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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1906)
.... . THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENING, APRIL 23, 1803. i i NEW TODAY. o o Ill,: INTEREST We pay 4 per cent interest on cer f lificatcs of deposit; 3lA per cent 'on ; savings account (interest conipound- ed setni-annualiy), and 3 per cent on , check accounts. ; . ' - . ; BANKING HOURS, 9 , m. to 4 - SATURDAYS. 9 . m. to 1 p. m.' 'SATURDAY EVENINGS, 5 to 8 o'clock. - - . (To Receive Deposits Only.) , SAVINGS BANK . OF THE TITLE GUARANTEE & TRUST CO. 240 WASHINGTON STREET-"-,' ' Corner Second PORTLAND. OREGON . i FOR SALE Choice, new and modern colonial dwelling', full quarter block. East Main street; must be sold. v", V Call or ..'phone ' E S. Jackson & Go. 'Phone Main 345 246 Stark'St. Steamer Micomtdla , CILDERBACK & CRANE CO. - 331 oaK street REMOVAL NOTICE BECK. THE JEWELER ' A fter SO rnit ob Morrlaoa etreet, bow forced to awe. , Can be foaad after May I St Su . AMw st., pear O. W. P. waltlng-eoom. Prior to moving, however, will oejU all good at a large dleeount QUARTER BLOCK, 1TTH AND HALL, flWHKR COMPELLED TO. BELL. KI1NSELU OS OOUrEBOXAXi BLOCK. VERY CENTRAL : business Lot , On Grand avenue, eaat side $M00; 11, 808 cavali, balance lone time.. Another bualneee lot on Grand avenue. $1,000. Pee Bever, 404 Eaat Aider Pbona Eaat 4X. ...... i ''!..:-.. New Modern Houses Aad vacant lotai cement walk, parked atieeta, , eaerer aa4 water. 1 block froa Hawthorn are., a Beet Thirtieth; aaar term;' lota 8800 aed Bp, apply to owner, GEO. X. WAOOOBXB, 221 WEATHER REPORT. The waatkar la Baa Fraaclere ytrdey ' . waa rainy and cool, wltk moderate weaterly wind. It will ba rainy thvra today, wltk ' atroog westerly wlada. Clearing weather may ', be expected Sunday. - . , A dlsturbaiiea oi aiarkM raartf la citBtral , . thta BMralcc-wrar aoatbra Narada. It kaa raoard (aaaral ralna la Caltforala aad la wrat ra Orraoa aad waatara Waablnirtaa. Aantbrr dtatnrbaaea la entnl avar aaatrra Ribraaka. It baa raoard modrat ralaa la Nr. ' , nraaka. aaatera . Baulk Dakota, Iowa and t MiMiarl Tar ralaa la Oklahoma and , Kanaaa hara eraaad. Tha baroatar la rlatna la tba North PaclSe atataa tad Dm ladlratlona ara fnr fair wratbar la thla datrlct Snnday. It will ba mnW tnnlaht la wratrra Orranaj and wralaia Waabfnaton and folate mar be ea : aerted la ervoard loralltloa betwani the Oae I rade aad tbe Coaat ranTs of nMMmtalne. It ,, wUl be wtran Hnndajr la waatara Oregoa aad v wralera Waahlnrtoa, " Obeerratioae tekra it I l n., Paclfle tlaie: ' . . Traip. ' fTratfBwa i ; Max. Mia. Prartn. rv. rr viTT, m.a'iu. ea ' Boataa. Maeearhnaatta..... M Cbtraao, IlllDola M Dearrr, Oolorailo AA - Kaaaaa Cltr, Mlaanmi , at Ia Anfrtn, California... M iVf Orlraaa. Loal.laiu. ... M . w York, New Jferk..... T2 4 Portlaad. Oroo. ......... M Rnerbtire. Ortoe.. Bo . M. Loula, Mlaaourl an fcankaaa. eahlnatna...... TO 'Tamme. Waahlwrtoo an Walla Walla. Waablaftea. TK . , Waahlnftoa. D. C TS 40 44 M M 4l na BO 4a . 44 4 4S 4 . 4 MARRIAGE LICENSES, Pa al Btoaeekar, tata, Orraoa, St; Ber tba Xnecht. SS. Wllllaoi & rttoa. SB; Lory A. Coeledae. . Weditlae; Cbrda. W. O. Railtb aV Oe:, Weak BMrtaa kldg.. aea. Foortb aad Waeblactoa ata. Mlaa rWthi Martin, roeei 111 AHeky kids. Btamplna and See aeadlewerk ; laeaeaa ira. . BIRTHS. ' CHMSTSXftKM April '2S, in Mr. and Mre. : I. rbrleleoerav -.ZMH Lerrebee atraet, a ititw. - . , WrTTtUND April .?, Mr. and Mre. C. W4ttaad. raiaar rnrtr-tblrd atrert aad Haw tWw errem. a ana.' t Of m a NIC April sa, rn Mr. and ,Vre. nr Oahnrar. TS Rooarrt If atrart. a dearbtrr. n 11 K April 14. to Mr. and Mre. Hrarj iwnt. mwnir run, oauaoTPT. DEATHS. M f Kit A T April 'ft, ArknatM. Morray. ard Tt raara. 4M AMr atrfrt; raae. heart falltira. trertat at ltaa Tr Mnwttf.. aLATTOR April 2T. S. R. Klartna. afed TS 1, 7ar a i iwa p. mania a ananiui; aaaea, rt 1 'im. ftnrlal at Im. Plr aMtr MA KN April ST. ar kiibm. a(d 3 . p-oara. at Unod Penaritaa boapltal; renae. prkMimonia. rntnai mx if 10 r ir rraaelrf . rrtATT Aprfl 30. Merrlelt C. Prett. im( nt mra, at On4 Aamarltan knanttal; caeaa. rerwr, ' Porlat at Kltia. Orrpon. oKKHIPK April n. W. H. rW nitre, ar.d . TP tmti, el Pt. 'Tlawit'a koan4tel rauea. jrrwta. ' FirrHil ar iner rtr rrainerp. CAOPWAsrll ST T-r C Oeara. aard S reara. , 1-1 N.irlb Twtfj atraet; aana. peamaiiialei , penal u fuaai vaiTarj enaiert Asano Cement S700 v UNDERTAKERS. Edward t Belaiaa A Oa.. the Iritftnp raaerel eiraetore. bar tbe Saaet eatabUakaaaat. tbe Sneet toda, tbe Saeat Tebielae and tke Bwet raaaoaable prloea. line broadclotb-aerered caaketa, 2S and SAO. Tba Sneet wood aoaA eaade, rroei fll la $30, Par lore 220 aed ret Tblrd . atraet, eoraar BaUaaa. (Hartlaad, J. P. Staler Phni-Ajarfal dtraptare aad eaibalairra, enraar Tblrd and Madlaea etraala. OrSee ef eoaalp eoroaar. Telepboaa Mala a. Daanlnf. Mclntea Ollbenpb. aaderUkera aed embalarre: aaudera la ererp detail. Seeeetk eaa no miib taa. Lar eeaiauat. A. B. Ranatork. Bndartakar and- ambalmrr. Beat Thirteen lb aad U dm till ara. Paoaa Bel. eod Tl. - i Clark Broa tot Bawera. 3n Morrlaoa atreak, . aUTtBTIEW CEMXItAT. : leple irarea f 10. Paajllr lota ftS ta $1,000. Tke oelp eematerp la PerUeed wblok per. palaallp malatalea aad earea (or Iota, Per full IntoraMtloa applp to W. H. Mackenele. Wer aeeler block, city. W. M. Ledd. praeldaaA. . REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Blrkard rVllllanM to Merp B. Bettor, . S arrea keclnalnp center line of Powell Tallep road bed depreea SO ml nut fa r frrt from'lntrreeotlon eaat line Clinton Krllp duoatloo land claim... .$ ; . I If. a Banarld at al. to Joba O. Hewitt. kte. 6. . IT, la, 19 and aoutb 250 teat o( lot 13. blork 1, Lenta addition. 1 8tete laad biard to Merp L. tiram, aortb. weet Vi of eotitbwret aectkm 1. tewaabip 1 eoatk, range S out, 40 arrea M B. M. Steffanaoa aad wife to Jonaa Mataoeeoa, So arrea erctloa IT, towaablp - I auulk. ranpe 4 eeet ........ T50 Locp A. Botkrrford and kuabend to A. D. , tluthrle, lota ib. 1, block IT. kllearl Park 1 Tbnmaa M. Aaderaoa aad wife to Genrea H. Conaollp and 0. C. Wlae. lot 2, block S. General Aaderaoa'a addition.. , S09 Joba Ameeen ta Elrlnd Horde, andlrlded H of eaat H af lot T, block 14. Central. Alblaa , 1 Victor Laad compenp to W, L Graeoa, kit S, blork SS, Woodlawa v J T. Bdell Walla and knabaad to A. P. rieaal. lota S and 10. block IS. Allilna.. 1,000 A. C. Churchill Co: to H. T. WUta, lota S and 10, Mlddleaex addltloa. . . . ' ' BOO J. U Hertaua at al. to Gilbert Ooodhoe ' and wife, W 14. block 10. aabdinalon St. Jot am Belphta 1 Oeoraa Bblal and wife ta W. P. Tlldea and wife, lot 10, block 4. Mrrtle ITS Leopold Met to Prank Bpltulakl. lot 4, block 1. Pearer'e addltloa B2S William Bpbee at al. to A. H. Morrill. 1 S3 acrre beplnnlof T4.04 rbalne aoutb and S4.ST rbalne aaet of nortbwrot , , eoraar eertloa 34. townablp S Dor lb, ' ranpe 1 weet 000 A. a Cbarrblll A Co. to B. L. Mepera, ' lot S3, Mlddleeer addltloa 1 B. . Baaenerp and wire to B. 8. Mc -nanleL SS81AO feet breinnlnp ncrth- -weat eoraer lot 1, block 8, Colambla '. Relrhta , 1 Ibrrlff ta P. H. Marlap, lota 11, 14." . blork S, La or el Park, and otbar prop ertp ST Orlla O. Bnlpert to Mre. Ira ToraJoy, lota tl ead 23. blork S, North Villa (00 Edward D. Becbard and wife to fnreet- meat company,.-lot 14, block 44.. Pled- aoat a. 3TS C. H. Tbompana to W. B. Garber, lot 4. black 18, Glenroe Park vm Anna O. Andereoa and knebend to Albert ' Elaaar, lota IS and 14. block 21. Sonnp- alde S12 t'nlted Btatre lareatment esmpaar ta C. M. Cartwrlarbt, rlrer lote 1 to 11, and north 28 feet lot 11, rjontb Portland; Vita fi. T. S, block S. Boatk Portland.. $,500 Elwln L. Ilooee end wife to traateea af Plret Conarra'arloaal cbnrrh. lot 1, block 1. P. T. Smltb'a addltloa ...... 1 Kadir Land eampenp to Grorpa Bottle, kta $... Multnocaak Berrp Ranr&.. 1 P. H. Marlep at aL to Oeoraa BatUe. urn nrooertr 1 M. A. Tnckep to Mimmle A. W.', N. TBcker. lot is, biocb it, nannpeioe-. . . : Perry It. Birth aad wife to U. B. In. - eeetmeat eompany, Iota 0 ta O. aubdl- . vlaloa of lot S. block 12. Portlaad Honieetead, and other frropertp ....... I P. H. W11IH and wife to Sophia Weleper. - bar. lota -11 and IS, block 14. Booth Portlatd ....... ..... 1 Plrlaad rompanr to C. W. Toe op, lot .. 4 and S, block 2. rirland Mark Crariditl and. wife to John Kbea Toonp, bortb H Jerob Banndera' dona- . . ttna land claim, 100 arrea . 1 Vntrereltr Land , romnaap to leol J. , Bnrke. tot 20, block 128, Caleereltp ' Perk .w. ' 190 0. B. Alfrerlaon to. C L. Brabeker. eoatk ' , 1 of bit 1. block F. Oeertoa Park BOO W. 0. Tbompenn to Lorea Seward, lot T. block 4, Mlrem ..1,850 T. B. Joaea aad wife to A. C. Dodrlll, north H of lot 8, block 42, Jamea Jobn'a addltloa 1 Cberleo 8. Tbotnpaoa to P. A. Breedea et al.. lota ta 88. enbdlrlaloa A, Compeoa'e addltloa 1,600 Thaddraa W. Vreelead and wife to n. a.uMw n wir Mat tL lota a end ' a' KIM. C linn, eddlrioa ........ S, .190 Carl Lelna and wife to M. C. Cone. Iota 0 and T, Bloc a, ariria rare ra. . Wilhelmlne Bebreoa, eaecutrli, ta W11 helmlae Bebrena, lota 8, 4, block 84, riKKr edtrlna 800 I 800 125 110 B80 P. A. Preetoa end wife to Victor Bnnelrt. w a .Kirb 1 nhhette addition ... Title Oaarantea A rroet company to Olof lot II, oioca;. 1,' ir.iou.. Helphta ii'M! C. C Redmea end wife to John W. Pord et aL, lote 18. 10. block 4. Bralnerd. Conrad T-aer aad wife to Charle Reer- ner aad wire, an a, aam u. no.e IrrlBXloa ..... Q. P. Bchraeder and wife to 1. Hrhroerter and wire. 1 acre D-ainnin iv roda aortb end SW feet weat of aonfb eaet corner Elijah B. Paeldeon donation . -1-1 uin. ai onahlo 1 north. ,000 E. B. Miller 'to Mr. Bra Orlffla, aoatk U af lot 24. block 20. Alblna ........ S, TnrW Inreetineirt Vompanpto Ollre B. 000 658 828 ISO BflO For. tore. 11 ana ae. vmrrm .. wood Anber Clarleea B?IBoy and knabaad to Ielj -P. Lrreelee. lote . T, . 0. block 1; lot 10. blork 8. Home aobtrlalon H. Preeboronph et el. to I W. Zimmer men, lot IO, block 4. MobUtIII.... . Cberlca J. Poire end wife to F.rlk VVn et al., pert or lee 1, worm i '' ' etone'a addltJna poar Inenraaee aad abatracra to real aetata v. ipiii. nra.taa Ar Traet camaaap. S4A WaablBVtoa etreet. eoraer NOTICE KOTICB of Aopolatmaat af Eiecntrlx aad to . . . . - a. tk. a, ate uiaiaiBaie. in ' wi 1 w . w. of Oreaoa for tbe coaotp of Maltnomab. la tbe metter of tbe aetata af B. w later Mor rle. deeeeaed. Notice la hereby "I"B 'bat the nnderalpned baa beea duly ap polo ted by tbe above entitled court eiemtrla of tba laet will and teeumeat of B. Wlater Morrla, de reaaed. All pereooa barlna cUlm epalnat tbe relate af aald deeeaeed ara hereby re qiUred to preeent them with preprr rouchrra wltbla all montha from the data af thl notice, to tba onderelfned. eierotrl aa afore, aald. at tba efBra of Teal A Minor, room S14 Worceeter block, la the dtp of Portland, Multnomah county, etate of Orepoa. . Dated tbb) fonrteenth day of April, 10S. HANNAH ROPNRt MORBIfl. Kxecatrlp of tbe Laet Will of B. Witter Morrla, TVrceaaed. . Ft rat pabllcetloa April 14. 1008.-,. Laet pabllcetloa. Map 12. IBoS. THE adloarned aaneel meeHna of tbe atorkbold- ara or vonnjoia aim m company will be held at the office of the com pear, Sherlock bulldlaa. Portland, rcoa, oa Vrtday, May 4, 10"0. at tha hour of 10 o'clock a. a.. At euck meetlnt) a board of director to eerre for tbe eneulne; year will be rboaea and each other buelaeta wjll be treneected aa may lawfully eoma befora each tln. " .w, .... ;. B. D. UiilDluua, wrm.mifi THB adlottmed annual meetlnt af tbe etockbold- rra or tb laiica. roriiaun m ..vw. aatlea company, will be brld at tba office of the company, Sherlock building, Portland, ' Oreron. on THder. May 4. 1IW0. et tbe hour af lo o'clock a. m. At each meeting a board of direct ore to e-TTe for the eneulng peer will be rboaea and each ether boetnea will be tranearted aa map lawfully com before aeck eeUn. uTmPtnt, Berrrtarp. BRAt.EU pronooale for fornlehlng ecbool and . ., 1 1 ... eLnWM.1 rktaf.lrt K 1 Af f inner- piipyiiw w ' -lultnomeb county, Orepoa. wilt barecelred at tba office of the ecbool clerk, city bell, antll 1 p. at.. Taeertap, Mep IS. IBfW. Bner. ftrotloae end aamplee may ba bad at tbe office of tba dtp aupermundeat of erhoola, r dtp kali. RK'j r.R. , Bapertntewdent af Clip rVhoola. TO WHOM IT MAT rONCBRM. ' Tba partnerehrp heretofore eilattng aeder the aeme of lwoney A Ryaa nee thla day been dlaeoleed bp mutual eoneeat. Wa, Ryaa will ' enllert alt bllle dn tbe firm aad pay all acreaata da, br ba firm. w- a. j. vooxvr. -. Sated April ST. 1S0S. ALL Ptr Kntrhta f Prnenerd tent. Be. 411. ara . hereby act If ted ta anpeer at tha aadertaklng parlor af J. P. Pluley A Boa on Bunder efternnoa. April 20, at 8 p. mM ta attend the fanerat of ear late' brother. Sir Kb lent , rimer i. 1II. Interaeal la Lena fir came Jerr. J&y order ef ' ' P. uZBXUiKP. BAoMd Xatptr, MEETING NOTICES. ALBINA IIIMIB. No. 101, A. P. A. M. Hpeclel comma Iratloa tbl . IHaturday) arenlng. S a'clock. Work la P. C. deeree. VwUlag brethren cordially larlted. Bp order w. M. A.J. UANDI.AK. Secretary. LOST AND FOUND roCNO A gold watch, aa tha j4aTae of FlfUi mi vmmt ' un . . - - LOST iJidy'a rold watch. April 2H B'g wore-.e. l?AM;--f tuder will recelra ault able rewerd; retura to Jouraal ofSc. rocifD A gold r hit, on Brooklyn car. Ad dreea SAO Beat Oak . LOST Leather bk containing lodge receipt, no tee, $1 bill, elc.ela Hluger receipt book. Retura 402 Weabfiigtea at. Reward. LOHT Oa . Pront at.. April 27. my gold watch! 'mr fhame upon It la Hire place. Reward. Mice Rureneky,. S72 Pront at. . ,' . 1 HELP WANTED MALE: PI REM icy and brakemca oa' Oregon and other rallroada; eiperlrnc anarrraaary 1 Bremen, $100 amathly: brakemen, SN0; promotloB 4a poaltluna paying double; etate age. poelllou preferred; ernd tarn p. Railway Aaaorlattoa, Dept. 44, 827 Merket at.. Baa rraadaco. MPN and wo me to leara barber trade In eight weeka; graduate earn from SIS to -3 weekly; eipert Inatrorton; catalogu free. ' Moblcr fjTatrm af Collegea, 88 Bortb Poartk at., Portland. . . SALESMEN WAMTED Por oaa af tea Hrgeet nureerlca In the weet; ceah Bdvaaced weekly I rood territory open. Addreaa Wuhlngtua Nareery Co, Toppealab, Waata. AGBNTB WANTED to eell enperlor, blgb-grad Buraery etoek; complete outfit furnlabed free; eeab weekly: write today for choice ef ter ritory. Capital City buraery Compaay, Bala a. uregoa, WANTED Reliable newapaper ranraaeer; ateady poaltloa for right party: city and country wok; muat plre referencea. Addreaa O. J. Ageat, Vancouver, Waah. WANTED Wall and bnlletla Ignpalntera; only flratlaaa men need apply. ' Poater A Kleleer, fifth aad t Everett at. WANTED 8 ftrat-claea anl let tore who bare bed aiperlanca In aoute-to-boua caaraaalng; ealary and eommlealoo to right pert Ire. 200 Second at. WANTED 1,000 men, and ha treat free. 284 Conch at. We teach tba trade. A BARB opportunity fop a maa with eome capital; laeaatlgate and pan will aara lnreet. C 110, care Jouraal., . . HARNESS and raodlemekere wanting good lob In tb country, addreaa Cbae. L. Maatlrk. A Co.. wholeeele leather, Pioat aad Oak alreu, Portland. Oregoa. . WANTED Mattreae-maker. 18 and 20 Preat at. WANTED Plolahera. Oregon Pwnltur Mna factnrtng Co., Macadam road. WANTED Traveling maa making eaetera Ore poa and Waahlngton, -who ran handle grocery line. Addreaa D 102, Journal. WANTED Boy; ateady; factory work. 204 Devla, corner Prant, . . - WANTED Wc want to contract for 200 to S00 good Cblneaa ar Japeneee to labor Id turpen tine woode, and at railroad and aawmlll work; we would Jlke ta correepond with reliable pa- .. tlce who will contract to furnub u with 'Buck labor far a' term of peera. Jeckeoa Lam ber Co, Lockbart, Cerlngtoa county. Alabama . DESTRUCTION OP BAN PRANCISCO" Beet bonk: large profit; art quick: eample free. Globe Co, T3 Cbeajuyu. at.. I'Dlladelpbl. BOT wanted. Wtcoll. tba tailor. lOS Third at. LA RO RE Re for7 foundry: permanent employ ment, ra Sberlork bldg. PANTED A good all-nund blarkemlth, to work tn Prlnevllle, Or.. Inquire Waterhooee A Leeter, 08 Plftb at. 8TRONO ahle-hodled men wanted " at L. E. . Kern btickyard. E. Forty-first aad Dlvtetoa ata.; teke Richmond car; TINSMITH wanted. Apply Pacific Coaat Bla errlt Co., 12th and Davui ata. . BTOCK-CTJTTER wanted; erperlenred at pad ding, etc. Alvla B. Hawk Co., printer. MATTRESS-MAKER WANTED 40 Pront, cor. Davie. WANTED Flret-rlaae a Ira man for hotel and reetauraat tra de : no atbera need apply. . At SOS Becood at. ' WANTED A good, - reliable aata-maker. People'a Market aad Grocery, Pint and Taylor. WANTED Regletered druggut at once. CallT ' ma end I matnia. HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED Cooke, 1 wattteeeee, konaewerk, chambermalda, aerond glrla. The Home Ladle' Agency, lKSV, Fmirtb L, D Data Ira, ult 28. Phone Main 68S0. LOOK HERE If yoa want nuraee, caahler, rlerka, kotel or returat kelp, w hav tbm. Tbe Home Ladle' Agency, lABt Ponrtb St., -cor. Morrbmn at., npatalra. Mala 6b2S. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. S4SU Wabl tna at., ear. Seventh, apeteln. Phone Mala 8008. Peaal help wasted. THB BOMB INDIES' AGENCY Open Bua , daya and eeanlnge. 1 10BM Poartk et. Phone Mala S82S. EXPERIENCED GIRL wanted at BPS Everett to attend a tore. Call 10 a. a. TWO (200 kuadred glrla wanted at the Stand ard Prtory. Grand ar. aad Eaat Taylor t. Nruetadter Brother.' COMPETENT girl for bouaework and cooking; mall family; good wagaa. 498 Eaat be via. lS'EEDLEWORK ee lee won en: good poaltton to lady af appearance and acquaintance m Ilia dtp. Meilcan Drawnwork Co., S48 Morrlaoa. WANTED A good aerond girl to help wait en . table and do chamber work. Apply 101 M. Twenty-third at. WANTED A cook ; lady preferred. - Addreaa Cottage Hotel, Delia. Oregon. WANTED Girl for light bona. work; German preferred. 428 Tillamook at. WANTED Girl to aaalet tot light koueework and car of children. M Tillamook at. Phone Eaat 8170. WANTED-i-nirl for ateady work on power e win r-machine. 40 Front, cor. Davie. . WANTED-rA flrat-rleej dining-room girl; grmd eagre end good bom. 200 Market at. Tba Ltedell betel WANTED Capable woman boerdlng-brmee rook; nice piece; wagea $30. 230 M XamblU. Phone Main S418, WANTED Capable aerond girl to aaotat la kitchen. In Inalltntbm; wage $30. 230 Va Vamblil. Pbona Mala 841S. GIRIJt' wantP' to work In factory. Apply-Pa-dfle Coaat Biscuit Co., Twelfth aad Davie, et. MALE AND FEMALE HELP. HELP waated and enpplled, mala or female. B. G. Drake, 200 Vi Waablngtoa et. Paclne 1ST0. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE MARRIED man. no family, wanta poaltloa oa farm; lifetime etpcrlenre; andrrstanda rale Ing and rare of alfalfa ; good reference. C. W. MrClure, North Mount Tabor. WANTED Poett Ion by educated Japeneee, to do general hnueework at aay large place, B I la. Journal. . a - MAN, BO. good health, unlveratte, and rhrml cel education, went situation where ahllltlra will be eppreclatrd. Address E 12o JournaL TOL'NO man with 2H yrere" machine chop -perlence In the rset In tbe rream 'eeperetor line wanta work. Addreaa D 100, car Journal MAN and wife, ttnt-ehaa eooko, want work;, camp or kotel. A, A. Good. 2Hlb Alder el. NEWSPAPER MAN and printer of good morals, eiperteace and ability, waate management country weekly; beat refereaeea. Addreaa Res D, Wlnlock. Weahlngtoa BITTJATTON wanted by young man! aiperl enred In the handling of rredlte and reilec tlone; Al refereneee, B 11. cere Journal. SITUATIONS -WANTED-FEM ALB ELDERLY woman wants place- world eg honee keeper end rook for men; good cook ; eonntry prelerred. Mr. M, Glttdar, U7)s Aectk SUtk ' SI,. Mm 18, ( ' . SITUATIONS WANTFD-FEMALB WANTEIt Poaltloe as etewerdeea en - eteaaer: eicellent referencea. Addreaa B Y1H, Journal. M MI,1M WANTED AGENTS. MAKB BIO MONEY PAST Bellies; the official storr of 'TbeJ Deeuortloo of Pa a Psn . rlaro"; ear euTbor, Trumbull Whit and Richard liathlrupn, guaraulee aatbeatldty; . nearly SOU lanpe pegee: doatn of photo grauba: retail -81-80; $10.00 to $10.00 per day eeay If you act quick: will outeell any book ever publlahrd;- everybody Intereeted; auiBt freer ead 10e for poetage today; beet eereae te eaact.;. credit, given; frrlght peld; take orderaw4ille waiting for oulflt. Moaarck Book Co., tktcago, IUIboU, WANTED Bright, Intelllpent young mea aad wnmea to work ta Portland and earroandlng -' territory anllrltlng aubsrrlptlons and adver, tlaementa for local newapapera ' and maga- ' sine, part or wool tlma. At B, car Journal, . WANTED Agent: anmetblag new; good aelleri big wages. SuS McKay bldg. F1RPT-OI.A8S agent la Portland and through atate; big wagea to metiers. 410 Peatoa bldg. AGBNTB WANTED to sell cor high-grade nur sery Mark: ceah advanced weekly: big com mlaatona and premlaata; write today. . Addreaa ( nice Nureery Co., Salem, Oregon. - 2f TO t.'i per week easily nude selling sick and acrMent benbrits for T'nkia Mutual Aid Aeeorlatbin, 1' Marquam bldg. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. TUB Portland Employment O.. SOOH Morrteoa at. Pboae Paclne 230. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OPPICB. P0SV44BN. SO B. Becood at. Pbena Mala 1S2S. BIO FOOT! EMP. AOENCY Help euppllrd free. 10 North Second at. Phone Mr la 1018. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO RENT HOt'SEB, COT'AOES, PLATS, ROOMING-HOUSES. 8 TO BIS. ETC Our rental department baa beea ealarged and provtdrd with addtttonal staff. 'We Invite lietrag from- LANDLORDS, after pereonel attention to and eonttaaoua unervUloa evar all property latmatad - ear cere. PORTLAND TRtTBT COMPANY OP OR BOON, B. B. cor. Sd aad Oak ata. . Phooe Ex. TA A FAMILY dealrlng a modera Mount Tabor bom and will board ewaer and wife. Call 800 McKay bldg.. Tblrd and Stark eta. I aejaaaavr trrrnaai 111 111 1 maeeBeaeBgaa) WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED Someone to build me a reeldenoe north of Washington at aad weat of Both St., oa long loaae, eubjeet ta pnrchnee; ta coat from $.1,000 to $7,500. In case bouee and lot could-be Bold oa contract, ess pay SA00 to $l,(a) dowa and aa much aa $100 a month on Intercut and principal. Addreaa M., care Journal. WANTED Lot In aTcbanga for equity 1a 8 ar 7 -room bona. Pbona Eaat 8841. WANTED Improved dtp property, small piece preferred, and ao matter hew heavy mortgagea thereon. Call an Charles H Intel, 88V Tblrd st., room 8. - . . WANTED TO RENT Houses, cottages, rooming-bouses, Mr. Wlleon'a Agency, 201 i Morrlaoa. Bcnaoa blk. Pacific 010. I HAVE a buyer that wanta a col tare and lot near Piedmont carbarn for about $1,200; $200 dowa. belence on monthly InataUmenta. Henry O. Brow a, BIS McKay bldg. . - TLiST your city property and farm laad wltk na ror ooica aaire. COVER A BON. Rooma S and 0. 10TH lat at. Phone Mala 2001. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS PAINTING, Bora ring and whitewashing tree, baaementa, barne, dock, ate.; largest gasoline epraylng not tit oa the coaat. , M. O, Morgaa A Co.. 822 Ualoa are. . Phooe Eaat til. BiaHEfiT CASajPRICE PAID for fnmlti .e in any quantity; alao take aema on cemmlaelba and guarantee beet reeulta. Tba Portland Auction Rooms. A. BchabacB prop 111 aim at. Phone Main BOU. HIGHEST ceah price vald for second-hand goods. Pboae East 007 T. 138 Ualoa eve. WR WILL BUY, SELL OR TRADB.ANX OLD THING. WESTERN 8ALVAGB CO., 437 820 WASHINGTON. PAClfTOJOS. JOHN HABLE. manufaetorer af Improred ce ment poet, waterproof, leetlng, strong, cheap; n lease Inveetlgete; a ebeclalty of fence posts. Boutbeaet corner East Madison and b'nloa are.. Portland, Or. WHO IS M. O. MORGAN A CO.f B. N. MORGAN, ploaeer aprayer and white washes. Call Eaat 5243. Remember the name E. N. Morgan; 11 years la boelneaa . la Portland. WANTED 20 people to build in Piedmont:' do not let thta opportunity paaa. Be Pied mont today. SECOND-HAND donkey engine, double drama, one to carry about 2,640 fart ' 4 feable, tbe other to carry 1 mile of cable, eg!nea ta be about 7x10; niuat be In good condltloa. National Lumber Co., La Grande, Oregoa. SPOT CABTT. For furniture and noueebnld froode. PHONB MAIN B6S0. WANTED A good second-hand Smith-Premier No. 4 or Underwood typewriter; maat be la good condltloa and at a bergetn; enclose aana ple of work wltk reply. K 128, care Journal. WANTED 2S people to build In Piedmont: do . not let this opportunity pass. bee Pied mont todey. WANTED Skiff. IB or 18 fret; moat be good and cheep. Call Sunday or Monday at 14 Vk Huaeell St. WANTED Man and wife to board owaar, or will give free rent; bouse I furnlabed. 1014 Madrons ava. - " WANTED To bur Incubator or brooder. O. B. ('line. Ill Sixth et. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT THB KING. SOS Jefferson st Nicely furnlsbed rooms, with ga or electric light, beet and hatha, la sew building, $0.80 and $10 pat month. THB RICHELIEU. SOU NORTH SIXTH ST. Elegantly furnlabed, a team keat aad bath. TBB GRAND. 4BH 1 erth Tblrd st i geat leasee $1.20 per week aad Bp. FURNISHED and anfnrnlahed rooma. Tb Kamm bldg. First aad Pine ats. POB RENT Newly furnished room, gee, bath: aa other roomers; $2 per week. 407t Stalk st. FURNISHED room, m new, modern bouse. $4 per month. B4S Medleon. Phone Mela B840. '3QURNAL. WANT ADS introduce the man with tjuc'lplak to..; thb man - ' With the dollar, this 'is onlt one of themant " IMPORTANT - FUNCTIONS PERFORMED BT THEBT ' , Little "'Wonder FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING THE -MITCHELL. FUader sad Seeeatb . Sooma, housekeeping aad Uaaaleall eea- eeaieat; price raaaonabls, - ' $1.88 WEBB op, eleea. faralsbed boaaekeeplng reoaw, with yard, parlor, la a oaky .beta, far Baeakaat 803 si Stantoa at U ear. $180 PBB WEEK Large, eleea. furnished btHMekeeplng-rooma; la u a dry aad bath. 184 " ewia e-eriiaaa, . BI.EEPINO aad koaeakaeplng 1 06 Vk BuaasU st. . Tha McKay rooma fat rent. bldg. THB HALL. 414 Fifth Rooms, alagle ar aa alta. furnished for light housekeeping. 4T1 ALDBR Nice housekeeping-room; ge etove. rywa, caoe ta Dualueea; waaoaaow. 8 FURNISHED boueekeeptng rauca. $10 per nwmth. . a'll au m. ,u - ww MIHUI .K $f 8 ROOMS completely to rata bed f'T keeping. Pbona Mala 46-0. Key 020 1 7 th at. BLEEPING and kouaekeeptng-roome for reat Bee H. H. Hlgley. roeta.80, 227yj Waa blag, ton t. .. DESIRABLE booeekeeplng eulte, S3 per week; another for $4; rery ceutxaU lOTVi Tblrd, ' rvaaniDgToa. , NEATLY furnlabed traueekeephig and Bleeping rooma, $1 week: Borne oa around floor; large areeey rard. 864 North Bath St., W car ta 8uMh; M car from anion depot ta 241k. LARCE elegaatly furalebed bouiekeeplng romae; ga ran, bath, running water; $3 week. SoSVi Alder at. . - COMFORTABLY - farnlebed houaekeetilng eulte; furnlebed tentn: nice locatloa; fruit tree. Phone East 4128. Lewie A Clark camping ground. Mount Tabor. S UNFURNISHED housekeeping room a; both, phone, good neighborhood: 6 mlnatrs' walk to P. O. 410 Jefferaoa at. PLEASANT furnlabed rooma tor bouackerplng ; cheep rent. BOB Fifth et. - FURNISHED or anfiirnlshed houeekeepleg rooma, 803 Pint and M1U (ta. 8 FURNISHED bausakeeptng-rnom; reasonable to right pertlee. Call 830 WllUam are. THB GRAHAM. 84BV, Wsb. Rooms $1.78 per week; housekeeping, per were ana up. PPMS AND BOARD. 4T1 ALDER Lsrge front parlor," bath, phoae, board If deelred. walking dlataaca, reason Ua prlca. . SOB I2TH Large front room; ga. bath, pboae, walking dattaace; private tamlly aad kaa eoinf ort. - FRONT alcov roor. eultable for $ mea; beet table board. 221 10th at Tel. Mala 8041. ROOM and board, auttabl for 8 geBtlemea; reasonabl. 808 Vi Second at. $20 EACH for two persona ta quart home; ao children: bath, ate. Pbona Eaat 4011. 024 Eaat Morrlaoa. . - " WELL-FURN18HED rooms .- with board; rate reasonable; BtoderK 443 Jcfferaon. Pbona Mala 0426. ' 612tk 'SAV1EB T. Board and room, $4.60 week; elngle room, $1.25. week, - FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES. OFFICB roam.' an furnlabed rooma aad sample rooma fori reat Geodaouck. bldg. Apply ale WANTED Jeweler to take pert of a earner window In good corner drag store. Call 13tk and Umatilla. ' FOR RENT Snactona etnraronm, good location; good for any business: dirt cheep; $20 per month. P. ruche. H01 First at. STORE. 381 North 10th at.:- ideal place for a butcher, bakery or plumber;-, cheep rant. Apply BIT Commercial blk. . - . ' . POR RENT One floor. 6O1I00 feat. In brick building, With nee of elevator. 241 Pront at Pbona, Main 2500, - DESK ROOM for rent; central location.- Apply zi.i piers et. FOR RENT HOUSES. HANDSOME TfOMB Lately renovated and put tn prime condition. ' 10 rooma, modern, Anlehed In California red wood, large yard,' front and.' reef; a clean, trim borne; North IBtb near Nortbrup; get key and go tbrougk tail kouee; $35 to food tenent. PORTLAND TBTJBT COMPANY OF 0BE0ON, B. B. cor. Third and Oak at. Pbona Exchange 72. . . " 1 ' KADDERLY TRANSFER CO., prompt aad re liable plena and furniture mo vera; also stor age. Pboae Mala 185. Of Be 110 N. Third. FOR RENT Modern A mom bouee. 10th and Irving ata., $30. Pbona Mala T01. THB CONTINENTAL COMPANY 848 STARK ST. INSURANCE. RENTALS. BEB LIST. $23 NEW modern 7 -mom bona; eery choice! location. BOB Vancouver ava. M FA BLAND'S new cottage. Myrtle Park. . Mount Scott rarllne. completed, 8 rooma, $15; electric wired, bath, ate; bargain. Phone Mala 4408. HOUSE FOB BENT Modem 8-room cottage, weet aide. Inquire 128 N. 14th et. NEW modern 6 room bouse. In Upper Alblna. between 8 car llnee; ao chlldrea. Inquire 808 Monroe at. POR BENT Heme 11 rooma, modern Improve ment, 828 12th at. Apply at 821 12th. St. 10-ROOM bona and email barn, corner Eighth end Helaey, $3,500: plumbing In bona cost $500: one half rain, belence. on easy pay ment a.'- Inquire 288 Larrahr at. 8-ROOM new modera cottage, with large eoraer - lot, 480 Eaat 84tb at.; Hawthorne rar; rr aeon able rent Apply 402 Commercial bldg. 8-ROOM boose and S Iota, well located. $100 per year. Alvord A Alvord, 183 Morrison t. FURNISHED 0-room bonee; one family. $2; two. $30: eeet elde. ' Phone Best SDnS. ... . FOR RENT FLATS. FOR BENT T-room modera new flet. B4TU Sixth at, aear Jeckeoa. Phooe Paclfle SsA A. H. Maegly. 210 Fourth at MODERN 8-mom flet. Including gae aad eteel range; ehades en window e. 300 Halaey. MODERN B-rooa lower flat, eery cheap. 428 Eleventh. . . i - POR RENT New 8-mom flat' 108 Ualoa are., aortb. Bear llolladay. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNI - TURE FOR SALE ,Ti r FURNITURE of 8-room modern cottage tor) sale. cottage for rent; will eell all or pert of furnlrnrj;,. PbuaawKast 1712, or call 810 I Bill 1 taa tor pnr, imjna (or mi, e Call after 11 p. m. 40 Kat 11th at. g-Toome. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. FOB BENT In dtp. 8U acree .stable tar gardening. . Inquire 80S Fourth. FOR RENT Aa ll-moni hotel la a email towa, doing a good bualneee: mostly furatehed; rent reasonable or will eell oa payment to ault Kirrhaeer. Addree Mrs. M. C. Howard,. New rg. Or. t ' CIOAR STAND, ftne location, cine to theatre. Inqnlre Park sslooa. 18th and Waahlngton eta. BUSINESS CHANCES. $3,V( DOWN and terme buva a JT-rnom lodging bouee, cloee In; $178 down buye a amall roomlng-bouee; $800 down and terma bnye a 80 room lodging houaek,. $700 down emye a 1'i room ' lodging bonee. rent $15: 8 4-room ' ent'lagea for rent la St.-' John; 8 fnrnlahed rattagea for rent, ekiee In; 3 reataurante fur sale, an terme; g.VM down and tor ma buys a 1.1 room kNlglngbouee. Tenth at.: $380 down and terma buys a swell 0-room bulging-boose oa Tenth et. ; $2.V) down and terme bnye a T room bonee oa North Ninth at ; $90 buy a I2-mnm bouee oa Fifth at. I $290 dowa ami terme bur a a 12 room bouee on North Nlntb et. Se H. H. Hlgley, room 80, 3-TVk Waea Ingtoa at ' ' DON'T com her flrt. but don't bar your dt property, fruit and garden land, wheat, Block or delry renrbee until yon ee na. North. Weet land Co., Sod Goodnough bldg. P. 8. ' We ana have bnelneee chance, of .all kinds. BAB 888 eWPlt l 11(81. At .TV. a w0 BUSINESS CHANCES. ail 'HI M KM OPEMINI28. 'Should yoa be looktug for euch, aad have ;Te uma, can at our oitire, we ere m m . buelneea of looking ap euch for our clients, aad wa would be pleeeed to make you ooe at our rllenta; no matter what yoa want, w eaa asslat yoa: tba) I our buelneee. NORTH WEST LAND COMPANY, 20$ Uoodnougk bldg. . . ' ,,..t ' A baalnee that will net yen aboea all eg. peaees $200 per month; owner w tehee to go eaat 1 thla week only at $2,600. Addreaa P 8. care Journal; BESTAUBANT, 380 Stark, $300; ranch reenter, 10 etonle. S tables. 0 cbalra: doing a flret cleas bualneee; maat- eell: railed eeet as kusl aooe; good leeaa. Call fi Fifth at. FOR 8ALB rtrst-elasa eeloon"rtB. Peodletoa, -Or. I new flxturee. ever thing In ftrat-claea coedltlon; ao belter locatloa In tbe city. - Apply Bog BBS, WHO IB M. O. MORGAN CO. I MEAT MARKET for Bale. BBS Ualoa aea.. N. PORTLAND auburbea oragatara for Bale. Ad dree B 4, care Journal. - POR BALB Ftret-da lauadryt ay terma. Write or Inquire of Mr. C. B. Tbompaoa, Woodbura, Oregon, FOR BALB A completely - equipped machine a Nop, doing good bualneee; flrat-clae loca tion; long lease ; prl low. Addreaa Oregoa City Machine Shop, Oregoa City. Oregoa. 8400 BUYS a good paying reataurent. Inter national note,, cor. Third and Everett. POB BALB A aew etock af groeertee. excellent ; location: good bergetn. - BIB Jefferaoa at, ' city; ewaer retiring front bnetnew. rw SAWMILL aad timber for eele. Addree 'Box . H, Btayton, Oregoa. Route No.' 1. . Grading to Let. Wagon aad arreper-: work la Alblna: good work. For particulars call telepboaa be tween and 8 a'clock. - Baat B80O. A KG M or. amall room In r houaea for sale on term by H. B. Hlgley, noes 80, 227 W Waahlngton at. STOCK eompaaleai Incorporated ; If yon, have lock ar bond for sale, let m try aad sell tbem for you. Ueorg -M. Kellogg, broker,. 846 KUIcott Square, Buffalo. SPOT CASH. For furniture end ban ae ho Id good , PHONE MAIN 6050, , POR BALB Baltimore cafe and lodging house. Address H. Van Atta, Vancouver, Week. A BN A P Leading proa pe roes newspaper and job office in coming port on Paclfle coaat, population 3,500; (.000 within radluevof S rallee; will eell at sacrifice. Owners fleatre to ga east, Audreea K 123. rare JournaL CORNER rooming bouse,, 39 nicely furnlabed rooma ; oa well-known, populsr etreet; rooms II full, dears s round $160- per. month, la alwaye prodtsble;-one of the eefeet .bualneee tnveetment la. Portland; will eell for 1.2(a), - $500 dowa. C. Shay, room 8. 1B4 F1rt et. FOR BALB Country etore, near Portland, near carllne, good location. -'Addreaa D 111, rare Journal. ... . 1 . WANTED Partner with capital: have romnU-te Kdleon outfit. Including motion picture of Hen ' Franrhrro before, during and after fire: will deer $1,000 per week. jjCa 11 today, 145 VH Sixth at., room 1. . , , SHOE repair Store for sale, making nonary, 181 Madtaon. good Iocs t lour- maat leara towa. Look Into thla. . " $880 BESTAUBANT and building: good kv cation, good business; will psy for Itself la 2 montha. - $1,800 Rooming bouee, 30 rooms, 'all full. $100 per month over ead above .every expense; aa exceptional bereeln; terma. LAFAYETTE BEALTTCO Lafayette Bldg Corner Sixth and Waablngtoa. HERB 18 A MONEY-MAKEB. 48 mom, wdl furnlabed. fin location and low rent; owner, muat go eaat; will ee orifice for $ Call at once for particulars. - 1AUEMANN 4k HI.ANCHAKp, - at ritta at.. MERCHANTS If yoa ar looking for a good money-making a tore from $1,800 ap to $20,000, don't fall to Investigate my bergenia., p. Fuche. 14B First at . . , I WANT to buy a amall or large, rooming -boats). H. Weet, Portlaad. r. u. nog ia BARBER bo worth $1,000 muat be sold at once: prlca $230. Avord A Alvord, 183 Merrt. aon at . . . IP YOU want a good paying grocery, confec tionery or reeuurant, call on us. . Alvord A ' Alvord. 183 Morrison at. . HAVE $1,300 hlgh-rlaee etock, guaranteed to pay B0 per cent during 6 years; Interest , bearing secorltle depoelted with local true! company of on and one belt time the value of etock; will forfeit la esse thla stock doea not pay 10 per cent aaaaaily. P 101, JournaL $200 Tailoring bualneee aau complete nutSt; apiennia location, 1 storerooms, a living room, low rent.. . Room IS Lafayette bldg, cor. Sixth aad Weeblagtoa ata. WANTED A lady with $400 to take char re of a lodging bouae. Sea II. H. Hlgley, room 20, 227 H Weahlngtoa st. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. PEOPLE who appreciate such features as building reetrtctlons. wkte streets end broad aveupes. alleys, sightliness, beautiful loca tloa, anaurpaseed ear service, aeernesa to tb dty, baalaes ur saloon prohlhrtloa la fart all euch featuree aa cberacteris the cbolceet reeldeace districts la tba beat American cities build la Piedmont SER- PIEDMONT before you buy elaewhere; lot (BOiloO) $400 and $800. Take St. Jonna. Woodlawa or U ears; ; leave corner of Weahlngtoa aad Second sta. every 8 to 4 minutes. LOTS la Piedmont $300, $400 and $800. Tbeea low price tn a number wba will build at ' once: we will help you; eeey terma: INVESTMENT COMPANY, Main 871. 244 Stark at HIGHLAND HOUSE . $060--New T-room residence kouee. lot T81 ' 83, fruit tree, good location. 4 blocks Htgb, 'land ecbool. 3 blocks carllne: Ik Merest , snap so tba market; 8 few day! only for $ao; easy term. . - W. J. DAT A CO,- ' ' 1S Fourth it. Room SS. - ; FOR SALE 4 Bn lot t Wlllaiaetta etsOon, St. John carllne, 3 block from ear. la quire, at 1604 Willamette boulevard. PROGRESSIVE people aee Piedmont before buying elsewhere. Tab St, John. Wood lawn or U car. Second and Washington ata. Car leave every 8 to 4 minutes. LOTS la Piedmont to builder 8100 to $200 below merket value; 60x100 bite $300. $40 and $800. We want HOUSES I HOUSES! HOUSES! Wa will kelp yoa build. 344 Bterk St. 100x100 FRONTING eeet; St. John car, and other choice lota - below value; eeey terme: - Investigate. Can white cottage 1 block weet Arbor Lodge station. $2.800 West a1draay walking diet sne, new modern T-room bduee; y term. $8.000 rtn residence, ewe 11 part af city; ,8 bargain. . . $7,Mi0 Fin Corner on Third t. weet sin. $22,000 Good Incame-bearUig brick, central; good Investment for anybody. F. FUCH8, !4Vh rb-st at BUY ACBE8 FOR THE SAMP1 PRICE AS YOU PAY FOB LOTS. $2 500 5 arr fine gardea land cloee to B. P. eerabope. J, $3,30010 acra fin land, 8 In cultrtaUon. 4.0(K-M Iota, tBlrersliy; all ef tbem gr bargam. "' - , . P. FUCHB,. 148VI Plref at. MODERN B-ronra boaee. wall situated ea Baai 41 h at., between Belmont and YamhllL U. W. Walker, owaar, aa premlsea. , CITY PROPERTT. t ' $nn0 t room bouae and lot 1 H klorks front Union svs. rar: will eell on matallment, $10 per month ; will tax driving bora a pact ""lino B room kouae, lot 28x130, oa Mt. Scotl rarllne, one block from elation; bona coat $300; will give terms. . A $1.100 8-room kouee. lot SO1IO8, 18-foot alley, 1018 Halgbt ava. Central Alblna addl- WASHINGTON A OREGON REALTY CO., 253tt Waah., at, rooma 11 aad 12, Portland, Oregoa. ' ,V' And 800 Mara at., Vancouver, Wash. $10 000 WH.L buy SOxlSS. centrally loratod. income I. in per rear, f-j - r " $30,000; thta properly ebon Id treble tn ealua In the nxt 10 yeer. being better aecnrlly then any beak, and three times 'better than loaning money on real eetate. Mr. Rounds, 208Vj Stsntnn, corner Commercial. Alblna,. I BUILD bona re eeay pevments: Ie4 furwlehed U saavta ; AU1MT, aia bvaaeviu FOR SALE REAL ESTATE' '; y $1.280 0-room bouae, tut 001 100, 1 block from carllne. . 1 $1,160 8-room bouae, modera, - new, H klerke from carllne. $3J0 8-room bvu modern, lot 80100. near Wllllema eve. It $2.860 a room boused eooaera, a auburbea ' horn; a bargela. $.1.000 0-room bouae, strictly modern, laws, tree, Oowere. walking distance. $4.000 8-room kouae. orer Williams are., walking dlataaca, lot TOxloo; s model home at a aacrlrt.e. Oood. term aa all tkeae; coma and ae as, W kava othur Jtiat aa good. LAFA VKTTB RKA-LTY CO., Room 1$ Lafayette bldg!, cor. Sixth and Waahtagton ate. - ONE of the flneat little borne tn tb eauaty. contakilug vlght acree. and one half aat to. . l.oganoerrlee, and la Jfull bearing, oaa acra of family orchard,' suisll bouae, tn good ardur, -barn aad saverel rkickea-boiieee, place well fenced aad watered, ootl cannot be excelled, and only one mile from town, where tbe-a are both railroad and boat treneportatioup tbl year'e crop will pay for tba place; prK $1,800. Beat tbl IC job can.- Cell and la. eestlpate. NORTH WEST LAND COMPAJfY, 200 Goudnougb bldg. - TEOPLB who appreciate euch featuree as 1 building restriction, wide trta sad bread , avenuea, alleys. elghtUnees, beautiful Iocs.' tloo. unsurpaaaed car err vice, near'neee , to tbe city,, buelneea and. saloon prohibition In . fart all such fealuree as char act arise tba "choteeet reelilenre' districts In tb beet American cities build In Piedmont SEB PIEDMONT before you buy elsewhere ; ' lot 1 60x too) $40(1 and $800. . Take St Jubna. Wondlawn or U care; leave corner of Washington aad. Second at. every s to 4 minute.' c AN ELEGANT HOME SACRIFICED. $4.000 Reeutlfut bouae at lea large rooma, lsrga grounds, decorated with choice ahrule . bery, vinea and small, frulta;. atand three feet abova grade; la ooe of the atoat . fa. vored part of the peninsula; close to ear. Una aad Colombia university. ; . t, ' $3.T80 New modern'. 7 room " bouse and grounds la Holladay'a aa carllne. $2,800 bnye a new modern 5-room rottac ' 'and lot, oa 11th it. weet elde, walking dis tance. $2.2.t0 buy a new modern 5-room cot tare and full lot nt Highland, aear rar, and cloea . to Highland ertmol. B. B. COOK A CO, 231 Aider at 3H ACRES. S blork from Monte villa, ear; i acre In frail, a flaa 0-room bouee. baiu. ciilckea-bouaa; a nice home and cheep at $3,8001 gran raen, naience ju a montn. lxt e0xl2S-feet, with new 6-mnm hoove, concrete beeemenl, hatbl near rar, Monla vtlla; $1,200; $200 rash, balance $13 a monto. Aleo another, a little Isrgrr. at $1,400; $i"0 down. $20 a month. " 8,000.0(Mi feet atumpage for ash?; good tie, proposition, a 8.000. 00 feet tie timber on Columbia river. ' -.Irak acree, 4 mi lee fram Kalama. oa eiif road. What hav yoa to trade for lit Price $800. - . ' BLAIR A IIURI.BIT, .- . . Ablugtou bklg ' . 0-IIOOM house. Iiath and toilet, tot 40x100. on Brooklyn cerllna, $2,600. Alvord Alvord, . 183 Morrison st. ... $2,50010 ACRES of food land. I -mile front marline; a few lota In Tehorelde for Bale very rhesp, eeey terma. B. 8. McCoy, W llllb. at .VERY Sne Bxidera 8-ronm houee, everything la nrsi-riaaa snspe, Keeraey at, near Ml ., $4,800: $1,000 rah. 00x100 on Keernry between 83d and 24th ata., In rente -of Nob Hill dietrirt: tbl will not teat long, vacant kit ara very care; ' $4,000; term. Houee aad lat on Bos at, elos In, $2,000g term. . - - ' v B room cottage, Knott Beer Union, $1,000. ' 8-mom cottage. Union end KuotU- $2.2t. , 80x128. Sne lot. on Rresre et.. $800. The Sneet lot 1 WllllaBsj Avenue addition, , en , Rodney v., $000. $1.600 4RiM0. fere -1 etreet a. at end of San Rafael, between- Seveatb aad Eighth at.; thl la a bargain. BOxtoo en Halgbt at., near Fremont: a eery Bn lot la a alee locality; ouly $56o; . term.. '..-,-.., HENRY 0. RROWN, . ' ffl3 McKay bldg, Tblrd and Stark. ST. JOHNS - ' , Buslneee property In tbe beat.' baalnea part of St. Johns, rente $40 per month; good . Investment: 83.600. - '. ' HENKLE$rrtARRH 21T Ablagtoa bldg, LOOK . HERE? ' Modem T-room bouee. brick basement, good .bare, laundry, four lata, with trull and bet rlea. $2,000; one blork north and four blork weet of Tremont station. J. F. Huggbw, owner. THIS week we will eell yon that Sne lot. 60-foot froat-cor, Baat SMth sad Yamhill, for $373; ' eeey terma.' Patteraoa A Stewert 1000 tb Belmont t. THAT 100x200 on Et 28th and. Stark la . atlll for sale st $2,000; a show to Blake $1,00(1 eeey. Pe Hereon A Stewart, lOOOVi Belmont at. PIEDMONT ' . . . . ror Piedmont lota see Invest men t Co, III Stark st. Main 871. - ' POR SALE Along the north bank railroad, a 1 larre Hat of farm, ercharde, aawmllla and bualneee property. Inquire of D. W. Batch- moon A Co, . Wesbougal, Wash. . IP XOU waat to build, bay all your material at the American Ian; yoa will save TB per coat: fine doors, wlndowa. plaster boards, rustle ee siding, flooring, atalre, timber aad lumber. Pboae owner. Paclfle 1070. 8-BOOM Boaae and quarter kloek at tba eoraar at East 14th and Beaooa ata $1,300. W 8, car J 00 reel. I MAVB a few B-ecre trarta of eery fine lead, eerr eeay to eleer; '0 mile eaat of Portland, and enly oa mile from O. W.- P. eleetrla line, tbat 1 will tell at from $80 ta $75 per acre, oa very eeay term. Addreaa V 14. aara Journal. POB BALB AT A BARGAIN - ' A Sne stock rsnge, containing a boat J. BOO , acree; all aadee fence; altuated near Boas. . berg. Oregoa. oa 8. P. B. ft.-, tola te one ( ". tbe beet stork ranges la tke county; I else -kave another good etock range eotlntng 1.430 acrre, which will be Bold at a eery low Kca. Per particular address i. B, author- , , ewaer, Roaebarg, 'Oregoa, $6008 LOTS la Eaat 4818. locatloa ; terms, ' ' ' " Phone SEE na before bnymg or selling your properte. We hav a large Hat of fine home for aala '.and homee for rent tn ll part of lb city; list your proper ty with ae. for aele or rent. Eaat aide hnalnea a epeelelty. Portland land Co, Reel Estate, lyiana. Inenranr end Rent., als. 187 llolladay ava.. Portland. Or. Eaat End Steel Bridge. Phone East 1722. San Francisco Msa mast sell his lota. 21 In one bunch price Ser lot $00; 3 blocks from csr line at Bt. nbna. Call or write Hampton Hnrlhert Co.. room 8 Breedea! bldg., Portland, Or, Tblid and Washington. POR SALE OR TRADE For property weet of Caeca tlee. Income-bearing farm nd city prop erty in s astern Oregon. B. C, care Journal. POR SALE At n bargain, by tbe owner. B-rooui cottage, with all modera Improvemente. with . or without furniture; fruit end flowers; be tween 2 car llnee; corner B. Tblrty-slxtb and Taylor. Phone Eaat B1T1. , POR SALE Modern t-room cottage, large lot. 8 block Trot 0. R. A N. earebope; part cash. Owner, 1T1 Staaloa et. BEAUTIFUL building location, on B. Thirty fourth St.. from th owner, at a bargain. Phone East Bl.r $500 DOWN buy new modern A mom bona. 8 large lot, barn and chlckra-boiiee; muat aeir befora Mar 1. $700. terms $300 down, buy 6-room honae 1 large lot, all planted In garden and ber ' rlee; tble I a bargela for a cheap borne. Take Mount Scott rar to Tremont, Inquire . at grocery store 1 block weat. Owner, A. Helney. ' ' KEAT little home an RuaeeTI at,; near Union eve.; bath, pantry, 8 rooma. lot 60x130, Im proved street, newly painted snd papered. . lawn. Pratt; $1,000 rash, bslaaca eeay. Th Continental Oo, 248 Stark at. . BRAND-NEW 8-foon) bonee; wood Bore plaster, -both, fcot water, 64x100 kit. 1 block ear, T Mock St. John P. O.; vrlMeacrlBce for . $1,700, $B00 ceek, belence wlrtnT; bargain; Bee It bow. Owner, P 118. care Journal. I MAVB 8 of tb meet Beautiful lots on Port, laad height, with Bn view, on rarllne, Im. proved etreet, eelert neighborhood- buyer aee tbeea at once; price right P 113, csre Journal. YOU wilt pay $800 per acre one year later for what 1 am offering t $160 now; 10 acre on Woodatock Una, anoatly cultivated, well " " fenced. One toll; aea foe yourself. D J 10, ears Journal. POB BALB 4 sice lota, 80x100, Columbia Heigkta; 4rootn lank bona, orchard and well. Bjewly fenced. Sn place for rhlrken or ' aquaba; 81.800; incumbered $000. 3 years; $1,200 aet. Owner. V 120, car Journal.. UNTIL May 1, fltee full 2-aterr 7 r...i bouae, gmd barn. 3 Kit, with fruit. $1 oOt well wart IL800. 0wf, $3 UJt sta,, MoaUvUlak. : f . r .(J ' 1 1