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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 9, 1906)
:THE ' JOURL ..THE GOOD EVE HIH(S Fair tonight; 'Thursday ; partly cloudy- and cooler; westerly winds. "r VOL. V. NO. 55. Track on Made Land I : - - - 1 - : - - - . . , ,. ... -. i , i . . Pacific Coast Limited Is Derailed. Fireman and Three Chinese are Killed. ; Enginejand Jhrce Cars Overturn. V ' - (Journal Special. Service.) , . San Francisco, May 9. An earthquake shock which occurred last even ' jug Is respotraibtg-foT-j-faUi-wrec'' "'-l vvi f1 fft TltvfTrrVv -rmTtiri'iitli '"""ftf San Insr,. rarlr,thiii mnrnitig : The shock caused the track, which is train passing; tne spot met disaster. ., r ... ... (j. engine anj first three cars wer.e overturned. ' The sleeper and mail :- coaches were not damaged. 'The fipt two. car, containing Chinamen en : route tcTSan Francisco to' be deported, were completely demolished. Three of the Chinese passengers were. killed aahts of thethfrd car,Ta iourist, wcre injured by-iflying -glass and, badly - haken up by the car being thrown, over bn"If9TsTde. ' "v r The fireman of the train "was killed " and" theengiheer sTightlylnjured, . miraculously escaping. A brakeman . A wrecking crew was sent from Chinese who were seriously injured i ; They were recently smuggled across to- ail-oihf if tTUamcr,f rota San.. Death came in sleep to the -Chinese ' in the wreckage. Nearly everyMongolian in the three, coaches was injured i--to a greater or less extents Nearly lan guago and- tha -made rescue-worlt Vnnable' to . tell the extent of their injuries. ' .: J ."i. i.Whie 'pasiengers in the sleepers and thrown front their berths. ..Few: were cftiickto leave the cars, and go in The full, moon gave light to tne vale was used as a hospital. .,.-.., ri , t Two light" earthquake shock's were 'damage was done and no alarm is felt.- . Livermore reports mat tne snocK ,, there was quite severe., r '""-'V rrT7;7 The i police" today began to raid houses where people are gathering relief , supplies in - excess of the regular rations; It ' is alleged that" among the (tr are-manr drawing. salaries punishment will follow where loot is stationed on the waterfront to gather found on suspected persons has been .Owing to the great need orTestaurahtsheniteamer - 5pokane - haseen fitted up as a messsh.p b leed employes ot tne racu.c coast company those of the public willing to pay. . PLOT TO KILL KAISER v DISCOVERED IN TIME . - 7Jwr tnxiirr Berlin, May . An anarchist Dlraov ' to murder , tha amporor con was frustrated at Urvlllo. whera the kalaer la nchcduled to arrlra Frldsy- Th police Zraiscoveredanouali-dynanilta-to-flemol- islLlha . palace...! n ore. ive roreijnprs -f-were arrested.- Document provs the "plan to mutder ins kaiser. Turks Belae rTOBtler. ' rioornal SpecUl Serrlce.l -IiaUtioopia.May:3rJ.:rr,Turkisii forces have seised a strip ot land alone the Byro-Kayptlsn frontier from the - roast -eaatward,- container - mot--than ' 100,000 square miles, from the .Bedouins, ' resulting In great discontent among the .Arabs. . .' ... - 1 . .. i " ' -'. -;- Kllea Za Chaatploa. -. (ioornel Bperlal Berrtee.) ' - .: London. May . Eustace MIlea Vwon the Kngllsh tennis championship by de festlna Jay. Gould tn "three seta out of four today. y . J ' WIFE OF PREACHER MADE FACES AT HIM DURING THE SERMON ' (Joerenl ftiwtel grrlc.) '' Anderson. Ind.. May t. Rev. James B. JiafmeTr-raetor of the Unlversallst church has riled a suit for divorce from Martha Haffner. to whom he wse mir- rt4 iK years ao.The minister jiaya In his complaint mn nn.wm neatedly atlamatiaed him professionally and treated him cruelly, finally learlnf - him lsst week, aayina; she would not re ctum to his bed and beard. .., , The Complaint further "alleges that CANADIAN TRAIN IS . HELD UP BY ROBBERS AND MAiL lliramil pedl Serf lee.) t ". V(mcou-er, B. C, May I. The Can adlan Paciflo railway Imperial limited eaoreaa from Montreal for Vancouver waa held up late last nlglil' at rurrorTtNo a small eight muen eesi or mm loops. , At least three men were engaged In the Job. At the point of revolver the engineer was forced to take the :x m. urn ii (j iip:n onn xm k . . : rr-rrTT- Slnlts and t, firtBfrJt'O.Tf'j"' NprthCoast on made land, to h""kt firt and many were injured. . Many occu was also-ampng the injured. San Jose and more than a score of brougli-t to the hospital at San Jose. the Mexican .border .-and were booked FrajiascoJfor-lbcir..natIycJancL who were killed. They were jammed .all : wereoinfamiuat with the English difi icult,v since, the. wounded, men were and toUrist cars were rudely awakened were injured seriously. The uninjured aitTbf the imprisoned Chinese. work of fescue:, The station" at Eden-i , . "'t ... felt at ll:f5 VcIock last night. ; No from corporations. : uontiscation ana uncovered. Fifty patrolmen have been in drunks irom uaiciana. aii liquor confiscated. . . . . , : LAND GRANT DEMANDED BY RUSSIAN PEASANTS rtJoormt BmcUI Berle. St. Fetersbura;. May . Peasant mem bers of the doutna which opena Thurs day - have- already . Inaucurated 4 . cam patgn for more land for peasants. They say they jent return home without ob taining a- grant,- as 1 they wtlr-be-lHd as tniltorsi, They declare tney are win ntr"ia Ald'th the TldumsJ" . Orders' "hava been len tfcaTfllgaJn. raised hlah tn the air to prerent the revolutionists from using bunting; tn the demonstratlona.T- SCH00NER-SINKS-iN, L GALE THREE DROWN (ostmI Csectal Srflee. -Cleveland, May . Tbe achooner Al reria sank this mornlna tn the harbor here as the result of a gale. It is be lieved that three persons were drowned. Life savers rescued - eight from the barge. x Mrs. Haffner la In the habit of .marking passages tn the' Bible In such a way as to con ruse nim in tne aeuvery or aer mona and that she often sat tn church and made faces at him, thus hindering hlmJothewprk fprcsentlDgiao gospel. . Mrs. Haffner ia a well-known writer and teacher of housekeeping inaT-hsrre- cently been conducting a baking school, having received a medal tor baking at the Bu Louis exposition. , IS LOOTED mall c awav from the rest of, the tratn, wlipje It waa rifled. -Robbers looted the mnll ear of all registered psckagea, and then decamped without Investigating., the ea attempt wss made.- to wake up ot Interfere With the peeiiengers. -'DetTtlve Mptyeo.! f the railway company's force !Vt on a, special trails this morning for tbe sccni - LARGEST 1 ' j tv i : : - i it PORTLAND, , OREGON, WEDNESDAY EVENING, MAY 9, VAtifhAvn II .. . lv ...cV" I ;l I Ir.! t-:l-- -.ft 'J'iIa 'ItLLa tJ iIJ'u.i:: .iiiiinri in i ; i v ii . i .i i 1 1 nwriniuv mil ii ilmii nir r.inrnarnn nnur i u r iui i.-h. l iijviiiivj iumiuviii iiiui iuuiuulu iiuiv ii v" rti . v ... i-i -1 - ,-w. . ,...... ..-... .. ......... i OWE r W -I -1, 0 XaiSss'- - profCTSorrErick - Muen . . ; in With His ; .-. , HaltfJMoneyjO ture of Outlaw Smith Goes to Harry Draper and Bai ance Goes to Many. ' (Special Dlepateb to Tbe JounwL). Oregon City. Or., May (.A decision has been arrived at as to the division of the 1 1,500 reward offered for the cap ture of Outlaw Frank Smith.-who made sensational escape from the Portland Jatt and who- before -hia capture less than two weeks later had murdered three men tn Clackamas and .. Marlon counties before he was aurrounded In a atrip of woods near New Era and-sKot by Harry Draper, who came from Bpo kane With, his bloodhounds ' to aid . In running the bandit down. -.- At a meeting of the county'courta of Marion ' and Clackamas county, a com mittee of the' Oregon, City council' and Sheriff W. J. Culver of Marlon county, held In the county courtroom In Oregon City this morning, an agreement "was reached an to the disposition of the aum offered for the capture or the slayer of Policeman - George Ilanlon at .Oregon ity-and-43lMrlff J. It. Shaver and Cap tain O. D. Henderson at woodburn. As agreed upon, .tho terms of the division Jtre as follows: ... , First One half, or 1750, to be award ed Harry Draper, who Shot Smith. 8enond--Flfty dollaaak each to fleoVge MoroVn, Andrew Vaughn and Sheriff W. Culver, the three officers who" accom panied Dmper into the brush where the outlaw wns concealed. . " Third The balance of 100 to be divided equally among the following! Mrs. Drat ton of Canby,Harry Mtnto of Salem, John Doe and H. L. Smith of Woodhurn, Frank Bnow. Snro Downey and John Cordnno of. Tort land, J. K. Orahnni- and J. S. DoYpe of Canhr, Charles K. Rums. Charles Kly, J. H. Slattery, Wlttiam May. J. K. Morris, R. Foaberg. K. C. llackett,' E. Cross, Jack oe, VA Iteehnefi Ont Wiwesett. Frank Hhdrlcks, H. W. Trnmbath and T. F. Rvan.-all of Oregon City, J. li. Read of Milwaukie, David MnArthnr Sr., DavW Mr Arthur Jr., Taui M. Crimp, ttert W'Ulls and U Ferguson of. Canby. Inner Eye the Soul of Hia Wife Passm . Harvard Instructor,. Accused :of Murdering Wife, Believed to Be Surrounded by Posses . . at Cloverdale. ' , ; ' '. Jonra Special 8.rl.f Chicago, May . Erlck Muentef, the Harvard instructor, accused of having murdered hia wife at Cambridge, Mass., la almoat within reach ot the police. It ia claimed today. With posses,,, offi cers 1 are riding ' toward .' Cloverdnle, Dupage county. - With, them they, took a wealthy Chicago man., a prominent tobacco merchant, who' served a' best man at the wedding of the Muentera, and - who waa a university . classmate, to .Identify him. ' Muenter waa aeen at Wheaton aa - late-a--week -ago laat Sunday it la said. . . Mine Bertha -Mttenter,- eisterrof --the fugitive, who returned from Cambridge and disappeared a few hours afterward. waa aeen a week ago Tuesday, morning on the streets of Wheaton. Sheriff Jo- mannsnieeVHagemann. of Wheaton, to hia office and after an examination last ing two hours released him: . Hage- tnann. it was reported to .the sheriff. had been seen driving 5 Muenter-In a carriage toward Cloverdnle, almoat two Ureeka ago. leaking instructor. -Hagemann declared he could not re member Just where- he-, left - the man, but that If he went, over the road he might point out. the place. Thla oppor tunlty waa afforded when ' the sheriff rode toward the- Clevcrdale settlement. seeking the house tn which the man is supposed to be secreted. Mrs. Muenter -died April .1.- ad- a warrant wns Insued 10 days later for the arrest of her husband, ErlcJk. Muen tr. 3 years old, an Instructor in.Oer man at Harvard. ho was accused of slaying his wife with araenic. There was S r,Sr9 Itisuranrw'' Uwii the 'dead woman payable to. Muenter, but he- haa not yet collected the money. Ten -days'beforo her death a child 4 i ' . Continued on Page Flve.j -1906. SIXTEEN PAGES. Awav ' . .. -r ; . , Venerable Old Steamer That " HunRocenrTorum Coble May Be Sailing Over. . Her Old Course Soon. ' V (Prom' a Journal Staff rrrespondent.) , Oob)e, Or., May-Se-rOn Saturday, the venerable steamer George rwt,. Elder will be lifted from the rocka tn the Colum bia river near Reuben, one halt a mile south of this place, where aha haa hung for -more Ahan a year. . A fleet of tugs from Portland will assist In raising "the crippled vessel and will convey her to the city. ... Efforts to float her will be greatly assisted by the tide and annual spring rise of the' river. . At T. o'clock Saturday morning the tide will be at tta flood here, measuring I feet-1 inch, the niglieet. or the month, and one or the highest of the' year. ..Spring freahete have already caused the water to rlae aeveral feet above the ; deck - of the starboard .aide, of the steamer. . '.-'' - Huge Anchors Dropped- . . Today -' Hues ' huge' anchors were dropped Into the river to hold the.Elr tier when she la finally raised from the rock which pierced her .side- and has held her firmly for. 17 month. 'The work Ws done' broths tag Resolute. Captain W, R. Matheson which arrived rrom Portland iast night. When the anchors had been dropped and the tinea fttatancd to the helpless vessel the work of lightening her waa at onoe begun. Already a concrete wall haa been built round the rreat hole In her aide througfi which the rock penetrated and held her fast.. The wall ia massive and will make ' the vessel bsoutely - water tight - when ahe la lifted. It waa built to a point within four feet of the main deck and more than IU barrels of . ce ment were used In construction A largo shipment of waterproof canvas reached here from Portland last night and workmen began today covering the pa 1 1 1 y ettbmer ged ' 'Vessel, Her eldef be t ween the main ana promenade decks will be.rovereo: with canvss. The Klder la already equipped- with Continued on Page Two. , PRICE TWO; Disciples Confident Roller Leader Will self BodyJs. Buried at Lakeview. """' Bpeelal TM.p.tcS to The Joeraal.V ' Seattle, Waah., May t. Firmly "be lieving that he will arise within the ntf our .days., Mrs. MaudHurt Jref fleMlll tniiay conslgn-4Jxa .body..ot. her husbandihe self-Btyiedapostla.'foB,fl grave tn Lakevlew cemetery."" Her be lief la sincere, and ahe la confident that he' will not stay long tn the ground. Mrs. Creffleld aaya aha WU1 defray the coat ot a crave, but the coffin In which will be Interred, the body of the man who was the leader of the Holy Rollers fjrill be furnished by the county. There--were aevesai followers of the alleged ' "Joshua" who called at the Bonney-Watson morgue thla morning to view - the remains of heir leader. All remarked when they viewed the oorpae that they believed be would arise from the dead within four daya and vindicate bimaeir. - air. Hurt called upon his aaughternatlhS CJfyTairupbn hisar? rival and made her. aa comfortable aa possible-by the addition of some needed garments end other necessaries- and then paid a visit to Mitchell, In the counts JaH He-also left money with th Jailers to be given to the young man aa needed. fc.... gaet Front Baeav-V. ' O. V. Hurt, the father of the dead man s widow, aald today: Thara is only one thing I: regret aoout this arralr and that la George did not meet- the .man face to face when h took -bla life. Instead or shooting him tn ' the back. However, 'there are hun dreds of 'people who know the -career of-Creffleld who will be glad to do all In their power to help the boy 'secure nis ireeaom, lor were wag much feel tng agalnat the dead man and threats were made long ago that he would be abot. "The wrong that the man did to mv family waa great and even after all the experience I have-had., with. Crafflald 4t la impoaslbla for me to understand bow he could get the followers . be did. Was Drunken Tnunp. '"He Is responsible for my wlfe'a con- onion ana mso my -aaugnteas, ootn or them having only lately been 'released from tbe Oregon asylum for the Insane. 'When Creffleld first made bla ap pearance In thia country he waa a drunken tramp -and rn-that condition was picked up by the Salvation Army In Seattle. , From hare he, went to Oregon and established bis church For a time "It waa clean and. respectable aa any. other. but gradually he seemed to be gaining the power he aought and soon had the conditions - which, existed - at . the time of hia death. - "It ia almoat impoaslbla to believe the powerua averted over aome-ot - Ma followers.--They-considered him-the son of Qod and I have besnl them state that he walked In a cloud and that It waa Impossible .toklll him. Despite thtaactrniowavaTr-nrr wlfe carried a revolver with which" to protect him after ep many threats Had been made to kill bim, and ahe told me today that It waa only by chance that ahe did not have It with her on the day of the murder. She aald that If she' hod she would have ahot Mitchell In his trarka. - "Not -only my daughtera , and . wife SAILOR'S LETTER OF CREDIT IS - BY GOAT. (Jooraal Speelal Servlee.l " " . Washington, May . Oaatronomlcal indifference on the part of a goat, mas cot of the cruiser San Francisco, nearly three years ago, haa caused a search In the 'flies of the navy department today to find a copy of a letter of commenda tion written by the aecretary of the navy to John Connelly, a coalpasser on tha United Btatsa steamer. Ban Fran-f Cisco, on July IS. 10J, the original let ter having been devoured by the care less goat At least, ao Coalpasser Con nelly, who is now out of. the service end OAK TREE IS TEN FEET AS RESULT OF THE EARTHQUAKE : t (Joaraal Special Service. ) Point Reyes, Cel., May .There Is a great deal of confusion In tbe country hereabouts - owing to the manifest changes tn th lay of the land. - Al- T hough there la no visible break In the earth'a aurface. numerous Instances are on record of the moving of the country r least IS feet northward. An old oak tree, a landmark tn these parts. Is now Journal targuhtion CENTS. 2E& That be Restored to Life have "been followers of Creffleld," bit also my son and his wife. The former lived at Lake Waahlngton, but left there to Join the colony.- - "Only a week agOIrs.JjerOUaxr-.ala-.- nf llltiilisll. ilnsiirlsd linr hiiahnnii" and three- children and walked SO miles to Join the-eelony, and she le there at thla time.- I have a letter that .waa given me by Starr which ahe wrote- on tbe night ahe left In which ahe says -that-she must go. i - -'The people in Oregon who are ac quainted with-ThegrfBir are deeply In sympathy with Mitchell end can be re lied on to do everything poeslble to- aid hi securing his acqUttUT." " "'":"' 'One of niy objecta in Coming to tha city waa to attend to the wants of my daughter, but the principal one is to see what can be done to help Mitchell out of thla affair. I ahall not aak my daugh ter to return to me, but she is still my aa.ughtranjiasjL.heartywelcomauat..r ray home If she cares to return." '. ' ." ' ' Kra. atarfa-better. '',' Hurt brought to- Seattle a letter that -had been written by Mrs. B. E. Starr- nf Portland toe her hitabandW-M ra. 8 larr-'-Is r the elder sister of Mitchell. Cref field's slayer." It Waa through her that Creffleld waa aent to prison. When he waa released - CreffloM won her over-' again, and right now Hurt aaya she and -her younger alster are - at Waldport, Oregon, where Creffleld attempted to kw. tu t waiiu, .... jnrf. . owrr . avi.. . eerted her 'husband and. three children. one. of whom. waa. but seven months old. She -walked SO miles to Waldport to join Creffleld, and then found that Cref fleld had abandoned hia ramp, fearing . the vengeance of the people. - The note to Mrs. Starr's husband reada aa fol lows: . :i -v. ' . "I don't want to leave In the daytime because the children will see me and cry to - go witn me. must leave when they're .asleep; "T"have taken fl&O of your, money..- This .will not pay all my fare, aa I will have to walk SO miles to) Waldport, the place I want to go. Af feetlonately. , : " "DONNERT" Hurt eays on . another occasion Mrs. Starr told her husband there waa but one man "she loved more -than he and that waa Creffleld. When her husband aaked. ahe aald Creffleld waa Christ and) . she must do hia bidding. . FAMOUS RACE TRACK IS b-CUT UP-F0R-T0WN-L0TS - (Jeeraal. Special Service.) -"Chicago, May S. The famous Waah Ington . Park race track la now merely an 80-acre subdivision, open to bidder for residence purposes. The tract was -platted, todays, the goUCHnksr with their lagoons and bunkers i ere being leveled rand ' specifications1 preps rer Tor Teartn g down tne -Clubhouse amphitheatre and stable medlatelv. On the ono anaeri where Mooaty won first honor, nurse girls .will trundle baby- carriages and church and achool bells will ring where the starter's .voice once predominated. The stables, which have housed horse worth a king's ransom, will be given away to the poor Of th city, for fire wood. . . ... . .'.,.., , DEVOURED ON WARSHIP lives tn Detroit, aaya in a letter received! at tha navy, department today. . The letter of commendation waa aent to Connelly for "gallant conduct."'.- The goat got to It ahortly after Connelly, who-had been on the United States ; cruiser San Francisco,- had received It.. -Ha made no effort at the time to get m ' copy, but he waa urged to do so by frienda and bla family and he would ap. " predate .Itver - muchlf. the . ileparu. ment would send him a certified copy, Connelly's record and a oopy of the let tera were found today and a oopy will be aent him. . MOVED IS feet distance from a fence which I) formerly overhung. At Olema a pipe line 34a. feet which was broken by the i being repaired. showe, an esc, of three feet, Iih1'-- thu or tnr ssrrh. At Bollnan I thrown un whef gronnd. l'rot)r! ami there la vn the present . .1 .'''