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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1906)
THIS OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENING. APRIL 3. 1SC3. Tiiriit n i Turn nnl TO PITCH TRANSPORTATION. TRANSPORTATION. UIHIY MllltK Ull PENN FIELD BE NOME ROUTE S. 1 SENATOR June I . Seonre Tlokewi Vow GIL1E CLUB : DEOEFIT IS BIG SUCCESS TTiree Hundred Doilars - Raised for Sufferers by rVlultnomah" Club Entertainment, CUTLER OPENING Relay Races .at University of y Pennsylvania Attract the " Country's Athletes, t ; FOUR-MILE RELAY WILL BE THE CHIEF EVENT Great . Interest ,! Centered in the High Jump in Which Several Stare ' Will Conteat for Honored-Carlisle la Represented. .; (Jooreal Special Serrice.) , Field, the great athletlo campus of the University of Pennsylvania, -will be the - acene of one of the greatest and moat ' Interesting; human apeed conteat ever ' held In, this country. ' It U the day of .- the twelfth annual relay racea of the 'J University of Pennsylvania, which haa , acoree of colleges and minor aohoole from all parte of the country to thia city. Fuly 1,200 athleter will take part in the relay reset, more than, have been entered tor ' the OlyraplO' . games. -The -- . - ,.... 1.11 .1,1. - . nrxin sharp and there are so many events on the program that It la doubt- - f ul whether it wUl be possible to finish ail of them by o'olock. " - ' " It la eattmated that more than j.00.008 ; people are assembled on and around Franklin Field and on the stands eur- " rounding the field. Today's reoea are thjk wal AruiTiltiB? nf 4k. mHiIaHi Ap nearly all the colleges,-unlvrsitles.sjiri minor schools of the east and west. The list of athletes entered for the va rious events of thia afternoon includes representatives of nearly alt the large educational - Institutions east of" the ' Mississippi and aome from beyond. Although every event on the program will have Its followers, there are three events which lead all others in- import" anee. -These are the ona-knliel'lha tiro. mile end the four-mile relay races for the intercollegiate - championship "of . America These three eventa will be run off in the last hour of the after noon. It is In these racee principally that the eest and the west will battle for supremacy. v " . . Eastern;5 athletee have been nettled or jwi ocaaie ine, western cracaa have defeated them so consistently, es pecially." tn the four-mile race. For three years in succession the University of Michigan has Carried off the cham pionship la . the four-mile event. Not once has en eastern teem been' able to conquer the athletee from the wolver ine eiaie. v xsje haa tried. M for three years, and the- ast two years reserved nw strongest runners ror me express purpose ot oownmg the Michigan men. but aU to no avail.' Thia year Michigan haa again sent a fine net of runners and it la considered extremely doubtful Whethor t ri uit.Mi AhlAAi II Km ku - to defeat the Wolverines any easier I year man in former years. All- the big eastern universities have entered teama for at' least two of .the reiay events. Harvard will compete In the- one-mile and the-two mil eventa Tale In the two-rolls and the four-mile T"tl r Tin m A, , ... ,k. , 1 a two-mile eventa- Princeton' and Cor nell, wll compete In the two and four miie events, while Syracuse, Oeorge .own, uoiumoia and afer other col- .eges -wui do represented in only one rac. each. For the flret time tn the history of the University of Maine that Institution, will be represented by a re- icuu i un. ox nm races. The entries for the various field and gymnastic) event! are also unusu ally TBurrierous and Include eorae of the best men In amateur athletics.1 Many of the smaller colleges and minor schools have also aent exceptionally good men for the varloua contents -and their performances .- will be' watched with the greatest Interest. Last year in the one-mile relay race the runners from TaU Chicago and Pennsylvania finished within a foot of one another and there la reason to believe that the contest will be just as close thia year. The Pennsylvania relay carnival afforda an opportunity for the schools and colleges of the eeet to meet and settle the question of supremacy. .. For some it Is their only opportunity to engage In an Intercollegiate contest. Among the most noted of the athletes sent by minor colleges. Is Frank Mount Pleasant, captain of the Carlisle Indian team. He haa run 100 yards In 10 seo ond and the 440 yards in 0:60 flat Last year he surprised every one by jumping It feet 1 Inch after running a fast quarter on his relay teyn. SHERIDAN WINS SHOT PUT IN ATHENS COMPETITION - . ' - ' - t (Journal Special Service.) '" Athene, April II. Sheridan ; of New York won the weight-putting, contest to day. His throw was. 43 feet 4 inches. NATURES WARNING Veople Xasa meoognise ': ". Xeed Xt, . aad Kidney 111a come quietly mysteri ously, . Bat nature always warns you through the urine. .- . . ,- Notice the- kidney aecretione, ' : Pee if the color is unhealthy If there are settlings and sediment-. Passagee too frequent, scanty, pain ful. ; . -' It'a time then to use. Doen'a Kidney FUle, : To ward off. Brlght'a disease or dia betes. - Doan's have done great work In Fort land. - James Peterson of SHI Jefferson street, Portland, Oregon, says: . "In l0t, when working in Woodstock, I gavs my en dorsement of Dosn's Kidney Pills for Subllcatlon, slating that they are the est kidney remedy I ever heard of or used. , I had previously tried every medicine recommended for such trou bles and had lust paid a doctor's bill of 175. but without satisfactory results. I suffered everything for two or three years- with awiul backnehes, lameneae across the loins ai3 a disordered condi tion of .is kidneys, and the secretions on standing showing a heavy brick-dust sediment, snd there were times when I could not get up after anting with out the aid of some support to take hold of. I wss In bad shape when a friend Induced me to try Donn's Kidney puis. I was benefited from the first, snd since using them I hsve been more free from pain end discomfort from my back and kidneys-1 hen for the lest 11 yesra. Imen Kidney Pills era a reliable kid ney remedy, and I wleh every sufferer from bscsache or kidney trouble could know of their merits." Kor eele hy all deitler. Prle 60 cents.' rvnter-Milbum Co., Buffalo, New York, sole nsonts for the V""'''' P'e'es. FteiuriTilmr tlio iiume IXAN'ti aad take no other, - 1 4 ' . s . ' t ; '- s - - ' v - .y-i. v : . i . . ' ? ; !' y :;:,;:;'::;,;;',. hymyf --x." i .-i"''..!!..k(C:.j-.f..i i: . '"'.... .wi:'; Robert D. Inman, Choaen Laat Night aa President Portland Auto- . . : ' - t mobile Club. "'". 1 .' .. ' . INIUN CHOSEN PRESIDENT OF AUTOMOBILE CLUB Directors Hold First Meeting; and Transact Considerable Busi- ness of Importance. v At a meeting of the directors of the Portland -Automobile club last evening Robert , B.r Inman waa chosen president for the ensuing year. ' Henry Werame was -chosen vice-president. Dr. C B. Brown treasurer and W. F. Llpmen sec rotary. Mr. Inman is one of the most snthusiastlo automobile promoters In the city and will make a worthy sue oeeeor to Bol Blumauer, the retiring Vresident, whose splendid services in be half of the club were appreciated last night by- hie fellow members In the form of. a resolution of thanks for his year a arduous labors. Members Cannon, Wemme and Honeyman were appointed on the finance committee.,,. Three new members were admitted to the -club, Osy Lombard, John" B. Teon and H. a. Carter. The new membership com mITteenwm slate of Bol Flumauer.t cnairman; narry iweats, nenry Ai. Covey, Henry Wemme and J. H. Kelly. SPORTING GOSSIP. The Ohio and Pennsylvania baseball league etarts its season today with New Castle playing at Zaneevllle, Akron 'at Lancaster, - Sharon at Newark and Toungstowa at Mansfield. The season la to continue till September IS. The college lacrosse season gets un der way today with a game between the teama of Johne Hopkins end Lehigh universities at South Bethlehem, Penn sylvania. . j e ' e ' ' . . - The aeaaoa of the South Texes Base ball league opene today with Beaumont at Ht. Charles, Oalveston at Houston and San Antonio at Austin. The season will continue till Labor day. e e ",. Record-breaking crowds and close eon tests msrked the opening of both the National and American league seasons. .. rr . e e v- 1 A Cleveland rooter aaya that Lajole made the greatest play ever pulled off In baseball. ' According to the story the king of second basemen jumped nearly six feet in the air,, caught a line drive and threw out a runner at the plate while he (Larry) waa still three feet from the ground. Can you, stand for it? e e Of the 10 or more ball players -connected with the two major leegue clubs In New York. Willie Keeler alone halls from the metropolis. ' : - . e e .-'; '. The- way-the Washington club haa started the race it looks ae though they Intend to give Cleveland a rub for the heavy hitting honors, . t - I, e e Dee Moinea of the Weetern league haa begun the race welL Three out of four with Milwaukee was. good start e e v,.. Tfie Cincinnati team looka ' much stronger this season and with Hanlon et , the head should give the best of them a good fight. ' - . In an exhibition game with the Rochester team the Toledo Athletlo club made U hits, 11 errors and It runs and won the game II to 11. - " ' ;; e e , ; . ; " ' ' The Central league ' teama are on a better financial basis this year and the playing strength a p peers more evenly distributed. 'All Indications so far point to a successful aeaaon for the middle staters. , -V-, ,.'''' ;;e .' ... .:. : The National "Association of Profes sional Baseball Leagues has started a fund for the Pacific Coast league mem bers. John H. Farrell of Albany, Nsw York, secretary of the association. Is custodian of the fund. . V ) ' y ' for the first time In over 10 years Detroit will not heve a grand - circuit meeting thia eummer. -The ITnlverelty of Michigan Is having trouble tn arranging a baseball schedule for next fall, as so many of the 'west ern colleges have abolished the game. . '.. e s . . . Jim Jeffries 'is to make one more ap pearance in the ring. He has volun teered his services for a benefit bout at Los Angeles in eld of the San Francisco sufferers,-. ' . - It Is said that Keen Brusso (Tommy Burns), who was recently divorced, will marry a Detroit girl in the near-future. Jack O'Brien remains the sure enough bachelor of the champion heavy clans. - - . e e i The western clubs of the American lea ue will etsrt the -tmublo with their esittern brethren My It. l.ntole has picked out Clark Griffith's Highlanders as a soft thing. "Msetcr-' Jones of the Wlilie"' Sox will wrcntle- with" COhnle Mack'a athletes. Brother McAleef wlli lead his Browntea ' against the ex- Champs of Boston - and little Willie Armour will turn loose his Tigers In the nSwOnal capital. AMERICANS WIN IN r i OLYMPIAN C0NTEST$ (Joaraal Special BWrlce : . Athena. April 28. 8 1 Scheff of Austria' won the 400-metre, swimming rsce yesterday; time, IS 4-f seconds. Italian crews won the 1,000 and 1,600 metres pair-oar gig races. - Oiorgantaa, a Greek, won the atone throw; distance; it metres H centi metres; M. J. Sheridan of New Y,ork was second, 10 metree IH centimetres, and Dorlxa of Greece waa third, II metres SI oentimetree. Meyer Prlnsllln of New York won the running long Jump; distance 7 metres 10 eatlmetres; p. O. 'Connor of England was Second, 7 metres SH centimetres. In the single-handed weight lifting contest Stelnbach of Austria won, f4.ll kilograma. M. J. Sheridan, Irish-American A. C, won in throwing the weight It metres 1 2 H . centimetres. - David, Hungarian, was second,. 11 metree tl centimetres; Lemming, Sweden, was third, 11 metres tl centimetres. The following qualified in the semi-1 nnsis or me 400-metre race ror tne 1 1 iir L. Hlllman Jr., N..T. A. ti. 14 4-e aeoonds; P. H. Pilgrim, N. T. A. C., 14 4-i seconds; Barker, Australia, 11 aeoonds; Lieutenant W. H. Allswelle. England, 14 seconds; C. J. Bacon, Irish- American A. CX it i-t seconds; F. R. Moulton. Kansas City A. C, 14 4-1 aeo onds. Barker la the favorite. QUAKER CITY POLICEMEN IN ATHLETIC CARNIVAL ( Journal Soeelal service.) Philadelphia, Pa., AprU 21. Judging from the large number of entries for the different events of the Policemen's Ath letlc Carnival, which will be held on the grounds of the Philadelphia ball park this afternoon, the police department of thle city . haa mbre runners, lumpers. wrestlers, -boxers, etc., than any cltlsen would have suspected. For weeks the men -entered for the varioue eventa have been training and exerclaing faith fully and thoee who had an opportunity to watch their performancee are con- riaent iaat aome remaraaDia wora Will be done this afternoon. Great enthus iasm haa been ahown in this carnival and If It proves a suocess, which ean scarcely "be doubted, it will be made aa annual event. v NATIONAL LEAGUE.- ; At Boston. " 1 - R. H. B. Brooklyn 10 IS I Boston I -Batteries acanlon. Mclntyre and Ber gen; Lindaman, Xoung and O Neill. Um pire O'Day. as Buoan, - 'R. H. B. ChlcsgO 7 II 1 Cincinnati ;. . 14 t Batteries wicker, Reulbach. Bee be and Kilns: Harper and Livingstone. umpires iuem ana carpenter. At Hew Tork. R.H.H New Tork . .....-... $ t 1 I Batteries wilts and Bowerman; Lush and Dooln. Umpires Smslls and Con- way. At Ftnabwf R. H. B. Pittsbura . . t I St. Louis 0 Batteries Karger, Lynch and Petts; Taylor and Grady, Umpire Johnstone. AMERICAN LEAGUE. ' At St. tonla. - - . R.H. B. St. Louis . ..... 10 t 1 Chicago . . ...... I 7 I Hatteries iaoe ana a. emitn ana Rickey; I'attereon, F. Smith and Sulli van. . , . .At Phlladelphla. .R.ICE. Boston . : 0 I 0 Philadelphia . . ........I 11 1 Hatterve loung ana uranara; flank and Powera , .:.. At Washiagton. " ' TTR-3t. XL Washington . ........... ..Ti. I I 9 New York ....... .1, .......... t I t Batteries Hugnes ana Hsyaon; uroh and Klelnow. t ., l ... At Detroit. . ! R.H. B. Detroit . . ..4 10 0 Cleveland.. 7 It t Batteries uonanue ana rayno; Bern- he rrl and Bemle. , t . A DASror fob arntira Dr. Bergln, Pan. III.,, writes: "I k.v-a used Ballard a Snow Liniment: always recommended It to my friends, ss I am confident there Is no better made. 11 is a oanay ior oume. -i nose hn live on farms are especially liable to many accidental cute, burns, bruises. wnicn neai rMuiv wtwn -"--- oww liniment Id nnl led. It should always be kept IB the house for cssee of emerg ency.' 25c too and 11.00. Sold by Woodsrd. Clarke Co. atreyed." she said, "and etarted to fol. G YOUNGSTERS RENDER ; SPLENDID PROGRAM n- .... j 1 .. Profeaaor Krohn'a Claaaea Performed ' Feata That Won High Praia From 'the Spectatora President Simon Preacnta Medal to the" Juniora. : ' Tne benefit performance last evening on the occasion of "ladles' night" at the Multnomah Athletlo club- proved to be both an enthuelaatlo affair and a de cidedly successful venture. , Consider ing the fact that the evening waa some what disagreeable, omrf a .- thousand Multnomah friends turned out, and at I o'clock the cluB - was compelled to close the doors, so great was the de mand for admittance. - The total sum realised waa about 1100,. the exact fig ures not being known until all the ticket sellers have made their reports. The work . of the young - performers was a revelation to the spectators. All of thia-was done under the direction of Professor Krohn, who haa labored for months to ' elevate his classes to the high grade of efficiency which they en- Joy. . The apparatus work of the day Juniors waa very creditable, aa was also the pole and bumb-bell drill by 40 girls and 40 boys. The color drill by tS girls waa fault nessly executed and the participants were roundly applauded. The schot tlsche, by 1 girls, also came in for special commendation. The pyramids and tumbling by the aenlore waa clev erly done. Among the musical numbers, Mrs. Reed'a singing, J. R. Lewis' violin solos. Ha.. Haseltine's solo, the mixed quartet'a singing and the selection of ths Multnomah Mandolin club were very well .received. 'Superintendent Woodward deserves high praise for the hard work he per formed in arranging the program. Near tha close of the nrosram President Si mon presented medal VCC the winners In the Juniors recent inaoer contest. Those receiving medals were: First division, night Juniora Charles Henry 142, TeddyHolden 140, Milton Myer 111. Julian Hughes 111 Second division, night juniors Dave Welch 111, H. Cooke 107, George Otten 101. A. Morris 104 Third division, night Juniors H. Woodard 71, Bert Gleaaon 16, Hal Dab ney 14. Fourth division, night Juniors War nle Wood worth IS, A. G. Long t, John Luders IX. Fifth division, night Juniora Ed Lud low 7. Douglas Oetty II, O. Olson X. First division, day Juniors Robert Krohn Jr. 110, William Munley 101, Dan Foeter 101. The Droaram waa Overture Parsons Orchestra Direction Professor Parsons. Apparatus work........... Day Juniors Vocal nolo .Selected "Mrs. W. XX Haeeltlne. f OJS ana BuntrHfu arur. , Forty aifl and forty boys. Selection..... Multnomah Mandolin Club Apparatus work. Leadera' Class Vocal selection "The nightingale" Mixed Quartet Miss Lina Linehan. Miss Petronella Con colly, Mr. Louia p. Bruce, Dr. George Alnelle. M. A. A. C color drill.... Eighty. Glrle Vocal solo "Mr Aln Folk"...... Lemon Mrs. Walter Reea. SchotUsche Figure Dance.. Sixteen Girle Violin sole "Legende" Wlenlawskl J. R. Lewis. Pyramids and Tumbling ....... .Senior Athletlo work under direction of Pro feaaor Krohn. Accompanists, Arthur L. Alexander and Mlsa Nellie Reynolds. tenoohmldt Meata Madieql London, April tl.--The long expected wrestling match between Hackeneehmldt and Madrall will take place at the Olym pla this evening. The winner will re ceive 61 per cent of the purse, the loser IS por .cent. Sea Depth. From the St Louis Globe-Democrat. The deepest sounding ever made In the Atlantic ocean waa recorded by the United Statee coaat aurvey steamer Blake, about 100 xnllee northwest of St. Thomas, where a depth of 4,111' fath- oma, or X7,I xeet, was xouna. . In the same locality,- or near it, tne British steamer Challenger made the deepest caat previously recorded, but the depth found waa somewhat less than that recorded by the Blake. The deepest ssa-sounding ever re corded was made in the north Pacific ocean . by the United States schoolshlp Tuacarora,- near the entrance, to Beh ringa sea. The bottom waa struck et 4,ei fathoms, or iT.tie reet, rrom tne surface. In the same region the .Chal lenger found a depth nearly as great It la a noteworthy fact that these great depths, over five miles, closely correspond with the highest elevatlona of land above the aea, found tn the Himalayan. Be in the Swim INVEST YOUR . IN WOODMERE LOTS, .PORTLAND'S MOST BEAUTIFUL SUBURB Tin rr. Itnt aad HOMES built to suit, old on easy monthly payments. Own your own home. Tin arr. nrst and - L . Jo Every Convenience in WOODMERE ' 23 Minutes From City. Sv ' GEO. W. Failing Building. Third . Agent Alwaya Former Portland Pitcher Will "Twirl First Contest for Ta coma This Afternoon. OUTLOOK FOR NORTHWEST .LEAGUE SEASON BRIGHT Captain Lynch of Tacoma Says That - While He Has No National League Start in the Club, Hia Men Will Deliver the Gooda in Fine Style. When the opening game of the North western Baseball league ie called at Ta coma this-- afternoon, the conteet be tween t- Mike Lynch'a Taoomana and the Grays Harbor team will be um pired by Jack Huston, says the New a He-and WthJ-BiH' Setley have- been named by President Lucas to handle the Indicators this year. Jack Huston is well known In Tacoma, having been in the P'aclno Coast league In 1104. He has been wintering In Cali fornia, but is sxpeeted at Tacoma to day. Setley handled the Indicator in the outlaw league iaat year. He wlli open at Spokane, but will be aeen at Tacoma the eecond week of the season. Captain Lynch announced " that Ike BuUer will offlolate in the box today. Ike la- steady, and If he haa not gone back he la still good for many a game. Hs waa with Portland In 1101 and 1104. and alwaye was a consistent performer. He haa been working out at Athena. Or., and la In good shape. Aa during the last two daya, the week day gamea will be called at t:S0 o'clock, and the Bun day gamea at I p. m. Nearly all - tha boya on the team are strangers, but Lynch gives his word that they will make good with the fane within a ahort time. WhUa no National league stars are on the pay roll this year, there are several promising youngsters who look good in tne preliminary practice. That Grays Harbor la Interacted In the game la ahown by a letter from Man ager Brown yeeterday. He atatee that be will bring a winning team. On Sunday- a trig excursion . will be 'run from Graya Harbor to see the game. In-addition to Butler, Hlgglnbotham and Walter Johnson are the other pitch ers of the Taooma staff. Both are touted ' as promising lads. Hlggln botham played In the Oregon Statet league last year and Johnson la the Cali fornia State - league. - -- At flret base will be seen- Burnett, aaid to be one of the fastest men on the team. He waa recommended by Ruse Hall. Burnett was In . the .California league last season, and all the propheta are predicting that he will be a big hit Second base will be . covered by Dewnle, a player of considerable ex perience. He was with Klrby Drennan'a aggregation at' Bell Ingham last year. Johnson, from, the Oregon State league, will be at third biJAwh)leWesterberg, who . waa with Dee Moines Iaat season, will -play the short position. Lynehwlllj)layhis usual placeln center field, and he needs 'notter of Introduction. "Babe" Clynee, who finish ed last year with Seattle, will be in left field, and Ward, who waa on Belling ham s pay roll In 1101,. will cover right garden. s ; It is believed In North Bend that a deal la on for the sale of the 100,000 acres of land In Coos county owned by the Southern Oregonv company to the Southern Pacific. 1 "... Xomaa Blood Marka, A tale of horror was told by marks of human blood in the home of J. W. Williams, a well-known merchent of Bac. -Kentucky. He wrltee: "Twenty f eara ago I had aevere hemorrhages of he lungs and was near death when I began taking Dr. King's Nsw Discovery. It completely cured me and I have re mained well ever since." It ouree Hemorrhages, Curonlo Coughs, Settled Colds and Bronchitis, and is the only known cure for Weak Lungs. , Every bottle guaranteed by S. G. Skldmore A Co., druggUta. ll?o and $1.00. Trial bottle free. . City and Suburban Property S4SOO 7-room new house, Eest Stark and 10th streets; partly furnished. $3 BOO -8 -room, new, modern home, on Kast 14th, near Hawthorne a vs.; lot 100x100; easy terms of payment f4O0O l-room modern home, with furv nace, corner lot 10x00, one .block from Hawthorne avenue. SleOO Choice corner, 110x100, one block from Hawthorne avenue; a bargain. S Acres On East 14th st; street im provements mads; a snap. Xiota on Marguerite avenue, on pay ments of 110 per month. $1100 (-room houae at Myrtle Park; lot 40x100: half rash. faftO e-room house at St Johns, lot 10x100; terms. SS Aoree Within 1H mllea of eity lim its, at 1110 per acre. , STEVENSON-BROWN CO. i, . 110 SBCOaTB STBZST. - IDLE DOLLARS scott oab Aids Sta. LOTS f ISO $3.00 down. $3.00 a month. An opportunity worth taking advantage of. ' -. .: soorr oab Alder Bs. BROWN and Washington Streets. on Ground. Tiri x f. . . -, a sotrrxBAsnsor StOVTB. From Seattle at p. m. for Ketchi kan. Juneau, Skagway.- White - Horse, Dawson and Fairbanks. T- S. S. City of Seattle. May , X II. S. & Humboldt May . t f., C '-r '. a 8. Cottage City (via Sitka). MA 4.. II: Ai.asa axotTMioirs. - x S. 8. Spokane. June 7-11; July riO; ' August I. FOB SAM FBABOXSOO BZBBOT. . From Seattle at a. m. x r - ' S. 8. UmaUUa. May t. II. , '. 8. 8. Queen, May s, II. -S. 8. City of Topeka. May It. II. Fottlaad OfSoe, Mt WaaalBCwm . acala aa. , .. O. IC USB, Fees. Ft. Ag. -C D. PUNANN, O. P. A, - 10 Market St, San Francisco. ALASKA fait AMD rorCLAB STSAMBBirS ' Leave Seattle ' "rarixBsox," Ara sr. a. m. "WmiOO," Aaril as. CAIX1NO AT .Ketestkes.. laaeas, nnoglaa, Balses, 8kt way, cnaseeu with W. P. A Y. teste (or atlla. Dawsoa. Tasasa. Kosm. et. Fee AO SeauMaatera AUaka Perta. CaO et seed fnc'Trtp to Weaaerfni Alaeka. ladlaa BaakaUy." "Tetesi Polaa." , .; t AIAIXA ., A CO.. . -rraak Weeleey OBh-Areata. BlOakst . . fortUaa, Or. "REGULATOR LINE" The Dalles, Portland & Astoria Navigation Co. Boats leave Portland and The Dalles dally, except Sunday, at T a. m., arriv ing about I p. m., carrying freight and tiaeengere. Splendid accommodations for outfits and livestock. Book Foot of Alder St., FortlaBdl Foot . . of Ooart rt. The Bailee. (V Fheae Slain ale, Portland. . ' S. S. F. A. Kilburn . ror Ceea Bay, Bonks aad lea rraaelao. Next aalllet trea Pertlaad. aatnrday. April M. Next salUag (rest fUa rraaekwe, Mas.. April 21 r. L. OBBBNOUaB. Act, Oreeswtea Desk Bs. A . Pkoas Mala lt UNPRECEDENTED SUCCESS OF C. Gee Wo The Great Chinese .-1. Doctor At No. 142 First SL, Cor. Morrison Me aiisleadlBg sUtosMats to me arnictta. Lgaaraatoe a eesipUte, sate aad laatlag tare tae e-nckeet pjealble Hsm, aad at Ua ibweet euet poaalble tor soaeet aad mmi ral treataat. I ears eatarrh. astasia, hiaa, throe t, raeeajatlaai, arToa,nna, alesuea, ler. kldafT a4 kt nanheea. tuulx novBLia and au- fbitaxs DiasAsia. . Mr resiedles are karaaleea. esiiml et reeta, kertM, bads aa4 barka eaeedallr aeleeted asd laipertsd direst by as Ires Ike latetlat ut Cfclaa. IF TOU ABS ATTI.ICTID B01TT 9XLAT. BEXATS ABB OAKOXBOOS. If yea eaaaot call, write tor aaplaa klask sad etrenlar, Inrloae 4 eDts la itaatpe. OOMIUtTATIOB PBEB. the 0. See We Cblneee ste4lolae Ofc. tSsH rtret St., Oorser Merriees. Feruaas. Ce. PWttM swattoa tals savt. Dollar Package FREE Man Medicine Free Tea eaa sew ebtala a larse dollar alee free M'-kef of Mas Medtrlae free ea reqneet.: Maa Medicine glTea foa esre sure tke fueaa, tke Joyfol Mtletaetloa. tke pulae aad throb of phyaleal pleaeure, tke kera aeaae ef maa-eenea-tloe. tbe lainrr life, boey-pewer aad sedy eaaifert free. Maa Mtdlrtae eoea It. Maa MMlrlae eurea naa-weaaaeaa, aevuua debility, early decay, 4lacoarad BianbAad, functional failure, vital weakneaa. krmla fas, backache, preetatltla. kidney trouble and sarv- oaaaeae. - Yoa eaa eore ynaraeir at sesie or ana Meei. elae. and the full else dollar eaekue will be sellTvred to yes free. Plata wrapper, sealed, with full dlrecttona now to aae It. The fujl alM dnllar package free, no payaente of any kind. ae recelpia, so premiaes, no papers 10 aiga. J I to free. '" . eendlag for It oat of Idle enrleelty, out that yes want to ne wvu. -aaa Become r arrong 1 aatural aelf once more. 'Man Medicine will do , what yea want It te do: stake yos e real siaa. an-llke. swn-powerrai. r ' Toor aame aad aaaraae win nnaa it: an rea have te do le to aend and set It eead M free to every dlaeooragtd ene ef the aaa aev. Interatate B'tnulr Compear, TM Luck bulid Inf. Hermit. Mlchlsnn. ; - LEE YUEN sro. sot rang st roaTUBo, cm. CHINESE PHYSICIAN ; Ravlae aradled soedt. etue tor ma ay yaara aa 4f aatad doctor ef Cblaa. Ho rotes all Bervoaa. rkroale aad private dleeaae at Sua . aad He. eompoojada . snd puta up - for aea hi reonedleaC tb lagreril. enta ef which a cara flly aelected. My rem edies will sot dee troy jy your atoosacb er on-1 BUn rn,r in, wna an eneratlne. Yea take ae rtake. as I ae a potooao or druta. .1 laeora eulck reaulta at tke lewaat Poa alble coot. . - Call aad aee mo If yon are afflicted. OOBTSUlVTATTOaT FB. eayweVSAArVkwoWoJSVO. Fir tr.3 L:i::;rTr: 24 Hr-rc L.... J I Each Cap- 4 a,, la k . .. ' ' i the nameC T 4 1 I f" 3--Tralni to the Eatt Dany 1 ' Threuh Pulhaaa atandard and (nuriot Wt-' Ing-eara dally to Ouuba. t'blcaao. aaekxfl tourUt aloeDtnc-cara aally to Kaasae CUT. Throogh refining, chalrcara (aaata tree) to tke fcaat dally. . I'alon rWkrw.' f,. LinlM. mriro-rnrtlane gpeelal far " ' via Huntiugtoo, dir. :1B SSI 8 pm Jpohane' riyar for . looters Wvahlnftoa. Walla Walla. LewUUm, Ooenr d'Aleae and '" fareat Nurthera potnta. sally. 4:18 pnt S.OO a Atlantio Kipraaa for the Eaal via Uuatlnstoa, dally........ 1:11 pa T:l ess ' -.' COLUMBIA RIVER K1TI8IO. ' Astoria and way potnta. enaneeting wlf" ataaaiar foe Ilwaeo and North Baoh. atean r Maaaalo, Aoh-at. dock, Werea I . a dair. eieept Buaday) Baturdor. 10 a. aa. Axrivt about a, at., exotpt fcuaday; TAMBtLL BITBB BOUTB. For Dayton. Oreren City aad Yamhill river Klate. ateamera Ruth and Modoc, Aeh-et. ex-k, ive T a. m. dally, oicept Sunday (water per Biltrlng).. arrive T:t . su dally, sieape Buaday. - BNABB RITBR BOUTB. ' For Lewtetoa, Idabe, aad way pofats framt Blparla. Waoh., ateamera Spokane end Lewi" toa toava 8:40 a. m., or upoa arrival Trala No. 4, dally except Beforday.. Arrive ear sally eieept Friday, ffleket Office. Third and ' Wuhlaatea ktaL '.-,... TaUpbooe Mala tia. . . - C. W. HTINQER, City Ticket Agaat. A. tt. CBAIO, Oeaeral rasaeager Agaat. . EAST vu SOUTH Unloa Depot - Leave, Overland Eipieaa . Trains tor Salem, Roeetmrg, Aaa- - -land, Macro man U, 0(da, . Baa Franclaeo, Stork toa Loa Anfrlea, El Pooo, New Orleans and the eaat : as Morning trala eoanecta et Woodbuxa dally except ' . ... Sunday with . train fur Mount Angel, SIlTerton, Browoevllle, SprinsAeld, " Wendllng and Natrea.... S:4S sf Euyone paaacaser eoa necta at Woodbura with Mount Ana-el and gllvar- Afrit 8:86 pa . 1: SB toa local 04:18 pm 1:M pnS t orvanie paaaeesee. ...... i:w pa 8:60 in anenaan paoeenser ':eopm Format Grove paaaeorer. 1 110:45 pm Dally. 1 1 Dally exeept Buaday. 8:38 ara . IllAOpoa JEFFEBBON-STBBET 8TATIOW. Far Dallaa and Intermediate solata dalla) 4:18 p. m. Arrive Portland 10:10 a. m. Foe time and card of Oawege aaborbaa tralaa apply at City Ticket Office, or out loa. Tlckete te Eaatera solnts aad Europe; else -Japaa, China. Honolulu and Anatralla. City Ticket Ofllce eornar Third aad Waabo tng to atreeta. Baone Mala Til. C. W. 8TINOEB. A. li CBAIO. City Ticket Ageat. - Oea. Paaa. Agent. '-' TIME CARD TRAINS JRortlandr ralea Depot . ? Leae. Arrived Tollowaronr . Perk-Eeneoa, Clty-8t. Louie Special fW Cboaallo. Coatralla. . Olym pla, Oray'a Harbor, South Bend, Tacoma, Brattle, Spe- s kaae. Lewtatoa, Butto, Bll- .- -. II net. Dearer, Oauaa. Baa-- aaa tiiy, nr. jouia aaa Southeaat, dally North Coaat Limited, alee. g :80 am : 4:0pa Seattle. Spokane, Butte. MlaneapoUa, St. Paul aad the Beat, dally S:00 pm f.0 sal rugat Booad umiiao, ror Clarement. Cbohalla, On- '-.' tralla, Tacoma aad Seattla - only, dally 4:m 8 80 pof Twin City Emraaa foe Ta- coma. Seattle, Spokane, Heltna. Butte, St. Pool, , Mlnneapolla. Uneola. St. Joeepb. Kaneaa City. Oma- - he. St. Lou la, without , , , ' ehanse of eara. . Direct con nect tone ror an peiuia - - - Baat and Southeaat, dolly.. 11:48 pea 10:8a pal A n. CHARLTON. AaahMaat General Pa. eensav Agent, 386 Morriaoa atreat. ceraar Thlrda Portlaad. Oregon. ' . Astoria & Columbia ; Riyer Railroad Co. Leare. - Arrtva, For Meygaro kanle, Wei Aatorla, Vt Balalar. Clats- otnrt. Clifton. Aatnrlo HfemntOB. Pla. i . u.MHMii av... ... eaal Oearbart Park, Seaside. 8:00 am 118 sag aaooria - ana fown, , m- . preea dally tT:00 pm 8:80 pal All uomo aaiiy. . n m - -. a i A .ti. w C. A. STEWART, Commercial Ageat. 34 Alder atreet. Pkese Mala sotv if lit m i iv . TNt ajstromAAix wavv; 7 Overlxad TrshsDsSy 7 'Tae Orieaaal L Unload, tke Fast Mad Tt A SEATTLE AWP BFOKAWA ' Dally. Kelly. Leave. . AMve. Portlaad rime achodule ' To and from Bpokana. . St. Paul. Mtaaoapella ' Imloth aad all solats 3 Baat via Seattle. ...w 8 SO am Toe ia . Hi pm 8Am To aad ffooa 8t PauV Mlnneapolla. Dalnih -and all point Eaat via Spokane 8:18 pm 8-08 am Oreat Verthera 8aaiaktp Oa, Satllng from Seattle for Japaa aad. Cblaa porta aad Manila, earrytag Bee? aeosera and freight. ' . - - B. 8. Mlnaoaeta. April 88. B. A-Dakota, June T. ; BIPPOB TtrSEV BAIIXA (Japan Mall atoanwbln .) - B. B. ahlnaae Mara will aall free Baattle about May 18 for Jot-a aad China perta. carrying freight. For tlckete. rata), herl Moae. ate., call ea oe addroee H. DTOKBOB. C. . T. A. in TM raws I see, J I tV, BertlaaA, Oregaa. Pboaa Mais n r- o i - trt TM c tTe f W.Anoa I).' -a i tlt eorrit- eVt I