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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1906)
THE OREGON. DAILY JOURNAL, PORTUVND. SATURDAY EVENING APRIL .23, 180fl. 12 riOWCASES AND FIXTURES. TODAY'S Portland Is Now Supplied With Sugar From the) East and Prices Unlike Those at Seattle Wili - Remain Until Changed by the Refinery WE CURE MEN FOR OWCAIBI of ry aerlnlon hank, bar , More Snare aiad orda. Ik Lata .Mfirtnr Ing Oa.. Jorl4. j(n TOWEL SUPPLY. ' l1 MARKETS, ,1 CI KAN TOWKL8 DiaJ-Owrt. break. . 1 aa moat. Peruana Laundry tad Tewel tepolv Co.. . t 4Jg' 410. TYPEWRJTEBS. KW rr newd tcre, all mac, reate n4 HMM Coeet Aicncr. S1 Stark. Tel. l4Wf. TELEPHONES. TH IT esclualv tolrpnon boa. -B.-a. glectrtc Telephea atansfectuxtng . paar. i nrta TRAN3FER AND HAULING. B&rni. ' Ndr alaana ana farattar tar eblpplng aad eblppedi II wad WtltMdi larva. g-auirr brick. flr-a-o( r- -Of W-J -! .at. waxenon " " 0. M. Otaea. Pans Mala MI.. TUB BAOOAOk OMNIBUI TKANMrBB CO.. ar. aiitb and Oak aU.i baggage cheeked tram kotel ar resides direct to deatlaaUaa; iiiaaeaainj therefor avoid ra and iar al aWpota. arlt lichee-. C. O. MCE. offle M Flrat at., between Stark ad Oak ats.. phone MM; planoa and ramttara mavad aad Dark ad for shipping; eoaswoloa ' brick warekone wltk aaxt rraat aad Clay ata. - ORICOON TBANSTM CO.. IM Bortt Burtb. fnaae Mala a, Heavy healing wad ataraa fOKT 8PCCIAL DELITBBT , M Weak to at. Pboa Mala ft. WIRE AND IRON WORKS. AST PORTLAND fBNCB WIBB WOBKS, 190 B. Water at. Pbon Eat 821. PERSONAL PROPERTY . TO MRS, HOLTGBIEVt The will of Henry Holtgrieve. who died TabruMsr 2. waa filed In the county court this morning-. By Its provisions, the widow, Kllsabeth R. Holtgrieve, Is allowed all the personal property, ex cepting monery, and a part of the" landed estates; Mrs. . Emma , Fltuerald, . a daughter, Ib given to acres I of tend; Mrs. Ocea A. BakiMV a, daafc-hter. East 'Portland property.- Mrs. Henrietta Mil-' ler, daughter, was not left an Interest In the estate, the father statin In the will that he had given this daughter a farm shortly before the will was drawn, Charles XL- Holtgrtera, a son, was given 27S acres of land, and another son. John a. was willed 7 19 acre. All other- property Is to be sold and the proceeds placed with the money left, the total to be divided equally among the widow and children. Mrs. Holt- pi'Kive Is ' named - as executrix and Charles HoltgTlevs executor or vne es taTe TiUued at about $1.000. Astonlsiied ta Woodshuek. . From .St. Nicholas. ' A woodchuck, recently . caught, . had jen brought Into the sitting-room, 7 where It had retreated tnto the Unused fireplace, glaring furiously at evtry ' one who . approached. '; and keeping Us mouth wide open, -except when, from time to time it would close It --with, a fearful snap, loudly grinding its teeth together In the way peculiar to wood . chucks. ' -;-; -' At this Inauspicious moments Napo- leon, a pet prairie dog. was brought Into tn room and set down upon the floor. As the woodchuck was three times the site of the prairie dog, Napo ' leon'a young mistress, was for snatch- ' ' lnc blm from those literal Jaws of - death, but the rest of the family saldi , "Xet them be. "W'e can Interfere In time.'" -- . This seemed by no means , certain when Napoleon, inspired by deep inter- t est, approached the woodchuck, which . forthwith opened its mouth to an even wider extent as If to bite the dog's .bead off.- . - t ' ' The undaunted Napoleon1 seemed to regard this' as, an unexpected oppor tunity to add to his knowledge, for be a. at once proceeded to examine the wood- chuck's wide open mouth, thrusting bis . whole musxle inside It, and then actual - ly putting out hlsIlttl pink tonprue and I sampling the roof of It. As for the woodchuck it seemed to be paralysed with amasement. It did not relax a K muscle, but sat Immovable, with mouth wide open, as it had done when Napo Jeon first approached. The' latter made a long and leisurely Inspecting, first Of the Inside and then of ' the . outside of - the - woodohuck's mouth, and at last trotted calmly away t again, leaving the poor nonplussed anlr . ' tnal sitting in the fireplace as before. . A woman has been at The Dalles tak ing subscriptions for a babies home In an eastern state. There la "nerve" for you) ... - ' - 1 t I ?t VfrX 1 ' JRustell Sage, the great money lender, who has quit the Iron Moun tain directorate as a preliminary nun . to closing . his busineas career.. SUGAR FAMl IS Ply Trainload of Supplies Rushed in , From the East Saves This ":. ; '' Territory. ,''';''-';;: WILL BE NO RISE V ; IN PRICES ASKED Dressed Hogs Not So FirrnProduc Is Getting, Lower Salmon. Very Scare While Shad Is Overplentiful Eggs Holding Very Steady. ' mat Straot. AprO The prtaelpal faa toraa of tba i'orUaad wboteaale markau today are: '; '. . .. No famine la raar MppHee. Dreaaad aosa not aa firm. -- thad prlraa .ara Vmrr. Halmoa auppUra ar ainafl. : Mtrlnc beana ar coming dowa. . ' ' ', - . Hteaiiy daftlae-la (reea peaa. Rollad oata aharply blfbar. '".- Haaa priraa asala adraacad. Export flour likely to- liaa. ,i ' Ills bar piira bid for kop. .' t.tK holdlns very I'otatoea and onlona eoatlnu foeo. , . , 1 V Taaitar fa tat Suppliaa. ' With Ute arrlral of th trainload ef ansar from tha aaat realerday tha fanla arjilck threatened thla market ha baan aeartad and all oealer ar Bow vendlnc dot anppUea to th fanuabed trade. Practically apeaktnc there baa baea only on day that Portland baa bo with out fairly liberal annpUe of aof ar that waa yeaterday. 1'roia thla tlm forth there wUl b plenty of aosar far -all pnrpoaaa. uoaf will arrlT by learner from - California early th euailus weak, while to ahlpaacnU will com from that direction by nil. In uy rat Portlaad ar price ar unchanged. ' . ' Draaaad Hot Vat S Tlrav Although tb altuatmn In dnaatfl hoc caant br mnalderrd weak, tn ton f the market la not ao.(ond as a day or ao as nd th larger arrival eana aoai ef th eommleakm men t bad their aaklna price, marlns th latt day or ao there, hare bean ennalderabl aappltea of poor crade-hoca om that webd twice nurk aa tker ahouk). twhll other ton aiaall for enod Mork trad. Today prtc for fancy Mock or parkins atock la sVe, altboogh Mow aales are mad either a fracUoa ap or down. ' - ' Whit extra heavy receipt ar etlll abowa In dreaaed val tha Froat a tree market jm la vary rood altap and prtcaa printed by Th Journal are folly maintained. . Salmea Su;liea Are - SnwaO. . ' Bnppliea la th ealtnon awrkat are very nll. The catch. In the Coroinbta river baa baea Vary dlaapuointlas, and thla ba malted In eom f th eannera pcylnf a fractional ad ran to ftl-a-mH im ortter-ao aecnr u nolle. Receipt of acid from th Colombia bare baea ao heavy of let that atock ar piling sp and fob to waat. rnr aropnra very euu denly today end look atlll lower. -, ' .' PeUto aad Onioal Con tin a Oaod. wn rkea la aa aattled eonditloa mllnc la tb potato market the trM I still wtllins U do bawlaea oa in preeani miins pneaw. uuni tocka are an nominal that dealer ar aaklnf a wtna ranre m nficea. . atria naan from th aoatK er bow salt plentiful and III prlc oa th atreat ha dropped o JOc a pooad. ttroen pea ar aira pivniniu I aaA atorka ar plllnf up ft with prim ateau U droDDinc. Moat r the eoppiie nauaur. in tended for the Man franclaco market are aow coming -in thl dlrectloa. , , . , Beana Skew Baauaal lupplia. There ar bat nominal ranplle la th baas market account ef tb California diaaetar, end moat of th hooees In tb Pacific nortti weat bar advanced tb prlc of small white to pc pound. -There hi, (merer, no oeeaalon at thl tlm of retting excited over th ben Itnatton. Price mar - poaalbly so trifle blxher within the next two -week, but after that thn there will h plenty of atock la from Michigan, and thla a be landed m nu city at toaaer price.--. ',,; ' '-e, ' Xxport noar Likely t Blae. While miller will not even ceealder fna advleablUty of advaaelnr the price on local brand of flour on account of tb Ban . It ctaco trouble, tbeu I atrtm- poeelhlllty that export, brand will be dvnced about io a barrel durln th next week or ao. Tb wheat market I rather qtilet with miller ratliev asxlou to do boalne aroand tb preaent kvel . . . Boiled oat I aharply ulrher oad eeouht of the recent adrance la tb oat market. Today eeptern brand ar quoted BOe barrel ktgnor. while locl oat are use a barrel up. ( , Errs Held Tary Steady. - - RecclpU of ff ar quit fair today, but ,k i nUatff at damand. Tha heavy - eold torar opera t tone and the determined call from th north and aoeis la aeapms u marn in s t - 'U ''elV JOURNAL'S DAILY TIPS ON MARKETS By- Everdlng FarrelL d , : poultl"'-Ireoelpta have been , very small this week, and were d - It not for the tastern f rosen d goods' In this market the people would have to eat something : other than ciucxen.- to marsei y d quotes good hens, at 16o, old d rooaters at lie and mixed chick- ens at lie. BroUers nd fryers d are In demand at about Sfio per a umiimI Kut k mnrm and lend nont lhat""are letfilhafi-onr-pound "in : e weight the very sniau ones axe w not wanted at alL There Is a d ' fine demsnd for young chickens . of from 16 to 14 pounds to the dosen. Ueese are fair sellers at 10c; ducks are still in the best sort of demand at lTo; good nen e turkeys are in fine demand at Vlo ,lve- na fat. dressed hens f3wlll sell at'Ztc 'Squab plgeona e are firm at S3, and old ones will e also sell well. . we iook ror a y d good demand for hens ana targe -springs this coming week, 1 This market wUl want a very great amount of poultry mis seasoni m d and we hope that the producers will not forget this, and will turn out lots of this article. d : . " - ' 3 very 'rood abapa, ad th renaral trad Is of tb opinion that price . will sot peaalbly go lower than at praaent. ' Houltre amvaai ar or s mere aominai rate actr with aome dealer aaklng aa advance . ovur preaent value. Th creamery outier maraer m in very roou ahap. Tb - aupplle are atlll under th de mand. It I reported that nmCllfornla but ter will crane In thla direction td b placed m torace. ' bewvwy little. If ay, will go hitii the ope market. That i at leaat prcaant proepecU. . , " - Country nor nutter M coming quit iat to market wlt$ no outlet at- preaent. ' It la Cjulla likely tha rtb local trad will' be able I kandl oot of It la cold atorag at a decline. Righar ZrToa Bit for &opa.---v ' Tber I plenty of demand- for bop at tb t, not raw holding ar Ming orrereil. bid war received tpday from tb eat t higher value, but thatholder do not seeia la th mood to let gor until tb price redie round lSVte. bloat J1 graria look alia to purrhaere today, Th trade Vex fh fnllowlng price tn Front tree. - Price paid producer are lea regular commiMton: t wrala. fleer an rad ' ' WHBAT CliiS. TOc; reIUaala ; blM tem. TOc: Tller, otic.. BABLET reed, gSJOt -rolled. (34.80) rw. teg. 128 60 CORN Whole. tST.OO; eraexed. 38.o pat BTB 1168 per ewfT 0AT8 Producer' price Jt a. 1 wait. 83B.M: gTay, IJT.OO. rLOUR New aaat era Orex-oa patent. $0fQ (.!; etraixhta. : .0O80j export, -' 10; valley. I.56: graham, Ua, (3.50; whole wheat, 13.71: rre. AOa. tn.OO; bale. I2.TR. MILUTtFraBraa, llf.oO per ton; .ml dllnr. g2S.OO: ahort. ' coua'xy, 120.00; city, 119 Mr chop, 1100. HAT Producer' price Timothy. Willamette valley, fancy, ll0.00al2.O0; ordinary, 7,ot) 00; eaatera Oregon. . 114 00O15.00; mixed, t MC 00; clover. g8.ooQt.00: grala. t.aOi I.O0: dwat, $s.00. . - , ' Butter, Zggs aad Tesltry. -' r 1 BintL WA.T-. ... . a. Portlaad. iwaat cream. lHc; aour, lHc. - v HUTTIR 1ty creamery, 10c; outalde faacy. 90c; tor. leic. f C,r,H "o. I freah Oregon, readied. ITc. CHERBB Mw rati cream. lata. Ifte, Young America, 1; Cheddar, 15c; California flata.-ISHc. OtLTBY Mixed ehlekena, J4U per Ih. fancy hana, 16c lb; rooater. eld, 11 per lb atag. , lie per lb; rrey. soc per lb; broiler. Sn. per lb; duck, loe jflTe per lb; seeee. 11c per lb; turkey" ldquo per lb; dreeaed, lie Pr Ih; iab. 2.TSOS.OO r dos; pUeon. tt.00 par do. , Bap. WON Si HOPS Contract. ttOS 1DOK Orecon. BV-Allc. crop. ;o pa Bt WOOb ISO clip .Valley, eoara to medluax, 3gt2oe; flna, 3n; aatem Oregon. 20ax. MOHAIR New, SO0SOe, iHKKI'KKlNB Shea rl eg. IS ft 10c rtrb: abort Wat A, aO40e acb; medium wool, aaajTB each; long wool. TBrQIl.OO each.. TAIXOW Prla. pa la, IHOl Me. t and greaae. Il(ia CHlTTIaf BARK Se per lb. HIDES Drr, N. 1. 1 ma. n ap. 1H ITV,e par lb; drr kip. N. 1. S t lb lb. le dry calf. Na. J, under lb, lac; ealted kid, eteer. eouad, to lb nd over. 10011c: cows, KHUUSc; ataga and bull, euund. OJe; hie. Jo to SO lb. Sei calf, oaad. wnder 16 lb, lie; Rreeo. unaalted. le le: cull le per U lean; oraehlde. Mlted. each. 1 2A01.7h: dry. each. Il.ooai.60; colt hlae. 2tA0c; geacektn. eommoa, each, 10OUl '-sgora. . aaca 64I - J .... . . - nwa earn vagvua!. POTATOEB Bast sorted, SI per Back) pro ducer' prlc for car lota, go, per ewtt ordi nary, stjc: producer' prlc. so7ac; tatoe. 8&6e per lb. ONION Jobbing prlc Oregon, No. 1, 13.60 1.00; prodncen' price. No. 1, 92.00; fie. a, 1; garlic, NuiOo per lb: .onion ta, 7. FRBKH rRlirra Apple. I2 0"JS: orangaa, fancy navel. t.f-, eelllng. 12.75; Mediterran ean, Se.2n4t3.60; bananaa, Ac per Ih; lemons choice, (3.0O per box; fancy, $4.004.26 pur box; llmea, Mexican. - per Hal; tangennee, 11. 2S: nlneaoolea. Mexican. g4..: H nwa liaa. t.00; California atrawberriea, 61.002.00 paf ert. VEOETA PI.Fa Turnle. new. T6e per neck arret. On a 75c erk: beeta. POcall.M pet 11 for- rk; Oregon radlirti, SOe dox; cabbage. Call. nla, 3."0 per cut: green peppera. ( ) per IT: taiirornia lumatue, g2.73ajj.oit; pt ra ni p. B0cl 00; airing bean. l.V; caa llllower, 62.23 pr crala, green pea, re per lb: horeeradlrh. 67e per Hi; rtlchoke. Hr"M.00 per do; bothouae lettuc. $1.6oitf0 box; celery. 2.V doaen; aprouta. Sc per lb: eranherrtee, Jeraey. 114 Of per bbl; Coo bay end Tillamook. Ho. 00; eanaea. gna, California. He per lb; Oregon, 60 75c per sob bunch; Wall Walla. 61.26 per box; qua. Hue; ip;nach. 75cjl.O0 per box; green onlona. Ores on, 15Hc doaen bunchee; California cucumber. 617U2.00 doen DRIED rt:iT-Appla, vaorae4. 11 lnc lb; aprlcola. I3Q1KC per lb; peache. inu-y IS per lh: aacka. Wo par lb le: nruaea. SO t,i 40, JV..e: He drop en each eixteenlh mi!-r at: fig. California Mica. SQ7e per lb; California while, per lh: date, guide. Be per Ibl ferda. 61.SS per 16-lb hex. Oteearl, Huts. . Eta. . ' BTTGAIt Sack bnate Ctibe. 6708; powdered. 66.PO; frnlt granulated, 664): dry grauiafeL 66.SO; conf. A, 6S.K0: beet granulated. gS.on; extra C 66.SO; golden 0. 6.-J.2": 0 yellow, 6,1.10; bbla. 10c; l l.bla. Iftci arxes, 60 ad vaace on Back baata. leaa S5e per cwl for eaah. 16 dare; mania, l4M6e per lb (Above prices auiir tn anle ef lee tha ear inn. car H lots at pecUl prloa ebet t Suctuatlnna.1 HONEY gft 60 per erata. COrrEK Package brand S M. ' SALT four" Halt gronnav Hae. IT.OO net Inn; table, dairy. B0. Sll.'ttj too.. tio.Tr.; Im ported Liverpool. - 60. g'T.OO; 100.. gig HOJ 124. Iis no; extra Cm. bbla. IX ft. IPa. 64.oOQ 6 50; h.ilr nao ba. 4.0u6.OO; aacka, 50. SoiaAuc; Uvrroool li'iti erv. 111. 6 ptf ton; 60-Th rk iron. lone. S.TB. . ORAIN BAGS CaW-utte. tHe IHCB Imperial Japan. No. t. set If, t, 136e; New tirlecn bad. Ten AJax, 6e; Creole. 614c. BEANS Smell white. 64. 6ft! large white. 64 0; pink. 63.00; bayou, is.fX); Lima. 60-00; Mexican rede. 4e. HTTS Peaoula, jumhne. Sc per !J Ylrgial. SMe.e rer roaated. SOgH per lh; enenaant. Wlfltxw per do; walnut. InQlgU pee h; ptnuot. tomiHt per Ih: hickory note, 0c per Ih: ckcatnuu, eastern. I60l0e per lb: Braatl aata. 14c Per Ih: filbert. 14116 per lb; fancy paeans. 16HOiaVe; almond. Mli 16H. Mats. Seal Oil, ft. . BOPS Par Manila, 144e etandard. 16Hci sleel. lie. COAL OIL Pearl or Aatnt Ckaas, IhHe per gal: water white, won lihm, I4e per l; aoodan, 17e ear gal; headlight. 170-deg. caae. 0ASf V--deaT, eaaas MH sr gal, area Sbi ISe per sal. . BENflNB -in if, easag BSe per gal, . Iroa Bbl per gal. TfRPErtTINIt I eeaee WV" nee tal. wood. a No ptll is AS pleasant and positive sg DeWttt's Little Early Risers. : - these famous little pills are so nfild and ef fective that children, delicate ladle and week people enjoy their cleansing sf feet, while strong people kay they are the best liver pilia sold. Never grips. A SHARP REACTION The Wheat Market Suddenly Changes Form' After a Ma ,. terially Lower Opening;, SEPTEMBER OPTION HAS THE LARGEST CAIN May. and July Each Close at Seventy- Nine and Five Eighths With a Net Gain of Three Quarters Cent Corn a Trifle Off. ' . : RELATIVE WHEAT YALl'F.g. . ( loa L'ha Chia. " Gals Bat...... . ri. nam. 8a t. Way f .7H ' .7U t .cxH July .7l .79 .8.H . SepMmber ... ' .7h . .TIH' .... ' .W'A Cblrago. April 29. Th wheat market opened off 'rather aharply thla nva-nlng. due to the neariah report a received overnight froui . tb growlns ctflo. ller In th day th near cam more bulllah and on thla account tber waa a aharp reaction In tha rlc. The larg.-at gain today waa made by Hepteniber. which cloaed Tac higher than yeaterday. May " and July cloaed at 7ic with art gala for rack o e . alure yeatcnlay. In the roarae aralii there waa but little doing. May corn cloard about c lojver. while inn May oiitimi in imm oata ana nie pura doeed at prerloua Agurex. Hroomball a weekly crop summary . taya; "lolled Kingdom.. Franc, Germany anil Ilnugary flenenHal taliui have fallen," othnt vrta tb aituatkm I unchanged. - Itoiimaula There ar moderate romplaiiit wllh regard to drouth. Kiiaala Rain are wanted, but crone are ao far In exin-llent conillilon; ar- rlvaia ar. moderate. Bnaln and North Africa-. Th altuatlun m favorable. Italy lbn outlook for tbe crop la fair." Tha following via received from Mlnneapolta: "On ef rur nawapaper. the kllnoeapolla Jour nal, of laat evenlng'a date haa a column de voted to ronditlona aa to. rervala for 1IMMI In the, Red Hirer valley. It ronlalna Item from Fargo. Ilakitead. Wahpeton. Brerkenrldge; Btephea. Crookaton nd Ortunrllle. The glat of the comment la that aeedlng I backward and lhat lh-re will b eonsiderabie - derreae In wheat acreage and ejull an Inrreaa In the arceage of durum, roar gralna and Aax.V Ofg.-lal ejuotatlona by. Uverbeckl Btarr a Cook eompany : ., i' . .. atlKAT, Open. High. .7HH I .7i tw. Ooe. TO .T7 , .78 May. July....... ,T'4 .77 Is T4 . . 'c A CORN. . .At- 0A1TL. Sept. , - May My; .82 WESTON CROP LOOKS ' IN HEALTHY SHAPE . Weatoa, Or., April 28. Th wheat crop la la excellent condition lu thla aectkai. Chart Hamilton- haa f inlahed reeeeillng 4 HO acre of wheat oa th rwaerratloB at tb head of Thorn hollow. Th failure of th wed to germinate waa aeerlbed t formaldehyde. Han C. Kirk wa compelled to mow a email acreage In tb am locality. H has 800 acre La wheat that promlacs welL 1,400,800 SHARES SOLD IH SHORT SESSION Everyone Seems to Be Selling Stock Market Prices Lose " V Early in Day. nsrr LosoBfl. . .. . ,r 1 1 Li. B. Btftet, ffd... ... HiLouiavlll ... ;Miaouri Pacta... ... 1 Locomotive ... 1 (lotton Oil ... Vt Central Leather .. .. 8 'Pennsylvania ..... .. Rork laland. ...... ... lVjiI.ulon pacific. ...... . Amalgamated .. Atchiaoa , Bugar Canadian Bt. Paul Krla Reading ....... Southern Pacta li. 8. Bteel ; Th atock market continued to be heavily old today. Th lllng wa not eon dried en tirely tn tb tiwurauce company, but frr-1 every part of tbe world ram the order j Jet out from under. For thla reaaon the aal.-a or tb day reached up arouod'th record maris, with 1.400.800 Bbarea traded In during tn abort, aeaalnn. The bank ataremrnt wee not nn to general expectation and tbe California diaaater eontlnue t crowd the market lowev. Otnclal . quotation by Overbeck, Starr A CoonCj, company: 3 DKSCRIPTlOlt. i : ;1 AmiL Oopper Co 1'1 Atclilaon, com ..I 8H Attr: Sugar, com 'Iflo'K Brooklyn Rapid Tranalt.l 78 loa i1imiiiiih m i w, .to iv.'.n i:ii TilTil 72 T4 rantdlan racltlc com I.Vfil.SH 1167 (hi., Mil. St. I'aol... Che raka a (iblo...... t'olo. 'uel A Iron, com.. Krle. ' com lonUvllle A Neehvitle,. allaaourl Tgclnc ,. t'entral Lelbar. Woolen Cotton Oil ." locomotive Norfolk Weatern. com, N. V.. it. Went.... rennarlvnle Uy I. O.. L, 4t c. r.o Heading, com hock lalanil, coal Sootnern- Taciflc ......... 1 nice HarlAr, com t'. 8. steel f'o com... do Drefrrc, 104 itu uoaW ua 4rii'47i'4oii,l 4." f 41 V, I W-1 l HI 12 1141' HI KM l, 41 ur,'i IMVii ov vo4 40 Sit' l.1ft'i 4T-v,'n, t;i o)i2 iiiijKiii l.loH iiatfciiani ii4',i :g,m t 1 4T4 V4I 2' 14. I14H 144(4 ieiSI ss 1l34!l0ftS1041i HXa 144S a'i KlA rental salea for ditF.reaJ.iWO abare" t - " - .r ,- r. z bbl par gal ' WHITS LKAD Ton kit. 1t per lb; S00-tt) lota. Sc iter lh; Icat lots, (He per lh. WIRB NAIt.S l-reaest aat at IS.M. ' UKBEEn OIL Pure raw. In ft-nhl lots, Mc; 1 -hht lot, Ric; caae. , per gal; penaln kettla tmtled. raae, BOc per gait 5-i!ii Inn, Mc; 1-hN lot, tH per gal; ground cake, car lota. 130.00 pr too; lea than car lot. fM.on per ton. Meat, riah sag mlalaa, rHERIl atKATS Kviat atreai nVief ateera, 4-tt.V per lb: ooe a, 8 'a 4c per lb; bon, fancr. Owe-, rillnary, a,-; poor. 7 per lb; bulla, S3le per lb; veal, extra, T'dTH Per lb; ordlnarv. gc per ib; poor, tso per lb; mat ton. fancr,', M' per In; lamhs. BiAlOc. UAM8. BACON, aTC.-I'ertlaml part (local) name, 10 to 14 Hah I4H pee Ib; 14 to Itt Ibe. 14o per lb: breaklaat bacon, lUtlBc per Ihi picnic. 10',e per- ib) cotter, K'Ue per b; regnlar abort clear. - aoamoieil, i09 vcr lb; moked, ll4 per lb; clear feacka. nnamokea, 10i per lh; amokeg. ll"c per Ib; Criloa bntta, 10 r IS lbs. unamoked. Be per Ib: amoked, 0 per lb) clear kelllee, sasmokag, us p,r Bs imoked. U per lb; ahoalder. 10,c per Ihi . UK Al t,ARtv Kettle leaf, In. IV prr lb: 6. l4e per lh; 60 Ib tin, 12Se per b; ateam remlereg. - 10a. Itr per lb; 6, 12 (4 c per Ib: eoirnonnil, 10. Hr. CANKKO BALUnM-OciluniMa Hear, l ib taha, tl.go; g-lh talla, (2.75: tun. r. Mb get, fl.nj; U-lh fanrv Bats. $1,111, tiocf Mb aval, T5: Alaaka talla. nlak. gAtgOwc; rea. gl.BO; MmlsaJ B tall, $2.06. rilH Bock cod. T Bar lb; aVmnilcrs, per Ib; kallnnt, 5e per lb: eratoe. gl.M per goal tripes' baea, ,120, par lt: catlltb, Te per Ib) almna, CoinmMa river 'cblneok, 9c per lb; ateeibead, 7c per lb; bcrrtug, fto per lb; aol a per Ib; ahrlmpa, tfl per lb) perch, Re per lb; black cod, 7c rer ib; tnmced, 7e pee lb; liver amelt, 7 per Ib; to bat era. 1A per lb) freab mackerel, tc per Ib; erawflak. per Vw: abail, 4c per Ib; atnrseon, Io per Ib. 0I8Tr.B -loelwater ba. per . gal. IXaBi per aack, as.7. CLAi-li.rnkell. kes,. IS.00I rsat Claaaa, 2,M p, gg. ' HOGS raiiiG STROHG TOHE With Very Few Arrivals During , the Past Few Days Prices Held-at Top. ';. ; ..: l. CATTLE PROSPECTS NOT QUITE SO GOOD Trade Is ' More. UnwjSHngto Buy Around Present FiguresSheep Arrivals Not Yet Liberal but Trade - Is Speculating on Heavy Movement Partland l ulo loekyarda, April XS -Uve- atocx receipt: BcW Cattle. Sheen. Tojlay .................... .,. 50 .. .., cx ago................. ... .... ... Mouth ago.................. 118 210 - IM Year ago........ ....a,..j IM 1,000 While th 'bos market I retilnln it full strength th general, lone of the llveatock aiar- ket . la .not - gutte ao good, Toilay auotner day paaatd without th- arrival sf a aingl bead uf nogB, ana ior,tnee in cu-maau le growing , mronker. . ' 1 latll reeling I weaker wltk receipts better than demand, even with tbe preaent email arr I ral.. The prlc waa maintained at yeatev day't flgurea,' bnt the futur of the market doe not look ro encouraging. niie -no arnvaia are mown, in tn elieei) market today., th feeling 1 not null ao gorf. Rcporta from the interior tndlcata much heavleff altlpment In title direction In tb near future. Veal Calve are hard ,lo aell now. Today M iwv, rill, -to. ) .. VI Official llv.eetnck prtr: NJ iiiva -neat . eaaiern irrexnu, ei.zoaa l..w; hkx-kera ami China. fats, 6-i; gtocker and feeders. , 14.00. . Cattle Beef tastern Oregon Bleep. 1.7."l 3. l; bt row, and helfara, 63.7u4.00; llxht and biedlum ateera, 6-17.1a I M); light owe. t2.7njil.O0; atorkera and feedsn, ti.iO; bulla. $J.00. . Rheep Wether, ftcr -lamb, 6Ql4e; mixed sheen. 5Vc; eheered sheep. 4'. - Calve Good veal. 100 to 2iJ poanda, 4Vci rough and heavy. 4c. . ' MEW TOM BAHK STATIMXKT. , New Tork. April Xte - 0'- - Reeerv. Reeerve. le V. fl Iepntt Ina .i. Aperi Legal-...,.. -Bank statement: Inere. .......... .6 - i4.nQ S.I'JO.SVS , 11 2IH.7O0 Si. 781. MB) S.IB.)M ' ' 1.2-J4.7O0 Circulation 42.IM) rOBTkaXS BABK BTATZMZBT, Clearing Balance ,-.l44T.!7.00 H .. o.64T.(4 Mw Tork Cotton Market. New York, April 88. Cotton cloalag: Jolr 0.H9, liar 11.0a, -Ucoember 10.40. , , ( .. "i " ' ' ' afaaraa Tery alarlr. , - From the Bt. louls aioDe-Demoerat. A good many years ago now ayraall, ; bsre-lcgged boy set out from bis home. In Portsmouth, New' Hampshire, for an afternoon's spoil with - a gun. lis. rambled along;, aa ttie boys will, with 1 his eyes wide open for everything; that I came under them, aa well as for - the ! tnal that was the special object of his : expedition, and he had not s;one far When ! he saw a ohalae approaching, driven by the governor of the state: ' The gover nor was a very popular anil; dlstln guishud man. who . was being talked of for the presidency, and we should not have likid the a mull boy If be had not been a little overawed by finding; hint' eclf alone in the presence of so augunt a personage. He was equal to the oc cssion, i however, and ss ths chaise reached blm,- he stood asids to let it pass and (rarely presented arm. The governor at ones pulled up Uts (home. : and looked with amusement a thil little fellow standing there as serious (ss a sentry, with his gun held rigidly bVfore 1 him. HWhnt Is your name?" ssld the ' governor. "Thomas BaJley Aldrfch," re- i piled the boy, with a military salute. lie was Invited Into tho chaise, and ' though he lost his shooting, whst was ! that In comparison with the distinction of riding Into Portsmouth town with Governor Woodbury? This waa many ; years ago, and since' then Mr. Aldrlch ' hss "earned a plsce arreurTg the foremost or American auinors. - . 4- a. What Bad Writing- Cost sTapoleon. Frora Le Crl 'de Paris. The nose of Cleopatra had a marked Influence nn the destinies of the ancient world. The handwriting of Napoleon I, we are assured by recent hlstorlonnj had taken the trouble to do ao. his de had a similar effect upon the evolution'' soendants would reign today In France of the modern world. He did not write he scrawled. By reason of this, among other causes, he lost Waterloo. Grouchy could not read with exactness his decisive- tncrsage. Was it "batallla en gages" (battle Is on), or "batallle gag- nee" (battle is won) 7 t Luatii 1 won; . Grouchy chose the latter significance and, not believing It necessary to nressf i01..iUK.,.r . numutn .,llM travel all the" way arounu in the curL 6f a letter, a pen atrbke, or ti , worid. atonnlng at the big cltls snd Ul gible swell to an This question, was brought forward by the writing msster of the elder Du ma, v ' ' "Remember, Alexandre," the master said to him, th. great, defeat of the emperor was due only to bis scrawling hsnd. If you wish to. succeed In the Duke, of Marlborough, Who Hopca '' "o Ba Viceroy of Ireland. , SI 1 ' - V. Ih a, 'V'''..-:; g $HAvi-i Kt Id,. : afe: ? (''. '(A VI, - wSf - Mourg 9 to , ,w sunaayr 9 w E ARE SPECIALISTS FOR Diseases and Weaknesses of MEN, and MEN pNLY. We know just what we-can-do,-and we have such firm confidence in our NEW METHODS and T RE ATMENT that we are willing to cure our patients under an absolute Guarantee of NOT A DOLLAR Unless Cured, e Mean This Most Emphatically. . It Is For You For Everybody ' l nT VITAIITY RESTORED SPECIAL DISEASES (Recently 2 VARICOCELE (Without an operation) lu io ju days BLOOD POISON (No Mercury or Potash) JO to 90 days KIDNEY and BLADDER IROUBLf.C5;' ) 15 to 40 days o ( Established 25 Years In Portland We make no rharifo for a friendly talk or cnfrospondcrU!). Come tn tts In te itrlcts"conllden n exclu.U-ely Ireatln; speoial diseases of man fnr Nolhlng soietics can devine or money enn buy la Inching; In m " offiTmument . "fa will use yon honestly. tr:t y.m .klllfitllr snd re lion ? you to hlHlfh in tha sl.orte.t time with the least discomfort i,..d ss pense. If ou cannot call, write for symptom blsnks. , . COBIf ZB, BZOOBTD AP TAUBXH As Certain as Nipt , Follows Day ; ' there ts s fixed'pnniflty for the violation of any law -of - nature. The punlahment,' which aurely rotnes sooner or ..later, may be either sickness, pain, decay or deth. If you are Buffering, It la certain that you have, knowing ly, or unknowingly, transgressed. Your dlif ooncern, of courae-ia how to get well, not bow you got sick. . We are restoring sick; mew' to sound health every, dny.-.' As spe cialists we treat and cure all chronic,' blood, nervous. Mn and suecliil tll.teBKes . or . men: num fn,m tha mint aerlou surctoal stomnrn. nenri. nvor. trantf, lIX- . r-.j r -i bladder sn throat troiUiles. Our fe1 f .1 . jr i fef doctors are graduates of the lead- 153 f 'i- i .iK3s Ing medical colleRes of America .-.?4 Cg5S? '22? and Ktirop. In surgery i po !t' -' "- sens the highest skill and we pr- " iJ opcratlons successfully. Any per- . .'r,!f . . ... - . son tuklng treatment -with us may deposit the price of a cure in any bunk In . Portland, to be paid to us when a cur Is effected. If the pa tient prefers we.wiil take weekly or monthly Installments.. . -. ... We Guarantee aCarc in Every Case We Undertake or Charge Ko Fee " Consultation free. letters conlldenllul. Instruptlre' book for men mailed free In plnln wrapper. If you ennnov call at olflce, write lor question blank. Homs trsatment successfuL . J Offlcs hours: a. m. to S p. m.: Sundays and holidays, 1 a. m. to t. - K Dr. W. Norton Dvis cS: Co. , Offices In Van Noy Hotel 5214 Third Street, 'Cor, Pine, Portland, Oregon world be careful of your heavy- and your light atrokea." 80 If Napoleon hd wnn.n hnw to write legibly or If he and we sliouia not nave nuu un in public. It appears historically estab lished today that Dumas' writing mus ter was right. And oa such slight things rests thefste af empires. -,. - lCAflalaJk Sag mjy. H t.- at i.uii ninha-Democrat. juggler, sword-swallowers and migl- usually paying their respects to the rulers of the regions visited. Thus It wss that a magician, well known In London and New York, found hlmeelf, once updn a time, In the presence of the king of the Maoris. Turn to a map of the great South seas, put a finger on New Zealand and yon ' will have Indl cated the country of the Maori. Well, after some parleying. It wss decided that bis dusky highness himself should conceal an article which the magician should discover. The mind-reader left the room, and after a while was brought back blindfoIdd. He cogitated for a moment, and then exclaimed that th hidden article was In the king's mouth. His majesty shook his, head savagely. The '.'professor' Insist M that the' -article was there, and finally demanded that the royal mouth should .be opened wide. The king refused. tTlj "professor" was firm. Great wss the excitement among the Maorles 1.ho crowded ground. By and by the king's mouth wa slowly and reluctantly opened. The ios artlrile a button was not there! - The next In stant, however, the king began to eough. He coughed up the button which- he hsd tried -to swallow. The Maoris were up roarious with mirth. -They didn't know which to admire the more the wisdom of the magician or the hcrolnm of the king. - - ' TUh Xnow Colors, Troni'the Philadelphia Bui Ut tin. - Vlsh know colors.' said on ef the biologists of the University of Pennsyl vania. "They can distinguish between red and blue, or white, and green, as well as you and I." '''-"'" "So you say," said a skeptloal lawyer. "It Is the truth." ". "Bo you say," the lawyer repeated. , Til prove It," cried the biologist, and he led the way to his huge aquarium. In this aquarium wera some red and gome yellow and soma green fish, and in it were artificial grottoes painted respectively red and yellow and green. Ths biologist rolled the water with his hand am) the fish fled, the red ones ta the red grotto, tha yellow ones to tha S 7 to 8:30 to 1 a fAccortJInt 'H age) 14 to 60 days contracted) 4 days v - -'- BTgT. 0TLA1. OKXOOS. v . "-h? ' - Scoffs Sanlal-Pepsm capsules. A POSITIVE CURE For Inflammation or Catarrh of th Vlari(tT end IMeeaaed li ney. HQ otrgg go rar. Cnrea qnlrkly permanently tb ortt raaca of BeaarrMa and tet. a atur of bow long (tending. Abalatl b arm leu. Bold by dmggieU. . Prlc 11 re. or by Biall, Boat paid, i M. k boxaa. a,7. -THE SANTAL-PEPSIN CO. Blla4aaUln, ( aalaed. Olarka Evory Woman auuerato ana anooia xnw snont tti onarrni MARVEL Whirling Spray I Tb near Taainl )ilaa. Jnjtt tie. He Bat- ait rear raM Me M. If he cannot ant nlr th BS A ft VKL. aouent nn Mher, Imt tend alamo for (llnairared book -eW. ft full iiartimuu-a and iirectinna in- . Valuable to lalea. St A V T. ., t a Ban ,T. aata iiIbk. a. 0. gKIDMOBE 4 CO., 151 THUD STIXXT, . AMD W00OABO, CIAAJaX OO, frmm eHJy.liCTSa'w'CelOUrH IV a- ( Hlt'l- VVriiVla Hl niJ tield enaallM aaaea. M -'t'1 "' aiaerlal. TaAeeeatkee. Kerea ,1 aaireaa SaaUIUaaM aad la.ll-a- fir tm. u t , lirunfl a, m4 4c. la ifM TC 1 n 11,11 1 .'. V rm taaiee a,, P-.-Unalara. Tel TeetlaBeaiala u, mtmHmt a,-1 JIm." i uum. ar b, mil. 1, 'Bat iMtteaan. S-14 k an braail"., f:hle:ivatet ka,lel 0a ...... . h-.. ,s 1-MlT V. PA. yellow grotto - and the green . oneg to " the green grotto. '.'They know which color shields them from observation bast," said the blolo- , gist. "Now, I'll change the grottoes, so as to prove ray statement a second time." - He moved; the grottoes to different places In the aquarium and again roiled the water. The same thing followed as before. Each fish darted like a shot to the grotto of its own color, where It knew It would ba best concealed. - " 'The railroad company has been boring . for water at Mlkalo on the Condon, branch and a 'few days ago-the drill struck, what appears to be an. under ground stream of water at a depth of til feet. They put In a pump and with three hours of steady , pumping Ilia water wag not lowered. , ; vW nr. x .v.t-A r " Bw aC JT- urm Vet a i kg aV vr o 1 t sj VKr Mt-Mmi I onvanleat, SeXaaaaaak ItHiaaeit lalltallf.