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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 1, 1906)
v" 4 THE OREGON DAILY TOURNAIp PORTLAND. TlIUESDaVf EVENING, MARCH -1. 1SC3. It Tai 1 RECORDS OF THE: liUHIG TURF Interesting List of Past Perform tnces by SrackLHorm jml OUTLOOK FOR NEW MARKS ' BRIGHT FOR THIS YEAR Maid Marian's- Mark' for Fiv "Pur lopo'.Haa Never- Been Equaled Dick Welles, The Musketeer and "J Other Horses That Fly. v " 8vral world'i record were broksn on the American, runnlns turf laat rear, and Judging from the desire among the .w nwnara fnrfaat time, more l.ure. Wilt l-SuarPl";"w,'fci" eon. particularly at Belmont Park, which tiaaTome to e retarded -a- the faeteet . track in the world., eaya an exchange. Beginning at the ahorter distances, a revised list of the records aa they atanl at present will be of interest to lover of thoroughbred racing." It was In Oc tober.. 189, that Maid Marian ran five furlongs down the Eclipse course at Morris Park In :.. a mark that has never been surpassed. McOee. a -year old. established a record of .!: for five and a half furlongs at Chicago Jn l0l. which still stands Intact. , "' At sla furlongs there are-two aeta of records made in straightaway races and la races .- -circular - tracks. .Artful - holds a record of 1 :0I for six furlongs etratght, made over the Kcllpse course . at Westchester in October, . - At the. same meeting 8andria. a Whitney rod filly? also ran the distance war the " name -course in Over -the old Futurity course at.. 8heepshead Bay Kingston hung up t:ef for thla dts--taco on June l, Wl. while Domlna "ran down the Eclipse course In 1:03, on September 13, 1H. . area tprlnur. ; " - - Firearm waa another " great sprinter at Weatchester, aa he" was timed In - l:tK ' on October 1.- 19. Artfufc ' trior to her record-breaking perform'' apce II . Morris. rirK, nuns up now " record for the Futurity, six furlongs. the tame year when she waa clocked in , 1:11 4-6. ITp to last October the world's ' - record for six. furlongs on a circular ;. track was 1:11 4-a, esUbllshed by Dick Welles, a 3-year-old, In KOI at TJhl " eigo. and equaled in 104 at the aunt track by Ivan the Terrible. These fig ures remained the best Until the mighty iRoseben cerrjrlng .147 pounds, ran the distance last fall at Belmont' Park In ,1:11 -!.. Considering the burden car ried, ths mark will probably remain the -' top notch for many years ta come un - -- eea Roseben himself can do better at the new tTacsr-rn QTreernr-thla -year. ; At six and a half furtnnga Martinmas 'holds a record of 1:1 S-t. viada on an eastern track in 1904, while Ths Mus keteer hung up a world's) record for '. seven furlongs when - be ran thla die ts noe on the circular track at Saratoga - in 1:IS during the ' meeting of 110J. - Bark in UJO Bella B., a faet mare, cov . : ered seven furlongs straightaway at . Monmouth Park in whirh was practically equaled by H. P.- Whitney's rerrerse, a t-year-old filly, at Belmont ' Park last fall. when, she waa timed in . ' 1:21 t-C. Rag Tag, a 4-year-old, ran seven and a half furlongs In 1:11 1-1 In 10, and the record atanda anequaled. . .,. - iTew Maoorea Sxpeeted. . ' It baa been predicted by many turf ment that a "new 'world'a record for a mile on a circular track will be hung up thla year by one of the cracks that will : face the starter at Belmont Park. Laat fall Ktameeha, with a feather on ber - back, ran a mile around one turn in 1:17 t-S, which equaled the record made in 1101 by the 1-year-old Dick Welles, ... ; a Washington Park. Chicago. But Pick Wellea carried more weight and ran around two turns, which made bla per- formance perhapa mora praiseworthy. : In 11 Alan-a-Dala ran a mile In 1:17 S-f at Chicago, without being ex tended. Straightaway the beat mile : ever run waa that of the famoua Salva 'tor, who in a match against time at Hon- "mouth 'Park In 1M0 hunsupha..flg- . urea 1:11V. Marrow, an English- .;. bred horse, waa timed In 1:15 1-1 over one of the British tracks In )ist. ' At a mile and t yards. Maid Ma- - rian'a 1:40 flat, made In Chicago In 1811, . remains unchanged.- Grand Opera holds " the best record for one mile and.,. SO yards, 1:41 1-i, made in Chicago In )0. --Then at a mile and 70 . yards, Jlmlnes haa the best figures,-1:41 1-6, . also' established In the Windy City in 1101, Havlland, a 0-year-old,-ran" a ' mile and 100 yards In. Chicago la '1:44 1-6 in 1102, which is a record, too, although Coruscate equaled it last July on one of the western race courses. The same time. 1:44 1-5. stands as a record for one mile and a sixteenth, made by Glassful, a t-year-old, in l0t. Fort Hunter created the record of 2:61 8-t tor a mile and three sixteenths at Sara-1 toga In 1104. Watercure's Paat Time. . , . The -fastest time-for a mile and an . eighth baa been made In. the eat.We tercure covering thla routs at Brighton Beach-In 1:511-6, In 1100, the figures being equaled by Roehampton at the same track the next year. Brighton also COD-LIVER OIL.- - - It "almost makes you sick to think of it, but it isnlL nearly as bad as it used to be. The impfOved methpdpfr.efiniftgit makes it much easier to take, and when made into Scott's Emulsion almost . every one can take -it. "Most children'like it and ncliildrenTllial are not t aie bendcdirjritr :Vhcn the doctor say$ "Take cod liver oil," he. - generil ly means -Scott's Emulsion; ask him 11 he doesn't.; They know It is more easily digested and -' better than- the plain oil. COIt a ilOWKK, o rarl tweet, WewTers. iobu has ""tiff "credit of being the track on which: the uta 8. m. Brown's Broom' stick ran a mile and a quartar in 1:02 4-6. the day he wen the Brighton handicap front Irish Lad in 1104. That waa not long after Irish Lad had e re nted new figures for a mile and three eighths at Bheepehead , Bay. where, on June 15, ha was timed in i:it -. uooo rlchi haa held the record for a mile and a half 2:I0U ever alnca It!!, when he made It In Chicago, Africander 2:41-5 for a mile and five furlongs. In 103.J Is a best on record, while -the erratlo Major Dalngerfleld hung; up 1:67 f or'a-mile and" JJtree-quartera" in' 1101. . . There are very few racea at two miles nowadays. Ten Broeck In a race against time- at Ixmlsville, 1177. ran this dis tance in 1:27H. a record that still stands, slthougb Judge Penny equaled It In California In February, 1801. The peerless Ethelbert'a record of t:4Fl-i for two miles and a quarter ha never "been equaled -elnce- he put it on Ihe books by winning the Brighton cup at the beach. August 4. 1000. -But with vuiiditlun 1 of 'this tins. and modern training methods those fig ures ars bound to tall one of theae days. Drake Carter ran -three milea at the bay In 4:14, on September 0. 1(14, but thla la a dtatance seldom raced over now. At four miles Lucretla Borgia holds the record of 7:11. made agalnat time at Oakland, 1117. The list Is com plete w.Ith the 10-mlle record of 2t.ll, made In 1180 by Mr. Brown at Banco- RACING SUMMARY ON COUNTRY'S RACE TRACKS (Journal Special srrlc.) ; New Orleans, March 1. City Park race results:- - Mile and a quarter John - uarner won. Filler second, uungannon. rnirtL; time, 2:012-6. - - - , . Mile and a sixteenth, handicap uriy If. won, Envoy second. -Karkut third; time. -tMO. Olenwood fell.- - . One mlla Florlael won, Mynnerr sec ond. Jole thlrdr time, 1:40 1-6. The Pickwick handicap, aieepieonase. full course Charawlnd won, John E. Owens second, Ruth's Rattler third; time, 4:00 1-6. '. SIxrfurlona-er-'Alrenlp won,- Beneoo- hurst second. Bert Oera third; tlrat, 1:11 4-5.. -Six furlongs Aurora! ver. won. Prince Brutus aecond. Lady Esther third; time. 1:14. . ,-. ,.-.. - FlveJand a half furlongaAnna Bmlth won. Massive secona. Brlc-a-Brac third; Urns, 1:08 1-6. At Vew Orl earns Faly Oromda, n (Journal apeeiai serriee.j Xew -Orleans. March l. Falr.XIroimaa race reaultaL Six and a half, furlongs Roue wen. Triple Silver second. Globe Runner third; time. 1:14 3-6. One mile Flavlgny won. J. C- Clem second. Bitter Brown third; time, 1:41. Two miles Cashier won, Louis Kraft aecond, Nonea third; time, 1:14 4-5. Four and a half furlonga Bemay won. Frank Lord second. Judge Levey third: time, 0:644,- . -t Mlla and a sixteenth Monaco Maid won. - Blennen second, Whlppoorarlll third; time. 1:47 4-6. One mile Peter Mathanlel won, Ter nus second, Pirate'a Panca Wt$; time, ' .;-""Vt Hot arpitaga Ytvefc. . " " (Jonntel Special Serrlco.) Hot Springs, Ark, MarchJ. Oak Lawn "race results:" Six furlongs Water Mirror - won. Sneer second, Tomochlchl third; time, l:itt.5. . . . ."; Three and a half furlonga Rudy won. Mies Strome second. Mlmlc'a Daughter third; time. 0:4 Mlle and a alxteenth, handicp-Utnywlln(e4 out u,t nlght by ter won. Red Leaf second. Jack Toung third; timer 1:47 1-6. . Slx furlongs Magalda won. Mayor Johnson . second. Loricate . third; time, 1:14 1-5. .. ' Three furlongs Merchant won. Elklna rjcond. Jardiniere third; time, 0:10. One mite Dave Som mere won, Kllee aecond, Vlperlne third; time, 1:45, fV At Xa Aagalaa. - - z - Joaraal Baawtat Satlea. ------ Loa . Anarelea. . Cal., March 1. Asoot race reaulta: -"' . v Bttort course, steeplechaaa Adams won. Kubel Ik second. Flea third; time l:01H- Futurity ; course Miss ,Crolx . won.1 Brannlgan aecond, Jennie F, third; time, 1:12. V Four and one half furlongs Allerion won, : Blue Bottle second. Tom Ollroy third: time, 0:66. Futurity course -Hilona- won, Inter- luda second, Dan Collins third; time, 1:11H. Mile and 70 yarda Blissful won. Miss May Bowdlsh aecond. The Roustabout third; time, 1:45.- Futurity course-i-St. Wlnnlfrede won, Mrs. . Bob second." Smith Kane third; time, 1:11. , . , At OaklaaA. San Franclaco,' March 1. Oakland race-results: .. . , . Four and one half furlongs Grace O. won, uiics ii i in aassai nnuanoareri intra; time, u.ooit. Six furlonga Cocksure . won. Rusti cate aecond. Lord Nelson third ; time, 1:16, ' tr SIX' furlongs Alice Carey won7 Bear Hunter aecond. Dr. Sherman third; time, 1;1 i. One -talle Dusty Miller won, Chablls aecond. Briers third; time, 1:44. ' - Six - - furlongs Lily Ooldlng-i "worr, Judge , second, Watchful third; time, 1:16. Five and one half furlongs Tocolaw won. Deutechland second, Neva Lea third; time, 1:08. i , WOODLARK BOWLERS ""DEFEAT GOLDEN WESTS - The Woodlarka took two out of three games from the Qolden Weata laat even ing. McMenomy had the high average. 114 2-1; he also had the highest single game, 101. Scores: Woodlarksw ' (i) j) Crook '.',.t...'.r.l67 lit Lunney . .............. 166 11S it) 110 171 Ioe . - uaguarrrvrr; McMenomy . . . ,. ,.,.111 16ft .......111 - Ml lit --TolaJerryr'.-.; Golden Wests Moore . Cs se . .' ,.,, t Petereon . . . . . . Hlnnenkamp . . ' -f'losset , -, .146 011 110 (1) .;.i! ...171 ..! ...160 ...111 ! 160 Handicap - 1 11- II Totals .. .160142 151 i he iJTnmans"r6ox""lKree games "from the Amerlrsn Guilds laat night. Reese JbAd-lhe high avrue, ill 2.1; ha also had the highest single game, 200. The sco rt American Guild (1) 2) ..142- 16 , .200 150 ,.152- 164 (1) ?reeborough . , ; atea . . Kalk 161 117 lit BeylUrtd 121164 145 Jordan Handicap ,.106 111 155 t 01 l Totala ' Llpmana Reeae , , tough . . !ne . . . Christian . Lamnnd . .100 121 777 .! .174 .200 .HI .121 .170 it 141 ll 11 171 20 1 11 t mimi.Mm ltO 146 Totals' V -....r.r.m SEMTlllllSfJlhD Host Miraca'pus Are the Powers of Prof; Grant Chestrnleli. eaairr cHirrnntu), the atd thoight reader aa paltnUt. warn is some h iim iw Tlrer" froel Taeonrn to Reatile bllndfoloej hortly.ponwei erf irwet mamlouo. If U t union I a of I he r"-' -ttuwiliioat rlinin - i'ortlaad are to be selleedv. Twy cUiai that . ex An cHurkraLo. . be has enJd tbote palm. Immediately told them the otory -ot tboir past, dlasnooed their physical condllloB, deKrlbed their iirewnt situs- lloa or arrair. ana inea proceea w oitiin ftr.theai tbelr ftttur. They hiriber aeer taat nany nreillctloiia made ny the enlxma ban already jboom to pus. Moea yaaterday at sla reel deac. 234 Third alreel, near tb oorDer tX BalnMin. ProfeMor Cbeeterfleld said: . -I'oMlbly mm at the reporu are eiaxcor- ated, but then you omit remember that i baio boea Indoraed hr aorh amborltlea aa the Preaa Club of Uab-ase; praetleally by the llalTaraltlea of Ann -arbor. Aiaaterdasi. I'paala and Nr. reterabur( and a lent otrlnc ol olbera; acain. aaxo.( tbe noted- peraonaee whoae- palma I hare road are the moat distinguished of elthor hemisphere, so I hardly think thla report yoa hare board la at all eiasxerated." - 'But do yoa pretead ut read eoe s merer wsa saked. . ... . "I read the palm, and the rnture aa wait aa the Past ta written therein." "In" eertahT'inaiancee. eeiialnly. The aame mm la ,wrtln nw, I dlanoae onS eoadltlon aad adTlaa aeeordlDXly now to rerorer loot nerra trrr and power and what to ho to use rara of their health m Ike lutura. Home have ear. tela bualaeaa (-ban sea iney enosui maae. wnora hare aiarrlagea. dlrorrea. lawaulta In atore for them: allll others bar- mining tatereete or aooaraphlcal changaa to aadorfo, and as It runs on." now many palma do yoa road dairy f ' " "Oh. tbal'a bard to say. In Seattle I read 1.000 Is aereral weeka. - Now. come Bp another time aad I'll slee yoa a reaoins." Thea the wonder-worker, who kept New York, Boatoa. Copenhagen and other enamopolllaa cities ta a flurry, railed "Next" and vaolahel bite hht coaamlutwe room. - - - - FRAKXIE REIL DEFEATS CLEVER HARRY . TEKSY. California' Bantam Administered it Terrible Beating Last Night " to Opponent In Frisco. (Joaraal BpeHal tervlea.t Ron 1TMn.a.'A- Alo.roh 1 . Harrr- Tett- Prankle Nell in the foneTrth-und-oillt eonvinced that Eddie la hla friend. their acheduled 20-round conteat. In Me- chauloa' pavilion. Nell- had the fight all his own way and administered a terrlnc beating to Tenny. The -only good blow eent In by Tenny waa in tha aeventh round, when .he caught Nell on tha Jaw with a amash and sent the ex-bantam champion to the ropea for tha count. The blow didn't leave any bad affecte. aa Nell waa up In Jig time and reaumed his smashing. In the fourteenth round Nell showered blow after blow upon the fast weakening Tenny, and after taking tha 'Count of nlna after a Jaw blow waa aent down and out a second later by three hard blowa to hta Jaw. Melt at -once- -chaliengea jam twwiar, tha world'a champion, who defeated tha Callfomlan a year ago in London. The bettrng laat night waa 10 to I in favor of Nell and tha men fought at 120 pounds. ' - AMERICAN ENTRIES 4N FOB BALLOON RACE fjoarsal pedal aerrlea.) New York, March 1. Tha-Wawiertoaa entries for the balloon race for tha Ben net t-cup, to be held In Franca thla year, are closed and. Instead of three contest- ante, aa originally planned, the United Btatea will only be represented by .two contestants. Lieutenant Frank B. Lahm, 8. A., and M. Santos-Dumont, now. la France, both experienced aeronauta, have been selected. Dr. Julian - P. .nomas, an enthustaatlo member of the Aeronaut Club of America, made a de termined effort ' to become the third American representative in the race. Hut lila entry wasBecl1ned By Messra Post snd . Bishop, tha members of . the committee . on American en trlee. Dr. Thomaa offered to have a balloon of 66, 000 cubio-feet. built for tha race, and waa exceedingly anxloua to be selected, but Ills entry waa rejected after careful consideration, on the ground that there would . not be enough time for Dr. Thomas to get in practice, and ready for , the race, aa ha la not an experienced aeronautr- INTER-CITY LEAGUE - WILL SOON ORGANIZE T ' ' Managera of amateur baseball nines who are desirous of entering teams in the Inter-city league should call up-East 4000 and ask for T. ' Jackson. 81x or ela ht taajns- will constitute the-lea gua membership. The reason for organising this league Is to decide the champkm ahlp, and local managera will have datea filled without diracuity. - v t t, z,onla Browns Oo So nth. , ' . UoBraal gperlal Servlct.l Louis, Mo... March 1- Tha 8t Ht of "the American leagualtle with Battling Nelson. Here'a Jamea Louis team leavea , 8Lj IiiiIs tonight for-Texas, where the- next four weeks are to be epimjLjULlb players in getting -into Irim for the coming pennant-race. The Immediate objective point Is Dallaa where at leaat hrfaweHis wH In training. The remaining week will probably be divided between Houston and Galveston. ' iaTTAXVABZ.a TOB BKTTstATlai 1 4a,ve been suffering for the ps.artfew" ?eara witn a severe attara or rheuma lem and found that Bollard's Snow Lin iment wss the only thing that gave me satisfaction snd tended to alleviate my Ralna. March 21, '02. John C. Degnan, ;insmn, 111. 26c, BOo , and ' 1 1.00. Woodard, Clarke A Co. If" " ' '- ' lit tli: ' 1 , v -, .' CAUfJOT AGREE OU MATCIILIAICER Cof froth and Britt Determined to k-Oictate-Who-Shalt-flghr In 'Frisco." . I'lZ CRANEY AND LEVY OPPOSE" THEIR PROPOSED SCHEME Fighting Trugt' Js Doing Mora Boxing Talk-at TOT Their rleetlngo Without la Decision Than All o! the Fighters in Calif ornla.T5;:' 1 1, At a meeting of the fight trust last night the main point developed waa that Coffroth and Wlllla Brltt have deter mined to dictate who shall be jerroltted to: fight Jn Sari Francisco. ' while Eddie Oraney, backed by Morrla Levy, la equally determined that the game shall he an open one, aaya Tuesday a Chron icle. The lines were drawn over the matter . of matchmaker for the truat. Brltt and Coffroth. atandlng out for Coffroth -or 1io one, while Uraney would only accept either Levy or a rotation of matchmakera Back of it all waa an effort on the part of Coffroth and Brltt to put Billy Nolan, Nelson a manager, and Joa Gana out of the game. ' Granay, although a partner of Coffroth In some enterprises, will not stand lor this. lie Is willing each club ownarJaJhe trust should make the matchee fur bla own data, or ha will trust Levy, but he will not permit Coffroth and Brut to anu the men they cannot control out ot the game - altogetherr-iw" " " When the matter of selecting a match maker came up Graney nominated Mor rla Levy, and Willie ' Brltt nominated Coffroth. Levy had promptly seconded his own nomination. Coffroth raisea we po!nthat a" second - to a - nomination waa entirely unnecessary, refusing to swund Ilia' nomination -Af lilmself. Brltt, occupying the chair temporar ily, put the question, and after Graney caat his vote for Levy both Coffroth and Levy paased their votes. Brltt voted for Coffroth, the- matter waa deadlocked and H 1 waa temporarily- diepped. ' Then came a host of motions, none of which prevailed. Graney auggested that each one of the four be match maker for the months apportioned to him. but Brltt and Coffroth declined. Then Graney. ta succession, nominated Lavx and Coffroth to be matchmaker for March, and etlll there waa nothing doing. . Then Levy rather atartiea ma aaaoclates by moving that the corpora tion take ateps to legally dissolve; There waa no eeoond. v - Graney wanted a match arrknged for March, and proposed Kaufmann and Tommy Burn a, while Levy auggeated that Brltt and Hanlon be matched, but atlll there waa nothing- doing, in the way of a majority vote. A meeting will be held' Thuraday night at t o'clock, and at that time a match for tha March date may -be -decided-upon.-'-''' "". - At the beginning of tha meeting Jim Nell waa preaent- Jim complained that he haa been frosen Out of the tight promoting game, but got very little satisfaction. Just before be left he aald he would be heard from later. Jim entered the meeting convinced that VMrlie Graney was his enemy. He leic but that Coffroth, Britt and Lavy are trying to double-croaa him. - OREGON BALL PLAYERS TO RECEIVE EMBLEM Bigene, Or.. March 1. A meeting of the saaoclated students yesterday provisions were made for tha granting to baseball men' thavarslty emblem. Thla will put baseball on the aame foot ing as football and track.' Thla action waa due to tha growing sentiment In favor of baseball among tha colleges of the northwest. The' Oregon team will play several of tha college teams truths Willamette valley -and will alao play games with the unlveralties of Wash ington and Idaho. A committee waa appointed to further the organisation of the benefit associa tion, organised for the purpose of car ing; for students 111 with tha.favarv.- SPORTING GOSSIP. At m. meeting. the directors of tha Multnomah Amateur Athletic club last evening It waa decided to eurrender the option on tha King tract of land, known as the Chinese Garden, aa '. it whs deemed an unnecessary expense at this time, in tha face of tha present Indebt edness of the club. ' Tha- approaching contest between George Brown and Frank, McConnell ta setting tha tongues of the sports a-wag-glng Brown Is doing all aorta of "box ing stunts and bis training quarters are Miidwlth aneclalore eaery afternoon to witness hla work. MeConnell writea from Vanoauves that ha la ready now to face Brown. yj. High diddle, diddle, i -The cat and the fiddle Th sow walked over The green. The old Judge laughed to see tha sport. . Which ha eays? "By Jove, twaa aeen. a e , ' How to Play a-Fifa-iTba flfa la prin cipally noted for lte awaet tones. Tha musio produced by It resembles in tha main the noise made by a locomotive when the engineer suddenly appllea tha brakes. In fact. It la said that tns man who invented the air brake got bio In. splratloa from the fife. Llka other wind Instruments, tha fife Je played by hlowlnss In It. To mass music on it. study' your notes and then blow air -the - makes a notas llko"them. gome men make better fife playera than others because they have more wind. Johtla Hlgglns would make a good fife player, He's alwaya shooting not air. .. ." e e ' Jim Corbett, In an article written for the Cincinnati Post, aays Terry Mo. Govern -will go up agalnat It In hla bat- J. 'a do do: . . The fight between tha Dana and. Ter rible Trry. for-a-ahort distance affair, win prove one of the most Interesting aver puiien oil in in is coumrj. h-Nelson ana Meuoverii are or xna kind that will go from tha atart, and tha fana who see them battle wlll prob ably witness more real gruelling-la the six rounds or righting man waa aver aeen In the ring In ao short a time be- lore. .-...,- 1 . I have been Halted thousands of times already- who I thought would win and what chance McUoveru had to regain the title. Terry, I am afraid, la up against if "again. " Nelson Is too rugged to go down in a fight of ao ahort a duration. He haa demonstrated that he comes very , near being the greatest pugilist ever seen work in -the It 1-pound class when it cornea to taking punish ment.' McOovern, oa tha other hand, la older J C P. T HE sweet toned Schu- - f " "mann Piano," estab-relished 1847, highest grade """ durability' -warranted, : and the forty-five" other worthy American 7makes,v" '; ; !. ' . aoia oai r;- - ' Eilers Piano House Vortlaad," Cpokasa, Boise, Baa rraBolsoo, Btooktoat, Oakland . aad Ail Otaec Importaat folate. .V - - and much more dissipated than Nel son, and, while he la admitted to have returned to hla old form,-, he ia not tha man that beat Pedlar Palmer jot George Dixon, and in Nelson he haa a tougher nut to crack .than ha had In-Young Cor bett on tha occasion of - their first meeting. . Eaaay on Jeffries Ancient Rome rave to tha world -a Caesar, Greece a Tbuoi dldea, England . a Nelson, Germany a Bismarck, Franca a Napoleon, and Car roll, Ohio, a Jamea J. Jeffries. Carroll, Ohio, -haa dona little aver since, but Mr. Jeffries became unusually busy, for one born In Ohio, aaya a writer in tha Cin cinnati Post, , Mr. Jeffries U t feet 1H Inehea talL weighs 220 pounds and aata pla with a knife.At the age of !0, Alexander- died -In -despair, - having no mora worlds, to conquer.., At 30 Mr. Jeffrlea became a- farmer, after having whipped everybody worth, whipping In tha unlveree. Ha claims to be the heavy weight farmer of the unlvtrse and southern California. Ha owna hla Own vine and fig trees, but does not wear the leaves. 'Mr,' Jeffries la growing portly,., living aa he, dees saelnsa- to nature anfl Loa Angeles. He tills the aoU In tha sweat ot the-hired man's brow, and is never visited by-walking delegates. Ha goes In an automobile to call the cowa home.' - Mr. ' Jeffrlea apenda hla leisure hours reading light literature, and Jock. O'Brien chaliengea Hie favorite author is George Bernard Llbbev. ' --m:---- .. ex e , Tha death of Harry Tenny in Ban Franclaco thla morning, aa the result of tha terrlflo beating he received.. In a prlseflght last night In that city,' will not help tha fighting game In California, especially alnce the recent Gana expose and the disgraceful bicaennga or Britt, Coffroth, Graney, Levy and. Nell. Clrsot from Our DIstKliry loYCU , Dealera' rVofHa - , -. Pravaata Aatnttaratlait ARTS JI5.20 FsewHT riEnuo rn Wahlplsaslala ssalsd sfs,wlt na sHu-k teihowconentt. TmBawtUt. key, Hm roar ock teat It Hyaa sonl UndttaUrifMandtfi Burnt and stat wMakay yes aver tatwa, ah Is If asck is at at ear exaaist snd year I VsscsskmenByaarBasiisrMy Sasajnibar, aa pay the express arry fMrM charrea. Tea sm money Mf f -By aesanag zv saaro sy ram If yoa caat bm m srack yeurasitj get t Mara I lets r. v BATNER WHISKEY, goes direct to yoa troaa ear dlatniery, one of the largest and beat" ejelpperm the world, thus assarinaT yoa ol correct parity aad aavug yoa the dealers' big proflts. It Is prescribed by doctors and a sed ia hospital aad by half a mtllloa saHsfled eastomers. becaaaa It la good aad para aad yet so cheap. - " " -wiyia ora rxAxxxr ok;" m KMCI CTIUi:3 C9, T. PAUL. BINS. DAYTON. 0 st louis, m0. . Atlanta sa, DtstnxBBT, Taov, O. EsTaauaaan IBM tot CaHtal O0.00arJ PiK la fat mm UDgBE i 'raaXBUiutK InSTUA BISHOP OUTING MAGAZINE - ' Edited by Caspar Whitney ; - - 1Q06 "MARCH In thlat number tyglnm THE ; By Ralph Thit gerias of articlea, tha moat Important avar appearinf In any-. American. magaxine, will deal with tha economic srowth of the. country; it limftleaa-reaourcea, the derelopment. of which baa i en--, abled it to take foremost place vn6nthe nations bl the -world. . .-.;, '. . -.The first of this series, .. ' . V - ' ; THE' PEOPLiNO OF THE PBAIBIE - Pictures the home-seeking movement lnto the "new-. Northwest Tells how dozens of towns can be seen In progress of growth any where from a week to a year old and ; how Twentieth Century . Pioneers are moved by the same kind of a home-seeking spirit as were the old Puritans and Pilgrims. ' -- ' j THE PAiSS, My Sterrart Edward White : This serial by Mr White "will "also begin In the March number. It is a companion piece to "the Mountains' and Hho Forest. The -strongest and moat mature product that has come from the pen of this famous author. Will appeal to all lovers of God's outdoors, t - . - . . ... .-in-,, . . . .COV ' Other Attractions of the March Number ' . ,.. The Throwback - Mad Anthony Wayne On the Little A Day in Ballyomally THE DEPABTHENT PAPEBS ... Are especially helpfuiv How to make a hot bed, how to use a gasoline engine on the farm, what boys can do to help, valuable gardening hints, how to feed your horse, how to buy a good rod, the best t flies for brook trout. . ...':" .' . ' : 25c a copynF6r"SaIe by All THE OUTING PUBLISHING COMPANY 239 Pifth Ave., PrintinJ Plant and Subscription IN A Wt traat eueoassfully all private nar. voua and ehronlo dlsaasas of man. alaa blood, atomach. baart. llvsr, k'dn'ye'rf throat 'troublsa Wa cura SYPHILIS (without mercury) to sta cursd for ivar. Wi rsmova STRICTURE, wlttv oat oparatlon or pain, In 11 daya. . . . W atop drains, nieht losses and aparmatorrhaa by a cew method In a abort tima. Wa can rastora tha aszual visor of sny man undsr to by msana af local traatmant peculiar to ourselves. We Cure Gonorrhoeae In a .Week7 The doctors of this institute era all years an parlance. have been known. Portland for la vea eers, have a reputation to maintain, and will Undertake no case nless certain cura can be effeoted. ' Wa roarantea a aura In every ease war 'undertake or harae no fee. Consults-.! tlon free. Letters confidential. lnstruc-L j-.r win uirxi m-iiI 1.1 plain wrapper. Wa cure the worst rases of Mies la "two or three treatments, without opera. - Uon. l -Cure suaranteeo. it yoa cannot call at office, writ eesafuL Offlea houra. I to I and 1 to t Bundaye and Holidays, IS ta 11 DR. W. NORTON DAVIS' & CO. - Offloaa la Vaa Noy HoUl. i Tbird BireeU Corner Plat, fertlaad, Oa. - C. P. Bishop announces ' to the many friends : and patrons of the Salem. Woolen MiU ; -. Clothkig Store that i on this dayT March 1, 1. 1906, he has succeeded to - popular atrtrer and that . . hereafter the business ,11. will be run under the .1 ' 1 ; name pf C, P. Bishop. ; : ; : : r; Additional capital has 'v been added. Many new L ' lines "of the Uttfst . V 1 designs rin- reliable ! fi ; fabrics both In ready- ' , made garments and for; ' high-grade merchant" 1 tailoring will be car- -. --ried. The old employes ' I' will all be retained . '..s ;and the methods of the : 1 1 business will ' be j square and honorable. . ' The new Spring line! are now. in,.. .' ' . ' and our salesmen , ... "-'.4 . will take pleasure ln'- ahnwing them r ' i9oa D. Paint Bull Bapids Henry the Autocrat Newsdealers $3.60 a year New York City ; Department, Deposit, Kew Yvti Jn Fl i fot question blcna. Home traatmant aas- W EEK ' M