I. Llnuten- sht-Colonel Tum'ey. chief surgeon off?" and women, especially Urt latter. the department ot California, reports to the war department that there are 87 smallpox cases among the Ban Fran cisco earthquake and .fire victims and seven typhoid cases. ' The department expects there will be no epidemic ALFONSO ESCAPES STONE WHICH STRIKES SISTER 1 ' . , 1 : . (Jnlireal gpMlal SerTlee.) -Madrid. May S.- A atone thrown at the royal automobile missed King Al fonso but struck his sister, who was sit ting beside htm. .The i Injury was not serious.- i --:;t . - Hanlmaa la Clrvslaad. Jnerl PvreM "Jtt1.1 ' - aeveland. O., May S. B. H, Itarrl- man. president of the Houthern PaHfis, arrived here at T: fa. 1 his morning en route to ftew York front Una f ranolscov 1906r-FOURTEEN PAGES. taaaaa4aaaaaaaT4j -- - - - - ,r ; - ,i- , ... ... ' ' . . t-if ?if t- aeattie, wasn., My o. ii tut expression, tw pumic opiniorr, is any . guide. Georea Mitchell, the 'young, man 'Xwhov? ahiot t ad" , killed ' ,"Joshua, Creffield, leader, of tha will.escapa acot tree. yWhoever practices of the dead man-expresses approbation tor too deed ana regret that the end was postponed so long-., 4 Z ' The lloly. JUUeWjsurelidQttfbItjIo lion." Already disintegration among the ranks has-set in and the victims' are coming to- their senses., ' ' , r ; , - . " ; ' Creffield's " mode rof procedure waY to' selecfweak-minded women over whom he obtained fanatical control, tell them that they were destined to be goddesses" of loveT or duty, according to the dispo sition of the victim. But for them to reach-the desired state of perfection, it was necessary for him, as the supreme one, to lay his hands upon them and purify them. Once in bis power , the - most horrible orgies were carried on under the guise of raligion. ' .MMMMMMMtt .A w Mrar; Maude Hurt, Creffield, Widow of Murdered; Holy' Roller Lei Weakened Their Minds and Forced Them to Obey His - Ob noxious Orders. Mentsl telepathy was the means by which "Joshua" Creffield, who wss shot and killed In Seattle yesterday by Oeorge Mitchell, gained ' his absolute control over the members of the Holy Rollers sect and forced them to Ini dulgei In the revolting practices pre scribed by the creed which he promul gated. t least this Is the assertion of persons' who knew - the seir-styled prophet for years past snd are familiar with ths debasing doctrines he taught his followers. . . . .- . " .. .He was of more than average Intelli gence, well educated, an orator of ability and possessed a sort of tnsgnstlo influ ence. It Is claimed, that appealed to Those most Intimately acquainted with htm deny that he was mentally un balanced. They say he simply descended Into complete ' moral - degenerscy, be came a pervert and . was ruled - by bestial passions. - Me made his follow ers believe Implicitly In bis slleged di vine powers and that ths debsslng doo trlnes of "purification" which he taught, were given to him by Clod himself by means of personal communication be tween the Almighty and himself. ' . .. Xlaeated fd Priesthood. ' - From a man who has known Creffield's history from the date, he first came Into this section of the country some Ave or sU years sgo it Is learned thst he was originally educated for the priest hood. - lurlng'hls schooling he marie a particular study of mentsl telepathy and. It la claimed, became something of an expert in the science of thought trannferrence. . Kor some reason he never entered the priesthood for which, he - was trirtil, PRICE TWO 'notdrioua Hofyl Roller naticar U. familiar Irwith', the , creed and X VMMtlWtt - der. The Lata . Fran Edward 'Creffield, While a" Lieutenant in the Salvation Army at Corvallis. - ; ' ' ' but came to Portland and . became a laborer. On Sundays and at other op portune times It was his custom to preach to sucti congregations as he had opportunity. This was before the tlms Holy Rollerlsm had ever been, thought of. , A, min who has heard blnv preach during this period says be was a most forceful,- convincing and magnetic speaker. ' v , . .. . , "About four ., years. ago.", eall this man, "he began to gather a little con gregation about him. lie preached tT them regularly and benaii to promul gate a new doctrine. The revolting fea tures or rua crceo, . noa-ever. He kept , , carcruuy veuea iron ins rullowcru t year pr morey no oi their confl dence first by his gift of oratory. . hi peculiar mniie1lniTi .mil hs-niaui:i'r dealing with tliem. , imulr ti-irj .- i , "V' t . ' f I f ft, . ' ':; I! VV . : i ' ; i : ' .(Continued on Inge 'llirt-?.) CENTS. 'SB',, I'M f Medal , to Be Given Mitchell in nitiori -Fanatical Leader Money for. Defense mrnrn ofllisKillind (Special Dlsoatct to The JoorasLJ' """ Seattlef Wash., May S. That a madai, ' will be presented, to George. MltcheJT hyp?" the cltlsens of Corvallls, Oregon. In reci . Lgnltlon of his "killing Frsns Edmund! reiiieia, teaaer or in Moiy - Koilers, : on 'the streets -of -Seattle yesterday! I morning. Is the statement made this) mnmlnw V.w r v r 11 i .w I Ifather of. Creffield's widow. Hurt: reached Boattle last alght-te aid the man who had -murdered bis son-in-law tnqjatcig- JLaZ 3E uaaoi jt cemmmee or L-oimm citiena was appointed to solicit funds for ths de-, fenaalMUcheUjutdJnonysAci. purchase a medal for him.-; , , v Ta Cave ymfitm. ' Hutt expi eased iiu grlsf at the Slaying , ' of his daughter's husband. He says that he believes Creffield only obtained his Just deserts. , Hurt says he will taker care of Creffield's wife.' Hurt said:- j - -"I never saw mora excitement la Corw vallls than when the news was received of the killing of Crefneld. Everyone -went erasy with Joy. I received the nrst word Tr ir in a telegram rr6m MltoheU and. X showed it to n few friends. . . ;..- . Borne ons suggested tartlss a.. funU . to buy Mitchell a medal. This was taken up at onee and m committee ap pointed to get the money. - A commit- tee was also appointed to raise money ' te defend Mitchell.-" 11 . J.. ."p... ----'--'-:- A fast Bewad." :-,- "I have no sorrow for Creffleld. lie simply received the reward of hie Bu uona. I knew he would be killed. H. could not hop to go on ruining wolbea as he and his followers did without -some one taking revenge on him,.. - My dsughter was completely in his power. -I shall take care of her. Creffleld drovt her. Insane once, and A had to be put Into. the Insane asylunu . - "He had my daughter hypnotised. His control ovsr her wss wonderful I ant - glad he Is dead. Glad for my daugh ter's sake. He also had my son under his Influence. My son was .a. good boor until he came under that man's ; low . fluence. ) ;""".,". "Tesyou can say for me I am glad" Creffleld Is dead. I am glad that ha was murdered . Uks a doc. t will do '" every thing in my power to aid Mitchell. He only did what any man would have) ' done. I do not want to see him suffer. ' The eltisens . of Corvallis will see that he has plenty of money to make a fight ' for his liberty. - I shall tell Uie jury what I know of Creffleld,. ana I am sura they will see Mitchell did right fcv shooting him." - - i . , Hurt also asked Sheriff Smith tef f urntah-- Mitchell -with as good quarters - as possible. -He told-this official, that he bore Mitchell no matlce, but con-. I sldered his act worthy of the greatest- praise,.., .. . . - . , Mayor Johnson Talks. " i- '. , ' AJ" J. Johnsuii, major Corvallis. mhr, tm w nttnB btnk Innpfrtory was In Seattle yesterday and mad ths , following statement: ; ' 4 "Cretneld never dared to come bacK to Corvallls after his release from th Salem "penitentiaryr He fcad- been treatedpf " to a coat of tar and feather while In - the city and warned that it he ever showed his face there he would be shot down like a dog. "Mitchell was not the only man look-. fng for him on account of his conduct, t Only a few weeks ago, when he tried to start his new colony st Ocean View, he took the wife and daughter of a man named Hartley away from-their husband and father. . "Hartley went after his wlf an child and I understand that he tried four times to shoot Crefneld. but that.,., his revolver snspped each time. "Th outrages thst have been- com- . mltted by the Holy Rollers In Corvallls and In tha vicinity of Oregon City have neen too numerous to mention. - They have broken up' dosens of families with their vicious doctrines. - In the case of - ths Hurt family there was only one member of the' entire family" that wan not -undar 'the Influence of Creffleld at the time of his death.. that being the father, O. V." Hurt. whe a a reapected cttlsen of Corvallls, and even he was - once under the hypnotlo spell , of the-infamous- creed for some time." 1 , - BUILDINGS IN CHILE .-. DEMOLISHED BY QUAKE 1 Joaraal Special service.) ' Valparaiso, Chile, May S. Anotl sr violent earthquake took place at Arloa yesterday andjnany buildings were ren dered uninhabitable. The shnrk was felt In the neighboring town of Ta-na and lasted two minutes, terrorising ths people. The-British steamship OUDte mala, anchored at Arlcn.. ws violently, shaken by the setatnUi plisoom-nnn. EARTHQUAKE SHOCKS , 'AT SCOTTISH RESOHT . (Jnaiwl fvrrty SerTk-e.) rltiibtirsh. U:Un.l. Way S -r-A i! eirtlmunke shin k win f It Ut in.;U fv., t Willi filaniat'' a I vl luty ur ymt Wlllmm. a Mu- i-t r-i i. re giH-slly n ', Cef'o In fcceiJ-'j. J -t.,at M't, ' I .1 tli' V . - i'yu. ,l eu'.XLii'1