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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 1, 1906)
'iV -THKi OREGON DAILY JOURNAL- PORTLAND THURSDAYEVENING. VUAKCII-1. i::V -v TODAY'S MARKETS lOltEFIIiLI New York - Coffee Exchange Show Smaller Visible Sup - --r- ptyThan Yeir Ago.! ; . PRICES HIGHER THEN : ' BUT ARE NOW RISING Probability That California Butter Will Soon Invade Thia Market FliaSO Delerpuoting. but . at Lower Figure Ergs' Unchanged Front Street. March 1 Tb principal feat area -th Portland wuoleoale uiun wwi California butter to coma. .. v -AH toe Cur lower ..... Voultrv eltnaltoa firm ana. "-; lraad venl owning In fiatar. , .. . Dressed hen art firm snd nncbegd, . " i,i Kbubarlr anppUaa rs .larger. ' . (Irost flrmnes la apple market. , ' Dullness ahowa la bo pa agala. Oranges ara quoted firmer. ' l"ofatoe and onion remain dull. . '"ST Wheat m dull but unchanged, v Nominal doing In flour market. ',' Cof fee, market to stronger. . -CallforeU steamer bring peoducs, " Coffee Xarttet I Stronger. . . - " While aa jre na rsspono haa keen made la ' the price of psckax coffee te eorraepond with "the. rcenk-rle In value to tb New Tork Vice for raw. the market to wmelueraMj firmer Uirougbout. Aa reported by the hew Yerk , coffee exchange. the world .visible- supply coffee at the preaent time la eonalderably aadtr "that ef year ago. To make th HuUon a firmer prime for raw coffee there ara coneld ai alilf uailai . Ilio of thajjrTiuoa Jar, not-Wltha-udlng tha fact that price of totTre been materially hooated. By mPe sad boon." value bra rim In New Tork. jom day future rfvnelug aa much aa appoint, x- " terda-Ur waa a rtaa ef 10 point In the CIfsml Batter- to ' Mint Indication point to a movement of California batter In thia direction within tha ; -next two weeka.- Tha altaatloa tm California - . to considerably weaker ad dralara tber are '" offering flrat-claea product to too trade here ( at 2Te pound. At tble figure nemo nblp , ments could bo made In thia direction, hut It would bo taking very long cbaocea. Dealers ' here are looking for a drop In the aouthern - market to 28c a pound and win then llkey bur. Tho market here at the moment to In the L boat Of condition, anppllea continuing yaet ahoot . equal to the Or mend at preaent varoee. Lowst "'nrloest the eoutb woold (sree-vslnos dun a Wo changes today.. . .-- i ; - AH Leek for Lower Egg. ! Although tha egg market to aomewbat weaker 'X BO bangea In prlcoa are eho n tndar along tho street. ' Reeclpts are muck larger, but tor re are not yet eufflclently hoary to cauea --a break la tee-market. The trade la general .anticipate a lower range. - ,, : Poultry onppllea wore aomowhat better today, " probably tn vkrw of the largee demand tody " and tomorrow. Prlcoa are reaching tha upward i limit, eay tho tradera, and there la no dlepeel . t lino among tho dealer to Wk mora. Tho out aide demand enables too trade to hold tho value 4 Where ther are, .s. ' j-'i t ) Droaaod TaoJ Comuuj I"aatr, r - J -'-' Along the street today., there waa a ronglder. . ' ahU lacraaaa U ba ouppUod of droaaed eaul. luuiid good at former prtcor. Same condition -,; In regard to bog demand. Heettpto few. " r - Thia to the aacond dar of Lent and tho fteh , markets were aunost bare of fresh fish. ' ' Woes la Dnll but Unchanged. ' Dalmeea la -ruling la tha wheat market, but the trade-, to paring the raluea quoted, nj 1 eiiaage being ahowa In pneo for MTaral days. Utoeka nf wheat are' gAtlng dowa to bedrock and aoma of the larger buyer are more aaxleui -to boy than formerly. It there auouia Da a reanmptloo tn the oriental demand wheat sup- Bile would eaoa ho exhausted', i In to flour market there I a general b- arnc of aula Id bualaoaa. Local, trad nominal. price same. ' , A better demand to shews la mlUfeeda, but ajrlco hold as- forarly-eted. ft rest rirmna la Apple-lUraat. . AdrtUlooal' flrmncaa- la noted In tb apple market. There -haa. during the past few days, bee a general adranc hi price oa moat gradee. . The orange market to la bettor position with eniurideraMo excitement ahowa la - California -price. Bomo.Talnee her higher. -r The -fitlfortia- itesmr stuff war Ti1oad Jr thl morning. - It. row Is ted of small groen. Asparagua -to cheaper, wltb.mnch more liberal .. onnnllse. . - Potatoes and eatone dull and lifeless oxeeotJ . for first quality.. Price oa totter firm with luppllea few. ' 1 J. lUubarb--from -local polnl la sow arrlrlng - aery fast and the price baa dropped to Tc. .- The trade pay 'the. following prlces'to Front : ttreet. - Prices snnld producers ara iem regular eommlsslona: . ': - - - -rala, Floar sad load. V ' WHEAT New dub, Mc; red Boaaias. Ue; ntBestem. 69c: Taller. 7 So. ' -BARLF-Yreed. 2t,0i railed fM.a0t brow. " 00 1 -T l. WT.OOr rackrd. R8.W pet ton. . . i BTB l JB per ewt. . , 4 OATH Prodoosrs' price Mo. 1 wait. ItS.M; frae. tIT.OO. - , a-TAtiBLNew essrer Ores., natenta. tX anl d in; straight, t-1.eutill.ft0; export. I.VSfirJ J..1S; ealley, $H.5oe3.n: grabam, a, 3.T; rye. ball lea S4.M intLBTTTrraV Brae. gIT.B per ' oat mtd- 11 oa a, 2S 00: shorts, ooaotry, fllMi ejty, ..flsTo: eh-o. gIS.00. . BJAT Producers price Tlmothr. Wlllametta oalley, fancy $10 0J 11.00; ordinary, $T OOsJ . B OB: eastern Oregon. IM.OOBjlB.on; mixed, .0C.0Ot VTT. ta-00.00; grala. g.u OOl sheet $,00. , Batter, Egg sal Poultry, " ' BUTTtB -FAT -P. . b, PortUad Iweet ' (ream. 3le; soar, Bte. . . . Bl'TTKR City ecresmery, XlHe! eatstd .finer, goc: ordinary. STtye; store. lQ17o. . ROS No.- 1 trash Oregon, candiodV -10 . AUe - CHBB8B Hew Full eream, lata. Met Jonng A merle. le; Cheddar. 16. . . GAMR Jsckrahhlts. t1.6UaJl.Tft nor doe. POULTRY Mixed. chlrkena. Ifll4flc per n; fancy bene. 14 per lb; rooetera. old, II He - per lb; ta.- 1JV, per ll; fryers. per lh; broilers. lW50e per lb; dncks, Idc per n: ireeae. lOUatlle per lh; tnrkora. inntiac 'per lb; drresed, Ue per lb: sqnaba. UTOeiOO per doll plgeona, $100 per do. v . . , . . , , Bepa, Wool sad Hide. HOPS Toutrarte, IBOg crop, 10e per "tb; 10 Oi'"ni prfco-to- choice, trc; poor frade, THc Waahlagtoa, 10c 1 ll eropa, u. foe choir. WOOte 190ft clip, eallee. 4Hlowar Baa, a>Tei asavern ' Oregon, JlOHAIR Womlnnt, B0l1e. f BrKPflKINS ftheannx, loeXzae eeebt saort . wool, M40c esch; medio wwsa BOdJTB eaeaj long wool, TBratl.OO each. . TALLOWA Prtme, par lb, Hfe B. S sod greeae. I3H. - CHITTUd BARK-a BO Bw BIDE Dry. Ne. L ! me and) . II H per lb; dry kkp. h. H . 4d Sit, U. k. weejes efc biuot. T THURSDAY PRICES IN . --4HlTWHEATrMARKET t .''.r,.-:-.- -May - .July e New.lork.k .AB $ Milwaukee .... .0HB '. ,S0H ' St. I-ciit..,.,. .TV " 7 e -tJJ vftrpoi.1 xrmr i iHffsm Kanaa City.., .74 H ' .. ....V $ Duluth ....... .7H , $ pan Franclsro. !.! l.l$i ' Dorprohor, COFFEE f.lARKET: JOURNAL'S pAILY , v ' TIPS ON MARKETS P 4 ' , ' By' McCor,aodla dV Hoover. , d Thr 1 t . proapact or.Iwrr price In the cg( market fof tha ; e CQmini . veoa, . a no Knit irviii w outalds points is light, whtla ro- colpt -ore bemvyy and aa atorag d oporatlnn wlll - not begin for - e aome time, ther la Hkellhood of ( accumulatlnar eonalde- .. d ably. The trade la buying; Jut . ostougR to eajryhem"frorhiaay 4 d to day and any large ealee are e at 'in 6ie6DBri.' 1 'ins nuuitry 4 altuation la unchanged and price d remain t th. top.., .-?JT.-, teers. aBnad. ea, m and am. tootle ttttMUc:, star and beTis. eonnd. Tci kip. 16 to $0 fro, c calf, aeaed. ander ta lha, lie; roea. matalted, 1 Meat anlla. nor lb loaai crsefcldes,' salted, esch. IMAfll.TIi dry, each, tl.OOQl.OOl eolt hide. tSOSooi goat okloa, common, esch, lOftJ 16c) Angers, -eaoh," gncoj . r Ti' VrafU and agetaHoa. ' POTATOES Beat sorted, eoc per sack; pro ducera' prk-e fiw car lota. TO76e per cwt; ordinary, Ao)70c! prodnoar price. 6Q60e sweets. M 60 per crate. ONIONS Jobbing price Oregon.- Mo. 1. $1.09 t1.36: producer' prlro. ho. 1. BOeCJtl.OO; No. i. oO'iTflci garlic. SQlOe per Ibl -eiiloo eew. To. KBK.SU FBI ITS Apples, "culla." $1.00: ordinary. $l.nnl.M; fancy. tl.TBM2.00v llood Rlrer fancy gpltaenborga and Newtown PIpptDS, i.76(3.0o; oraugea, new narel. $2.MIi3.Vi seedling. bsnsns. H06e lh: leuxms, enmoe. Il.76Q2.Tt per box; fancy. t3.003.26 per box; lime Mexican. II. K par 100; ploeapplaa. M M per dos; pesrs. $1.76 per box; tangerine, $1.36. - yrXJBTABI.BS Tnrnlds. new. TBc per eacei carrcta,-e75o aack: boat. flOcOtl-00 nor aark; Oregon ' radlsbea, 39 per . dos; cabbag. Oregon. ti-00 per .ewt Cell-f-mla. $l.Tra.OO per ewt I- green -- pepper. 40c per lb: Cslltornla . tomatoes... $2.601 1.00:- Florlds, $T.OO; Mexican, W-00: parsnliw. Wicetl! string beans. 35a0c; csullfloweT, tl-00 42.00 per crate; green pess, $10i$12e per lh: borssradlab, J7o per lb; artichoke. SSe)$1.00 per aVra; hothouse le trace, tloai.76 per box; celery, $4.00&e.60 Pr craU; pumpklna, lKc) aqnaah, lHe: sprouW, e per lb; ersnoerriea. Jerseys, $U. 00 per bhh CEos -bay nd Tilla mook. tlO-OO." aapsraxua, 12c - per Ibl rhu barb. 7c. . . ? ,. DRIED FRUITft Anolc. eeaporated. ltd 16c par lb: aprlcota, ISo per lb; V$I MraiM. IObB. WW tflrf Tern""" (ess; pruaos. SO to 40. av,l H P e tlxteentb smaller elae; tr. CaTlforsJa black. eTo per lb; California whlhf. 5Jo pa lb: dau goldsav ft par lh; tarda. I1.U nor It U H-, .- - stW" 0TMVff4esaft'' awJot" S UQAB Bach basis ' Cub.- t l P . tt.gO; fruit granulated, $5.70: dry granulated, e-T0; Oonf. A, .46! beet granutotod. to.t0 extra C. $8.; golden 0,-it.iej D yellow, t 00t hhra. 10s; H bbls. BBt bwxoa, t)e-adear aa aaok haala. lees $6a per ewt for saoa, II aarsi awple, Iddjllo per m- (Abore prloa apply to as lee of lea tb rar lot. Car lot at special pneee subject to actuation I ' RONrT M.0 a ara to. -.. i CO FFEB Package brands. $1t W. ' 8AI.T Coarse Halt rvaa too. tT.OO pet ma; table, dairy, toe. $11 0: OtX tlO.Tt: las. nor ted LrserneoL . Boa.- llT.OOl. tOUa. II M 34. $10 00; extra-ae. Bbka. 3a. 6a. 10. $4.o0e M: bulk. S20 lb. 14. OflCJ 5.00; sseka. 40a. finetMe; Llrerpool ian rora. ill-tO pel ton; 80-lh. roe. $7 00: 100a, $d.TB. - 4, ORAIIC BAOIt Calcutta, TH. ' RICE Imperial Jepaa. Be. 1. ftsl We. t. I06U: New Orleaao bond, T AJax, Bet Creole, HUe. -j. BRANH Bmarl-wtift.'"' W.TSdlt.Oor" " larr whit. $; pink. $2.T6t bayou, $4-60: Umax, $575; Mexlcun red. 4tie. NUTS Peanuts. Jumbos. Be per BV Tlrrlala, Htfle per lb: roasted. gQe-tte; cocoansts, fatWOc per do: walnut. 1SOIBH Pr lh: pin ants, loailH per Tb; hickory nut. 10c sot lb; ehsetiMrts, eeorera. lBftlOe par fht Bra at I ant, lor per Tb: aibsrta. 14A1B per Th; fancy pecan. UmOIH" slmonds, ' MHtJlftfc. TJnts. Ooal 4fm. . BOPB Pure MaalU. Ul etaadard. ltUc; deal, lie. COAL. OIL Peart or Astral Caeca. ttHe pet gal; - water white.- iroa bhm. IV per gal; wood. 1ft per call headlight. 170-deg.. aasea, niS?liJ?V M-dee.. MM BO BaL flron bbla Ifte per gal. B h. . I a oa-oeg ., ease so paa- gan sro MK t'He per BtL - . TCBPeSTIBB Io Caae to per gal, woodea bbls 03c per gal. ' WHITB LBAD Tea fos. Ts ner Tbt ftOOJb tots, gc per lh; leaa lota. 8HC per Th. ' t -- WIRE WAIT.!! Present base at $a.3B.- .hr.l tot, 67e; cases, eje per gal; areauiu kettle- boiled, caae, ftto-eor gal.; B)bl iota. 6c; 1-bbl LINSEED 01L-Fure raw, tn o-ooi lore, oejr lot, AOc per gal; ground cake, car lota, $30.00 pa tea; less than rar wte. xtwi.ow psr to. - Msata. risk and Preriaiona. yR Brill Haala rvnt atreet fcwof eteaea 6e per lb; ow,-t per Ibl aaa,- bfock. SuOOe nor lb; packers, le per Ibl- bull. AZc per lh: real. extr. tViftftc per lb: ordinary, 8IMicPr-lb poor, TJ8e par lb; moltoo. fancy. 8Q10e per lb. HAM?. BACON. BTC Portland park (torsh bam. 10 to 14 lha, 13c per lb: 14 to 1 lbs. 1 per lb; brekfst bcon.-l4iai8Mc per lb; picnic. 84 per lh; cottage, 6c ptlb; regular abort clears, naemolred. lOc per lb: moked. 11 Per lbt clear baeka, anmaoked, 10h per lb; smoked, 11 H lb: (Jntos hatm, 10 to 1ft m. namoked. ftc per th amokod, c par lb; clear bellle. anamvkod. II per lbi amoked. 12c per lb: ahoulder. 8e par lb. LOCAL LARD Rattle leaf. 10a, t per : ba. 11 Uc per lb; 80-Ib tin. 10 uer Tb; a team rendered. - 10a, 10 Jhe- per tor S. , 1014 oer is; eooipwno. t CANNED BALMON Oolumbla rlrer. 1-th tslto, SW; t-lb talK 3,T6i fancy 1 lb Bate, l.t h taacy Oata. 11.16,- faacy 1-lb oral. Jit: aka Ulla, Pink. 86OB0c; red. $1.60; BoiaOaal a. tall 12.06. - F1BH Koch eod. Te Bar Tbt BonBdera. ft par lb; halibut, ftc per lb; crabs, $1.60 par do; atrined bass. t2H Per Th; eatlUs.. Te Ber lh; aalaao,- ateelbeada, te par lb; chloook, 10 lb; krrrug. oe per id; soies, .. c par lot aanmpa, 10 per w; perch, 6e per lb; black eod. T per lb; toasood. Tc per lb; Oolamhl rlror smelt Ic per lb; sllrsr (melt, Tc per lh; lobsters, 16 Klb; freea mackerel, 8c per Ihtafswflsk, per doe; aturgsou. ft nor lb. ', OTSTKun Baoanratar ssy, per gm, z.a par ac. .T. CLAMSHard-ahell. per . box. tXOOi iassi eiama, t-VJ per box. COTTON FUTURES TWO - TO THIRTEEN LOWER New York. March 1. Cotton futurea closed I to 13 points lower. Official ouotataoo or UTSraocx. atarr .. Cook company : . Closing High Ijow Tbur. Wed. ' ... - Onen Marcfc T.TT.TTT... 1045 l6t 1020 1030 1042 AprU- .... KIM lOfia - KMX 10;lg HMft May i lOfld 10HI - 10 lOTil loci Jun i July 107 lorn -i70 ioo itma 1081 10W ' 104 lOflfl 107t 107S 1076, HW1 iom 1071 1043 1042 1013 1031 KMO Auguat . .. aeptember October t . , 10H4 I0B5 1021 . 1021 . 1030 ...i .... 1023 1031 1088 1088 1034-1026- 1USI Norember , December . .- Haw Orleaaa Cettea. ' ' . New Orlean starch 1. Task cot tow steady and unchanged. Middling, 10.68; aalee, 41,000 bale. . , .. . v. Lirarpaal ttottoa Higher. LI TerpooL March 1. Cotton future closed tejkdy, 3 to 4 potnta higher.. . BIW TOBB COITIX KABXtT. New Tnrk. March 1 Coffee futnre clotod t 10 points lower. Official auotatlon . : . m. aaa. I i . Marc s,,. $ a (T.ooS September April , TOO T.Ofl'October ... May ....... T 1 T IS' Norember ma. a UK. k.tT.4fJ $T.W .. T.M TOO .. T OO t.Tn .. T.TO t.TS Jnn ....... T.30 T.WIDecember July ........ T.iO , T.SSi January , .... I 7 August i.aa .ui anrunry . 80 " Ferelga Oeffee Market. , ' . . Havre. March 1. Coffee down VI Hamburg unchanged to- H down. Bto receipt. IT.OiiO rf; prrce too wo-. ftsnloo recelpl,B daya, bags; prlcee 100 ap. - - ... ' Vav'Tsrh Oaab Osffao. . - :- ' New York, March 1. Ch eoff: No. T Bio, tt-lOci Ho. 4 Bantoa. tc. . . . COM8T0CB MCTIBB 8T0CK8, Ban Francisco, March 1. Official ajoralng ctoalng: , . , ,, , Bid. nin;. field Bond. . , , $ .91 Rescue ,. .1. Rlack Butt Bs. .02 lloldAeld ..4ft Trsmo ........T'A Manhattan ...... .10 aeatr ..e..a .48 . Con. Cal..Va...$l .! Ophlr 6 (WH Mexican ,. Caledonia , Kxeheqer l.wt .4A 1.2 -AA Uold Crewa While Present Price on Coffee Are Lower. Thn Year Ago the Supplies . of the World. -' ' Show Considerable Decrease -New York Up l 0IIEWHI8E- Bulls Let C -'of Heavy Wheat Holdings Whenever the Market ' Shows, Signs of Strength. IS. FIVE. EIGHTHS TO. THREE QUARTERS LOWER No M"taking the. Trend of Today 'a : Trading- In Chlcago--Each --Low .'.Point Showa Larga Number of T Short Senera. ::- THURSDAI'B WHBAT HABKaVrj ' Clos Clos ' " TTos ' Los s - V . - . Tuure. Wed. 1006. Thure. Ky..........$ -mHA$ .81KB 1.18 $ -00 July.-. , -hOHB .81 SB M .'. September...,. .80 WB A ( ..,,. AK - TJhlcago, March' 1. Ther la tti mhitaklng tb character or trend of today' wheat market and except for aa occasional rally aa which pressure waa renewed, tho tends OCT was downward throughout the day. Each new low point bring out a xtooa or nuuiaation. ana- tn onty dujui demand noted come from tha abort latorest. ud thl. too. x a vary deliberate way. srn chwlug waa but fractionally Bp from tb low point on May, whll July closed at a Btwmluui oxer May. Blight TradlBg thowa. Interest, la the wheat market ererahadowej 11 other pita, but considering the weakness la wbat and th neglected condition of the cat and eora markets th decline were not far reachln and eeem to Ladles ts a disposition aa th .part of abort to tax adruUg ef wssx pot a to eorer. Official quotation ' by Orerbeck, Starr A Cook eompnny t---' . - - WHBAT. ' yloaa om OATB, Wareb.., . .39X4 t - .,' Mayrtr-.o .8AV .80 July...., y .2ml .2li . . i -T-.2014 -J0i8 . .28ft 1B.1T I.TnB J. MB ' 7A .IO. 16A . 8 22 20 IA Sept., J7 ' . ' MESS POBK May...; July.... May...l July.... 18.40 18.40 16.16 16.28 18.08 15.10 . .. ... LARD. . 1 ' . T.TT . T.TT TTB T.8T T.M ' T8 t.T.. B.00 T.t J BHOBT "BIBS."' Sept.... May;...'. B. 10 . B.10 r. 8 03 July..... 816 8. 15 . . 8 07 BCUTi . . . - o-a - . e s , - LTTZXPOOI. OB ATM KABKZT. LlTerpool, March J. Official prices: One. Clos Clos Loa Thara. , Thurs. ' Wed. Tbura. BS d 'lad da 4d iZd Merck ft T TUd fta 4d 'Id tCd Oa did May,..- July t ,.. vonux.. March ...... .4 4 " May ....A Ittd 4a 1 Oala. ( - 4 4. lt: Ud CHIOAOO 0A8H WKZAVT. Cblcago, March l-Cash whoit : Turdsy . ' ' ' Bid. Ask. No. 1 red....... I .82 No. f rod.... .80 No. 3 hard TO No. 8 hard............ .76 Ko. 1 northern SO1 No. northern...... ... .AO No. spring... ,T Ohtcago, March l. Primary recstpta: : I ...... . - Today - Tear ng Bush. Hnah. Wheat ...... .000.000 .800,000 4BK.0O0 127,000 Corn . : Shipment: Wbsst, . , . ... Corn ..... BTt.ono 816.0O0 .312,000 300,000 Total clearances: Wheat and flour. 841.00 buxhelst corn, 437.00ft bushel; oats, 130,000. C BAIT FBAVCI8C0 OBAXB MABXXT. Rsa Fraaclaco, price: March 1. Official atoralaf WHBAT. Hldi. " lw. Ope .$1.2 Close. J I- 1-36 1-IB'SA May....., December., 24 81.2a4 81.284A L2 tJXii 1.8ft BABL.EX. May ; 1.1SHB December... M .88 CHIOAOO BBAIB CAB LOTft. Chicago, -March. L Oraln ear lots: V . Car. Ond. Kat. Wheat ..A.... 7 ,. . T Corn 39ft - I 3T3 Oats 101 an IH Wheat r today: Minnea poll iid, upiuta 82.x Year ago: Mlnneepoll 892. Dulath 16Chl- esgo 1. ' TONE'.IH. GATTLE ' MARKET HHOWIMPROVEQIIT- High Prices , In ; Other Lines Causes Better Inquiry for For- mer Hogs Hold Position.. OIIGS fwar IIK I .8? I 9Tt 1 July....'. .tUi . .81 Vi, .ftoi . J1 Sept.... .80 .. .) WVi ,WB CORN. - KsrehlW'iWiilt .U -Mar-:... UagAatf m , AftK inly , , .4Sg , -4g ' .434 ept...... .4 .441- .44 .44UB We. Bid. I ..HI SO I KOYsOaXsTT. Portland Cnloa Stockyard. ; Marc 1. Ur- toek receipts; -- . . - Hog - Cattl Sheen Today ....'v. . 600- 128 . 2.' Week ago..,. 214- 3Y4 Jgj Month go.-,!.. ........ ... ... Vear ago 88 16T 821 While no change ace eliown la Hreatock talue today better ton to apparent -In all lines. Cattl are showing lmprormnt la do mnd oa account of th high price la bos aa I sheep, but the latter two market are In good position. The 80 eara of eastern boge reported by- Xbe Journal to arrlra from Nehraaka points same to- today-and were distributed to kaxtoo packers. , , Official Ileeatork arle ''; Ilra Beat . eastern Oregon. IT.0OtT.2S; blockers and China fata, $.509.T5; tockr and feeders. $0.28 60. Cattle Beet eastern Oregon steers, $8.ftOA 4.00: beet -cow snd heifer. $S.OO; light and medium steers, $2.Oia2(l: light cows. $3.60; atockera and feeders. $2.60: bull. $2.00t2.20. Sheep Wether and lamb. .64 ftc; mixed ,bCSTee?loo real. ISO to BOO pounds, I HQ tc; rough and bery. Hi4li(. ; H0B8KB B1IX KIOH. ' . T ' ' (Special Dtapatch to Tho Journal.) ' La Oraude, Or., March 1. Ten heed of fin Clydeadala 1mupLBll'l'r .Th'yl'e recently "pnrchaaed by S. L. Brooks of Imblcr front Oeorg Slot pen of Well Walla for In aum f $.1,000. Ihey were brought from Scot, land-to- Wall Wlla.ft short time ero. After kartng pnrrbaeed 1 he lot for I3.0O0, Mr. Brookx waa offered 14.000 for them, hut declined te sell. They will ha kept by him- on hi reach c Imblcr.' There are nine mare ad a tallion la th Uad- , , . lAtTIBB.HOOt BTtAJT. r ' Chlrxge, Mirth l. i.nesunk iwrlaia; T Hoga. Cattle. Sheen. Chicago' .......2n.oi A.ono ' IT.Ooft Ksnas Oty I2 7.f") Omaha .I2.0t - t oo 8.H II, 4 Opened steady with ,.fi left r, Rerelpte year go were 4l.ono. Prlcea: Mixed. ri nf0; good. $mt.46il rough, $0.16 4.2.1; light. $4 lf(8.4. ... , . . . -atlle Strong. i Bheep Btoad. ' i; : .i i DEARS COPPER " vllURT tlST - Anaconda ' and Amalgamated , Principal Point of Attack lr New York Today.' MARKET CLOSES WITH BUT-SMALL CHANCES Southern and Union" PaciTitfHold Wall With Each Three Quarters '1' Higher at the CIoaing Wabash rPref erred' Loeea Good Gaina Ttfade. MET OAINS. Sugar ..... U. H. Steal, pfd.i. Atchlaoa ......... Smelter .......... Brooklya Colorado Fual.,,,, 0. N. W.,..... Canadian Colorado Southera. Erie. 2d pfd Korfulk N. X- Central..... Out B Weatara ..- feunsylranla 1 People' tia Heading Hock UL Boo .... laud. pfd. 1 Metropolltaa ..... 1 Southern Br...... Mexican Central.'. . i Souther a FaeyBc. Missouri Vaclflc. VILdIou Pacific J- V likrlossBS. - " " Anaconda ....... 4 iWahaab, pfd Amalaantatad .... Pacltc Mall ... 1 Chesspeska ....... 'Freaeed ateel Car Awnrar .......... ; ale pub lie ateel Erie 1st Dfd...... C -d nreferred. Loularllle ...i..., Roc, lalaud ...... Manhattoa ...... Isl8. F 2d pfd Katy ., Tenu. Coal I Texa paeiac,.. glf. AL Kuhbrr -Wabaak .......... ft , With money rate holding rather arm he twees ft snd' T per cent snd the spsculstlr trsds rther scared to dabble. It was UtU -wander that the stork mrkt wss erratic -todar. the closing being -ahout equally divided between th tuaeia - and; the acennes agaia the prtncipel point et attack and thia carried aoine of th list off. Ther wss not mock ytolene la any of tb Hat. Th closing sf the niai'kat wa trraguaiii i OUdal quuUUon by Orwhsck, Starr Cook Ptnpsny; IPESCBIFTIOK.: t., Ansconda Mining Co. AmaL Copper Oo A (chlaon. .aom . . . . . . . . do prof sr red. . . .... Am. Car A Found., CO do preferred ., Am. Sugar, com..... Am. Smelt, com.."... do preferred....... Baltimore a Ohio, oo " do- tuafui red . rr 2BJ 107 H Mtt 10a 41 102 i:iss ir.iu 107 100 H sit 102 t 41 101 1 88 i ssti, 108 41 102 S, 40 10-4 10244 lejw IMC 16.HV lMi 122 1AS 1121 ixs liOVliovi,Vlo Brooklyn Rapid Ttgnslt. l7H MISi IKI hOU 1HUV 29'J TT 20 1T82 v .uauiao rscifie. com.. 100 lint, st Alton, do preferred. Ch ni. y.- w.. Chl Mil. tt St Paul Chi. N. W, com.... Chi. Terminal Beltway. Cbesspssk m Ohio'..... Colo. Fuel A Iron. com. Oolo. Southern, com.... - do 3d preferred do 1st preferred...,. Cotton Oil..... ,. rlswr Hudson.... Dourer B. com. . do prafsrrsd. Brla. com 77. d 3d preferred, v.f. do 1st preferred..., . Federal Smelter........ do preferred. -. Illinois Centrsl...; Loourrlll Naahrlll.. Mstropolltaa St. Br 226 i 2Mli 18 6A14 84 83 Btt 7u? Msnhsttaa Hallway. .... Mexican Ontxal Rr.... Minn, St. P. A Bir. M.tlf.2 Miasoun pacific. Mrr-tU T., com oo prere Kew York Central S41MM Norfolk B Weatera. fiom v piTiemq. . . . , . North American N. Y., Oat. Waet..,. Penneylranla By........ l. O.. L. C. Oo Pressed Steel Cr, eom.. do preferred PsclBc Msll Stsam. Co. Beading, com do 2 preferred....... do let preferred...... Rep. Iroa A Steel, ansa. do preferred .......... Bock; Island, com...... do preferred.......... Southern By.;- com...... do preferred. Southera Parllle. ....... do preferred.... S. L. 8. F , Sd pfd.. St. U B. W., com.... do preferred., Texaa m Paetfle.-." Tennessee Coal a Iroa... T.. SU L. W.,, com.. do preferred. .'.V... ... Union Pacific, com...... do preferred V. S. Leather, coot..... do preferred. U. B. Rubber, com.'..... do preferred V. 8. Steel Co.. cos.... do preferred Wheal, m L. E.. com... do Id preferred....... SO 1st orsf erred 40 i:wh 3st-l 14T So" 14814 48 V Wisconsin Contr, com., do nreferred Western Union Tele. enojuipjJiLpsi Watiaxti. eourr do preferred Bll 484 Total salea for day, aharea. Call tooaey closed per cwt. " BOITOB COPPIB MABKXT. Boa torn. Marcb 1. Official copper closing: Bid Rid. Adrentur Alloue ... .$ ft.00 Old" rMcnlulon..$ 46.00 17.75 Osceola 87.00 I860 Arcadian .... Atlantle ..... Bingham .... Centennial ... Copper Bang. Paly Weet .. 8.60 3X60 42.60 2.00 81.00 14.87 H. 2.00 Parrot ....... Phoenix Qulncy ...... Royal Santa F .... Shannon ..... Tamarack ... Trinity Tenn. Copper. 1.00 -2.00 , 22. to 1 "TH 60 107.00 .- 10.37H Hirer . Franklin. ... Oranby V..r Mass Michigan Mohawk ... Kerada Con, North Butt, Beat Butt. 100 0.2H es.ou 08.28 B.B0-4I.nlted 13.60 6-(H 16. T 84.60 KIM 27.60 Winona Wolrerln . . . II. a. Mining. Boston Con ,, T.6H 1X6.00 8.1.76 28.18, TOKOFia MftUBO STOCKS. Ba Pranciacd, March Official morning efc-"t -.Bid. Belmont ., $4.7u Cash Bo .22 Ooldea Aachor.. 1.46 Home ......... .20 Jim Butler l.STH McNamar Wv' -.T4 Midway ....... 3. IO Montana ....... 10 Bid'. ,.$ .OT .. .05 .. 1.62 ... .22 .. .l -I" ... .20 .. .41 . .. I .. 1.42H ...-.111 - Mile ....... Cohmeld .... Jumbo Jumbo Extra Kendall Lague ....... May Quota . Mohawh ' .... Hd Top .... North Star ..... eo . Oohlr- . . . "I LHsndstorm To. Extra ...10.76 . N.rada 18.0214 West Esd.r..., 8.2Vk Adsms ... . Atlasts ....... .24 Sllrer Pick.. St. Iree National Iienrer- .21 Bank.. .At ....... 1.411 7 K'llpee ft! Booth ......... Columbia Mt... .27 (wnner .10 Msmondteld ... .60 O. Rull Frog... .2 Stelnwar ".712 Black Butte Ex,- .01 SAB FBABCISCO LOOAX STOCKS. Ssa Franctaco, March Ic-fflclgl morning , ' '' ' ' Bid. Aak. rhwlng:. ) ' Mutual F.lectrlc tllsat Powder. ..... y.j- rtwi1u - f loriHHe'ec'tol ".- Honoke Suaar. ........... MS. IM'A SI . T'"' .... Hoi ioj Huta'klaaoa Sugar M s ka wall Sugar . . . ... ... Onome Sugar. . ... . .i . r,- Paauhaa Sugar. f Into Sugar Alsaka Paekera',,.., California Knilt.., California Wine raclflc Bute Telephone , 14 ... 024 K-tH 18 pi is i, 0, it4 . tov 64 . ; as 108 , RIOTERS 00 HII1L IN SPRINGFIELD Commander of Troope . States That He WiUJleetore Order " :;.-. Within the Day. 1 MOB DETERMINED TO : DRIVE OUT NEGROES )tilllfbaflcer ContinuecJ. Throughout Last' Might, Sftwra Howbbb Stotta 4 and .BurnedEight Companies of Militia on Guard.1 (Jeursal Special Berilce.l . Bprlngfield, O., March 1-Col0nl Am- mell, commandlns tbft troop In thl city, gtktea: 1 wUl retore order with in 2. haurarand hrlns : the" people te their senses. I never saw such a de. terminer crowd aa the rioters are." .The first arraigned waa Roscoe Rids way, aged 21, who pleaded guilty and waa fined $300 and sentenced to SO daya in Jail. None of the othare are ffvef II; some Are hardly II.. They pleaded not guilty. Among the citizens in court was N. II. Fairbanks, tbft vlce-pre. dent's brother. . . Twnty-elght persona arrested, for participating In th riots were arraigned In the police court thia morning, charged - with diordrly conduct and carry Ing -concld weapons. Lieuten ant Bale, under whoa orders the sol dier mad the arrests, waa the princi pal witness. ' , ' . . ' "t '. . ' .. " maoa War meewed. "', 5 MorTtottng -t- feared., tonight, but pre ra ration he been made by th militia now on guard to cope with any disturbance. Tha race war waa re newed last night and before the Ua turbanc was quelled eight eompanles of troop were called out to- aaslait the local offlcere. So determined waa tbft could not prevent the destruction of two housea and th. demolition of a doaea 4thaTa by-tha rtoUraoho.i toraw pont waa shot by a negro from an upper story window while his house waa be ing stoned; otherwise ther - wer" no iialtus ., The mob . was conUnt-Wltn . stoning the. homes of negroee and set ting thean aflr. Even while tbft Iroop were chaaing tbft crowd the latter ahow ered rooka upon the negroes homes aa they passed Thousands of pVopTe were upon the streets and th excitement Was Intense. . - - Martin M. Davis, a railroad braJteman, who waa shot by two negroee, la ex pouted W Jlt'tr any-jnoment at the hoepiUl. It Is feared that his death will cause tt renewal of the disturb ante. Ills dying statement was takes by the prosecuting attorney last night . ... Jemrrooa rieeana Ams meeting has been called for tonight under the auspices of the Com mercial club, to take steps to eradicate the'eauaea which mad the rloUng joa sible. .. . - The first place burned last night waa J th jhom of Ooorae Miller, Tb occu- pants escaped half nasea to in city hall, where they found fthelter. - Coal oil waa applied to the house and it waa soon In flames. Th home of John Lo gan waa nxt t on fire and tb house partially detroyed.,lTh house of Rev. John C Curry, a negro preacher.-waa stoned and set fir to, but the military prevented Its destruction. The home of Reuben Campbell and Charles Fill more were atoned and all th windows broken. An attack waa made upon the Flickers' Nest a . notorious resort,- in habited by negroes, but the assailants were repulsed by rotlltlamen. Hundreda-of, fled thft city in the last two days. The military now haa tb situation-well In hand. CONCRETE SKYSCRAPER : OPENED AS'A HOSJELRY Juraa Bpecia! Berries.) ether was added today to tha long, list of big hotels here with th formal open ing ofth new Marlborough-Blenhelm. Th new structur has attracted th attention of-builders and architects sll over tho country because of the fact that it la the lsrgesr ouuum ro- lnforced concret in - xn architecture coming, down from 17 B. t The main structure Is U stories high and with the annex leontalne accommo dations for 1.100 gueeta. Th mammoth sun parlor overlooking th board walk accommodate ,000 parsons. PENDLETON TRIBUNE CASE SET FOR TRIAL ,a.t TManstch to The Joarnal.) idlr-ton. March lir-March 10 h been-designated by Judge Ellis s the date for the trial of th Pendleton Tribune ca, nna -.Tt riar Trm tn r- tomeys for K.- r. uoaa ana naeocia.ios muat file a reply to the answer recent ly mad by A. D. Stlllman, attorney for the employe stockholders. Th dat waa set by Judge EUls sfjer an extended argument between Attorneys Fee and BtlllmSn. In which th formr contend ed for 10 days In which to make his reply. iNiotice. . ' ' ' .' " ' If Interested In Hurst Switch Stock It will be. to your advantage to deal with Utah rrvrTl.ljj,, company direct. By so doing It will Victoria ..... T.2Tii. . . . i.... .- enable t nm 4-rct a largo factory, snd thus your investment will msterfaltse much quicker then by patronising indi viduals. . . For partloular eaJi SOS McKay build ing. .;. tTRtD STATUS OOTTBBltlBT BOBDB. Kw Tork. hi arch 1. Uoremment bond: ' v Date. Bid. Aak. Ko. S regular..... l0 los Misu do coupon 1M il4 ingtZ Ko. B regular... . lo) 1J I do coupon ISOft ins J 03 Bo. (mall honda. ........ .... 2li No 4 reiilr..,-....... loot I02CI0.1 . do con noei. . ........... twit iiso u No. 4 rea-nlsr. HMM 12SU do roupo . 1028 IBS 4 M.trlct of Columbia 8-SA. . .... . lid Philippine da....... 100 : . . ... . .- " - ISO 130 Cslorade Bon them Plrldaad. nearer, Colo., March t.X-Th Colorado t Southern Railway company today declared a dividend bn th Bret preferred stock of 1 per eenf, fh Bft llncelinJd, - " ' . "; -'suHlng Bates. - ' Hew Tork. Merch l.sterllhg rata: -.'D. mend. 4S6.T6'tf4e; 00 day. 4N2-. OVERBECK.. STARR & COOKB CQ NVJ Members CaUtmow Board t Trad,- 1 ",-"X ' aBAur, noTznOste, ooroit. btocm aJtb bobtiIb. ' ' 1M Third Street. McKay Bunding. Portland. Or, . W BO A aTaUJT COSOaAaUaOat mTJBrjrBBS).- Coatinuou Markata by Prlvat Vvtr. Quick tWrvle. RErSRBNCEaV Ladd tt teuton, paaAera, and Vnitod etateej Natloaal Baak f roruaael 7 . TRANSPORTATION. a Sai,BBtBB ALASKA t-SSt sVaTO fOffPLae STSABiaBirS J:rriBSO!," Thontday. rehrwy Sf. St p. w... rxa wrnagiey CAIXIMO AT 1 Ketshlhma, Isseaa, peugxaa, Batna way. veaneet wita w. r. at x. gawia. as AtUn, Pnwaoa, teas as, Bern, . tm All SasUaaotira Asuka Bert. ' CaB oe send for "Trl to WonoVrfxd AtaaftS," -. "ladiaa Basketry," Tetsa Potss." . TBI ALASKA B. B. Co'. ' rrlry Weaaasg Gav, Agent, - - -BIB Oak St. PsrtUael Or. Opratlnf 16 fmmf BtaMiMrti tm SAN FRANCISCO sad Los Angelea ' direct."' Bl-dally eerrlce. ... Cabin, 812. Steerage, fta. ' a H. THOKT80B, Arent. ' rbeae Kala US. , US TKTKS ST. UPPER COLUMBIA RIVEIV ROUTE la Coaaoctloa With But Portaga . Railway ' aad Bagaiator Una. ' ror Arllngtoa, irngon, Vmatllla, Horsr, Wallola ana way i-oinis. .. - LOW BATES ABB BBOMBT BZBTICB. ' Freight Kecelred t AIder-8tret Dock. . " Tat further Information Inquire ef rrsnk J. Smith, Tratae Msnagrr. 814 Worcester hldg. Phone Mala 058; or Brgulator Dock, Pbou afala 14. . , iDLOODPOISOrJ ro ori thai Twim mit - w bare made tb euro of blood potaoBTg peelalty. Prtmsry , Aerowdary or Tertiary Dwa reiss rwrmaneDtiy uurea. you on be treated at noma under same guaranty. Capital 1600,000. W( solicit lb moot obetl Bate cases. If you bar exhausted the old method of treatment, and still bar aebea and pains, Muoos Patohas in Mouth. Sore Throat, Pimple. Corner-Colored Spot. Ulcere on any part ol tb body, flair or Eyebrows falling out, writ for proofs of OUT. 100-pag Book Fro. .... COOK R EMEDY CO,- 1888 gUUollnBrlfU(ss,S.ll Every Vcman mlataraaiadand should know . aooni uio wonaorrni MARVEL wMrUrtf &rsy I new rassaat svrssra, iM. fwa d tlMrtum. II ist rW- esa lost roosswlsna. If he cannot sua ely the sua SVtL, aojsnt bo other, but aehd alam for lllnstraied book sealed. Tt full oartlenlara aad .llrectiona law valuable to ladles. MtnvKI. 9., u aaa bt.. saw vweiku S. . SXIDM0BB CO., 15 1 THIRD STRUT, ABU wui Scott's Santal-Pepsin Capsules A POSITIVE CURE Tor I n flammtton r Cedent of ths Bladder and Dleaaaed Kid ,ys. SO ova no rax. lure ilckly sad psrmanentiy th worst esses of eJooerraesw and . a matur of how long nandln. Abeolstsly Fsrmlees. Bold by drmgglaaa. txtlil IKE SAKTaL-PEPSIJI CI eMWaatalM. OM. fat Isle by Woadara. OUtSrmtdf. lerwbrm ggTBB KBOWaniw 9UU Taerwat Bxvrao ef Oubab aad e4kala .:. OAPSUkBB' -WalsSMiswdlAwssAsrss' eaworrhoes, glees, whit, as, f-sey s take. oeBvenlea te wry. a lily nrVsuoooaaful ess. PrlssSI, Rows A Martla'a, - Bftl WaahlnglosT St.. Portland. Orrgo; c by aaall from Th Tarraal Co.. 44 Budsoa St.. Kew-Tork. Dowirrjrw. orxng oo, WBTEAT ABTO TOOX BBlOBZBBB .. . (Estavbllabed lsl . .... ; atoowr 4, Byronad floor. eHABIBSS OV OOMCMBBCB. DULtfTTI riAZ MABKET. Dulath. March 1 . t sah flax I Northwest, 81 () Atsv 81 12. Mm'reJspells-Cssh. t.l0I.Wt. - 1 yORTLABD BABX 8TAJIMXBT. CTeerlnga ' Balance ....81, loft 4M4S ..... 177.710 22 raw iikTTxr--tx-'-ttBV i rnTr1 Th,. -" wv- axv-W Uk.V AT AmW 1? ma -M TRAirrrcnTAT: r v r t 1 Saiira hV-Trains tt the East DaUy3 . '"foug Fullmaa tandard 4 eourlet sloe. 7 . . xsisee. a.sjesa lariat slseplngara dally U Kass QU ,k '""ung cbalrcar (seta frse) e ths hast dslly, tnion lle.w,-. --Ti I M iaWBelss.1- ' Ju - - ',h' Huatingtoo. dly. 8 aft am 8 wJ? 'lyr fw Esstera - - - , - Waablnjton. Walla Walla. ., - - -einej I'Oeur -oAtejo a4 ' rr' Norther point, dallg. 8:18 pm 8:08 am ' .l'rv-BBJ Tr Uftl aUSU a HuBti,toiLdaUys-r,-r. . . r:1t ps-T:U IIBXSl . ..JlAf lo,n. . -POCIMBIA BITBb' DITlBIOIt. Tor aaBtrxsHm i .a sw.lW ' ' W Bir priiniB), rneiwcummr w. lies and North Beaeh, ateame e,n. ,...A,ih ' learea S p. as. dally. shsst 1 ' mmnfis- 1 p. aa. axnew 7.. c". w... eausui annoiTr w"ein i-OTToar . For Dsvton n.UM . . v--.wn. point stssmer Ruth and Modoc. Ash-st. aork. IHi.M-L "t ny..enep Sunday (water per- . BundXr.'' T:3 U. . . r "f ABB R1TBB BOtTTaL 17 i,T5:40 a. m.. or epsa srrlrsl Trel J - y, excent Saturday. Arrive 4 B. aa.' dally exeepf rrtose. . . Ttse OfMu m... . . w . . . . ' - . - -""-. .uiru im wssuinaxoB am. - ; i - Telephoo Mala T12. . a co.Si STINGER, Cltr Ticks! Agaat, , A. L. CBA10. General Beweenger Agent. EASTvu SOUTH Lesrs. Arrlr.' Overland Kx press. Train Und, BscrsBaeat. Ogden, Baa rranciaeo, fltackton. Mew Orleans sod tb t 1:48 pm : n JB Morning train cosnects st Weodnura dally except 8dy with erst hi i n in n Mount Angel, Btleerteu. Browne Tills, Bprisgflald, WeiKlllag and Natroa . eg JO am AS Eugene passanear con- . . nects at Wnodbora with Mount Angel aad Sllrer. oa locai....... Cwsallla nsaaawese . e4:1Rpm 1:88 ?: . 4-60 pm 04:80 pm oft: am Sherldsn fraasansar sorest grove paeeenger.. tio: -i 111 so pas -iiany. IIDallv exeepi nennay. - -POBTLABD-OaWBOO SIJBI'BBAr BBBTIOB AND TAMHIIA, DIVI8IOK. - I-eare Portland (depot foot of Jefferson 8t ' dally for Oswego T:80 s. m.; 12:00. 8:08. 4:00. 8:80. 8:80, 10:10. 11:80 . m. leally (except Buneay). S:80. 8 -84V. 8;SS. 10:2ft ... Sanday oaiy. S:Oft a. aa. Returning from Oewego. arrlr rertland rlaftv 8:80 . an7: I'Mrl.fl. 8:08. :I8. T:88. 68. 11:14 p. m.. lt:M . m. Dally (except Saodarl, 25. T JW. ft ;80, 11.48 a. m. Sunday only. 1A-OA a. m. 1 Lease from same depot foe Hells end Inter. modlsts point daily :ia p. av attit rarx land 10:10 a. m. - - Th Independenre-Monaanath Unto tin oner, atea dally to Monmouth aad Alrllo. connecting . with Souther Pacific eompaay' track at Dal las and Independence. . . . " . rirst-clsss fare from Portland to Sacramento and Ban rruueisco 820, serf ha 85: second- las fare glS; sscond-claaa bettba $2 80. Ticket te Easter polt and Curopet sw . Jaran, Chin. Honolul and Anarralia. City. Ticket Offic eorner Third and Waah. tngton afreets. PbtfD Mala T14 ' . C. W. 8TIN0EB. A. U CRAIfl. -"City Ticket Agent Oen. Pass. Ageat. TIMECARD OF TRAINS PorQarid: Tel hn. atone iaTlr-gaBT Clty-8t. Louie Special for Chehalla, Centra 11a, Olym. pta. Gray Harbor. South Bend.. Tsooma. Seattle, Bps. kaae, Lawleto. Butt. Bil ling. Denver. Omaha, Xsa ass City.- Bt. Leal ad BoUtheaet. dally ........ S AO am . d:80 pea r-orta toaax a.iaaiiw. ew-e-. trie lighted, for Taeoen. . B-sttl, Spoksn. "utrs. Mlnnespolls. St. Paul aad u tb East, dally..... Bnj Paget Sound Limited. . for ; 1:08 1 vueneu. ' - . - and SVattl eel, dally .... 4:80 pm 10S8 eat Twin City Express tor pom. rieetti. Helen. Butte. Bt. PsnU 1 nll. . ftncAla. St. Jossph. Kassss City with, at ehsag ef cars. Direct connect Wma ror - eii puiuss - - -isatVnd Southesst. dally.. 11:48 pm 10:88 pa A. D. CHARLTON. Aeslstast Oeoersl ssaeasM ger Agent. 259 Morrlsoa street, corn Third, , Fortune, ur. j y - . , Astoria & Columbia . : River Railroad Co. IJnlo Deport ; ' Leave Arrtv yor Margers. Relnler. Clef. - - kas:, Westport. Clifton, . Astoria.. Warranton.yU- , lf veL Hammond. TortSlev. sns, Oearhart Park. Sea aid 8:00 am 11:80 am AatnrU an Seashore, x- ' . pees, dally,,.. Xx.tTM fat f:80jat ail xraiiw wane. J. C M A TO. a. B. end P. A, Astoria. Or. -C. A. STEWART. Commerrtal Agaat. S4S Alder street.- Fbon' Mala Sou. TMK GOstrTMTASast. WAV. 20vcrl3- Trxls DUy The Oriental Limited, tb East w" VI A SEATTLE AMP BPOKANB. Dlly. Dally.: Lesrs. . , Arrive. " Portlend time achadule ; , , , Wn. . nA tntm BDokane.- LBt. Paul, Mlnneapolla. riMluth knff ilt pOrBlS 1 . . ' Bast via Beetle...... u:imam i:uum . 11 :48 pm ' ft.80 pm To and from St: Paul. . - , . -' . Mlnneapolla. Duluth and all , point Eaat -- -vl Spokane S:18 pm 8:08 am Brest Vertkers Btoamshlp -Oe, Balling from Kettle toe Japn-nd t hin port and Manila, esrrjtsg se senxera and frelgbl. .. . .ia B. B. Miaaeeeta, AprU t. BIPP0B TUBIB XAISXA Lissmahlu Lo. 1 a - , ,.,mu'i UlUi; eU aall rrnm aUattlo aleait March 20 for Javea and Chine perl, currying asger d """roe-ticket, rstee. hertb reoerra tlona, etc., call oa ar address yt. STCBB0V. o. r. r. a., m Tr (t.ssrtlaad. Oregon. En Ataia Be. 7 S. S. F.A. ULlziz yr Ceo Bay. Ewrek and Ba yrelre. Ksxt alling from Portlod. Mowasy. March 8 et Mlllng from Ba rrandace, Tuee , geh; r. P. t. O R BBS OtIC SJ. Aft- Urelh frstS B. S. rhewe Male 184, lasairsouTx" J41 fUw- 7 ' t si