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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 1, 1906)
t ," I 7 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, FOUTLAND.THURSDAY EVENING. MARCH I." ISC'; 12 -FOR SAtE REAL ESTATE.- -I , N.w 7 -room cottage. t'J.JOO. ' ' Fin A-ronm house, $2,000. B-ruuaa ontiage, S2,aai. IIOlXlBTBB.-: 912 CotuittcrrUl - loto. JOB, BALE 40 term, house, bam and ehlfk-n-hotiM, fenced and amaw-toneod. a prluga, - orchard of lis) tree, ao acres of Br, 20 cra ; mider cultivation; cattle, boree. pl, calvee, 2u0 ehlekaua, t wiiiiu, buggies aiid- ell farm ImpUuMsUi kIIn from Portland; only : $11,400. 1144 North Fourth t ... bxboo-s ton Boiioo ; good cottage, trait trees, noaa. -A carlln . Be fare: faiy . u . . a U..mbh UT Knit ! ' Niutk at., north, mr Davie. Lnlo .FOR SALE FARMS. -Tlul. W-hT 8 Su farm -of tM acree, 1 .-niUe (roe Fortlsnd. all. .fenced .and croe- fenced loe svrlusvgooil -fi-ruaut-buuaa .Slid rr"r.rB and woodebed; tbl 1 a bargain at ;" J;l4iTt th best land la Mulfnoab " county: 2 J bouses ndjp parae, 1 s wiieo 1 . r""' u af soat wbosrlaad. aa eU - - In half action If desired; price a rlM. . . 1 11 mmua treats ann. !-.. A u at rlivht Dricea. vGrcgf Bros. ; Phon. Main 6808. MTU Tantaai bldg. - SUBUBBAN MOMB 8-room house and bath, S 4 aia Uad. beautiful grove, young orchard. "- at Omrtney etettou, o.00. ' -V-- nap at CwW ataHeay os ' 1 ""AO acre In" TamhIU county, '' BS. ' B P. aVraoaa kooaa. 90 par acra. . " ' 1 . . Mllwankla Or, . . ... , f OR 8ALR Hlnrk raarb of t,0 arraa aaar Oobara, S ml lea N. of Eacraa, Or.; prio , low; l- caah, balanca S raara, 6 par cant. 1 ' r. D. .Cbaabarlaln. Mbba bld( Fortland. ' FOB SALE 1W aeraa, 10 prr arra, I Bllaa - from Caabr; claarrd and- fruit trrca, U mlla froca acnool. mlla from aawrnUL Inqulra . C J. M. . Llkaa', Oairecu, Orf on. FOR SALETIMBER. CEItTIflcD aerlp, aa ataa ptaaaai hMraal prtcaa. W. w, Hawaii, aaa vaaawar aa TO EXCHANGE. lau-ACRB fans, 30 aeraa cleared, at Waal. I S boaaea: will trade for Imx ' la eltr. a06M aforrlaaai. room . indtet roS 'SALR OE EXCHAWOKJ wca, honoo, . f mm. IMSW uualu. Int.- am .11 honaa. Kern Tark. Will exchange for good draoiht Arleta. Dregoev ' , J BXCHANQB SO aarea, tV, nllaa front Portland. . 1 - near the O. W. P. carllne, goad aoll, half );!- oar, for reatdesee.- 10TH Third at. .,-.. , : EXCHANGE SO aerea,- tarlea from Vaneoanr, 10 aorea hi erohard, fine aoU: will taka beaaa . and lot ha Portland. 107H Third at. HORSES AND CARRIAGES. X BEftl IS T EfRflAIN AT HOkB J. TX OOtnnN Ai Kn- oftT the "Y1ail.U alllM ' U.tu Nn 11 . . . ' 536. foe aala. Yoa will remoeaber ba la the .. . - atajltoa that taak eaavad prlaa at the Lewla , and Clark farri aUa took drat prlaa aa a yeartlog In Scotland. - Yoa can koy Ada : ' 1 right and ha la a rboloa onav JL. -Koyal klcQaeea," the S-rear-old ', - .,- Circle ataUlea that took Bret orer the Vo : mloloa of Canada and drat at the Itwla end j Clark fair; hie aire- took the (old dedal - -at Chicago thla laat rear. ' , : AUo aooif Clrdeadal aillea; thla la the . bone of th e r ha ronton Clfde Bare of the -lawla and CUrk fair. - , it- Alao "King 8.." the aire, el "Ttlr Oaka," ; - t:18. Caah or tlraa. ,.,, : .Itfaok'thMie op. ' ' " J. D. OOBDOIf SOW. Snndea, Oregon. , SO TEAAI JTOO to Sdno per teaav rreedaaa . A. Bruv, Twelfth and riandara. . f FOR SAIB One good team; weight about jj, I.eOO rack. Addraaj Edward SchaTir, Trout ;,.. dak, Oregoa. . . - . it., POft SAI.B flood hotel boa, nearlr saw, cheap. n, i ra.UH Uorth Sixth at, - c- r 'FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. BBTOND-HANn BKM1NOTON AND RMITH . PREkflEB TTPE WRITERS PBOkf 130 VP. OR roa BENT FOR $S AND 14 PEE MONTH. CNDEBWOOD TTPEWBITEB 00 M SIXTH ST. FOR SALE OR RENT NEW ABD SECOND. J BAND SEWTNO MACHINES. STANDARD SEWING MACHINE AGENCY. . D. JONES, j. . ISO YAMHILL ST. . .u.:. -...--4. .BOOKS hoaghf; aeld and eTchengod ak the Old Bank Store. fc aaihlll at. . WE bead fornHnre and wllU pay fan ralee, . Phone Pacirie TPS. . Western BalTM tiew. tit Waakiagtaa at. . -WESTERN OREGON MINING a) MILLfNG CO. ' r keedqaartrra; atock tor aale and Infnma tluti at IM fleet at. Phone Mala 120. . SHOWCASES AND riXTDRES nede to ardeci " aeeopd-hand gooda for aale. - Carlson Ai Ball- ; itreta. SSS fjonch hea Oar . ST V BORSES of aU klnda for aala at rerj able pticaa. - Inqulra STB Iront at. .BILLIARD AND POOD table, for rant or tot eele on .ear rutvmjnra , THB BftUNRWICK-BALKK COLLENDEB CO. 4S Third at. PartUnd. tANUBE hj traeivload er earloaA a O. W. P. Br. -Fboae Beat MIS. . , TUB celebrated Peatlac tna bagflaa, leather v,.flntahed, for frlH. at Port land warehoaa d Tranafer Oo S43 Beat Waaklagtoa at. SHOW maee. cnnnt.ra, flxtnrea boaght. Bold at r exchanged. Weatm Salraga .Oa., S2T Waab ' Ington at. Padhe TM. S ROLL TOP deaka. fSea-tablaa. rng, Ttaraat an new. coiilna Land tialu ssz. WB print oor name od HO calling rarda. -propaf aiaa ana irjie, unci ir rmameee ceraa, 11, A. W. Scfamala Co., Saw ftret. Portland, Or. BOLDEN'S RHEUMATIC CURE -"ore car for rheumatlaa. Sold br all dragglata. no NEW nprixht piano, I14S; aprlght piano .. anss orgaa va.. Hin rirat, npetalra. - .Main, '' rnR SALE Oooafneck aoda foanUla. 1814 K Madrena are. W. Oarrlaoa. I WILL' aell for the next' two dara STO fin rmlaorant tahlea from the fair gmanda at ; Tie each; aleo a large qnantlty af chalra and ' hoaeahoItT fnrnltnre on aa teraaa. Oka, at fJauld At Kllne'a. 8. W. cor. Front and Burn,' Ider Phone Main 3T. FOR SALE. CI! MAP One AI tarahetor, 180 .; en grllaon pkonograpk, 28 . roeorda, 1 '" B48 Eaat Fifteenth at., eolith. . . I FOR SALE Freeh cow with calf, and chlckene , and aooi farnltnra, good rank Btnr. Bad .... wood and bona for rent,-' Call at' MO Eaat , 1Mb at. after p. m. or North Third . at anjr time. . . - FOR 8ALB CHEAP 1 gnoaeneck ataanr wood. . aaw. In rnnnlng order t alao team a ad bar t..lnqulr,89J.JBnafeU. t.hoB Bait r FOR SALE CHEAP Beantlfolty rarred cow. . , . hoy aaddle. Apply Foatar Klelaar atable, ' Fifth and Brerett. FOR 8ALB CHEAP A brand new nbonngraph with 1 concert and 1 home "born and M ' Sd-EGO tnenbator for aala or exchange. la nnlra 1080 MaryUad are. , . fcTRKfH cow for 30 If taken at ooc. SMJCaet Stark, cor. Kiel Thirtr-thlrd at. Pbao Beat 1162. FOR SALE Black riding pmr.v with aaddl aad bridle. r I' bona Kaat 4848. - - tl BLOODED Black Minorca keae. S eockrel. D. No. I Box 48. PERSONAL, VCONTIDENTIAL medical . advlc to women , We treat dleeeeee f woman exclnalrrl. enrlna with aoearytng eooceee all female allaieet froni the ellgbteat local Irrltatloa . ve the aaont eompllented latcraal troahlea; aiateraltr .enee gleen anrcul attentloni 1 L ""-Irate horpltal aceommndatloni neofeaelonal " lady a area in attendaace; cotarnltatloa and adrlce fre, 'X-Radlnm Medical Inatltate aad tftS Aider at., Portlaad. r i. . 1 , , -I . Jif' SI'ITS jraannl wnllo-yog wait, BOo. Ladlaa' I ? . . aMrt preened. 80c. rfllr-rt. INIIA SllU at., Otrt Qiwile. rkoa CUJ SOS, , FORH TIEMBIT PERSONAL, r BB. O X. KETCHUM. till recently phealclaa at the St. Lenla Mfdlral and Surgical dla 'penaaxy. I0 now'at the Bed Croee Dlapen. aary. He will aire all a eqaar deal, charge 1. pioderately. and eapeclally .lnrltea raara of eltal weakneaa. dally aud alht dralua, aper k tnatorrhoea, Impotency, . gonorrhoea, blood ' taluta, byilrocele. varicocele, chronic allmenta j and apeclal female troohlea. Oorreepuod.nce Leolltlied. Red Croee lapenaarc, eux. Third and Aab eta. L LADIES AV nevee-ralllng remedy relieve all - ootlt een nerfeetlr ha 'lev bat n I positive relief; receipt with Wall Inetru , I tlon t (stamps taken). Addraaa Dr. A. tliidit - Baa rpiniiM r.llfarnl. DR. W0HLEY BENJAMIN, the Foot Sparta Hat, (dOV, Waahlngtoa at. Rood SO. Sure (eel . made aooad. BINO CHOONU. Importer of Chlnaao root atedt. claesr aelle Chlnaao tea that la certain cure for all dleeeeee. ISA Boeend bet. YamblU and Taylor. FBEB to out of town patrona. onr lateet eata ' loguo of fancy. Work, pillow tope, center : plerea, ahlrtwatata and noreltlea. ' The Needle Craft Shop, 882 Waahlogton at.. Portland, Or. BACKACHE and, kidney- a- Vllddcr dleeeeee cured with Oregoa harhar trial sua for 10 . la atampa. Prammor, too Third at. DR. ATWOOD, Id Boaeel bldg.. 1BH Fonrth at. Female dlaeaaea and ronfloamenta takes and oared fori open ereoiaaa, --Conaaltatioa fr..-- ! . - ... -. ; MANLT rigor raatored by Dr. Roberta Narv Globulea, On moathe treatment. SI: ' t - enoatha, 18; aant necurely eealed by aaall. : Ageata.. Woodard. Clarke k Co.. Portlaad. Or. MRS. Sopbut B. Selp, ntycbomotrhrt, eeerera aad . propheteaet dally 10 to t, T to circle . Tnoadar aad Friday. p. aw S484k TamhllL cor. adrenth. Pactfla I0A. Snnday praaing maerlnga Drew hall. 183 Second. WET FEET are datutenraa. Wahfoot blackmg . la abenlutely waterproof. . BALM OF FIGS for all female d Eaat Belmont. Phone Beat 408. YES, Palm Tablet make yoa Bleep perfectly; . they core aerTouaneea and make yoa arrang; Xrlc BO a bet. base 82 80; guerntd. II drafxleta, or addreaa Brooke Drug Caw, ST North Third at., Portland. Oregon. SHORTHAND. typewriting. mlmeofT-.pb.lng, 4(i Chamber of Commerce. ' Main iOST. . DETECTITB AGENCY Con fldeBtlal Ineeeti. gattoaa re porta maae eo any Kwii.ure.i eui. - pee or property; mienn reiaiiTd wawii, bad debt collected; charge reaaooaMei cor. reepnnoknee aolldtM. Oregoa r'1' - Serrlfe, office 814-H18 Cnramhla bldg., SdS - Wblagtoa at. Pkaa Mala SdlB. LADIES' Tnrklah bath, mieaag. hydrlatrle par ion; etriciiy nraT-ciaee mmw w only, riat A. 851 Waahlngtoa t, between Blxtaonth aad Sorenteentk. ANY- aiaa or woman can be atrang and happy . by aalng Sextne Pllle. the great tonic: price - 81 a box, S boxca 88. with roll gnaranteo. Addrcea or call J. A. Clemenaon. drugglet, Saeoad and Tamaiii ata., vr. LOST power reetored " by rhe great Dr. Loreni'e Nerr Tonic Tablet; tBe per box. S boxea for 8I 2S. Writ er call at Ereecll t Pharmacy. S2T Morriaoa. bet. let and Sd. HIGH-OB A H portralta; apodal off- for few Awt aahitfrf alee- card U feldeTa. IB fof nterener ..bus .uooaaongn wwa- Yamhill. , .... TURKISH BATHS. 800 Ongonlaa bldg.l ladle data, gentlemen Bight. - Mala 1B38. MFORBIDDBN FRUIT, "i. "V ., VJ ' "Story of a Slaro." "Fanny Bill." "g"aa." - "Woman of Fir." BOe each; 11a t ft. A IT. Scbmal Co., Tint at. .. ' - SCHOOL hooka and ail. km of book bought. . aold and exchanged. Joaaa' Book Store, 201 . A Mar .- - .... - - - MME. ANNA LCCKBY AND MM. MOJ nr all ecalp dleeaeMf all kind f bath " glrea; electric maaaaire; aleo baea the rretd .. mad foe -reeaeetag wrlnkka- rw . famoo remodlea; atlafaetloa gaaraatotdy Pboao PacUta 1883. ' SSO Taylor. DO you want to marry If a. Jolu oor aoeJaty; wa bar bandrede of mmher. either-aex, matrlmonlal rex later. 10c. 184 Fourth at., K . i-avj ! , BOLDEN'S BHEITMAT10 CURB eWro a,,01' raoumetiam. aoia or u onaa ' LADIES A .iSuriit : - Her-, aU ebetlnat raaee: perfeetly SermU not a poaltlr reller; receipt wnn.ioii i tractkma 81 tampa taken).' Addreaa Dr. A..Budd. Baa Francisco, California. PERKINS' Amerieen Herb ar for aala at 208 Third- at.. Portlands Oregoa, bj A. B. Bloomer, general agent. COAST agency' Dr. Crlatton'a French toilet . article. Room 11-12, Grand thee tee bldg.. Park : A) Waahlngtoa. - Phuo . Mela 8471- BA DAM'S Mlcrobe-Klllac. the great germicide. .that baa etood the teat of Jteara. For Ml a ' by drngglet or Winter, 00 H Graad a., N. YOUNG lady glret rapor. ajcohol ibd medlciUd . hatha. Parlor ST. SASH Stark. AN ho neat, trn lady deatre the aconalntnnc of a gentlemaa wbo doe not n llqoor and . known how to appreciate a lady' compear, to apead aranlnga and Sundays With. X 84. car Jon r nek - AUTOMOBILES.- COTET COOK Motor Car Co., r"onth aad Alder Ageat for Cadillac, Pierre. Greet Arrow and Sterone-Dury mo tor -ca raj ata-chln- rented, rep bred and Btorod. ART EMPORIUM. PROFESSOR f AX METER, S4S Alder. Portrait and landecap artlat and teacher. ATTORNEYS. A. H. TANNER, attorney, ana Commercial bTk.. Second and Waahlngtoa ata. Pboao Mala 843. B. F, BURLEIGH. - lawyer, 133 Grand are.. But Portland. , J. n. WINCHESTER. ttorney-t-law, notary , poMle. 80 Waahlngtoa bklg. ARCHITECTS. ; ASSAYERS. GARVIN CTANIDB EXTRACTION CO.,- aad Montana Aeaay Offlc. 184 Morrison at. - V BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. HOWE. DAVIS ElkJlAM, I0S.11I Second at. Blank book mnnnfacturera; genre, for - Improve Leoae Laat Eureka leaf, tbo beat oa the market. BATHSMASSAGE. eraaaonaaaeeehM MISS LILLIAN BAYMOND gl-re batbg and maaaage trMtmenta. . Th Co moo, 388 II, I'eoa natwwtilli TWO la ilte gte hatha, fee and eoalp auaaag. Snd Fifth at. BUTCHERS SUPPLIES. atl BIBK.ENWALD CO., 804408 Everett at Lrgat butcher' anpply hoe u the coeet. CARPENTERS AND BUTt.T.KRS, WASHRURNB A FLOYD, wagon- buHnmaj n geaerni )ok work. St Btk at. Pkon Hood BBS. . FISHBECK. rrpenteti-renlrln tnd fob bing done. kl Burr, aide et. Phon Main i3T. CARPET CLEANING. STANDARD Carpet Cleaning Co., largest plant an tba meat, Txirlng and Bardlng am., tele phone Eaat 0 Carpet cleaned. reStted. Beared and MM; both ateam and lateet eore prreaed. air proeeaa; r. eratlivg mattreeae sad feather a aneclatty. BANITARY eerpet cleaning, aarttoa and rnst preaeed arc combined ; rarpeta aleaned n floor .. without taaMTsi, Maia BS4. Eaat 23, aa nun wwhl'',w'"1 ' Yuan "Ho" CAFES. THE OFFICE 38 Waahlngtoa at., phoa Mala TT1. Samuel krigneaux. CHIROPRACTIC CTJRES appesdlcirt without druga kalfe. Dr. Era Hoc a a. Sod aU at. Pkoa Mala l4. CIOARS AND TOBACCO. ESBBRGA.UN8T CO. . ntatpllkuttfMm aif a "a WW PortTejjdTTfr. COLLECTION AGENCY. DOES aay on owe yoa) nosey t Wa eelkt bad debt of all klnda. North weeteru Law A Collection Co., 113 Or and are., raima 14 ad IB. Cltlaena' Baak bldg. . Cat tkla. aa. Pbon Eaat 000. CLEANING AND DYEING. Portland Steam Cleaning A Dyeing Work: prac tical hatter la eonneetiua. Sll 4tk. Pacific SOT. CLOTHES cleaned and pressed $1 per seoata. ' Unique Tailoring Co., 84T Waahlagtoa at. 8. W. TUBNER, profeMlonal . yer and el. BOB Jefteraoa at. Pboa Mala 381 A SARTORIAL Tailoring Co. Ladlaa and ajett' cleaning and pressing. BOO Wb. Pa. 181T. COAL AND WOOD. CH17RCHLET BROS, bar remored from foot Dart at. to 420 Kearaey at, aear Alth; ta aow tba largest woedyard ta tba city, carry. Ing all klnda of wood aad oL Mala S8L WESTERN Feed A Fuel Co., oa Froat, bet wee . Gllaaa aad Boyt, dealer la all klnda of boose coala aad blacksmith eoala, Pkoa Mala 1018, ALBINA FUEL CO. Dealers ta cmderoed. oaal and green and dry alabwood. B. R. aad Ar ' btoa are., 3 block east at ferry. . Eaat ATA. STEEL BRIDOB FUEL CO. Dealer la oaal, ordwood and dry alabwood. Pbao Kaat 434. OREGON FUEL CO. All kinds of coal aad wood. SOS Alder at, ; Phone Mela SB. , KIRK HOOVER. 813 Water at Wood aad seal. Phone Main 4808. COMMISSION MERCHANT BVEBDING A FABRELL. prodaeo and eommla. atoa aaercbeata. 140 Front at.. Portlaad, Or, Phone Main ITS. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE WHOLESALE crockery asd glaaawar. PraeL Hegen A Co.. 100 to K8 Fifth, oor. Stark at. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST ai,i, 7'i J. "i aj,a,aii. A' SPECIAL $8.00 READING FOR 81.00. ST. GEOBUK ORMONDE. SKER OF BGXPT. WOULD-RENOWNED - Clairvoyant, " Palmist and Psychic Healtr. . THE ONLY YOGI MEDIATOR ' of Seeret Influence In America. t Cure all aerrous dleeaae,-weakneaa of rrery kind; telle luat what annoy, perplex, wor ries you; what your wleh 1. If th on yoa lor hi trne er tale, bow to gi th one you lor or admire; brloga back th estranged lover, husband or wife) straightens out family troohlea and Assist you In gaining your wlab er desire; gtve names, dale, facta of tnar- - rlage. love. w, money, change; all without - you apeaklng a word. Fee. oa dollar. . Permanently located. Open Snndaya. 888 WASHINGTON ST. Tb anted palmist, will continue to gtra hla celebrated fa reeding for 60, cents Tor oa week Vmger. 868 M Morrtoon t.v parlor I and 3, Tb Crarrooa, over Royal bakery. MRS. STEVENS, Portland's leading palmist, Mtrotoge and clairvoyant. 18V Bereatk St., .opp. Hotel Portland. . v v : NORMA N't , ' ' 1 ' King ' of ' Astrologer. Plm4tgBd Medium, I tell your name, th name of friends and enemies: - everything you wish to know. ;lIour 10 a. aa. to S p. sr. 228 Fifth at KBNOBt AjJ' ' ' '.a'" . - THB GBBAT EGYPTIAN. ' Telia yoa Inst what you want ta know. , r - 82.1 ALI8KY BLDO. - SAS Morrlaoa at., cor. Third. DENTISTS. DR.: WILL JACKSON, Deatlst.. tb Deknn bldg. ' 314, DANCING. 1 VrOOTfWABD'Bdane" echorTfTBW'rtm . Academy or MuaU .lonaey and Tbaroday. Spectator Invited. . Lesion 80c. Dsaeiag 8 to 1L Cor. Second and Monisoa. PROF. RINGLER. 808 Alder, Beer Sixth; elaas er privet ireeoo. 80c ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. efORTHWEST EXECTRICAL ENGINEERING Company, 94 Bevsnth at., Portlaad. O. K. to everything la th electrical Uaa. Pboae Mais ' " 1888, PACIFIO ELECTRIC CO. Engineer, contrac tors repairers, electric wiring, Bunpll. 4 - First cor. Stark. Main "AS. B, H. Tat, mgr. FURNACES. BOTNTON waiiaetr furnacas ssv fuL J. OL Bye Furnace Co., 3nd Second. Mala dot. FRENCH BAKERIES. THE only plan In Portland to got Trench bread. - Barrers A Marll. 40T BUth at Dally delivery. Phone Green SOS. FURNITURE FACTORIES. OREGON Furniture kAnnfictming Company - Mannfacturers of . furniture far tbo trad. ' Portland, Or. FITRMTCRE manufarturlna and apeclal L, Ruvenaky'a fuTnltnr factory, 8T0 Front t ; FENCE AND WIRE WORKS. PORTLAND WIRB A IRON WORKS SSS -Flander at. cor. Sd. Pbon Mata 3000. : y- GASOLINE ENGINES.'- AT'clealag-out arioae, aovoral eaaapl gssoiise Perinea,, marina and atattonary: write , fa prfc Belereoa Mecblnery Co.. PrtbiBt GROCERS. WADHAMS A CO.s whoeeaal grocers. muu f.ctarera and cvuiraialva..aisrckamta. Fearta and OakstsT ALLEN A LEWIS, . oommleelou aad pre see me. chant. Front nd Pa via ata.. Portlaad. Or. -IT- r GRINDING. B. J. CASTERLINB A CO., tnventer ef tbo fasnous steel temperlnjr procees) tools, sharp. ' ened reeeosable, 41 Fifth t. HARDWARE. 1 - . . uai ' - a. a.1 una nru" .1. avuiw w eraot price. 13S 11 at. .cor. Alder. Mala 1884. HOTELS. HOTEL PortUnd, American pUaSS,SB P" day. BELVEDERE; Earopeaa plan; 4th and Alder aU. TT1B BROWN Grand and Hawthorn sees. HAV and ORAIN. b O. COOPER A CO Potato-, feed sad Sour. US Lai, ave, Pboae East 1B1T, 1 i w b-aTV r mz. INSURANCE. tSAAO U WHITS, fir Inauranoa. 800 Dekaw JAS. McL WOOD, employees' liability aad in, dividual aeeldeut anr.ty bond f all klaoa. Pkoa 47. 803 McKay bldg. s IL F. B ARTELS COMPAN Y Fir laourance, 443 Sherlock bldg. Oregoa Phon Mala 3413, LOCKSMITH. BROWNE'S IN TOWN Expert locksmith aad bicycle repelling. SSS Stark. Day pkaaa. ' Clay S23; night phono. Mala 8888. J. H. RICHARDSON, lock amity and repairing, S8T Burneide. Pa rifle. 1088. MAGNETIC HEALINO. DR. L. H. HART treats all disease, stomach troubla, Bervouaaeaa snd functual Wsakusss. 188 Seventh at. Pbon Mala 4 ITS. MACHINERY. EBB H. V ALBBB OUv eawsil I aa, - use - ova ., mwm. BIPPELY A MYERS, 7 mschlnlet aad alo - trtctirs; electrte levator, "atecrrtcet auchtn. ry and aaaollno angine a anoeUltf. 324 Oak at. Phone Mata 1820. CENTENNIAL IRON A STEEL WORKS, ma rlna and atatlmtary gaaolln migln xprt . an kmds asachlaory repaired. 388 Ollaaa at BOAT engine, gaeoUne. Sheffield marine; any apeod; bet mad; right price; la tock; oa exhibition; running In aaloaroom. Call First - and Stark at. Falrbanka, Mora A Co. MONEY TO LOAN. YOUB FRIENDS CAM TELL TOO . Tkat w treat Mtrooa fair sad liberally. in us, pn vonp . . ... vmuni oausv is publicity. W givo yoa th eaeb, BIT yoa ask for. ta en lamp, and th small l mount required a pay day to pay off tb loan will acarcely - be nntloed- - If ta need of money do not heeltat to call T for confidential talk; w make no m berraealns luqnlrV: rcqulrs no Indereor or . rirnco 10 rnenasi treat yoa ewnfuiai whether you borrow or not. It will bar roa to set tbo money yes need from n on the payment plea; It costs yoa Mas ana geia you out or oent. ; Open Wadneeday and Saturday until S p. m. r1 ""HUTTON CREDIT CO- ' : "". , SIS (fifth fioerl Deknm Bldg., Cornar Third ana vs asuingtoa suts. HBATHJTJARTTRS FOB SALARY LOANS. d3-B Mohawk bldg., oor. Morrieoa aad TblrA aeioie uentiesssa. no ruLnerty. If yoa borrow t20 roa an back gl.88 a !f ye borrow 828 yes pay back 31 88 a week, f yoa borrow 8 SO yoa pay beck 82.00 a week, f borrow 8t8 you pay back 8. 88 a week. If yoa borrow 8.10 yoa bay back 38.00 a week. Faysseat cnepended la raee of stckaaas, Strictly Rahirr Loaaa. , THB CRESCENT LOAN CO, dSM Mohawk bldg.. sor. Morriaoa aad Third. " hONET TO LOAN Oa I re proved city property er for building : purpoa. for from S to 10 year' time, with prf vile re -.tou. repiy aT1 or fart of lea after two years. Loan approved from plana and money advanced aaildlng progreeeeei aorteai taken en aa.j .pieced. - "BED H. STRONG. FtaaocUl Agent : - 342 Stark et MONEY to loe em real, personal and col lateral aeeurity; apeclal atteatloa to cnatrei wion . fares; amte bourn t. C. W. Fsiwt. Fratoa bldg.. 34 Sixth st HIGHLY eaeaia.lal.te nlaoe wkaee tsdles Sd gents oaa borrow money nu diamonds and Jewelry. Collateral Loan Bank. 308 WaafcXI inetna et Pkaaa aiak Tt v MONEY to loan on Clrkama county land. B. F. aad F. B. Rllay. SOS Chamber af Own mere. LOWEST rate oa frtrnitnr and planes. Eaat ara Loaa Co., 443 Sherlock bldg. CUy SSS. TO LOAN Soma to ult oa cbittet ssiartty. R. A. Frame, 814 the Marquam. - PRIVATE money for rrrivate loan on realty, . S aad T per cent, T SO, Joaraal. - , MONEY TO IX) AN oa all klnda ef aocurtty. . William Boll, room S. Washington building. COLUMBIA LIFE A TBl'ST CO., . Sixth floor Concord bids.. Sad and Stark ata. . Money to loea on city property. 'CONFIDENTIAL loan nn nalarle. Inanraae pTiinw, pierane. lomuanT, w,mamt, eelpts. tc.; ny deterring r wia my eecttre a liberal advance, repaying by easy weakly or monthly Installment. . NEW ERA. TOAN A TBTST COMPABT. SOB Ablngtoa bldg. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PBOPLB And -other upon their ewa namee without ecntity; rbeapeet rates, eaalest payment!' -office la B8- prlneil- eltlef--v yourself money by getting -our term 8 rat, TOLMAW. X23 Ablngton bids., 108V, Third St. -t1 MUSICAL It A. WE8C0, vklln-mk asd repaireri worli Bnt-cUa. 23 Roeeel bldg., 4th od Meerkaaa. BMIL TH1EI.HORN.' pupil of Svelk. Willa teecbec. Studio IPS Slith. Tel. Mala SBS. TODER'S PIANO STUDIO, 888 B. Couch Half - rate for doalavg tec at. Pbon Eaat 8288. LESHONS-BOe; piano, guitar, bsnlo." wtandoUa, tlolin;' Instruments for sal. S4ltt. First st, efjtala. Mr, etartla. j2Ll J OSTEOPATHS. PRfl. ADTX A NdYtTHRUP. 418-18 IT Deknm bldg.. Third Snd Weeblngtoa ata. Pbon . Mala 38. Examiaattooa free. ... tRS. OTTS A MABEL AKIN, 408-4 Merles y bMg. ;cuy TTB. " in, m. 21DI.. t ceneuitatloa tre. lfis nif beat owt Tr L O. Jobneoe. nits ). SelBg.-Hurch bldg. PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS. V. B BEACH A CO. The Ploaeer Paint Co. I w1aow1aag . aad glaslng. IBS Flrat t - Pboao lis. -- ERNEST MILLER A CO., Seemd and Taylnr Wall paper, paint all at aearhe! prleee; tree O- ll very. PLUMBERS. DONNERBBBO A BADIMACHER. saattary planner. B4 roarth at 8vstB FOX A CO., senrtnry plsmnera, 381 Second, bet Mala aad Baleen. OrsgM Pboa Mala 3001. FINNEGAN BROS. A CO. IM Third st Phon Mala SMQ, I' lumber aad bosUas nglar. THB STAB LOAN CO. Any salaried employe, wass-earaer, aak get OB bi Bote., without mnrtgege f Month. I H Month. Weok. 3fW.-eReMy t a 3l8 a8r 3d 08 818 00 Repay to aa f S.8S ar 88 8 or! Sl.85 . (IS. OA Repay to ue i 4 00 or 33.00 ' $1.00 310 McKay bldg. ft PATENT LAWYERS. B. O. WRIGHT, dosratl and foreign pa team) tafrtneement eseee. so4 Deknm. PRINTINO. ANDERSON A DI'NIWAT COMPANY, prtattng. Uthographlag, blank book a. pboao Mala IT. 3U8 Alder et. THEVmoDERN PRINTSRY Artletl printing. 28 Rnaael bldg FoartA aad kUarrlsea., Pkoa Parld 1B28. WELCH. DAVIS A C A RHON Printing ttint paya the payer. Rooiue BOS and B04 Stearnt ' Mm.. Htith and Morrleon. Phono Mala 4 1 47. PHYSICAL CULTURE. PROF. RINGLBR'S School ef Physical Cultural ell bra aches. SOB Alder at.. Bear Sixth. PHOTOGRAPHS. CLOSING sal fuctal photographic view of - eipueltton. souvenir poatcerda, view book, ...etc., greatly reduced prices. Einesltloa Store, 840 Morrlooa t. RUBBER STAMPS. ! P. C. STAMP WORKS, 848 Alder at., phone Mala Tio; rehber (tamp, aeai. ateaeiis, nnggage trad checks i n4 fa etlegu N. 38. . ' ROOFING. TIN ROOFING.' guttering, repairing sad ge Joosing. J. lool. lie Jettersoa St. v SAFES. DIEROLD Leads gelnt Fir sad Burglar. This wall Bare unreliable: Nor to si vucay Jack Agency. Metal Fixture. Lockout opened. Safes repaired. . Phone Mala 1033. John B. Davie, 8 Third at. STREET PAVING. WARREN Construction Co.. street paving, aid. walks and crominga, Tia urrgoauB aug. THB Berber Asphalt Firing Co. ef Portlaad. urnc ono worreeter ma. - SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASES of every- SeaoHpHaai bak. bee and store Sxtsres made to ardr. Th Latks Maaufacturlng Co.. Portlend. SECOND-HAND GOODS." OOODB'S Furnlturs Hon Hlgbeet prtce paid for aond-haad furnltur. 218 Sieosd t Pboa Pad fie 48. SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS. KARLSON A CO., Ankeny ad.Eighth gbt. pbose Paeifle TPS Makers et surgical In-atrumaat-and deformity appllaac; raaora, kniven and aciaeor harpened to perfection. SIGN PAINTERS. GOLD SIGNS, window letterln. cloth hen eoonotntcil electric sign and algn Of all . klnda made quickly- Foster A Kletsar. FlfU - snd Everett Phono Exehaiar SB. - S C ALP7TRE ATMENTT GRAY, falling hale, daadruff tree ted I ekanrpoe Ing, manicuring, chiropody, face work. Mr. 1 B. F. Kyn. 18BH Fourtb. sor. MofrUoa, Room 83. pbon Pci8e SOS. TYPEWRITERS. NEW type wr1 teca, sll make, rented. Sold and repel red coeet agency, zai atara. Tel. TELEPHONES. THB only erchialT talephon boa. - B.-B. lectnc Teiephoas Manurscianag pa nr. S3 Fifth at v TRANSFER AND HAULING SAFES, plinoe and fumltere moved, packeg ready for ahlpplag and ehlpped; all work guaranteed; large, 8 -a tor y brick, fire-proof warehouse for etong. Offlc 128 Flrat st & M. Olseu. Pbon Main B4T. THB BAGGAGE A OMNIBUS TBANSFEH CO., cor. Sixth aad Oak- ata.; baggage checked - from hotel ar residence direct I detlattoi . paaaesirere therefore evold rush snd annoy SB st depots. Private Exchaage SB. a O. PICK, offlc SS Flrat at, between Stark and Oak at., phon 808; piano asd furniture moved snd perked for aklpplng; commodious brick warebone wttk aaparits Iroa roama Froat and Clay its. OBEOON TRANSFER CO., 184 North' Sixth. Pboa Mala 80. Heavy hauling and atornga, COST SPECIAL DELIVERY No. SOOVa Waab Ington at Phono Main 843. 0. W. LINES A PRO., 384 3d at Furnltur repairing, reflnlihtnx. pecking end '(hipping. TOWEL- SUPPLY.V CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Comb, bruah. anas. v$l per BNtitb. Portland Laundry aad Towal Supply. Co., Ninth and Couch. i. Pbon 410. UNDERWEAR. ROCK WOOD'S all-wool knit underwear la car let, natural gray, camel kalr and wklta, mad front pur unadulterated itocka. I th beet; ask ymr dealer for It ; was awarded tad gold medal Lewi nd CUrk ipoattlon, FINANCIAL. FIRST BATTONAt BABTt - -OF PORTLAND, 0RFO0B. Design! ted Repository and rinandal Agent of . ' ths United Stat. . ..j- Preeldent......... A. L MILIA Oaahler 1 w kbwkihk Aeeletaat CeAbler W. C. ALVORD oecono aaautant Caahler n. F. STEVENS Letter ef Credit- lsened Arsllabl la Europ and tb Eaatern State. ' Wight Etching and Telegraphic Tranafer Old On New York- lloatjM. rtilnaaw Ut. fllB- Bt aul, Omaha, San Francisco and tb ynnc-ipn pomte ib tne tvorthweet Bight aed.tlm bill draws. in um to etttt ok London, Parle, Berlin, Frank fort-on-thi Main. Hoogitong. Yokohama, CopeuhageB, Chrlitl.nla. Stockholm. St Petersburg. Mos cow, Enrich. Honolulu. Collections Mad oa Favorabl Tarns.' ' LABS TTTTON. BABXEBS. , ' a. (EeUhllihed la 1IS8.) ' ... Traaeani a Oensral Banking Buainaas. Colled lona mad at all polnta on favorabl terma. Ittera of credit lamed a"-hl la Europe and all polnta In the United Stataa. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Tranafer Bold a A'ew-Veek. Waahln.ton Chtc.en. St Itftml. Deeve. , Omaha, Sen rranclaeo aad aioninna a do m-itlah Columbia, "Exchange sold oa , London. Pari. Berlin, Frankfort Bongkong, Yokohama. Manila ssd HoaoJula. ....... . .,, P9BTLABO TRUST COMFAWT OF OREOOB. -T- Tk Oldaat Trust Company la Oregon, - - RESOL 8CK8 OVER $1,400,000. ' General banking. Excbang OB all parti of tba world. Savior account. Time oertlfl eates, 8 to 4 per cent; short-cell special sertld alee, 8800 or over, 8 fb. 4 pee oent . .... .V v.Call for bonk of ILLUSTRATIONS." Soathraat Comer Third and Oak ata. I, w. - .. . . BENJ. I. liiltt v ... . PrMldeat H. L. PITTOCK le-Preldent B.rLKS P A 0 ET -. .Becytarr J. O. OGLTRA Aaelatanr Secretary T HB B01T0A0I ArARANTKB A TRUST COMPAXT BAKX, Stocks, Boada and Mortgages Bought and Sold. Interest Paid oa Tlx DeDealta, Capital, , ., .,,,. r,,tuaius.aa O. W. Waterbury, L. . . .Prealdent C W. Miller... .,,.. Vic Jreldnt C B. Clement .Secretary autr 1 ample, aeveat aaa Btajg traata. Pboa Mala 184. - MERCHANTS'" WATTOWAl'BATTKW FORTLAND. OBIOOB. ' J. FRANK WATSON. ...Freeldeal R. L. DI'SIIAM Vlco-Prealdent R. W. HOTT. . ..,,....'.,.... CaaMer OEORGE W. UOTT. Aealetant Cl'bler TraaHcta a Seaaral Banking Buelnise. DratU aad Uttrra of Credit laaoed ArallabH) to All Pirt of the World, CoUtcUoBA a pMlalt, FINANCIAL. UBITZ9 STATTS BATTOBAZ, BABX OF HtTlAxn aitiox BOBTHWEST C0,-THImD sSD OAK STA "aMtl a, Aunl. Banking Bualaeea. 1 ', TT '. " feRArTS TSHCKD"" ' AvalUhU In All Cltle ..f U Unlbrd Bute sad Eorops. Uoqgoq sad Maslla. . OOLLBOTIOXt ICAMFob" 1 i fOBABTE TERMS. v,i'ntiJi r -I....... C. AINBWORTH Vloe-Pre.ld.ot.. R. .EA. BARNK8 "bl"--'-.-... B. W, SCHMrFR Aea latent Caahler ..A. M. WRIGHT A a latent Caahler W. A. HOLT S'STTT SAVTirOS A TRT8T COMPART. .38 MorrUoa St. Portland. Omen. Traaaaeta a S.neral Banking Bualaoas. ' SAVINGS DEFARTMENT. Interest Allowed bb Tlina. and. gatlnanvDaaaalt.. " ' Act aa Truitee tVw Eatalee. Draft and. Letter of Credit Available la AO - . Part- ,v- nrML O. T. ADAMS ..President u e. i.rwib..,,, ytrst Vle-Prldnt A. L. MILLS , Sooaad VIce-PreaMertt B- JCBITK i Secretary OEa F. RUSSELL ..Assistant secret err THB BABX OF CALIFORNIA, (Eetlhllehed 1884.) ' ' .. ' .' H" 0f8ei SB FraacUeo, Cal. " Capital paid ap n uriuue sen swnoeo: profits. sw.tto. 148.M - A General Banking and Excbang Bueloeee V . - Transacted. ... rv. . --r Z 84 VINOS DEPARTMENT. . Interest paid on time deposits. Aceenat eoened toe sum nt 310 Bad upward. Portlend Branch Chamber ef. Com mere building. WM. A. MACItAB . Maeaee. J. T. BURTCHAELL.. AeslaUnt Maaget M OBBIS BROS. , 183 Flrat St.. Portland. Or.' Offer "Ollt-Edg Inreatmrnt In Vronlcipfand . Ballroad BoaiU Wrlta r CsU. COLUMBIA Oaa Engla A Saf Works Time locK expert; nr and burxiar-proor sal opened and re paired. Pbon Peelfl BTS. MORTOAQB LOANS On Portland Baal Zstat at Lewent Bate. Titles Insured. Abstract Furalahed. -TITLE eVABABTXX A TBTST CO. 840 Waahlngtoa St. Cor. Siaoaa. AT THE THEATRES. "Little Johnny Jones." . Oeorg M. Cohan' fastous moalcal success. Little Johnny Jone," will bo presented t tb Marquam Grand for thro perfnrmanc oulyv: Friday and nst urday "Blrtirs-rn(T Barordiy tlacav March and 10. "Little . Jouimy Joaea" some with tb stamp of approval of Cbkifo. Pblladalpbla and New York. Uoorg M. Cohan la a aniquo figur an to annum field of today, and parbap tba moat reoouroaful author ta America, for ho writ every word of dialogue, wy-tyrle, -every note ( asusla. and laat, btit by no aioans leaat, svolvos su Ut stag buslnaaa and pictures. - ,Hih ' School' Girl One of ths tar-Attraction In bwleaqne that bavo bee to Portland thl aeeion I th High School Girl nt tb Baker thla week Three more performance by thee dashing malda will be. given tonight tomorrow Bight and Saturday matinee.. They bar maas a hit la Portland and ar drawing soma af ths largest audience of tb popular burlesque season. ImperlslA Next Week. Williams' Imperials will be ant waek's at. traction at tb Baken The company la a good en aad la beaded by tb charming bartaaqua qneea. Lillian Wash burn. There will ba a two art fare pceeeated railed "Aa Ryeopeaer."- Tha Imperii la wlU 'open at th Hiker Best Sunday aaatloe and seats should be aacured rly. j . -j , 1 - -- 1 nee-: "Humsn He Arts" at the Empire. - What a puy la "Humaa Heart,", at th Empire thla week ! What power It kaa to rouse tb aympatbte -of peoplel Tbo com pany representing It new I one of tb beet that baa been lent out and eueeena la are iter th ever. "Humaa Hearts"! never grow old. There'-Wlll be only one bmt matinee, Saturday, and "Humaa Ileert" Is a play that eepeclaHy please th womea aad ebildrea. i Big Attraction. Next : Week. Tb Emnlr witl bar sa attractwa arxt week la Murray aad Mark that wlU make theatre goers ait up and wonder how It ran be don for the nodular price. Empire patron will bar the advantage vf oaa of tbo really big Ipaalral fa roe comedies for tb regal ar price. Murray and Mack will open at the Km pirt la "Around the Town" Sunday matinee. ' VAUDEVILLE AND STOCK. "Found, a Hst. The cremlngly funny faro, "Found, a Hat," to going merrily at tb Lyric thla week and playing to capacity nightly. Every oa enjoys a good laugh and any one wbo cannot get a good htugb at tb Lyric thl week would better consult a physician. The mtrmilona between lb acta ar agreeably filled by moving picture and Illustrated songs. .Cheerful VAudevillev Vaudeville, the kind that cheers. Is st th Ornnd this work. Tb program la considered by tba regular patrons of tb bouse, as tb best Mil tb theatre he tendered tb public (Ins It began Ita vaudevlU rareer. Tba Ha tun offer the flrat Knaalan vaudeville apeclalty ever brought to the-coast. Tb Blalto Comedy Four make a dally hit. The reet t tb bill hi also Hswsiisns at Stsr. At the StartBurwoeePtbe Royal Hawaiian quintet to gives the place of honor oa tb. program,-with th thxe Havtamtr br then- wrr act a eloee eecond. .laes Scott baa a eerpentine dine which aha do la, the air, and Vlrflnta Richmond Is a character atnglog comedienne. The imitation! of Jam Ihtna are good sad the aoag of WU1C. Hoyt to catchy. FOUR NEW COMPANIES FILE THEIR ARTICLES (Special Ihi patch to Tb Joerraal.) . r. Salem, March 1. Th followlns nw corporations hav filed thlr papers: -' Improved Smelter of Mexico, which proposes to encase In acquiring, leasing or selling aU kinds of mining property, plants, etc. Of flee, Portland! capital stock, $1,000,000; Incorporators,' Arthur IngguutU, - Charl U. Wllllama, Ai Chrlstenaen-snd C. IL Weston, all of Portland. . . Rofue River Valley Power-tt Irriga tion company.. Principal office. Grants Paaa; capital stock, $100,000; organl uri, M..C Amtnt, H. I Andrews and C. O. AmenL Henry Berger ' company Incorporate for th purpoa of conducting a whole sale and retail wall paper bualnea and merchandise connected with.- such trade. Incorporator -'ar: Hnry Berger, Henry Forger Jr., qeorsn yy, fjsJuwmi: aliTralTT10.uO; of flee. Portland.. .. Pacific Rexluction company, w. . Scott. R A, Relrl end IraJYlC Rsynolds ara lriroroorator. Object I to dispose of patent rlxTitg.toTenBe maiala,to lease rnetauurgicai worse, to no a gen. rat essaying business, to operAte rail ways, to.i -office, Portland; capital 8tock,$TOO.oeo. - Adolph ssveorg- leardoaed. (Sporlnl Plepatc to Tb Jamrsal.t ' Salem, Or., March lOovernor Cham berlnln haa .pardoned Adolph Seaborg of Clatsop county, who was sentenced to It months In th state prison and had been commuted gmoe Beptember, HOB, for larceny In' a warehouse, on the recommendation of Prosecuting Dis trict Attorney Harrison Alloa snd Judge Atcttria. - . - . v - - V. itfEDDY'sriiv::::::; 18 DUmlCiU x . . - s Dr. : Frank - Donaldtonr Who-' V Betrayed by Hi Friend. ' DYING OF CONSUMPTION "; " :' IN PENNILESS CONDITION 4 Sick Msn Gsve Funds to Brother Surgeon . in ....Twist Letter St ulsted end Is Fleeced , by Smooth Swindlers. ; " . y ; (Journal Speclsl 8rvlcs. Ban Praaclsco, March 1-A ramArtt- : able atory of 'bunko marl's oparatlOne raaultlnB In the trapplnx of a , wen known "physician" of thla city cam' t light today t police hendquurter. lr. r ran: uonaidaoa, a Harvard- sraduat. took service with the Rough Rldera and became the physician of Theodore , RooaevelUinr-tha campalKnlns; ta Cuba. At th. Hm.Jr U, S I jtt . - - - --, - ... . va in. v,m ..d,,,ii aitrannvwi- he lad tb .flrat relief azpedltlon that reached the stricken city and alnce than acrved on. Philippine transport until hla health completely broke down. Ev ery thing the president, could do for blm . was don and he was slven,.eca trlpa et tba preeldent's order, but his haitb 'dl4 not Improve and h is now dying;: at 1873 California street, la this city, s victim ef consumption. : la- need ef money in his axtraltyr hawreto - his -friend, Robert Bacon, third assistant secretary of state, at Washington. Bacon promptly - responded with a chock for $1,000. Thla check was sent br"reo,uat of Tr. Dpnaldeon to Dr." Jamas Oaborn of 1(23 Clay street Oa born paid the sick man $260, but held th remaining; $800 in trust for Donald eon, to be used toward making the;' laat houra of the emihant phyalclaa aa' easy ee possible. - Oaborn saw an advertlaemant fa a . paper which told him he could double ' hie money In a few days. He bit, end swallowed' the hook. and line 'It waa. ths old wlre-tarolnc gAm played In m', "SweTI -Calif omia, hoteL"Vhii" He"? swindlers were through with' him he had lost $860 of Donaldson's money end $106 of his own. - ') Donaldson ha tried In vein to secure,, en acoountlne. The police have been"' put-to work In en Attempt to run down the swindlers. . , - RICH. ORE STRUCK Kl F.T.E LOCATED BY !.!R. DOOLEY Peter F. Dunne Sure There Was Gold in It Because He Never " ; . Cot Any Out. (Sped si I) la patch ta The JoaruaL) Oranu Pass. Or, March 1. Tb aplcn- : did showing otLlts or body t and the recent addition of greater equipment on ( the Bill Nye mine of the Oold Hill die- trlct, brings to mind the Interesting early history of thl property. : It la said that th Bill Ny was one of the . claims located by Peter I. Dunne, of ,v ' "Mr. Dooley" fame, who mad e tour of the southern Oregon mining district several yeara ago In th capacity of . traveling correspondent for a' Batt Francisco-newspaper. H named th ''Bill Ny" In honor of his friend. BUI Nye, the humorist . - . The-property long since. passed from the hand of "Mr. Dooley." In truth, he practically abandoned It, as digging for . - treasure In mother earth wa not hla calllnc. , But he aVOrrexl at th tlm of giving It up that he knew there was ' "a plenty of gold In the mine, beceuae " ' he had never taken any of it out." . Th property I now owned end oper ated by the Bill Nye Mining company ; and under the management of Major D. R. Arxlru haa made- wonderful progrsL A ll.TjOO-pound compreaaor of eerewn drill capacity haa Just been pieced end ether eddttlons made te the equipment of the milk Wire have been-strung , from th power plant of th Oold Hill Canal company o th BUI Nye, trafts- formers end motors have been placed and a soon aa connection era made the mill end entire plant wUI be operated by electricly. r . ."..S PENDLETON NOW HAS " - NEW POUCE CHIEF (Spectat Oiepatck to Tb Journal . Pendleton. Or- March 1. Thomas durdane, who baa been In business la Pendleton for some years, was At a meeting of the city council held laat everrtnar-sppotnted chief ot police and will immediately enter npon his dutl. " I He will tnk the- plae ef-Jf f-SUvana, who ha been serving as marshal for a few weeks, -on account of the recent discharge of Orvlll Coffman, who had aerved the city for more than two yeersv He was released on account of not hav ing, strictly enforced th gambling law . which le now In force In Pendleton. PLAYS WITH MATCHES r r AND IS BADLY BURNED !, i nsaSsBBaSaa .."'. -.' . " " ' (Special Mapatch to The Journal.! ' Eugene, Or4 March 1. rtank, th t-year-old son of N. C Bears end wife of thla city, received buma yesterday from which he may die. Th little boy end his elder brother were playing with ' match ea when In some manner the younger boy's clothing became Ignited and before his mother could reach him his left side from th top of his head to his knee was horribly burned. Th ; child's father la a Southern ".peclli bridge contractor and ta At present working at Leland, Josephine county. ; WALLA WALLA TO OPEN ADVERTISING CLU 3 " (Special Diapateh sa The Journal. - - Walla Walla. Wash. March 1. A $ Toee-ernb wlU be launched et a wetting of prominent rhorchant and ousing men to be held tomorrow" evening. The plan la to secure a membership of at feast B.006 and charge $1 annual due, the proneed to be esevided In adve-tletng-WaH Welle throughout th st by nieana or literature. A ertary will be mployd to handle wreeafliwt ence end conduct visitors 'around tne ell. ' i . , ' ' y - mrmmo Appetate eBee. ' (Spaetal Dtprb t Th Joe reel ' Salem. Or.. March I. tjovnrnor t hatn. berlain haa apronld Pr. W. B. Wott of Bulern e mmbr of th tt b.-.. t medical Mnmlnare, h rm of 1 . Curry f AIAkr CUy having t 4