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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1906)
:....v THE OREGON DAILY joURNAL. PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENINO. APRIL ' 23, '1S03. 11 FOR SALE- REAL EST ATS. , ACRE TRACTS! ' :J ' vn specialty is acrb tbactbii . lall-elatd etreeta, water to sac sera. ' TERMS $1" FEB ACBB CAMS ' ,$18 FSB ACBB PCS MONTH. ., tern ao. to than mm m tba mm car. '. pay the Mm 6a far Iba lot Baa paya. Th lot maa w roar neighbor, but M n atrleted la m)ucltr e( leatnrv that maki . a traa aabarbea bom. psa Wednesday aad Satarday vaalaga, - i 7 J a CHURCHILL CO., .Ha-" ' " 'i. ; , ..... 110 Second . j PEOPLE . who . appreciate aopk ' feature ai , building reatrtctlona, wide streets and broad ' venue, alleys, sightliness, .beautiful toc ". tloa, unsurpassed aar servtcs, neerueas to 1 tha clt. bualneee and aalooa problbltloa la (art all ucb feature aa ctaarscterls tha choicest renldcac district la ua nost ... American dtlestralld in mtaonw BEE PIEDMONT before Too buy lwhr; 1 lota (60xluO J $400 and $500. T.k. ml Johns. Wood lawn or D eara . ' Inn rocnar of Washington and Beouad at. very to 4 minute. MI'HT sacrifice ft-mota eottace. 8 total no raa . aoaabla offer ratuaadi la.aabwba. . Addraaa tr w, aara eoaruai. HAVE too a bona for rentt It ao. Hat It with us." w can rout It at one. East Hid Baal ' Batata Co., 40T Hawthorn svs. tot Una residence lota In a daalrabl part ( tha city I doubt It anyone can ebw aa j (oad valuee. Let ai pro It. M. B. Thorn p- aoa, na Mississippi av. avast aui. TWO fata-tota facing ' ocean, at Can tarr 11 la, Waah. Pion Pacific 84. FOR BALK Ha. 821, cor. of Clay and 13th ata., Portland, Oregon; no agents. Daalat Gaby, .' Vancouver, - Waahlngtoa. FOB UU CHEAP aad T-room boos; mod ' oral part eaeh. S70 OarSeld av, Take ' Waodlawa aar. Phone Boat 8541. tiO today and aa that beautiful f-raoai nous . on Union ave.i modern la Try way, Includ ing fireplace, aad richly timed: aaiy term. ; He owner today. , 063 Union art, M. Pboat saat Moo. ..i DO TOO want a bamlaf Two fall lota, Mt. . Tabor, 100x100, only aea Barry, or yoa . will be too later Juat think of a bualneae lot I' rlea In, WlUlama are., for oalr M60. Hlfhar prlre If sot an Id thla weak. Bhoe Store, Sia Waahtnrtoa at. BKI.LWOOD LOTS, $9 down aad W a arantkl from 4TS to 1 100. Bellwood Towaelte Ce, . H. P. Pahner, aanaer. Phoa Eaat 4704. tO. BAL& Nlraly r faralabed 4-roorn flat cheap, B bloeka from Portlaad hotaL A4 drvee B 100, ear Journal. . bOTER, np rlTr froai Portlaad. Located aa der N. P. IrrUratlng dltob and oa new north , bank railroad i fruit foe on the aiarke three ' weaka earner thaa'ln any ofhef aectloa, corav Biandlna blkbeat prlcear dallyiteamera from Portland. Bala by tb owaareV Uoear Laad Co., Horer, Waabln(toa.- Maoot-ROOM bona, attic, fall cement beeo- meat. bath, pantry, alnk. auttonary tube, water boiler, furnace, e-aa and electricity, Hrhtlnt fUturaa, fly ecreene and tot 100 by 1oo feet, on aontbeaat ooraor Haaeock aad Boat 3a th ata.; aaay terma. B. M. LOMBARD. ... B14 Chambar of CooMnerr. Z-BOO -RO0af bona. Upper AIMnaj the aooaey. Call Phoa Vast 620s. rth llV ACRES. U mil from depot. H mUa from charch and achool; plenty rnnnlnf water; price 3S0. R. P. T. Roat , bos , " Biier wood. Or. WUUam Rlfa. ' ' (BW np to-data ft-room houae. a.8fo1 ' $MX down, $M nootbly. Owner. Phoa Eaat T6. MODERrt B-room aooaa, B2.000; BS00 dowa, $1S monthly. Phoa Baat 470. IITS In Piedmont $300V B400 and flOO. Tbeaa low price to a number who will build at once; w will help yon; eay terma. INVESTJ1SNT COMPANY, ' Mata 871.. ' . 344 Stark at '- PROGRESSIVE people see Pled roost before bayiDg eisewnare. mi bi. jobm, tvooq' lawa or U car. Second, and Waablnctoa au, . ' ' Car lear atery A to 4 atlnute. 11.800 NEW cottaA-. barb, n and electric , Hfhta. d rooroa; one block trora aebooj and car. SratB Portland: tarsia.,. 301 foarth M. Telephan Pacific 3135. " BT. JOHNS PROPERTY CHEAP ,Jou from 386 to 3S0: easy tarara. ' B0-acra tract, $700 par acre. , ; . . 81 lot, ctooe In, S8D per tot. ' . K 14-room hoaea en 13th and Clay, cheap. 80 acrea for platting at I-lnnton, S0 par aer. Call or write HAMPTON HURI.BERT CO.. Room B Breedcn Blk. Third aad Waahtartoa. 7HPJ Joe Naah. If yoa want a anap: $890 for a flret-claaa ft-roon cottage : part caah, balaac ' to eult. Aad I hare 4 tota la one pne for . $100 each, and T IB tb neit btock for $71 - each. Jo Naah. owner. In tha white houae . at Naabrlll Button, an tb Mount BeaU car Una. SIX-ROOM enttao and lam lot for $n0. $300 dew and balance to eult. hi. S. Brows, at '' Kaahrlll Station, on Mount, Scott ear Ha. .' ' Also three tota at yoar owai Brio. . . . I4.B00 I1ANDKOMB bom, new, modern la ererr particular, beantlfnl eorner. Bolladay'a addl- tloa, eloa to ecnooi ana car. inquire 30$ Pourth at. Tetophoa Mala SS0. FAXON PARK . le bow oa tha market; lota at acre price, according to Improvement. Ixjta Mx2B0-fiX), 3110,, $135 Lot 100x20 $100, 1210, 3235 Lota 300x380 i.tflO, $430. $4ft0 Tbeaa Iota are moatly In cultlratloa, lerel and alfhtly, oa a food traded atreet, close te , (ood 10-room arhool at licnta. Be far to any , part of Portland; water free; term. , O. B. ADDITOJf, Owner, Lenta, Oregon. , Tak Mooat Scott car. Be. PINE 5-room bona, lot 00x100, fruit, flower. ate., on Eaat YamhIU at.. $1,000; your term. Patterson Stewart, 1000H Belmont at. DO TOtI want to boy city lota or acreage T If an, ee seat Fin neat Katate u. r.aai ara property a aperlalty. 407 HawUMcaa . sear Orand. Phono Eaat 1087. . KICW house at Eaat 16th and Baacocb. tb - anoat choir location In Holladay and Irrlng ton additional bnllt with tha beat of material, . artletlrally deelimed, doahlo-llned boueee. re-- ment cellar floors, furnaces, modern bath mema, plumbing, etc; selected wood for alt Inside work with fin egg-shell aula flnlah; alx, seren and fight rooma: caa see money to advantage - and will maka reduction of $150 on tbo first house anld. CI1AS. I.. BOf. r Office phona Eaat B3. iloma phoa T2S. t-ROOM new boas, elegantly furnlabed; 5-room pew cottage drawing IB per cent ea money; . your own price I leering city In two weeks. . Eaat Ankeny and 38th at. ear. Call SSS y, Sandy road. $3,500 BUY" new T-ronm modern home; bath, . cbieeta, basement. 9 lota, picket fence, ehfa-k- en-hoaeee. fences, garden planted, dosen fruits, . doaea rosea; Mt. Hoott car, 5c fare: going east. Addreee A. T. Ahott. Arleta. Box 100. FOR SALE-FARMS. WIT AKO DAIRY FARM " J , 300 acre, otb alone, well fenced, exactly the earn eeaeon and climate aa White Salmon, Washington, opposite Hood rleer; 00 acre In fruit and Plow land, a large variety of ' bearing fruit tree, larg vineyard with many Tsrletles of choice grapes, abundance of water for brlratlon. balance of farm need , for nsatur, but le suitable for orchard land or wheat; a new T-mom boaea with bath and '', laratorr, hot and cold water In bathroom and kitchen, water enirreyed . from tor aprtnga through andergronnd S-lnrb pip far, total nee; a good frultdryar and packing . hone In orchard, good barn, granary, chicken ,. . houe and hay barn: aa Meal country bom ; '. with abundance of shade trees and One Water, , 8H mile ' from Columbia rlrer ateamboat Isndtng and railroad. Prle $4$ per acr tf taken before May 1. . 1 . LAFAYETTB RRALTT Cfi., 1 , . Roem 18 Lafarette bldg., oor. Sixth aad t .' Whablngtoa ata. B0 ACRES. 10 "mile from Portland, near Snnnyslde, ' Cls'ksmae conntet T-room heuss ' and aereral other food bulldlnga. 40 acrea , nnder. cultivation. Tr acre of orchard, all kinds of fruit; with stock and Implemente; , , $.1,000: a anap: rood terma, Ott Crockett. ' Mu Waahlugtoo at. don-ACRB fruit farm In Rogue River valley, , near Medfurdsi Oregon; over 10.000 choice frnlt tree. acre alfalfa, abundance of water for Irrigation, I good S-rnoia booaea, with water piped to both; price $25,000; tbl fa aa exceptional ppnrtnn1tvt eee or writ a for partlcnlsra. Lafarette Reeltv fie,, Lafayette bldg.. Cor. Sixth and Wasblngtoa. AI ll-acro ranch, near Vancouver, If) acrea in . . orchard, a atilendld home, nicely toceted, good " view of Portland and Columbia River valley, ' WaablagtM a. ' - FOR SALE FARM S. BOMB UOOO TH1H0S WS CAN TBAUEI l.A30-aore eralo and atock farm: Hue nut old renge, near la lailee; will Uada. Prlre I JU per aer. ' 4u-ai-re wheat farm, Bharmaa county ; will trade. $25 per acre. . ' 3,000-acr stock- rat Mar BuebarS Or- fou; will uaoe. , jO-acrs stock farm Bear Boaaborf, Or eg 00; will trade. r l.Soo-arr stock farm near Eugene, Oregon will trsde. ' l.SOu-arr ' atock farm . Will tMflM, la Bentoa ' county ; 40-acre a tack farm la Ban tea ouatyr will Uada. 14,ouu. a&o-aere (arm la Marlon count v. Oregon 4u0 acrea cultivated, 40 acre pasture. 1U brush, ao waata land, all leveL IV mile from railroad atatloa; a good faro; will Uad. 3uo-cr Improved farm la Una county, Oregon; will trade. $lu,oo0. ma-acre farm near good town, la Polk .Mtititv:- will tradeu alaJ.lMjOL TB acre. Improved, Bear Onahata, Ora te: Uada. aw.uuu. , 16 acrea lmtaroved, aoar Claekama: trad. 14 OOO. . 4 acrea Improved, aovtk Mount Tabor; will trad. 13,000. ... . 830-acre dairy farm, oa Columbia river; will trade. $50 per acre. Sawmill Controlllnar Interest la a Bna, well- ' equipped aawmlll plant, with aoundanc tint per: will uaoe. t.iu,uw, Hotel la full running order; will trad. em ojio filackemltb-ebop doing a Baa baalaoaai will trade. J,3uu. Htock of general mercbandlaai will trade, 7,000. Sawmill plant la aomplet running order; .Will trad. $4,000. . - Hotel complete; will trade. -$ 15,000. - BuUherbou, complete, doing a da bosl- ue in tr.tA. is.auo. 74 acrea ale land, part Improved, pear Lenta; will uaoe. - ,oix. . so acres Bee Improved farm at Warren, . Oregon 1 will trad. - 1 acrea. all good laad. 30 acrea cultivated, bouse, bara. orchard, near Goldeodale. Waah lngtoa; sail at a sacrifice or trad. J.). , 40-acre Improved farm Bear McMlaavllk,, 4ll iila 4.400 acre of good land, part grain and part timber land, within about B tulle of a 1 . . . . iaaahln gooa county-eeei vrwm . . ton: will Uke noma trade: a One lnveetment; r will aell r trad at 13 per acre. , HENKLB tfABBIMON, . BIT Ablagtoa bldg. 10H Third it. AN IDEAL FARM BOMB. $3. T50 40 acres fin eoll, 30 acre culti vated a a garden, balaac valuable timber, 4 acre of fin orchard, good building! noat HUlaboro. UA0EMANN eV BLAKCHABD, , 01 Flfta au WOULD aa 80-aer farm, fin soli, good butld . Inga. near railroad. 40 mile from Portland, all ready to produce .with crop m, Interest yoa at $1400? If an, let as glv yoa full . nartlculara. Bagemana Blaachard, 31 Fifth at. ' BARGAINS IN CLARKE OOCKTT LANDS. 3d acre, nloa level laad, oa mac ilemlse.1 road, only 1 H mllee from Vancouver, near . graded acboola, easily claeved; an PI $0 pM tiers. Beautiful 10-a era tract, m mile trora Tafacouver. gravel road, alghtly tocatloa, fot tuburbaa" borne: vary cheap at $1,000. Dairy farm, 336 acrea, S mllee from steamer landing. Columbia river, 10 mile Vancouver, ' free rural delivery, acbool clea by: new bouse and barn, over 50 acrea tine cultivation, 40 acre alashed aad eeeded. i:M acrea timber, ftrit-elae graas land, all nnder fenco; oa of tb choapeat farma In Clarke eoonty; prion, . haclndmg 13 head eowa, 1 bull, farm Imple ments aad crop, $0,500. $1,000100 acre, .30 mltoa from Portland t - 10 acre cleared, email creek and 3, springs. soma timber, 140 acre level, beet of black . loam aoll; mile from railroad, 4 mil from school. S mllee from country town; there la ' 40 acrea easily cleared; thd 1 a aaapi will glv terms. t ,r . - " . - $1,000 1M Acre. 30 mltoa from Portland: 13 acrea cleared, 35 eleshed and aeeded, 00 acrea level land, good Week tarn aolL, aah, vine, maple, eaally cleared;, eoonty road on two aides of place. $0 aero good 1 flret-clae aw timber, H mlla from aawmllL H mil to good school, mltoa to railroad aUtiost will glv good terma, or wUl axebang tor 'Vs.aS'acrea, IS mllee from Portland. B mile from Beavertoo: 35 acraa cleared, balaac eaally cleared, all fenced and croaa fenced, aU level, on county road, new bou to ochooU B. F. iVl B oowa, I bog, cblck4n.-J 50 sacks pada. some faro., implement; 91 k.l..H eenrhne I . so acre good level land. St, mile Van rouvw, oa (ravel road, aear acbool; 10 acre ' fenoed aad cultivated, fair bona aad bare; cheap At $1,800. Elegant farm, B0 acre. , rich ewato and bevrdam aoll. over TO-acr In fin culti vation, nice running stream through plsce, -all nnder fence, 5 acrea orchard, neeorted fruit, larg new 11-room boo with closets, pantry, cellar and norcbe. S good barns, granary. chlcka and bog-honaea; U mile to railroad a tat Ion, near echosl. S mile Vaa rouver. on good road: 10 oowa, team Dorses, bog, chickens, re. tci 3 wagon, back, mower, rake, drill, elder mllL cream aepara tor and all farm imptemanta and all house hold fnrnltar aad aU crop, go it tha vtrtea WASHINOTOW It OREOOlf RE ALTT OO, 253 H' Wsshlngtoa at, Portland. And 800 Main at.. Vancoaver. Wash. 1ST ACRES 30 acrea all Bn orchard land. BH mile rrom Vancouver, w tton, balance ell alaJhed, burned and aeeded: T5 young frnlt treea, 4-room nbona, barn 34x40, toolhoaae. etc.; good well. U mil to charch and school; $3,100; $000 cash, balaaca to suit parchaaer. fa acrea near Holden, Cotnmma county; T acres under cultivation, B-room ceuoa, good bar and other bulldlnga, young orchard ; a aplendld llttl bom for $,X); a anap. Wj hav a largo Met farm aad ranches to select from, , OTTO CROCKETT, S46H Waahlngtoa at. S ACRE edjotntag Railway addition to and aear MonUvllla railroad ata tloa for $1,350. Terms $100 '-cash, balaaoa $15 per' month and rntareet. - ... B. M. LOMBARD, Bid Chamber at Commerce. 30 ACRSS near Nawberg; good bulldlnga, fruit sv ail n'nww, iwv- nplendldly arranged; $2,500; term caa be bad. ' - B4 acraa near Tnatotlai a awell llttl borne; everything In Bn condition, good building; $2,500; term can be bad. OTTO A CROCKETT, 345H Wasblngtoa t. ' FINEST FARM IN CLARK S COUNTT. At half cost of Improvements. ' Ideal for colony of 10 f mills. ISO acrea, aaw house and bsrn: $1,000. - -Other cheap bargalnat In Washington. ' B. L Browning, room IT, Waah. Bldg. TO H0ME8F.EKERS - For sale, aa Ideal nom. vim a u-eer prune orchard, at Myrtl Creek. Douglas eoanty: firs mlnnte' walk from postofflc, school and chnrchee. S. P. B. B. Addreea B, C, Myrtl Creek, Or. BRLINQUISI1MBNTS an homeateada of 100 acre eeca, some vn niwii; ruwu ' ' ri,- rosd, aom Improvements; $150 to $.100 each. II. L. Browning, room IT, Washington bldg. FOR 8ALB OB BENT Forty acre of good lend, log nous ana nam. Bearing orcnBra, partly cleared; 1$4 mllee from eonrtnon, Portland, near ScbolVg Ferry road. Owner, J. Blum, 534 North 34th t. 110 ACBRS, 35 Cleared, anro baaverdam, house. hern,' erchsrn, a ereeae: is miie weei at Portland. Wlngrea, Bvrtoa, root 3. FARMS 300 firm for sal, from 1 acr an. He a be r ore nnying. ax am bumi Bran ' Co., 407 Hawthorn eve. STAMP bring SA-nag catatogn of country lend. Bnrr-Paddoa Co., 40 Moatgomary C, aaa rraacmoo. sfc Honrra to Home seek ere and Investors I hav choice wheat farms. In large or email tracts. In the now Taaaous Eignt-siiM country. In Morrow county. district where failure waa never known, where yon can buy a bom at a reaaenabl piic, en ay term, which will make yoa from 10 to 38 per oaat oa yur lnveetment. I hav a leo eome very choice stock farm, cheap. Ton will do yaoreelve aa Injuatlc If yon buy elsewbsr without laveatlg sting this section of Oregon. Addreea M08R ABRBAttaH, . Real Kntste. , . Xlgbt-MIl. Morrow County, . Orsgoa. DAIRY aad stock farm within IT mile f Portland, eioe 10 rauroaa ana aoatlsndlngi i0 acre good ami. all aeeded t graes, good Beoom bona, barn, running water and mica only $3,500; $1,500 caah, balanc' long Urn. Wester Lead I.. 3Rt, Stark at. FOR BALE 100 acr Bn watered lead. 31 Bonr' WIW ran el vaerauvexj BBBPI BSI . Addraaa A. 137, ear Jarl. FOR SALE FARMS. Money -MaMng-Farms ' - BOO acraa la Ihersiaa coualy, near WaacO; 70 nnder culilvstlun, 7 scree caa be Irrigated. B acre la scaring orchard. 60 scree la wheal, 15 lulls of Lu beat of outrage for Icaul. 7 rjiu houae oust $1,500, but aiul cold waler Piped all through the nous; IB head of bureee, 3 bead of cattle, 3 wagon. 1 reaper, drill, plowe, harness, furnltur and all email tool go with tli place, also all tb food lu ; taa bara. Prlc; half cash. , 100 acrea la Waauingum county, aar Bsiits; about 10 acre la eultlvatloa, all - rolling, euiu good fir timber oa the place, Uelry creek run through It, good land on 1 5',,,?ni woul'1 mak a good dairy , ranchr bulldlnga all deatruyed; $oo baa ba . offend fur tb timber on tb nlsoe. '2 icr Portland, oa Section Lin road; 8 acraa under cultivation, sboat & fruit tree and m ecrss to- berries, good well, email houe and food parn. Prle $3,000. 100 crs In. Douglas eoanty. aear Uraln; S3 acre Baderlcultlvatloa, 50 acre alashrd. about on act in orchard, about 100.000 feet of good saw timber, with aawmlU only mil, good 0-room bouse, barn and ail aeceesan outbuildings; eowa. chickens, spruic "f0"-. buggy, plows and houevbokl good go with tha place. PrlcTl,000; Urma. 10 acres near' PortUud, with adjoining' 34 -acrea Weed for S rears Joining; nearly sll nnder cultivation; tli very finest of onlou and celery hmdr plaocwitf return big In tur ret on $5,000 investment; 4-room boos, about B0 bearing fruit treea. Prkw $3,000. A fin Missouri fsrm of 340 acres to trad for property la thla a tat. ' 3 acrea m Lincoln county, Waah., near W-.P- K. R. .180 acre la crop which tooka well and should yield 38 or 50 bushels per acr. about A0 acre of plow land on the place, o acre timothy bottom, about 223 acre psaturs, aom lake bottom suitable fur alfalfa, 3 good orchards, all khsds- of fruit nd herrlee. 3 dwellings. T and 6 rooms, tarn 60x100. machine -ehed. granary and other .out building, Uke, spring. 5 wells, windmill, wster piped to bouse and bam, aU fenced - and cross fenced, threshing machine, com plete header outfit with S header boxes, cookhouse, water tank, 3 seed drills, 4 -drag barrowa, dUk drill and harrow, 3 gcngplows, 3 brsskara, S turning plow, 13 head of boraaa with harneea. 41T cattle, 13 milch eowa, and everything needed on well-equipped . wbeat ranch; crop, atock, machinery and land aU go fur $30 per acr. L '. LANOILI.B BAND, ' ' TB BUtb at. ' ' -. - A F1NB lOO-acr rsach on tba Tuslltln river. IB mile from the city of Portland; a good - B-room nous, porch and pantry, amokebous. woodhoaee, 3 large barn, orchard, 50 acre nnder cultivation, balance nearly all cleared, B scree beaverdam land; laya o good oouaty mad, B. F. D, at tb door, 114. mile from good store, 314 mllee to railroads good team f horses, harnee and wagon and back, goats, cow, boss and all farming txuple aionu; prle $0,500; oa terms It aeeded. , A good tmslncaa and bandings fa a good buaiaes locality, T mile from tb city, oa fin road and crossroad, consisting- of combi nation storehouse and residence, 6 living room and closet, larg pore be front and beck, good well of water on -back porch, good brick cellar, good bsrn, ehlckea-boua sod corral, S full, tots all la good . bearing frnlt, otlhoue and tank, and good stock of goods ' aad grocer lee; res son for selling, not abl to attend to tb buala; If sold at once prica $3,306. , r-- A, good Broom modern house o fuTi tot . 50x100, nlr set to rose bashes fa tb front, - stems walks, etc I West Iloyt at., between 33d and 83d; prlc $5,500; terma If sold quick. . v SO acre, flret-claaa land. 43 to 38 acre , nnder cultivation. 3 good orchards, tt acr - In fin garden with picket fence, a., good B-room bouse. 3 porches, fireplace, a fair bara, machinery abed, email shop, wood boas, ui I lk house, chicken-boo with 1 acre of chicken corral, ever-running water through -It. lilac fenced and cros-fnoed. good spring at house with pump In It, running water-at barn, epan borsee, harness and new Mltchelll wee-on, 1 bead eowa," 3 half era. bog and chicken, and all necessary tool. ueb ai need on place, aom beaverdam land, on good milk route; R. F. D. mail and phoa hi tlx bona; V, mil to acbool, SVk. mltoa from tb beet afore in the eoanty and 21 mile from Portlaad; $5,000, tsrms. ' 40 acres, 30 acrea creek bottom, 10 acr cleared, a fair 4-room bona, bara and other . bulldlnga, amall fsmlly orchard, good well water at houe and fin creek through tb piece, 600,000 feat yellow pin oa tb north Id creek: oa a good eoonty mad. H mil to good ecbool. does to aawmlll. 8 miles front good rtors aad creamery; prlc $1,000. M ere adjoining this place, 17 acre n) cultiva tion, a good rram bouse and barn and other building, good hearing orchard; i mil to , school, m mllet to Lewi rtvr; prlc $1,300; would tak dtp property ta part. . t lot and building fronting Water t. earner extend to First 't. $15,000; term. . 1 W. W. mPrTT, '." J Ramlltoa bldg. : FM -FARMS $13,000 418-acr farm near Newberg and Carlton; 850 acr In cultivation. $3,000 bou, water piped from goring to nona aad bsrn; 14 mil to acbool; It'a the beet bargain la wuiameiia vaiwy xor 9 per aar. $760 17V acres, boos and barn. 10 acrea cleared; 1 mil from Spring Brook; $150 caaa. paianco on long tints at a pr cent. 8000 10 aer. 8 mil west of Rewborgt new barn, T acrea la cultivation, aprmg waiar, nsai 01 eoti. COVKIl Aj SON, Pkaa Mam Sfwl. Rooms 8 and B, 1STH let gt. YAMHILL COUNTY. OREGON. We bar a client who bn a to on a plendtd farm of 1.000 acres, end baa bow In wheat, oats and vetch 850 acree; b pay the owner of the land on tblrd of tb crop: all pastur and Other land free, good build ings; tb place I sot over two mile from railroad and oa a good wagon roadi there are 850 acr of ebole pastur; now, tb. prlc f tbl crop I $$ per acre, and -tlie parchaaer I to oetoat at want taa bead of eowa, from a drove of them, at $35 per head: honld party wlab, all kind of other personal property can be bad required to ma a farm: her I a chance to msk good money: thla farm ean bo bad la tba rutura if wanted. Look thla up. NORTHWEST LAND COMPART, 800 Ooodaoogh bldg. - , 100-ACRR farm la Klickitat eoanty. Wash., northwest of QOIdenrnle: fine level land, no rock a, 80 acre cultivated, 300 bearing appl trees, T-room bouse, bam, be la no pin tim ber, make fin pasture; Irrigating ditch and abundance of water got with tbl place; prlc for all, 83.000. A good chicken ranch, $t mile mt, all cultivated, well watered, good buildings; a Mmey-maker for right party; would trad for city property t owner widower aad a Ions, might tak a good honest woman with a little money aa partner. .- J OBCNDI -MF.l.RATT! CO., 846 H Morn son at. $8 ACRES, 4 mile from Oregon City, 8H miles New Bra: T-room Bone, oarn ana a 101 of other good building, young orchard, bear ing, all nnder fence, 33 acre ander enltlv. tloa. aom green timber, all atock and Im plements, $550. - 6 acre, near amall town, far to Portland B 1-8 cents: good 0-room houae, bsrn, good well, all fenced, good water, 3.000 strawberry plenta, eotne young appl trees; would con sular a trad for bouse and lot In Portlaad. - OTTO CROCKETT, ' ' - 243 '4 Waablngtoa at. -TnB BEST OP ALL. $4,800 00-acre fin fsrm, now bo tiding, 18 mile from Portland; big bargain. $7.000 On of th finest farm, folly eunlpped. Insld of 11 mile of Portland. $30.000 Th beat WB-acr farm In tha val ley: bulldlnga alone hav cost $10,000. If yoa want a good farm of aay alaa, don't fall' to ee "F. FCCHS, 1H Flr at 40 ACRES near Whit Salmoa, Wash.; best buy tin tha valley; noining is eomper to ii rov Vrlce; part reedy for plow, all good ertil; prlc for faw day only $500. . kC . Walton, lis Wsshlngtoa at. FOR SALE TIMBERTTC FOR SALE Logging camp; timber option; , 1 500.000 leer c noire rva nr. eo.wsj t AI piling, ebate. road and akldway, hunk boas, kitchen and stsbls complete (read) . for Immediate operation)! tocatloa north fork Lewla river: limber- floated to boom tide water; bargain; tog $7. per M, plosg 5Vs lineal foot. - - A. Tt. BIRBEIX, -..))-... Corner Third aad Sterk St. We .Want ''limber W kav each bnyar for larg and amall tracta of good timber la Oregon, Weahlagwa kav each buyer la of good timber I lalifornl. or California. Greg? phon Mala B30B. BIT-IB Fvntoa bldg. CEBTTF1ED acrlB, etas pieces; lowest prices. W. O. Howell. BBS Casmher of Oea asm TO EXCHANGE. FOR SALE Equity la 100 sera land near Cam, waaningioB, in 'exenang xor gooa tmm and war" a or vacant let. Addraaa 0 100, ear Jeuraai, t . . ' TO EXCHANGE. B-UOOM modern house and 8 lota. Nub 11 111 du trtrt to eschange for farm near Portland ault- , abl for dairy puruus. 1.300 acr stock ranch, well fenced, good building, spring water plied to all bullduiga. sounds ace water for Irrigation; alfalfa and wheat land. 100 acre aultabl for fruit 5. 0 JO acre outside range adjoining; n half 11a rrom coiumni river ana norm paua ralh-osd. This properry 1 worth $30,0u0; axebang for goo Portland properly LAFATRrrit -REALTY CO, 1 Room 11 Lafsyett Bldg., Corner Sixth and Washington. lll I WANT to trad a good Improved farm la , Willamette valley, close to railroad tow a. on .proposed electric line; went wheat fsrm la ' eastern Oregon - -or Washington. Addr V 134, care JouraaJ. , SPOT CASH. For furnltur and household" good. PHONE MAIN 5055.' HORSES AND CARRIAGES. A FEW good aacond-hand haggle and harnee . iw seie; aiao ciiy neck ana nerneae la Iirst. class condition, good breaking cart. Apply Red Front Stable. 20 North fifteenth t-, ' near vt eaningloa. FOR SALE flood horse, also cart end harnee. Inquire -Llnebeugh urocery. North All.lns. . JFOR SALEMISCELLANEOUS. MLLIARO' ANDPOOL' tablaa for real 'orfor . sale aa esay peymenta. THE BRUNSWICK BALRB C0LLEN0EB CO. . v 49 Third St., Portlaad. FOR SALE OR RENT NEW AND SECOND HAND BKWINO MACHINES. STANDARD SEWING MACHINB AGENCY. H- D. JONES. 380 YAMHILL ST. - 1 , - BodKS bought, (old and evebaaged at tb Aid Book Stun. 323 Yamhill at. WB need furniture aad will pay fnlj j value. Phone Pacific T03. Waelern BalvagoasC.. 027 Waahlngtoa SL - WESTERN OREGON MINING MILLING Ot. beaduuartere; atock for aele and In forms tloa at 180 Flrat at. Pben Mala laxeV. SHOWCASES AND FUTCRES mads to order! eeood-hsnd good for Ml. Carlson A) Kail trom. 3M Couch at. " Pboea Clay 871. HOW eaaea, counter, Bxturo bough?, sold or exchanged. Western Sslvag Co.. B3T Wash Ingtoa St. PadOa TM. ' WB print roar asm oa 50 celling cards, proper la sod atyto, 8.1s 3n0 boa loess cards. 31. A. W. Sehmal -Co., 330 First. Portland, Or. BOLDEN'S RHEUMATIC CURB -Sura cur for rbeumatlem. Sold by sll druggist. FOB BALE Fin oyster counter and shelving: alee doers aad aaah; cheap. 30d JfjEjurth at, FOR. 8 A LB Second-band upright boiler, suit, abl for woodssw. Fostsr Klsleer, Fifth t and Everett sis. FOR SALE Portsbls 6 b. p. nglna and boiler; guaranteed: on third It value. 0. H. Plg gott, lawyer, 4 Mulkey bldg. FOB BALE Fine HANtha Veeneh Decker upright, need four walnut caae, latest style, action. German felt ham- 'ooubl repenting mers and Poehl; avsn imported strings; will ell reasonable; meats ; going ta 451 Salmon at. cssb or can arrang pay Spokane. Call or write to Lulu Pelloo. Ring one. BARGAIN Second-band. 12 foot windmill; 800 feet deep well pump, complete, at 1H4 Morrl. aoa t. FOR SALE $100 Filers pis no certificate; mak offer. Beg 45, Vancouver. Waahlngtoa. FOR SALE 3 good cow. 12ff7 E. Fourteenth north.- fDone x.sst oiai. . - FOR SALE Piano, la good condition, $ si. In- . -attire o05 siertiy at., ststion a. A NO. B cock stove, kltcnaa cabinet, kitchen utenall) Is hie linen aad nodding at 300 Hoaaell gr. JERSEY cow aad calf for sale; fine family cow, 450 Mechanic at. $50.' BARGAIN SALE On ga rang end beater, prartlcalty new, for aale.. 80S wtrlttaker t PERSONAL. XES. Palm Tablets make re aleep perfectly they cur aervousness snd msk yoa strongl price 60c box, B box $3.50; guaranteed. AH druggists, or address Brooks Drug Co., Of North Third at., porttand. Oregon. - MMR. ANNA LUCKEY AND- MRS. S. WOLFR. el agent for Mm. Graham' Hydro-Tarn treatment and baat developer. - Tbl I tb Boost adentlOe treatment for removing wrinkle and facial blemlabee; sis for nasi development. No need of having wrinkles any more. Patient received, with board and treatment.- Full line of bath. Satlafactlno guaranteed. 1 Testlmonlsle from toadlug phyatclao. IB Lange Hotel. Sixth and , Waahlngtoa at. ' Pben Main 3011. BALM OF FIOS for all foawl disease. East Belmont. Pben East 408. 830 SUITS peaesid while yon wait. 50c. Ladle' klrta pressed. 50c. Gilbert, 108 H Sixth et-, next to Quelle. Phon Pseift J088. DR. WORLEY BENJAMIN, th Foot Specialist, 8001 Waahlngtoa at. Hoou B04. Bura fset msde Bound. BINO CBOONfl. Importer f Chin root medl. - cinaa; eella Chine tea that la certain cur for (11 diseases. 181 Beceud bet Yamhill and Taylor. DETECT! vB AGENCY Coafldentlal Inveetl gstlons report msde oa any Indlvldaal busi ness or property: mleslng relatives located: ' bed dent collected; charge reaeonahle; cor reepondenc solicited. Oregon Detewtlv Service, office 814-818 Columbia bldg., BOB Waahlngtoa at. Phone Main BSlB. BACKACRB and kidney or Madder die sea cored with Oregon herbe; trlsl ata Bag 10a la stamp Plammer. 300 Third et. WFT PERT iw dsngsvow. Web foot hi eking Is absolutely waterproof. ' , fANLY vigor restored nv Dr. flAhert Nerv Otobole: Oa month' treatment, $3; 3 month, $5; sent' securely sealed by mall. Agent. Woods rd. Clerk ) Co.. Portland. Or. ANY man or woman caa be trong end nappy by aslng Serine Pills, the great toolc; price J I box. B boxes $8. with fall goaraate. d drees or call J. A. ClmBSon. dmgglet, or. Beooad aad YamhIU at.. Portlaad. Or. BIGH-ORADB portrslrsi epedsl offer for few day; eahlsst else, cards or folder, IS for 88; onallty aad work th bast. D. M. Steven. a03 OoodBoogb bldg.. Fifth aad Yamhill BOLDEN'S RHEirMATIO CURB Snr enr fot rheumatbun. Bold by all drngghrta. LADIES? Torkleh hath, maassg. bydrlstrl parlor: strictly flrst-class plane lor isaie only. FUt A. 551 Waahlngtoa at., hetwsea loth and 17th sts. TURKISH BATHS, 800 Orernnlaa hldg.t ladles daya, gentlemen night. Mala IMS. LdR. O. V. KETCH CM euros promptly privet I dtsaassa, kidney, nervoue. akin and apectal ivmaisj impnv. n ur .n". ' " 1 Third t., cor. Yamhill. I'bon Pacific 3330. DR. M: T. COLE. 84S Beat 83d at-1 maternity cases; disease of women. Phoaa Tabor 111. TUB STEW ART-LIN DELL PARLORS, room 10, Lenge hotel. Sixth and Washington, remove all facial blemishes; ripert electrolysis, manicur ing, ahsmpoolng. electro fee and acelp mas age; mole and warU removed. TL Mala 8117. " N FORBIDDEN FRUIT." "A flay Lothario," "Story of a Slav," ''Fanny Bill.- Agn." "Woman of Fir," 50c each; Hats free. A W. Bchmsl Co.. B38 Flrat t. DISEASES OP WOMEN neeeoefally treated; maternity esse cared ror, private noapitsi: trained nnrsee: Tonsultatloa fre. Dr. At wood. 800 Morrleoa St.. room 8. . Phone Hood BM. DOLL'S HOSPITAL Repairing and dressing. HI Tinui X. SCHOOL book d all kind f book bongnt. old and aeaangoa. a ones' Book star. 301 Alder st. CH RAP 'lee ranee sal a plaata. Just what rou want at rstr wuuama av. aaa cook ave. Seo. Beta, ftorlot. OENTT.EMAN wish actjnslntsnc reapectsble wonting airi or young www isny sib tri al oo tally Inclined. Adilrese box 81, city. THB WA1B CORSET, 40 M Morrleoa) beet susoe. TWO young led tee glv adentlfl mssang msnl . curing and pedicuring. 1444 BLxtb bet. Mur- ATTORNEYS. A. PI. TANNER, attorney, ara) rMaawHal blk.. ssiue en wesningus r TB. rnoa HSIB Bea. f. B. WINCHESTRR, ttoray-t-lw, aotsry. v vt BBsisgusa eiua- ; raoaa racia bobt. ART EMTORIUM. BROPESSOB B. MAX MBTEB, 84B AMtor. Pxtrslt and toadeesn ertlet d teochev. ARCHITECTS. H. H. MENOES. Architect. 113 Bocond at. ASSAYERS. OARTII CYAN1DR EXTRACTION CO.. aad Moatsna Aassy one, lao Morrl so St. AUTOMOBILES. COFEY A COOK Motor Car Co.. F oath ad Alder Agenta for Cadi lis. Plsrvo. Great Arrow and 8tvenDuryea motor-cam; at ehlnes rented, repaired and stored- BUTCHERS' SUPPUES. S. BIRKRN WALD CO., 8O4-80B ' srvsvatt- t Largest butchers ennply new aa th eoeet BATHS MASSAGE. TWO young ladle glv mssssg, tub and vapor hatha. ' 110H Fourth at., our. -Waahlngtoa. ' MISS RAYMOND give bathe and maaaag treatments. Tb Cosmo. 8tMH Morrlaua SL THB BNOWDEN BATHROOMS, 3XTM Alder t bet. 4th and ftb Tub and vapor hatha, mae aag. electrlclly. Phona Main B055. . EZI'RKIRNCED Isdy, magnetic healing, vapor . and tab hatha. The Inaa-ha. SolV Third. BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. JJOWB. DATIB A KIHAM. MO-lll Becoetl St. Blsnk book manufacture!; agent for aeoee Improved Louee Leaf ledger; ee tb ae urek leaf. h beet e the market. CHINESE REMEDIES. MRS. DR. B. K. CHAN core privet aad ferns Is dlaeaaee with herb and root a; .remedlea hsrm. ' lees; no operetlona. 303 CI et., cor. Third. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST. PROF. NORMAN. C0NSCLT THB BUST IT WILL PBOVB TUB CHEAPEST IN THE END. Without ashing a question I tell every In cident of your pest, present end future life; hojg to gain your aasirea.ia love, marriage, dlvoece.v Blrkness.' weslth. ate. 1 locate krnt will, deeds, mortgage and absent frleads; tela) yoa now to ten tr your mine contains .ere, oi or gaa: fee within reach of all; 523 Allsky bldg., sua Morrison, cor. 'intra. ORMONDE, Egypt! sn seer, tell of boslnees. marriage, sove. money, curve weaaneaa, mcb nes. etc 838 Fifth St.. residence. MRS. STETENS, Portland' leading palmist, aatrologer and clalrvoyaat. It Seventh at COLLECTION AGENjbVC " DOES any on ewe yoa myt W aatloet bad debt! of all kind. NorUweatsra Law A Collection C., 133 Orand sv., rooms 14 aad 15. Cltlsens' Bank bldg.-. Oat . thla oaC Phone Eeet S04B. CIGARS AND TOBACCO. M. A. OUNST COc Dlatrlbatorg of FINE 6lQARS. Portland. COAL XND WOOD. CBURCHLEY BROS, hsvs rsmoved from foot Davla at. to 438 Kearney et.. aear llthi to aow tha largsst woodyard la th city, carry, tag sll kinds of wood aad coal, 'tlua NL ALBINA FUEL CO Dealers la cord wood, anal nd greea and dry alabwood. B, B. and Ah bin are., 8 blocks east of tarry. East 474. WESTERN Feed ft Fael Co.. on Front, bet wees Ollssn and Hort, deslsrs la all kinds f boas, coals aad blaekamltb asabv Msln 1018. STEEL BRIDOB FUEL CO. Dealer 1 seel, wrdwood aad dry alabwood. Phoa Boat 484, 0BE00N FUEL CO. AU kind of aval aad wood. 80S Alder st- Phoa Mala oa. BOX and planer wood. Phon Eaat 8815. Standard Wood Oo CARPEV CLEANIN0. STANDARD Carpet Cleaning Co.. largest plant on the eoaat, Lortng and Bardlng Ms., tele phone Eaat 3S0 arp leaned. rel aewed and told; both steam and latest preesad air procsss; r- svatlag mattre fra there apedslty. rflttedL. BANITABY carpet eleaalng. auction and ooaa prsssed air eomblaed; carpet atoaned en Boor wlthoat removal. Mala 858. Mela SSOo. t. HUNTER, (team carpet aad ttreaa cleaner, ono Jerreraon. rhoa Mala 814. CLEANINO AND DYEINO. Portland Steam Cleaning ft Dyeing Work; pre, tlcal hatter In eonnecdoa. Sll 4th. PaelfU SOT. CLOTHES cleaned and pressed $1 per most. vaiqa Tailoring oo.. aT wasningtaa at. B. W. TURNER, professional . vev aad eleoasr. KM Jsffereo et- Phon Mala S5IA CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. WROLESALR arorkerT aad alaaswar. Hegsl ft Co.. 100 to 1O0 Fifth. or. Stark at. CAFES. THB OFFICE SSS Waahlngtoa at. phew Mala T71, Samuel vigneaax. COMMISSION-MERCHANTS. BTERDINO ft FARRELL, produce aad eommle- slon mcrchsnt. 140 grout su. rartlaada ut. Phone Main 1TB. . CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. WASHBURN-ft FLO YD- -Carpentere, Jotners aad carriage work. 08 Btk SL t none raclB 81U8. I. HENDERMON Carpentering nnd Jobbing tromptly attended to. Kesldanc 658 MUwssr le st. Ksat vhnS. CHIROPRACTIC. CURES appendicitis; a drags or half. Dr. Bra Hogan, 4ul Union ave. Tel. Woodlawa ST. DRESSMAKINO. PRICES way . low, guarantee aatla faction. Manama Angeles, rnnne I'eeino viz.. s4i Fifth at. 8 tor open evening and Sunday. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL BNOINKERIBO Compsny, 4 Bevsnta st., portisaa. u. ,. ror everything la th elsctrlcal Una. Phoa Mala 1888. PAC1FI0 ELRCTRI0 CO. Engineers, Co Crea tors, repair-are, elecfrlo wiring, eunpne. se ' First, cor. Stsrk. Mala 850. R. H. Tat, mgr. FURNACES. BOYNTON warm -air rornare see fsL I. C Da rev Fnrnsee Co., tr Beooad. Main 40L, - FURNITURE FACTORIES. OREGON furniture Manufacturing Compear Mennfsctarer of furniture tor th treda, Portia d. Or. FURNITURE B.annfactorlng and special order. L. Rsvenakv'e fsrnlture factory, 870 Front at. FENCE AND WIRE WORKS. PORTLAND WIRB ft gleaners et. , cor. 3d. IRON WORKS I Phono Mela Soon, GRINDING. K." E. KARIS0N ft CO., expert grtnder. Aa keay. aerner Eighth. Pben Pacific TBS. GROCERS. Him, WADHAMS ft CO., Wbotesal fceturers sad aasmlaeloa - d Oak st. sat. FeartS ALLEN ft LEWIS, eommlmloa aad pcednws mec I aaata. Float aad Pari eta., PertUnd. gg, FINANCIAL BANKS. LP? "ATW XATI0BAL BAVX OF as, i.ui v v. . . bsih ins tmited President Flce-Pri Aaelat a weaeni lankin Buaine. UHinn mm CD t An CI 'm t hlals and Aarou. Homrknne end Mas I la- CellaetlaM Ma- mm X..ttrkla lr v aeldent - k. UA TtSUNICH Cashuw . '" U sv B'llVM t ntCsehler M. WRiaHT Asal.tsnt Cashier . ..... . w. A. ; f T8? CAXUrOBBXA Estahllshsd 1804, KU 0fo, Ben Freaetoe. f",fov.'s, 1 V,?!u, pla '.$4.0u0.0is.008arpra and audltlded profits..... .$0.1 1 1 I .,A General Banking sod' Elchsngs Business Tranaactsd. BATlNiiS MPiK1v.f. ,"tr "me deposits. AeoouBts opeaed fur saaes of $10 and nptrard. PorlUnd braaca- tnamoer or vommerc nuiiaing. .-- . Manager. RIBT BATI0VAL BtBK OF PORTLAND, 0BE0OV. ' .. . Deelgaated Depository snd rlaaaclsl Age at f the TJarted S' '-. . . . Fraeldent A. L. MIUB Ca.hler.TT J. W. BBWRTR tkTI,,",-i,,,", .".. ".rV. ALVORD Second Aa.tatant raehl..,..B. r. BTBVBriS ' Letters of Credit I as sod Available In Europe aad the Eeatern Stat. S'CPt Exchange and Telegrepbla Transfer eold oa New York. Boa too. Chicago, St, Lovd. I."!'; Omahs. San Franclse and th principal point la th Northwest :" "ft ,,m ,, S'awa In eum to aolt oa London. Parle, Berlin, rrsnkrort-e- Mai. Honolulu?' Yokslu. Cwpeuhagta. Ccilatlaal. Stockholm. SL Petarabarg. Moaeew, Eurlob. LADS ft TUTOR, BABKEXS ZstBblUhd ta 1(48.) 'a, . Traaaaeta a Oeaeral Banking Bulla. Collection mede'et 1t Octnta on .avor , . iMj teiBt. Letter of credit Usned svsllablo In Enron and U rolnre t tb rmnsd 5! . . a,JFht Erbsx and Telecrafihl Tra Defers sold on New York. Washington. Chicago, ft. Lonla. Denver. Omahs. Ban ranclse aad MonUna and British Coiambla. Exrhanga mud n London. Parle,- Berlin, Frankfort. Hongkong. Yokohama. Manila and Honolnl. M CRCHAXTS KATI0HAL BARK. P0RTLAKD, ORIO0K. -1. FRANK WAT809I Preeideat R. L. DOKHAM - j-PeMe , aVWr BOTTr ............ Csablev - ' Tranaaota a Oeaeral Banking Buslneaa, Draft ssd Latter of Credit leaned Available to -All Pert wf-the World. Collections Specialty. . TRUST COMPANIES. we,iiwe.iaee. is. ..i, - ee.ii .i ieei' rBOBTLAsTS TBTST rjOsTPZBr OP AltDflu.T1a Olaest Tnse Cs IT ta' W RESOURCES OVER $1,600,000. Ocneral BATINOH ArvntTNTB Tine ein. $500 a ever. 814 to' per cent. CaU Cur book 881 fx a Br mtm f'tt.iras -J- fSSIf ' ' Pveeldent B. LEB PAGET Secretary rfw a 'lOVBrTT SATUrOS TBUBT COMPAVY - - m iaw.( wa.aafie) iturcms mrwt . S T,. u - , 1 -. ii i nrcRTUrMT - uu aus osviug -i .. Acts s Available In 111 0. f. ADAMS. President A. L. MILLS ...Second Vlce-P.ealdent QUO. F. RUSSELL. THE M0BTOAOB O0ARAKTtB ft TBTST COMPAJTT BAKK. Btocka. Bond and Mortgage. Bought and Bold. iBtereet Paid CAPITAL $100,000.00 U, W.. WATBBBUBT Preeldent n i.ckia hayh Elka TemplsBenlkand Stark BONDS AND ORRIS BROS. 18 lint Btreet. Portland. Oregon. Offer Oflt-Edg inrcctmcnts In Municipal ' I 1TIB OTf ARAVTFE ft TBTBT OOMPABT MORTQAOB LOANS oa Portland Reel ' a tracts rVOWBIKO. XOVsOVB ft OO-Wheat aad Boom 4. ! round Floor. OTcrbeck, Starr tSb Cocke Co.m.Z tiiuT OBATlf. PR0TT8I0N8. COTrOW. STOCXB AWD B0VSB- ' . ' WE SO A BTBI0TLT 00MMJ8BI0M BUBIXXBB. , ' fontlnnoa Market by Private Wire.' Quick era, snd United Bute national nanx ox s-ngisn. L0.UIS J. f MUNICIPAL , SCHOOL AND CORPORATION jBONBS Blgnrnt Betorn to Investor A. PORTLAND ft NORTHWESTERN BOMB GASOLINE ENGINES. Ststlonary and martnot "Llttl BpeeUl" asollns Unncb. $185 1 seoond-haad atootrl f toaacb and ball. . BEIERSON MACHINBRX LM . - 183-4-0 Morrison et. . ' HAY AND GRAIN. E. L. COOPER ft . CO. PoUtoea, feed and flour. 138 Union ave. Phone East 1517. HOTELS. HOTEL I Portlaad, Amorlcaa plant $3. $B par day. BELFEDEBB; Buropea pUai 4th aad Aider env THB BROWN Orand and Hawthorn area. V HARDWARE. Portlaad Hardware Co. ollett oaportaatty Mwt price. 185 let St., cor. Alder. Mela 181 INSURANCE. ISAAC L. WHITE. Or laaaraac. SOB Doka Bldg. J AS. Met. WOOD, employers' liability and In dividual ecrld-nt aurety bond of U klada. Phoa T. 108 McKsy oiog, LOCKSMITH. J. R. RICHARDSON, lockamltt and repairing, B8T Baraside. Psdft 1068. MAGNETIC HEALING. " NERVOUSNESS and functional troohle nasi, lively cared; eouanltstloa fre. L. H, Hart, 10 Seventh at. Mala 4I7S. " a MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY TO LOAN Oa Improved dry property or for battdtng pnrposes, for from 8 to 10 year' tlms. with privilege to repay all or part of loaa after two year. Loan approved from plena aad moaey advaaeed aa building prograaaia; aaertgages taken an end replaced. FRED B. STRONO. FtneneUl AgeaL ,242 Stark at, THB BTAH lAJAn t-.J. Any (alerted employe, 'rare-earner, gaa get en his aota, wlthoat Btortgage Month. Vt Month. Week aa $18 8 or td AS or $8.55 a $ 0 85 or is .88 or $1.05 8 4.00 or M-00 or $1.04 McKay blcg. ivi no Repay to aa xo.pu itepsy to 1 15.00 Repay to 210 CONFIDENTIAL tosn on sslarles, lneuraec policies, pianos, mrnnure, wbodihw. ' eelrts, etc.; eny deserving persoa mey secure liberal dvsnce, repaying by ay weekly or monthly Installments. , KEW ERA LOAN ft TRUST COMPANY, SOS Abingtoa bldg. - MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE And other apon their own same without renrlty; cheapeet rate, eeatost payments office in 53 principal-rltlee; aav yenraelf money bv getting our terma Brst. T0LMAN. 328 Abingtoa bldg., IOBts Third at. HRADQUARTERS FOR SALARY LOANS. Money can be borrowed oa av pavment plan, lowest rate; alrlctly confidential. CRESCENT LOAN CO.. 438 Mohawk bldg., cor. Tblrd and Morrtaoa. MONEY to loss on reol, personal snd rollsterel eevnty, pecisi attention to cnetvea swrr. gage; note bought. C. ,T Pallet. 804-B inwa u iti s-, av anil . BIOHLY reepectshl place where ladle en Jewelry. Cnltateral Loan Bank. 308 Waah lngtoa St. Phone Black TV. MONEY to loan on Clackamas county land. E. F. aad F. B. Riley. BOB Chamber mt Ooav LOWEST ratea,on furniture and piano. Eaet vru una vo., eve imviwi w,u. bvimv MONEY TO LOAN oa alt kind of aeewrlty. William Hoil, room , waamngioa aiag. SEVERAL thousand dollar to tosn st 8 par cent, city property; private, t o, eearnai. TO LOAN Sam to salt ee chattel eecmrlty. WILL toan $5,000 or lee on real eaters aecarlly at a per cent, , rarringtoa, ai cnamnor et Commerce. MACHINERY. FHR It. n. A MlCS ext.. -eeona-assd msshlners. eewmllaa, ete. B48 6 rand av. BIPPRI.Y ft MTERS.. maeblntere nX) ele. trlclar; electric elevatore, electrK-al machin ery and gasoline engleee a epeelslty., 834 Osn et. Phasa afaha IMQ BOAT nglne. gaenllne, Sheffield marine aay peed; beet made; right price: la eteekt ea exhibition; rnaalng 1 ealearonm. Call Fhrel and Stsrk st. Fairbanks. More ft Co. MONUMENTS. MEU ft KINOPLEY, 88 First St.. Portlaad leading marbl aad ralto wseka. F08TXABD, 0RIOO3f. - i.vt saw V.I Ola, J. T. BLRTt.'HAELL. Aeatetant Ma fee OKOROB W. HOYT.. ealatast Oeahie banking. Exehang er all part of tb world. a a nee n- .heetslt snoelal eertlBcste. of "ILLUSTRATIONS." Southeast mo Third PffvBtA lvarhanswah TaL H. U F'TTfrCi................ vFrldt J. O. OOLTBA Assistant LBecvet nl t4 Morrison Street, Portlaad, Oregea. a IgtereeK iw". Trustee rov a.siatee. . vce.e - P..,. a the World. ' U A. LEWIS. ........i..rirt Tl -PreelAesl B. O. JUBITe! ...e,. ,....WertorF ..Assistant Becretnrr Tim Dcpoatm. C. W. MILLER navPraaldaal asmiatanr Marturr Street. Phon' Mela 154. ' INVESTMENTS. and Railroad Bcmd. Writs c Csn. 340 Waahlngtoa Street, Comer Second. i - Ritat at Low eat Kale, Title laeared. An. Furnished. ' . Stock Brokers. (Eatabltabed 188$.) Cbsmb. of Com mere. Service. BEPERENCES Ledd ft Tlltea, Bk- Boom 3, d aad B La Faystts bldg.,' cor. , and Wub, Bts, portlaad. Oregoa. Blxtb DIVIDEND BANK AND ' COBrOBATIOrJ. STOCK l.C al.vaWOKTH Vle-Sre.l.lM, U, R tilt Oonalsten feWtaK, bxolata BaXaty. TELEPHONE A VXCLEO BAPB SECURITIES ' - MUSICAL. EMIL THIELHORN. papfl C StVCIK. vlohi tee Cher. Stadto 188 Sixth. Tel. Mai Bans MANDOLIN, guitar, bant lsseone. prof. B. A Smith, 354 13th at. Main 4703. OSTEOPATHS. DBS. ADIT ft NORTHRUP. 418-10-tT Dekaa bldg Third and Waablngtoa ate. . Pasm Main 848, Examlnatlona fra. , THB vary best lady osteopath ta towa. Dv la. a. ohneoa, halt 18. Belllag-Hareeh bids DB. P1ERCB, osteopath, vlbratloa and the a light. 81 Va Third at. Phon Pacific mt. . DRS. OTIS ft MABEL AKIN, 403-4 Macfea bldg. Phon Pacific 1880. : Re. tboEIlL PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER. BUTT.EB 88 Concord bid. I Man 18TS. PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS. F. a BEACH ft CO. The Pkmeev Pslnt Oct window -g lam aad . giaaug. laa rtrst t IBM. ERNEST MILLER ft CO.. Second aad Taylor. . Wsll paper, point, ail at aurkat nrleeei few delivery. PRINTING. THE MODERN PBINTEET Artlerl pels-ting 30 H near I bldg., r earth aad Marrkaaa, Pboat Pactfl 1538. ANDERSON ft DUNIWAY COMPANY, printing., lithographing, blank book. phoa Mala W, - BOB AUtor . r - WELCH. DATIS ft CABSON Printing teal pey the payer. Rooma 808 and 804 Stearns bldg.. Sixth and Morrison. Phone Mara 414T. PHOTOGRAPHS. CLOSTNts asle et Octal photograpble view et si position, souvenir postcards, view boob. etc., greatly reduced pries. Esposlttoa Store. 848 Morrises st. PLUMBERS. DONNBRBEBO ft RADEMACHRR, aaal plnmbsrs. Bt Faorth at. Both ghiaaa. FOX ft CO., sanitary prambera, 381 STona. bet. isia aaa asimoa. uragaa rsest msia suul. FINNIOAN BBOS. ft CO. SAB Third t. Phon Msln 3500. Plumber and Beotlag engineers. RUBBER STAMPS. P. C. STAMP WORKS, 98 Aids at,, phoa Mala Tio; rabner nampa. eeeie, aieaeiia. Dag gage, trd checke; nd for aatolega Wo. SB. ROOFING. V TIN ROOF1NO, guttering, marring and gaa seal . fobbing. J. Loall. IX Jeffenoa st SCALP TREATMENT. GRAY, falling hair, dandruff tree tad; a ha at nos ing, maalcuring, chiropody, tee work. Mr. B. FT Kyna, 186 U Foarth, ear. Merrteeev ' Room 83. Phone Ps16c 308. SCALP and fee msasags, manicuring: agent. for Dr. Chrlation' rrearD toilet article. 11-11 Grand theatre bldg. Mala $471. Uoara, B:30 to . STREET PAVING. WARREN Oooetrmctlon Oe, street pevtag, ' walk aad crossings. TIB Oregoalaa bldg. THB Barber Aephelt Pavtag O. of Portias. SIGN PAINTERS. BOLD SIONBt wlsdow lettertng, toh bun k wtsdow lettenng, toh bnnnava, lectrl Slxne and alga at all i anlckl. foeree ft Rleleor. Flftb it. Phoa BscBsag SB. , economics l i klnAs made led Everett. PHONR C. D. Johnsoa fog. roof pslatlag snd painty oost niscn psinv eww, , . W. P. BER0EB ft SON. 384 YamhIU gt. Sign ef sll kinds. Phono Pectne 33.13. j- SECOND-HAND . GOODS. SOODE'S Furslrnr Hee Hlgbeet ; net paid s.s Bias 8 ea. Peel fie SAFZ3. DIEROI.P SAf" Al.vft . i. Tbl'ffT Brtce e- 1 t e a I a fnc Hi""-. Job B. lr,s. A. - i. PORT! A0 ' p I V' r f I. J k . . I . ' ' i ' ' i.